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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Die invloed van adolessensie op die huweliksbevrediging van die ouers in die vroeë middeljare : 'n maatskaplike werk perspektief (Afrikaans)

Evert, Catharina Johanna 25 July 2005 (has links)
Afrikaans: Huwelike in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing word tans met radikale veranderings gekonfronteer. Beraders en terapeute word gekonfronteer met middeljarige huweliksmaats wat met verskeie probleme presenteer wat hulle huweliksverhouding beïnvloed. Dikwels het die egpaar kinders in die fase van adolessensie wat soms ook ‘n bron van konflik is, Die huweliksverhouding van die ouers moet egter op een of ander manier, hetsy positief of negatief, beïnvloed word deur die fase van adolessensie van die kinders, maar inligting in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks oor hierdie invloed kon nie opgespoor word nie. <-p> Die navorsingsprobleem is geformuleer op grond van die gesin wat deur twee veranderinge, naamlik die fase van adolessensie en die fase van die vroeë middeljare terselfdertyd beweeg. Hierdie tydperk in die gesin word ook aan 'n hoë egskeidingsyfer in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks herken. Dit is baie moeilik om die aanvang en beëindiging van die fase van adolessensie kronologies volgens In ouderdom te onderskei. Hierdie lewensfase het sy eie unieke individuele aanvang- en beeïndigingstyd vir elke adolessent. Die adolessente fase word in twee periodes verdeel. Dit blyk dat laat adolessensie (vanaf 15/16 jaar tot volwassenheid) 'n meer komplekse periode is as vroeë adolessensie (11 jaar tot 15/16 jaar) vanweë die meer gevorderde ontwikkelinge in die laat periode. Daar is 'n beduidende ooreenkoms dat die fase van adolessensie soortgelyk is as die fase van die vroeë middeljare aangesien beide deur seksuele- en identiteitskrisisse gaan, rolverdeling, emosionele aanpassing, herassessering van waardes- en finansiele probleme ervaar. Nes die fase van adolessensie kan daar teoreties na verskeie ouderdomme verwys word as poging om die middeljare af te baken. Hierdie Iewensfase kan egter ook nie in 'n presiese kronologiese ouderdom afgebaken word nie. Die literatuur dui aan dat die huweliksbevrediging van die egmaats in die fase van die vroeë middeljare wel meer negatief beïnvloed kan word deur die fase van adolessensie. Die doeI van hierdie ondersoek is om verkennende navorsing uit te voer na die invloed wat die fase van adolessensie op die huweliksbevrediging van die ouers in hulle vroee middeljare het. Die kwantitatiewe navorsingsproses is gevolg in die navorsing, alhoewel navorsingsmetodes uit beide die kwantitatiewe- en kwalitatiewe benaderings gebruik is. 'n Navorsingsvraag is soos volg geformuleer: Wat is die invloed wat die fase van adolessensie op die huweliksverhouding van die middeljarige ouers het? Die vraag was deur middel van die verkennende navorsingsontwerp en met behulp van gestandaardiseerde skale (kwantitatiewe data-insamelingsmetode) en aangesig-tot-aangesig onderhoude (kwalitatiewe data¬ihsamelingsmetode) ondersoek. Die kwantitatiewe data se resultate bestaan uit die verwerking van die respondente se biografiese gegewens, asook die gestandaardiseerde skale vir huwelikstevredenheid, -gesinsverhouding en ¬ouergesindheid. Die kwaltitatiewe data se resultate bestaan uit die verwerking van die aangesig-tot-aangesig onderhoude. Aile kwalitatiewe asook kwantitatiewe data het 'n ooreenkomstige antwoord op die navorsingsvraag verskaf. Hierdie data het aangedui dat die adolessent wel die ouers se huweliksverhouding beduidend meer negatief as positief beïnvloed. Verdere navorsing deur middel van in-diepte gevallestudies, asook navorsing met gesinne waar die adolessent in of die vroee of in die laat adolessensie is, word aanbeveel. English: Marriages within the South-African context are currently being confronted with radical changes. Counselors and therapists' are regularly being confronted with middle age marital partners who present with problems that have an effect on the marital relationship. In most cases, the marital couple has children in the phase of adolescence who are at times a source of conflict. The marital relationship of the parents is affected either positively or negatively through the children who are in a phase of adolescence, although information in the South-African context could not be found. The research problem is being formulated on the basis that these families are experiencing two changes at the same time, namely; the phase of adolescence and the phase of the early middle years. During this period, the family is also exposed to a high divorce rate in the South-African context. It is very difficult to separate the beginning and the end of the phase of adolescence on a chronological age. This life phase has it own unique individual beginning and end for each adolescent. The phase of adolescence can be divided into two periods. It seems that late adolescence (from 15/16 years to adulthood) is a more complex period compared to the early adolescence (11 years to 15/16 year), due to the more advanced development in the late period. There is a recognizable similarity between the phase of adolescence and the phase of early middle years because both phases are exposed to sexual- and identity crises, role changes, emotional adaptation, re¬assessment and problems regarding values and finances. Just like the phase of adolescence it is difficult to divide the middle years into specific age groups. It is therefore very difficult to add a precise chronological division to it. The literature shows that the marital satisfaction of marital couples who are in their early middle years is influence in a more negative way by the phase of adolescence. The aim of the study was to investigate the influence of the phase of adolescence on the marital satisfaction of the parents. The quantitative research process was followed during the research, however research methods from both the quantitative¬and the qualitative approaches were used. The research question was formulated as follow: What is the influence of the phase of adolescence on the marital satisfaction of the middle age parents. The question was researched by explorative research designs, by methods of standardized scales (quantitative data) and face-to-face interviews (qualitative data). The results of the quantitative data consist of analyzing the respondent's biographical information as well as the standardized scales for marital satisfaction, family relations and parental attitudes. The results of the qualitative data consist of the interpretation of the face-to-face interviews. All the quantitative- and qualitative results had a similar outcome in terms of the research question. This data proven that the adolescents influence their middle age parents marital satisfaction, more negatively than positively. Future research with in-depth case studies as well as research with families where the adolescents are either in the early or late stages of adolescence is proposed. / Dissertation (MA (Social Work))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

The perceptions of young adult males regarding the impact of pornography on their lives

Hodgetts, Chani 16 July 2013 (has links)
Rapid technological development has lead to an increase in the accessibility of pornography. Some professionals have labelled pornography as a social issue due to the increase in accessibility and exposure to pornography. In the past, extensive research has been conducted regarding the possible impact of pornography on adolescents as well as on adults. However, there is discrepancy among professionals with regard to the impact of pornography, as it seems as if there is little agreement on what effects or impact regular pornography consumption may have on the consumer. Some researchers regard pornography as a social issue with severe ramifications for the consumer. Other researchers view pornography as harmless time-consuming activities. Therefore, it seems that inadequate research was previously done to investigate what impact regular exposure to or consumption of pornography may have on the consumer’s life. Young adulthood is considered a crucial phase in human development. Critical developmental tasks such as reaching emotional and financial independence, defining morals, values and principles, establishing intimacy and dedication, choosing a life partner and having children and raise them, are prevalent during this life phase. There is little existing research regarding the impact of pornography on males in this life phase. The hypothesis was made that: should pornography consumption lead to any hindrance in the acquisition of any developmental tasks during this specific life phase, that it may have an effect on the person in a later life phase. The researcher thus endeavoured to address the gap by looking specifically at the possible impact of pornography on young adult males, but the researcher also attempted to contribute to the existing scholarly debate regarding the impact of pornography consumption on the consumer in general. The rationale for this study emanated from the researcher’s desire to add to the existing knowledge base, and to inform professionals in the therapeutic setting about the impact of pornography. The researcher undertook a qualitative, applied research study which enabled her to explore the perceptions of young adult males who have had prolonged experience to pornography consumption. Fifteen (15) young adult male participants were purposefully selected. Snowball sampling was applied as a sampling method to identify possible participants. The researcher utilised in-depth interviewing which is also known as unstructured interviewing as data collection method. One (1) openended question was directed to the participants and it was formulated as follows: “What are your perceptions as a young adult male, with regard to the impact of pornography on young adult males’ lives?” The researcher did a pilot test in order to ensure that this open-ended question provided adequate opportunity for the participants to respond unreservedly. The researcher followed the following steps during the process of data analysis: <ul> <li> Planning for the recording of data by means of audio recordings</li> <li> Managing and organising data by means of detailed transcripts and filing it in folders</li> <li> Reading and writing memos</li> <li> Generating categories, themes and patterns</li> <li> Representing, visualising and displaying the data by means of a complete research report.</li></ul> The research study revealed that pornography consumption may have a significant impact on the lives of young adult males. The following areas of the life of the young adult male were identified which may be affected by pornography consumption: <ul> <li> Self-value</li> <li> The development of a gender-identity (masculinity)</li> <li> Moral and Spiritual development</li> <li> Cognitive development</li> <li> Addiction</li> <li> Career development</li> <li> Sexual development in terms of sexual knowledge, sexual attitude and sexual behaviour</li> <li> Development of interpersonal relationships</li> <li> Development of mentors in society.</li> </ul> It was recommended that there should be improved service delivery for young adult males who are experiencing some of these effects of pornography consumption. Training for professionals and further research regarding this phenomenon will make this recommendation possible. AFRIKAANS : Snelle tegnologiese vooruitgang het ‘n verhoging in die toeganklikheid van pornografiese materiaal tot gevolg. Sekere kenners bestempel pornografie as ‘n maatskaplike probleem, juis as gevolg van die verhoging tot die blootstelling aan en toeganklikheid van hierdie materiaal. Bestaande navorsing oor hierdie fenomeen is grootliks uitgevoer met betrekking tot die moontlike impak van pornografie op adolessente en volwassenes. Dit blyk asof daar verskil in bevindinge en opinies onder professionele persone is met betrekking tot die impak van gereelde pornografiese blootstelling op die verbruiker. Sekere navorsers bestempel pornografie as ‘n maatskaplike probleem wat erge negatiewe gevolge vir die verbruiker mag inhou. Ander navorsers bestempel pornografie as onskuldige tydverdryf. Daarom blyk dit asof onvoldoende navorsing voorheen uitgevoer is om te ondersoek watter impak blootstelling aan, of verbruiking van pornografie op die verbruiker se lewe mag hê. Jong volwassenheid word as ‘n essensiële fase in menslike ontwikkeling bestempel. Kritieke ontwikkelingstake sluit onder andere die volgende in: om emosionele en finansiële onafhanklikheid te bereik, om morele waardes en beginsels te definieer, om intimiteit en toegewydheid te vestig en om ‘n lewensmaat te kies, kinders te baar en op te voed. Daar is min bestaande navorsing uitgevoer aangaande die impak van pornografie op mans in hierdie lewensfase. Die hipotese was soos volg geformuleer: sou pornografie tot enige obstruksie in die bereiking van enige van die ontwikkelingstake gedurende hierdie spesifieke lewensfase lei, dit ‘n effek op ‘n persoon in ‘n latere lewensfase mag hê. Die navorser het dus gepoog, om die gaping in bestaande navorsing oor die moontlike impak van pornografie op die jong volwassse man aan te spreek, maar die navorser het ook gepoog om ‘n bydrae tot die bestaande akademiese debat, met betrekking tot die impak van pornografie op die verbruiker in die algemeen, te lewer. Die motivering vir hierdie studie het uit die navorser se begeerte om ‘n bydrae tot die bestaande kennisbasis te lewer en om professionele persone in die terapeutiese omgewing rakende die impak van pornografie in te lig, ontstaan. Die navorser het ‘n kwalitatiewe, toegepaste navorsingstudie onderneem, wat haar in staat gestel het om die persepsies van jong volwasse mans wat ervaring met langdurige verbruik van pornografie het, te verken. Vyftien (15) jong volwasse mans was doelgerig vir deelname aan die studie geselekteer. Sneeubal-steekproef is as steekproefmetode toegepas om moontlike deelnemers aan die studie te identifiseer. Die navorser het van in-diepte onderhoudvoering, wat ook bekend staan as ongestruktureerde onderhoudvoering, as data insamelingsmetode gebruik gemaak. Een (1) oop vraag is soos volg aan die deelnemers gestel: “Wat is jou persepsies as jong volwasse man met berekking tot die impak van pornografie op jong volwasse mans?” Die navorser het ‘n voorondersoek uitgevoer om te verseker dat hierdie oop vraag voldoende geleentheid vir deelnemers skep om onbeperk te reageer. Die navorser het die volgende stappe tydens die proses van data-analise geneem: <ul> <li> Beplanning vir die opneem van data deur middel van oudio-opnames</li> <li> Bestuur en organisering van data deur middel van gedetaileerde transkripsies en die liasering daarvan in lêers</li> <li> Lees en skryf van memmo’s</li> <li>Generering van kategorieë, temas en patrone</li> <li> Verteenwoordiging, visualisering en voorstelling van data deur middel van ‘n volledige navorsingsverslag.</li></ul> Die navorsingstudie het getoon dat die verbruik van pornografie, ‘n kenmerkende impak op die lewe van jong volwasse mans mag hê. Sekere areas in die lewe van die jong volwasse man wat deur die blootstelling aan pornografie beïnvloed kan word, sluit onder andere die volgende in: <ul> <li> Die self-waarde</li> <li>Die ontwikkeling van ‘n gelsagsrol-identiteit (manlikheid)</li> <li> Morele en spirituele ontwikkeling</li> <li> Kognitiewe ontwikkeling</li> <li> Verslawing</li> <li> Loopbaan ontwikkeling</li> <li> Seksuele ontwikkeling in terme van seksuele kennis, seksuele houding en seksuele gedrag</li> <li> Ontwikkeling van interpersoonlike verhoudings</li> <li> Ontwikkeling van mentors in die samelewing</li> </ul> Aanbevelings, in terme van verbeterde en ingeligte dienslewering aan jong volwasse mans waarvan sommige van hierdie effekte van pornografieverbruik presenteer, was gemaak. Opleiding van professionele persone en verdere navorsing met betrekking tot hierdie fenomeen sal die realisering van die aanbeveling moontlik maak. / Dissertation (MSW)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Social Work and Criminology / unrestricted

Faktore wat die dissiplinering van kleuters tydens die egskeidingsproses beїnvloed (Afrikaans)

Van Schalkwyk, Ilana 05 November 2007 (has links)
This research study focused on the factors that influence the disciplining of pre-school children during the divorce process. Divorce is an escalating phenomenon and more pre-school children are being exposed to divorce. A pre-school child’s development limits his abstract thinking processes which keep him to fully comprehending concepts like divorce. The verbal capacity of pre-school children is still limited and therefore they are not always able to communicate what they experience and observe. They are also not always able to express their emotions. The pre-school child communicates through behaviour and play. Divorce is not only the legal termination of the marriage for adults, but in fact entails more responsibilities, challenges, losses and adaptations. More pressure is placed on the parents and they tend to be emotional overwhelmed, physical exhausted and emotionally drained. This causes that the parents to not see their way open to care for and especially discipline their pre-school child. Discipline in general is left aside and is not followed through consistently. The purpose of this study is of ‘n explorative nature. It aims to explore the factors that have an impact on the disciplining of the pre-school child, prior to, during and after the divorce process. A quantitative research approach has been followed with this study and a questionnaire has been used for gathering information. A non-probability sampling method was used and the respondents were selected through a purposive sample. The respondents were selected from the Pretoria East region. The organisations that assisted the researcher in selecting the respondents were the Counselling centre of the Dutch Reformed Church of Moreletapark and the Child Trauma Clinic. For this study 19 respondents were selected. The questionnaires was given out by hand and collected by hand. The children of the respondents who participated in the study were all pre-school children when going through the divorce. It has been concluded from this study that the factors impacting the discipline of pre-school children during the divorce process, is of an emotional nature. A factor that played an important role in the disciplining of pre-school children is the guilt feelings that the respondents experienced for exposing their children to a divorce. Physical tiredness, emotional exhaustion, conflict between parents during and after the divorce and the number of times that one of the parents leaved the house, are factors that according to the respondents, influenced the disciplining of their pre-school children. / Dissertation (MSD (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work and Criminology / MSD / unrestricted

Graad sewe-leerders van die Wolmer-gemeenskap se persepsies oor hulle toekomsverwagting

Kotze, Jeanne 12 January 2005 (has links)
It has been determined who the adolescent in the Wolmer community is. An investigation into the adolescent’s relationship with the resources in this area was also done. It was determined that this community has a long history of poverty and that a large percentage of the families living here experience a variety of problems. We refer to them as multi-problem families. It has also been confirmed that social services by various organizations have been delivered on an ongoing base over the past eight years. From the literature we have learned that the use of resource’s aid programmes as means of social support, focusing on families, primary and secondary school learners, should have an impact on the future expectations of the children involved. The aim of this study was to determine what the perception of the grade seven learners of their future expectations was. From this it would then be possible to derive what recommendations should be made with regard to social work programmes for the parents and children in the Wolmer community. Socio-economic problems that are not addressed cause bad school performance and as a result of this children tend to leave school at an early age. Leaving school at an early age evidently leads to conflict with the police, imprisonment and alcohol and drug abuse. These aspects tend to be a part of the life in Wolmer and ultimately have an influence on the child attaining his or her goals as well as on his or her future expectations. These will have to be addressed by appropriate school programmes. The researcher’s knowledge of this community leads her to the conclusion that the absence of parenting by the parents of these children, their lack of involvement, lack of skill to equip their children adequately for life, their own lack of adequate knowledge as well as lack of a proper value system tends to play a huge part in the behaviour and perception of the adolescent of their own future expectation. In the Wolmer community children that are sometimes advised by their parents not to leave school at an early age, question this because of parents leaving school at an early age in order to co-provide for their families. In cases where children do not have the cognitive ability to change their surroundings, they tend to too fall back in the vicious circle known to them and the generations before them. The child must be motivated and idealistic and be able to make realistic decisions. Because of this it is of the utmost importance that children that do not have the ability with regard to the abovementioned are assisted in doing so. Also that aid programs in future be focused on this in order to empower the new generation. Parents have a huge influence on the choices made by their children. Regardless of social standing and ability adolescents usually have higher ideals for themselves when their parents motivate them as well as give recognition to good work. The researcher unfortunately came to realize that the assistance by their parents, are a very rare phenomenon in this community. Out of the two focus groups being held with the adolescents, it seemed a lack of interest by the parents, lack of information on higher education as well as little financial resources, have a huge impact and influence on the future expectation of the adolescent in Wolmer. It would be the ideal situation if adolescents chose a career that suited their abilities, interests and personality and that would promote a higher self-esteem. Because of their circumstances this is not always possible for the adolescents in this community. These happen in vary rare cases because the parent’s expectations for their children usually fit their expectations for themselves, which is usually very low. Peer group pressure and peer group acceptance have a huge impact on taking responsibility and on the making of choices. In order to have future success individuals can use their problem-solving abilities, mobilise their social support system and become involved in skills that will promote their social capability. The above mentioned should be actively addressed by social workers in the development of programs that focuses on social support, problem-solving skills, peer group acceptance, school involvement and socio-economic adaptation off adolescents in die Wolmer community. By determining the future expectations of the youth, programs for the empowerment of them can be implemented in order to assist the adolescents to break away from the vicious circle of poverty and to reach their ideals. The researcher is of the opinion that is has become of the utmost importance for the resources in this community, to assess their role presently in the promoting of future expectations and as an outcome of this the promotion of economic-self sustainability. / Dissertation (MSW) (Play Therapy))--University of Pretoria, 2004. / Social Work and Criminology / Unrestricted

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