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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

El fuera de campo en la pintura. Un estudio sobre la representación espacial pictórica desde lo ausente en el cuadro

Palés Chaveli, Susana 26 October 2023 (has links)
[ES] Toda imagen bidimensional de carácter figurativo presenta dos espacios codependientes determinados por sus cuatro bordes. Todo lo que compone la imagen formará parte del campo, mientras que aquello susceptible de existir más allá de sus límites pasará a formar parte de ese espacio virtual, intangible y misterioso al que denominamos fuera de campo. Este espacio ausente se convierte en la proyección imaginaria de aquello que la imagen fragmenta, existiendo solo en la medida en la que es insinuado desde la propia representación. En sus primeros años de vida, el cine hereda y perpetúa gran parte de las convenciones espaciales establecidas en la pintura renacentista. En cuestiones de representación espacial, sin embargo, el cine desarrolla un complejo lenguaje propio que convierte el fuera de campo cinematográfico en un espacio mucho más versátil que en el resto de medios. Debido a esta compleja relación con el recurso, el término fuera de campo surgirá por primera vez en el seno de la imagen cinematográfica, fruto de las complejas relaciones que el cine establece con este espacio más allá del marco. Conscientes de sus orígenes cinematográficos, la presente tesis doctoral propone una revisión del recurso desde la historia de la pintura occidental, con una mirada retrospectiva que permita analizar y redescubrir este espacio oculto en un contexto ajeno al cine. La defensa de un fuera de campo genuinamente pictórico conlleva necesariamente un análisis del paradigma representacional en la pintura que permita vislumbrar las convenciones espaciales necesarias para la aparición del recurso en el cuadro. Partiendo del concepto del cuadro como ventana introducido en el Renacimiento, esta investigación abarca los cambios producidos en la representación espacial pictórica desde finales del siglo XIV hasta la introducción del cinematógrafo en 1895, lo que permite establecer las características de un fuera de campo genuinamente pictórico previo a la aparición del cine. / [CA] Tota imatge bidimensional de caràcter figuratiu presenta dos espais codependents determinats per les quatre vores. Tot el que composa la imatge formarà part del camp, mentre allò susceptible d'existir més enllà dels seus límits pasarà a formar part d'eixe espai virtual, intangible i misteriòs al que denominem fora de camp. Aquest espai ausent es converteix en la projecció imaginària d'allò que la imatge fragmenta, existint tan sols en la mesura en la que és insinuat des de la pròpia representació. En els seus primers anys de vida, el cinema hereta i perpetua gran part de les convencions espacials establertes a la pintura renaixentista. En qüestions de representació espacial, però, el cinema desenvolupa un complex llenguatge propi que converteix el fora de camp cinematogràfic en un espai molt més versàtil que a la resta de mitjans. A causa d'aquesta complexa relació amb el recurs, el terme fora de camp sorgirà per primera vegada en el context cinematogràfic, fruit de les complexes relacions que el cinema estableix amb aquest espai més enllà del marc. Conscients dels seus orígens cinematogràfics, aquesta tesi doctoral proposa una revisió del recurs des de la història de la pintura occidental, amb una mirada retrospectiva que permeti analitzar i redescobrir aquest espai ocult en un context aliè al cinema. La defensa d'un fora de camp genuïnament pictòric comporta necessàriament una anàlisi del paradigma representacional a la pintura que permeti entreveure les convencions espacials necessàries per a l'aparició del recurs al quadre. Partint del concepte del quadre com a finestra introduït al Renaixement, aquesta investigació abasta els canvis produïts en la representació espacial pictòrica des de finals del segle XIV fins a la introducció del cinematògraf el 1895, cosa que permet establir les característiques d'un fora de camp genuïnament pictòric previ a l'aparició del cinema. / [EN] Every two-dimensional figurative image presents two codependent spaces determined by its four edges. Everything shown in the image will be part of the in space, while those elements that could exist beyond its limits will become part of this virtual, intangible and mysterious space called the off-screen. This invisible space becomes the imaginary projection of what the image fragments, existing only as something insinuated by the representation itself. In its early years, the cinema inherited and perpetuated a large part of the spatial conventions established in the Renaissance painting. In matters of spatial representation, however, cinema develops its own complex language that turns cinematographic off-screen into a much more versatile space than in other media. Due to this complex relationship with this non-seen space, the term off-screen will appear for the first time in a cinematographic context, as a result of the complex relationships that cinema establishes with the space beyond the frame. Aware of its cinematographic origins, this Dissertation proposes a review of the off-screen in from western painting history, using a retrospective look that will allow us to analyze and rediscover this hidden space in a context alien to cinema. The defense of a genuinely pictorial off-screen necessarily entails an analysis of the representational paradigm in painting that could allows us to glimpse the spatial conventions necessary for the appearance of the resource inside the painting. Starting from the concept of the painting as a window introduced in the Renaissance, this research covers the changes produced in the pictorial spatial representation from the end of the 14th century until the introduction of the cinematograph in 1895, which allows us to establish the characteristics of a genuinely pictorial off-screen. previous to the appearance of the cinema. / Palés Chaveli, S. (2023). El fuera de campo en la pintura. Un estudio sobre la representación espacial pictórica desde lo ausente en el cuadro [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/198861

Modélisation flexible du risque d’événements iatrogènes radio-induits / Flexible modeling of radiation-induced adverse events risk

Benadjaoud, Mohamed Amine 27 March 2015 (has links)
La radiothérapie occupe une place majeure dans l’arsenal thérapeutique des cancers.Malgré des progrès technologiques importants depuis près de vingt ans, des tissus sains au voisinage ou à distance de la tumeur cible continuent à être inévitablement irradiés à des niveaux de doses très différents. Ces doses sont à l’origine d’effets secondaires précoces (Œdème, radionécrose, Dysphagie, Cystite) ou tardifs (rectorragies, télangiectasie, effets carcinogènes, les pathologie cérébrovasculaires).Il est donc primordial de quantifier et de prévenir ces effets secondaires afin d'améliorer la qualité de vie des patients pendant et après leur traitement.La modélisation du risque d'événements iatrogènes radio-induits repose sur la connaissance précise de la distribution de doses au tissu sain d'intérêt ainsi que sur un modèle de risque capable d'intégrer un maximum d'informations sur le profil d'irradiation et des autres facteurs de risques non dosimétriques. L'objectif de ce travail de thèse a été de développer des méthodes de modélisation capables de répondre à des questions spécifiques aux deux aspects, dosimétriques et statistiques, intervenant dans la modélisation du risque de survenue d'événements iatrogènes radio-induits.Nous nous sommes intéressé dans un premier temps au développement d'un modèle de calcul permettant de déterminer avec précision la dose à distance due au rayonnements de diffusion et de fuite lors d'un traitement par radiothérapie externe et ce, pour différentes tailles des champs et à différentes distances de l'axe du faisceau. Ensuite, nous avons utilisé des méthodes d'analyse de données fonctionnelles pour développer un modèle de risque de toxicité rectales après irradiation de la loge prostatique. Le modèle proposé a montré des performances supérieures aux modèles de risque existants particulièrement pour décrire le risque de toxicités rectales de grade 3. Dans le contexte d'une régression de Cox flexible sur données réelles, nous avons proposé une application originale des méthodes de statistique fonctionnelle permettant d'améliorer les performances d'une modélisation via fonctions B-splines de la relation dose-effet entre la dose de radiation à la thyroïde.Nous avons également proposé dans le domaine de la radiobiologie une méthodes basée sur l’analyse en composantes principales multiniveau pour quantifier la part de la variabilité expérimentale dans la variabilité des courbes de fluorescence mesurées. / Radiotherapy plays a major role in the therapeutic arsenal against cancer. Despite significant advances in technology for nearly twenty years, healthy tissues near or away from the target tumor remain inevitably irradiated at very different levels of doses. These doses are at the origin of early side effects (edema, radiation necrosis, dysphagia, cystitis) or late (rectal bleeding, telangiectasia, carcinogenic, cerebrovascular diseases). It is therefore essential to quantify and prevent these side effects to improve the patient quality of life after their cancer treatment.The objective of this thesis was to propose modelling methods able to answer specific questions asked in both aspects, dosimetry and statistics, involved in the modeling risk of developing radiation-induced iatrogenic pathologies.Our purpose was firstly to assess the out-of-field dose component related to head scatter radiation in high-energy photon therapy beams and then derive a multisource model for this dose component. For measured doses under out-of-field conditions, the average local difference between the calculated and measured photon dose is 10%, including doses as low as 0.01% of the maximum dose on the beam axis. We secondly described a novel method to explore radiation dose-volume effects. Functional data analysis is used to investigate the information contained in differential dose-volume histograms. The method is applied to the normal tissue complication probability modeling of rectal bleeding for In the flexible Cox model context, we proposed a new dimension reduction technique based on a functional principal component analysis to estimate a dose-response relationship. A two-stage knots selection scheme was performed: a potential set of knots is chosen based on information from the rotated functional principal components and the final knots selection is then based on statistical model selection. Finally, a multilevel functional principal component analysis was applied to radiobiological data in order to quantify the experimental Variability for replicate measurements of fluorescence signals of telomere length.

Lernprozesse von qualifikationsheterogenen Grundschullehrkräften im Bereich Stochastik - Studie zur Professionalisierung durch Fortbildung

Binner, Elke 08 April 2021 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Qualitätsentwicklung und -sicherung von Unterricht wurden in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten auf Bundes- und Länderebene auch Maßnahmen zur Professionalisierung von Lehr-personen festgelegt. Vor diesem Hintergrund begannen 2012 am Deutschen Zentrum für Lehrerbildung Mathematik (DZLM) auch Arbeiten, um bestehende Fortbildungsangebote für Grundschullehrkräfte zu erweitern. In dieser Arbeit wird das Konzept einer Stochastik-Fortbildung für Lehrpersonen, die Mathematik in der Grundschule unterrichten, vorgestellt. Die Entwicklung greift Forschungserkenntnisse zum Verständnis von professioneller Kompetenz von Lehrpersonen und zur Gestaltung von Professionalisierungsprozessen auf und bindet konzeptionell Impulse für Unterrichtsentwicklungsprozesse ein. In fünf Kursdurchführungen wurde das Konzept realisiert und hinsichtlich seiner Umsetzbarkeit untersucht. Die in diesem Rahmen gewonnenen Daten von 120 Lehrpersonen geben detailliertere Einsichten in Entwicklungsprozesse unterschiedlich qualifizierter Lehrpersonen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen insbesondere, dass in der fachinhaltlich orientierten Fortbildung ein fachlicher und fachdidaktischer Wissenszuwachs erreicht werden kann. Die Defizite bezüglich einer mathematischen Grundausbildung eines Lehramts können bei Lehrpersonen, die Mathematik fachfremd unterrichten, auf diesem Weg aber nicht überwunden werden. Die Untersuchungen zeigen zudem, dass die qualifikationsheterogene Zusammensetzung der Kursgruppen die Durchführung und das Lernen der Lehrpersonen bereichern. Mit der Einbindung des Konzepts der Professionellen Lerngemeinschaft (PLG) in den Kurs und Erprobungen in den Praxisphasen gelingt es, Impulse für Unterrichtsentwick-lungsprozesse zu geben. Diese Fortbildung kann ein berufsbegleitender Baustein in der Ausprägung von Lehrkräfteprofessionalität sein und den lang andauernden Prozess der Konstruktion und Selbstkonstruktion des Berufs unterstützen. / In the past two decades, increasing the quality of mathematics teaching and learning, particularly fostering the professional knowledge and skills of teachers has been researched in depth. Before this background, the German Center for Mathematics Education (Deutsches Zentrum für Lehrerbildung Mathematik, DZLM) started from 2012 onwards to offer professional development (PD) courses for teachers and facilitators. This thesis presents a concept for a PD course on stochastics for primary teachers, which draws on recently gained empirical evidences on appropriate professional competencies and on design elements relevant for effective professionalization. The concept of the PD course also includes building professional learning communities (PLCs) to initiate teachers´ ongoing professional growth through working collaboratively on improving their classroom practices. The long-lasting PD course has been conducted five times and data was gained to evaluate the feasibility of the concept. That is, the data acquired from 120 teachers provided detailed insight into the personal development of teachers with different qualifications, including those teaching out-of-field. The results show that a PD course focusing on a certain subject leads to an increase of both content knowledge professional content knowledge. However, deficits due to a missing basic education in mathematics - as for teachers not specialized on mathematics - cannot be totally overcome by this PD course. However, the results indicate that the heterogeneous teacher groups possessing different qualifications enrich the learning processes of all participants. Including the PLC concept into the PD course and conducting practical phases to probe issues in the classroom were both decisive impulses helping teachers to further develop their practices. Thus, the PD course proved to be effective with respect to fostering teachers´ professional knowledge and skills sustainably and contributed to teachers´ life-long and ongoing learning.

The implications of the out of field phenomenon for school management

Du Plessis, Anna Elizabeth 30 November 2005 (has links)
The out of field phenomenon, that is, educators who teach outside their field of expertise, adds complexity to the education environment. This growing phenomenon in South African schools impacts colleagues, learners, parents, governing bodies and school management. Teaching characteristics that ensure success in classrooms are threatened by the out of field phenomenon. It puts extra strain on school management's responsibility to provide quality management and jeopardises effective teaching and quality learning. This problem was investigated by a literature study and an empirical investigation using a qualitative approach. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with selected participants who shared their experiences of the phenomenon. Findings indicated that the existence of the out of field phenomenon should be recognised in order to provide substantial educator support and sufficient staff development programmes. It is recommended that new evidence-informed knowledge about the out of field phenomenon can contribute to improve effective decision making and policy developing in this regard. / Education management / M.Ed.

Darmschädigung durch Photonen-Strahlung nach Einzeitbestrahlung der Leber / Radiation-induced damage in different segments of the rat intestine after external

Schwartz, Antonia 16 January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

The implications of the out of field phenomenon for school management

Du Plessis, Anna Elizabeth 30 November 2005 (has links)
The out of field phenomenon, that is, educators who teach outside their field of expertise, adds complexity to the education environment. This growing phenomenon in South African schools impacts colleagues, learners, parents, governing bodies and school management. Teaching characteristics that ensure success in classrooms are threatened by the out of field phenomenon. It puts extra strain on school management's responsibility to provide quality management and jeopardises effective teaching and quality learning. This problem was investigated by a literature study and an empirical investigation using a qualitative approach. Data was gathered through semi-structured interviews with selected participants who shared their experiences of the phenomenon. Findings indicated that the existence of the out of field phenomenon should be recognised in order to provide substantial educator support and sufficient staff development programmes. It is recommended that new evidence-informed knowledge about the out of field phenomenon can contribute to improve effective decision making and policy developing in this regard. / Education management / M.Ed.

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