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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Development and application of spectroscopic techniques in the mid-infrared

Whittaker, Kimberley Elaine January 2014 (has links)
Applications of laser absorption spectroscopy for trace gas detection are many and diverse, ranging from the environmental and atmospheric to the medical and industrial. The aim of creating a spectrometer which combines high sensitivities and selectivities (in order to measure small amounts of absorbers or species that are only weakly absorbing, in a complex background matrix) with a wide spectral coverage (to allow broadband absorbers or multi-component samples to be studied) can be realised by implementing three separate concepts: the exploitation of the strong, fundamental transitions of the mid-infrared; the use of sensitive spectroscopic techniques; and the selection of a widely tunable laser source. In this thesis, these ideas are investigated individually and in combination in order to achieve such a goal. Laser spectroscopic techniques based on optical cavities are used to build a high resolution spectrometer covering a large spectral range capable of selectively detecting low levels of gaseous compounds of interest, especially those of medical or environmental significance. Work in both the near- and mid-infrared is presented, including much of the initial, developmental work which was conducted in the former region. The thesis begins with an overview of both narrowband and broadband near-infrared radiation sources, with a particular emphasis on commonly available diode lasers (DLs). A novel laser source, the digital supermode distributed Bragg reector (DS-DBR) laser, is introduced as a useful laser source for spectroscopy, combining the usual benefits of telecom DLs with a wide tunability (1563 – 1613 nm). The laser can be operated in an internal or external ramping mode, allowing the output wavelength to be scanned or stepped across a desired region. The observation of mode-hopping during the application of the scanning methodology is examined and rationalised. The ability of the DS-DBR laser to perform high resolution spectroscopy over its entire spectral coverage is demonstrated by recording spectra of carbon dioxide (CO<sub>2</sub>) over this range, covering transitions from two of the four Fermi resonance components of the 3ν<sub>1</sub> + ν<sub>3</sub> combination band. The results of conducting wavelength modulation spectroscopy on CO<sub>2</sub> are also reported. A system developed for performing cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS), capable of the real-time retrieval of ring-down times (RDTs), is presented and discussed. The outcomes of initial tests performed with a conventional DL at 1557 nm, to study a calibrated mixture of CO<sub>2</sub> in air at various pressures, are given. In addition, the results of combining this system with the DS-DBR laser are discussed. The bandwidth of the DS-DBR laser was found to be larger than that of a standard DFB DL, resulting in the presence of noisy cavity modes. Despite this, the acquisition of reproducible RDTs is demonstrated, with single wavelength studies of an evacuated cavity at 1605.5 nm yielding a RDT of 24.54 ± 0.04 µs and Allan variance calculations signalling an attainable minimum detectable absorption coefficient, α<sub>min</sub>, of 2.8 x 10<sup>-10</sup> cm<sup>-1</sup> over 20 s. The ability to perform CRDS across the whole DSDBR laser wavelength range without the need for cavity re-alignment is illustrated, and studies conducted on CO<sub>2</sub> in air, calibrated mixtures and breath are reported. Investigations are also described into the accurate determination of the <sup>13</sup>C/<sup>12</sup>C ratio in exhaled CO<sub>2</sub> undertaken using CRDS and cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy (CEAS) on CO<sub>2</sub> isotopologues, an approach which can be utilised as a diagnostic aid in determining Helicobacter pylori infection. The focus of the thesis then moves to the mid-infrared, to describe quasi phase matching difference frequency generation (QPM-DFG) and its use to generate laser light at 3 µm by optically mixing near-infrared DLs. The theory behind this non-linear optical interaction is outlined, and the construction of a free-space QPM-DFG system using periodically poled lithium niobate is detailed and characterised. This DL-based QPM-DFG arrangement has been coupled with the CRDS system developed to create a mid-infrared CRD spectrometer. The results of single wavelength studies indicate RDTs of ~ 6 µs and an achievable αmin of 2.9 x 10<sup>-9</sup> cm<sup>-1</sup> over 44 s for an evacuated cavity. Spectroscopic investigations carried out on methane (CH<sub>4</sub>), acetone and deuterium are documented; for the latter species, Dicke narrowing of the electric quadrupole ν(1←0) Q(2) transition at 2987.29 cm<sup>-1</sup> is observed and the integrated absorption cross-section for the same transition measured as 2.29 ± 0.03 x 10<sup>-27</sup> cm<sup>2</sup>cm<sup>-1</sup>molec<sup>-1</sup>. The results of modifications made to the system, namely the use of a more powerful Nd:YAG laser as the pump radiation source, as well as a faster detector combined with a variable amplifier, are presented; these include the observation of an improved optimal α<sub>min</sub> of 6.4 x 10<sup>-10</sup> cm<sup>-1</sup> over 151 s for an empty cavity. Finally, work utilising the DS-DBR laser as one of the near-infrared sources for the QPM-DFG set-up is presented. This configuration generates radiation covering a wide mid-infrared range (3130 – 3330 nm) and has been used to perform direct absorption and wavelength modulation spectroscopy on ro-vibrational transitions within the fundamental ν<sub>3</sub> (F<sub>2</sub>) band of CH<sub>4</sub>. The spectrum of methanethiol (CH<sub>3</sub>SH) over this region has also been investigated, with preliminary studies identifying a feature at 3040 cm<sup>-1</sup> as a potential indicator for monitoring this biomarker in breath. The results of coupling this mid-infrared radiation with an optical cavity to perform CEAS combined with phase sensitive detection are subsequently reported. Studies were conducted on calibrated CH<sub>4</sub> mixtures and ambient air to examine two transitions of the fundamental ν<sub>3</sub> (F<sub>2</sub>) band of CH<sub>4</sub> in order to characterise the system: effective path lengths of ~ 700 m and α<sub>min</sub> of 6.2 x 10<sup>-8</sup> cm<sup>-1</sup> over 8 s were found. The <sup>R</sup>Q<sub>4</sub> CH<sub>3</sub>SH absorption feature at 3040 cm<sup>-1</sup> was also further studied with this system using prepared samples of CH<sub>3</sub>SH in N<sub>2</sub> at different concentrations, yielding a CH<sub>3</sub>SH detection limit of 2.4 ppm at 19 Torr. The potential of such a cavity-based, DS-DBR sourced, QPM-DFG mid-infrared spectrometer for trace gas sensing having thus been demonstrated, possible improvements that could be implemented to increase the sensitivity of the system are then discussed.

Études pour un résonateur optique à profil d'intensité plat et son application à l'interférométrie atomique / Studies for a top-hat resonator and its application to atom interferometry

Mielec, Nicolas 21 September 2018 (has links)
Les capteurs inertiels basés sur l’interférométrie atomique reposent sur l’utilisation d’atomes froids refroidis à des températures proches du micro-Kelvin et des temps d’interrogation de plusieurs centaines de millisecondes. Ces conditions conduisent à une extension du nuage d’atomes de l’ordre du cm, qui rend difficile leur interrogation efficace par des lasers à profil d’intensité gaussien. Cette thèse vise à développer plusieurs moyens de palier aux contraintes posés par le profil gaussien des lasers et leur intensité limitée. Deux axes principaux sont explorés.D'une part, l'inhomogénéité d'intensité des faisceaux d'interrogation a été adressée par l'étude, la réalisation et la caractérisation de solutions de mise en forme de faisceaux. Un modulateur spatial de phase a notamment été utilisé pour réaliser un faisceau plat en intensité et en phase de 3cm de diamètre. Une solution commerciale mise en vente durant la thèse a finalement été adaptée à une expérience d’interférométrie atomique, et son impact a été caractérisé.D’autre part, l’utilisation actuelle de lasers gaussiens de diamètres centimétriques pour adresser un maximum d’atomes apporte des contraintes sur les puissances utilisées. L’idée de profiter du gain en puissance de cavités optiques émerge dans le domaine et constitue le cœur de ce travail. Plusieurs concepts de résonateurs optiques ont été étudiés pour permettre l’amplification d’un mode de grande taille dans une géométrie compacte. Nous avons réalisé un résonateur dégénéré, intégrant une lentille intra-cavité, et avons étudié l’influence de ses désalignements et des défauts des optiques sur la résonance de grands faisceaux injectés.Ces deux dispositifs et leur couplage ouvrent la voie vers des générations avancées d’interféromètres atomiques, pour des expériences de précision en physique fondamentale ou pour la mise au point de capteurs inertiels à atomes froids compacts. / Inertials sensors based on atom interferometry use cold atom clouds cooled to micro-Kelvin temperatures and interrogation times of a few hundred of milliseconds.These conditions lead to an expansion of the atom clouds reaching centimetric sizes, which leads to difficulties when trying to adress them efficiently with gaussian laser beams.This work aims at developing different means to counteract the constraints brought by these gaussian beams and their limited intensity.Two main axes are explored.On the one hand, the intensity inhomogeneity of the interrogation beams has been adressed by the study, realisation and characterization of beamshaping solutions.One of these solutions has been adapted to an atom interferometry experiment, and its impact characterized.On the other hand, the current use of gaussian beams with centimetric sizes to interrogate as many atoms as possible brings constraints on the laser power.The idea of taking advantage of the optical gain of optical resonators rises in the field and constitutes the heart of this work.Different optical resonators concepts have been considered to allow the resonance of a large optical mode in a compact geometry.We built a degenerated optical resonator, with an intra-cavity lens, and studied the influence of misalignments and opticals defects on the resonance of large injected gaussian beams.These two devices and their combination open the way towards a generation of advanced atom interferometers, for precise experiments of fundamental physics or the development of compact cold atom inertial sensors.

Resonance-Assisted Tunneling in Deformed Optical Microdisks

Fritzsch, Felix 16 June 2020 (has links)
The characteristics of optical modes in whispering-gallery cavities crucially depend on the underlying classical ray dynamics as they are subject to dynamical tunneling. In particular, classical nonlinear resonances lead to the hybridization of whispering-gallery modes spoiling their quality factors and decreasing their lifetimes via resonance-assisted tunneling. In this thesis we present an intuitive semiclassical description of resonance-assisted tunneling in deformed optical microdisks whose classical ray dynamics exhibits a mixed phase space. We find good agreement between semiclassically obtained decay rates of whispering-gallery modes and numerical solutions of the mode equation computed with the boundary element method. Moreover, we extend a perturbative description for weakly deformed microdisks with near-integrable ray dynamics to larger deformations and mixed phase spaces. This yields an accurate description of decay rates and of the near-field intensity distributions. Our approach is based on the approximation of the actual ray dynamics by an integrable Hamiltonian constructed in adiabatic action-angle coordinates. This allows for semiclassical quantization in order to determine the wave numbers of whispering-gallery modes as well as for a ray based description of their decay. The resonance-assisted coupling between individual modes is determined either perturbatively or semiclassically in terms of complex paths. / Flüstergaleriemoden in optischen Resonatoren zeigen dynamische Tunnelprozesse, welche maßgeblich von der zugrundeliegenden klassischen Strahlendynamik abhängen. Die Lebenszeit und die daraus resultierenden Gütefaktoren dieser Moden werden durch klassische nichtlineare Resonanzen und den Effekt des resonanzunterstützten Tunnelns verringert. Hierfür entwickeln wir eine intuitive semiklassische Beschreibung für den Fall deformierter optischer Kreiskavitäten, deren klassische Strahlendynamik einen gemischten Phasenraum aufweist. Die semiklassisch berechneten Zerfallsraten stimmen gut mit den numerischen Lösungen der Maxwell-Gleichungen, welche unter Nutzung der Randelementmethode ermittelt werden, überein. Darüber hinaus erweitern wir den Anwendungsbereich einer störungstheoretische Beschreibung von schwach deformierten Kavitäten hin zu größeren Deformationen. Dies ermöglicht nicht nur eine akkurate Vorhersage von Zerfallsraten, sondern auch die Beschreibung der Intensitätsverteilung von optischen Moden im Nahfeld. Unsere Methode basiert auf der Konstruktion von adiabatischen Winkel-Wirkungskoordinaten und der Approximation der Strahlendynamik durch ein integrables Hamiltonsches System. Mittels semiklassischer Quantisierung bestimmen wir damit die Wellenzahlen von Flüstergaleriemoden, deren Lebenszeit ferner durch ein strahlenbasiertes Modell beschrieben wird. Wir bestimmen die resonanzunterstützte Kopplung zwischen einzelnen solcher Moden sowohl mittels Störungstheorie als auch mittels klassischer komplexer Trajektorien.

Modes, Excitation and Applications of Plasmonic Nano-apertures and Nano-cavities

Wang, Feng 25 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Nanosystèmes graphitiques : cavités optiques ajustables et détection spectrale des contraintes dans un nanorésonateur mécanique / Graphitic nanosystems : tunables optical cavities and spectral stress detection within a mechanical nanoresonator

Reserbat-Plantey, Antoine 22 November 2012 (has links)
Le graphène et les nanotubes de carbone, assimilés à des nano-systèmes graphitiques, partagent des propriétés mécaniques, optiques, électroniques et vibrationnelles uniques. Associant faible masse, grande rigidité et comportement semi-transparent, des membranes de 10 à 100 couches de graphène ont été suspendues au dessus d'un substrat réfléchissant, formant ainsi un résonateur mécanique couplé à une cavité optique. Le projet de cette thèse repose sur les diffusions élastiques et inélastiques de la lumière pour sonder les contraintes mécaniques et les effets thermiques dans ces nano-systèmes graphitiques. Ce type de mesure repose sur la spectroscopie Raman, sensible aux phonons optiques du matériau sondé. Un premier aspect du présent projet de thèse porte sur l'utilisation de cavités optiques à base de graphène comme élément de base pour constituer un système hybride. Après avoir déposé une couche de molécules à la surface de ces membranes, nous avons montré que le signal Raman des molécules est exalté par un effet d'interférences optiques constructives. Nous avons mis en évidence la possibilité de moduler ce signal en se déplaçant le long de l'échantillon, ou en variant la position de la membrane à l'aide d'une actuation électrostatique. De plus, on peut observer des effets thermiques importants associés aux phénomènes d'interférences optiques dans ces membranes à base de graphène. Le second axe de cette thèse est la détection du mouvement et des contraintes mécaniques dans un résonateur graphitique (membranes de graphène multicouche, nanotubes, etc.). Au travers d'expériences menées sur des membranes suspendues de graphène multicouche, nous avons détecté la résonance mécanique de deux façons : en analysant la modulation de la lumière réfléchie et en mesurant les variations de la réponse Raman du résonateur. Cette détection, reposant sur l'augmentation des contraintes mécaniques à résonance, associe le mouvement mécanique du résonateur à un décalage en énergie des photons Raman et représente un schéma original de couplage optomécanique. / Graphitic nano systems, such as graphene or carbon nanotubes, share unique mechanical, optical, electrical and vibrational properties. Combining low mass, high rigidity and semi-transparent behavior, membranes made of 10 to 100 graphene layers have been suspended over a reflecting substrate. This results in a nanomechanical resonator coupled to an optical cavity. This Phd project is based on elastic and inelastic scattering of light in order to probe mechanical stress and thermal effects within graphitic nano systems. This type of measurement is made by Raman spectroscopy which is sensitive to optical phonons. A first part of this Phd project is about using graphene based optical cavities as a constitutive blocks to make a hybrid system. We have shown interferential enhancement of Raman signal of molecules grafted on the membrane surface. We have also demonstrated the possibility to tune this molecular Raman signal by moving along the suspended membrane, or by changing the membrane position using electrostatic actuation. Moreover, we have observed important thermal effects associated to optical interferences within these graphene based cantilevers. A second part of this Phd project is the detection of motion and mechanical stress within a graphitic nano resonator. Through experiments on suspended multilayer graphene membranes, we have detected the mechanical resonance by two different means : by analyzing the reflected light modulation, and by measuring the variations of the Raman signal of the resonator. This spectral detection, based on the increase of the mechanical stress at resonance, couples the mechanical motion of the resonator to a shift in energy of the Raman scattered photons. This represents an original scheme for optomechanical coupling.

Vers la détection d’ondes gravitationnelles par interférométrie atomique en cavité : nouvelles géométries optiques et premier dispositif / Towards the detection of gravitational waves by atom interferometry in cavity : new optical geometries and first device.

Riou, Isabelle 25 April 2017 (has links)
En septembre 2015, le détecteur LIGO a permis la première observation directe d'ondes gravitationnelles. Ce détecteur terrestre, tout comme le détecteur européen VIRGO, est basé sur des technologies purement optiques. Ces instruments sont extrêmement sensibles autour de 100 Hz mais ils sont limités en dessous de quelques dizaines de Hertz par différentes sources de bruit (bruit sismique, bruit newtonien...) qui ne sont pas distinguables de l'effet du passage d'une onde gravitationnelle.Le principe du projet MIGA (Matter wave – laser based Interferometer Gravitation Antenna) est de coupler un interféromètre optique avec plusieurs interféromètres atomiques séparés spatialement afin d'être sensible aux ondes gravitationnelles à plus basse fréquence (typiquement autour d'un Hertz). Les atomes froids sont lancés en configuration fontaine et sont séparés, réfléchis et recombinés par des impulsions laser effectuées dans une cavité optique de 300 m de long. Ces impulsions bénéficieront du gain optique intrinsèque au résonateur, leur permettant d'atteindre la puissance nécessaire à la réalisation de transitions de Bragg d'ordre élevé, augmentant ainsi la sensibilité des interféromètres atomiques. Chaque interféromètre mesure le champ gravitationnel local et les vibrations des miroirs. Le bruit sismique est donc rejeté dans le cas de mesures différentielles et en reconstruisant spatialement le champ gravitationnel, on pourra différencier le signal dû aux ondes gravitationnelles, qui est un pur gradient à l'échelle de l'instrument, du bruit newtonien qui a une signature spatiale.Les cavités de 300 m seront installées au LSBB (Laboratoire Souterrain Bas Bruit) à Rustrel, où l'antenne MIGA pourra bénéficier d'un environnement remarquablement calme. Cet instrument permettra de cartographier le champ gravitationnel du site, ce qui sera d'un grand intérêt pour l'étude géologique du massif karstique.Dans le cadre de ce projet, nous réalisons au LP2N une expérience préliminaire dont l'objectif est de générer un interféromètre de 87Rb en cavités en configuration de fontaine atomique. Cet instrument utilise une nouvelle architecture de résonateurs optiques demi-dégénérés afin de manipuler les atomes de façon cohérente avec des impulsions de Bragg. / In September 2015, the LIGO detector realized the first direct observation of gravitational waves. This ground-based detector, as well as the European detector VIRGO, is based on purely optical technologies. These instruments are extremely sensitive around 100 Hz but they are limited below few tens of Hertz by several sources of cavity length noise (seismic noise, Newtonian noise...) that mimic the effect of a gravitational wave.The idea of the MIGA (Matter wave-laser based Interferometer Gravitation Antenna) is to couple an optical interferometer with several atom interferometers spatially separated to be sensitive to gravitational waves at lower frequencies (typically around 1 Hz). The cold atoms are launched in a fountain configuration and are then split, deflected and recombined by laser pulses generated in a 300 m long optical cavity. These laser pulses will benefit from the intrinsic optical gain of the resonator, which will allow them to reach the needed power to generate high order Bragg transitions and to improve the sensitivity of the atom interferometers. Each interferometer measures the local gravitational field and the motion of the cavity. The seismic noise can be rejected by doing differential measurements and by reconstructing the spatial gravitational field, one can differentiate the gravitational wave signal, which is a pure gradient at the scale of our instrument, from the Newtonian noise that has a spatial signature.The 300 m long cavities will be implemented at the LSBB laboratory in Rustrel, where the antenna will benefit from an outstanding low noise environment. This instrument will allow to map the gravitational field of the site which will be of great interest for the geological study of the karstic massif.In the frame of this project, a preliminary experiment is currently under construction at the LP2N laboratory whose objective is to generate a 87Rb interferometer in a cavity in a atomic fountain configuration. This instrument uses a new architecture of half-degenerate optical resonators to manipulate coherently the atomic cloud with Bragg transitions.


BRUNO FERNANDO ABREU DE MELO 12 May 2020 (has links)
[pt] A optomecânica é um campo em crescimento que estuda sistemas nos quais luz e movimento mecãnico estão acoplados por meio de pressão de radiação. Neste trabalho apresentamos a teoria básica acerca de cavidades ópticas e pinças ópticas, duas importantes ferramentes frequentemente utilizadas em experimentos de optomecânica, bem como suas implementações práticas. No que diz respeito a cavidades ópticas, nós apresentamos a implementação de cavidades de Fabry Pérot formadas por um espelho plano e um espelho esférico e de cavidades formadas por dois espelhos esféricos, tanto na configuração confocal como na configuração não confocal, e comparamos a performance dessas diferentes cavidades. No que diz respeito a pinças ópticas, nós apresentamos uma pinça óptica capaz de aprisionar esferas micrométricas em um meio aquoso e a usamos para estudar o movimento de partículas aprisionadas. / [en] Optomechanics is a growing field that studies systems where light and mechanical motion are coupled via radiation pressure. In this work, we present the basic theory regarding optical cavities and optical tweezers, two important tools that are often used in optomechanical setups, as well as their experimental implementations. On the subject of optical cavities, we present the implementation of Fabry Pérot cavities formed by one plane mirror and one spherical mirror and cavities formed by two spherical mirrors, both on the confocal and on the non-confocal configuration, and compare the performance of these different cavities. On the subject of optical tweezers, we present an optical tweezer capable of trapping micro-spheres in a water medium and use it to study the movement of trapped particles.

Piezoelectrically tunable optical cavities for the gravitational wave detector LISA

Möhle, Katharina 23 May 2013 (has links)
LISA (Laser Interferometer Space Antenna) ist ein geplanter Gravitationswellendetektor, der aus drei Satelliten bestehen soll, deren Abstand mit Hilfe von Laserinterferometrie überwacht wird. Die hohe Frequenzstabilität der Laser, die dafür benötigt wird, soll mit einem dreistufigen Verfahren erreicht werden. Dieses beinhaltet eine Vorstabilisierung, die nicht nur hohe Stabilität sondern auch Durchstimmbarkeit aufweisen muss. Eine Möglichkeit so eine durchstimmbare Vorstabilisierung zu realisieren ist die Verwendung eines optischen Resonators mit eingebautem Piezoaktuator. Dies ist an sich kein neuer Ansatz, wurde bisher allerdings noch nicht mit der geforderten Stabilität realisiert. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene piezoelektrisch durchstimmbaren Resonatoren aufgebaut und hinsichtlich ihres Rauschverhaltens und Durchstimmbereichs untersucht. Dabei konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Resonatoren alle Anforderungen an eine durchstimmbare Vorstabilisierung für LISA erfüllen. Darüber hinaus gibt die hier präsentierte Arbeit einen neuen Einblick in das Potential von piezoelektrisch durchstimmbaren Resonatoren. Ihre Stabilität ist nur eine Größenordnung geringer als die der besten nicht durchstimmbaren Resonatoren der gleichen Länge und das gemessene Rauschen kann dabei nicht nicht den Piezoaktuatoren zugeordnet werden. Es sollte also prinzipiell möglich sein noch bessere Stabilitäten mit piezoelektrisch durchstimmbaren Resonatoren zu erzielen. In der Tat zeigen theoretische Untersuchungen, die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführt wurden, dass die intrinsische Stabilität eines Resonators durch den Einbau eines Piezoaktuators nur geringfügig herab gesetzt wird. Hoch-stabile piezoelektrisch durchstimmbare Resonatoren können über eine Verwendung in LISA hinaus auch bei zahlreichen anderen Anwendungen zum Einsatz kommen, wie z.B. in der Cavity Enhanced Spektroskopie als Transfer Resonatoren oder als optische Lokaloszillatoren in der Atom- und Molekülspektroskopie. / The Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) is a proposed space-based gravitational wave detector that aims to detect gravitational waves in the low frequency range from 0.1 mHz to 1 Hz, which is not accessible by ground-based detectors. It consists of three satellites whose distance is monitored by laser interferometry. The high frequency stability of the lasers required for this purpose is to be achieved with a three level noise reduction scheme. This includes a pre-stabilization stage that has to feature not only high stability but also tunability. One approach for such a tunable pre-stabilization is stabilizing a laser to an optical cavity with incorporated piezoelectric actuator. While this is not a new concept per se, it has never been realized with the required stability until now. Within this thesis, different types of piezo-tunable cavities have been built and thoroughly analyzed. It could be shown that the cavities fulfill all requirements for a tunable laser pre-stabilization for LISA. Furthermore, the work presented here gives a new insight into the potential of piezo-tunable cavities. Their performance is only one order of magnitude below that of the best non-tunable cavities of the same length and the measured noise can not be attributed to the integration of the piezo actuators. So, in principal, an even better performance should be achievable with piezo-tunable cavities. Indeed, theoretical considerations performed within this thesis reveal that the intrinsic stability of piezo-tunable cavities is only slightly inferior to that of rigid cavities. Beyond an application in LISA, highly stable piezo-tunable cavities are also valuable devices for numerous other applications. They can be used in cavity enhanced spectroscopy, as transfer cavities or as optical local oscillators in atomic and molecular spectroscopy.

Optical and noise studies for Advanced Virgo and filter cavities for quantum noise reduction in gravitational-wave interferometric detectors / Études optiques et de bruit pour Advanced Virgo et cavités de filtrage pour la réduction du bruit quantique dans les détecteurs interférométriques d’ondes gravitationnelles

Capocasa, Eleonora 13 November 2017 (has links)
L'astronomie gravitationnelle a débuté en septembre 2015 avec la première détection de la fusion de deux trous noirs par LIGO. Depuis lors, plusieurs fusions de trous noirs et une fusion d'étoiles à neutrons ont été observées. Advanced Virgo a rejoint les deux observatoires LIGO dans la prise de données en août 2017, augmentant fortement les capacités de localisation du réseau. Afin d'exploiter pleinement le potentiel scientifique de ce nouveau domaine, un énorme effort expérimental est nécessaire pour améliorer la sensibilité des interféromètres. Cette thèse, développée dans ce contexte, est composée de deux parties. La première concerne Advanced Virgo : nous avons développé un budget de bruit automatique pour le bruit de fréquence du laser et nous avons effectué des mesures de caractérisation optique pour les cavités de bras kilométriques. Des pertes aller-retour aussi faibles que 80 ppm ont été mesurées. Elles sont parmi les plus basses jamais mesurées avec un faisceau de cette taille. La deuxième partie concerne la conception et le développement d'une cavité de filtrage de 300 m, un prototype pour démontrer la production de lumière squeezing dépendante de la fréquence avec les propriétés nécessaires pour une réduction du bruit quantique à large bande dans KAGRA, Advanced Virgo et Advanced LIGO. Nous avons contribué à la fois aux phases de conception et d'intégration du projet. Nous avons d'abord fait le design optique de la cavité, y compris les spécifications pour l'optique de la cavité et une estimation détaillée des sources de dégradation pour le squeezing. Nous avons donc développé un système de contrôle pour les miroirs, assemblé les suspensions et finalement aligné et mis la cavité en résonance avec la lumière laser / Gravitational wave astronomy has started in September 2015 with the first detection of a binary black-hole merger by LIGO. Since then, several black-hole mergers and a binary neutron star merger have been observed. Advanced Virgo joined the two LIGO detector in the observation run, in August 2017, highly increasing the localization capabilities of the network. In order to fully exploit the scientific potential of this new-born field, a huge experimental effort is needed to bring the instruments at their design sensitivity and to further improve them. This thesis, developed in this context, it is composed of two parts. The first is about Advanced Virgo: we have developed an automatic noise budget for the laser frequency noise and we have performed optical characterization measurements for the kilometric arm cavities. Round trip Losses as low as 80 ppm have been measured. They are among the lowest ever measured for beams of these size. The second part is about the design and development of a 300 m filter cavity, a prototype to demonstrate the frequency dependent squeezing production with properties needed for a broadband quantum noise reduction in the future upgrades of KAGRA, Advanced Virgo and Advanced LIGO. We have contributed to the design and integration phases of the project. We have first made the optical design of the cavity, including the the specifications for the main cavity optics and a detailed estimation of the squeezing degradation sources. We have then developed a local control system for the mirrors, assembled the suspensions, and finally aligned and brought the cavity in resonance with the laser light

Air-core microcavities and metal-dielectric filters - building blocks for optofluidic microsystems

Allen, Trevor W. Unknown Date
No description available.

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