Spelling suggestions: "subject:"osiris"" "subject:"esiris""
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Modeling polarized radiative transfer for improved atmospheric aerosol retrieval with OSIRIS limb scattered spectraBathgate, Anthony Franklin 25 February 2011
Retrievals of atmospheric information from satellite observations permit the investigation of otherwise inaccessible atmospheric phenomena. The recovery of this information from optical instrumentation located in orbit requires both an inversion algorithm like the Saskatchewan Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique and a forward model like the SASKTRAN radiative transfer model. These are used together at the University of Saskatchewan to retrieve sulphate aerosol extinction profiles from the radiance measurements made by the Canadian built OSIRIS instrument. Although these retrievals are highly successful the process currently does not consider the polarization of light or OSIRIS's polarization sensitivities because SASKTRAN is a scalar model. In this work the development of a vector version of SASKTRAN that can perform polarized radiative transfer calculations is presented.<p>
The vector SASKTRAN's results compare favorably with vector SCIATRAN, another polarized model that is in development at the University of Bremen. Comparisons of the stratospheric aerosol retrieval vectors generated from the scalar and vector SASKTRAN results indicate that the polarized calculations are an important factor in future work to improve the aerosol retrievals and to recover particle size or composition information. Read more
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Ozone retrievals from the oxygen infrared channels of the Osiris infrared imagerWiensz, Jonathan Truitt 04 July 2005
Measurements by OSIRIS, an infrared imaging system that measures emission
from excited-state molecular oxygen, are used to retrieve mesospheric ozone through
a photochemical model.
The design of the model and the spectral data used in the calculation of pho-
tochemical production coe±cients are presented. The model has been run in a
variety of modes to provide comparisons with measurements of excited-state molec-
ular oxygen; it has been found that the model results are in excellent agreement
with measurements.
The model is used in conjunction with a retrieval scheme to estimate the con-
centrations of mesospheric ozone from measurements made on a satellite platform.
An analysis of the sensitivity of retrieved ozone to key model parameters is done,
and it is shown that uncertainty in several kinetic reaction rates can signi¯cantly
change the retrieved results. Comparisons are made for the ozone retrieved in this
work and that from several other instruments that make similar measurements. The
retrieved concentrations are shown to be in excellent agreement with results from
other instruments.
The present work provides a climatological database of mesospheric ozone and
will provide useful comparisons with concurrent measurements of mesospheric ozone.
The new data obtained in this work are in good agreement with expected results,
and it is shown that the unprecedented high-spatial resolution of OSIRIS reveals
interesting features that should be further investigated. Read more
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Ozone retrievals from the oxygen infrared channels of the Osiris infrared imagerWiensz, Jonathan Truitt 04 July 2005 (has links)
Measurements by OSIRIS, an infrared imaging system that measures emission
from excited-state molecular oxygen, are used to retrieve mesospheric ozone through
a photochemical model.
The design of the model and the spectral data used in the calculation of pho-
tochemical production coe±cients are presented. The model has been run in a
variety of modes to provide comparisons with measurements of excited-state molec-
ular oxygen; it has been found that the model results are in excellent agreement
with measurements.
The model is used in conjunction with a retrieval scheme to estimate the con-
centrations of mesospheric ozone from measurements made on a satellite platform.
An analysis of the sensitivity of retrieved ozone to key model parameters is done,
and it is shown that uncertainty in several kinetic reaction rates can signi¯cantly
change the retrieved results. Comparisons are made for the ozone retrieved in this
work and that from several other instruments that make similar measurements. The
retrieved concentrations are shown to be in excellent agreement with results from
other instruments.
The present work provides a climatological database of mesospheric ozone and
will provide useful comparisons with concurrent measurements of mesospheric ozone.
The new data obtained in this work are in good agreement with expected results,
and it is shown that the unprecedented high-spatial resolution of OSIRIS reveals
interesting features that should be further investigated. Read more
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Modeling polarized radiative transfer for improved atmospheric aerosol retrieval with OSIRIS limb scattered spectraBathgate, Anthony Franklin 25 February 2011 (has links)
Retrievals of atmospheric information from satellite observations permit the investigation of otherwise inaccessible atmospheric phenomena. The recovery of this information from optical instrumentation located in orbit requires both an inversion algorithm like the Saskatchewan Multiplicative Algebraic Reconstruction Technique and a forward model like the SASKTRAN radiative transfer model. These are used together at the University of Saskatchewan to retrieve sulphate aerosol extinction profiles from the radiance measurements made by the Canadian built OSIRIS instrument. Although these retrievals are highly successful the process currently does not consider the polarization of light or OSIRIS's polarization sensitivities because SASKTRAN is a scalar model. In this work the development of a vector version of SASKTRAN that can perform polarized radiative transfer calculations is presented.<p>
The vector SASKTRAN's results compare favorably with vector SCIATRAN, another polarized model that is in development at the University of Bremen. Comparisons of the stratospheric aerosol retrieval vectors generated from the scalar and vector SASKTRAN results indicate that the polarized calculations are an important factor in future work to improve the aerosol retrievals and to recover particle size or composition information. Read more
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Spätzeitliche Osiris-Liturgien im corpus der Asasif-Papyri.Burkard, Günter, January 1995 (has links)
Texte remanié de: Habilitationsschrift--Heidelberg Universität, 1988. / Bibliogr. p. 269-281.
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Enquête sur tit et djed dans le domaine funéraire, à partir de la documentation du Nouvel Empire / Investigation about tit et djed in funerary context, based on the documentation of the New KingdomFroppier, Elsa 08 December 2016 (has links)
Tit et djed sont les noms égyptiens de deux signes utilisés à la fois dans le système hiéroglyphique et dans le domaine iconographique, mais qui se matérialisent aussi sous forme d’objets (amulettes) intégrés aux rites funéraires ; ce triple emploi ayant longtemps empêché de définir distinctement leur nature. Leur apparition, remontant aux plus hautes époques de l’histoire de l’Égypte ancienne (Ire dynastie), montre déjà une affectation funéraire marquée des emblèmes, spécialisation qui ne cessera de progresser tout au long de cette vaste période, avec une nette transition au Nouvel Empire, justifiant le cadrage chronologique mais aussi la sélection du contexte funéraire pour notre étude. Celle-ci se propose d’examiner trois catégories principales de documents : les papyri du Livre des Morts, l’iconographie des tombes et les décors du mobilier funéraire, dans le but de comprendre les croyances et fonctions associées à l’emploi combiné des deux emblèmes, en tenant toujours compte des aspects politiques et religieux relatifs à l’institution pharaonique qui pourraient l’éclairer. / Tit and djed are the egyptian names of two signs employed at the same time in the hieroglyphic system and in the iconographic domain, but which materialize too in the form of objects (amulets) into the funerary rites ; this triple use long prevented to define their nature. Their occurrence, which dates from the first dynasty, already shows a funerary affectation of the emblems, specialization which continues to progress during this period, with a transition during the New Kingdom, justifying the chronological framing but also the selection of the funeral context for our study. This one intends to examine three main categories of documents : the Book of the Dead papyri, the iconography of the tombs and the decorations of the funeral furniture, in order to understand the beliefs and functions concerning both signs, always by taking into account political and religious aspects relative to the pharaonic institution, which could enlighten it. Read more
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Le dieu Haroéris / The god HaroerisTillier, Anaïs 18 December 2012 (has links)
L’étude consacrée à Haroéris a été réalisée à partir d’un corpus de plus de 500 documents mentionnant le dieu. Son objectif est de mettre en lumière les différents aspects de sa personnalité ainsi que ses fonctions dans les mythes et rituels constituant la théologie des temples. Le résultat ne saurait être complet en raison de la disparition d’une part importante des monuments dédiés au dieu. Seul l’un de ses trois temples majeurs subsiste aujourd’hui. La documentation conservée couvre une période allant du Moyen Empire à l’époque romaine (env. 1900 av.-300 ap. J.-C.). Elle offre ainsi l’opportunité d’analyser les origines d’Haroéris et l’évolution de sa théologie. Le dieu a été vraisemblablement créé au début du Moyen Empire. À cette époque, il reçoit un culte dans une ville du Delta proche d’Héliopolis d’après son nom de 1r-wr-Ra l’identifiant au dieu créateur Rê. Cette forme d’Haroéris est abandonnée au début du Nouvel Empire lorsqu’apparaît la nouvelle forme du dieu « Haroéris-Mekhenty(en)irty », attestée jusqu’à l’époque romaine. Son assimilation à l’ancien dieu létopolitain Mekhenty(en)irty résulte sans doute de son arrivée à Létopolis, présentée dans les sources tardives comme son principal lieu de culte. Haroéris possède également un sanctuaire à Kom Ombo et à Qous. À Kom Ombo, il partage son temple avec le dieu-crocodile Sobek. Toutefois, il joue le rôle principal dans les mythes locaux (combat primordial contre les ennemis de Rê ; retour de la Déesse Lointaine). Le temple de Qous est dédié à la naissance du dieu mis au monde par Héqet-Nout. Haroéris y joue également le rôle de protecteur de la famille osirienne. / The study devoted to Haroeris was carried out from a corpus of more than 500 sources which quote the god. Its aim is to highlight the various characteristics of his personality and his duties in the myths and rituals which make up the theology of temples. The result is not complete because of the loss of a significant portion of monuments dedicated to the god. Only one of his three major temples remains today. The preserved documents cover a period from the Middle Kingdom to the Roman period (ca. 1900 BC-300 AD). It gives the opportunity to analyze the origins and the evolution of Haroeris’ theology. The god was probably created at the beginning of the Middle Kingdom. At that time, he is worshiped in a city of the Delta near Heliopolis according to his name 1r-wr-Ra which identity him with the creator god Ra. This feature of Haroeris is abandoned at the beginning of the New Kingdom when appears the new form of the god named “Haroeris-Mekhenty(en)irty” and attested until the Roman period. The assimilation of Haroeris to the old Letopolitan god Mekhenty(en)irty is probably due to his arrival at Letopolis which is considered to be the main place of his worship in late sources. Haroeris also has a sanctuary in Kom Ombo and Qus. In Kom Ombo, he shares his temple with the crocodile-god Sobek. However, he plays the main role in the local myths (primordial fighting against the enemies of Ra; return of the Faraway Goddess). The temple of Qus is dedicated to the birth of the god delivered by Heqet-Nut. Haroeris also plays the role of protector of the osirian family. KEYWORDS Read more
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La décroissance bêta des produits de fission pour la non-prolifération et la puissance résiduelle des réacteurs nucléaires / Beta decay of fission products for the non-proliferation and decay heat of nuclear reactorsBui, Van Minh 29 October 2012 (has links)
Aujourd’hui, l’énergie nucléaire représente une partie non-négligeable du marché énergétique mondial, très probablement vouée à croître dans les prochaines décennies. Les réacteurs du futur devront notamment répondre à des critères supplémentaires économiques mais surtout de sûreté, de non-prolifération, de gestion optimisée du combustible et d’une gestion responsable des déchets nucléaires. Dans le cadre de cette thèse, des études concernant la non-prolifération des armes nucléaires sont abordées, dans le cadre de la recherche et développement d’un nouvel outil potentiel de surveillance des réacteurs nucléaires ; la détection des antineutrinos des réacteurs. En effet, les propriétés de ces particules pourraient intéresser l’Agence Internationale de l’Energie Atomique (AIEA) en charge de l’application du Traité de non-prolifération des armes nucléaires. L’AIEA encourage ainsi ses états membres à mener une étude de faisabilité. Une première étude de non-prolifération est réalisée avec la simulation d’un scénario proliférant utilisant un réacteur de type CANDU et de l’émission en antineutrinos associée. Nous en déduisons une prédiction de la sensibilité d’un détecteur d’antineutrinos de taille modeste à la diversion d’une quantité significative de plutonium. Une seconde étude est réalisée dans le cadre du projet Nucifer, détecteur d’antineutrinos placé auprès du réacteur de recherche OSIRIS. Nucifer est un détecteur d’antineutrinos dédié à la non-prolifération à l’efficacité optimisée conçu pour être un démonstrateur pour l’AIEA. La simulation du réacteur OSIRIS est développée ici pour le calcul de l’émission d’antineutrinos qui sera comparée aux données mesurées par le détecteur ainsi que pour caractériser le bruit de fond important émis par le réacteur détecté dans Nucifer. De façon générale, les antineutrinos des réacteurs sont émis lors des décroissances radioactives des produits de fission. Ces décroissances radioactives sont également à l’origine de la puissance résiduelle émise après l’arrêt d’un réacteur nucléaire, dont l’estimation est un enjeu de sûreté. Nous présenterons dans cette thèse un travail expérimental dont le but est de mesurer les propriétés de décroissance bêta de produits de fission importants pour la non-prolifération et la puissance résiduelle des réacteurs. Des premières mesures utilisant la technique de Spectroscopie par Absorption Totale (TAGS) ont été réalisées auprès du dispositif de l’Université de Jyväskylä. Nous présenterons la technique employée, le dispositif expérimental ainsi qu’une partie de l’analyse de cette expérience. / Today, nuclear energy represents a non-negligible part of the global energy market, most likely a rolling wheel to grow in the coming decades. Reactors of the future must face the criteria including additional economic but also safety, non-proliferation, optimized fuel management and responsible management of nuclear waste. In the framework of this thesis, studies on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons are discussed in the context of research and development of a new potential tool for monitoring nuclear reactors, the detection of reactor antineutrinos, because the properties of these particles may be of interest for the International Agency of Atomic Energy (IAEA), in charge of the verification of the compliance by States with their safeguards obligations as well as on matters relating to international peace and security. The IAEA encouraged its member states to carry on a feasibility study. A first study of non-proliferation is performed with a simulation, using a proliferating scenario with a CANDU reactor and the associated antineutrinos emission. We derive a prediction of the sensitivity of an antineutrino detector of modest size for the purpose of the diversion of a significant amount of plutonium. A second study was realized as part of the Nucifer project, an antineutrino detector placed nearby the OSIRIS research reactor. The Nucifer antineutrino detector is dedicated to non-proliferation with an optimized efficiency, designed to be a demonstrator for the IAEA. The simulation of the OSIRIS reactor is developed here for calculating the emission of antineutrinos which will be compared with the data measured by the detector and also for characterizing the level of background noises emitted by the reactor detected in Nucifer. In general, the reactor antineutrinos are emitted during radioactive decay of fission products. These radioactive decays are also the cause of the decay heat emitted after the shutdown of a nuclear reactor of which the estimation is an issue of nuclear safety. In this thesis, we present an experimental work which aims to measure the properties of beta decay of fission products important to the non-proliferation and reactor decay heat. First steps using the technique of Total Absorption Gamma-ray Spectroscopy (TAGS) were carried on at the radioactive beam facility of the University of Jyvaskyla. We will present the technique used, the experimental setup and part of the analysis of this experiment. Read more
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Motiv ospravedlnění ve staroegyptském náboženství / Justification in Ancient Egypt ReligionScholzová, Alena January 2012 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the motive of justification in the ancient Egyptian religion. It explores its meaning and history of occurrence. It does so in the context of death, afterlife and Judgment of the Dead. The aim was to provide an overview of the development of justified title achievement, especially in the Pyramid Texts, Coffin Texts and Book of the Dead. The conclusion is that the motive of justification in ancient Egyptian religion evolved along with the concept of Judgment of the Dead with whom he was associated.
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A time-dependent spectral point spread function for the OSIRIS optical spectrograph2013 May 1900 (has links)
The primary goal of the recently formed Absorption Cross Sections of Ozone (ACSO) Commission is to establish an international standard for the ozone cross section used in the retrieval of atmospheric ozone number density profiles. The Canadian instrument OSIRIS onboard the Swedish spacecraft Odin has produced high quality ozone profiles since 2002, and as such the OSIRIS research team has been asked to contribute to the ACSO Commission by evaluating the impact of implementing different ozone cross sections into SASKTRAN, the radiative transfer model used in the retrieval of OSIRIS ozone profiles. Preliminary analysis revealed that the current state of the OSIRIS spectral point spread function, an array of values describing the dispersion of light within OSIRIS, would make such an evaluation difficult. Specifically, the current spectral point spread function is time-independent and therefore unable to account for any changes in the optics introduced by changes in the operational environment of the instrument. Such a situation introduces systematic errors when modelling the atmosphere as seen by OSIRIS, errors that impact the quality of the ozone number density profiles retrieved from OSIRIS measurements and make it difficult to accurately evaluate the impact of using different ozone cross sections within the SASKTRAN model.
To eliminate these errors a method is developed to calculate, for the 310-350 nm wavelength range, a unique spectral point spread function for every scan in the OSIRIS mission history, the end result of which is a time-dependent spectral point spread function. The development of a modelling equation is then presented, which allows for any noise present in the time-dependent spectral point spread function to be reduced and relates the spectral point spread function to measured satellite parameters. Implementing this modelled time-dependent spectral point spread function into OSIRIS ozone retrieval algorithms is shown to improve all OSIRIS ozone profiles by 1-2% for tangent altitudes of 35-48 km. Analysis is also presented that reveals a previously unaccounted for temperature-dependent altitude shift in OSIRIS measurements. In conjunction with the use of the time-dependent spectral point spread function, accounting for this altitude shift is shown to result in an almost complete elimination of the temperature-induced systematic errors seen in OSIRIS ozone profiles. Such improvements lead to improved ozone number density profiles for all times of the OSIRIS mission and make it possible to evaluate the use of different ozone cross sections as requested by the ACSO Commission. Read more
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