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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ontology Alignment Techniques for Linked Open Data Ontologies

Gu, Chen 13 December 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Driving Innovation through Big Open Linked Data (BOLD): Exploring Antecedents using Interpretive Structural Modelling

Dwivedi, Y.K., Janssen, M., Slade, E.L., Rana, Nripendra P., Weerakkody, Vishanth J.P., Millard, J., Hidders, J., Snijders, D. 07 2016 (has links)
Yes / Innovation is vital to find new solutions to problems, increase quality, and improve profitability. Big open linked data (BOLD) is a fledgling and rapidly evolving field that creates new opportunities for innovation. However, none of the existing literature has yet considered the interrelationships between antecedents of innovation through BOLD. This research contributes to knowledge building through utilising interpretive structural modelling to organise nineteen factors linked to innovation using BOLD identified by experts in the field. The findings show that almost all the variables fall within the linkage cluster, thus having high driving and dependence powers, demonstrating the volatility of the process. It was also found that technical infrastructure, data quality, and external pressure form the fundamental foundations for innovation through BOLD. Deriving a framework to encourage and manage innovation through BOLD offers important theoretical and practical contributions.

Factors influencing user acceptance of public sector big open data

Weerakkody, Vishanth J.P., Kapoor, K., Balta, M.E., Irani, Zahir, Dwivedi, Y.K. 07 November 2017 (has links)
No / In recent years Government departments and public/private organisations are becoming increasingly transparent with their data to establish the whole new paradigm of big open data. Increasing research interest arises from the claimed usability of big open data in improving public sector reforms, facilitating innovation, improving supplier and distribution networks and creating resilient supply chains that help improve the efficiency of public services. Despite the advantages of big open data for supply chain and operations management, there is severe shortage of empirical analyses in this field, especially with regard to its acceptance. To address this gap, in this paper we use an extended technology acceptance model to empirically examine the factors affecting users’ behavioural intentions towards public sector big open data. We outline the importance of our model for operations and supply chain managers, the limitations of the study, and future research directions.

State-of-the-art in open data research: Insights from existing literature and a research agenda

Hossain, M.A., Dwivedi, Y.K., Rana, Nripendra P. 25 September 2020 (has links)
Yes / With the proliferation of mobile network, mobile devices, and Web of things, many industries, including government departments, private firms, and research communities, offer more transparency through releasing data. The resultant effort offers a new paradigm—open data—still at infancy stage. Despite the rising research initiatives explaining its benefits and challenges and demonstrating policy conception and project details, no systematic survey of extant literature on open data has been performed. Hence, there is need for studies that examine open data on a holistic canvas, assess the current status of research, and propose future directions. Here, we conduct a review of extant literature to ascertain the current state of research on open data, and present an extensive exploration for 11 types of analyses: contexts, perspectives, level of analysis, research methods, the drivers, benefits, barriers, theory/model development, the most productive journals, authors, and institutions. Additionally, we present several future research agendas. This study also explains the implications to assist researchers, policymakers, and journal editors.

Politiques des données urbaines : ce que l'open data fait au gouvernement urbain / Politics of urban data : open data and urban government

Courmont, Antoine 16 December 2016 (has links)
Au travers de l’étude de la politique d’open data, cette thèse analyse ce que la mise en circulation des données fait au gouvernement urbain. En effectuant une sociologie des données attentive aux transformations conjointes des données et des acteurs qui leur sont associés, la thèse pointe le pluralisme des politiques des données urbaines entendues comme les modes de composition de collectifs autour des données. La thèse repose sur une enquête ethnographique réalisée au sein de la Métropole de Lyon au cours de laquelle la politique d’ouverture de données de l’institution a été analysée en train de se faire. Ce travail ethnographique a été complété par la réalisation de 70 entretiens, le dépouillement d’archives communautaires et une comparaison partielle avec des villes nord-américaines. En suivant la chaîne des données ouvertes, la thèse met en évidence une tension entre attachement et détachement. Attachées à de vastes réseaux sociotechniques dans lesquelles elles sont insérées, les données doivent être détachées de leur environnement initial pour être mise en circulation, avant d’être ré-attachées à de nouveaux utilisateurs. Pour cela, elles subissent une série d’épreuves, au résultat incertain, desquelles émergent de nouveaux agencements qui peuvent questionner les frontières, sectorielles, institutionnelles et territoriales du gouvernement urbain. Pour conserver la maîtrise de ses politiques publiques, l’enjeu pour une collectivité est dès lors de faire de la donnée un objet de gouvernement pour parvenir à réguler les flux de données sur son territoire. / Analyzing open data policies, this thesis investigates the effect of the circulation of data on urban government. This political sociology of data, which analyses jointly the transformation of data and actors associated to them, highlights the pluralism of the politics of urban data. Based on an ethnographic investigation inside the Metropolis of Lyon, the thesis studies the open data policy in the making. In addition, 70 interviews, archive material and a partial comparison with North-American cities were used for the analyze. Following the chain of open data, the thesis emphasizes a tension between attachment and detachment. Attached to vast socio-technical networks, data must be detached from their initial environment to circulate, before being re-attached to new users. In order to do this, data undergo a series of trials. The uncertain outcome of these trials produce new agencements which question sectorial, institutional and territorial borders. That’s why, to maintain control on its public policies, the challenge for a local government is to manage to regulate the flows of data on its territory. Data thus become an issue that must be governed.

Offenheit statt Bündniszwang

Lohmeier, Felix, Mittelbach, Jens 07 January 2015 (has links) (PDF)
Die derzeitigen Strukturen der überregionalen Informationsservices sind geprägt von Bündniszwängen, die eine technologische Erneuerung der Dateninfrastrukturen blockieren. Ein Lösungsweg liegt in der Rückbesinnung auf die Idee der Offenheit, des freien Zugangs zu Information und Wissen, für die Bibliotheken mit dem Ziel der Bildung und Selbstaufklärung gegründet wurden. Im Idealfall fügen sich durch gemeinsame Wertvorstellungen und damit verbundene technologische Prinzipien die dezentralen Aktivitäten der Bibliotheken in einer Netzwerkstruktur zusammen. Die emanzipatorische Qualität des Semantic Web ist bislang weithin unterschätzt und könnte helfen, Grabenkämpfe zwischen Protagonisten und Antagonisten der Digitalisierung zu beenden. Die Autoren plädieren für Bibliotheken als Sachwalter der Offenheit, die sich für einen freien, uneingeschränkten und globalen Zugang zu wissenschaftlicher Information und für die Weiterverarbeitbarkeit dieser Information stark machen. Am Beispiel von Dateninfrastrukturen werden konkrete Handlungsschritte diskutiert. Die Autoren fordern mit ihrem Beitrag eine breite Debatte und plädieren grundsätzlich für mehr Offenheit, Wahlfreiheit und Konsequenz im eigenen Handeln. / The current national information service structures are characterized by alliance constraints and lock-in phenomena that effectively block the development of state-of-the-art data infrastructures. A possible solution could be the return to the principle of openness that used to be at the heart of the concept of libraries as institutions of education and enlightenment. Ideally, shared values imply similar technological frameworks and lead to a complementary network of individual activities and services. Up to now the emancipatory quality of the Semantic Web has largely been underestimated. It could help, however, put an end to the trench warfare raging between proponents and detractors of the principle of digitisation. The authors suggest that libraries assume the role of stewards of openness and fight for free, unrestricted and global access to processable scientific information. Taking the example of data infrastructures, they discuss concrete further steps on the way to Open Science. In their article the authors put the case for a broad-based debate and demand greater openness, freedom of choice and consistency in each institution’s actions.

Un enfoque multidimensional basado en RDF para la publicación de Linked Open Data

Escobar Esteban, María Pilar 07 July 2020 (has links)
Cada vez hay disponibles más datos de manera pública en Internet y surgen nuevas bases de conocimiento conocidas como Knowledge Graph, basadas en conceptos de Linked Open Data (datos abiertos enlazados), como DBPedia, Wikidata, YAGO o Google Knowledge Graph, que cubren un amplio abanico de campos del conocimiento. Además, se incorporan los datos que provienen de diversas fuentes como dispositivos inteligentes o las redes sociales. Sin embargo, que estos datos estén públicos y accesibles no garantiza que sean útiles para los usuarios, no siempre se garantiza que sean confiables ni que puedan ser reutilizados de manera eficiente. Actualmente, siguen existiendo barreras que dificultan la reutilización de los datos, porque los formatos son poco adecuados para el procesamiento automático y publicación de la información, por falta de metadatos descriptivos y de semántica, duplicidades, ambigüedad o incluso errores en los propios datos. A todos estos problemas hay que añadir la complejidad del proceso de explotación de la información de un repositorio de datos abiertos enlazados. El trabajo y conocimientos técnicos que requiere el acceso, recolección, normalización y preparación de los datos para que puedan ser reutilizados supone una carga extra para los usuarios y organizaciones que quieran utilizarlos. Para garantizar una eficiente explotación de los mismos, resulta fundamental dotarlos de más valor estableciendo conexiones con otros repositorios que permitan enriquecerlos; garantizar su valor, evaluando y mejorando la calidad de lo que se publica; y asimismo ofrecer los mecanismos necesarios que faciliten su explotación. En este trabajo de tesis se ha propuesto un modelo para la publicación de Linked Open Data que, a partir de un conjunto de datos obtenidos de diversas fuentes, facilita la publicación, enriquecimiento y validación de los datos, generando información útil y de calidad orientada a usuarios expertos y no expertos.

Open data locale : acteurs, pratiques et dispositifs / Local open data : stakeholders, practices and tools

Rahme, Patricia 16 September 2016 (has links)
Cette étude sur les projets open data dans les collectivités locales vise à associer, dans une approche globale, les modes de production et de collecte de données, les méthodes de diffusion et les dispositifs utilisés, et enfin les modèles d’usage des données publiques numériques. Partant de l’hypothèse que l’open data donne lieu à une nouvelle distribution des rôles des acteurs impliqués tout au long du processus d’ouverture, nous avons distingué un positionnement dynamique des acteurs qui ne se limite pas à une étape du processus d’ouverture des données - que ce soit de réflexion, production, de diffusion, de promotion ou d’usage - ce qui crée un système mixte d’open data. L’étude du système d’offre des collectivités nous a amené à considérer son adéquation avec les besoins des utilisateurs. Nous avons montré que malgré les efforts de créer un système multi-acteur, la mise en oeuvre de l’identification et de la collecte des données est éclectique et instable et ne construit pas un processus solide de l’Open data. Malgré l’urgence suggérée par le contexte politique et sociétal, l’ouverture et le choix des données sont généralement déterminés par des considérations pragmatiques qui imposent une ouverture lente mais progressive sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité.Il s’agit aussi d’examiner les plateformes open data considérées comme des « dispositifs socio-techniques » émergeants du web social dans leurs aspects de médiations, partage, collaboration et de coproduction de données. Dans ce cadre, nos observations nous permettent de mettre en exergue, de questionner et d’analyser les plateformes open data dont leur architecture principale nous amènent à les qualifier «dispositifs socio-techniques ». Ils sont des outils sociaux car ils donnent lieu à des formes d’action. Autour d’un catalogue de jeux de données, il subsiste des espaces virtuels, des blogs, des forums d’interactions entre les producteurs et les réutilisateurs des données ouvertes. / The main purpose of this survey is to explore the process of implementation of open data projects at the local level. The main challenge in realization of any open data project is the engagement of different stakeholders. In this respect, we distinguish a dynamic positioning of stakeholders not limited to one stage of the process - whether during the first phase of reflections before launching the project, the data production, dissemination, promotion or use - creating a mixed system of open data. The study of data offer on open data platforms led us to consider its appropriateness to the needs of users. We have shown that despite the efforts to create a multi-player system, the implementation, identification and data collection is eclectic and unstable and not building a solid process of Open Data. Despite the urgency suggested by the political and societal context, openness and choice of data are generally determined by pragmatic considerations that impose a slow but gradual opening without claiming to be exhaustive. By analyzing open data platforms, this leads us to qualify them as "socio-technical tools" emerging from the social web in their aspects of mediation, sharing, collaboration and co-production data. They are social tools because they give rise to forms of action. Around a catalog of data sets, there are still virtual spaces, blogs, forums of interaction between producers and re-users of open data.

Otevřená data veřejné správy / Open Government Data

Kučera, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This Ph.D. thesis deals with Open Government Data and the methodology for publication of this kind of data. Public sector bodies hold a significant amount of data that can be reused in innovative way leading to development of new products and services. According to the Open Knowledge Foundation "Open data is data that can be freely used, re-used and redistributed by anyone - subject only, at most, to the requirement to attribute and sharealike." Publication and reuse of Open Government Data can lead to benefits such as increased economic growth. State, society as well as the public sector bodies themselves can benefit from Open Government Data. However the public sector bodies currently face a number of problems and issues when publishing Open Government Data, e.g. regular updates of the published datasets are not always ensured. Different public sector bodies apply different approaches to publication of Open Government Data. The main goal of this thesis is to design the Open Government Data Publication Methodology which should address current problems related to the publication of Open Government Data.

Why Open Data Applications fail : A multiple case study of five Swedish open data applications / Varför Öppna Data Applikationer misslyckas : En flerfallsstudie av fem svenska öppna data applikationer

Bratteby, Adrian January 2019 (has links)
In the 21st century data has become a very valuable resource, being collected by individuals, companies, organizations and governments. Unfortunately, as more and more data is being collected, more time is also spent on locking it up, centralizing power and knowledge to a few actors. Open data is an idea and field of research, with a clear aim to make data available to everyone without restrictions. Among various benefits, it has been suggested that open data has great economic potential, but since most people lack the necessary skills to make use of the data there needs to be an actor which creates a service around it. However, despite the predictions of wealth open data service creation is still in its infancy; few services are being created and most projects do not last beyond prototype stage. This thesis investigates reasons for why many open data applications (ODAs) do not continue developing and how one can overcome these obstacles. The study is carried out as a multiple case study on five Swedish cases that all were created during a publicly funded hackathon, Hack for Sweden. The cases are analyzed from multiple perspectives, including common reasons for startup failure, market failure theory and business model analysis. Findings suggest that the failure of an ODA is a multi-dimensional problem, which is in line with previous research on general startup failure. The study concludes that failure of an ODA can be attributed to factors related to the product and the entrepreneur(s), but also to general characteristics of ODAs. These characteristics come into play when the ODA aims to create value for society or a public actor. In such cases the study concludes that in order for more ODAs to develop sustainably and create value in the long-term, actors from the public sector must support and cooperate with ODA-creators in the development of the services. / Under 2000-talet har data blivit en mycket värdefull resurs och samlas in av individer, företag, organisationer och offentlig sektor. I takt med att mer och mer data samlas in spenderas tyvärr också mer tid på att begränsa åtkomsten till datan - vilket centraliserar makt och kunskap till ett fåtal aktörer. Öppna data är en idé och forskningsområde som syftar till att tillgängliggöra data för alla, utan restriktioner. Utöver transparens och andra demokratiska fördelar har det föreslagits att öppna data har en signifikant ekonomisk potential, men eftersom de flesta saknar nödvändiga kunskaper för att dra nytta av datan behövs det en aktör som bygger en tjänst kring den. Trots förmodan att öppna data har en stor ekonomisk potential ligger öppna data-tjänsteskapandet fortfarande i sin linda; endast ett fåtal projekt skapas och de flesta fortsätter inte efter prototyp-stadiet. Den här studien undersöker anledningar till varför många öppna data applikationer (ODA - akronymen följer den engelska termen "Open Data Application" för att undvika missförstånd) inte fortsätter utvecklas och hur man kan hantera dessa problem. Studien är utformad som en flerfallsstudie av fem svenska projekt som alla skapades under det offentligt finansierade hackathonet - Hack for Sweden. Fallen analyserades ur ett flertal perspektiv, däribland vanliga anledningar till varför startup:s misslyckas, toeri kring marknadsmisslyckanden, samt affärsmodellsanalys. Studiens resultat visar att orsaken till varför många ODA-projekt misslyckas är ett multidimensionellt problem, vilket är i linje med tidigare forskning på startup-misslyckanden i allmänhet. Studiens slutsats är att ett ODA-misslyckande kan tillskrivas faktorer kopplat till produkten och entreprenören, men också generella attribut hos ODAs. Dessa attribut har en avgörande roll när ODAn ämnar skapa värde för samhäller eller offentlig sektor. I sådana fall är slutsatsen att för att fler ODAs ska kunna utvecklas hållbart och skapa värde långsiktigt, måste aktörer från offentlig sektor finansiera och samarbeta med ODA-skaparna i utveckligen av ODAn.

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