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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Revisorn 3.0 - identitetskrisen som inte finns

Olsson, Nils H., Pergård, Sebastian January 2014 (has links)
Syfte: Syftet med studien är att utforska hur revisorns egenskaper och uppfattningar om en god revisor påverkar den professionella och organisatoriska identiteten. Metod: Genom att använda oss av ett positivistiskt synsätt i kombination med en deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ metod har vi erhållit vårt empiriska material. Teoretiskt perspektiv: Studien utgår från litteratur gällande revisorns traditionella och nya roll. Vidare har teori om professionell och organisatorisk identitet använts samt andra teorier inom vårt ämnesområde. Empirisk metod: SPSS har använts för att analysera vår empiri som erhållits genom en kvantitativ metod, enkäter. Empirin har analyserats genom multipel regressionsanalys samt faktoranalys. Resultat: Vårt resultat visar på att organisatorisk och professionell identitet lever i symbios och kan numera betraktas som en totalidentitet för revisorn. / Purpose: The purpose of this study is to explore how the characteristics of an auditor and an auditor’s perception of a well performing auditor effects the professional and organizational identity. Methodology: By using a positivistic view with a deductive approach and a quantitative method we have obtained our empirical material. Theoretical perspective: The study emanates from literature regarding the auditor’s traditional and new role. Furthermore theory about professional and organizational identity have been used among other theories within our research area. Empirical methodology: SPSS has been used to analyze our empirical foundation obtained through a quantitative method, surveys. The empirical foundation has been analyzed through multiple regression analysis and factor analysis. Conclusions: The result of our study shows a symbiosis between professional and organizational identity. They should now be considered as a one-unit identity.

Innanför organisationens väggar : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie av organisationsidentiteten inom Nordmalings kommun / Within the walls of the organization : A qualitative and quantitative study of the organizational identity within Nordmaling's municipality

Hjort, Lina January 2014 (has links)
Nordmaling is a small muncipality that has gotten a lot of critic in media over the last two years. In order to regain a good reputation and to communicate a strong message towards external groups, Nordmaling have decided to develop a branding platform that can represent the organization in both external and internal communications. In order to develop a brand the organization must understand its identity.The purpose of the study was to examine the employees’ thoughts of their organization in order to be able to define the organizational identity and give recommendations of core values that the organization can apply to their brand. To understand how the employees perceive their organization and what they think the organization stands for, the main focus was to study their view on values, standards, goals and vision of the organization through focus interviews and a survey. The study is grounded in the theoretical framework of organizational theory with focus on organizational identity, culture and image. The social identity theory was also used in order to understand the process of how people create an identity of themselves and the environmentThe study showed that the management of the organization doesn’t have any pronounced values and standards, according to the employees. The result also showed that a majority believe there is not enough support for how they should work to reach the goals and visions of the organization. These and other result of the study, show that there is a lack of common understanding of what the organization is and what it stands for. Therefor couldn’t the organizational identity be defined and described. The study showed that a majority of the employees have a negative perspective on the organization which goes hand in hand with the organization’s image. Despite the fact that the organizational identity couldn’t be defined the result showed that the employees are aware of the weaknesses of the organization, how they can improve the organization and that they want to improve the organization in order to gain a better reputation. The conclusion were therefor that there are some core values that can describe the organization despite the fact that the organization doesn’t have a common understanding for what they are and what they stand for.

Hundra som mig : En studie i formandet av organisationsidentitet hos konsulter i bemanningsbranschen / A hundred like me : A study of organizational identity among temporary workers

Hellmark, Emma January 2015 (has links)
Begreppet organisationsidentitet har vuxit i popularitet, både som teori för forskare och som strategi för företagsledning. Samtidigt ser vi en trend på den svenska arbetsmarknaden där det blir allt vanligare att hyra in arbetskraft istället för att anställa direkt i organisationen. Men vad händer med organisationsidentiteten när de anställda är tillfälligt där och dessutom har en dubbel organisationstillhörighet, både till konsultföretag och till kundföretag? Den här studien riktar in sig på konsulternas upplevelser av organisationsidentitet. Syftet är att bidra med kunskap till det teoretiska begreppet organisationsidentitet som tidigare inte har inkluderat tillfälliga medlemmar i en organisation, som till exempel konsulter i bemanningsbranschen. Detta kan förhoppningsvis ge uppslag och väcka intresse för vidare forskning på ämnet. Fem intervjuer med konsulter genomfördes för att undersöka deras upplevelser av rollen samt relationen till både konsult- och kundföretag. Resultatet analyserades i relation till social identity approach och forskning om organisationsidentitet. Slutsatsen blev att alla fem respondenter upplevde en svag identifikation med sina arbetsgivarorganisationer till följd av tillfällighet och en känsla av utbytbarhet. Respondenternas egna reflektioner av vad de tyckte var viktigt för att kunna identifiera sig kretsade nästan uteslutande kring ett behov av att bli sedd av arbetsgivarna, till exempel genom att få uppskattning, stimulans, möjlighet till att utvecklas och samhörighet med kollegor. Dock menade respondenterna att detta inte är något de förväntar sig ska uppfyllas i rollen som konsulter. Istället uppgav alla att de strävade efter en fast tillsvidareanställning där organisationsidentitet skulle spela större roll. / The aim of this stdy is to gain a greater understanding of the situation of temporary workers when it comes to organizational identity, since the research is limited in this field. Five interviews were made with young temporary workers. The interviews were then transcribed and analyzed with the theoretical framework of social identity approach and research on organizational identity. The interviews showed that all respondents felt disidentification or ambivalent identification towards both consulting agencies and the hiring companies, because of the interchangeability and temporal circumstances. They all expressed a need to be seen as individuals, but in different ways they also said that they did not expect that need to be met as long as they were temporary workers. All respondents expressed an aspiration for a permanent post where they thought their needs would be better fulfilled.

Development of an Organizational Hardiness construct: Examining configurations of Sensemaking, Organizational Identity, and Enactment.

Ray, Joshua Lloyd 01 December 2011 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to develop the construct of organizational hardiness which is thought to distinguish organizations that thrive under conditions of turbulence and uncertainty from organizations that whither under these same conditions. This new construct is based on individual hardiness which is a constellation of personality dispositions that a large body of empirical work has suggested supports individual performance under conditions of turbulence and uncertainty. Paralleling the individual hardiness dispositions of challenge, commitment, and control, organizational hardiness is posited to consist of the organizational level constructs of sensemaking, organizational identification, and enactment. The development of organizational hardiness is supported by literature reviews of individual hardiness, organizational stress, sensemaking, organizational identification, and enactment. To support the theoretical development of this construct, this study includes a content analysis of the CEO letters to shareholders for the 20 largest commercial banks in the United States during the years 2000-2009. Using generalized least squares estimation techniques, the current study demonstrates a positive relationship between organizational hardiness, sensemaking, organizational identification, and enactment and multiple measures of organizational performance. Furthermore, organizations demonstrating higher levels of organizational hardiness demonstrate higher levels of organizational performance on three out of four measures. The study concludes with a discussion of theoretical and managerial implications concerning the development of this new construct.

Organisational Self-understanding and the Strategy Process : Strategy Dynamics in Scania and Handelsbanken

Brunninge, Olof January 2005 (has links)
This thesis investigates the role of organisational self-understanding in strategyprocesses. The concept of organisational self-understanding denotes members’understanding of their organisation’s identity. The study illustrates that strategyprocesses in companies are processes of self-understanding. During strategy making,strategic actors engage in the interpretation of their organisation’s identity.This self-understanding provides guidance for strategic action while it at thesame time implies understanding strategic action from the past.Organisational self-understanding is concerned with the maintenance of institutionalintegrity. In order to achieve this, those aspects of self-understandingthat have become particularly institutionalised need to develop in a continuousmanner. Previous literature on strategy and organisational identity has put toomuch emphasis on the stability/change dichotomy. The present study shows thatit is possible to maintain continuity even in times of change. Such continuity canbe established by avoiding strategic action that is perceived as disruptive withregard to self-understanding and by providing interpretations of the past thatmake developments over time appear as free from ruptures. Self-undertsandingis hence an inherently historical phenomenon.Empirically, this study is based on in-depth case studies of strategy processesin two large Swedish companies, namely the truck manufacturer Scania and thebank Handelsbanken. In each of the companies, three strategic themes in whichorganisational self-understanding has become particularly salient are studied. / <p><b>Sponsorship</b>:</p><p>Marknadstekniskt Centrum (MTC)</p>

Cultura e identidade organizacional disserminadas pela comunicação dirigida : o caso redlar

Correa, Vera Elisabeth Damasceno January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste em um estudo de caso que procurou analisar instrumentos de comunicação dirigida acionados na rede de cooperação empresarial Associação Sul Móveis e Eletrodomésticos - Redlar. O método foi indutivo e a principal técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a análise de conteúdo, aplicada nos documentos gravados do CD-R: Estatuto Social, Código de Ética, Regimento Interno, Manual de Expansão e Manutenção, e Manual de Identidade Visual, entregue ao novo associado no momento do ingresso na rede. Após a leitura flutuante destes, foram identificados os índices Padrões na Comunicação, Práticas de Gestão, Normativas Comportamentais e Diretrizes Compartilhadas, os quais constituem-se das categorias logomarca, slogan, atividades presenciais, procedimentos operacionais, deveres e obrigações, direitos, penalidades e punições, relacionamentos, objetivos, missão, visão e princípios. O resultado do estudo demonstra que os significados compartilhados constroem a cultura e a identidade da organização e são disseminados pelo instrumento de comunicação dirigida auxiliar CD-R , objeto de análise deste trabalho. / This work presents a case study that analyzed targeted communication aid tools on the business cooperation network Associação Sul Móveis e Eletrodomésticos Redlar. The inductive method was utilized and the main research technique used was content analysis, applied to the documents stored on the CD-R: Social Statute, Code of Ethics, Internal Regiment, Maintenance and Expansion Manual and Visual Identity Manual, given the new associated at the time of entry into the network. After the initial reading of these were identified indices Standard in Communication, Management Practices, Regulatory Behavior and Shared Guidelines, which are in the categories logo, slogan, present activities, operating procedures, duties and obligations, rights, penalties and punishments, relationships, goals, mission, vision and principles. The result of this work shows that the shared meanings defined the culture and the identity of the organization and are disseminated by means of the targeted communication aid CD-R analyzed in this work.

Organizational and field-level responses to institutional complexity : The case of french Grandes Ecoles de Commerce

Kodeih, Farah 27 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse cherche à mieux comprendre la manière dont les organisations font face à des logiques et attentes institutionnelles potentiellement contradictoires. Pour ce faire, la thèse étudie le cas des Grandes Ecoles de Commerce Françaises (GECF), qui font face depuis le milieu des années 1990 à une mondialisation croissante de l’enseignement supérieur en gestion. En raison de cette mondialisation, les GECF doivent gérer deux types de contraintes : d’une part, répondre aux exigences des organismes d’accréditations et des classements internationaux – qui véhiculent les standards du modèle de la business school (recherche, internationalisation, académisation) – et, d’autre part, préserver leur identité originelle et fondatrice, construite sur un modèle national, et qui constitue encore leur source de légitimité locale. Les problématiques générées par la présence de ces deux logiques institutionnelles dans le champ des GECF, nécessite de la part de ces dernières des arbitrages complexes, et une redéfinition de leur identité. En particulier, la thèse cherche à identifier les mécanismes entrepreneuriaux et identitaires à l’oeuvre dans les réponses des GECF aux pressions institutionnelles différentes et parfois contradictoires. Ecrite sous forme d’articles, la thèse s’intéresse aux origines des GECF et à l’émergence d’une logique institutionnelle propre, à la transformation de leurs pratiques et de leurs identités en réponse aux nouveaux standards internationaux et à l’incidence de ce processus sur les logiques institutionnelles présentes dans leur environnement. / This dissertation explores how organizations cope with multiple and heterogeneous institutions, a situation recently referred to as ‘institutional complexity’. It is based on the study of French Business Schools, known as French Grandes Ecoles de Commerce (FGEC). Up until the mid 1990s, FGEC operated in a familiar and monolithic national institutional environment. Recent years have seen a rise in global standards for management education; a movement that has been particularly salient in Europe with the proliferation of MBAs, the development of accreditation and public ranking systems and the endorsement of the Bologna agreement in 1999, which aimed at developing a harmonized European higher education system. From that point onwards, FGEC have come under pressure to adapt to the growing internationalization of management education and adopt its dominant standards. While trying to redefine themselves as International Business Schools, FGEC continue to value their historical identity, which still forms the basis of their national legitimacy. This dissertation brings together a wide range of qualitative methods (participative observation, semi-structured interviews and documentary evidence), which are particularly suitable for understanding the social dynamics of institutional processes. The architecture of the dissertation goes from the micro to the macro level of analysis and combines three articles that should be considered together. The first article focuses on the case of one FGEC and explores how it attempted to promote an alternative definition of what an MBA program represents, by simultaneously combining the FGEC and the International Business School institutional logics. The second offers a comparative study of how four FGEC have interpreted and experienced the rising institutional complexity in their field, based on their identities. The third article offers a study of the FGEC population. It explores how and why FGEC emerged, established themselves as a particular form of management education, and developed by infusing practices from a competing logic, while remaining true to their traditional core.

Cultura e identidade organizacional disserminadas pela comunicação dirigida : o caso redlar

Correa, Vera Elisabeth Damasceno January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste em um estudo de caso que procurou analisar instrumentos de comunicação dirigida acionados na rede de cooperação empresarial Associação Sul Móveis e Eletrodomésticos - Redlar. O método foi indutivo e a principal técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a análise de conteúdo, aplicada nos documentos gravados do CD-R: Estatuto Social, Código de Ética, Regimento Interno, Manual de Expansão e Manutenção, e Manual de Identidade Visual, entregue ao novo associado no momento do ingresso na rede. Após a leitura flutuante destes, foram identificados os índices Padrões na Comunicação, Práticas de Gestão, Normativas Comportamentais e Diretrizes Compartilhadas, os quais constituem-se das categorias logomarca, slogan, atividades presenciais, procedimentos operacionais, deveres e obrigações, direitos, penalidades e punições, relacionamentos, objetivos, missão, visão e princípios. O resultado do estudo demonstra que os significados compartilhados constroem a cultura e a identidade da organização e são disseminados pelo instrumento de comunicação dirigida auxiliar CD-R , objeto de análise deste trabalho. / This work presents a case study that analyzed targeted communication aid tools on the business cooperation network Associação Sul Móveis e Eletrodomésticos Redlar. The inductive method was utilized and the main research technique used was content analysis, applied to the documents stored on the CD-R: Social Statute, Code of Ethics, Internal Regiment, Maintenance and Expansion Manual and Visual Identity Manual, given the new associated at the time of entry into the network. After the initial reading of these were identified indices Standard in Communication, Management Practices, Regulatory Behavior and Shared Guidelines, which are in the categories logo, slogan, present activities, operating procedures, duties and obligations, rights, penalties and punishments, relationships, goals, mission, vision and principles. The result of this work shows that the shared meanings defined the culture and the identity of the organization and are disseminated by means of the targeted communication aid CD-R analyzed in this work.


Andersson, Sandra, Åkerdal, Frida January 2018 (has links)
Employer branding has over the last 15 years gone from being a fashion concept to becoming a strong, established priority for many employers. Earlier research points to the importance of a strong employer brand for the well-being of a company. The purpose of this study is to gain an understanding of Västerås city’s work with employer branding and to highlight employee experiences of Västerås city as an employer. The following questions are answered in the essay: • How do HR staff in Västerås city work with employer branding? • How do the existing employees experience Västerås city as an employer? To answer these questions, a qualitative methodology was used with case study as a research strategy. The data was collected through semi-structured interviews. One interview was conducted with HR staff in Västerås city and four interviews were conducted with employees in various sectors within Västerås city. Their answers were then analyzed based on the chosen theoretical framework. The result showed that Västerås city emphasizes internal staff work to create a strong employer brand. This is done by emphasizing the importance of a good working environment, values and good leadership. Employees are involved in external communication through, for example, ambassador programs and EVP. All employees emphasized job security as one of the most important factors for their employers' choice. It was also a decisive factor in making them stay in Västerås city. Other important factors that were mentioned by the employees in the study were; personnel policy and administrative systems as well as work in itself. Improvement points raised by the staff in the study were to be more visible as employers for existing employees as well as more development opportunities to an even greater extent. / Employer branding har under de senaste 15 åren gått från att vara ett modebegrepp till att bli en stark, etablerad prioritering hos många arbetsgivare. Den tidigare forskningen pekar på vikten av ett starkt employer brand för ett företags välmående. Syftet med denna studie är att få en förståelse för hur arbetet med employer branding går till inom Västerås stad samt belysa medarbetares upplevelser och erfarenheter av Västerås stad som arbetsgivare. Följande frågeställningar besvaras i uppsatsen: • Hur arbetar HR-personal inom Västerås stad med employer branding? • Hur upplever befintliga medarbetarna Västerås stad som arbetsgivare? För att besvara dessa frågeställningar användes en kvalitativ metod med fallstudie som forskningsstrategi. Datamaterialet samlades in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. En intervju genomfördes med HR-personal på Västerås stad och fyra intervjuer genomfördes med medarbetare inom olika sektorer inom Västerås stad. Deras svar analyserades sedan utifrån det valda teoretiska ramverket. Resultatet visade att Västerås stad betonar det interna personalarbetet för att skapa ett starkt employer brand. Detta görs genom att framhäva vikten av en god arbetsmiljö, värderingar och bra ledarskap. Medarbetarna involveras i den externa kommunikationen genom exempelvis ambassadörsprogram och EVP. Samtliga medarbetare framhävde anställningstrygghet som en av de viktigaste faktorerna till deras val av arbetsgivare. Det var även en avgörande faktor för att få de att stanna inom Västerås stad. Andra faktorer som benämndes positiva enligt medarbetarna i studien var; personalpolitik och administrativa system samt arbetet i sig självt. Förbättringspunkter som lyftes av medarbetarna i studien var att visa sig mer synliga som arbetsgivare för de befintliga medarbetarna samt fler utvecklingsmöjligheter i ännu större omfattning.

Cultura e identidade organizacional disserminadas pela comunicação dirigida : o caso redlar

Correa, Vera Elisabeth Damasceno January 2009 (has links)
Este trabalho consiste em um estudo de caso que procurou analisar instrumentos de comunicação dirigida acionados na rede de cooperação empresarial Associação Sul Móveis e Eletrodomésticos - Redlar. O método foi indutivo e a principal técnica de pesquisa utilizada foi a análise de conteúdo, aplicada nos documentos gravados do CD-R: Estatuto Social, Código de Ética, Regimento Interno, Manual de Expansão e Manutenção, e Manual de Identidade Visual, entregue ao novo associado no momento do ingresso na rede. Após a leitura flutuante destes, foram identificados os índices Padrões na Comunicação, Práticas de Gestão, Normativas Comportamentais e Diretrizes Compartilhadas, os quais constituem-se das categorias logomarca, slogan, atividades presenciais, procedimentos operacionais, deveres e obrigações, direitos, penalidades e punições, relacionamentos, objetivos, missão, visão e princípios. O resultado do estudo demonstra que os significados compartilhados constroem a cultura e a identidade da organização e são disseminados pelo instrumento de comunicação dirigida auxiliar CD-R , objeto de análise deste trabalho. / This work presents a case study that analyzed targeted communication aid tools on the business cooperation network Associação Sul Móveis e Eletrodomésticos Redlar. The inductive method was utilized and the main research technique used was content analysis, applied to the documents stored on the CD-R: Social Statute, Code of Ethics, Internal Regiment, Maintenance and Expansion Manual and Visual Identity Manual, given the new associated at the time of entry into the network. After the initial reading of these were identified indices Standard in Communication, Management Practices, Regulatory Behavior and Shared Guidelines, which are in the categories logo, slogan, present activities, operating procedures, duties and obligations, rights, penalties and punishments, relationships, goals, mission, vision and principles. The result of this work shows that the shared meanings defined the culture and the identity of the organization and are disseminated by means of the targeted communication aid CD-R analyzed in this work.

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