Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ownershipstructure"" "subject:"owners’structure""
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The institutional determinants of private equity involvement in business groups - The case of AfricaHearn, Bruce, Oxelheim, L., Randøy, T. 03 December 2020 (has links)
Yes / This study examines the governance attributes of post-IPO (initial public offering) retained ownership of private equity in business group constituent firms in contrast to their unaffiliated counterparts, in 202 newly listed firms in 22 emerging African economies. We adopt an actor centered institutional-theoretic perspective in rationalizing institutional voids and the advantages of maintained governance by both business angels (BA) and venture capital (VC) private equity. Our findings reveal private equity retain higher post-IPO ownership in business group constituents compared to unaffiliated firms and that this is inversely moderated in the context of improving institutional quality – where this is particularly strong in case of foreign VC as opposed to domestic VC or BA. Our result adds to the literature on multifocal corporate governance mechanisms and the institutional determinants of private equity investment.
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The Effect of Ownership Structure on Capital Market Reaction to Acquisition Announcements : Evidence from SwedenCarlström, Olof, Eriksson, Philip January 2024 (has links)
This study examines the relationship between abnormal stock returns around acquisition announcements and the ownership structure of the buyers on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Previous research has been focused on the impact of family ownership to market reactions around acquisition announcements. This study, however, performs a comprehensive analysis of the three most common owner types in Sweden: family, institutional and foreign owners. To measure the relationships between market reaction and ownership, an event study is carried out which measures the cumulative abnormal returns (CAR) for Swedish firms six days [-1,+5] around the acquisition announcements. Through a sample of 296 listed Swedish firms and 1145 acquisition announcements during 2015-2023, the results show a positive relationship between family ownership and acquisition announcement returns. For foreign ownership, we found implications for a negative relationship with announcement returns and for institutional ownership no relationship was found. In all, the findings imply that the ownership structure of the acquirer impacts the market reactions to acquisition announcements in Sweden.
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How do public and private ownership impact the financial performance of banks? : A comparison of the effects of ownership structure on financial performance of commercial banks in the European UnionBui, Linh, Magnsjö, Tobias January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine if increased regulations in the banking industry post-financial crisis have altered previous literature in favor of publicly listed commercial banks relative to privately owned banks. To account for concerns of reverse causality a two-stage instrumental regression is performed on a multinational data sample. Due to the limitations of the study, omitting factors such as bank archetype, legislative differences, and more detailed ownership structures e.g. the extent of market capitalization, the conclusions of the study must be interpreted with some caution. Nonetheless, our results indicate that private banks, in line with pre-crisis literature have stronger financial performance. Suggesting that post-crisis regulation has not altered that relationship.
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Vilka faktorer påverkar lönsamheten hos banker med skilda ägarstrukturer? / What factors affect the profitability of banks with different ownership structures?Lundberg, Martin, Börjesson, Viktoria January 2020 (has links)
Banker är katalysatorn i det finansiella systemet och har en viktig roll för ekonomins tillväxt och för att människors välfärd ska kunna växa. Att en bank är lönsam är inte av vikt enbart för den enskilda banken, utan för hela samhället i stort. Runt om i världen finns många olika sorters banker, som drivs på olika sätt och har olika ägarkonstellationer. Affärsbanker i Sverige ägs av flera tusentals aktieägare och drivs på en operativ nivå av en utvald VD. På en organisatorisk nivå så utgörs beslutsfattandet istället av en utvald styrelse. I Schweiz finns banker med olika ägarstruktur, där en av associationsformerna är partnerskapsbanker. Dessa bedrivs av partners, ofta väldigt få (8–10 personer) som agerar styrelse, ägare och VD. Det finns tidigare studier som undersökt hur lönsamheten påverkas hos banker, där dessa studier har sett till hur utländskt, statligt och privatägande har påverkat bankernas lönsamhet. Dessa studier uppvisar emellertid motstridiga resultat. Denna studie valt att belysa två extremfall, det vill säga banker med starkt centrerat ägarstruktur (partnerskapsbanker) och banker med extremt spritt ägande (svenska storbanker). Syftet med denna studie har varit att explorativt undersöka om banker med olika ägarstrukturer uppvisar lönsamhetsskillnader och vad dessa beror av. Detta genom en statistisk undersökning där ett antal vedertagna förklaringsvariabler används. En jämförande kvantitativ studie har tillämpats och i studien har tre stycken schweiziska partnerskapsbanker och tre stycken svenska affärsbanker jämförts med varandra samt analyserats under perioden 2014–2018. Den data som insamlats baseras på en nyckeltalsanalys samt en PEST-analys, där interna och externa nyckeltal samlats in. Där den insamlade data sedan har analyserats med konstruerade regressionsmodeller för att undersöka, vilka, eller om några av de utvalda förklaringsvariablerna förklarar lönsamheten. Genom studies resultat kan vi fastställa att lönsamhetskillnader mellan partnerskapsbanker och affärsbanker finns. Emellertid så kan vi konstatera att de förklaringsvariablerna som studien använts sig av inte kan förklara dessa lönsamhetskillnader på lönsamhetsmåtten räntabilitet på totalt kapital och räntabilitet på eget kapital. För att helt kunna undanröja misstanke om att förklaringsvariablerna inte är signifikanta, så krävs ytterligare forskning med en längre tidsperiod. Denna studie har en begränsning i antalet år, där den period som observerats lett till att studien fått färre observationer än önskvärt. Materialet som idag finns att tillgå är begränsat till åren 2014–2018. Detta beror på att de schweiziska partnerskapsbankerna först 2014 började publicera sina årsredovisningar offentligt. Studien sträcker sig till 2018 för att det är det längsta tillgängliga materialet som kan undersökas. Tidigare studier inom området som använder sig av samma förklaringsvariabler som valts i denna studie och dessa uppvisar statistiskt signifikanta värden på de flesta utvalda förklaringsvariablerna, med några undantag. En skillnad, mellan tidigare studier och denna som är av stor betydelse är att värdena baseras på längre tidsperioder alternativt att fler banker har observerats, vilket allt annat lika ger fler observationer. Studiens resultat analyseras sedan utifrån tidigare studier samt principal-agent teorin. / Banks could be seen as the catalyst for the financial system and therefore often seen as an important role for the economy's growth and for peoples’ wellbeing. It’s not only important for the bank itself to be profitable, but also for the country as a whole. Around the globe there are quite a large number of different banks, that is run differently and has different types of owner structures. Commercial banks in Sweden are owned by thousands and thousands of owners and are driven on an operative level by a CEO and with an executive board on an organizational level. In Switzerland there is a broad spectrum of different banks and different corporate forms. One of them is partnership banks, these banks have partners (i.e. owners) who work as CEOs’, executive board and owners combined. There are other studies that has analyzed the relationship between bank ownership and profitability. These studies show inconsistent results. This study aims to examine two extreme cases, Swedish banks with a broad ownership base versus swiss banks with a very limited number of owners to illustrate how the ownership affects the profitability. The study aims to examine why these banks exhibit different levels of profitability and if these differences can be explained by a few conventional explanatory variables. To examine these banks the study has done a comparative quantitative study, where three swiss partnership banks has been compared with three Swedish banks during the period 2014-2018. The data that has been gathered is based on a key-figure analysis and a PEST-analysis. The data has then been analysed with constructed regression models to understand, if or to which extent the explanatory variables explains the differences in profitability. The results of this study exhibit that there are differences in profitability between the Swedish and Swiss banks. However, the study can’t establish if most of the chosen explanatory variables are significant. And therefore, the study cannot establish whether or not these variables have an impact on the profitability key-figures return on equity and return on total capital. To be sure if these variables are significant or not, future studies need to examine a longer time period. This study has a shortage of data due to the swiss banks. These banks started to publish annual reports in 2014. It’s worth mentioning that previous studies that have used the same variables have been able to show that these are significant, or at least most of them. This is often due to longer examined time periods or a larger number of banks included in the data. The results of this study have been analysed and compared with previous studies and the agency theory.
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主併公司股權結構與併構後績效關聯之研究張文嘉 Unknown Date (has links)
實證結果顯示,未擔任董監事的經理人持股比例與併購後績效呈現顯著的正相關,與利益一致假說相符,機構持股比例與併購後績效亦呈顯著的正相關,符合效率監督假說,衡量控制股東負面侵佔誘因的席次盈餘偏離倍數則與併購後績效呈現顯著的負相關。此實證結果隱喻,控制股東是否具有強烈的侵佔誘因係影響併購決策優劣最重要的因素。 / Mergers and acquisitions are one of the most efficient ways to meet the need of corporation expansion, and therefore are the most important business strategies. Nevertheless, the past studies indicate managerial incentives as well as self-interests of controlling stockholders may drive some mergers that ultimately reduce the long-run value of the firm. This study examines whether corporate governance mechanism helps management make acquisition decisions based on stockholders’ interests. Using a sample of 112 acquisition cases during the period of 1996 to 2003 which the acquiring firms are public traded firms, the study empirically investigates the effect of ownership structure of acquiring firms’ on post-acquisiton long-run financial performance. The primary empirical results show that the shareholdings of managers who don’t serve as directors or supervisors of the board have a positive impact on post-acquisiton performance, institution ownership also has a positive impact on post-acquisiton performance, while the deviation between the seat-control rights ratio and cash-flow rights of controlling stockholder has a negative impact on post-acquisiton performance. The results thus imply that whether the controlling stockholder has strong incentive of expropriation is the key to the quality of acquisition.
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Ägarkoncentrationens påverkan på sambandet mellan CSR och FP : En kvantitativ studie på 169 börsnoterade europeiska bolagLidbrandt, Michaela, Lindfors, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Syfte: Sambandet mellan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) och Financial Performance (FP) är väl studerat liksom sambandet mellan FP och ägarkoncentration, dock är resultaten motstridiga. Få studier har tagit alla dessa dimensioner med FP, ägarkoncentration och CSR i beaktning. Denna studie syftar därmed till att förklara hur ägarkoncentrationen i europeiska företag påverkar sambandet mellan CSR och FP. Metod: Denna studie antar ett deduktivt tillvägagångssätt inom den positivistiska forskningstraditionen. Studien är baserad på 169 börsnoterade bolag från Europa sett över åren 2009–2017. Materialet har samlats in via databasen Thomson Reuters Datastream och har sedan analyserats i IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Resultat och slutsats: Studiens resultat återspeglar att företag i Europa agerar på en marknad med en hög ägarkoncentration där de lägger mycket resurser på CSR vilket förbättrar deras FP. Slutsatsen som kan dras är dock att ju högre ägarkoncentrationen är desto större risk är det att det positiva sambandet mellan CSR och FP försvagas. Examensarbetets bidrag: Denna studie lämnar ett unikt bidrag då det är den enda studien som undersöker ägarkoncentrationens påverkan på CSR och FP över flera olika länder och branscher. Det ökade intresset kring CSR och den lagstiftning som finns sedan 2014 kan skapa agentproblem som förvärras när ägarkoncentrationen är hög. Denna studie ämnar ge praktiska bidrag till företag och organisationer i Europa, genom att uppmärksamma denna agentproblematik som försvårar arbetet med CSR och i värsta fall kan orsaka en försämrad FP. Förslag till fortsatt forskning: Studien lämnar som förslag till kommande studier att använda ett annat mått på ägarkoncentration för att se om det kan ha en annan inverkan på resultaten av studien. Ett annat förslag är att mäta alla dimensioner av CSR separat för att tydliggöra om någon variabel inom CSR påverkar FP mer än någon annan. Som ett sista förslag kan studiens kombinerade FP-mått användas parallellt med lönsamhetsmåttet Tobins Q för att verifiera resultatet. / Aim: The relationship between Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Financial Performance (FP) has been studied by many scientists, as well as the relationship between FP and ownership concentration but the results have been conflicting. Few studies have been done regarding all these dimensions on which influence ownership concentration has on CSR and FP, therefore this study aims to explain how the ownership concentration in European public companies affect the relationship between CSR and FP. Method: This study has a deductive approach within the positivist research tradition. The study is based on 169 listed companies from Europe over the years 2009-2017. The data has been collected through the database Thomson Reuters Datastream and analyzed through IBM SPSS (Statistical Package for Social Sciences). Result & Conclusions: The result of this study reflect that companies in Europe act in a market with a high ownership concentration where they spend a lot of resources on CSR, which improves their FP. This can be deduced from the conclusion; a higher ownership concentration weakens the positive relationship between CSR and FP. Contribution of the thesis: This study provides a unique contribution as it is the only study that investigates the impact of ownership concentration on CSR and FP across several countries and industries. The increased interest in CSR and the legislation that exists since 2014 can create agent problems that get worse when the owner concentration is high. This study intends to provide practical contributions to companies and organizations in Europe, where they observe this agent problem that complicates the work of CSR and, in the worst-case scenario, may cause a deterioration in the FP. Suggestions for future research: Further studies may use a different dimension of ownership concentration to see if it can have a different impact on the results of the study. Another proposal is to measure all dimensions of CSR separately to clarify whether any variable within CSR affects FP more than anyone else. As a final proposal, the study's combined FP measure can be used in parallel with the profitability measure Tobins Q to verify the result.
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Entre o fim do tráfico e a abolição: a manutenção da escravidão em Pelotas, RS, na segunda metade do século XIX (1850 a 1884) / Between the end of the trade and abolition: the maintenance of slavery in Pelotas, RS, in the second half of the nineteenth century (1850 to 1884)Pessi, Bruno Stelmach 01 October 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como principal objeto a escravidão em Pelotas na segunda metade do século XIX. Procurou-se entender como essa instituição se sustentou ao longo dos últimos 35 anos de sua existência, bem como quais foram as modificações ocorridas em decorrência de duas leis abolicionistas, a Lei Eusébio de Queirós e a Lei do Ventre Livre. Além disso, procurou-se entender a escravidão na localidade de forma global, quais eram as características dos plantéis escravos, seu perfil demográfico, como se montaram e se sustentaram, fugindo da exclusividade da charqueada, mas procurando incorporar toda a sociedade escravista pelotense. O uso de fontes de caráter serial e de metodologias do estudo de posse escrava e demografia histórica tornaram possível a verificação de um quadro bem complexo para escravidão local no período estudado. Longe de ser um fornecedor em potencial de escravos para as regiões produtoras de café após o encerramento do tráfico transatlântico, Pelotas demonstrou um esforço para a manutenção da escravidão até praticamente seu fim oficial na década de 1880. / The present investigation has as main object the slavery in Pelotas in the second half of the nineteenth century. We sought to understand how this institution was maintained over the last 35 years of its existence, and what were the changes occurring as a result of two abolitionists laws, the Eusebio de Queiroz Law and the Law of Free Womb. In addition, we sought to understand slavery in the locality as a whole, what were the characteristics of slaves groups, their demographic profile, hou it was assembled and maintained, fleeing of the exclusiveness of the charque production, but looking to incorporate all the Pelotas slavery society. The use of serial sources and the slave ownership and historical demography methodologies made it possible to scan a very complex picture for local slavery in the studied period. Far from being a potential supplier of slaves to the coffee growing regions after the close of the transatlantic slave trade, Pelotas showed an effort to maintain slavery until almost its official end in the 1880s.
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Estudo sobre o comportamento do investimento: evidências de firmas brasileiras e dados cross-country / Study on investment behavior: evidences from Brazilian firms and cross-country dataRocha, Danilo Rebert de Oliveira 22 June 2017 (has links)
Investimento, definido como dispêndio de capital para aumento de capacidade produtiva, é uma variável importante para compreender a estrutura e o desempenho da firma e das economias de mercado. Esta tese analisa empiricamente o comportamento do investimento no período recente por duas óticas: no nível da firma, utilizando dados de empresas brasileiras no período 2003-2013, e cross-country, empregando dados de 150 países no período 1996-2014. Após capítulo inicial de revisão das principais teorias do investimento, que dão suporte à análise empírica, a tese busca investigar, no segundo capítulo, a relação entre taxa de investimento de firmas brasileiras de capital aberto e estrutura de propriedade do capital. O modelo empírico utiliza características financeiras e de governança como variáveis explicativas, e define cinco categorias de propriedade do capital: estatal, privada, familiar, acordo entre acionistas e estrangeira. No Brasil, são usuais acordos entre acionistas nos quais há a participação do Estado, seja por meio de bancos, empresas públicas ou de fundos de pensão de seus funcionários. Os resultados sugerem que as categorias acordo entre acionistas e estrangeira apresentam relação positiva e significativa com investimento e que as firmas não sofrem restrição financeira, sendo o investimento financiado sobretudo por meio de endividamento. No terceiro capítulo, estima-se um modelo com dados cross-country, testando variáveis explicativas institucionais e socioeconômicas. As variáveis socioeconômicas referem-se à provisão de serviços públicos básicos à população, como saúde, educação e infraestrutura de comunicação e informação. São encontradas evidências de que boas instituições, sobretudo controle da corrupção, são relevantes para a taxa de investimento dos países. A oferta de serviços públicos intensivos em trabalho, como saúde e educação, também apresenta relação positiva com o investimento. Já a oferta de serviços públicos intensivos em capital parece ter um impacto negativo sobre o investimento. / Investment, defined as capital expenditure to increase productive capacity, is an important variable to understand the structure and performance of the firm and the overall economy. This dissertation focuses on investment behavior in the recent period from two perspectives: at the firm level, using data from Brazilian companies along the years 2003-2013, and cross-country, using data from 150 countries in the period of 1996-2014. After reviewing the main theories of investment in the first chapter, we investigate in chapter two the relationship between the investment rate and the structure of capital ownership of Brazilian publicly traded companies. The empirical model uses financial and governance characteristics as explanatory variables, and defines five categories of capital ownership: state, private firms, family, shareholders\' agreement and foreigners. The Brazilian state has agreements with major shareholders of many public companies wherein it holds minority equity stakes through its banks, public companies or pension funds of employees from companies it controls. We provide evidence that suggests that shareholders\' agreement and foreigners show a positive and significant relationship with investment and also that companies do not face financial constraint, being the investment financed mainly through debt. In the third chapter, we estimate a model with cross-country data, testing institutional and socioeconomic explanatory variables. Socioeconomic variables refer to the provision of basic public services to the population, such as health, education and communication and information infrastructure. We find that good institutions, especially corruption control, are pretty relevant to some countries\' investment rate. The supply of public services, such as health and education, also shows a positive relation with the investment, while the supply of capital public services seems to have a negative impact on investment.
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Entre o fim do tráfico e a abolição: a manutenção da escravidão em Pelotas, RS, na segunda metade do século XIX (1850 a 1884) / Between the end of the trade and abolition: the maintenance of slavery in Pelotas, RS, in the second half of the nineteenth century (1850 to 1884)Bruno Stelmach Pessi 01 October 2012 (has links)
A presente pesquisa tem como principal objeto a escravidão em Pelotas na segunda metade do século XIX. Procurou-se entender como essa instituição se sustentou ao longo dos últimos 35 anos de sua existência, bem como quais foram as modificações ocorridas em decorrência de duas leis abolicionistas, a Lei Eusébio de Queirós e a Lei do Ventre Livre. Além disso, procurou-se entender a escravidão na localidade de forma global, quais eram as características dos plantéis escravos, seu perfil demográfico, como se montaram e se sustentaram, fugindo da exclusividade da charqueada, mas procurando incorporar toda a sociedade escravista pelotense. O uso de fontes de caráter serial e de metodologias do estudo de posse escrava e demografia histórica tornaram possível a verificação de um quadro bem complexo para escravidão local no período estudado. Longe de ser um fornecedor em potencial de escravos para as regiões produtoras de café após o encerramento do tráfico transatlântico, Pelotas demonstrou um esforço para a manutenção da escravidão até praticamente seu fim oficial na década de 1880. / The present investigation has as main object the slavery in Pelotas in the second half of the nineteenth century. We sought to understand how this institution was maintained over the last 35 years of its existence, and what were the changes occurring as a result of two abolitionists laws, the Eusebio de Queiroz Law and the Law of Free Womb. In addition, we sought to understand slavery in the locality as a whole, what were the characteristics of slaves groups, their demographic profile, hou it was assembled and maintained, fleeing of the exclusiveness of the charque production, but looking to incorporate all the Pelotas slavery society. The use of serial sources and the slave ownership and historical demography methodologies made it possible to scan a very complex picture for local slavery in the studied period. Far from being a potential supplier of slaves to the coffee growing regions after the close of the transatlantic slave trade, Pelotas showed an effort to maintain slavery until almost its official end in the 1880s.
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Ownership structure and quality of corporate governance: an analysis of Brazilian company / Estrutura de propriedade e qualidade da governanÃa corporativa: uma anÃlise da empresa brasileiraIsac de Freitas BrandÃo 02 July 2014 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / Este trabalho investigou a relaÃÃo entre estrutura de propriedade e qualidade da governanÃa corporativa nas maiores companhias de capital aberto do Brasil. A literatura indica que os acionistas buscam maiores participaÃÃes societÃrias para aumentar o monitoramento sobre a gestÃo e/ou para auferir benefÃcios privados do controle. Os diferentes interesses dos acionistas, dependendo de suas participaÃÃes acionÃrias e de sua natureza, podem afetar a qualidade da governanÃa das companhias, sugerindo-se a hipÃtese de que a estrutura de propriedade esteja afetando o nÃvel de adoÃÃo das companhias de capital aberto do Brasil Ãs prÃticas voluntÃrias de governanÃa corporativa, segundo o efeito expropriaÃÃo e o efeito substituiÃÃo. A amostra compreendeu 85 das 100 maiores companhias listadas na BM&FBovespa no perÃodo entre 2010 e 2013. A qualidade da governanÃa foi mensurada por meio de um Ãndice composto por 28 prÃticas recomendadas nos principais cÃdigos de boas prÃticas de governanÃa corporativa do Brasil â Ãndice de Qualidade da GovernanÃa Corporativa (IQGC). A estrutura de propriedade foi analisada a partir da concentraÃÃo acionÃria, da natureza dos principais acionistas e de caracterÃsticas do controle societÃrio. A relaÃÃo entre as variÃveis de estrutura de propriedade e o IQGC foi testada por meio de anÃlises de regressÃo, utilizando-se trÃs modelagens: mÃnimos quadrados ordinÃrios, mÃnimos quadrados generalizados e mÃtodo generalizado de momentos sistÃmico. As estimaÃÃes revelaram que a concentraÃÃo de propriedade e de controle afeta negativamente o IQGC, sobretudo em elevados Ãndices de concentraÃÃo. Quanto à natureza dos principais acionistas, o IQGC à menor quando hà uma maior participaÃÃo de outra empresa ou de pessoas fÃsicas no controle das companhias, em comparaÃÃo com os demais tipos de acionistas. A anÃlise do controle societÃrio corrobora com as anÃlises anteriores, indicando que direitos de voto e de fluxo de caixa dos controladores e o controle exercido por outra empresa e por famÃlias estÃo relacionados ao menor IQGC. Ademais, o controle disperso e a ausÃncia de um acionista majoritÃrio estÃo associados à melhora da qualidade da governanÃa corporativa, enquanto a separaÃÃo entre direitos de voto e de fluxo de caixa dos principais acionistas e do acionista controlador nÃo afetam o IQGC. Estes resultados sugerem que a qualidade da governanÃa corporativa das maiores empresas de capital aberto no Brasil depende de sua estrutura de propriedade. A relaÃÃo negativa da concentraÃÃo acionÃria e da presenÃa de um acionista controlador com IQGC à mais compatÃvel com o efeito substituiÃÃo, indicando que os acionistas controladores podem estar usando a seu poder sobre a gestÃo como um substituto para outras prÃticas voluntÃrias de governanÃa corporativa, embora nÃo se possa excluir uma possÃvel expropriaÃÃo. A relaÃÃo negativa entre o IQGC e o controle exercido por grupos empresariais e famÃlias pode ser reflexo dos interesses estratÃgicos desses acionistas, sugerindo o efeito expropriaÃÃo, ou apenas uma consequÃncia do efeito substituiÃÃo, por causa de seu maior poder de controle. / This study investigated the relationship between ownership structure and corporate governance quality in the largest public companies in Brazil. The literature indicates that shareholders pursue higher stakes to increase monitoring on the management and/or obtaining private benefits of control. The different interests of shareholders, depending on their shareholdingsâ position and their nature can affect the governance quality of companies, suggesting the hypothesis that the ownership structure is affecting the level of adoption of voluntary corporate governance practices by public companies from Brazil, according to the purpose of the expropriation effect and the substitution effect. The sample included 85 of the 100 largest companies listed on the BM&FBovespa in the period between 2010 and 2013. We measured he corporate governance quality by an index composed of 28 recommended practices on the main codes of good corporate governance practices in Brazil â Ãndice de Qualidade da GovernanÃa Corporativa (IQGC). We analyzed the ownership structure from ownership concentration, nature of the principal shareholders and corporate control characteristics. The relationship between the variables of ownership structure and the IQGC was tested via regression analyzes, using three econometric modeling: ordinary least squares, generalized least squares and generalized method of moments systemic. The estimates revealed that the concentration of ownership and control affect negatively the IQGC, especially in high levels of concentration. About the nature of principal shareholders, the IQGC is lower when there is a higher share of another company or persons in control of the companies, compared with other types of shareholders. The analysis of the shareholding control corroborates with previous analyzes, indicating that the voting and cash flow rights of controller shareholders and the control exercised by another company or a family are related with less IQGC. Moreover, the dispersed ownership and the absence of a majority shareholder are associated with increasing the corporate governance quality, while the separation between voting rights and cash flow rights of both main and controller shareholders do not affects the IQGC. These results suggest that corporate governance quality of the largest public companies in Brazil depends of their ownership structure. The negative relationship between ownership concentration and the presence of a controlling shareholder with IQGC is more compatible with the substitution effect, indicating that controlling shareholders may be using his power over the management as a substitute for other voluntary practices of corporate governance, although one cannot exclude a possible expropriation. The negative relationship between the IQGC and the control exerted by corporate groups and families may be reflective of the strategic interests of these shareholders, suggesting the effect of expropriation, or just a consequence of the effect substitution because their most control power.
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