Spelling suggestions: "subject:"oncogenic"" "subject:"ncogenic""
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Sequences in Adenovirus 5 E1A Gene that are Required for Transcriptional Activation, Enhancer Repression, and Oncogenic Transformation / Functional Domains in Adenovirus 5 E1AJelsma, Anthony 09 1900 (has links)
The E1A gene of adenovirus 5 carries out a number of functions in infection and oncogenic transformation, including the transcriptional activation of viral and cellular genes, the repression of transcriptional enhancers, and cooperation with the adenovirus E1B gene or with the ras oncegene to transform primary cells. The purpose of this work was to investigate the mechanism of action of E1A, by determining the regions of the proteins that are required for these functions. Deletion and point mutations were made in the region unique to the larger E1A mRNA, by exonuclease digestion and deletion loop mutagenesis respectively. These mutants and a series of mutants which delete sequences spanning the entire coding region, were examined for their effect on transcriptional activation, enhancer repression, and transformation. The region which, when deleted, rendered E1A defective for transcriptional activation was found to be confined to the region unique to the 13s mRNA and the beginning of exon 2. Mutations in three regions, all within the 12s exon 1, affected repression activity. The first two, the N terminal region of the protein, and a region, CR1, conserved between adenovirus serotypes, were essential for repression activity. The third region, at the end of exon 1 of the 12s mRNA, was probably only indirectly involved in repression. Deletions in three regions of exon 1 resulted in a loss of the transforming function of E1A. The first two corresponded to the regions required for repression, suggesting that enhancer repression is a component of transformation. The third region, containing CR2, also conserved between adenovirus serotypes, is functionally distinct from the other two and appeared to affect the morphology of the transformants. These two functions did not operate efficiently when present ion separate plasmids. The 13s unique region and exon 2 were not required for transformation but the loss of the transactivation function of E1A did result in an increased adhesiveness of the transformants. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
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Autoregulatory feedback control of c-Rel by IkB[alpha] loss of IkB[alpha]-mediated control over nuclear import and DNA-binding enables oncogenic activation of c-Rel /Sachdev, Shrikesh January 1998 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri--Columbia, 1998. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves : 325-355). Also available on the Internet.
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The Effect of N, N Bis (ethylene)-P (1-adamantyl) Phosphonic Diamide on Rous Sarcoma VirusMcGraw, Thomas L. (Thomas Lee) 03 1900 (has links)
The drug, N,N bis (ethylene)-P (1-adamantyl) phosphonic diamide inhibits focus formation of Rous Sarcoma Virus in tissue culture. Transformation of chick cells was inhibited when the drug was added to chick cells prior to infection. The drug did not inhibit the transformation of Normal Rat Kidney Cells infected with RSV, when the cells were grown at non-permissive temperatures and shifted to permissive temperatures upon addition of the drug. Nor did the drug revert cells transformed at permissive temperatures. These studies indicated that the inhibition of RSV is in the early stage of viral growth, possible penetration or uncoating.
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Immunocompetence in the AKR MouseDunton, Helen 08 1900 (has links)
A model for the study of the relationship of immunity to cancer is found in AKR mice which harbor Gross virus. This genetically transmitted virus is present in a latent form for months before it spontaneously induces leukemia. Many investigators have demonstrated near normal humoral responses, but abnormal cellular immunity in the preleukemic animal. With increasing age, pathology of the disease is expressed, reflecting diminished immunity. In this study, the ontogeny of humoral antibodies of AKR/J and SWR/J mice was assayed by microagglutination techniques in response to thymus-independent, thymus-dependent, and solubilized antigens. Simultaneous injections of thymusdependent and -independent antigens provided data suggesting an impaired humoral response in the AKR mouse.
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O papel da autofagia no estresse oncogênico promovido por HRASG12V em queratinócitos humanos imortalizados por E6E7 / The role of autophagy in the face of the oncogenic stress triggered by HRASG12V in human keratinocytes immortalized by E6E7Lopes-Cararo, Eduardo 12 May 2017 (has links)
RAS é a oncoproteína mutada mais encontrada em tumores sólidos, o que mostra seu grande potencial transformador. Não obstante, células que carregam essa mutação apresentam estresse oncogênico gerado por excessiva sinalização mitogênica, o que direciona preferencialmente as células portadoras para a morte em detrimento da transformação maligna. Basicamente a transformação direcionadapela proteína RAS mutada age sinergicamente com deficiência em supressores de tumor para evitar o destino celular preferencial frente ao estresse oncogênico. Este é o caso da interação observada entre HRASG12V e E6E7 de HPV, sendo que a infecção pelo vírus aparentemente é condição necessária em cânceres cervicais e muito presente em cânceres de cabeça e pescoço. A sinergia entre HRASG12V e queratinócitos imortalizados por E6E7 desequilibra o balanço homeostático entre subsistemas pró-morte, devido ao estresse oncogênico, ou pró-sobrevivência, que garante viabilidade por meio de novos padrões de robustez celular. Em ambos os casos, o processo que gera uma célula transformada, ou as elimina pelo caminho, apresenta pistas de vulnerabilidades às quais os queratinócitos são expostos uma vez que carreguem tal combinação de fatores. Apresentamos nesse trabalho os principais atores que compõem o estresse oncogênico deletério desencadeado pela atividade de HRASG12V: estresse mitogênico, replicativo e oxidativo; todos eles são responsáveis por provocar dano no DNA, que por sua vez promove parada no ciclo celular até que as células não possam mais suportar tamanha injúria, o que acaba levando-as maciçamente a morte. Mostramos que a alta intensidade mitogênica gerada pela atividade de HRASG12V provoca um desequilíbrio metabólico que leva ao aumento de espécies oxidantes e ao estresse replicativo. Todavia, um tratamento exógeno com o antioxidante NAC restaurou parcialmente a proliferação celular assim como a sobrevivência, agindo como um amenizador do dano no DNA gerado pelas espécies oxidantes. Já uma suplementação com nucleosídeos exógenos restaurou fortemente a sobrevivência celular, sugerindo que o desequilíbrio metabólico pode estar agindo no pool de nucleotídeos, o que poderia ser uma das causas do estresse replicativo. Como mecanismo intrínseco de sobrevivência, a autofagia se intensifica em resposta ao desequilíbrio sistêmico desencadeado pela atividade de HRASG12V. Por meio de sublinhagens defectivas para autofagia, mostramos que o processo retarda o aparecimento de espécies oxidantes, além de evitar sua elevação a níveis ainda mais drásticos, o que consequentemente ameniza o dano no DNA observado. Além disso, hipotetizamos que o processo poderia também estar contribuindo fortemente para a reciclagem de substratos básicos tais como nucleotídeos, assim acarretando em menor estresse replicativo. Na literatura atual, debate-se a noção de que, dependendo do contexto celular, a autofagia poderia promover tanto morte celular como transformação maligna. Entretanto, nesta tese mostramos que, na interação entre queratinócitos, E6E7 e HRASG12V, a autofagia é um mecanismo pró-sobrevivência: se por um lado a demanda autofágica é recrutada além de sua capacidade de processamento, fazendo com que seu fluxo seja bloqueado, por outro a eliminação do sistema se torna demasiadamente deletério, direcionando as células expostas ao estresse oncogênico causado pela atividade de HRASG12V necessariamente à morte. / Mutated RAS is the oncoprotein most found in solid tumors, which shows its huge tumorogenic potential. Despite of that, mutated RAS triggers a strong oncogenic stress, which very often drives cells to death instead of malignant transformation. Basically, the success of the Ras malignant transformation driving activity depends on a synergy between that mutated protein and inhibition of tumor suppression genes. This is the case of the interaction between HRASG12V and E6E7 proteins of HPV: It seems that HPV infection is an initial necessary condition for cervical cancer development and is also very frequent in head and neck carcinomas. The synergy between HRASG12V and E6E7, in pre-malignant keratinocytes, imbalances the homeostasis between pro-death subsystems, due oncogenic stress, and pro-survival subsystems that ensure new patterns of cellular robustness. In both cases, the process responsible for generating a malignant transformed cell or, more frequently, eliminating those cells carrying the combined characteristics, exposes the keratinocytes vulnerabilities. We showed in this work that the main actors of deleterious oncogenic stress triggered by HRASG12V activity are: Mitogenic, replicative and oxidative stresses; all of them induce DNA damage, hence cell cycle arrests until the cell cannot resist such injury any further, which leads to massive cell death. The intense mitogenic activity triggered by HRASG12Vcauses metabolic imbalance, which is responsible for an increase of oxidative species and replicative stress levels; the exogenous treatment with antioxidant NAC partially restored cell growth and cell survival, acting as a softener of the DNA damage caused by oxidative species. On the other hand, nucleoside supplementation strongly restored cell survival, suggesting that the aforementioned metabolic imbalance might be acting in the pool of nucleotides, hence it might be a possible cause of replicative stress. As an intrinsic survival mechanism, the autophagy is intensified in response to systemic imbalance triggered by HRASG12V activity. Through the autophagy defective subline, we showed that that mechanism both delays the increase of oxidative species and avoids their elevation to catastrophic highlevels. Furthermore, autophagy could strongly contribute to the recycling of basic substrates such as nucleotides, which might be mitigating the replicative stress. Nowadays, there is a debate on the role of autophagy promoting either malignant transformation or cell death depending on metabolic context. In this work, we showed an instance of the interaction between E6E7 and HRASG12V triggering autophagy pro-survival mechanisms and hence increasing general cell viability
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Interação de oncoproteínas virais E6 e E7 de HPV16/18 com alvos celulares potenciais para o desenvolvimento de estratégias terapêuticas. / Interaction of E6 and E7 viral oncoproteins of HPV16/18 with potential cellular targets to the development of therapeutic strategies.Kavati, Erica Akemi 08 November 2012 (has links)
O potencial oncogênico do papilomavírus humano (HPV) baseia-se na capacidade das oncoproteínas virais E6 e E7 alterarem o ciclo celular, levando à imortalização e malignidade das células. O importante papel das oncoproteínas na progressão tumoral e na interação com inúmeros alvos celulares tem relevância em estudos para o desenvolvimento de vacinas e terapias contra os cânceres associados ao HPV. Este estudo investigou a localização intracelular das oncoproteínas E6 e E7 de HPV16/18 e seus possíveis alvos celulares. Demonstrou a presença de E6 nuclear, citoplasmática e intramitocondrial, tanto em células naturalmente transformadas por HPV, como em células transfectadas com o oncogene E6 viral. E7 foi detectada no núcleo e citoplasma, porém nunca ocorreu E7 intramitocondrial. Confirmou a hipótese da presença intramitocondrial da oncoproteína viral E6 de HPV16/18 de alto risco. Dado inédito cuja relevância está relacionada com a aplicação clínica, no desenvolvimento de imunobiológicos e fármacos capazes de neutralizar a ação deste importante alvo terapêutico. / The oncogenic potential of HPV is based on the capacity of viral oncoproteins E6 and E7 to change cellular cycle leading to immortality and malignancy. The important role of oncoproteins in tumor progression and its interaction with numerous cellular targets have relevance in studies to the development of vaccines and therapies against HPV associated cancers. This study investigated intracellular localization of E6 and E7 HPV16/18 oncoproteins and its possible cellular targets. It showed the presence of E6 in the cellular nucleus, cytoplasm, and intramitochondrial in naturally HPV transformed cell, as well as in cells transfected with E6 viral oncogene. E7 was detected inside nucleus and cytoplasm, but E7 intramitochondrial did not occur. This study confirmed the hypothesis of the intramitochondrial presence of E6 viral oncoprotein from high risk HPV. This is an original data whose relevance is directly related to clinical application in the development of immunobiologicals and drugs, which are able to neutralize the action of this important therapeutic target.
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\"Estudo da prevalência do papilomavirus humano e dos aspectos clínicos e histológicos na queilite actínica crônica\" / Study on the prevalence of human papillomavirus and clinical and histological aspects in chronic actinic cheilitis.Pacca, Francisco Octávio Teixeira 09 March 2007 (has links)
Os papilomavírus humanos (HPVs) oncogênicos são importantes agentes na etiologia do câncer ginecológico e atualmente tem sido relacionados também a algumas lesões cancerizáveis e a alguns tipos de cânceres de boca. Com o objetivo de avaliar a relação entre os HPVs e um tipo de lesão cancerizável de boca que acomete os lábios chamada queilite actínica crônica (QAC), foram avaliados e considerados aptos para a pesquisa 29 pacientes portadores de QAC. A reação em cadeia pela polimerase (PCR) foi utilizada para detectar a presença do HPV em amostras de tecido fresco, provenientes de lábios doentes onde todos os casos apresentaram resultados negativos. A QAC ocorreu em 100% nos indivíduos da raça branca, em 19 homens e 10 mulheres e na idade média de 56,14 anos. Foram avaliados também os aspectos clínicos e histológicos da QAC sendo encontrados 14 casos de atipia epitelial discreta (48,27%), 10 casos de atipia epitelial moderada (34,49%) e 5 casos de atipia epitelial severa (17,24%). Através de análise estatística concluímos que clinicamente a presença de áreas leucoplásicas e o tempo de evolução da lesão superior a 5 anos estão diretamente relacionados aos casos de atipias epiteliais mais graves. O hábito de fumar e de beber parecem contribuir, mas não obtiveram resultados estatisticamente significativos ao aparecimento da QAC. / The oncogenic human papillomaviruses (HPVs) are important agents in the etiology of gynecological cancer and have been recently related to some premalignant lesions and to some types of mouth cancer. In order to evaluate the relation between HPVs and one type of precancerous lesion that affects the lips called chronic actinic cheilitis (CAC), 29 CAC patients were assessed and considered eligible for the study. The polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was used to detect the presence of HPV in fresh tissue samples of affected lips. All results were negative. All CAC patients were Caucasian, 19 males and 10 women, mean age of 56.14 years. The clinical and histological aspects of CAC were also assessed - there were 14 cases of discreet (48.27%), 10 cases of moderate (34.49%) and 5 cases of severe epithelial atypia (17.24%). By statistical analysis we concluded that, clinically, the presence of leukoplastic areas and progression of the lesion for over five years are directly related to more severe epithelial atypia. Smoking and drinking habits seem to contribute to the condition but achieved no statistical significance regarding onset of CAC.
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Détection des anomalies génétiques dans les LAL-T : de la biologie à la clinique / Détection of genetic abnormalities in T-ALL : from biology to the clinicBen Abdelali, Raouf 19 April 2011 (has links)
Les leucémies aiguës lymphoblastiques T (LAL-T) sont caractérisées par la prolifération maligneincontrôlée de précurseurs lymphoïdes T bloqués dans la différenciation. Les stades d’arrêt dematuration observés dans les LAL-T reproduisent fidèlement les différentes étapes de la maturationthymique humaine. Ainsi nous avons montré que le facteur de transcription myéloïde CEBPA, expriméuniquement dans les précurseurs thymiques les plus immatures (ETP), est réprimé par un mécanismed’hyperméthylation dans les LAL-T à l’exception des formes les plus immatures. Il est aujourd’huicommunément admis que les LAL-T constituent une pathologie dite « multi-hits » où les oncogènesde type A affectent la différenciation tandis les oncogènes de type B sont impliqués dans la régulationdu cycle cellulaire, l’auto-renouvellement et/ou l’engagement dans la lignée T. La voie de signalisationde NOTCH, cruciale pour le développement lymphoïde T, est constitutivement activée par la survenuede mutations des gènes NOTCH1 et/ou FBXW7 (N/F) dans environ 60% des LAL-T. La valeurpronostique de ces mutations est controversée. Dans notre travail, nous avons montré que lesmutations de N/F sont plus fréquentes dans les LAL-T arrêtées à un stade de maturation cortical etconfèrent un bon pronostic qui semble toutefois dépendre de la chimiothérapie administrée. Grâce àl’étude de cette large cohorte de LAL-T nous avons pu également établir la fréquence de l’anomalieoncogénique CALM-AF10. Cette dernière est très fréquente dans les LAL-T qui se développent àpartir des ETP dites de mauvais pronostic. Nous avons montré que c’est la présence de l’anomalieCALM-AF10 qui confère le pronostic défavorable à ce sous-type de LAL-T. Contrairement à lalittérature nous n’avons pas retrouvé de valeur pronostique liée à la surexpression des gènes ERG etBAALC. L’étude des anomalies génétiques des LAL-T permet de mieux comprendre l’oncogénèse etd’identifier les anomalies avec une valeur pronostique. L’intérêt de ces travaux est d’apporter une aideaux cliniciens pour une stratification thérapeutique adaptée afin de donner les meilleures chances desurvie aux patients. / T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) are lymphoid neoplasms characterized by theproliferation of malignant T lymphoblasts arrested at early stages of maturation. Maturation arrest in TALLmirrors normal lymphopoiesis. Thus we have shown that the myeloid transcription factor CEBPA,expressed only in the most immature thymic precursors (ETP), is commonly repressed byhypermethylation in T-ALL with the exception of the most immature subset. It is now widely acceptedthat T-ALL is a “multi-hits” disease where the type A oncogenes affect the differentiation while type Boncogenes are involved in cell cycle regulation, self-renewal and T-cell commitment. The Notchsignaling pathway, crucial for T cell development, is constitutively activated by the occurrence ofmutations in NOTCH1 and /or FBXW7 (N / F) genes in approximately 60% of T-ALL. The prognosticvalue of these mutations is controversial. In our study, we showed that N/F mutations are morefrequently observed in T-ALL arrested at a cortical stage of maturation and confer a good prognosiswhich seems to be influenced by the therapeutic regimen. In this large cohort of T-ALL we could alsodetermine the frequency of the CALM-AF10 oncogenic abnormality. The latter is very common in TALLdeveloped from ETP wich are of very poor prognosis. We have shown that this is the presence ofCALM-AF10 which confers the poor prognosis in this subtype of T-ALL. Contrary to the litterature wedid not find any prognostic value associated with the overexpression of ERG and BAALC genes. Thestudy of genetic abnormalities in T-ALL provides a better understanding of oncogenesis and identifyabnormalities with prognostic value. The interest of this work is to assist clinicians for an efficienttherapeutic stratification to overcome the poor outcome of T-ALL patients.
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Desenvolvimento de estratégias vacinais contra tumores induzidos pelo vírus do papiloma humano tipo 16 (HPV-16) baseadas em linhagens geneticamente modificadas de Bacillus subtilis. / Development of vaccine strategies against tumors induced by human papiloma virus type 16 (HPV-16) based on genetically modified Bacillus subtilis strains.Rafael Ciro Marques Cavalcante 02 October 2008 (has links)
Bacillus subtilis é uma bactéria gram-positiva, não patogênica, formadora de esporos e com um grande conhecimento disponível a cerca de sua genética e fisiologia, comparável apenas à Escherichia coli K12. Recentemente, linhagens geneticamente modificadas de B. subtilis foram utilizadas como veículos vacinais mas, até o momento, não se havia avaliado a indução de respostas imunológicas citotóxicas (linfócitos T CD8+) específicas em camundongos imunizados com esporos ou células vegetativas. No presente trabalho, avaliouse a indução de linfócitos T CD8+ em animais imunizados com linhagens vacinais de B. subtilis. Inicialmente empregou-se como alvo a proteína E7 de vírus papiloma humano tipo 16 (HPV-16) fusionada ou não à proteína gD do vírus herpes simples tipo 1 (HSV-1). Em uma segunda estratégia, empregou-se como alvo a subunidade B da toxina termolábil (LTB) de E. coli enterotoxicogênica (ETEC) co-expressa ou fusionada à proteína GroEL2 de Mycobacterium bovis. As quantidades de E7 e gDE7 expressas pelas linhagens recombinantes de B.subtilis ficaram abaixo do limite de detecção e não foram suficientes para ativação de células T CD8+ específicas. Por outro lado, linhagens de B. subtilis capazes de expressar LTB e GroEL2 promoveram a ativação de linfócitos T CD8+ específicos. De um modo geral, o presente trabalho representa uma contribuição inédita sobre a ativação de respostas imunológicas de base celular em camundongos imunizados com linhagens recombinantes de B. subtilis e os resultados obtidos certamente contribuirão para a geração de veículos vacinais mais efetivos na profilaxia e tratamento de diferentes doenças infecciosas, como infecções virais, ou degenerativas, como o câncer. / Bacillus subtilis is a sporulated, non pathogenic, gram-positive bacterial species with a large amount of information concering its genetics and physiology, comparable only to Escherichia coli K12. Recently, genetically modified B.subtilis strains were successfully employed as vaccine vehicles but there is no information concerning the activation of antigen specific cytotoxic immune responses (T CD8+ lymphocytes) in mice vaccinated with either vegetative cells or spores. In the present report, we evaluated the activation of CD8+ T cell responses in mice immunized with B. subtilis vaccine strains genetically modified in order to express the human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E7 protein as a target antigen, isolated or genetically fused to the type I herpes simplex vírus (HSV-1) gD protein. In a second approach, we have also tested the B subunit heat labile toxin, produced by enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) strains, coexpressed or genetically fused to the Mycobacterium bovis GroEL2 protein. E7 and gDE7 expression by B.subtilis vaccine strains were bellow the detection limits and did not allow the activation of antigen-specific CD8+ T cell responses in vaccinated mice. On the other hand, LTB-specific CD8+ T cell responses were detected in mice immunized with B. subtilis expressing both LTB and GroEL2. Collectively, the present study respresents an important contribution on the activation of cellular immune responses in mice immunized with genetically modified B.subtilis and should direct further analyses aiming the development of more effective vaccine vehicles employed both for preventive and therapeutic treatment of infectious and degenerative diseases, such as virus infections and cancer.
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Desenvolvimento de estratégias vacinais contra tumores induzidos pelo vírus do papiloma humano tipo 16 (HPV-16) baseadas em linhagens geneticamente modificadas de Bacillus subtilis. / Development of vaccine strategies against tumors induced by human papiloma virus type 16 (HPV-16) based on genetically modified Bacillus subtilis strains.Cavalcante, Rafael Ciro Marques 02 October 2008 (has links)
Bacillus subtilis é uma bactéria gram-positiva, não patogênica, formadora de esporos e com um grande conhecimento disponível a cerca de sua genética e fisiologia, comparável apenas à Escherichia coli K12. Recentemente, linhagens geneticamente modificadas de B. subtilis foram utilizadas como veículos vacinais mas, até o momento, não se havia avaliado a indução de respostas imunológicas citotóxicas (linfócitos T CD8+) específicas em camundongos imunizados com esporos ou células vegetativas. No presente trabalho, avaliouse a indução de linfócitos T CD8+ em animais imunizados com linhagens vacinais de B. subtilis. Inicialmente empregou-se como alvo a proteína E7 de vírus papiloma humano tipo 16 (HPV-16) fusionada ou não à proteína gD do vírus herpes simples tipo 1 (HSV-1). Em uma segunda estratégia, empregou-se como alvo a subunidade B da toxina termolábil (LTB) de E. coli enterotoxicogênica (ETEC) co-expressa ou fusionada à proteína GroEL2 de Mycobacterium bovis. As quantidades de E7 e gDE7 expressas pelas linhagens recombinantes de B.subtilis ficaram abaixo do limite de detecção e não foram suficientes para ativação de células T CD8+ específicas. Por outro lado, linhagens de B. subtilis capazes de expressar LTB e GroEL2 promoveram a ativação de linfócitos T CD8+ específicos. De um modo geral, o presente trabalho representa uma contribuição inédita sobre a ativação de respostas imunológicas de base celular em camundongos imunizados com linhagens recombinantes de B. subtilis e os resultados obtidos certamente contribuirão para a geração de veículos vacinais mais efetivos na profilaxia e tratamento de diferentes doenças infecciosas, como infecções virais, ou degenerativas, como o câncer. / Bacillus subtilis is a sporulated, non pathogenic, gram-positive bacterial species with a large amount of information concering its genetics and physiology, comparable only to Escherichia coli K12. Recently, genetically modified B.subtilis strains were successfully employed as vaccine vehicles but there is no information concerning the activation of antigen specific cytotoxic immune responses (T CD8+ lymphocytes) in mice vaccinated with either vegetative cells or spores. In the present report, we evaluated the activation of CD8+ T cell responses in mice immunized with B. subtilis vaccine strains genetically modified in order to express the human papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) E7 protein as a target antigen, isolated or genetically fused to the type I herpes simplex vírus (HSV-1) gD protein. In a second approach, we have also tested the B subunit heat labile toxin, produced by enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC) strains, coexpressed or genetically fused to the Mycobacterium bovis GroEL2 protein. E7 and gDE7 expression by B.subtilis vaccine strains were bellow the detection limits and did not allow the activation of antigen-specific CD8+ T cell responses in vaccinated mice. On the other hand, LTB-specific CD8+ T cell responses were detected in mice immunized with B. subtilis expressing both LTB and GroEL2. Collectively, the present study respresents an important contribution on the activation of cellular immune responses in mice immunized with genetically modified B.subtilis and should direct further analyses aiming the development of more effective vaccine vehicles employed both for preventive and therapeutic treatment of infectious and degenerative diseases, such as virus infections and cancer.
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