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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Ramineni, Sandeep K 01 January 2014 (has links)
Mucoadhesive drug delivery systems which are being used from 1980’s to avoid first pass metabolism of drugs, commercially exist for only systemic drug delivery with fast erosion times (15-60 min), that may not be appropriate for local oral disorders. The goal of this research was to develop and characterize mucoadhesive films with flexibility of carrying different drugs and proteins and provide sustained release for local treatment of oral disorders. Mucoadhesive films composed of polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) and carboxymethlycellulose (CMC) were formulated with imiquimod, an immune response modifier. Problems such as solubilization of imiquimod to increase drug loading, uniformity in films and total amount of drug released into supernatants were addressed by use of acetate buffer after investigating multiple methods. Subsequently, other relevant properties of mucoadhesive systems, such as adhesion (shear, pull-off), tensile properties, swelling profiles, transport kinetics, and subsequent changes in release profiles as a function of film composition were characterized. The potential of the system for local retention of imiquimod, determined in oral mucosa of hamsters showed time dependent decrease in imiquimod amount through 12 hours, with no traces of drug in blood. Further testing in humans revealed that the residence time of the mucoadhesive films depended on the application site, increasing in the order of tongue < cheek < gingiva. In parallel, mucoadhesive films loaded with epidermal growth factor (EGF) were developed to promote treatment of oral mucosal wounds. Bioactivity was tested in vitro on buccal tissues by creating a wound followed by application of films. Although EGF-loaded films did not accelerate wound healing, but rather elicited a hyperparakeratotic response. In vitro buccal tissues may not be appropriate for testing the effects of EGF in wound healing without incorporation of other biochemical factors. Overall, a mucoadhesive system capable of delivering bioactive small molecules and proteins in sustained manner was developed in this work. A thorough understanding of the system properties was achieved to further tune for future applications. In vitro studies and in vivo studies in hamsters and humans clearly showed the potential and usefulness of the system to translate in to clinic for treatment of oral precancerous lesions.

Expressão de ADLH-1 e CD44 em lesões epiteliais displásicas e no carcinoma epidermóide intra-oral / Expression of ALDH-1 and CD44 in dysplastic epithelial lesions and intra-oral squamous cell carcinoma

Marina Gabriela Teixeira 12 November 2014 (has links)
O estudo das células-tronco cancerígenas (CTCs) durante o processo de malignização e no carcinoma epidermóide intra-bucal já instalado é essencial para um melhor entendimento de como essas células participam da formação e manutenção de uma neoplasia. Atualmente, a identificação de células com características de células tronco se dá principalmente através da expressão de marcadores celulares como o ALDH1 e o CD44. A proteína ALDH1 é responsável pela oxidação de aldeídos intracelulares e vem sendo utilizada para o isolamento de CTCs em inúmeros canceres incluindo casos de cabeça e pescoço. A proteína CD44 é uma glicoproteína envolvida na adesão e migração celular, também participa do processo de metástase e já foi associada às CTCs. Nesse trabalho, a expressão dessas proteínas foi analisada em 45 casos de displasias epiteliais e 13 casos de carcinomas epidermóide intra-bucais. As lesões displásicas foram classificadas em casos leves (19), moderados (18) e intensos (8) e foram também divididas em casos de baixo risco (22) e alto risco de transformação maligna (23). A expressão imunohistoquímica para a ALDH1 foi encontrada predominantemente na camada basal em 16 casos de displasias epiteliais e em 7 carcinomas epidermóides, com a marcação difusa pela epitélio neoplásico. A expressão imunohistoquímica de CD44 foi encontrada em 42 displasias epiteliais e em 12 carcinomas epidermóides, sendo que nas displasias, a expressão ocorreu predominantemente na camada basal do epitélio e no carcinoma epidermóide a expressão foi disseminada. Ambos marcadores exibiram aumento de expressão com a evolução do grau das displasias. / The study of cancer stem cells (CTCs) in the process of malignant transformation and intra-oral squamous cell carcinoma already installed is essential for a better understanding of how these cells participate in the formation and maintenance of a neoplasm. Currently, identification of cells with characteristics of stem cells is primarily through the expression of cell markers such as CD44 and ALDH1. The ALDH1 protein is responsible for the oxidation of intracellular aldehydes and has been used for the isolation of CTCs in numerous cancers including head and neck cases. The CD44 protein is a glycoprotein involved in cell adhesion and migration, also participates in the process of metastasis and has been associated with CTCs. In this work, the expression of these proteins was analyzed in 45 cases of epithelial dysplasia and 13 cases of intraoral squamous cell carcinomas. The dysplastic lesions were classified as mild (19), moderate (18) and intense (8) cases and were also divided into low-risk cases (22) and high risk of malignant transformation (23). The immunohistochemical expression for ALDH1 was found predominantly in the basal layer in 16 cases of epithelial dysplasia and squamous cell carcinoma in 7, with diffuse labeling by neoplastic epithelium. Immunohistochemical expression of CD44 was found in 42 epithelial dysplasias and 12 squamous cell carcinomas, and in dysplasias, the expression occurred predominantly in the basal layer of the epithelium and in squamous cell carcinoma expression was widespread. Both markers showed increased expression with the evolution of the degree of dysplasia.

Expressão de ADLH-1 e CD44 em lesões epiteliais displásicas e no carcinoma epidermóide intra-oral / Expression of ALDH-1 and CD44 in dysplastic epithelial lesions and intra-oral squamous cell carcinoma

Teixeira, Marina Gabriela 12 November 2014 (has links)
O estudo das células-tronco cancerígenas (CTCs) durante o processo de malignização e no carcinoma epidermóide intra-bucal já instalado é essencial para um melhor entendimento de como essas células participam da formação e manutenção de uma neoplasia. Atualmente, a identificação de células com características de células tronco se dá principalmente através da expressão de marcadores celulares como o ALDH1 e o CD44. A proteína ALDH1 é responsável pela oxidação de aldeídos intracelulares e vem sendo utilizada para o isolamento de CTCs em inúmeros canceres incluindo casos de cabeça e pescoço. A proteína CD44 é uma glicoproteína envolvida na adesão e migração celular, também participa do processo de metástase e já foi associada às CTCs. Nesse trabalho, a expressão dessas proteínas foi analisada em 45 casos de displasias epiteliais e 13 casos de carcinomas epidermóide intra-bucais. As lesões displásicas foram classificadas em casos leves (19), moderados (18) e intensos (8) e foram também divididas em casos de baixo risco (22) e alto risco de transformação maligna (23). A expressão imunohistoquímica para a ALDH1 foi encontrada predominantemente na camada basal em 16 casos de displasias epiteliais e em 7 carcinomas epidermóides, com a marcação difusa pela epitélio neoplásico. A expressão imunohistoquímica de CD44 foi encontrada em 42 displasias epiteliais e em 12 carcinomas epidermóides, sendo que nas displasias, a expressão ocorreu predominantemente na camada basal do epitélio e no carcinoma epidermóide a expressão foi disseminada. Ambos marcadores exibiram aumento de expressão com a evolução do grau das displasias. / The study of cancer stem cells (CTCs) in the process of malignant transformation and intra-oral squamous cell carcinoma already installed is essential for a better understanding of how these cells participate in the formation and maintenance of a neoplasm. Currently, identification of cells with characteristics of stem cells is primarily through the expression of cell markers such as CD44 and ALDH1. The ALDH1 protein is responsible for the oxidation of intracellular aldehydes and has been used for the isolation of CTCs in numerous cancers including head and neck cases. The CD44 protein is a glycoprotein involved in cell adhesion and migration, also participates in the process of metastasis and has been associated with CTCs. In this work, the expression of these proteins was analyzed in 45 cases of epithelial dysplasia and 13 cases of intraoral squamous cell carcinomas. The dysplastic lesions were classified as mild (19), moderate (18) and intense (8) cases and were also divided into low-risk cases (22) and high risk of malignant transformation (23). The immunohistochemical expression for ALDH1 was found predominantly in the basal layer in 16 cases of epithelial dysplasia and squamous cell carcinoma in 7, with diffuse labeling by neoplastic epithelium. Immunohistochemical expression of CD44 was found in 42 epithelial dysplasias and 12 squamous cell carcinomas, and in dysplasias, the expression occurred predominantly in the basal layer of the epithelium and in squamous cell carcinoma expression was widespread. Both markers showed increased expression with the evolution of the degree of dysplasia.

Efeitos da enzima óxido nítrico sintase induzível (iNOS) no desenvolvimento e progressão do carcinoma de células escamosas bucal experimental e humano

Servato, João Paulo Silva 26 August 2016 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A proteína óxido nítrico sintase induzível (iNOS) é a mais importante proteína da família das óxido nítrico sintases, a qual é capaz de produzir grandes quantidades de óxido nítrico. A indução permanente de iNOS foi levantada como potencialmente mutagênica, apresentando um papel central na biologia tumoral. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar o papel da iNOS no desenvolvimento de carcinomas de células escamosas bucais (CCEB), usando um modelo experimental de carcinogênese lingual em camundongos knockouts para NOS2 e amostras humanas derivadas da mucosa normal, leucoplasia bucal e CCEB. Camundongos selvagens (iNOS+/+) e knockout (iNOS-/-) para iNOS foram desafiados com 4-nitroquinolina-1-óxido (4NQO) diluída em água potável por 16 semanas e sacrificados após 0, 8 e 16 semanas de acompanhamento. As línguas foram removidas e o número de displasias e carcinomas foram contados. Sangue periférico destes camundongos foram analisados, por citometria de fluxo, em busca de células tumorais circulantes. Amostras humanas derivadas da mucosa normal, leucoplasia e CCEB, foram utilizadas para quantificar o RNA mensageiro (mRNA) de NOS2. As amostras humanas também foram imuno-coradas com anticorpos anti-iNOS e anti-nitrotirosina. Em ambos os grupos, foram observadas uma redução no número de displasias e um aumento de carcinomas da 16 semana até a 32 semanas. Camundongos iNOS-/- demonstraram menor número de lesões displásicas e neoplásicas em todos os períodos de avaliação, sendo menores e menos invasivas, quando comparados aos animais selvagens. Aparentemente, há uma tendência em ascensão nos níveis do mRNA e da proteína iNOS durante a carcinogênese bucal humana. Dados similares foram obtidos com a imuno-detecção de nitrotirosina. Além disso, as imuno-marcações de iNOS e nitrotirosina foram associadas a várias características clínicopatológicas dos CCEB (tamanho, presença de metástase, estadiamento e recidiva). Nossos resultados demonstraram que iNOS afeta o processo de carcinogênese bucal experimental e humana, estando associada com a gênese e progressão dos CCEB. Mais estudos devem ser feitos, para nos fornecer, uma compreensão profunda das funções de iNOS no desenvolvimento de câncer bucal. / Inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) is most important protein of nitric oxide synthases family, which is capable to produce huge amounts of nitric oxide. Permanent induction of iNOS has been raised as potentially mutagenic; presenting pivotal roles in tumor biology. The aim of this study is to investigate the role of iNOS in the development of oral squamous cells carcinomas (OSCC), using a mouse model of oral carcinogenesis in NOS2 knockout animals and human samples derived from normal mucosa, leukoplakia and OSCC. Wild-type (iNOS+/+) and NOS2-knockout (iNOS-/-) mices, were challenged with 4- nitroquinoline- 1-oxide (4NQO) in drinking water for 16 weeks and killed after 0, 8 and 16 weeks of after treatment. Tongues were removed and the number of dysplasias and carcinomas was counted. Mice’s peripheral blood were analyzed by flux cytometry in search of circulating tumor cells. Human samples derived from normal mucosa, leukoplakia and OSCC, were utilized to relative quantify the amount of NOS2-mRNA. The human samples were also immune-stained with anti-iNOS and anti- Nitrotyrosine antibodies. In both groups, a reduction of dysplasias and an increase of carcinomas from week 16 to week 32 were observed. iNOS-/- mices had shown a small number of dysplastic and neoplastic lesion in all evaluated periods, moreover these lesions were usually smaller and less invasive when compared to wild type animals. Apparently, there is a rising tendency in the iNOS mRNA and protein levels during human oral carcinogenesis. Similar findings were obtained in the nitrotyrosine staining. Furthermore, iNOS and nitrotyrosine imuno-stained is associated with several clinic-pathological features of OSCC (site, presence of metastasis, staging and recidive). Our results shows that, iNOS affects the process of experimental and human oral carcinogenesis, being associated with OSCC genesis and progression. More studies should be done to provide us a deep understanding of the iNOS functions in oral cancer development. / Tese (Doutorado)

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