Spelling suggestions: "subject:"open space"" "subject:"open apace""
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APPs fluviais urbanas e sistemas de espaços livres: uma análise da influência do Código Florestal na forma das cidades brasileiras. / Urban fluvial Permanent Preservation Areas and open space systems: an analysis onthe influence of the Brazilian Forest Code in the conformation of Brazilian cities.Souza, Conrado Blanco de 30 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa as Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs) contíguas aos corpos d\'água urbanos como um recurso para a configuração do sistema de espaços livres das cidades brasileiras. Muito embora sua função específica - conforme estabelecido pelo Código Florestal Brasileiro (Lei n° 12.651/2012) - seja proteger recursos hídricos e ecossistemas associados, as APP se consolida, neste início de século XXI, como um importante parâmetro para o planejamento e gestão de orlas fluviais situadas em áreas urbanas, sendo incorporada as políticas de ordenamento do solo e provisão de espaços livres públicos, e estruturando uma série de ações urbanísticas e paisagísticas contemporâneas que se multiplicam pelo país e criam novas formas de aproximação entre as cidades e os seus rios. A espeito dos avanços proporcionados pela lei na proteção dos recursos ambientais existentes nas cidades, a problemática socioambiental e urbanística vinculada a essas áreas exige abordagens menos conservacionistas e mais abrangentes no sentido de considerar as múltiplas funções desempenhadas por essas áreas na complexa e diversa realidade urbana. Entre os diversos caminhos possíveis para esta discussão, o presente trabalho propõe uma abordagem morfológica para avaliar as relações entre as orlas fluviais e as áreas urbanas, e identificar as impressões que a lei produz sobre os espaços livres e suas formas de uso e apropriação. A primeira parte do trabalho se dedica a conceituar a orla fluvial como parte de um sistema urbano e a traçar um panorama sobre os conceitos de planejamento e projetos adotados para o tratamento dessas áreas, destacando um conjunto de ações contemporâneas realizadas no Brasil e no mundo. Na segunda parte, o trabalho avalia a influência da lei sobre a conformação do sistema de espaços livres em diferentes cidades brasileiras, por meio da análise de padrões morfológicos que permitem identificar limitações, conflitos e pontos der aderência da lei ao contexto urbano. Na conclusão, são apresentadas as considerações finais e um panorama sobre os padrões analisados no trabalho, os quais podem servir de referencial metodológico para a formulação de políticas públicas e ações urbanísticas adequadas para uma melhor integração das orlas fluviais às cidades. / This work analyses the Permanet Preservation Areas (APP) adjacent to urban waterbodies as a resort to the conformation of Brazilian cities open spaces system. Although its specific function - as established by the Brazilian Forest Code (Law n. 12.651/2012) - is to protect water resources and associated ecosystems, the APP consolidates itself, in this beginning of the XXI century, as an important parameter to the planning and management of river shores located in urban areas, being incorporated to land management and provision of public open spaces policies, structuring a series of urban and landscape contemporary actions that multiplies throughout the country and create new forms of interface between the cities and its rivers. Despite the advances brought by the law to the protection of cities existing environmental resources, the socio-environmental and urban problems associated to these areas demand less conservationist and more broadening approaches in a way that considers the multiple functions played by these areas in the complex and diverse urban reality. Among the numerous possible ways to this discussion, the present work puts forward a morphological approach to evaluate the relations between river shores and urban areas and identify the fingerprints that the law produces onto the open spaces systems and its forms of use and appropriation. The first part of this work is dedicated to conceptualizing the fluvial shores as a part of an urban system andoutlining an overview on the concepts of planning and design adopted in the treatment of these areas, highlighting a set of ontemporary actions undertaken in Brazil and in the world. In its second part, the work evaluates the influence of the law in the conformation of open spaces system in different Brazilian cities through the analysis of morphological patterns that enables the identification of limitations, conflicts and points of agreement between the law and the urban context. At the conclusion, the final considerations are presented along with a summary table of the analysis criteria adopted in the work, which can serve as methodological benchmarks to the formulation of adequate urban policies and urban actions to a better integration of river shores to the cities.
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"Histórico da evolução do uso do solo e estudo dos espaços livres públicos de uma região do município de Piracicaba, SP" / Storical evolution of the land use and publics open spaces of a municipal district area of the Piracicaba, SP.Henrique Sundfeld Barbin 26 January 2004 (has links)
O uso de vasto material cartográfico, como fotografias aéreas dos anos de 1962, 1972, 1978, 1995 e 2000, levantamento planialtimétrico cadastral, georreferenciado a uma rede cadastral, carta geológica e pedológica do Município, Legislação Federal, Estadual e Municipal e com o apoio do software Spring, possibilitou estudar a evolução de uma região representada pelos Bairros Santa Teresinha, Vila Sônia e Parque Piracicaba, todos do Município de Piracicaba, SP, apresentava características rurais até meados de 1960, quando passou a ter suas terras loteadas e transformadas em área urbana. Sendo um dos vetores de crescimento do Município, a velocidade com que as áreas foram modificadas foi bastante grande e em pouco tempo o que era rural passou a ter problemas de grandes cidades. Inúmeros loteamentos de formas e padrões variados foram aparecendo e a urbanização foi realizada sem obedecer a nenhum critério técnico, exceto as leis vigentes. A implantação de loteamentos de interesse social contribuiu para o grande adensamento de lotes na área. Quanto às áreas destinadas ao lazer da população, quase todas foram implantadas segundo a legislação vigente na época da aprovação de projeto, porém, como não houve uma severa fiscalização por parte de poder público e pelos moradores, do total de áreas destinadas a sistema de lazer, apenas 22,3% estão disponíveis para uso e 37,07% foram utilizadas indevidamente. O uso indevido constituiu na construção de centros comunitários, unidades de saúde, escolas e principalmente invasões, sendo estas últimas transformadas em favelas o que piorou ainda mais as condições de lazer existentes no local. Analisando as áreas de sistema de lazer, quanto à classificação, foram aplicadas duas metodologias distintas, sendo selecionadas pelo fato de ser a mais citada pela literatura (Jantzen) e outra por ter sido proposta no Plano Diretor de Desenvolvimento de Piracicaba (PDD) e os resultados, no caso de Jantzen, trazem uma discordância entre os costumes brasileiros e legislação vigente. No caso do proposto no PDD, um pouco mais próxima aos costumes de nosso país, porém apresenta alguns problemas de ordem técnica. As áreas de preservação permanente referentes a drenos intermitentes, existentes na área estudada, foram praticamente ignoradas, até a atualidade, tendo sido quase toda aterrada para a locação de lotes. A população passou de 1.130 habitantes a 38.850 habitantes em um prazo de 40 anos e a densidade populacional apresenta grandes concentrações, em várias partes da área em estudo, principalmente no Bairro Vila Sônia, que chega a apresenta densidade de 361hab/ha, maior que a de alguns bairros da região central do Município de São Paulo. Os índices de áreas verdes encontrados estão bastante aquém do exigido por vários autores, porém semelhantes a muitos municípios onde foram aplicados os cálculos seguindo a mesma metodologia. Com os dados levantados, elaboraram-se propostas para a ocupação do solo das áreas peri-urbanas, quanto à locação de novos parques e à proteção de áreas de preservação permanente. Na área já urbanizada, realizou-se proposta de prioridade na implantação de sistemas de lazer. / The use of vast cartographic material, as aerial pictures of the years of 1962, 1972, 1978, 1995 and 2000, rising cadastral planialtimétrico, georreferenciado to a cadastral net, geological and pedologic letter of the Municipal district, Federal Legislation, State and Municipal and with the support of the software Spring, made possible to study the evolution of an area represented by the neighborhood Santa Teresinha, Vila Sônia and Parque Piracicaba, all of the Municipal district of Piracicaba, SP, presented rural characteristics even middles of 1960, when he/she started to have your lotted lands and transformed in urban area. Being one of the vectors of growth of the Municipal district, the speed with that the areas were modified it was quite big and in little time that was rural he/she started to have problems of great cities. Countless divisions into lots in ways and varied patterns went appearing and the urbanization was accomplished without obeying her/it any technical criterion, except the effective laws. The implantation of divisions into lots of social interest contributed to the great adensamento of lots in the area. With relationship to the areas destined to the leisure of the population, almost all were implanted at that time according to the effective legislation of the project approval, however, as there was not a severe fiscalization on the part of being able to public and for the residents, of the total of areas destined to leisure system, 22,3% are only available for use and 37,07% were used improperly. The improper use constituted in the construction of community centers, units of health, schools and mainly invasions, being these last ones transformed at slums that it still worsened more the existent leisure conditions in the place. Analyzing the areas of leisure system, with relationship to the classification, they were applied two different methodologies, being selected by the fact of being the more mentioned by the literature (Jantzen) and other for it being proposed in the master plan of Development of Piracicaba (PDD) and the results, in the case of Jantzen, bring a disagreement between the Brazilian habits and effective legislation. In the case of the proposed in PDD, a little closer to the habits of our country, however it presents some problems of technical order. The areas of permanent preservation referring to intermittent drains, existent in the studied area, they were practically unknown, until the present time, having been almost all terrified for the lease of lots. The population passed from 1.130 inhabitants to 38.850 inhabitants in one period of 40 years and the population density presents great concentrations, in several parts of the area in study, mainly in the neighborhood Vila Sônia, that arrives her it presents density of 361hab/ha, larger than the one of some neighborhoods of the central area of the Municipal district of São Paulo. The indexes of green areas found are quite on this side of the demanded by several authors, however similar to many municipal districts where were applied the calculations following the same methodology. With the lifted up data, proposals were elaborated for the occupation of the soil of the peri-urban areas, with relationship to the lease of new parks and the protection of areas of permanent preservation. In the area already urbanized, he/she took place priority proposal in the implantation of leisure systems.
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Critique of a Wildlife Habitat Evaluation Method Applied to Residential Open SpaceRigard, Sarah 01 May 2010 (has links)
To this date, little research has been done evaluating the quality of wildlife habitat provided by open space in residential areas. Quality wildlife habitat for the purposes of this study is defined as those areas which contain the physical and biological characteristics necessary to support native wildlife species of the region. This thesis critiqued a wildlife habitat assessment method used in a nationwide study of residential open space for the purpose of better understanding the research conducted by the study and to inform similar, future habitat evaluations of landscapes altered by human activity to accommodate residential land use. The methodology critiqued was a low resolution, habitat based, rapid assessment. The methodology provided information on the ecological function of the open space in each development and related that information to individual wildlife species needs to provide an estimation of habitat quality. However, an increase in sampling frequency and additional data collection would have improved the assessment.
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Sustainopreneurship - Business with a Cause : Conceptualizing Entrepreneurship for SustainabilityAbrahamsson, Anders January 2007 (has links)
This thesis presents a tentative definition of the concept of sustainopreneurship - in the most simplified form described as entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainability - “Business with a Cause”. The concept takes its departure from generic entrepreneurship theory development, its extensions and further contextualization into the domains of sustainability, primarily through recent research. A literature review provides core references related to the conceptualization of sustainability entrepreneurship. A claim is made that there is a need for further conceptual development, especially viewed in contrast to the empirical material and experience, when digesting the literature that deals with concepts preceding sustainopreneurship. These concepts are eco-preneurship and social entrepreneurship, as well as current descriptions of sustainability entrepreneurship, including some sources where the word sustainopreneurship in itself is introduced for the first time. The methodological approach used when conducting the literature review is an analytical stance. Additional analysis, integrating and extending the reviewed sources, leads us to a performative definition of sustainopreneurship. This tentative definition is presented as an imagined prospective wordbook entry in a “future history” format. One of the key distinctions in between entrepreneurship in general and sustainopreneurship, is that sustainopreneurship is mission- and cause oriented - business activity is used as a means to solve sustainability-related problems. In short, to turn business activity from being a part of the problem to be a part of the solution. This world of ideas is set in contrast to the practical enaction of On a Mission Sweden – Inc. Ass, and the seven brands developed from this business platform – Club PuLS™, DJ Anders, SEEDS Sustainability Investment Fund, SEEDS Magazine, Ignition®, SLICE Services and Publishing™ and S*E*N*S*A. Three of these only reached conceptual stage for future potential launch. Four got established, and of these; one idle, two spun off in their own ventures, and one intended to spin off during 2007. Entrepreneurship as a concept to describe the nature of these ventures was experienced as insufficient, until 2003, when the concept of “sustainopreneurship” was found by serendipity. The conceptual dissatisfaction with “entrepreneurship-as-usual”, together with finding this new concept, made me instantly embrace this concept in the moment when stumbled upon. Another major driver for this work is a strong aspiration to take the abstract, general words and statements from world summits and conferences to the practical, hands on, down to earth, grass-root, local level with real world interaction to make possibilities of the problems related to the sustainability agenda. The ventures created from a time span of over seven years, forms a vast, deep, dense, intense and extremely rich “gross” empirical base from where the study collects its selective “net” material relevant for this study. The methodological approach to make sense and use of these serial and parallel self-initiated and self-experienced venturing processes is enactive research. The enactive research provides an opportunity to test the suggested formulation of sustainopreneurship – from the abstract idea to the concrete interaction. A special form of ethnography is used named self-ethnography. The ventures who have proven to perpetually evolve, develop and sustain are focused; On a Mission Sweden – Inc. Ass. and Ignition®. These ventures have provided the most significant change in both idea development, practice, and effect - both regards my inner world of insight breakthroughs and personal development, and the findings on a more abstract, conceptual, theoretical level. In order to highlight the three key dimensions of the concept, some key courses of events have been selected where they are considered to hold illustrative power: Firstly, the central events before the formalized venturing. Secondly, the milestones singled out during the venturing. Thirdly, some post-venture reflections around the process as such. The ethnographic style of the tales of the field is predominantly realist, with some degree impressionist. The final chapter summarizes and presents an intermediary conclusion whether the concept has met the test and also discusses the meaning of the exercise as a whole. My own function is examined and evaluated briefly. The promise of the conceptual introduction is contrasted towards the approaches-as-usual regards the sustainability agenda that introduced the thesis, and some key points are delivered. Venturing in the name of sustainability allows agents to “act outside the box” related to the institutional framework that governs the structures that is set to solve the problems today, equipped with an upgraded mindset, operating with an agility made possible by the flexibility offered by creative business organizing. The quest to make (business) opportunities from the agenda set by sustainability, and organizing upon them in itself creates a sustaining meaning internally within the team to be able to ride through the storms – the same force traditionally driving NGO’s “not-for profit”, now coupled with a good business sense operating “for-profit”, with profit as a means, not as an end in itself - in a new in-between-land named “for prosperity”. When properly understood from knowledge increasing among other stakeholders than the sustainopreneurial teams and their closest supporters and early adopters, the welcoming of sustainopreneurial ventures are destined to increase. Proliferation and diffusion of sustainopreneurship in idea, applied interaction and reflective practice beyond this point can turn sustainability to be the main driver for business activity, internalizing the external sustainability demands as the primary purpose of the business creation and idea, forming its strategic intent, and integrated in its “organizational DNA”. Sustainopreneurship holds the power to give even more leverage to forces emerging from the business world that contributes to sustainability. Throughout the process, a question has been emerging to serve as a new opening for further interaction, where the claim is that sustainopreneurship delivers a good part of the answer; How can we innovate and interact in order to reach a critical mass of people and energies to create a sustainable world?
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Sustainopreneurship - Business with a Cause : Conceptualizing Entrepreneurship for SustainabilityAbrahamsson, Anders January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis presents a tentative definition of the concept of sustainopreneurship - in the most simplified form described as entrepreneurship and innovation for sustainability - “Business with a Cause”. The concept takes its departure from generic entrepreneurship theory development, its extensions and further contextualization into the domains of sustainability, primarily through recent research. A literature review provides core references related to the conceptualization of sustainability entrepreneurship. A claim is made that there is a need for further conceptual development, especially viewed in contrast to the empirical material and experience, when digesting the literature that deals with concepts preceding sustainopreneurship. These concepts are eco-preneurship and social entrepreneurship, as well as current descriptions of sustainability entrepreneurship, including some sources where the word sustainopreneurship in itself is introduced for the first time. The methodological approach used when conducting the literature review is an analytical stance. Additional analysis, integrating and extending the reviewed sources, leads us to a performative definition of sustainopreneurship. This tentative definition is presented as an imagined prospective wordbook entry in a “future history” format. One of the key distinctions in between entrepreneurship in general and sustainopreneurship, is that sustainopreneurship is mission- and cause oriented - business activity is used as a means to solve sustainability-related problems. In short, to turn business activity from being a part of the problem to be a part of the solution.</p><p>This world of ideas is set in contrast to the practical enaction of On a Mission Sweden – Inc. Ass, and the seven brands developed from this business platform – Club PuLS™, DJ Anders, SEEDS Sustainability Investment Fund, SEEDS Magazine, Ignition®, SLICE Services and Publishing™ and S*E*N*S*A. Three of these only reached conceptual stage for future potential launch. Four got established, and of these; one idle, two spun off in their own ventures, and one intended to spin off during 2007. Entrepreneurship as a concept to describe the nature of these ventures was experienced as insufficient, until 2003, when the concept of “sustainopreneurship” was found by serendipity. The conceptual dissatisfaction with “entrepreneurship-as-usual”, together with finding this new concept, made me instantly embrace this concept in the moment when stumbled upon. Another major driver for this work is a strong aspiration to take the abstract, general words and statements from world summits and conferences to the practical, hands on, down to earth, grass-root, local level with real world interaction to make possibilities of the problems related to the sustainability agenda. The ventures created from a time span of over seven years, forms a vast, deep, dense, intense and extremely rich “gross” empirical base from where the study collects its selective “net” material relevant for this study. The methodological approach to make sense and use of these serial and parallel self-initiated and self-experienced venturing processes is enactive research. The enactive research provides an opportunity to test the suggested formulation of sustainopreneurship – from the abstract idea to the concrete interaction. A special form of ethnography is used named self-ethnography. The ventures who have proven to perpetually evolve, develop and sustain are focused; On a Mission Sweden – Inc. Ass. and Ignition®. These ventures have provided the most significant change in both idea development, practice, and effect - both regards my inner world of insight breakthroughs and personal development, and the findings on a more abstract, conceptual, theoretical level. In order to highlight the three key dimensions of the concept, some key courses of events have been selected where they are considered to hold illustrative power: Firstly, the central events before the formalized venturing. Secondly, the milestones singled out during the venturing. Thirdly, some post-venture reflections around the process as such. The ethnographic style of the tales of the field is predominantly realist, with some degree impressionist.</p><p>The final chapter summarizes and presents an intermediary conclusion whether the concept has met the test and also discusses the meaning of the exercise as a whole. My own function is examined and evaluated briefly. The promise of the conceptual introduction is contrasted towards the approaches-as-usual regards the sustainability agenda that introduced the thesis, and some key points are delivered. Venturing in the name of sustainability allows agents to “act outside the box” related to the institutional framework that governs the structures that is set to solve the problems today, equipped with an upgraded mindset, operating with an agility made possible by the flexibility offered by creative business organizing. The quest to make (business) opportunities from the agenda set by sustainability, and organizing upon them in itself creates a sustaining meaning internally within the team to be able to ride through the storms – the same force traditionally driving NGO’s “not-for profit”, now coupled with a good business sense operating “for-profit”, with profit as a means, not as an end in itself - in a new in-between-land named “for prosperity”. When properly understood from knowledge increasing among other stakeholders than the sustainopreneurial teams and their closest supporters and early adopters, the welcoming of sustainopreneurial ventures are destined to increase. Proliferation and diffusion of sustainopreneurship in idea, applied interaction and reflective practice beyond this point can turn sustainability to be the main driver for business activity, internalizing the external sustainability demands as the primary purpose of the business creation and idea, forming its strategic intent, and integrated in its “organizational DNA”. Sustainopreneurship holds the power to give even more leverage to forces emerging from the business world that contributes to sustainability. Throughout the process, a question has been emerging to serve as a new opening for further interaction, where the claim is that sustainopreneurship delivers a good part of the answer;</p><p>How can we innovate and interact in order to reach a critical mass of people and energies to create a sustainable world?</p>
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The development of an open space system for the Queensburgh municipal area.Seppings, Kerry Ann. January 1994 (has links)
This project was conducted with the view of extending the Durban Municipal Open
Space System into surrounding municipalities. It was aimed at adopting a holistic
approach to nature conservation by providing for the needs of the current human
population whilst ensuring the long term survival of representative natural biota of the
A preliminary study was conducted to: provide a basis for a more detailed vegetation
survey; to assess the current public open space areas and to determine the land use
history of the area. The vegetation was categorised into 14 community types and
mapped to provide the basis for more detailed sampling. A survey of public open spaces
revealed that most of the public parks were not providing for the needs of the local
residents and that nature reserves and sports fields were more popular than conventional
public parks. The land use history study revealed that the study area has been utilised
for: cultivation; grazing; market gardening and more recently residential and industrial
development purposes.
A vegetation survey using phytosociological methods revealed that the vegetation in
Queensburgh was dominated by alien invasive plant species although pockets of
indigenous vegetation did occur. Drawing from the principles of reticular biogeography
an open space system was designed using the information gained from the vegetation
survey and preliminary study. The design included: 4 core areas where conservation was
a priority; 3 corridors linking the core areas and a number of buffer areas. A general
management plan was subsequently developed for the system. Management suggestions
were concerned with: ecological; economical and sociological aspects.
The open space system offers Queensburgh the opportunity to contribute to the national
reconstruction and development program (RDP) by upgrading the current standard of
living of the local residents without compromising the natural resources available to
future generations. / Thesis (M.Sc.)-University of Natal, 1994.
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Design Problems Of Aoc As A Public PropertyYildirim, Derya 01 March 2004 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, the loss of land totality and loss of sight of establishment purposes of
a unique application AOÇ / which is a very vital open green area for Ankara is
discussed since it was established. The importance of AOÇ / for the city of Ankara,
loosing its land totality and diverging from its establishment purposes was of interest
to public opinion for long years. This study aims to analyze the location of AOÇ / in
the city, the role of AOÇ / within Ankara Metropolitan area, its qualities and the future
objectives of the State Farm which were deviated from its establishment purposes
by means of inefficient planning regulations. It is obvious that as a public property,
the establishment purposes and the ideology behind AOÇ / must be reevaluated
considering the opportunities of the State Farm as a huge open green area for the
city. Moreover, some future principles for the fragmented farmlands must be
determined according to the development area of the city.
With this aim, the location of AOÇ / in the city and the roles given to AOÇ / by the
Ankara city plans is analyzed since its establishment and the reevaluation of
establishment purposes and the basic objectives necessary for the future
development of AOÇ / and design principles necessary to preserve the totality of
AOÇ / and open farmlands back to public use is argued in this thesis.
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Formas de apropriação dos espaços livres de uso público no Bairro do Benedito Bentes em Maceió-AL / Appropriation forms of public open spaces in the Benedito Bentes neighborhood in Maceió-ALDaniela Moreira Valente 16 May 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho busca demonstrar a importância do Sistema de Espaços Livres na estruturação do ambiente urbano, tendo como recorte espacial um bairro consolidado da cidade de Maceió. Destacam-se os conflitos e potenciais encontrados no Sistema de Espaços Livres Públicos (SELP) desta cidade e, de um modo mais específico, da área selecionada para análise: o bairro Benedito Bentes. Esta análise compreende também uma leitura das formas de apropriação dos espaços livres públicos, especialmente as ruas, e estudos sobre a frequência de uso de determinados espaços - em particular os campos de futebol criados pelos próprios moradores em áreas ainda não ocupadas por edificações, que revelam a necessidade de implantação de espaços destinados ao lazer e à recreação para suprir a demanda existente, constatada por meio deste estudo. / This work focuses in the importance of the Open Space System in the structuring of the urban environment, based on a consolidated neighborhood of Maceió city. Detach the conflicts and potential found on Public Open Space System of this city and, specifically, selected area for analysis: the Benedito Bentes neighborhood. This analysis also comprises an observation about appropriation forms Public Open Space, especially the streets, and studies of use frequency of certain spaces - in particular, the football fields created by the dwellers in areas not occupied by buildings, which show the need of deployment of spaces for leisure and recreation to cater existing demand, evidenced by this study.
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APPs fluviais urbanas e sistemas de espaços livres: uma análise da influência do Código Florestal na forma das cidades brasileiras. / Urban fluvial Permanent Preservation Areas and open space systems: an analysis onthe influence of the Brazilian Forest Code in the conformation of Brazilian cities.Conrado Blanco de Souza 30 April 2015 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa as Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs) contíguas aos corpos d\'água urbanos como um recurso para a configuração do sistema de espaços livres das cidades brasileiras. Muito embora sua função específica - conforme estabelecido pelo Código Florestal Brasileiro (Lei n° 12.651/2012) - seja proteger recursos hídricos e ecossistemas associados, as APP se consolida, neste início de século XXI, como um importante parâmetro para o planejamento e gestão de orlas fluviais situadas em áreas urbanas, sendo incorporada as políticas de ordenamento do solo e provisão de espaços livres públicos, e estruturando uma série de ações urbanísticas e paisagísticas contemporâneas que se multiplicam pelo país e criam novas formas de aproximação entre as cidades e os seus rios. A espeito dos avanços proporcionados pela lei na proteção dos recursos ambientais existentes nas cidades, a problemática socioambiental e urbanística vinculada a essas áreas exige abordagens menos conservacionistas e mais abrangentes no sentido de considerar as múltiplas funções desempenhadas por essas áreas na complexa e diversa realidade urbana. Entre os diversos caminhos possíveis para esta discussão, o presente trabalho propõe uma abordagem morfológica para avaliar as relações entre as orlas fluviais e as áreas urbanas, e identificar as impressões que a lei produz sobre os espaços livres e suas formas de uso e apropriação. A primeira parte do trabalho se dedica a conceituar a orla fluvial como parte de um sistema urbano e a traçar um panorama sobre os conceitos de planejamento e projetos adotados para o tratamento dessas áreas, destacando um conjunto de ações contemporâneas realizadas no Brasil e no mundo. Na segunda parte, o trabalho avalia a influência da lei sobre a conformação do sistema de espaços livres em diferentes cidades brasileiras, por meio da análise de padrões morfológicos que permitem identificar limitações, conflitos e pontos der aderência da lei ao contexto urbano. Na conclusão, são apresentadas as considerações finais e um panorama sobre os padrões analisados no trabalho, os quais podem servir de referencial metodológico para a formulação de políticas públicas e ações urbanísticas adequadas para uma melhor integração das orlas fluviais às cidades. / This work analyses the Permanet Preservation Areas (APP) adjacent to urban waterbodies as a resort to the conformation of Brazilian cities open spaces system. Although its specific function - as established by the Brazilian Forest Code (Law n. 12.651/2012) - is to protect water resources and associated ecosystems, the APP consolidates itself, in this beginning of the XXI century, as an important parameter to the planning and management of river shores located in urban areas, being incorporated to land management and provision of public open spaces policies, structuring a series of urban and landscape contemporary actions that multiplies throughout the country and create new forms of interface between the cities and its rivers. Despite the advances brought by the law to the protection of cities existing environmental resources, the socio-environmental and urban problems associated to these areas demand less conservationist and more broadening approaches in a way that considers the multiple functions played by these areas in the complex and diverse urban reality. Among the numerous possible ways to this discussion, the present work puts forward a morphological approach to evaluate the relations between river shores and urban areas and identify the fingerprints that the law produces onto the open spaces systems and its forms of use and appropriation. The first part of this work is dedicated to conceptualizing the fluvial shores as a part of an urban system andoutlining an overview on the concepts of planning and design adopted in the treatment of these areas, highlighting a set of ontemporary actions undertaken in Brazil and in the world. In its second part, the work evaluates the influence of the law in the conformation of open spaces system in different Brazilian cities through the analysis of morphological patterns that enables the identification of limitations, conflicts and points of agreement between the law and the urban context. At the conclusion, the final considerations are presented along with a summary table of the analysis criteria adopted in the work, which can serve as methodological benchmarks to the formulation of adequate urban policies and urban actions to a better integration of river shores to the cities.
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A construção de um sistema: os espaços livres públicos de recreação e de conservação em Campo Grande, MS / The development of a system: public open spaces for recreation and environmental protection in Campo Grande-MS.Gutemberg dos Santos Weingartner 26 May 2008 (has links)
No processo histórico de urbanização de Campo Grande, MS e dos seus espaços livres públicos de recreação e conservação, alguns aspectos como a pequena receptividade da população e um uso incipiente desses espaços públicos, contribuíram para desencadear um questionamento sobre os procedimentos adotados e a atuação profissional no campo do planejamento, na elaboração de projetos e sobre o processo de construção desses espaços livres urbanos. A partir da identificação de que falta uma interpretação integrada para uma adequada compreensão da cidade, a tese se desenvolve com uma visão sistêmica como princípio de análise, considerando a cidade como um conjunto de elementos físicos e imateriais que interagem no espaço. Há em geral um jogo de forças, interesses, que promovem as mudanças na paisagem e na realidade urbana. O objetivo da tese é avaliar as ações desenvolvidas na atividade de planejamento, projeto e gestão do sistema de espaços livres públicos em Campo Grande, MS que proporcionam a adequada preservação da natureza e a realização das atividades recreativas, esportivas, culturais, propiciando o encontro e o relacionamento social. O método baseia-se na análise de fontes documentais primárias (mapas, dados cartográficos, acervos de projetos, registros fotográficos, originais de leis) e secundárias (revisão bibliográfica e entrevistas com técnicos e administradores) sobre o último século. A avaliação geral sobre o sistema de espaços livres públicos de recreação e de conservação de Campo Grande mostra que ele possui alguns aspectos dominantes e que o caracteriza: observa-se que a população mais abastada busca suprir a recreação individualmente, nos lotes e por isso, não demanda esse tipo de soluções nas praças, onde predominam as ajardinadas. A contradição aparece na região ocupada pela população mais carente habitante de lotes menores e que, portanto, demanda mais infra-estrutura de recreação. Entretanto, as áreas públicas nessa região caracterizam-se pelo uso indevido e a implantação de equipamentos nos lotes vagos. Apesar disso, a aplicação da legislação urbana associada à ação de algumas administrações municipais favoreceu a constituição de um sistema rico e demarcado pela construção de lugares públicos singulares, que servem de referencial para as cidades médias brasileiras. / In the historic urbanization process of recreational and conservational open spaces in Campo Grande, MS some issues as the low acceptance by its inhabitants and lack of use of these spaces, contributed to develop a questioning process about the procedures adopted and the professional acting on planning, design process and on construction process of these urban open spaces. This study began when it was identified a lack of an integrated interpretation of the city to get a adequate comprehension about its relationships. So, the thesis is developed with a systemic view as an analysis principle, considering the city as a group of joined-up elements, those are physical and immaterial and they interact in various types of relationships. There are tendencies and interests that promote the changes in the landscape and in the urban reality. This work aims to evaluate the actions developed in planning, design and management activities of public open spaces in Campo Grande, MS that provide an adequate environmental preservation and the implementation of recreational, sportive, cultural activities, creating opportunities to meeting and social relationships. The method is based on the primary sources documents analysis (maps, cartographic data, projects archive, photographic archive, original laws) and secondary sources (bibliography review and interviews with administrators and technicians) about the last century. The evaluation of Campo Grandes recreational and conservational public open spaces system shows that it has some dominant aspects: the richer population solves the necessity of recreation individually in their private areas and because of that, do not demand this type of solutions in near local urban plazas, where the predominant type is the plaza with gardens. The contradiction is in more poor areas, where the population lives in small areas and demand more recreational infrastructure. But, the public spaces in this region frequently are used in a bad way and the equipments are built in private but non occupied areas. Despite these issues, the application of urban legislation associated to some municipalities actions made possible the constitution of a rich system characterized by the construction of unique public places that are references to medium Brazilian cities.
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