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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The psychological adjustment of middle managers after revolutionary organisational change

Coates, Nicholas Robert January 1999 (has links)
With the accelerated process of political and socio-economic transformation in South Africa, revolutionary organisational change has become a given in contemporary South African business life (Human & Horwitz, 1992). For revolutionary organisational change to succeed in South Africa, middle managers who represent the 'cement' of the organisation, need to adjust at the individual level. However, the literature on organisational change remains curiously silent about individual adjustment (Ashford, 1988). The goals of the research were firstly, to recount the middle manager's perceptions and experiences of revolutionary organisational change. Secondly, to detail the psychological re-<lrientation and reidentification of middle managers within their 'changed' organisational context. Thirdly, to understand the relative success of middle managers' psychological adjustment. A single case study design was most appropriate as the study represented a unique case in that it was the most transformed public organisation in South Africa. An initial research group and two theoretically relevant sub-groups were created through theoretical sampling. The data collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation and documentation, and the analysis of this data were jointly undertaken. The results indicate that the respondents perceived a necessity for revolutionary organisational change due to the political changes within South Africa. However, the actual management of the change process was perceived to be poor as the respondent's experienced a lack of participation and a lack of communication. The traumatic 'side effects' of these experiences included feelings of powerlessness and uncertainty which increased the level of organisational stress. Specific individual differences proved largely ineffective in moderating the increased stress. This was attributed to the violation of the individual respondents' psychological contract and the subsequent shared psychological disorientation. The violation resulted in feelings of hurt, betrayal and resentment which shifted the respondents view of the employment relationship. The respondents were therefore unable to identify with the 'new' organisation. This was evident in their attitudinal and behavioural responses which included a lack of trust, lack of organisational commitment and a shift in work satisfaction as weU as ensuing 'offsetting' behaviour and a reluctance to engage in organisational citizenship behaviour. These attitudinal and behavioural responses strongly suggested that the respondents' psychological adjustment was predominantly ineffectual.

What Is Needed to Enable a Cultural Shift in the Market Research Department at the Gangler Company?

Davis, Brooke 12 1900 (has links)
This thesis investigates how to create an environment for organizational change within the Market Research Department at the Gangler Company (a US-based consumer products company). I explore what is influencing the current cultural environment and which of those influencers can be shifted to encourage organizational change toward the “ideal” culture that the organization has identified. Using new institutionalism as the theoretical approach, I discuss the significance of institutional forces (such as the economy and the rise in technology) on the cultural elements (i.e. behaviors, ideas, material artifacts and social structures) in the Market Research Department. Lastly, I show that by understanding those institutional influences, I can better assess what cultural elements can be shifted and which cannot. Of the cultural elements that are able to be shifted, I recommend three interventions that the organization should employ: 1) from a contrive culture to a culture of candor, 2) from a culture of division to a culture of cohesion, and 3) from a culture of knowing to a culture of learning.

Peeling Back the Layers of Ambidexterity in Multi-Business Firms

Struckell, Beth Maney 12 1900 (has links)
There is a dual accountability accepted by top executives of large multi-business firms (MBFs) to both consistently deliver performance in the short term and cultivate scalable opportunities for future growth, which requires that they be able to implement both evolutionary and revolutionary change. Researchers have defined this capability as organizational ambidexterity (OA) and deemed it a crucial requirement for every organization. Literature in the field of organizational ambidexterity (OA) describes the need to simultaneously orchestrate attention and activities along two dimensions of ambidexterity: exploitation and exploration. This dissertation peels back the layers in MBFs to generate a deeper understanding of OA in the MBF, by answering three research questions, using a mixed method approach-qualitative study followed by quantitative study: (1) What is an appropriate specification of OA in an MBF? (2) Are there differences in exploration and exploitation across the three levels within the MBF? and (3) Is there a relationship between exploration and exploitation and MBF performance at each of the three levels within the MBF? Qualitative Study 1 was conducted in December 2017, to investigate and confirm the appropriateness of the three-level operationalization of OA in MBFs. The data comprised eleven semi-structured interviews with senior executives that serve or have served as independent board directors (IBDs), chief executive officers (CEOs) or business unit general managers (BUGMs). The executives were able to articulate the existence of and differences in exploitation and exploration roles and activities at each of the three levels. Study 2 was conducted during June 2018, designed to test five sets of hypotheses. The study used a qualified panel of senior executives to generate a representative sample of respondents in each of three roles: IBDs, CEOs, and BUGMs. Data was collected through an online survey instrument, distributed to the panelists by Qualtrics and Centiment. Completed surveys resulted in a sample of 256 MBFs. Two separate one-way ANOVAs and Tukey post hoc means comparison tests were conducted; the results find significant differences in exploration at the board, corporate and business unit levels. Likewise, findings support statistically significant differences in exploitation at the board, corporate and business unit levels. For the third research question, exploration and exploitation were individually regressed against two measures of MBF performance, using IBM SPSS 25 software. At each of the three levels (board, corporate and business unit), statistically significant relationships were found between at least one of the ambidexterity dimensions and MBF performance, providing partial support of the hypotheses.

Implementering av digitala styrverktyg : Hur upplever människorna i en organisation en pågående implementeringav ett nytt digitalt styrverktyg?

Nilsson, Hanna, Neskovska, Emilia January 2023 (has links)
The paper deals with how an ongoing continuous minor organizational change affectsmanagement and operating core (IT analysts and controllers), as well as the communicationbetween the actors in the middle of an implementation of a digital control tool. The study isqualitative and the respondents in the company are interviewed in the middle of the ongoingimplementation. This is beneficial as the answers become more truthful and the risk ofpost-construction and rationalization is reduced. Based on the acquired theory and empiricalevidence, we have found that the implementation of the new digital control tool affects theactors in different ways during the implementation process. We have also found out that theopinions are divided in several cases. The experience differs mainly regarding whether thestrategy is clear or not. The management believes that there is a clear strategy, while theoperating core (IT analysts and controllers) believes that it is unclear and that they are ratherencouraged to use the tool, but that there is no concrete execution plan for how to proceed.Communication, lack of time and lack of resources are commonly occuring and somethingthat should be addressed. Through meaningful communication and prioritization of resources,the company can streamline implementation, reduce human resistance and get the entireorganization on board with the change.

MKB Vågade - igen?

Mattsson, Madeleine, Liljefeldt, Emma January 2012 (has links)
Studien avser att belysa dels ett historiskt perspektiv hos MKB Fastighets AB:s organisationsförändring under Allan Karlssons ledning på 1990-talet, dels avser studien att undersöka hur dagens organisationskultur yttrar sig och dels hur den rådande kulturen förmodas integrera med en leanimplementering. Syftet är att utifrån dessa tre perspektiv skildra den rådande organisationskulturen samt genomföra en tolkning om organisationskulturen är enhetlig eller splittrad med existerande subkulturer. Frågeställningarna berör kulturen på 1990-talet, hur förvaltningsområdena framställs, respondenternas skildring av samhörighet och konsensus i organisationen, hur respondenterna ser på organisationsförändringen samt respondenternas syns på ledningen. Den teoretiska referensramen i studien lyfter fram vikten av att en organisationsförändring påverkar flera organisatoriska dimensioner. Organisationskulturen har makten att påverka organisationsförändringar och skapa inkonsekvenser som utvecklar subkulturer. Förändringsledarskapet lyfts fram som en viktig del i att kontrollera motståndet och påverka både organisationsförändring och organisationskulturen. Leanfilosofin innebär att införa en ny organisationskultur som genererar tydligare struktur och ökad delaktighet.Undersökningen är en kvalitativ fallstudie med en hermeneutikisk och en fenomenologisk ansats. Datainsamlingen grundades i ett strategiskt urval av elva respondenter, varav tio förvaltare och en styrgruppsmedlem. Det empiriska materialet sammanställdes utifrån intervjuer med respondenterna, resultatet bygger även på projektbeskrivningen, årsredovisningen och MKB Vågade (Aunér, 2001). Analysen av empirin gav insikt om att det fanns en stark självbestämmande kultur, bristande vetskap om leanimplementeringen, stora meningsskiljaktigheter mellan ledning och operativ personal samt att ett nätverkande kommunikationssystem i form av lobbyverksamhet som existerar i organisationen.

Using the CAPIE model to facilitate change : a critical review

Disho, Luka 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2005. / The business environment is always changing and it is characterised by turbulence and uncertainty. This changing environment will force the businesses to respond in one way or the other and alter their strategies and operations to accordingly to remain competitive. Making some alterations to these strategies and operations means bringing about change to the organisation. As it will be seen in the rest of this study, managing change is a complex, complicated, time consuming and expensive exercise. Managing and leading change requires commitment, patience, passion, dedication, and top leadership support. It involves an insightful analysis of the status quo from which to start building for the envisioned end future state. The change agents must ensure that they keep everybody on board posted about change. Pervasive leadership must be present to corroborate the change process. Because change happens through people, a full comprehension of the human aspect of change especially the human response to change need not be overemphasised. This aspect cuts across the entire change process right from the beginning until the end of change project. The other overarching thing is the fact that change programme must be in place to ensure implementation, hence successful change. This programme outlines the roles and responsibilities of those involved in the change process. This study has looked at the CAPlE model for facilitating change. The model envelopes all the critical elements of the change programme and process, which the change agents should take cognisance of. The model serves as a guide to successful management, facilitation and implementation of change.

An evaluation of the strategies used to reduce resistance to change during business reengineering in Samancor Chrome

Holl, Hugo J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Samancor Chrome is an integrated ferrochrome producer with an estimated annual ferrochrome capacity of 1.26 million tons, or approximately twenty-five per cent of total Western world capacity in 1997. A decline in commodity pricing and other factors prompted Samancor to initiate a business process reengineering (BPR) programme facilitated by McKinsey and Company in the Chrome Alloys Division in 1997. The process however, met with considerable resistance from the Unions within Samancor Chrome, although several strategies were employed to promote acceptance of the process. The technical report assesses the effect of strategies utilised to lessen resistance to change during the business process reengineering programme initiated in Samancor Chrome. The assessment reviewed strategies given in relevant literature to lessen resistance to business reengineering processes and considered the applicability of such strategies within the context of Samancor Chrome. Research data was obtained through semi-structured interviews with Samancor Chrome senior management. The research showed that Samancor Chrome had formulated a communication and a participation strategy in preparation of the BPR programme. The strategies were the only acceptance strategies suggested by McKinsey and Company in their role as the BPR consultants. The context provided by the literature research showed that the participation strategy and the formulation of the communication strategy were inappropriate within the organisational context of Samancor Chrome. Conclusions regarding the situational validity of the strategies were supported by the failure of the strategies to reduce resistance against the BPR programme. A negotiation strategy was ultimately used as an acceptance strategy during the BPR programme, and contextual analysis showed the strategy to be appropriate although only partially effective as implementation was still delayed. Interpretative analysis of the research data indicated that a change management strategy for future BPR initiatives should rather contain elements of education, communication, retrenchment avoidance measures and consultation or negotiation within a management led, top-down approach. Management should drive the BPR process in an emphatic manner, with the programme execution and implementation being completed within a four to six month short time frame. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Samancor Chroom is 'n ge-integreerde ferrochroom produsent met 'n geskatte kapasiteit van 1.26 miljoen ton per annum, of ongeveer vyf en twintig persent van die totale Westerse wêreld kapasiteit in 1997. 'n Reële verlaging in kommoditeits pryse sowel as ander faktore het daartoe gelei dat Samancor Chroom in 1997 'n besigheids proses herontwerp oefening onder leiding van McKinsey and Company in die Chroom Allooi Divisie geinisieer het. Die proses is egter deur die Unies binne Samancor weerstaan, alhoewel verskeie strategieë gebruik was om aanvaarding van die proses te bewerkstellig. Die tegniese verslag evalueer die effektiwiteit van die strategieë wat toegepas was om weerstand teen verandering tydens die besigheids proses herontwerp (BPH) in Samancor Chroom te verminder. Die evaluasie neem ook strategieë vanuit toepaslike literatuur om weerstand tydens besigheids proses herontwerp programme te verminder in ag, en oorweeg die toepaslikheid van die strategieë in die konteks van Samancor Chroom. Navorsings inligting is ingesamel deur semi-gestruktureerde onderhoude met Samancor senior bestuurs personeel. Die navorsing dui daarop dat Samancor Chroom kommunikasie en deelnemenings strategieë in voorbereiding vir die BPH program ontwikkel het. Die strategieë was ook die enigste strategieë wat deur McKinsey and Company in hul rol as BPH konsultante voorgestel was. Die konteks deur die literatuur studie geskep, het aangedui dat die deelnemings strategie sowel as die formulering van die kommunikasie strategie onvanpas was binne die organisatoriese konteks van Samancor Chroom. Gevolgtrekkings aangaande die situasionele validiteit van die strategieë was ondersteun deur die faling van die strategieë om weerstand teen die BPH program te verminder. 'n Onderhandelings strategie is uiteindelik as 'n aanvaardings strategie tydens die BPH program toegepas, en konteks analise dui die strategie as toepaslik aan alhoewel slegs gedeeltelik suksesvol, aangesien die program implementasie vertraag was. Interpretiewe analise van die navorsings inligting dui aan dat 'n veranderings strategie vir toekomstige BPH initiatiewe elemente van opleiding, kommunikasie, inkorting vermyding maatreëls en konsultasie of onderhandeling binne 'n bestuurs gedrewe program benadering moet bevat. Die program moet sonder vertraging gedryf word, met program voltooing en implementering tussen vier tot ses maande.

Key success factors in the implementation of organisational transformation

Bisschoff, F. A. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Managers are continuously faced with new problems and organisations are facing a severe battle for survival. The purpose of this study is to provide managers with a practical guideline based on a holistic and integrated approach of how to face and successfully overcome transformation challenges that they are facing. It has become imperative that managers learn how to effectively reposition and re-organise their organisations in order to meet the challenges of the future with confidence. The areas that will be addressed in this study will provide managers with the relevant information on how to transform their organisation as well as provide insights into how to approach the implementation thereof. The planning, positioning and implementation of transformation is one of the most important tools for organisations strategically gain the competitive advantage into the future. The Bisschoff generic key success factor organisation transformation model have been developed that will enable managers to approach the issues of transformation with confidence. This study has been compiled and written in such a manner as to provide managers with guidelines of techniques and models to apply the theory and literature in their respective organisations. The main purpose of this study is to provide a body of knowledge on the issues surrounding a successful transformation process. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Bestuur staar voortdurend nuwe uitdagings in die gesig en organisasies word bedreig deur 'n uiterste stryd om herlewing. Hierdie studie het ten doel om bestuurders te voorsien van 'n praktiese handleiding gebaseer op 'n hilistiese en geintegreerde benadering om die uitdagings van transformasie waarvoor hulle te staan kom met sukses te trotseer en te oorkom. Dit het van uiterste belang geword dat bestuurders tegnieke aanleer om hulle onderskeie organisasies so te herposisioneer en te her-organiseer dat hulle in staat gestel sal word om die uitdagings van die toekoms met sukses te oorkom. Die areas ter sprake in die studie het ten doel om bestuur van relevante inligting te voorsien oor hoe om organisasies te transformer en insig te verskaf oor die benadering van implementering. Die beplanning, posisionering en implementering van transformasie is een van die belangrikste hulpmiddels vir organisasies om strategies die kompeterende voordeel te verkry in die toekoms. Die Bisschoff generiese sleutel sukses faktor organisasie transformasie model is ontwerp om bestuurders in staat te stel om die uitdagings rakende transformasie met sekerheid aan te durf. Hierdie studie is onderneem en saamgestel om bestuurders te voorsien met 'n handleiding waarin tegnieke en modelle beskryf word waarbinne die teorie en literatuur in hulle organisasie toegepas kan word. Die kern doel van hierdie studie is om 'n liggaam van transformasie te voorsien rakende die vraagstukke rakende 'n suksesvolle transformasie proses.

The development of a framework for the practical application of change leadership principles in a project context

Kromhout, C. J. H. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Powerful macro-economic forces (of which technology is the main driver) are propelling organisational change. As the rate of technological change accelerates, new threats and opportunities arise more frequently, spurring the need for more rapid organisational change. According to various studies the success rate of major change initiatives is deemed to be very low. The need for accelerated change and the low success rate of the change initiative attempts to date indicate a dire need for practical change leadership competencies. This study project makes a contribution towards that need by providing a practical framework, making it easier for change leaders, sponsors and change agents to apply change leadership in the context of a project. A meta-analytical study of change leadership principles, as described by some of the leading authors on the subject, provides various insights into the high failure rate of change initiatives. The synthesis of their recommendations culminates in the description of ten critical success factors for organisational change. Each critical success factor is expanded into tasks with detail that will aid the execution thereof. Linked to the states of change, the critical success factors and accompanying task detail form a practical framework for change leadership. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Makro-ekonomiese kragte (waarvan tegnologie die grootste invloed het) dryf die versnellende tempo waarteen organisatoriese verandering tans moet plaasvind. Die tempo waarteen tegnologie verander skep toenemend nuwe geleenthede en bedreigings vir organisasies, wat die behoefte na vinnige reaksie en snelle verandering verhoog. Verskeie studies bewys dat die meeste veranderingsinisiatiewe egter onsuksesvol is. Die groeiende behoefte aan 'n vermoe om vinnig te kan verander en die lae vlak van sukses dui daarop dat 'n groot behoefte in organisasies bestaan vir praktiese veranderingsbestuur vaardighede. Hierdie werkstuk lewer 'n bydrae tot die bevrediging van die behoefte deur 'n praktiese raamwerk daar te stel wat leiers en agente van verandering sal help om die beginsels van veranderingsbestuur toe te pas in die konteks van 'n projek. 'n Meta-analitiese studie van veranderingsbestuur verskaf insigte deur verskeie outeurs oor die redes waarom die meerderheid van veranderingsinisiatiewe faal. Die sintese van hul aanbevelings lei tot die beskrywing van tien kritiese suksesfaktore vir organisatoriese verandering. Elke kritiese suksesfaktor word uitgebrei in gedetaileerde take wat die uitvoering daarvan ondersteun. Die take en kritiese suksesfaktore, gekoppel aan die onderskeie stadiums van verandering vorm 'n praktiese raamwerk vir veranderingsbestuur.

Fooling the company - The Corporate Jester As Driving Force For Organizational Change

Köllen, Thomas January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This conceptual article proposes the establishing of the position of a corporate jester to support organizational change processes. The article focuses on the inevitable transformations companies have to go through, given the diversification and pluralization of the workforce. The corporate jester theoretically is framed as part of an organizational "comical artifact staging", that by utilizing humor as an element of organizational change, experiences more openness and less resistance than more educative tools. (author's abstract)

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