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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La réflexivité communicationnelle induite par les échanges en ligne : pratique, médiation et médiatisation, vers une posture d'ethnologue-amateur / Reflective communication inferred by online interchanges : practice, mediation, media coverage, towards an amateur-ethnologist position

Rollandin, Marion 05 November 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche interroge la production d’un savoir sur la communication qui résulte de la réflexivité communicationnelle induite par les échanges en ligne établis au sein d’un média informatisé. L’objectif est de comprendre comment se construit ce savoir en analysant le triptyque sujet/dispositif/autres usagers. Par la pratique de dispositifs comme l’arène de bataille en ligne multijoueur League of Legends ou du site de discussion féminin en ligne Confidentielles.com, les sujets s’engagent dans un « régime d’ajustement » visant à comprendre et à juger les situations de communication qui se présentent à eux. Le régime d’ajustement apparaît comme dynamique, inconscient, évolutif et se déroule simultanément à la pratique, par le biais d’opérations réflexives. Deux niveaux de réflexivité sont étudiés qui équivalent à des périodes de l’ajustement : le premier débute à la confrontation avec le dispositif, où les sujets apprennent à décrypter ce qui se joue dans la situation, définissent le comportement à adopter, et appréhendent l’importance du rapport aux autres. Le second s’effectue tout au long de la pratique pour gérer efficacement les différentes interactions et vivre au mieux l’expérience. Ces processus réflexifs induisent la production de savoirs ordinaires et s’accompagnent de l’adoption d’une « posture d’ethnologue-amateur » : les sujets développent une certaine sensibilité à décrypter les processus et à comprendre les situations de communication grâce aux « voyages » effectués entre le monde de la communication médiatisée et celui de la communication en face à face. / The research studies the process of making of a knowledge on the communication resulting from reflective communication in online interchanges within a computerized media. It aims at understanding how this knowledge is acquired by analyzing the following triptych : users/device/other users. When using device like a multiplayer online battle arena League of Legends or female online discussion website Confidentielles.com, the users get involved in a psychosocial « adjustment system » to understand and assess the situations of communication they are facing. Thus, since it is developed during the practice, the « adjustment system » appears to be dynamic, mechanical and progressive thanks to reflective process. Two levels of reflexivity corresponding to the stages of this adjustment will be studied. The first level starts when the user facing the device has to work out and estimate the situation, decide on the strategy to adopt and grasp the importance of relations with others. The second level takes place all through the practice to manage efficiently the various interactivities and be as happy as possible in the given situation. On the one hand, these reflective process infer the production of ordinary knowledge; in the other hand the user has to adopt the « amateur-ethnologist position » when developing skills to understand the process and the situations of communication thanks to the « trips » between mediated communication and face to face communication.

Особенности идентификации младших- подростков с персонажами онлайн-игр : магистерская диссертация / Features of identification of younger teenagers with characters of online games

Шемякина, И. Н., Shemyakina, I. N. January 2022 (has links)
Объектом исследования явилась идентификация младших подростков». Предметом исследования стала идентификации подростков с игровыми персонажами онлайн игр. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, двух глав, заключения, списка литературы (85 источников) и приложений. Объем магистерской диссертации 82 страницы. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются основная и дополнительные гипотезы, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме исследования виртуальной идентичности, в том числе идентичности с героями онлайн-играми. Особое внимание уделено разработке классификации онлай-игр и исследованию увлеченности онлайн-играми в подростковом возрасте. Вторая глава посвящена эмпирической части исследования. В ней представлено описание организации и методов проведенного исследования, к которым относятся: Тест-опросник степени увлеченности младших подростков компьютерными играми (Гришина А.В)., Методика «Незаконченные предложения», адаптированная Жичкиной А.Е. и Щепилиной Е.А., Рисуночная методика «Я в жизни и Я в игре», Методика «Q-сортировка» В. Стефансона. Полученные результаты представлены корреляционными плеядами. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по ним, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики. / The object of the study was the identification of younger adolescents." The subject of the study was the identification of teenagers with game characters of online games. The Master's thesis consists of an introduction, two chapters, a conclusion, a list of references (85 sources) and appendices. The scope of the master's thesis 82 pages. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the elaboration of the problem, sets the purpose and objectives of the study, defines the object and subject of the study, formulates the main and additional hypotheses, specifies the methods and empirical base, as well as the stages of research, scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of virtual identity research, including identity with the heroes of online games. Special attention is paid to the development of the classification of online games and the study of the passion for online games in adolescence. The second chapter is devoted to the empirical part of the study. It describes the organization and methods of the study, which include: A test questionnaire of the degree of enthusiasm of younger teenagers for computer games (Grishina A.V.), the technique "Unfinished sentences" adapted by Zhichkina A.E. and Shchepilina E.A., the drawing technique "I am in life and I am in the game". , V. Stefanson's "Q-sorting" technique. The obtained results are presented by correlation pleiades. In conclusion, the results of the theoretical and empirical parts of the work are summarized, as well as conclusions on them, the practical significance of the study is substantiated and possible prospects for further development of this problem are described.

模板屬性對瀏覽行為的影響-以線上遊戲為例 / The Impact of Template Attributes to User’s Behavior-Take Online Game as an Example

陳妍樺, Chen, Yen Hua Unknown Date (has links)
面對大量習慣用嘗試錯誤方式去學習使用複雜線上遊戲功能的使用者,如果沒有一個好的網頁佈局設計,會妨礙讓使用者易於上手。本研究試圖綜合以往在電腦學習認知方面的模板比對理論、CoLiDeS Model、及資訊氣味等相關研究,增強對線上遊戲介面設計的了解。本研究設計一個線上遊戲介面認知的實驗,用「仙劍Online」多人線上遊戲的介面為實驗工具,運用眼動儀去觀察受試者的瀏覽行為。「功能的群組位置」(Location)與圖像(Icon)皆為介面設計的重要因素;這兩項因素可能會影響受試者對任務難易的知覺判斷與瀏覽行為的Pattern。這些差異會顯示在任務的「間隔多久時間看到正確區域位置」、「凝視次數」、「凝視正確區域佔全部的比例」、任務的「完成率」與任務的「使用時間」等資料上。經過本研究驗證可以明確的知道「功能的群組位置」(Location)與圖像(Icon)何者為設計者首要考量之因素,在學術上能加強對CoLiDeS Model的了解,提出兩階段修正的認知模式;在實務上幫助介面設計師進行更有效的頁面設計和實用的建議。 / A large amount of users practice the trial and error approach to learn to use complicated online games. This leads to low user perception of "easy to use" when the game lacks good webpage layout design. This study attempts to integrate previous studies on cognitive learning through computer including Template Matching, Information Scent, and Comprehension-based Linked model of Deliberate Search Model ( CoLiDes Model), to enhance the understanding on online game interface design. A cognitive experiment of online game interface was designed utilizing the multiplayer simulation game "Chinese Paladin Online" in an attempt to observe and record user’s browsing behaviors through the eye tracker. "Location of functional group " and "Icon" are important factor of interface design and affect user’s browse behavior pattern . These differences will appear in "Time spent", "Accuracy", "Frequency of fixation ", “ and "Time spent before first fixation on the correct position" of the tasks. We expect the results extended the CoLiDeS Model, enhanced understanding of the interface layout user cognition, and provided fruitful suggestions in how to further design on effective WebPages.

線上社群協作及其前置因素之研究:檢驗社群投入度之中介效果 / Online community collaboration and its antecedents: the mediating effect of community engagement

蕭丞傑, Hsiao, Cheng Chieh Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之目的在於探討線上社群協作與其前置因素之關係,並且檢驗社群投入度之中介效果。首先,本研究應用角色內與角色外行為分類,提出角色內與角色外線上社群協作之類型。其次,依據社會認知理論與社會交換理論,本研究提出線上社群協作之前置因素,包括對個人之結果預期、對社群之結果預期、知覺社群信任、知覺社群規範、知覺社群支持與知覺社群認同。最後,本研究基於投入度觀點,檢驗社群投入度對於線上社群協作及其前置因素之中介效果。 本研究之研究情境為玩家公會社群,本研究自一知名大型多人線上遊戲中收集340份有效問卷進行資料分析與假設檢驗,研究結果顯示:(1) 除社群禮貌外,社群投入度對於社群合作行為、助人行為與運動家精神皆有正向影響;(2) 對個人之結果預期與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(3) 對社群之結果預期與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(4) 知覺社群信任與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介;(5) 知覺社群規範與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介,但社群規範對於運動家精神亦有直接負向效果;(6) 知覺社群認同與線上社群協作行為之關係,會受到社群投入度所中介,但社群認同亦會直接正向影響社群合作與助人行為;(7) 然而,知覺社群支持與線上社群協作行為之關係,並不會受到社群投入度所中介。針對上述之研究結果,本研究進一步闡述其學術研究意涵、實務管理意涵,以及研究限制與未來研究方向。 / The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between online community collaboration and its antecedents by examining the mediating effect of community engagement. First, this study proposes a classification of online community collaboration by following the typology of in-role and extra-role behaviors. Accordingly, this study will further examine some of online community collaboration behaviors, including community cooperation, helping behavior, community courtesy, and sportsmanship. Second, drawing upon social cognitive theory and social exchange theory, this study identifies several antecedents of online community collaboration, including person-relevant outcome expectancy, community-relevant outcome expectancy, perceived community trust, perceived community norms, perceived community support, and perceived community identification. Finally, from the perspective of engagement, this study will examine the mediating effect of community engagement on the proposed model. The research setting of this study is online gaming communities. After collecting 340 valid responses from a famous Massive Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG), our results show that (1) community engagement affects community cooperation, helping behavior and sportsmanship positively, but does not have a significant effect on community courtesy; (2) the relationships between person-relevant outcome expectancy and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (3) the relationships between community-relevant outcome expectancy and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (4) the relationships between perceived community trust and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement; (5) the relationships between perceived community norms and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement, but perceived community norms also has a direct and negative impact on sportsmanship; (6) the relationships between perceived community identification and three online community collaboration behaviors are mediated by community engagement, but perceived community identification also has direct and positive impacts on community cooperation and helping behavior; (7) the relationships between perceived community support and online community collaboration behaviors are not mediated by community engagement. According to these findings, this study concludes with research implications, managerial implications, research limitations and future research directions.

多人線上戰鬥競技場遊戲之團隊成員推薦機制 / A Team Member Recommender System for Multiplayer Online Battle Arenas

周佩諄, Chou, Pei Chun Unknown Date (has links)
近幾年來遊戲軟硬體的進步以及遊玩人數的增加,虛擬世界中的使用者行為已經開始受到注目,也有研究指出人們在虛擬世界的行為會反應他們在現實世界的行為並且交互影響。現今最熱門的線上遊戲更是提供多樣化的機制讓玩家們進行合作、競爭、交流等活動,遊戲開發者也會根據不同的目的開始分析玩家的行為,希望能藉此發現遊戲中更多的可能性。 遊戲的種類繁多,遊玩機制也相當多元,目前是以MOBA這類的線上遊戲最為熱門、擁有最多的玩家基數,MOBA是基於團隊合作的對戰型遊戲,玩家可以自由選擇多種職業(或稱作角色)的其中一種並和其他4位玩家組成隊伍,而對手也是同樣由5位玩家組成的隊伍。這類遊戲最大特色是職業的組合關係以及玩家之間的合作關係。在各個遊戲論壇或電競場合中,玩家們對於找出最佳的團隊組成或遊戲技巧提高勝率的分析相當熱衷,但在學術研究領域上目前針對線上遊戲團隊還沒有太多深入的研究。 本研究的目標旨在提出一個結合資料探勘與社群網路分析的方法來分析玩家與團隊績效之間的關係,並用於團隊績效預測與團隊組成上,藉此進行隊友的推薦。首先從抓取來的資料中取出三種玩家與英雄之間的關係,考量玩家的合作關係與英雄的組合關係,藉此篩選出具有高相關度的玩家作為推薦候選人。而在團隊績效預測的部分,取出對玩家個人表現或團隊表現具有影響的特徵值,並分析勝利的玩家或團隊通常會具備什麼樣的特質,再進行團隊表現的預測模型的建置。最後再結合兩者推薦出適合此隊伍的隊友供團隊選擇。 / Multiplayer online battle arenas (MOBA) is a subgenre of strategy games and has become the most popular online game genres recently. Teams of players could fight against each other in arena environments. To find good team members when playing MOBA is a challenge. In this thesis, we proposed a team member recommender mechanism to recommend team members for MOBA. The proposed mechanism first takes the team chemistry into consideration and generates the candidates based on the cooperation history among players and associated heroes. Then the proposed win/lose prediction model is employed to predict the win rate of each candidate by considering characteristics and proficiency of players and associated heroes. The recommended team members are ranked according to the predicted win rates. The experiments show that the proposed win/lose prediction model achieves approximately 91.6% accuracy and our mechanism could recommend players who have close cooperation with query players instead of considering the win rate only. Our proposed method could help the team formation and may enhance team performance of the on-line game.

Le stade en droit public / Stadiums in public law

Tessier, Emmanuel 02 October 2014 (has links)
Le stade est un lieu de concentration du droit public. La focale se porte donc sur l’étude du régime juridique des « grands stades » pour reprendre l’appellation retenue par le rapport de la Commission Euro 2016. L’objet de cette étude est de démontrer les interactions réciproques entre le stade et le droit public. Notre étude se concentrera sur les problématiques juridiques nationales portées par les profondes mutations du stade et de son droit. Marqué par la diversité des contrats qui sont à la source de leurs constructions ou rénovations, le régime juridique de la propriété du stade détermine ses modes de gestion. Longtemps lieu du service public du sport, la professionnalisation de celui-ci a engendré quelques mutations quant au régime juridique de la domanialité du stade. Cette concentration se révèle également dans l’opération d’urbanisme et d’aménagement du territoire que constitue un stade. S’inscrivant dans une politique globale de financement du sport où l’intervention publique demeure élevée, le stade se confronte aux contraintes des finances publiques. Le stade est lieu de rassemblement où le public vient assister à un spectacle sportif. Il convient d’encadrer tout débordement susceptible de troubler l’ordre public. En tant que réceptacle du spectacle sportif, le stade est un lieu d’exploitation commerciale. / Stadiums are places where public law cannot be overlooked. This thesis focuses therefore on the juridical regime of the so called “grands stades” (stadiums contrary to sport fields) quoted as such in the Euro 2016 commission report. The main purpose is to demonstrate interlinks between stadiums and public law. This study concentrates on national juridical issues raised by changes in stadiums and thus in laws related to it. Indeed the juridical regime of stadium property, through the wide diversity of contracts qualifying the frame for construction or renovation, defines how stadiums are managed. For a long time stadiums have been considered for public sport practices, however professionalization led to modifying this juridical regime. Urbanism and spatial planning operations prior to stadium constructions have also underlined this evolution. The global financial policy for stadium development requires high public sector intervention therefore making it also subject to public financing constraints. Stadiums gather people to watch sport events. It is important to provide a frame to avoid any excess that could lead to disturbances of public order. As a recipient of sport events, stadiums are places of commercial exploitation.

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