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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interação de oncoproteínas virais E6 e E7 de HPV16/18 com alvos celulares potenciais para o desenvolvimento de estratégias terapêuticas. / Interaction of E6 and E7 viral oncoproteins of HPV16/18 with potential cellular targets to the development of therapeutic strategies.

Erica Akemi Kavati 08 November 2012 (has links)
O potencial oncogênico do papilomavírus humano (HPV) baseia-se na capacidade das oncoproteínas virais E6 e E7 alterarem o ciclo celular, levando à imortalização e malignidade das células. O importante papel das oncoproteínas na progressão tumoral e na interação com inúmeros alvos celulares tem relevância em estudos para o desenvolvimento de vacinas e terapias contra os cânceres associados ao HPV. Este estudo investigou a localização intracelular das oncoproteínas E6 e E7 de HPV16/18 e seus possíveis alvos celulares. Demonstrou a presença de E6 nuclear, citoplasmática e intramitocondrial, tanto em células naturalmente transformadas por HPV, como em células transfectadas com o oncogene E6 viral. E7 foi detectada no núcleo e citoplasma, porém nunca ocorreu E7 intramitocondrial. Confirmou a hipótese da presença intramitocondrial da oncoproteína viral E6 de HPV16/18 de alto risco. Dado inédito cuja relevância está relacionada com a aplicação clínica, no desenvolvimento de imunobiológicos e fármacos capazes de neutralizar a ação deste importante alvo terapêutico. / The oncogenic potential of HPV is based on the capacity of viral oncoproteins E6 and E7 to change cellular cycle leading to immortality and malignancy. The important role of oncoproteins in tumor progression and its interaction with numerous cellular targets have relevance in studies to the development of vaccines and therapies against HPV associated cancers. This study investigated intracellular localization of E6 and E7 HPV16/18 oncoproteins and its possible cellular targets. It showed the presence of E6 in the cellular nucleus, cytoplasm, and intramitochondrial in naturally HPV transformed cell, as well as in cells transfected with E6 viral oncogene. E7 was detected inside nucleus and cytoplasm, but E7 intramitochondrial did not occur. This study confirmed the hypothesis of the intramitochondrial presence of E6 viral oncoprotein from high risk HPV. This is an original data whose relevance is directly related to clinical application in the development of immunobiologicals and drugs, which are able to neutralize the action of this important therapeutic target.

O papel da autofagia no estresse oncogênico promovido por HRASG12V em queratinócitos humanos imortalizados por E6E7 / The role of autophagy in the face of the oncogenic stress triggered by HRASG12V in human keratinocytes immortalized by E6E7

Eduardo Lopes-Cararo 12 May 2017 (has links)
RAS é a oncoproteína mutada mais encontrada em tumores sólidos, o que mostra seu grande potencial transformador. Não obstante, células que carregam essa mutação apresentam estresse oncogênico gerado por excessiva sinalização mitogênica, o que direciona preferencialmente as células portadoras para a morte em detrimento da transformação maligna. Basicamente a transformação direcionadapela proteína RAS mutada age sinergicamente com deficiência em supressores de tumor para evitar o destino celular preferencial frente ao estresse oncogênico. Este é o caso da interação observada entre HRASG12V e E6E7 de HPV, sendo que a infecção pelo vírus aparentemente é condição necessária em cânceres cervicais e muito presente em cânceres de cabeça e pescoço. A sinergia entre HRASG12V e queratinócitos imortalizados por E6E7 desequilibra o balanço homeostático entre subsistemas pró-morte, devido ao estresse oncogênico, ou pró-sobrevivência, que garante viabilidade por meio de novos padrões de robustez celular. Em ambos os casos, o processo que gera uma célula transformada, ou as elimina pelo caminho, apresenta pistas de vulnerabilidades às quais os queratinócitos são expostos uma vez que carreguem tal combinação de fatores. Apresentamos nesse trabalho os principais atores que compõem o estresse oncogênico deletério desencadeado pela atividade de HRASG12V: estresse mitogênico, replicativo e oxidativo; todos eles são responsáveis por provocar dano no DNA, que por sua vez promove parada no ciclo celular até que as células não possam mais suportar tamanha injúria, o que acaba levando-as maciçamente a morte. Mostramos que a alta intensidade mitogênica gerada pela atividade de HRASG12V provoca um desequilíbrio metabólico que leva ao aumento de espécies oxidantes e ao estresse replicativo. Todavia, um tratamento exógeno com o antioxidante NAC restaurou parcialmente a proliferação celular assim como a sobrevivência, agindo como um amenizador do dano no DNA gerado pelas espécies oxidantes. Já uma suplementação com nucleosídeos exógenos restaurou fortemente a sobrevivência celular, sugerindo que o desequilíbrio metabólico pode estar agindo no pool de nucleotídeos, o que poderia ser uma das causas do estresse replicativo. Como mecanismo intrínseco de sobrevivência, a autofagia se intensifica em resposta ao desequilíbrio sistêmico desencadeado pela atividade de HRASG12V. Por meio de sublinhagens defectivas para autofagia, mostramos que o processo retarda o aparecimento de espécies oxidantes, além de evitar sua elevação a níveis ainda mais drásticos, o que consequentemente ameniza o dano no DNA observado. Além disso, hipotetizamos que o processo poderia também estar contribuindo fortemente para a reciclagem de substratos básicos tais como nucleotídeos, assim acarretando em menor estresse replicativo. Na literatura atual, debate-se a noção de que, dependendo do contexto celular, a autofagia poderia promover tanto morte celular como transformação maligna. Entretanto, nesta tese mostramos que, na interação entre queratinócitos, E6E7 e HRASG12V, a autofagia é um mecanismo pró-sobrevivência: se por um lado a demanda autofágica é recrutada além de sua capacidade de processamento, fazendo com que seu fluxo seja bloqueado, por outro a eliminação do sistema se torna demasiadamente deletério, direcionando as células expostas ao estresse oncogênico causado pela atividade de HRASG12V necessariamente à morte. / Mutated RAS is the oncoprotein most found in solid tumors, which shows its huge tumorogenic potential. Despite of that, mutated RAS triggers a strong oncogenic stress, which very often drives cells to death instead of malignant transformation. Basically, the success of the Ras malignant transformation driving activity depends on a synergy between that mutated protein and inhibition of tumor suppression genes. This is the case of the interaction between HRASG12V and E6E7 proteins of HPV: It seems that HPV infection is an initial necessary condition for cervical cancer development and is also very frequent in head and neck carcinomas. The synergy between HRASG12V and E6E7, in pre-malignant keratinocytes, imbalances the homeostasis between pro-death subsystems, due oncogenic stress, and pro-survival subsystems that ensure new patterns of cellular robustness. In both cases, the process responsible for generating a malignant transformed cell or, more frequently, eliminating those cells carrying the combined characteristics, exposes the keratinocytes vulnerabilities. We showed in this work that the main actors of deleterious oncogenic stress triggered by HRASG12V activity are: Mitogenic, replicative and oxidative stresses; all of them induce DNA damage, hence cell cycle arrests until the cell cannot resist such injury any further, which leads to massive cell death. The intense mitogenic activity triggered by HRASG12Vcauses metabolic imbalance, which is responsible for an increase of oxidative species and replicative stress levels; the exogenous treatment with antioxidant NAC partially restored cell growth and cell survival, acting as a softener of the DNA damage caused by oxidative species. On the other hand, nucleoside supplementation strongly restored cell survival, suggesting that the aforementioned metabolic imbalance might be acting in the pool of nucleotides, hence it might be a possible cause of replicative stress. As an intrinsic survival mechanism, the autophagy is intensified in response to systemic imbalance triggered by HRASG12V activity. Through the autophagy defective subline, we showed that that mechanism both delays the increase of oxidative species and avoids their elevation to catastrophic highlevels. Furthermore, autophagy could strongly contribute to the recycling of basic substrates such as nucleotides, which might be mitigating the replicative stress. Nowadays, there is a debate on the role of autophagy promoting either malignant transformation or cell death depending on metabolic context. In this work, we showed an instance of the interaction between E6E7 and HRASG12V triggering autophagy pro-survival mechanisms and hence increasing general cell viability

Rôle du Polyomavirus de Merkel dans les carcinomes à cellules de Merkel / Merkel Cell Polyomavirus role in Merkel Cell Carcinoma

Laude, Hélène 28 November 2012 (has links)
En 2008, le génome d’un nouveau virus a été caractérisé au sein d’un cancer cutané rare survenant préférentiellement chez l’immunodéprimé, le carcinome de Merkel. Ce nouveau virus appartenait à la famille des Polyomaviridae qui comprend des virus dont le caractère cancérigène chez l’animal est avéré depuis plus de 50 ans. Dénommé Polyomavirus de Merkel puisqu’il semblait lié à la survenue du cancer du même nom, il constituait le premier Polyomavirus impliqué de manière consistante dans un cancer humain. Cette implication reposant sur une étude unique limitée à 10 cas, l’objectif de notre travail de thèse était de confirmer le rôle étiologique du Polyomavirus de Merkel dans le carcinome de Merkel.Nous avons montré que le génome du Polyomavirus de Merkel était présent dans les trois quarts des cas de carcinome de Merkel, mais également que le virus infecte la population générale de manière quasi-ubiquitaire et de nombreux tissus en dehors de la peau. Les faits que chez les sujets atteints de carcinome de Merkel, l’ADN viral soit présent à des taux décelables de manière chronique dans différents tissus et que les titres d’anticorps sériques spécifiques du virus soient élevés suggèrent que ces sujets développent une infection chronique active. Celle-ci pourrait faciliter la survenue de mutations et d’intégrations de l’ADN viral qui sont spécifiquement associées aux carcinomes de Merkel. Ces modifications secondaires du génome viral aboutissent à la production d’oncoprotéines virales par les cellules tumorales, mais à l’abolition des capacités réplicatives donc lytiques du virus et constitueraient ainsi le support de la transformation tumorale. / Nucleotidic sequences defining the genome of a new virus, the Merkel Cell Polyomavirus, has been discovered in 2008 in Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare form of cutaneous cancer developing mostly in immunosupressed individuals. Whereas this new virus belongs to the Polyomaviridae family, which includes known oncogenic viruses in animals, it was the first study consistently implicating a Polyomavirus in human cancer. Because scientific arguments were only based on a ten-case-single report, the primary goal of our work was to confirm the role of the Merkel Cell Polyomavirus in Merkel Cell Carcinoma.Our work demonstrated that Merkel Cell Polyomavirus DNA was indeed present in three quarters of Merkel Cell Carcinoma cases, but also that Merkel Cell Polyomavirus was a near ubiquitous virus infecting various tissues among healthy individuals. Nonetheless, viral DNA is chronically detected in various tissues from Merkel Cell Carcinoma cases, which harbour elevated seric titters of specific antibodies. Those facts suggest that Merkel Cell Polyomavirus develop an active and chronic infection that could favour genomic mutation and integration events specifically associated to Merkel Cell Carcinoma. Those modifications, inducing both expression of truncated viral oncoproteins and abolishment of cell lysis mediated by viral replication, may support cell transformation.

Implication de SOX9 et de MiniSOX9 dans la tumorigenèse colorectale / SOX9 and MiniSOX9 in intestinal tumorigenesis

Rammah-Bouazza, Cyrine 13 December 2012 (has links)
SOX9 est un facteur de transcription, appartenant à la famille des protéines à domaine HMG, et connu pour réguler la transcription grâce à la liaison de ce domaine à l'ADN. Au laboratoire, il a été montré que SOX9 possédait des propriétés anti-oncogéniques, cependant, de façon paradoxale, SOX9 est surexprimé dans les tumeurs colorectales. Nous avons mis en évidence l'existence d'un nouveau variant d'épissage de SOX9, MiniSOX9, qui possède un effet dominant négatif vis-à-vis de l'activité transcriptionnelle de SOX9. MiniSOX9 est fortement exprimé dans les tumeurs en comparaison avec le tissu sain adjacent à la tumeur. Nous avons émis l'hypothèse que MiniSOX9 pourrait donc avoir, dans les tumeurs, un effet antagoniste à SOX9 et s'opposer à ses propriétés anti-oncogéniques. Grâce à la mise en place de modèles cellulaires tumoraux de surexpression de SOX9 et MiniSOX9, inductibles à la doxycycline, nous avons mis en évidence que SOX9 réduit la prolifération, la migration et l'invasion cellulaire. De manière surprenante, MiniSOX9 ne possède aucun effet sur la prolifération cellulaire, suggérant que les effets de SOX9 pourraient être dus à son activité transcriptionnelle. En revanche, SOX9 ainsi que MiniSOX9 réduisent la capacité clonale des cellules et leur capacité à former des tumorosphères. Dans ce cas, il serait probable que SOX9 et MiniSOX9 modulent l'activité de protéines partenaires / SOX9 is an HMG transcription factor known to regulate transcription by binding of its HMG domain to DNA. We previously demonstrated that SOX9 has anti-oncogenic-properties but SOX9 is overexpressed in colon tumors when compared to adjacent healthy tissu. This overexpression appears paradoxical, unless its anti-oncogenic activity cannot be exert. In this study, we report the discovery of MiniSOX9, a new SOX9 splice variant, which is highly expressed in colon tumors. MiniSOX9 acts as a SOX9 dominant negative isoform. Our hypothesis was that MiniSOX9 antagonizes the SOX9 anti-oncogenic activity in tumors.Using tumors cells lines inducible for SOX9 and MiniSOX9 overexpression, we showed that SOX9 reduces cell proliferation, migration and invasion. Surprisingly, MiniSOX9 has no effect on cell proliferation, suggesting that SOX9 effects could be du to his transcriptionnal activity. However, SOX9 and MiniSOX9 decrease cell clonal ability and tumorosphere formation. In this case, it is likely that SOX9 and MiniSOX9 modulate the activity of proteins partners.

Etude de la voie non-apoptotique de CD95 et de l’implication du facteur d’initiation de la traduction eIF4A1 / Non-apoptotique signalisation of the CD95 receptor and impact of the initiation translation factor eIF4A1

Thomas, Mélissa 07 December 2018 (has links)
Depuis sa découverte en 1991, l’implication du récepteur CD95 dans l’induction de l’apoptose a été plus que largement décrite. Mais bien qu'ayant été identifié comme étant un récepteur de mort, CD95 est aussi capable d'induire un signal pro-oncogénique lorsqu'il est fixé au CD95L clivé. L’activation de cette voie de signalisation non-apoptotique par le s-CD95L contribue au processus inflammatoire dans le lupus et à la dissémination métastatique dans les cancers du sein triples négatifs. Cependant aucun traitement thérapeutique satisfaisant n’est à ce jour disponible. De par son implication dans des pathologies cancéreuses et inflammatoires, mieux comprendre les mécanismes à l’origine de la double signalisation de CD95 n’est plus un enjeu mais une nécessité. Afin de développer des molécules pour bloquer la signalisation non apoptotique de CD95, il est essentiel d’en identifier tous les protagonistes et de définir leur fonction biologique. C’est avec cet objectif que notre équipe a mené deux études protéomiques dont les résultats ont permis d’identifier eIF4A1 comme un nouveau partenaire direct de CD95. Nous montrons que eIF4A1 est indispensable à la mise en place de la signalisation pro-motile de CD95 dépendante de la voie PI3K. De plus eIF4A1 est recruté à la membrane ainsi que les autres protéines du complexe eIF4F. Nos données de séquençage ont montré que de par cette interaction, CD95 recrute à la membrane un ensemble d’ARNm impliqués dans la réponse immunitaire et l’adhésion cellulaire. En outre, une perte de CD95 dans certaines cellules cancéreuses conduit à la perte d’expression de ces ARNm. Ainsi CD95 pourrait protéger certains ARNm de la dégradation et favoriser la traduction des ARNm pro-inflammatoires de manière indépendante du ligand. Cibler spécifiquement cette interaction pourrait être une piste thérapeutique prometteuse dans la lutte contre les cancers du sein triples négatifs mais aussi contre le lupus. / Since its discovery in 1991, the involvement of the CD95 receptor in the induction of apoptosis has been more than widely described. But although identified as a death receptor, CD95 is also capable of inducing a pro-oncogenic signal when attached to the cleaved CD95L. Activation of this non-apoptotic signaling pathway by s-CD95L contributes to the inflammatory process in lupus and metastatic spread in triple negative breast cancers. However, no satisfactory therapeutic treatment is currently available. By its implication in cancerous and inflammatory pathologies, better understanding the mechanisms at the origin of the double signaling of CD95 is no longer an issue but a necessity. In order to develop molecules to block the non-apoptotic CD95 signaling, it is essential to identify all the protagonists and define their biological function. Our team conducted two proteomic studies, the results of which identified eIF4A1 as a new direct partner of CD95. We show that eIF4A1 is essential for the implementation of PI3K pathway-dependent CD95 signaling. In addition eIF4A1 is recruited to the membrane as well as the other eIF4F complex proteins. Our sequencing data showed that by this interaction, CD95 recruits a set of mRNAs involved in the immune response and cell adhesion. In addition, a loss of CD95 in some cancer cells leads to the loss of expression of these mRNAs. Thus CD95 could protect certain mRNA from degradation and promote the translation of pro-inflammatory mRNAs independently of the ligand. Specific targeting of this interaction could be a promising therapeutic avenue in the fight against triple negative breast cancers but also against lupus.

Identification and Characterization of Mitochondrial Genome Concatemers in AIDS-Associated Lymphomas and Lymphoma Cell Lines

Bedoya, Felipe 05 June 2009 (has links)
Despite recent advances in the understanding of the molecular bases of hematological malignancies, the specific mechanisms on how they originate and why some subtypes are more prevalent than others still remain to be elucidated. These two important aspects have been even more difficult to analyze when dealing with individuals under immune suppression because other factors must be considered. Questions still remain as to why individuals with AIDS tend to develop lymphoproliferative disorders differently from those observed in individuals under iatrogenic immunosuppressive therapy. Most of lymphomas occurring in transplant recipients are B-cell neoplasias typically associated with Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection. In contrast, only about 50% of lymphomas of patients with AIDS are associated with lymphotrophic herpesviruses such as EBV and Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV). No known infectious agent has been detected in the remaining 50% of AIDS-associated lymphomas, suggesting the involvement of novel viruses or unique molecular mechanisms. Since most oncogenic viruses persist as episomal circular viral genomes in the nuclei of tumor cells, we developed a method to visualize and identify covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) in lymphoma samples. Although this study revealed no novel viruses, we identified concatemers of the mitochondrial genome in all lymphoma samples tested. We further studied in detail one AIDS-associated lymphoma (denominated EL) whose mitochondrial DNA primarily consisted of tandem head-to-tail genome duplications. Insertion of cytosine residues was noted in the EL mitochondrial genome sequence near the origin of replication. EL cells responded weakly to Fas-apoptotic stimulus, displayed reduced mitochondrial activity and mass, and produced higher levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) than control cells. Screening of several other AIDS-associated lymphomas and established lymphoma cell lines revealed a different kind of mitochondrial genome concatemers consisting of interlinks of DNA monomer molecules. Concatemers were not detected in normal T-lymphocytes suggesting an association with neoplastic transformation. This dissertation describes the two distinct types of mitochondrial genome concatemers identified in transformed lymphoid cells and presents a detailed analysis of their structure and implications in cellular homeostasis.

Targeting oncogenic K-Ras and monoamine oxidase B utilizing chalcones bearing the 3,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl motif

Fourman, Cody 11 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Co-infection of cells with SV40 and polyoma virus

Aunins-Roll, Dace A. January 1979 (has links)
This document only includes an excerpt of the corresponding thesis or dissertation. To request a digital scan of the full text, please contact the Ruth Lilly Medical Library's Interlibrary Loan Department (rlmlill@iu.edu).

Evaluating Lactobacillus Acidophilus as a Model Organism for Co-Culture Cancer Studies

Mikhail, Samuel A 01 January 2019 (has links)
The causality dilemma between dysbiosis and cancer has given rise to numerous studies both exploring the mechanisms behind cancer progression and the associative shifts in the microbiota upon carcinogenesis. Aside from the hallmark study of Dr. Barry Marshall in establishing the true causal relationship between Helicobacter pylori and gastric adenocarcinoma, studies have only been successful in adding associative links of carcinogenesis mediated by bacteria to the literature. The current field is limited in its ability to establish causative relationships, and further work is needed to construct a reference community whose physiological responses reflect global community responses. In this thesis, the organism Lactobacillus acidophilus was selected as a pilot strain for the development of a novel framework to establish the fitness and physiological changes that occur when bacteria engage the human epithelial environment. The pilot strain was revived from the American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), verified through 16S rRNA Sanger sequencing, and grown in its conventional culture medium and human tissue culture medium to establish baseline growth rates and gauge its physiological responses to an in vitro tumor microenvironment. A set of standard conditions was proposed for growth under human tissue culture conditions. Finally, a metabolic study and spot plate assay were performed to elucidate the anabolic deficits and viability of this strain in human tissue culture medium, respectively. This research was performed to better understand the environmental and metabolic requirements for this pilot strain to inhabit the human epithelial environment, and to establish a workflow that will set the foundation for an appropriate clinical study to demonstrate the causative relationship between dysbiosis and carcinogenesis.

Myf5 Does Not Induce Apoptosis In Skeletal Myoblasts But Is Regulated By Oncogenic Ras Expression

Talarico, Alexander Phillip 10 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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