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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Linked open data pro informace veřejného sektoru / Linked Open Data for Public Sector Information

Mynarz, Jindřich January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis introduces the domain of proactive disclosure of public sector information via linked open data. At the start, the legal framework encompassing public sector information is expounded along with the basic approaches for its disclosure. The practices of publishing data as open data are defined as an ap- proach for proactive disclosure that is based on the application of the principle of openness to data with the goal to enable equal access and equal use of the data. The reviewed practices range from necessary legal actions, choices of appropriate technologies, and ways in which the technologies should be used to achieve the best data quality. Linked data is presented as a knowledge technology that, for the most part, fulfils the requirements on open technology suitable for open data. The thesis extrapolates further from the adoption of linked open data in the public sector to recognize the impact and challenges proceeding from this change. The distinctive focus on the side supplying data and the trust in the transformative effects of technological changes are identified among the key sources of these challenges. The emphasis on technologies for data disclosure at the expense of a more careful attention to the use of data is presented as a possible source of risks that may undermine the...

Svenska arkivinstitutioners tillgängliggörande av digitalt arkivmaterial och PSI-lagen / Swedish Archival Institutions’ Provision of digital archival materials

Sanhueza Cuello, Victor January 2020 (has links)
The new wave of digital information requires archival institutions to develop new methods and e-services to handle the large amounts of digital information that is in their custody. Swedish Archival institutions have in accordance with the Public and Secrecy Act traditionally promoted the preservation and re-use of public information. The thesis investigates how the Swedish municipal archives are dealing with digital provision of their digital holdings to the public. At present, the Swedish Public Sector Information (PSI) directive places additional demands on them to make digital information available. This information is referred to as open data. This means that that they need to use digital tools to be able to do so. The study involved four Swedish municipal archival institutions, employed a qualitative research methodology and uses the case study method to gain a deeper insight of the phenomenon under study. It employed interviews as a data collecting technique. The results showed that to make digital infor-mation available it requires the implementation of an e-archive which consolidates and facilitates the management of information. The study results further showed that the PSI-directive is not fully understood by some of the interviewed archivists and some of the institutions also lack e-archives. In conclusion, the thesis analysis confirmed that the municipal archival institutions found it difficult to make their digital holdings available and to implement the PSI directive. This was due to organizational problems such as weak budgets, lack of high-quality data sources, knowledge and ambiguities in the PSI-directive. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.

Möjligheter och utmaningar med öppna geodata / Opportunities and challanges with open geodata

Holm, Noah January 2016 (has links)
Öppna geodata är idag (2016) ett ofta debatterat ämne och många aktörer i samhället får mer och mer intresse för frågan, i synnerhet i offentlig sektor. Även på riksnivå har politiker börjat verka för öppna geodata, där riksdagen nyligen har beslutat kring ett flertal motioner i frågan. Regeringen har dessutom uppdragit om studier om öppna geodata. Sverige ligger efter övriga nordiska länder, men även andra länder har kommit längre i utvecklingen mot öppna geodata. Idag arbetas mycket på området och myndigheten med ansvar för geodata i Sverige, Lantmäteriet, har börjat öppna datamängder, och fortsätter verka för vidare öppnanden. Detta kandidatexamensarbete har genomförts vid Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan, KTH, i samarbete med Agima Management AB. Arbetet syftar till att studera vilka möjligheter öppna geodata medför och vilka utmaningar en organisation ställs inför när organisationen ska öppna geodata. Genom en litteraturstudie kring olika åsikter, främst ifrån offentlig sektor, och intervjuer med personer verksamma inom geodataområdet sammanfattas dessa möjligheter och utmaningar med öppna geodata. Resultaten av arbetet visar att de främsta möjligheterna med öppna geodata är näringslivsutveckling och innovationskraft samt effektiviseringspotential i offentlig sektor. Vidare leder detta till positiva samhällsekonomiska effekter. De utmaningar en offentlig organisation ställs inför vid ett öppnande av geodata är framför allt finansieringen av geodata. Detta eftersom geodata idag delvis finansieras av avgifter från användare. I förlängningen finns utmaningar med att upprätthålla en hög kvalitet på geodata om geodata till exempel skulle skattefinansieras. Detta blir därför en ständig fråga för tjänstemän och politiker. Slutsatsen är att eftersom möjligheterna övervinner många av utmaningarna, då dessa inte är direkta nackdelar utan något som behöver lösas på ett annat sätt än idag, kan öppna geodata antas bli vanligare i Sverige på sikt. En av anledningarna till den relativt låga hastighet Sverige håller på området verkar vara att tjänstemän och politiker inte är på samma nivå i frågan idag. / Open geodata is today (2016) a highly debated topic and the interest for the matter is increasing, especially for the public sector. In the parliament, politicians have started to work for open geodata, where the parliament recently decided about several motions on the matter. Recently, there have also been assignments from the government about studying open geodata impacts. Sweden is behind the other Nordic countries and several other countries have evolved further towards open geodata as well. Today there is a lot of work on open geodata questions and the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority, Lantmäteriet, has started to open some of its data, and is aiming towards opening more. This Bachelor of Science thesis has been conducted at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, in cooperation with Agima Management AB. The study aims towards describing the opportunities that open geodata brings, and the challenges that an organization faces when opening data. These opportunities and challenges are summarized through a literature review of different opinions, mostly from the public sector, and personal interviews with persons in the geodata field. The results show that the foremost opportunities with open geodata is in developing business and innovation as well as efficiency improvements in the public sector which leads to economic gains. The challenges a public organization faces when trying to open geodata is mainly financial. The financial issues come from the current model where fees from users are financing the operations. In extension, there will also be challenges with sustaining a high quality of geodata, which will be a constant question for officials and politicians if geodata, for example is financed by taxes. The conclusion is that since the opportunities overcome the challenges, as many of the challenges are not direct drawbacks, but rather something that has to be solved in a different way than it is today, open geodata may become more normal in Sweden eventually. One of the reasons for Sweden’s relatively low speed in the area seems to be that public officials and politicians are at different levels in the matter today.

Možnosti využití otevřených dat pro Competitive Intelligence / Opportunities of Using Open Data for Competitive Intelligence

Škarda, Filip January 2014 (has links)
This thesis discusses the opportunities of using open data particularly from the perspective of commercial organizations. At first, the concept of open data is generally described including the relationships with related concepts. The thesis also mentions the general benefits and estimated economic impact of using open data. Next, it is described the current situation of open data activities in the Czech republic, the current possible sources of open data and also the possible business models for open data. The practical benefits of this thesis include the visualized outputs from the content analysis of national open data catalogues data.gov.uk and govdata.de, which demonstrate what kind of published datasets are available in those catalogues as an example for the Czech republic and also the conclusions of the performed pre-survey on demand for open data in the Czech republic. Based on this and similar surveys around the world, it was found that there is a big interest on open data from the commercial organizations and the biggest issue is its insufficient availability.

Opakované použití informací veřejného sektoru / Re-use of public sector information

Gaertner, Petr Josef January 2017 (has links)
69 The re-use of public-sector information This thesis considers the re-use of public-sector information in the context of freedom of information. The thesis describes the following: a) the implications of freedom of information (transparency of public administration, involvement of citizens in public affairs, fight against information poverty, protection of the environment or the fight against corruption); b) the implications of the re-use of public-sector information (from an economic and social view); c) principle of publicity and principle of confidentiality (their application in democratic and nondemocratic regimes); d) the evolution of freedom of information legislation (inspiration in China, origin in Sweden, transposition into international law, influence of the United States of America, examples of modern information regulations and the right to information in European Union law); e) freedom of information in international law (The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Recommendation of the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe No. R (81) 19 on the access to information held by public authorities, Úmluva Rady Evropy o přístupu k úředním...

Conocimiento, uso y reutilización de los datos abiertos en la ciencia española

Vidal Cabo, Christian 18 July 2022 (has links)
[ES] El Gobierno Abierto es un modo de política pública que se basa en los pilares de colaboración y participación ciudadana, transparencia y rendición de cuentas y derecho de acceso a la información pública. De la mano de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, gobiernos y administraciones llevan a cabo iniciativas de apertura de datos, movimiento conocido como Open Data (Datos Abiertos). Las plataformas digitales donde estas entidades ponen a disposición de la sociedad civil los datos son conocidas como portales de datos abiertos. Se trata de fuentes de información donde los conjuntos de datos son potencialmente reutilizables, con cualquier fin y sin ningún tipo de restricción, únicamente de referencia de autoría de los datos. La comunidad científica, personal altamente cualificado dentro de la sociedad, pueden llegar a ser reutilizadores potenciales de estas fuentes de información. El producto derivado se traduce en producción científica: artículos, usos de datos abiertos en proyectos de investigación, comunicaciones y docencia. Este estudio aborda, por una parte, el conocimiento que tienen los investigadores e investigadoras acerca de los datos abiertos. Por otra, el uso y la reutilización de los datos abiertos para generar conocimiento científico. Para llevar a cabo el estudio se ha desarrollado una metodología cuantitativa. Se ha elaborado una encuesta, distribuida en un bloque inicial de contexto con 6 preguntas y 6 bloques de carácter técnico con 24 preguntas, es decir, un cuestionario con 30 preguntas. Se obtienen un total de 783 respuestas, procedentes de 34 provincias españolas. Los investigadores e investigadoras proceden de 47 universidades españolas y 21 centros de investigación, y existe representación 19 áreas de investigación de la Agencia Estatal de Investigación. Con los datos obtenidos a través de esta metodología cuantitativa, se procesan, se normalizan y se lleva a cabo un análisis. Además, con los datos se desarrolla una plataforma para visualizar los resultados de la encuesta. / [CA] El Govern Obert és una mena de política basada en els pilars de col·laboració i participació ciutadana, transparència i rendició de comptes i dret d'accés a la informació pública. De la mà de les tecnologies de la informació i de la comunicació, els governs i les administracions duen a terme iniciatives d'apertura de dades, moviment conegut com Open Data (Dades Obertes). Les plataformes digitals, on aquestes entitats posen a disposició de la societat civil les dades, són conegudes com portals de dades obertes. Es tracta de fonts d'informació on els conjunts de dades són potencialment reutilitzables, amb qualsevol fi i sense cap mena de restricció, únicament de referència d'autoria de les dades. La comunitat científica, personal altament qualificat dins de la societat, poden arribar a ser reutilizadors potencials d'aquestes fonts d'informació. El producte derivat es tradueix en producció científica: articles, usos de dades obertes en projectes d'investigació, comunicacions i docència. Aquest estudi aborda, per una banda, el coneixement que tenen els investigadors i investigadores sobre les dades obertes; per una altra, l'ús i la reutilització de les dades obertes per a generar coneixement científic. Per a dur a terme l'estudi s'ha desenvolupat una metodologia quantitativa. S'ha elaborat una enquesta, distribuïda en un bloc inicial de context, amb 6 preguntes i 6 blocs de caràcter tècnic amb 24 preguntes, és a dir, un qüestionari amb 30 preguntes. S'obtenen un total de 783 respostes, procedents de 34 províncies espanyoles. Els investigadors i investigadores procedeixen de 47 universitats espanyoles i 21 centres de recerca, i existeix representació de 19 àrees de recerca de l'Agència Estatal de Recerca. Amb les dades obtingudes a través d'aquesta metodologia quantitativa es processen, es normalitzen i es duu a terme una anàlisi. A més, amb les dades, es desenvolupa una plataforma per a visualitzar els resultats de l'enquesta. / [EN] Open Government is a mode of public policy that is based on the pillars of collaboration and citizen participation, transparency and accountability, and right of access to public information. Hand in hand with information and communication technologies, governments and administrations carry out initiatives to open data, a movement known as Open Data. The digital platforms, where these entities make the data available to civil society, are known as Open data portals. These are sources of information where the data sets are potentially reusable, for any purpose and without any type of restriction, only for reference of authorship of the data. The scientific community, highly qualified personnel within society, can become potential re-users of these information sources. The by-product translates into scientific production: articles, uses of open data in research projects, communications and teaching. This study addresses, on the one hand, the knowledge that researchers have about open data; on the other, the use and reuse of open data to generate scientific knowledge. In order to carry out the study, a quantitative methodology has been developed. A survey has been prepared, distributed in an initial block of context with 6 questions and 6 technical blocks with 24 questions, that is, a questionnaire with 30 questions. A total of 783 responses were obtained, from 34 Spanish provinces. The researchers come from 47 Spanish universities and 21 research centers, and 19 research areas of the State Research Agency are represented. The data obtained through this quantitative methodology are processed, normalized and analyzed. In addition, a platform is developed with the data, in order to visualize the results of the survey. / Vidal Cabo, C. (2022). Conocimiento, uso y reutilización de los datos abiertos en la ciencia española [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/184664

La transparence publique à l'ère de l'Open Data. Etude comparée Italie-France / Public transparency in the age of Open Data. A comparative study of the italian and and french legal systems / La trasparenza pubblica nell ’ era Open Data. Studio comparato Italia - Francia

Mancosu, Giorgio 29 March 2016 (has links)
Les objets, les supports, les sources, la gouvernance, les contenus, les acteurs, les fins et les formes de la transparence publique connaissent à présent une évolution rapide et profonde, qui dépasse les frontières nationales et dépend de l’interaction entre facteurs politiques, technologiques, juridiques et socio-culturels. Cela s’avère notamment lorsque la transparence se prévaut des moyens du paradigme de l’"Open Government Data" et s’inscrit dans les perspectives de la doctrine de l’"Open Government".Ce travail de recherche vise à esquisser les mutations et les axes de progrès de la transparence publique, à l’aune de l’évolution des systèmes juridiques italien et français. On se penchera à titre liminaire sur l’articulation entre les notions de transparence et d’ouverture, afin de cerner les questions juridiques soulevées par l’ouverture des données publiques à des fins de transparence. Ensuite, on parcourra le niveau supranational, à la fois un forum et un lieu d’élaboration des orientations fondamentales en la matière. Une place de choix sera réservée au droit (et à la politique) de l’Union Européenne, dont on examinera les développements les plus récents. Enfin, on analysera les ordres juridiques susmentionnés, qui font à l’heure actuelle de la refonte du droit à l’information publique l’un des chantiers majeurs, dans le cadre de partenariats multi-parties prenantes tels que l’"Open Government Partnership". / Objects, medium, sources, governance, content, actors, purposes and forms of public transparency are experiencing a rapid and profound evolution, which transcends national borders, and depends on the interaction between political, technological, legal and socio-cultural drivers. This happens when transparency exploiting the Open Government Data means and falls under the Open Government framework.Through the Italian and French legal systems, this thesis aims to highlight the recent advancements in public transparency. At first, we will look at the interplay between the concepts of transparency and openness, to identify the legal issues raised by the disclosure of public data. Subsequently, we will turn to the supranational context, which plays a key role in developing guidelines, standards and recommendations. A special place will be reserved to the right (and political) of the European Union. In the second part, we will analyse the above-mentioned legal systems, which are actively engaged in the wider reform of their Public Information Acts, within the framework of multi-stakeholder initiatives, such as the Open Government Partnership.On the whole, we will see how the shift from “transparency through documents” ” to “transparency through data” challenges the public action models.

Open data locale : acteurs, pratiques et dispositifs / Local open data : stakeholders, practices and tools

Rahme, Patricia 16 September 2016 (has links)
Cette étude sur les projets open data dans les collectivités locales vise à associer, dans une approche globale, les modes de production et de collecte de données, les méthodes de diffusion et les dispositifs utilisés, et enfin les modèles d’usage des données publiques numériques. Partant de l’hypothèse que l’open data donne lieu à une nouvelle distribution des rôles des acteurs impliqués tout au long du processus d’ouverture, nous avons distingué un positionnement dynamique des acteurs qui ne se limite pas à une étape du processus d’ouverture des données - que ce soit de réflexion, production, de diffusion, de promotion ou d’usage - ce qui crée un système mixte d’open data. L’étude du système d’offre des collectivités nous a amené à considérer son adéquation avec les besoins des utilisateurs. Nous avons montré que malgré les efforts de créer un système multi-acteur, la mise en oeuvre de l’identification et de la collecte des données est éclectique et instable et ne construit pas un processus solide de l’Open data. Malgré l’urgence suggérée par le contexte politique et sociétal, l’ouverture et le choix des données sont généralement déterminés par des considérations pragmatiques qui imposent une ouverture lente mais progressive sans prétendre à l’exhaustivité.Il s’agit aussi d’examiner les plateformes open data considérées comme des « dispositifs socio-techniques » émergeants du web social dans leurs aspects de médiations, partage, collaboration et de coproduction de données. Dans ce cadre, nos observations nous permettent de mettre en exergue, de questionner et d’analyser les plateformes open data dont leur architecture principale nous amènent à les qualifier «dispositifs socio-techniques ». Ils sont des outils sociaux car ils donnent lieu à des formes d’action. Autour d’un catalogue de jeux de données, il subsiste des espaces virtuels, des blogs, des forums d’interactions entre les producteurs et les réutilisateurs des données ouvertes. / The main purpose of this survey is to explore the process of implementation of open data projects at the local level. The main challenge in realization of any open data project is the engagement of different stakeholders. In this respect, we distinguish a dynamic positioning of stakeholders not limited to one stage of the process - whether during the first phase of reflections before launching the project, the data production, dissemination, promotion or use - creating a mixed system of open data. The study of data offer on open data platforms led us to consider its appropriateness to the needs of users. We have shown that despite the efforts to create a multi-player system, the implementation, identification and data collection is eclectic and unstable and not building a solid process of Open Data. Despite the urgency suggested by the political and societal context, openness and choice of data are generally determined by pragmatic considerations that impose a slow but gradual opening without claiming to be exhaustive. By analyzing open data platforms, this leads us to qualify them as "socio-technical tools" emerging from the social web in their aspects of mediation, sharing, collaboration and co-production data. They are social tools because they give rise to forms of action. Around a catalog of data sets, there are still virtual spaces, blogs, forums of interaction between producers and re-users of open data.

Využití účetnictví a kompetence při kontrolní činnosti Nejvyššího kontrolního úřadu / The accounting and jurisdiction practices of the Supreme Audit Institution

Hanselová, Aneta January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the following thesis reflects current trends in public sector accounting and subsequent audit of public sector entities's financial statements. The main principles of accounting are desribed in order to determine how the financial statements are used during controls and audits. In this context the Supreme Audit Institution is introduced as an independant institution practicing external audit in public sector. For this purpose the SAI's control reports reflected the financial audit of the selected public sector entities will be analyzed.

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