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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Who should manage internal projects? : A case study in the Swedish mining industry

Mikko, Albin, Silfver, Alexander January 2019 (has links)
Millions of people around the world consider project management as their major task in their profession, yet the demand for project managers is still increasing. To face this demand many organizations use consultants as project managers for their projects. However, the literature in project management tend to ignore potential differences between internal project managers and consultants as project managers. This thesis is written on commission for LKAB which is a Swedish mining company who conduct around 60-80 projects yearly. Projects at LKAB is managed by internal professional project managers, internal line-managers and consultants as project managers. Despite having three different categories of project managers LKAB has little knowledge about potential differences in how they manage projects. Thus, the purpose of this thesis is to make a case study on project managers at LKAB in search to answer our research question: How do internal project managers, line-workers and consultants manage projects differently? To answer our research question we developed a theoretical frame where we present research which we suggest have given an answer towards the previously discussed question if project leadership has a direct impact on project success or not. Research has found that project leadership has a direct impact on project performance which we consider crucial since it impact the relevance of our study. In our theoretical frame we also present research in outsourcing, project planning and organizing, education, perspectives in project management and theories of project management competencies and skills. There are two perspectives in project management, task perspective which focus on achieving the project objectives and the organizational perspective where they emphasize the relationship between the temporary organization and the permanent organization where main focus is to create value for the receiving organization. To gather data we conducted nine semi-structured interviews in Kiruna with three line- mangers, three internal professional project managers and three consultants which has been hired as project managers by LKAB. We found support to a previous study which showed that project managers have different perspectives towards project management. Furthermore, we found a connection between the project managers perspective and how they prioritized between project goal or effect goal. Project managers with an organizational perspective consider the effect goal to be more important than the project goal and vice versa. We also found that line-managers as project managers do not plan their projects, or manage risk in the same way as professional internal project managers or consultants.

Hur hoppar man högst? : En studie om marknadsföringsstrategier bland Gasellföretag - inhouse eller outsource?

Berger, Axel, Nyman, Max January 2019 (has links)
Information blir mer lättillgängligt och marknadsföringen är under ständig förändring. Det leder till att företag kan utöka sina konkurrensfördelar om man ligger i framkant inom dessa områden. Företag kan nå detta genom snabbare tillväxt som kan ske med hjälp av att outsourca vissa arbetsprocesser. Denna studie undersöker 217 Gasellföretags val av marknadsföringsstrategi åren innan den tilldelade listplatsen av Dagens Industri år 2017. Empirin är inhämtat via en digital enkätundersökning som skickades till företagen per e-post. Resultatet av studien visar att marknadsföring som hanterats in-house kombinerat med outsourcing av vissa arbetsprocesser genererat högst tillväxt. Vidare har tjänsteföretag högst tillväxt och den bransch som uppvisat högst tillväxt är ​media följt av ​bygg​. Orsakerna till att behålla arbetsprocesser in-house är högst relaterat till ekonomiska skäl och minst associerat till säkerhet och integritet. Marknadsföring online är den kanal som används mest där hemsida var främst framträdande. Högre tillväxt är dock inte alltid associerat till större marknadsandelar på internationell nivå.

Outsourced Offshore Software Testing Challenges and Mitigations / Outsourced Offshore Software Testing Challenges and Mitigations

Pulipaka, Avinash Arepaka Sravanthi January 2014 (has links)
Software development comprises of different phases like requirements, analysis, design coding and testing. In this contemporary world of software development, development of software in globalized scenarios is prevalent and prominent. As part of different globalized scenarios this thesis magnifies the scenario of software product transfer which deals with the testing of software in the offshore location. / +919502697610 +919849674412

Employer branding : Konsten att rekrytera och behålla kompetenta medarbetare / Employer branding : The art of retaining and recruiting competent employee

Elias, Joussef, Sandgren, Robin January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: För att kunna överleva på en modern konkurrensutsatt marknad som små och medelstora företag måste de ha kompetent och talangfull personal. Genom att ha ett starkt arbetsgivarvarumärke så blir det lättare att bibehålla den kompetenta personalen men även för att rekrytera nya. Det finns strategier som tas upp genom studiens gång som man kan implementera för att stärka sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke. Problemformulering: Ett problem som förekommer inom små- och medelstora företag är att resurserna alltid inte räcker till för att anställa exempelvis HR-personal som aktivt arbetar med att stärka arbetsgivarvarumärket. Det är dock oerhört viktigt att i små och medelstora företag att arbeta med detta då nyckelpersonerna blir än viktigare eftersom de får större ansvar för företagets olika uppdrag än i stora företag. Syftet: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur väl små- och medelstora företag arbetar med intern- och extern employer branding. Författarna skall dessutom undersöka strategier som SME:s (Small and Medium-sized Enterprise) använder sig av för att kunna rekrytera efterfrågad personal samt hur man bibehåller kompetent personal för att en ökad förståelse kring begreppet employer branding. Metod: Inom denna studie så har författarna valt att använda en kombinerad metod, både kvalitativ men även en kvantitativ med utgång från en deduktiv metod. Slutsats: Författarna inom denna studie har funnit att arbetsgivarna idag redan implementerar olika strategier inom intern employer branding (internal marketing) för att stärka sitt arbetsgivarvarumärke men som även bidrar till en positiv arbetsmiljö. Många menar på att de vill jobba med employer branding i allmänhet mer än vad som görs idag och har viljan för det, men resurserna räcker inte alltid till. Många arbetar idag även med sitt externa employer branding exempelvis genom sociala medier men där menar många att man behöver bli bättre. / Background: To be able to survive in a modern competitive market as a small and medium-sized enterprise, you must have talented and competent staff. With a strong employer brand comes benefits that help you hire talented employees but also retain them within the company. There are also strategies shown in this study that you can implement to strengthen your employer brand. Problem formulation: A problem that occurs in small and medium-sized companies is that the resources are not always enough to employ, for example, HR employees who actively work to strengthen the employer brand. However, it is extremely important in small and medium-sized companies to work with this as the key employees become even more important because they are given greater responsibility for the company's various tasks than in large companies. Aim: The purpose of this study is to investigate how well SMEs work with internal and external employer branding. The authors will also examine strategies that SMEs (Small and medium-sized enterprises) use to be able to recruit in-demand personnel and how to maintain competent personnel in order to increase understanding of the concept of employer branding. Method: Within this study, the authors have chosen to use a combined method, both qualitative but also quantitative based on a deductive method. Conclusion: The authors of this study have found that employers today already implement various strategies within internal employer branding (internal marketing) to strengthen their employer brand but which also contribute to a positive work environment. Employees say that they want to work with employer branding in general more than what is done today and have the ambition to do so, but where the resources are not always enough. Many employees today also work with their external branding, for example through social media, but where many believe that they need to do better.

God IT-Förvaltning Genom Insourcing / Good IT-Management Through Insourcing

Jareteg, Daniel, Ceder, Daniel, Viktorin, Hans January 2010 (has links)
I denna studie kommer vi att presentera vårt resultat om hur man genomför en god insourcing av ett annat företags IT. Vi kommer också genom detta att först presentera hur vi tänkt nå det tänkta resultatet genom att presentera vissa teorier. Vi kommer också presentera hur vår empiri gått till samt hur vi gått tillväga för att analysera dessa för att tillslut nå vårt resultat. Vårt resultat har resulterat i normativ kunskap vilket menas att vi presenterar resultatet i råd, förslag och riktlinjer till hur man uppnår god insourcad IT-förvaltning. Vi kommer också visa förslag på mål som man uppnår genom att följa dessa riktlinjer för att ännu mer påvisa och stärka vårt resultat.Vi vill också passa på att tacka Anders Hjalmarsson som handlett oss genom denna uppsats och varit en ovärderlig hjälp genom hela processen, tack Anders.

An?lise do pre?o de venda nas empresas prestadoras de servi?os na cidade de Barra Mansa Rio de Janeiro / Analysis in the sale price of the companies provider of services in Barra Mansa city Rio de Janeiro

Oliveira, Jos? Vilmar de 27 August 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:19:14Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2007- Jose Vilmar de Oliveira.pdf: 344198 bytes, checksum: d8223b0fe77e3a2555b29e25161d8820 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-08-27 / The general objective of this search consists of analyzing the selling prices in the companies of maintenance services in Barra Mansa city, Rio de Janeiro, state. The p resent work verifies the qualification of the involved professionals in the confection of the selling costs and price in the companies and the interference of the owners in the determination therm. The work was divided in five chapters, at the first one it describes, beyond the mentioned objectives, the problem, the assumption, the methodology and the limit of this search. In the second chapter, the literary revision investigates some authors that shows the concepts of costs and selling prices, the vision of reengeneering, responsible for substitution the proper men s work power at the companies for outsorce of services and the use of another companies. They are observed under the view of Administration Sciences and the Law, that is the base of the global phenomenon called outsourcing. At the third chapter, the methodology was on field research treated with a description about the company, the place of this study, the history of Barra Mansa city, it is determine which research instrument and collects of da ta will be used. At the fourth chapter, after receiving the report sent to that woes business's leaders, they will be analysed of another companies and the results will be done, to obtain the structural picture of the companies, as their sizes, the profess ional profile of the employees that work in the acountable area and the profile of the owners. At the fifth chapter it will be made the conclusions and it will be presented some suggestions to the outsorce companies. / O objetivo geral nesta disserta??o consiste em analisar os pre?os de venda nas empresas prestadoras de servi?os de manuten??o, na cidade de Barra Mansa, estado do Rio de Janeiro. O presente trabalho trata de verificar a qualifica??o dos profissionais envolvidos na confec??o dos custos e pre?o de vendas nas empresas e a interfer?ncia dos propriet?rios na determina??o dos mesmos. O trabalho foi realizado em cinco cap?tulos, sendo que no primeiro, descreve-se, al?m dos objetivos mencionados, a formula??o do problema, a suposi??o, a metodologia e a limita??o do estudo. No segundo cap?tulo, a Revis?o Liter?ria, s?o investigados v?rios autores que mostram conceitos de custos e pre?o s de venda, a vis?o da reengenharia, respons?vel pela substitui??o da m?o-de-obra pr?pria das empresas por prestadores de servi?os e a terceiriza??o, vista sob a ?tica das Ci?ncias da Administra??o e do Direito, que embasam este fen?meno global chamado ter ceiriza??o. No terceiro cap?tulo realiza -se a metodologia da pesquisa de campo, com um hist?rico sobre a empresa, local do estudo, a hist?ria da cidade de Barra Mansa, determina-se qual o instrumento de pesquisa e coleta de dados. No quarto cap?tulo, ap?s o recebimento do question?rio enviado aos dirigentes empresariais terceirizados, realiza-se a an?lise e discuss?o dos resultados, onde, tem-se, o retrato estrutural das empresas, como o seu tamanho, o perfil profissional dos funcion?rios que trabalham na ?rea cont?bil e o perfil dos propriet?rios. No quinto cap?tulo faz -se as conclus?es e apresenta - se algumas sugest?es ?s empresas terceirizadas.

Viable Options a Shipper has in Using Different Logistic Solutions

Grevesmühl, Vasco, Chehreh, Reza January 2013 (has links)
The research question explores the viable options a shipper has in using different logistic solutions. An investigation was conducted by first understanding the different provider levels based on their activities and then differentiate the logistic solutions based on attributes that are important for a shipper in their supply chain. These attributes were; organization, information technology (IT), flexibility and transportation quality aspects. Once the investigation was done, it was applied on a case study at a shipper to help answer the research question. The study confirms previous findings and provides additional evidence that suggests that generally the logistic solutions definition match with the literature. The evidence shows that the third-party logistics providers need to be redefined due to the fact that they are capable of performing other logistic solutions activities within their company groups. Additional evidence from the shippers indicates that two of three that were contacted do not only use one type of logistic solution in their organizations or company groups. These findings suggest several possibilities of action for Shipper A to proceed in undertaking further studies of what the implications are of changing their current setup to another. Also the study confirms that Shipper A with the research question in mind has a viable possibility to insource to a second-party logistics provider from their current third-party logistics provider setup in certain flows. Other viable possibility is to outsource the third-party logistics provider’s activities to a fourth-party logistics provider. Based on confirmations the results have shown, all PLs are viable to use in all the flows except the African customers that are not able to use any form of second-party logistics providers.

Secure Data Service Outsourcing with Untrusted Cloud

Xiong, Huijun 10 June 2013 (has links)
Outsourcing data services to the cloud is a nature fit for cloud usage. However, increasing security and privacy concerns from both enterprises and individuals on their outsourced data inhibit this trend. In this dissertation, we introduce service-centric solutions to address two types of security threats existing in the current cloud environments: semi-honest cloud providers and malicious cloud customers. Our solution aims not only to provide confidentiality and access controllability of outsourced data with strong cryptographic guarantee, but, more importantly, to fulfill specific security requirements from different cloud services with effective systematic ways. To provide strong cryptographic guarantee to outsourced data, we study the generic security problem caused by semi-honest cloud providers and introduce a novel proxy-based secure data outsourcing scheme. Specifically, our scheme improves the efficiency of traditional proxy re-encryption algorithm by integrating symmetric encryption and proxy re-encryption algorithms. With less computation cost on applying re-encryption operation directly on the encrypted data, our scheme allows flexible and efficient user revocation without revealing underlying data and heavy computation in the untrusted cloud. To address specific requirement from different cloud services, we investigate two specific cloud services: cloud-based content delivery service and cloud-based data processing service. For the former one, we focus on preserving cache property in the content delivery network and propose CloudSeal, a scheme for securely and flexibly sharing and distributing content via the public cloud. With the ability of caching the major part of a stored cipher content object in the delivery network for content distribution and keeping the minor part with the data owner for content authorization, CloudSeal achieves security and efficiency both theoretically and experimentally. For the later service, we design and realize CloudSafe, a framework that supports secure and efficient data processing with minimum key leakage in the vulnerable cloud virtualization environment. Through the adoption of one-time cryptographic key strategy and a centralized key management framework, CloudSafe efficiently avoids cross-VM side channel attack from malicious cloud customers in the cloud. Our experimental results confirm the practicality and scalability of CloudSafe. / Ph. D.

An Evaluation of American Companies that Outsource Manufacturing to China: Decision-Making and Performance

Favreau, Michael Kenyon 21 March 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The topic of outsourcing ranks at the top of business issues for a wide variety of companies (Wery, 2004; Ezrati, 2004). The majority of American companies believe that offshore-related matters rank as the most strategic decisions that management is expected to make in the next 12 months (Wery, 2004). “Outsourcing in China can help many companies save money, but it can be very frustrating if not done right" (Ting, 2004). The perceived benefits of outsourcing production to China are tremendously enticing, but a lack of understanding of the total costs involved lures many companies into outsourcing when it is not necessarily the best decision. The question then arises and becomes the purpose of this study: How does a company decide if offshore outsourcing is the right decision and, if so, how do they do it properly? The purpose of this research is to search for generally applicable information that can be utilized by American companies in deciding whether to outsource their production to China. The information regarding outsourcing overseas was collected from 22 American firms and 24 Chinese manufacturers to evaluate and provide insight into outsourcing arrangements. In the final chapter of this thesis, a summary is presented of the important findings regarding the purpose of the thesis study.

Experiences of Public Agency Managers When Making Outsourcing Decisions

Baig, Shakeel 01 January 2017 (has links)
Managers in state transportation agencies in the United States must frequently choose between using the talents and abilities of in-house staff or outsourcing for road and bridge design projects. Budgetary crises have strongly affected funding for transportation infrastructure. Facing budgetary pressures to suppress costs, managers must frequently make the choice of outsourcing a project or performing it in-house. Yet, decision-making models for these decisions are inadequate. The purpose of this phenomenological study was to explore and describe the lived experiences of public agency managers when making decisions to outsource the core government functions such as road and bridge design projects. The research question was: What are the lived experiences of managers at the public agency when making decisions about whether to outsource core government functions such as road and bridge design projects? Participants were interviewed about their lived experiences at a state Department of Transportation with 'make or buy' decisions. Purposeful sampling was used to select 19 participants for the interviews and the collected data were coded and used a van Kaam approach for analysis. Five themes emerged as findings: acceptance of outsourcing, benefits versus problems, outsourcing propelled by staff limits, loss of control when a project is outsourced, and political pressure for and against outsourcing. These findings may be relevant for management personnel at U.S. public agencies. The implications for positive social change include improved cost, increased efficiency of use of time and talent of management personnel in state transportation agencies, and cost benefits for both management and public.

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