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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

D-bar and Dirac Type Operators on Classical and Quantum Domains

McBride, Matthew Scott 29 August 2012 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / I study d-bar and Dirac operators on classical and quantum domains subject to the APS boundary conditions, APS like boundary conditions, and other types of global boundary conditions. Moreover, the inverse or inverse modulo compact operators to these operators are computed. These inverses/parametrices are also shown to be bounded and are also shown to be compact, if possible. Also the index of some of the d-bar operators are computed when it doesn't have trivial index. Finally a certain type of limit statement can be said between the classical and quantum d-bar operators on specialized complex domains.

Quantum Systems and their Classical Limit A C*- Algebraic Approach

Van De Ven, Christiaan Jozef Farielda 14 December 2021 (has links)
In this thesis we develop a mathematically rigorous framework of the so-called ''classical limit'' of quantum systems and their semi-classical properties. Our methods are based on the theory of strict, also called C*- algebraic deformation quantization. Since this C*-algebraic approach encapsulates both quantum as classical theory in one single framework, it provides, in particular, an excellent setting for studying natural emergent phenomena like spontaneous symmetry breaking (SSB) and phase transitions typically showing up in the classical limit of quantum theories. To this end, several techniques from functional analysis and operator algebras have been exploited and specialised to the context of Schrödinger operators and quantum spin systems. Their semi-classical properties including the possible occurrence of SSB have been investigated and illustrated with various physical models. Furthermore, it has been shown that the application of perturbation theory sheds new light on symmetry breaking in Nature, i.e. in real, hence finite materials. A large number of physically relevant results have been obtained and presented by means of diverse research papers.

Contextuality and noncommutative geometry in quantum mechanics

de Silva, Nadish January 2015 (has links)
It is argued that the geometric dual of a noncommutative operator algebra represents a notion of quantum state space which differs from existing notions by representing observables as maps from states to outcomes rather than from states to distributions on outcomes. A program of solving for an explicitly geometric manifestation of quantum state space by adapting the spectral presheaf, a construction meant to analyze contextuality in quantum mechanics, to derive simple reconstructions of noncommutative topological tools from their topological prototypes is presented. We associate to each unital C&ast;-algebra A a geometric object--a diagram of topological spaces representing quotient spaces of the noncommutative space underlying A&mdash;meant to serve the role of a generalized Gel'fand spectrum. After showing that any functor F from compact Hausdorff spaces to a suitable target category C can be applied directly to these geometric objects to automatically yield an extension F<sup>&sim;</sup> which acts on all unital C&ast;-algebras, we compare a novel formulation of the operator K<sub>0</sub> functor to the extension K<sup>&sim;</sup> of the topological K-functor. We then conjecture that the extension of the functor assigning a topological space its topological lattice assigns a unital C&ast;-algebra the topological lattice of its primary ideal spectrum and prove the von Neumann algebraic analogue of this conjecture.

Aspectos estruturais e dinâmicos da correspondência AdS/CFT: Uma abordagem rigorosa / Structural and Dynamical Aspects of the AdS/CFT Correspondence: a Rigorous Approach

Ribeiro, Pedro Lauridsen 26 September 2007 (has links)
Elaboramos um estudo detalhado de alguns aspectos d(e uma versão d)a correspondência AdS/CFT, conjeturada por Maldacena e Witten, entre teorias quânticas de campo num fundo gravitacional dado por um espaço-tempo assintoticamente anti-de Sitter (AAdS), e teorias quânticas de campos conformalmente covariantes no infinito conforme (no sentido de Penrose) deste espaço-tempo, aspectos estes: (a) independentes d(o par d)e modelos específicos em Teoria Quântica de Campos, e (b) suscetíveis a uma reformulação em moldes matematicamente rigorosos. Adotamos como ponto de partida o teorema demonstrado por Rehren no contexto da Física Quântica Local (também conhecida como Teoria Quântica de Campos Algébrica) em espaços-tempos anti-de Sitter (AdS), denominado holografia algébrica ou dualidade de Rehren. O corpo do presente trabalho consiste em estender o resultado de Rehren para uma classe razoavelmente geral de espaços-tempos AAdS d-dimensionais (d>3), escrutinar como as propriedades desta extensão são enfraquecidas e/ou modificadas em relação ao espaço-tempo AdS, e como efeitos gravitacionais não-triviais se manifestam na teoria quântica no infinito conforme. Dentre os resultados obtidos, citamos: condições razoavelmente gerais sobre geodésicas nulas no interior (cuja plausibilidade justificamos por meio de resultados de rigidez geométrica) não só garantem que a nossa generalização é geometricamente consistente com causalidade, como também permite uma reconstrução ``holográfica\'\' da topologia do interior na ausência de horizontes e singularidades; a implementação das simetrias conformes na fronteira, que associamos explicitamente a uma família de isometrias assintóticas do interior construída de maneira intrínseca, ocorre num caráter puramente assintótico e é atingida dinamicamente por um processo de retorno ao equilíbrio, mediante condições de contorno adequadas no infinito; efeitos gravitacionais podem eventualmente causar obstruções à reconstrução da teoria quântica no interior, ou por torná-la trivial em regiões suficientemente pequenas ou devido à existência de múltiplos vácuos inequivalentes, que por sua vez levam à existência de excitações solitônicas localizadas ao redor de paredes de domínio no interior, similares a D-branas. As demonstrações fazem uso extensivo de geometria Lorentziana global. A linguagem empregada para as teorias quânticas relevantes para nossa generalização da dualidade de Rehren segue a formulação funtorial de Brunetti, Fredenhagen e Verch para a Física Quântica Local, estendida posteriormente por Sommer para incorporar condições de contorno. / We elaborate a detailed study of certain aspects of (a version of) the AdS/CFT correspondence, conjectured by Maldacena and Witten, between quantum field theories in a gravitational background given by an asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AAdS) spacetime, and conformally covariant quantum field theories in the latter\'s conformal infinity (in the sense of Penrose), aspects such that: (a) are independent from (the pair of) specific models in Quantum Field Theory, and (b) susceptible to a recast in a mathematically rigorous mould. We adopt as a starting point the theorem demonstrated by Rehren in the context of Local Quantum Physics (also known as Algebraic Quantum Field Theory) in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, called algebraic holography or Rehren duality. The main body of the present work consists in extending Rehren\'s result to a reasonably general class of d-dimensional AAdS spacetimes (d>3), scrutinizing how the properties of such an extension are weakened and/or modified as compared to AdS spacetime, and probing how non-trivial gravitational effects manifest themselves in the conformal infinity\'s quantum theory. Among the obtained results, we quote: not only does the imposition of reasonably general conditions on bulk null geodesics (whose plausibility we justify through geometrical rigidity techniques) guarantee that our generalization is geometrically consistent with causality, but it also allows a ``holographic\'\' reconstruction of the bulk topology in the absence of horizons and singularities; the implementation of conformal symmetries in the boundary, which we explicitly associate to an intrinsically constructed family of bulk asymptotic isometries, have a purely asymptotic character and is dynamically attained through a process of return to equilibrium, given suitable boundary conditions at infinity; gravitational effects may cause obstructions to the reconstruction of the bulk quantum theory, either by making the latter trivial in sufficiently small regions or due to the existence of multiple inequivalent vacua, which on their turn lead to the existence of solitonic excitations localized around domain walls, similar to D-branes. The proofs make extensive use of global Lorentzian geometry. The language employed for the quantum theories relevant for our generalization of Rehren duality follows the functorial formulation of Local Quantum Physics due to Brunetti, Fredenhagen and Verch, extended afterwards by Sommer in order to incorporate boundary conditions. (An English translation of the full text can be found at arXiv:0712.0401)

Émergence de dynamiques classiques en probabilité quantique / Emergence of classical dynamics in quantum probability

Bardet, Ivan 07 June 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse se consacre à l'étude de certaines passerelles existantes entre les probabilités dîtes classiques et la théorie des systèmes quantiques ouverts. Le but de la première partie de ce manuscrit est d'étudier l'émergence de bruits classiques dans l'équation de Langevin quantique. Cette équation sert à modéliser l'action d'un bain quantique sur un petit système dans l'approximation markovienne. L'analogue en temps discret de cette équation est décrit par le schéma des interactions quantiques répétées étudier par Stéphane Attal et Yan Pautrat. Dans des travaux antérieurs, Attal et ses collaborateurs montrent que les bruits classiques naturels apparaissant dans ce cadre sont les variables aléatoires obtuses, dont ils étudient la structure. Mais sont-ils les seuls bruits classiques pouvant émerger, et quand est-il dans le cas général ? De même, en temps continu, il était plus ou moins admis que les seuls bruits classiques apparaissant dans l'équation de Langevin quantique sont les processus de Poisson et le mouvement brownien. Ma contribution dans ce manuscrit consiste à définir une algèbre de von Neumann pertinente sur l'environnement, dite algèbre du bruit, qui encode la structure du bruit. Elle est commutative si et seulement si le bruit est classique ; dans ce cas on confirme les hypothèses précédentes sur sa nature. Dans le cas général, elle permet de montrer une décomposition de l'environnement entre une partie classique maximale et une partie purement quantique. Dans la deuxième partie, nous nous consacrons à l'étude de processus stochastiques classiques apparaissant au sein du système. La dynamique du système est quantique, mais il existe une observable dont l'évolution est classique. Cela se fait naturellement lorsque le semi-groupe de Markov quantique laisse invariante une sous-algèbre de von Neumann commutative et maximale. Nous développons une méthode pour générer de tels semi-groupes, en nous appuyons sur une définition de Stéphane Attal de certaines dilatations d'opérateurs de Markov classiques. Nous montrons ainsi que les processus de Lévy sur Rn admettent des extensions quantiques. Nous étudions ensuite une classe de processus classiques liés aux marches quantiques ouvertes. De tels processus apparaissent lorsque cette fois l'algèbre invariante est le produit tensoriel de deux algèbres, l'une non-commutative et l'autre commutative. Par conséquent, bien que comportant l'aspect trajectoriel propre au processus classiques, de telles marches aléatoires sont hautement quantiques. Nous présentons dans ce cadre une approche variationnelle du problème de Dirichlet. Finalement, la dernière partie est dédiée à l'étude d'un processus physique appelé décohérence induite par l'environnement. Cette notion est fondamentale, puisqu'elle apporte une explication dynamique à l'absence, dans notre vie de tous les jours, de phénomènes quantiques. Nous montrons qu'une telle décohérence a toujours lieu pour des systèmes ouverts décrits par des algèbres de von Neumann finies. Nous initions ensuite une étude innovante sur la vitesse de décohérence, basée sur des inégalités fonctionnelles non-commutatives, qui permet de mettre en avant le rôle de l'intrication quantique dans la décohérence / This thesis focus on the study of several bridges that exist between classical probabilities and open quantum systems theory. In the first part of the thesis, we consider open quantum systems with classical environment. Thus the environment acts as a classical noise so that the evolution of the system results in a mixing of unitary dynamics. My work consisted in defining a relevant von Neumann algebra on the environment which, in this situation, is commutative. In the general case, we show that this algebra leads to a decomposition of the environment between a classical and a quantum part. In the second part, we forget for a time the environment in order to focus on the emergence of classical stochastic processes inside the system. This situation appears when the quantum Markov semigroup leaves an invariant commutative maximal von Neumann algebra. First, we develop a recipe in order to generate such semigroup, which emphasizes the role of a certain kind of classical dilation. We apply the recipe to prove the existence of a quantum extension for L\'evy processes. Then in the same part of the thesis we study a special kind of classical dynamics that can emerge on a bipartite quantum system, call \emph. Such walks are stochastic but displayed strong quantum behavior. We define a Dirichlet problem associated to these walks and solve it using a variational approch and non-commutative Dirichlet forms. Finally, the last part is dedicated to the study of Environment Induced Decoherence for quantum Markov semigroup on finite von Neumann algebra. We prove that such decoherence always occurs when the semigroup has a faithful invariant state. Then we focus on the fundamental problem of estimating the time of the process. To this end we define adapted non-commutative functional inequalities. The central interest of these definitions is to take into account entanglement effects, which are expected to lower the speed of decoherence

Morphologie Mathématique: de la Segmentation d'Images à l'Analyse Multivoque

Najman, Laurent 06 April 1994 (has links) (PDF)
La première partie de cette thèse étudie la ligne de partage des eaux, un des outils fondamentaux développés par la morphologie mathématique dans le but de segmenter des images. Une caractérisation de cet objet pour des fonctions régulières est donnée, et un théorème de convergence de l'algorithme associe est démontré. Les liens entre la ligne de partage des eaux et le squelette par zones d'influence euclidien (ou diagramme de voronoï), ainsi qu'avec l'équation eikonale utilisée en shape from shading sont ensuite mis en valeur. Des algorithmes pour la reconstruction géodésique et pour la segmentation avec points d'ancrage sont construits sur le principe de celui de la ligne de partage des eaux. Enfin, un algorithme de segmentation hiérarchique fonde sur un nouveau principe de dynamique des contours, est développé. Il permet d'obtenir dans une seule image toute l'information du gradient utilisable pour la segmentation. La deuxième partie de cette thèse applique des outils de l'analyse multivoque et mutationnelle a la morphologie mathématique. La dérivée mutationnelle du tube de dilatation est calculée, justifiant de manière rigoureuse l'intuition selon laquelle un objet se dilate suivant ses normales en chacun de ses points. Les propriétés algébriques et de continuité d'applications induites par des inclusions différentielles et agissant sur des ensembles fermés sont caractérisées. Enfin, un algorithme d'optimisation (l'algorithme des montagnes russes), de nature non probabiliste, garantissant la convergence vers un minimum global, est proposé.

Estimation de normes dans les espaces Lp non commutatifs et applications

Arhancet, Cédric 25 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente quelques résultats d'analyse sur les espaces Lp le plus souvent non commutatifs.La première partie exhibe de large classes de contractions sur des espaces Lp non commutatifsqui vérifient l'analogue non commutatif de la conjecture de Matsaev. De plus, cette partie fournitune comparaison entre certaines normes apparaissant naturellement dans ce domaine. La deuxièmepartie traite des fonctions carrées. Le premier résultat principal énonce que si T est un opérateurR-Ritt sur un espace Lp alors les fonctions carrées associées sont équivalentes. Le second résultatprincipal est une caractérisation de certaines estimations carrées utilisant les dilatations. La troisièmepartie de cette thèse introduit de nouvelles fonctions carrées pour les opérateurs de Ritt définis surdes espaces Lp non commutatifs. Le résultat principal est qu'en général ces fonctions carrées ne sontpas équivalentes. Cette partie contient aussi un résultat d'équivalence entre la norme usuelle et unecertaine fonction carrée. La quatrième partie introduit un analogue non commutatif de l'algèbre deFigà-Talamanca-Herz Ap(G) sur le prédual naturel de l'espace d'opérateurs Mp,cb des multiplicateursde Schur complètement bornées sur l'espace de Schatten Sp.

Propriété UMD pour les espaces de Banach et d'opérateurs

Qiu, Yanqi 13 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Cette thèse présente quelques résultats sur la théorie locale pour les espaces de Banach et d'opérateurs. La première partie consiste en l'étude de la propriété $\text{OUMD}$ pour l'espace colonne $C$. La deuxième partie traite de la propriété $\text{UMD}$ classique pour les espaces $L_p(L_q)$ itérés. Le résultat principal donne une construction nouvelle et très naturelle de treillis de Banach qui sont super-réflexifs et non-$\text{UMD}$: L'espace $L_p(L_q(L_p(L_q(\cdots$ itéré une infinité de fois est super-réflexif si $1 < p, q < \infty$ mais n'est pas $\text{UMD}$ si $p \ne q$.

Aspectos estruturais e dinâmicos da correspondência AdS/CFT: Uma abordagem rigorosa / Structural and Dynamical Aspects of the AdS/CFT Correspondence: a Rigorous Approach

Pedro Lauridsen Ribeiro 26 September 2007 (has links)
Elaboramos um estudo detalhado de alguns aspectos d(e uma versão d)a correspondência AdS/CFT, conjeturada por Maldacena e Witten, entre teorias quânticas de campo num fundo gravitacional dado por um espaço-tempo assintoticamente anti-de Sitter (AAdS), e teorias quânticas de campos conformalmente covariantes no infinito conforme (no sentido de Penrose) deste espaço-tempo, aspectos estes: (a) independentes d(o par d)e modelos específicos em Teoria Quântica de Campos, e (b) suscetíveis a uma reformulação em moldes matematicamente rigorosos. Adotamos como ponto de partida o teorema demonstrado por Rehren no contexto da Física Quântica Local (também conhecida como Teoria Quântica de Campos Algébrica) em espaços-tempos anti-de Sitter (AdS), denominado holografia algébrica ou dualidade de Rehren. O corpo do presente trabalho consiste em estender o resultado de Rehren para uma classe razoavelmente geral de espaços-tempos AAdS d-dimensionais (d>3), escrutinar como as propriedades desta extensão são enfraquecidas e/ou modificadas em relação ao espaço-tempo AdS, e como efeitos gravitacionais não-triviais se manifestam na teoria quântica no infinito conforme. Dentre os resultados obtidos, citamos: condições razoavelmente gerais sobre geodésicas nulas no interior (cuja plausibilidade justificamos por meio de resultados de rigidez geométrica) não só garantem que a nossa generalização é geometricamente consistente com causalidade, como também permite uma reconstrução ``holográfica\'\' da topologia do interior na ausência de horizontes e singularidades; a implementação das simetrias conformes na fronteira, que associamos explicitamente a uma família de isometrias assintóticas do interior construída de maneira intrínseca, ocorre num caráter puramente assintótico e é atingida dinamicamente por um processo de retorno ao equilíbrio, mediante condições de contorno adequadas no infinito; efeitos gravitacionais podem eventualmente causar obstruções à reconstrução da teoria quântica no interior, ou por torná-la trivial em regiões suficientemente pequenas ou devido à existência de múltiplos vácuos inequivalentes, que por sua vez levam à existência de excitações solitônicas localizadas ao redor de paredes de domínio no interior, similares a D-branas. As demonstrações fazem uso extensivo de geometria Lorentziana global. A linguagem empregada para as teorias quânticas relevantes para nossa generalização da dualidade de Rehren segue a formulação funtorial de Brunetti, Fredenhagen e Verch para a Física Quântica Local, estendida posteriormente por Sommer para incorporar condições de contorno. / We elaborate a detailed study of certain aspects of (a version of) the AdS/CFT correspondence, conjectured by Maldacena and Witten, between quantum field theories in a gravitational background given by an asymptotically anti-de Sitter (AAdS) spacetime, and conformally covariant quantum field theories in the latter\'s conformal infinity (in the sense of Penrose), aspects such that: (a) are independent from (the pair of) specific models in Quantum Field Theory, and (b) susceptible to a recast in a mathematically rigorous mould. We adopt as a starting point the theorem demonstrated by Rehren in the context of Local Quantum Physics (also known as Algebraic Quantum Field Theory) in anti-de Sitter (AdS) spacetimes, called algebraic holography or Rehren duality. The main body of the present work consists in extending Rehren\'s result to a reasonably general class of d-dimensional AAdS spacetimes (d>3), scrutinizing how the properties of such an extension are weakened and/or modified as compared to AdS spacetime, and probing how non-trivial gravitational effects manifest themselves in the conformal infinity\'s quantum theory. Among the obtained results, we quote: not only does the imposition of reasonably general conditions on bulk null geodesics (whose plausibility we justify through geometrical rigidity techniques) guarantee that our generalization is geometrically consistent with causality, but it also allows a ``holographic\'\' reconstruction of the bulk topology in the absence of horizons and singularities; the implementation of conformal symmetries in the boundary, which we explicitly associate to an intrinsically constructed family of bulk asymptotic isometries, have a purely asymptotic character and is dynamically attained through a process of return to equilibrium, given suitable boundary conditions at infinity; gravitational effects may cause obstructions to the reconstruction of the bulk quantum theory, either by making the latter trivial in sufficiently small regions or due to the existence of multiple inequivalent vacua, which on their turn lead to the existence of solitonic excitations localized around domain walls, similar to D-branes. The proofs make extensive use of global Lorentzian geometry. The language employed for the quantum theories relevant for our generalization of Rehren duality follows the functorial formulation of Local Quantum Physics due to Brunetti, Fredenhagen and Verch, extended afterwards by Sommer in order to incorporate boundary conditions. (An English translation of the full text can be found at arXiv:0712.0401)

C*-algebras from actions of congruence monoids

Bruce, Chris 20 April 2020 (has links)
We initiate the study of a new class of semigroup C*-algebras arising from number-theoretic considerations; namely, we generalize the construction of Cuntz, Deninger, and Laca by considering the left regular C*-algebras of ax+b-semigroups from actions of congruence monoids on rings of algebraic integers in number fields. Our motivation for considering actions of congruence monoids comes from class field theory and work on Bost–Connes type systems. We give two presentations and a groupoid model for these algebras, and establish a faithfulness criterion for their representations. We then explicitly compute the primitive ideal space, give a semigroup crossed product description of the boundary quotient, and prove that the construction is functorial in the appropriate sense. These C*-algebras carry canonical time evolutions, so that our construction also produces a new class of C*-dynamical systems. We classify the KMS (equilibrium) states for this canonical time evolution, and show that there are several phase transitions whose complexity depends on properties of a generalized ideal class group. We compute the type of all high temperature KMS states, and consider several related C*-dynamical systems. / Graduate

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