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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Receptor super-regenetativo (900 MHz) implementado em tecnologia CMOS 0,35 'mu'm / Super regenerative receiver (900 MHz) in 0,35 'mu'm

Thiebaut, Matthieu Jacques Andre 12 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Carlos Alberto dos Reis Filho / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia Eletrica e de Computação / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-12T22:43:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Thiebaut_MatthieuJacquesAndre_M.pdf: 11116037 bytes, checksum: 353c725fb0cc60a33445209f0ec29a81 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006 / Resumo: O objetivo deste trabalho é propor uma topologia de receptor adequada para atender as exigências de uma rede de sensores sem fio, onde baixo consumo e baixo custo de fabricação são fundamentais.A topologia escolhida foi a do receptor super-regenerativo realizado em tecnologia CMOS 0,35Km e operando em 900 MHz. O chip foi montado e testado numa placa de alumina junto com alguns componentes passivos externos (circuito tanque e adaptação de impedância) necessários para seu funcionamento. Uma sensibilidade de -82 dBm para uma taxa de erro binário (BER) inferior a 0,1% foi obtida com um sinal modulado tudo-ou-nada (On-Off keying, OOK) de 64 kbits/s. O consumo deste receptor foi de 2,5 mW para uma tensão de alimentação de 2V. / Abstract: The purpose of this work is to develop a radio receiver, which is suitable for application in wireless sensor networks. Among the essential requirements for one such radio are included low power, low cost and high sensitivity. The topology of a super-regenerative receiver to operate in 900MHz was chosen, since it complies with all these requirements in addition to being appropriate for integration. Samples of the developed radio receiver were fabricated in 0,35Km CMOS technology. Prototypes were assembled on alumina plate using a few additional external components as an alternative to evaluate the performance of the radio without being affected by the low quality of the passives L and C used in the tuning block (tank and matching circuit). Test results have shown that the developed receiver features sensitivity of -82 dBm for a bit error rate (BER) lower than 0,1% with an On-Off Keying modulated signal of 64 kbit/s. Measure power consumption has been 2,5 mW for a supply voltage of 2 V. / Mestrado / Eletrônica, Microeletrônica e Optoeletrônica / Mestre em Engenharia Elétrica

Nuevas técnicas de simulación y optimización de circuitos osciladores y lazos de enganche en fase de microondas

Domínguez Mosquera, Jacobo 25 June 2009 (has links)
El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de técnicas para la simulación y optimización del diseño de circuitos osciladores y lazos de enganche en fase de microondas. La intención de estas técnicas es que puedan ser utilizadas por el diseñador para optimizar las prestaciones de este tipo de circuitos durante la etapa de diseño. Por este motivo, se ha intentado que en todo momento las técnicas puedan ser utilizadas en combinación con un programa comercial de simulación de circuitos de microondas.En el caso de los circuitos osciladores, inicialmente se han optimizado sus prestaciones cuando se utilizan como osciladores controlados por tensión. De esta forma, se han desarrollado una serie de técnicas que, en combinación con simulaciones en un programa comercial, permiten la linealización y extensión de la característica tensión-frecuencia. Mediante una técnica de control de estabilidad, se ha optimizado la respuesta dinámica del oscilador ante entradas variantes en el tiempo. En concreto, se ha aumentado la rapidez de respuesta eliminando transitorios lentos oscilantes que distorsionan la señal de salida deseada. Esta técnica se ha aplicado al caso particular de osciladores controlados por tensión utilizados para generar señales chirp, como puede ser en radares Frequency Modulated Continuos Wave (FMCW). Se ha analizado también el fenómeno del "injection-pulling", en el que una señal interferente desplaza la frecuencia de oscilación. Para ello, se ha desarrollado una formulación tipo transitorio de envolvente cuyos coeficientes pueden ser identificados mediante simulaciones de balance armónico en un simulador comercial. La técnica permite incrementar la robustez del circuito oscilador ante estas señales interferentes. Dados los problemas observados en el simulador comercial para simular la característica de ruido de fase en osciladores con estructuras acopladas, se ha desarrollado una técnica de simulación de ruido de fase que solventa estos problemas. La técnica obtiene la característica de ruido de fase a través de simulaciones de transitorio de envolvente en combinación con el uso de generadores auxiliares. Estas simulaciones pueden realizarse sin problemas usando un simulador comercial. Los resultados de todas las técnicas han sido corroborados mediante medidas en varios tipos de osciladores de microondas. Finalmente, se ha realizado un estudio preliminar para combinar el uso de series de Volterra con la técnica de transitorio de envolvente para la simulación de la respuesta transitoria de los osciladores.En el caso de los lazos de enganche en fase, se ha desarrollado un programa propio que realiza un análisis no lineal de lazos acoplados o "Coupled Phase-Locked Loops" (CPLL). Estos sistemas son utilizados en aplicaciones tales como en control de apuntamiento de antenas "phased-array". El programa, basado en una formulación tempo-frecuencial del sistema, permite la obtención de los rangos de operación del CPLL mediante una caracterización no lineal de los elementos que componen el lazo. Se delimitan los rangos de histéresis, y se analiza la variación de estos rangos en función de los parámetros del sistema. Se analiza la estabilidad de las soluciones estacionarias, teniendo en cuenta parámetros tales como el retardo del lazo. Mediante el control de la estabilidad y un análisis de tipo transitorio de envolvente, se optimiza la rapidez del sistema en el seguimiento de entradas moduladas. Finalmente, se analiza el ruido de fase, separando la perturbación en fase en distintas componentes. Esta separación permite clarificar el efecto del ruido en el control de apuntamiento de un array de antenas. Las predicciones de las técnicas han sido validadas mediante medidas en un sistema CPLL a 2 GHz. / The objective of this work is the development of techniques for the simulation and optimization of the design of microwave oscillator circuits and phase-locked loops. The intention of these techniques is that they can be used by the designer to optimize the features of these kinds of circuits during the design stage. For this reason, a lot of effort has been put along this thesis to ensure that the techniques can be used in combination with commercial microwave circuit simulators.In the case of the oscillator circuits, initially, their features have been optimized when used as voltage controlled oscillators (VCO). In this way, different techniques are proposed for the computer aided design of these circuits. The first technique allows setting the operation frequency band for specific values of the tuning voltage. The second technique imposes a linear frequency-voltage characteristic with the aid of an auxiliary generator. To follow this characteristic, the circuit is solved in terms of an ideal capacitance, synthesized, at a later stage, with the tuning varactor embedded in a linear network. In the third technique, the oscillator response to a sawtooth input, used to generate a chirp signal, is improved, eliminating spurious frequencies, not observable in steady state. To illustrate the techniques, a VCO operating in the C-band has been optimized and used to generate a chirp signal with low nonlinear frequency distortion. The injection-pulling phenomenon in oscillator circuits has been also analyzed. Injection pulling by interference signals is an undesired phenomenon in front-end oscillators, which causes a shift of the oscillation frequency and degrades the output spectrum. A semi-analytical formulation for the insightful analysis of injection-pulling phenomena in the presence of a modulated carrier or chirp signal is presented. The formulation enables an efficient analysis of interference problems difficult to simulate with harmonic balance or standard envelope transient. It allows the modification of the original design in order to reduce the injection pulling to the desired levels. The techniques have been applied to an oscillator at 6 GHz. Considering the problems found in commercial software to simulate the phase noise characteristic of coupled oscillator topologies, a numerical technique for the determination of the phase-noise spectrum of free-running oscillators is presented. The technique is based on envelope transient and can be applied to any commercial simulator on which this analysis method is available. The main advantage of the technique is that it allows simulating the near carrier phase noise spectrum, including possible resonances. The elements providing the oscillator phase-noise spectrum are obtained from envelope-transient simulations of low-computational cost. Comparisons are performed between the presented technique and other existing techniques, such as the carrier modulation approach. The technique has been successfully tested on the simulation of the near carrier phase noise spectrum of an oscillator circuit at 6.3 GHz. Finally, a preliminary study has been carried out to combine the use of Volterra series with the envelope transient technique for the simulation of oscillator transients.Regarding the phase-locked loops, in this thesis, harmonic-balance (HB) and envelope-transient formulations of coupled phase-locked loops (CPLLs) are presented. The CPLL has the added difficulty of its autonomous behavior since no reference oscillator is present. The new formulation takes into account the autonomy of the system, introducing a special set of state variables, which depend on the autonomous frequencies. The hysteresis phenomenon in CPLLs is analyzed in detail, efficiently obtaining the pull-in and hold-in ranges through HB. The pole analysis of the perturbed HB system enables an accurate prediction of instabilities and resonances. Due to the CPLL autonomy, there exists an inherent noise accumulation effect. This effect is taken into account, analyzing the perturbation in terms of accumulation and deviation components. The envelope formulation allows simulating the CPLL behavior in presence of modulation signals. The influence of the stability of the steady-state solution on the modulated signals is investigated. The simulation results have been successfully compared with the measurements in a manufactured CPLL system at 2 GHz.

Sistemas técnicos de trading no mercado de ações brasileiro: testando a hipótese de eficiência de mercado em sua forma fraca e avaliando se análise técnica agrega valor

Serafini, Daniel Guedine 28 January 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T21:00:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 4 Daniel Guedini.pdf.jpg: 2593 bytes, checksum: b9f66c6e9af5d94ff028f0092fbf9114 (MD5) Daniel Guedini.pdf.txt: 116251 bytes, checksum: 11ea61b001a20cef77fcf9db8c74c28d (MD5) license.txt: 4712 bytes, checksum: 4dea6f7333914d9740702a2deb2db217 (MD5) Daniel Guedini.pdf: 1363558 bytes, checksum: 4e6b49114a354eeaa85c0d6710a75c84 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-01-28T00:00:00Z / Diante do inédito momento vivido pela economia brasileira e, especialmente, pela bolsa de valores nacional, principalmente após a obtenção do grau de investimento pelo Brasil, este trabalho aborda um tema que ganhou um enorme espaço na mídia atual que é a análise técnica. A partir de uma amostra de 37 ações listadas na Bolsa de Valores de São Paulo no período compreendido entre janeiro de 1999 e agosto de 2009, este trabalho examina se a análise técnica agrega valor 'as decisões de investimentos. Através da elaboração de intervalos de confiança, construídos através da técnica de Bootstrap de inferência amostral, e consistentes com a hipótese nula de eficiência de mercado na sua forma fraca, foram testados 4 sistemas técnicos de trading. Mais especificamente, obteve-se os resultados de cada sistema aplicado às series originais dos ativos. Então, comparou-se esses resultados com a média dos resultados obtidos quando os mesmos sistemas foram aplicados a 1000 séries simuladas, segundo um random walk, de cada ativo. Caso os mercados sejam eficientes em sua forma fraca, não haveria nenhuma razão para se encontrar estratégias com retornos positivos, baseando-se apenas nos valores históricos dos ativos. Ou seja, não haveria razão para os resultados das séries originais serem maiores que os das séries simuladas. Os resultados empíricos encontrados sugeriram que os sistemas testados não foram capazes de antecipar o futuro utilizando-se apenas de dados passados. Porém, alguns deles geraram retornos expressivos e só foram superados pelas séries simuladas em aproximadamente 25% da amostra, indicando que a análise técnica tem sim seu valor. / Faced with unprecedented time lived by Brazilian`s economy and, especially, the national stock exchange, mainly after obtaining the investment grade for Brazil, this paper addresses a theme that has deserved a huge space in the mainstream media that is technical analysis. From a sample of 37 stocks listed on the Stock Exchange of Sao Paulo in the period between January 1999 and August 2009, this paper examines if the technical analysis may or may not add value to investment decisions. Through the development of confidence intervals, constructed using the technique of Bootstrap sample inference, and consistent with the null hypothesis of market efficiency in its weak form, we tested 4 technical systems of trading. More specifically, we obtained the results of each system applied to the original series of the assets. Then we compared these results with the average of the results obtained when the same systems were applied to 1000 simulated series, according to a random walk, of each asset. If markets are efficient in its weak form, there would be no reason to find strategies with positive returns based only on historical values of assets. That is, there would be no reason for the results of the original series to be larger than those of the simulated series. The empirical results found here suggested that the systems tested were unable to anticipate the future using only past data. However, some of them have generated significant returns and were surpassed only by the series simulated in approximately 25% of the sample, indicating that technical analysis does have value.

VCO Banda Larga Integrado para Receptor a Cinco Portas

Brito Filho, Francisco de Assis 03 September 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:55:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 FranciscoAB.pdf: 846082 bytes, checksum: d9718796dd9ac807f8f053e7d371d2bb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-09-03 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Cient?fico e Tecnol?gico / This work presents an wideband ring VCO for cognitive radio five-port based receivers. A three-stage differential topology using transmission gate was adopted in order to maintain wide and linear tuning range and a low phase-noise. Monte-Carlo analysis were performed for phase-shift response of individual stages, which is an important figure of merit in five-port works. It was observed a fairly linear correlation between control voltage and oscillation frequency in the range between 200 MHz and 1800 MHz. The VCO was preliminarily designed for IBM 130nm CMOS technology / Este trabalho apresenta um VCO anel banda-larga para ser utilizado em receptores para R?dio Cognitivo baseados no correlator a cinco portas. Uma arquitetura diferencial de tr?s est?gios com porta de transmiss?o ? utilizada como forma de manter uma sintonia linear em larga faixa de frequ?ncias, bem como, um baixo ru?do de fase. An?lises de Monte-Carlo foram feita para avaliar as varia??es de fase em cada est?gio, o que constitui uma figura de m?rito importante em receptores baseados no correlator de cinco portas. Observou-se correspond?ncia razoavelmente linear entre tens?o de controle e freq??ncia de oscila??o na faixa compreendida entre 200 MHz e 1800 MHz. O VCO foi preliminarmente projetado para tecnologia CMOS IBM de 130 nan?metros

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