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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oral Assessment From the Learner's Perspective: The Experience of Oral Assessment in Post-Compulsory Education

Joughin, Gordon Rowland, n/a January 2003 (has links)
This thesis examines the experience of oral assessment in post-compulsory education from the student's perspective. A considerable literature has developed over the past three decades describing and analysing how students experience various aspects of learning, including various forms of assessment. Until recently, none of this literature has addressed how students experience oral assessment, and recent studies that have done so are limited in their scope and methodology - it would be true to say that very little is known about oral assessment from the student's perspective. The starting point for the consideration of oral assessment is the existing literature on oral assessment, nearly all of which has been written from the teacher's perspective. A survey of this literature identified six dimensions of oral assessment - primary content types; interaction; authenticity; structure; examiners; and orality. It is suggested that these dimensions can lead to a clearer understanding of the nature of oral assessment, a clearer differentiation of the various forms within this type of assessment, a better capacity to describe and analyse these forms, and a better understanding of how the various dimensions of oral assessment may interact with other elements of teaching and learning. Students' experiences of oral assessment were then explored through interviews with fifteen students in a post-compulsory certificate in theology. The interviews and the analysis of the interview transcripts were strongly informed by the phenomenographic methods and conceptual framework developed by Marton and others for describing variations in how phenomena are experienced. Six aspects of students' experience of oral assessment were identified - the indirect object of learning; the direct object of learning; interaction; audience; affective responses; and comparisons with written assignments - and variations in how these aspects could be experienced are described. Relationships between these aspects suggested three contrasting conceptions of oral assessment. The conception of oral assessment as 'presentation' represents an approach to oral assessment that focuses on reproducing the ideas of others in a one-way presentation. This conception is associated with a limited sense of audience, a failure to perceive interaction as significant, and an absence of anxiety. In this case, oral assessment is seen as either similar to written assignments, or as being a more limited form of assessment than assignments. The conception of oral assessment as 'understanding' is associated with students actively seeking to develop their understanding of the subject, making the ideas they encounter their own, being challenged to understand these ideas because of the questioning involved in the assessment process, and seeing oral assessment as having some advantages over written assessment. The conception of oral assessment as 'a position to be argued' is associated with a seeing theology in terms of developing one's own point of view, having a strong sense of audience, seeing interaction with that audience as both challenging and demanding understanding, and experiencing a heightened self-awareness. In this case, oral assessment is seen as a significantly richer and more personally engaging form of assessment than written assignments. The study of oral assessment from the student's perspective extends the dimensions of oral assessment described earlier and challenges our understanding of these dimensions. The study has significant implications for teachers using oral assessment and for students who are being assessed orally, including the challenge of helping students develop more complex conceptions of oral assessment. The study also provides the basis for further research into specific aspect of oral assessment and its application in different contexts.

Bedömning av muntliga elevprestationer : – I ämnet samhällskunskap

Westholm, Patrik January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how teachers in the subject of social studies are working with and argue for their assessment of oral student performance. The questions of this study are: How do the social study teachers use assessment of oral student performance? Which work areas consists of assessment of oral student performance? What knowledge is measured during assessment of oral student performance? What arguments have teachers to assess oral student performance? Qualitative methodology was considered appropriate to answer the study's purpose and issues by using semi-structured interviews. A targeted selection was used and the criterion for participation in the study was that the teachers taught in social studies in high school. Differences as gender, age, and schools are also part of the selection process.The results show that all the teacher´s assessments of oral student performance are both summative and formative. They are also both formal and informal. Informal assessments of oral student performance are summative while the formal assessments also occurs formative. The results also show that the most common knowledge is factual knowledge and conceptual knowledge during these assessments of oral student performance. The most common cognitive process is understanding and remembering. All the teachers in the study describe assessments of oral student performance as time consuming. Assessment of oral student performance is more common in non-academic high school programs.The final part of this study shows that the assessment of oral student performance is summative, formative, formal and informal. There are no working areas that fits better for oral assessments, but when the teachers in this study describes how they are using assessments of oral student performance some working areas recur. The teachers in this study describe several arguments for the use of oral assessments. The most common argument is that assessments of oral student performance are part of the variety of examinations. Other arguments are that it will make it easier for students, especially students in non-academic programs or to reveal those students who cheat on essays or big writing assignments.

Vårdpersonalen och munbedömningsinstrumentet / The nursing staffand the oral assessment tool

Björcke, Fresia, Olafsen, Kristina January 2013 (has links)
Bakgrund: Munnen kan inte ses som separat från resten av kroppen eftersom munhälsan påverkar den generella hälsan. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa betydelsen av användandet av munbedömningsinstrument för vårdpersonalen. Metod: Allmän litteraturstudie. Resultat: Genom en innehållsanalys framkom de två subkategorierna; Ger möjlighet att upptäcka och Tydliggör fortsatt behov av munbedömning. Dessa ledde till kategorin; Munbedömningsinstrumentet ger struktur. Diskussion: Genom att göra en munbedömning på patienten kan vårdpersonalen lindra/förebygga lidande eftersom munhälsoproblem upptäcks och kan åtgärdas. All vårdpersonal måste förstå varför munvård och munbedömningar är viktigt och munbedömningsinstrument behöver vara tillförlitligt och lättanvänt. Rutiner måste finnas i varje vårdverksamhet, ett munbedömningsinstrument bör väljas ut med omsorg och anpassas till verksamheten.Konklusion: Användandet av ett munbedömningsinstrument kan leda till ökad struktur i vårdpersonalens munvårdsarbete. / Background: Since oral health has an influence on general health, the mouth can’t be viewed as separate from the rest of the body. Aim: To highlight the importance the use of an oral assessment tool has for the nursing staff. Method: A literature review. Result: Through analysis of the text content two subcategories emerged; Gives possibility to detect and Clarifies further need of oral assessment. They led to the category: The oral assessment tool gives structure. Discussion: By performing an oral assessment on the patient, through detection and correction of oral health problems suffering can be reduced/ prevented by the nursing staff. All of the nursing staff must understand why oral care and oral assessments are important and the oral assessment tool needs to be dependable and easy to use. In every type of health organization there needs to be routines for the use of the oral assessment tool, it should be selected with care and adjusted to the organization. Conclusion: The use of an oral assessment tool could lead to an increased structure in the oral care nursing provided by the nursing staff.

Fairness and Flexibility in Oral Examination

Andreasson, Eva January 2005 (has links)
<p>This is a descriptive ethnographical study with the purpose of examining teachers’ and students’ experiences of oral examination at a State Pedagogical University in western Russia. The study also focused on finding the characteristics of oral examination and the contextual factors influencing its implementation. The research was done using participatory observations and interviews. The results show that interviewees experience oral assessment in general as positive. Their descriptions are summarised and analysed using a number of key concepts, of which flexibility, subjectivity, individualisation, and fairness are the most important. The study also shows that contextual factors such as culture, traditions, and organisational framework have large impact on how the examination is done. The conclusion is that oral examination has both gins and losses, since the teacher’s active participation creates possibilities for individualisation and deep probing of the students’ knowledge, but is also a source of bias because of its subjectivity.</p>

Fairness and Flexibility in Oral Examination

Andreasson, Eva January 2005 (has links)
This is a descriptive ethnographical study with the purpose of examining teachers’ and students’ experiences of oral examination at a State Pedagogical University in western Russia. The study also focused on finding the characteristics of oral examination and the contextual factors influencing its implementation. The research was done using participatory observations and interviews. The results show that interviewees experience oral assessment in general as positive. Their descriptions are summarised and analysed using a number of key concepts, of which flexibility, subjectivity, individualisation, and fairness are the most important. The study also shows that contextual factors such as culture, traditions, and organisational framework have large impact on how the examination is done. The conclusion is that oral examination has both gins and losses, since the teacher’s active participation creates possibilities for individualisation and deep probing of the students’ knowledge, but is also a source of bias because of its subjectivity.

Munhälsobedömning med bedömningsinstrumentet ROAG : En journalgranskning av dokumentation av munvård på en palliativ slutenvårdsavdelning i Mellansverige

Morton, Camilla January 2015 (has links)
Bakgrund: En god munhälsa betyder mycket för välbefinnandet och området är sparsamt studerat inom palliativ vård. För att kunna bedöma munstatus på ett strukturerat sätt rekommenderas Revised Oral Assessment Guide (ROAG) att användas i Sverige. Året som studien utfördes gavs en prestationsersättning till alla svenska kommuner som använde ROAG och dokumenterade munhälsa i det nationella kvalitetsregistret senior alert. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka om munhälsobedömningar gjorts enligt ROAG, och om åtgärderna som vidtagits stämmer överens med ROAGs rekommendationer. Det har även studerats om läkare eller tandläkare konsulterats, då allvarliga problem med munhälsan upptäcktes. Metod: En retrospektiv kvantitativ studie ägde rum på en palliativ slutenvårdsavdelning Pappersjournaler av 68 patienter granskades. Patienter som inte var i en palliativ fas eller som hade gått bort inom en vecka efter ankomst exkluderades från studien. En granskningsmall och anteckningsblock användes för att kunna sammanställa all dokumentation från journalerna. Resultat: Resultatet visade brist på dokumentation inom området munvård, och ROAG formuläret hade använts i en av 68 journaler. Det fanns få beskrivna åtgärder. Av 103 identifierade problemområden fanns 8 problemområden där åtgärderna fullständigt stämde överens med ROAG. 29 patienter hade läkemedel mot munsvamp ordinerat av läkare. Av dessa 29 fanns 12 journaler där det inte stod någonting om munvård, utom just i läkemedelslistan. Slutsats: Denna studie tyder på att det finns brister i dokumentationen av munhälsa och munvård. Bristerna skulle kunna leda till ett onödigt vårdlidande för patienten. Orsaken till detta behöver undersökas, och rutiner för munvårdsbedömningar bör säkerställas. / Background: Good oral health is important for general wellbeing and there is a lack of studies within this area.  In Sweden it is recommended that Revised Oral Assessment Guide (ROAG) is used in order to assess oral health in a structured way. The year the study was performed a monetary performance reward was given to all Swedish counties if they used ROAG and documented oral health in a Swedish national register called senior alert. Aim: The aim of this study was to examine if oral health care assessments had been made using ROAG (revised oral assessment guide), and weather the measures that were made coincided with ROAGS recommendations. The aim also included studying if a doctor or dentist were consulted, if serious problems with oral health were discovered. Method: A retrospective study took place at a hospice. The printed journals of 68 patients were studied. Patients who were not in a palliative phase, or had passed away within a week of arrival were excluded from the study. A review template and a notebook were used to compile the documentation from the journals. Result: The result showed a lack of documentation of oral health and that the ROAG form was only used in one of 68 journals. There were few documented actions mentioned to rectify identified problems. Amongst 103 problem areas there were 8 that had actions mentioned that coincided with ROAGs recommendations. 29 patients had an oral antifungal drug prescribed by a doctor. Amongst these 29 patients there were 12 journals that did not mention oral health care in any way, except from on the medical ordination list. Conclusion: This study showed that there was a lack of documentation within the nursing field of oral health care. This could lead to unnecessary suffering for the patient. The reason behind this should be examined, and routines for the use of oral assessment guides should be secured.

Randomised controlled trials of interventions to prevent oral mucositis in patients undergoingtreatment for cancer

Bryan, Gemma January 2011 (has links)
Introduction: Oral mucositis is an inflammatory and frequently ulcerative side effect of cancer therapy, which has been identified by patients as the most debilitating side effect of their treatment. Mucositis is a dose limiting toxicity which exerts a substantial clinical and economic impact and negatively affects patient quality of life. The patient experience of mucositis is under-reported in the literature. To date, no interventions have been identified that have proven successful in the prevention of mucositis for patients receiving all types of therapy. Vitamin E has shown conflicting results in clinical trials. This thesis combines appraisal of the literature and empirical research,and uses lessons learned from previous studies together with the results of a feasibility study to identify a best practice model for future trials. Methods: The Cochrane risk of bias (ROB) instrument was used to assess the ROB in the studies included in the Cochrane prevention review. A sensitivity analysis was conducted after studies assessed at unclear or high risk of overall bias were excluded. A systematic review of assessment instruments was conducted which identified 50 instruments. Consideration of the appropriateness of these instruments for the use in a clinical trial for the prevention of mucositis was based on the practicality, comparability, and reproducibility, and the impact of these instruments on patients. Three of these instruments were chosen for use in a clinical trial of adults undergoing stem cell transplant. Finally, a feasibility study was designed, developed and conducted which investigated vitamin E for the prevention of mucositis in patients undergoing conditioning for bone marrow transplantation. Through lessons learned from previous studies, consultations with medical professional, the MHRA, ethics committee and suppliers, a protocol was developed for a double blind RCT. The process of gaining MHRA and ethical approval, and the repackaging of intervention and placebo products to meet MA-IMP requirements are described. Results: 130 articles were assessed for risk of bias. Only ten studies were assessed as being at low overall risk of bias. Blinding of outcome assessors and adequate allocation concealment were identified to be important considerations in the planning of future studies. Although only nine patients were recruited into the feasibility study, a number of issues affecting the design and conduct of future trials were identified. Recruitment in particular was identified to be problematic. Strategies for overcoming this problem in future trials were discussed. The methods of blinding and allocation concealment employed were found to be feasible for use in future trials. Expected adverse events patients undergoing stem cell transplantation were also reported. Conclusion: Further studies are required to investigate interventions for the prevention of mucositis. It is of upmost importance that these trials are rigorous in both their methodology and subsequent reporting in order to elicit the maximum benefit for patients taking part in clinical trials, and future patients undergoing therapy for cancer.

Teaching and Assessing Student's Accents : The Challenge of Working with the Multitude of Accents in the English-Speaking World / Att undervisa och bedöma elevers uttal : Utmaningen att arbeta med de många dialekter som finns i den engelsktalande världen

Klevskog, Emma January 2019 (has links)
Today, English is a world language and more English accents have appeared. Today it is more difficult to teach English in Sweden due to the fact that we do not know when, where or how we are going to use English in the future. This study therefore focuses on how English teachers in Swedish upper secondary school teach and assess students’ accents and the challenge of working with the multitude of accents of the English-speaking world. This study is based on a questionnaire that was sent electronically to English teachers. The results from this study show that English teachers in Swedish upper secondary schools work with different English accents in class. The results also show that over fifty percent of the teachers do not let students choose accents for them to work with; most of the teachers’ choose which accents should be introduced and worked with in class. Moreover, students’ grades are not affected by the accent they speak, which is in line with the English syllabus. In conclusion, it is clear that British and American English are still dominant in Swedish school today. / Idag är engelska ett världsspråk och fler engelska dialekter har dykt upp. Idag har det blivit svårare att undervisa engelska i Sverige, då vi oftast inte vet när eller hur vi kommer använda det engelska språket i framtiden. Denna studie inriktar sig på hur engelskalärare i den svenska gymnasieskolan undervisar och bedömer elevers uttal, samt den utmaning som finns idag med att arbeta med de många dialekter som finns i den engelsktalande världen. Denna studie är baserad på en enkät som skickades elektroniskt till engelskalärare. Resultatet av denna studie visar att engelskalärare i svenska gymnasieskolan arbetar med olika engelska dialekter. Resultatet visar också att över femtio procent av lärarna inte låter eleverna välja själva vilka dialekter som ska introduceras, utan de flesta lärare väljer själva vilka engelska dialekter de ska arbeta med i undervisningen. Elevernas betyg är inte heller påverkade av deras val av engelsk dialekt, vilket är i linje med den engelska kursplanen. Slutligen visar det sig att brittisk och amerikansk engelska fortfarande dominerar i den svenska skolan idag.

Exame Celpe-Bras: uma investigação sobre o papel do entrevistador na interação face a face

Bottura, Eleonora Bambozzi 14 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T20:25:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6169.pdf: 5332169 bytes, checksum: 7a7230aa4b419f579632ebf91f7e5603 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-14 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / This work aims at investigating interviewer s role in Celpe-Bras second term 2012 edition. We consider that the role of the interviewer can affect positively or negatively the examinee s performance as well as the examinee s proficiency. Studies have focused on the impact of the interviewer s role in performance. Important researches investigate interviewer s attitudes can benefit or harm examinee s performance. It is of main relevance to identify possible variables in the interviewer-examinee relation when they are interacting. This research aims at analyzing interviewer roles regarding reliability and validity exam. In addition, the main objective is to investigate features involved in interviewer attitudes which can cause an impact on the interaction and on examinee´s performance. Based on results, this study collects some evidences related to validity and reliability of oral proficiency exams focusing interviewer s role, in order to provide some referrals for reflecting on training interviewers and examiners. / O presente trabalho busca investigar as interações face a face constitutivas da Parte Oral do exame Celpe-Bras (Certificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros). O objetivo desta pesquisa foi o de analisar atuação, atitudes e papéis desempenhados por entrevistadores em interações face a face referentes à aplicação do segundo semestre de 2012 de um Posto Aplicador brasileiro. Assim, a partir da investigação descritiva sobre a atuação do entrevistador no Celpe-Bras, perguntamo-nos acerca de qual é a relação que se estabelece na interação, uma vez que a atuação do entrevistador como interlocutor implica no resultado do desempenho e também da proficiência do examinando. Estudos têm focado na questão da atuação do entrevistador e qual impacto esta possui no desempenho do entrevistado. Pesquisas seminais da área ressaltam a maneira como as atitudes e papéis desempenhados pelos entrevistadores possuem um impacto no desempenho do examinando, podendo auxiliá-lo, prejudicá-lo e, por conseguinte, comprometer a validade do exame; e, ainda, apontam para lacunas significativas a serem estudadas evidenciando a necessidade de se investigar variáveis determinantes na relação entrevistador-examinando, sobretudo dando enfoque ao papel do entrevistador. Com este trabalho, pretende-se colher evidências sobre validade e confiabilidade em exames de proficiência oral, tendo em vista a influência do papel dos entrevistadores no desempenho dos examinandos, e que sirvam de encaminhamentos para refletir acerca da formação entrevistadores e examinadores.

Effets des coévaluations formatives élève – élève et enseignante – élève sur le développement de la compétence à communiquer oralement d’élèves du secondaire

Desrochers, Karine 08 1900 (has links)
À travers la francophonie, l’évaluation formative est considérée par plusieurs chercheurs comme un facteur clé du développement de la compétence à communiquer oralement : elle favorise notamment la régulation des apprentissages (Colognesi, Vassart et al., 2020) et tend à diminuer le stress des apprenants à l’égard des présentations orales (Paquet, 2021). Pourtant, l’évaluation formative de l’oral est quasi absente des pratiques évaluatives des enseignants de français langue d’enseignement au niveau secondaire au Québec (Lafontaine et Messier, 2009; Vega, 2013). De plus, la coévaluation, moyen susceptible d’être mobilisé dans le cadre d’une évaluation formative de l’oral, semble méconnue des enseignants (Dumais, 2008; Sénéchal, 2012) et peu d’études ont été menées à son sujet. C’est pourquoi nos deux objectifs spécifiques sont les suivants : 1) mesurer des effets de la coévaluation formative sur le développement de la compétence à communiquer oralement d’élèves du secondaire; 2) décrire des raisons pouvant expliquer ces effets. Pour atteindre ces objectifs, nous avons réalisé une recherche par méthodes mixtes auprès de trois groupes-classes de première secondaire (élèves âgés de 12 et 13 ans). Une séquence d’enseignement a été mise en place, laquelle comprend l’ajout d’une coévaluation formative élève – élève dans le groupe expérimental 1 et d’une coévaluation formative enseignante – élève dans le groupe expérimental 2. Les données issues d’un prétest et un posttest ont fait l’objet de tests statistiques et les données découlant d'entrevues semi-dirigées ont été analysées à l’aide d’une analyse de contenu. En lien avec le premier objectif, les résultats saillants indiquent que les deux modalités de coévaluation expérimentées produisent un effet d’amélioration similaire. Concernant le deuxième objectif, la coévaluation élève – élève semble être un levier pour la motivation intrinsèque des élèves, les amenant à se sentir responsables de leurs apprentissages et à consacrer plus de temps à la préparation de leur exposé. La coévaluation enseignante – élève, pour sa part, favorise l’amélioration de la confiance en soi des apprenants, surtout lorsque ces derniers valorisent l’enseignante. Ces résultats offrent des pistes didactiques susceptibles de guider les enseignants dans la mise en place de leur propre démarche de coévaluation. / In francophone research areas, several researchers consider formative assessment to be a key factor in the development of oral communication skills. Most notably, it promotes self-regulated learning (Colognesi, Vassart, et al., 2020) and tends to reduce the stress associated with oral presentations in learners (Paquet, 2021). Despite this, formative oral assessment is nearly absent from the evaluation practices of French teachers in Quebec’s high schools (Lafontaine and Messier, 2009; Vega, 2013). Additionally, co-evaluation, an effective practice for formative oral assessment, seems to be unknown to most teachers (Dumais, 2008; Sénéchal, 2012) and few studies have been conducted on this matter. Therefore, our two specific objectives are: 1) to measure the effects of formative co-evaluation on the development of oral communications skills of high school students; 2) to describe possible reasons for these effects. To do so, we conducted a study based on a mixed methods research design among three groups of first-year high school students (12 to 13 years old). We created a teaching unit that included a student – student formative co-evaluation in experimental group 1 and a teacher – student formative co-evaluation in experimental group 2. Data collected from a pre-test and a post-test were statistically analyzed while data collected from semi-structured interviews were examined using a content analysis. With regards to the first objective, the main results indicate that the two methods of co-evaluation produce similar effects on improving oral communication skills. Concerning the second objective, student – student co-evaluation seems to promote intrinsic motivation which leads students to gain a sense of responsibility for their learning and spend more time getting ready for their presentation. Meanwhile, teacher – student co-evaluation helps improve self-confidence in learners, especially when the teacher is highly regarded by the students. These results offer various possible teaching avenues to guide teachers establishing their own co-evaluation procedure.

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