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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Legitimacy Work : Managing Sick Leave Legitimacy in Interaction

Flinkfeldt, Marie January 2016 (has links)
This thesis studies how sick leave legitimacy is managed in interaction and develops an empirically driven conceptualization of ‘legitimacy work’. The thesis applies an ethnomethodological framework that draws on conversation analysis, discursive psychology, and membership categorization analysis. Naturally occurring interaction is examined in two settings: (1) multi-party meetings at the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, in which participants assess and discuss the ‘status’ of the sick leave and plan for work rehabilitation; (2) peer-based online text-in-interaction in a Swedish forum thread that gathers people on sick leave. The thesis shows how mental states, activities and alternative categories function as resources for legitimacy work. However, such invocations are no straight-forward matter, but impose additional contingencies. It is thus crucial how they are invoked. By detailed analyses of the interaction, with attention to aspects such as lexicality and delivery, the thesis identifies a range of discursive features that manage sick leave legitimacy. Deployed resources are also subtle enough to be deniable as legitimacy work, that is, they also manage the risk of an utterance being seen as invested or biased. While legitimate sick leave is a core concern for Swedish policy-making, administration, and public debate on sick leave, previous research has for the most part been explanatory in orientation, minding legitimacy rather than studying it in its own right. By providing detailed knowledge about the legitimacy work that people on long-term sick leave do as part of both institutional and mundane encounters, the thesis contributes not only new empirical knowledge, but a new kind of empirical knowledge, shedding light on how the complexities of sick leave play out in real-life situations. Traditional sociological approaches have to a significant extent treated legitimacy as an entity with beginnings and ends that in more or less direct ways relate to external norms and cognitive states, or that focus on institutions, authority or government. By contrast, the herein emerging concept ‘legitimacy work’ understands legitimacy as a locally contingent practicality – a collaborative categorially oriented accomplishment that is integral to the interactional situation.

Les timides et leur timidité : typologie des représentations subjectives dans quatre fils de discussion

Carignan Jacob, Marilyne 08 1900 (has links)
Ce mémoire s’intéresse aux représentations que se font les timides de leur timidité au sein d’un forum de discussion anglophone. Alors que les représentations sociales de la timidité se sont transformées suivant leur contexte sociohistorique et socioculturel, les valeurs occidentales contemporaines de la sociabilité ont posé les conditions pour une timidité perçue comme un problème social et médical. De ce fait, ce mémoire souhaite comprendre comment les sujets timides se représentent l’objet de leur timidité au sein de quatre fils de discussion qui engagent chacun une manière spécifique d'envisager la timidité : « Identité de soi », « Introverti.e », « Compétences sociales », « Anxiété sociale ». Mobilisant les représentations sociales, « l’idéaltype », l’interactionnisme symbolique et l’identité, une centaine de billets anonymes rédigés en 2019 et en 2020 ont fait l’objet d’une analyse thématique avec le logiciel NVivo. De cette analyse, quatre « idéaltypes » sont proposés suivant les représentations de la timidité et la motivation de rédaction des billets : la timidité acquise face à une introversion innée (« Introverti.e »); la timidité comme une souffrance expérientielle avec un regard tourné vers le passé (« Anxiété sociale »); la quête du secret des interactions sociales avec un regard sur le présent (« Compétences sociales »); le processus optimiste de la transformation de soi avec un regard tourné vers le futur (« Identité de soi »). Ces quatre « idéaltypes » partagent une représentation de la timidité comme un problème individuel dont la thérapie est une responsabilité individuelle. / This thesis examines the representations shy people have of their shyness in an English-speaking discussion forum. While social representations of shyness have transformed according to their sociohistorical and sociocultural context, contemporary Western values of sociability have set the conditions for shyness seen as a social and medical problem. As a result, this thesis aims to understand how shy subjects perceive the object of their shyness within four discussion threads, which each engage a specific way of considering shyness: “Self-identity”, “Introversion”, “Social skills”, “Social anxiety”. Mobilizing social representations, the “ideal type”, symbolic interactionism and identity, a hundred anonymous posts written in 2019 and 2020 were the subject of a thematic analysis with NVivo. From this analysis, I propose four “ideal types” according to the representations of shyness and the motivation for writing posts: the shyness acquired in the face of innate introversion (“Introvert”); shyness as experiential suffering with a look to the past (“social anxiety”); the quest for the secret of social interactions with a look at the present (“Social skills”); the optimistic process of self-transformation with a look to the future (“Self-identity”). These four “ideal types” share a representation of shyness as an individual problem for which therapy is an individual responsibility.

Digital förberedelse inför ett bilköp : En studie kring användarförväntningar online / Online preparation for a car purchase : User expetations online

Bank, Niklas January 2021 (has links)
Digitaliseringen har bidragit till att man inför ett köpbeslut kan inhämta information från en mängd olika håll och i samband med det har forskningsbegrepp som elektronisk mun-till-mun marknadsföring (eWom) börjat äga rum genom att människor recenserar produkter, skriver om dom på sociala medier och betygsätter varorna. Dessa aspekter bidrar till att man kan bygga upp en trygghet inför sitt köp. Inom bilköp har digitaliseringen av köpprocessen inte fortskridit i samma takt som andra varor, men information inhämtas med hjälp av internet i hög grad inför ett köp. Detta examensarbete tittar närmare på förberedelse av bilköp med stöd från online-recensioner och diskussionsforum online och hur dessa påverkar användarförväntningarna. Användarförväntningar (User Expectations) är en del av användarupplevelsen (User Experience) och bygger på hur vi förväntar oss att vårt användande av en produkt eller tjänst kommer att se ut. Inom User Experience Design kan man genom att studera specifika kontexter, som exempelvis förberedelse av ett köp på ett mer noggrant sätt få en ökad förståelse för användarnas behov ur både ett pragmatiskt och hedoniskt perspektiv. Användarförväntningar påverkas av såväl tidigare erfarenheter och upplevelsersom av andra användare, dessutom formas användarförväntningar under själva upplevelsen. Målet med studien är att vidare undersöka hur en digital och social kontext inverkar på användarförväntningarna och utifrån det har en problemformulering med en forskningsfråga tagits fram. Forskningsfrågan för arbetet är Hur påverkas användarförväntningar inför ett bilköp av onlinerecensioneroch diskussionsforum online? Frågan besvaras med hjälp av en kvalitativ datainsamling i form av enkät och djupintervjuer sex av personerna som besvarade enkäten. Datainsamlingen visar att man använder diskussionsforum föratt få ”vanliga människors” upplevelser av bilar och att den största påverkan på hur man föreställer sig användandet är genom andra människors beskrivningar av deras användande i form av hur man löst ett problem eller att med en elbil åkt på bilsemester ner i Europa. Man tenderar att ta till sig information från särskilda användare, baserat på de uppfattas ha en stor kompetens på området eller att de påminner om en själv. Genom att hitta människor som påminner om en själv i forumen kan man med större säkerhet se sin egen framtida användning av den bil man tänkt införskaffa. / There is a digitalization proceeding which affects us in different ways, in order to make purchase decisions we are now able to gather information from many sources. As a result of this terms like electronic word of mouth marketing (eWom) started to appear in science, which means that people have started to review products online or discuss products in online forums or other kinds of social media. This has made buying easier in a lot of ways because one can assure oneself before the purchase through the experiences and opinions of other users. Regarding cars though, digitalizationis not as far ahead as other goods when it comes to actually purchase cars online, but the research process before the purchase is in many ways already a digital process. This thesis investigates the research process regarding car purchases, with a focus on the social aspects coming from other users through online-reviews and online forums to see how they affect the User Expectations. User Expectations is a part of the User Experience can be explained as how we as users build expectations about a product or a service through anticipating the use of it. Within User Experience context isrelevant, in this case the context is how users conduct the research process before buying a car, inorder to reach a deeper understanding of the users pragmatic and hedonic needs. User Expectations are affected by both past experiences and other users and User Expectations is also formed during the User Experience. The aim of this study is to explore how a digital and social context affects the User Expectations and in order to explore this a research question has been formulated which is: When conducting product research before buying a car, how do online-reviews and online forums affect the User Expectations? The research question is answered with a qualitative study through a survey and in depth interviews with six of the survey respondents. The sampled data show that one uses online forum in order toget “ordinary people’s” experiences of cars and that the main impact on anticipating the use of one’s future cars is through usage examples or how another user solved a problem, for example regarding electric cars how another user described how they went on a car trip through Europe only on electricity. The respondents tends to be more susceptible to information from specific users, these users are either regarded very competent or they tend to have a lot of similarities in life with the respondents. By finding other users in similar situations the respondents get more assured and are able to anticipate their use of the specific car in mind.

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