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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Oxygen saturation surrounding deep-water formation events in the Labrador Sea from Argo-O2 data

Wolf, Mitchell 04 August 2017 (has links)
Deep-water formation supplies oxygen-rich water to the deep sea, spreading throughout the ocean via the global thermohaline circulation. Models suggest that gases in newly formed deep-water do not come to equilibrium with the atmosphere. However, direct measurements during wintertime convection are scarce, and the controls over the extent of this disequilibria are poorly quantified. Here we show that oxygen is consistently undersaturated at -6.3% to -7.6% in the Labrador Sea at the end of convection, when convection reaches deeper than 800 m. Deeper convection resulted in greater undersaturation while convection lasting later in the year resulted in values closer to equilibrium, from which we produce a predictive relationship. We use dissolved oxygen data from six profiling Argo floats in the Labrador Sea between 2003 to 2016, allowing direct observations of wintertime convection. Four of the six optode oxygen sensors displayed in situ drift of -2.98 μmol O2 kg-1 year-1 on average, which we corrected to stable deep-water oxygen values from repeat hydrography. Observations of low oxygen intrusions during restratification and a simple mixing calculation demonstrate that lateral processes act to lower the oxygen inventory of the central Labrador Sea. This suggests that the Labrador Sea is a net sink for atmospheric oxygen, but uncertainties in parameterizing gas exchange limit our ability to quantify the net uptake. Our results constrain the initial oxygen concentration of Labrador Sea Water and allow more precise estimates of oxygen utilization and nutrient regeneration in this water mass. / Graduate

Oxygen uptake kinetics in peripheral arterial disease

Bauer, Timothy Alan January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Anatomy and Physiology / Thomas J. Barstow / Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a manifestation of the systemic disease of atherosclerosis that results in arterial stenoses of the lower extremities. Patients with PAD demonstrate slowed dynamics of pulmonary oxygen uptake (VO2 kinetics) following the onset of exercise and a profound reduction in peak oxygen uptake and work capacity. However, whereas the primary pathophysiology of PAD results from the lower extremity hemodynamic limitation, there are abnormalities distal to the arterial stenoses in PAD-affected skeletal muscle that may also contribute to the impaired exercise responses. Thus, the potential contributions of abnormal muscle metabolism versus local circulatory defects in the PAD exercise impairment remains unclear. In this context, the purpose of the dissertation was to advance our understanding of the abnormal pulmonary VO2 kinetics in PAD and characterize the local muscle deoxygenation responses during the rest-exercise transition exercise in health and PAD. The present series of investigations were designed to: 1. localize the abnormal pulmonary VO2 kinetics in PAD to the affected lower extremities, 2. characterize the kinetics of calf muscle deoxygenation during walking in PAD and healthy subjects, 3. describe muscle deoxygenation kinetics in relation to exercise work rate and blood flow in PAD and health, and 4. evaluate the effect of arterial revascularization on pulmonary VO2 kinetics in PAD. These investigations revealed a persistent abnormality in muscle oxygen utilization in PAD-affected skeletal muscle that was not associated with the severity of hemodynamic compromise. In particular, we observed slowed pulmonary VO2 kinetics in PAD only during exercise of the PAD-affected skeletal muscles. Moreover, muscle deoxygenation kinetics following the onset of walking and lower intensity calf exercise were prolonged in PAD subjects while leg blood flow responses were normal. However, at higher work rates, PAD muscle deoxygenation kinetics accelerated, demonstrating a work rate and presumably blood flow dependence. Lastly, arterial revascularization tended to improve, but not consistently normalize, pulmonary VO2 kinetics in PAD subjects. Thus, these investigations demonstrate abnormal oxygen uptake kinetics in PAD and provide evidence that local abnormalities of the affected skeletal muscle may contribute to the abnormal VO2 kinetics and exercise intolerance of patients with PAD.

"Potência aeróbia de crianças e jovens" / AEROBIC POWER IN CHILDREN AND YOUTHS

Emilson Colantonio 18 April 2006 (has links)
O objetivo geral do presente estudo foi analisar o comportamento dos valores do pico de consumo de oxigênio (VO2pico) e de lactato, em grupos de crianças e jovens não praticantes de natação e atletas de natação no período etário de sete a 17 anos de idade; e ainda, a) investigar as possíveis diferenças entre os valores de VO2pico dos grupos durante o período etário citado em relação ao gênero e ao treinamento sistemático, b) analisar a influência da massa corporal total na variação do VO2pico em função da idade, gênero e treinamento para o período etário citado, c) analisar a influência da massa corporal total na variação do VO2pico tendo como fator interveniente à gordura corporal, d) analisar as concentrações de lactato no sangue após esforço gradualmente crescente até a exaustão para o período etário citado. O delineamento utilizado foi transversal e contou com uma amostra de 145 crianças e jovens de sete a 17 anos de idade, com no mínimo três sujeitos de cada idade e gênero que foram subdivididos em dois grupos – controle (escolares) e experimental (nadadores).Cada grupo foi subdividido em três grupos etários (sete a 10, 11 a 14 e 15 a 17 anos) perfazendo 12 subgrupos (seis no feminino e seis no masculino). Após aprovação de Comissão de Ética Institucional e assinatura do termo de consentimento informado os voluntários realizaram uma anamnese para avaliar o histórico de saúde. Em laboratório, foram realizadas medidas antropométricas, eletrocardiograma de repouso e teste funcional em esteira para a avaliação da aptidão cardiorespiratória – VO2pico. Os resultados foram apresentados de forma descritia e inferencial como análise descritiva, diagramas box-plot, ANOVA e ANCOVA. O programa estatístico usado foi o SPSS versão 11.0. O nível de significância adotado foi 0,05. Os valores médios de VO2picoabs, VO2picorelcor e VO2picorelcor ajustado entre crianças e jovens de diferentes faixas etárias de escolares e nadadores em ambos os gêneros não são equivalentes, com exceção das meninas da faixa etária de sete a 10 anos. O delta de lactato (repouso e pós exercício) é dependente do gênero, faixa etária e grupo de treinamento. Os valores de VO2pico em escolares e nadadores sofrem influência da idade e do gênero. Os valores de VO2pico das crianças e jovens de sete a 17 anos de idade escolares e nadadores para diferentes faixas etárias sofrem influência da massa corporal total, em especial da somatória de dobras cutâneas periféricas, tendo como fator interveniente a gordura corporal. As variáveis de delta de lactato e somatória de dobras cutâneas consideradas como covariáveis levaram ao estabelecimento do modelo para VO2picorelcor (ml.kg-1.min-1) e VO2picorelcor ajustado (ml.kg-0,67.min-1) com R2 elevados, mas maiores no último caso. / The general aim of this study was to analyze the behavior of the peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) values and lactate, in children and youths groups no swimming practitioner and swimming athletes from seven to 17 years age group; and even, a) to investigate the possible differences among VO2peak values of groups during this age group related to gender and systematic training, b) to analyze the influence of total body mass in VO2peak variation related to the age, gender and training for this age group, c) to analyze the influence of total body mass in VO2peak variation having as interventional factor the body fat, d) to analyze the blood lactate concentrations after growing gradually effort until exhaustion for this age group. The cross-sectional experimental design had a sample with 145 children and youths from seven to 17 years old, with three subjects at least of each age and gender subdivided in two groups – control (pupils) and experimental (swimmers). Every group was subdivided in three age groups (7-10, 11-14 and 15-17 years) making 12 sub-groups (6 female and 6 male). After approved Institutional Ethical Boarding and Informed Consent signed, the volunteers were submitted the anamnesis for participation health screening. In the lab, were performed anthropometrical measurements, rest electrocardiogram and functional test on a treadmill to asses the cardiorespiratory fitness – VO2peak. The results were presented on a descriptive and inferential way like descriptive analyses, diagrams box-plot, ANOVA e ANCOVA. The statistic program used was the SPSS version 11.0. The significance level adopted was 0,05. The VO2peakabs, VO2peakrelcor e VO2peakrelcor adjusted means values between children and youths of different age groups pupils and swimmers in both genders are not equivalent, with exception on the girls from seven to 10 years old age group. The lactate delta (rest and after exercise) is dependent of the gender, age group and training group. The VO2peak means values in pupils and swimmers suffer influence of the age and the gender. The VO2peak values of the children and youths from seven to 17 years old pupils and swimmers for different age groups suffer influence of the total body mass, in special of the peripheral skinfolds sum, having as interventional factor the body fat. The variables lactate delta and skinfolds sum here considered like covariate leaded to the establishment of the model for VO2peakrelcor (ml.kg-1.min-1) and VO2peakrelcor adjusted (ml.kg-0,67.min-1) with higher R2, but greater in the last case.

Hemoglobin-mediated oxidation of marine liposomes / Hemoglobin-mediated oxidation of marine liposomes

Škrabalová, Lada January 2012 (has links)
Cílem této práce bylo studium mechanismu oxidace lipidů katalyzované hovězím methemoglobinem a zhodnocení účinků různých experimentálních podmínek a antioxidantů (EDTA, askorbová kyselina, kávová kyselina, a-tokoferol, d-tokoferol, astaxanthin a L-askorbyl-6-palmitát) na methemoglobinem zprostředkovanou oxidaci lipidů v modelovém systému liposomů připravených z fosfolipidů. K monitorování oxidace lipidů při pH 5,5 a teplotě 30 °C bylo použito spotřeby kyslíku. Pro zhodnocení antioxidační aktivity v modelovém systému liposomů se ukázaly být důležitými faktory typ prooxidantu a koncentrace prooxidantu a antioxidantu. Dalšími důležitými faktory jsou struktura molekuly antioxidantu, jeho hydrofilita/lipofilita a umístění v systému. Všechny testované antioxidanty ve všech koncentracích (kromě koncentrace 0.1 % astaxanthinu and 0.1 % askorbyl palmitátu) inhibovaly oxidaci vyvolanou methemoglobinem. Účinnost antioxidantu stoupala s jeho zvyšující se koncentrací. Koncentrace 0.1 % astaxanthinu neměla žádný vliv na oxidaci liposomů. Koncentrace 0.1 % askorbyl palmitátu měla prooxidační efekt, který lze vysvětlit prooxidačním působením radikálu askorbylu, který může urychlit štěpení hydroperoxidů. Volné železo uvolněné z methemoglobinu se podílelo jen velmi málo na oxidaci liposomů, zatímco část prooxidační aktivity methemoglobinu byla přisouzena tvorbě singletového kyslíku (methemoglobin jako fotosenzitizátor). Antioxidační aktivita astaxanthinu, askorbyl palmitátu a tokoferolu byla z části přisouzena schopnosti zhášet singletový kyslík. Ovšem hlavním prooxidačním mechanismem methemoglobinu se ukázal být rozklad lipidových hydroperoxidů, tvorba volných radikálů a hypervalentních forem hemoglobinu. EDTA utlumila oxidaci liposomů díky chelataci přechodných kovů obsažených v liposomech a chelataci volného železa přítomného v methemoglobinovém roztoku. Velmi důležitým antioxidačním mechanismem (který vykazují askorbyl palmitát, askorbová a kávová kyselina) se ukázala být redukce hypervalentních forem hemoglobinu. Askorbová kyselina, kávová kyselina, tokoferoly a astaxanthin inhibovaly methemoglobinem zprostředkovanou oxidaci lipidů odstraňováním volných radikálů. Při použití peroxidu vodíku nebyl pozorován žádný vliv na oxidaci liposomů vyvolanou methemoglobinem. Působení vysoké teploty (tepelná denaturace) mírně utlumilo oxidaci. Významná inhibice oxidace byla pozorována u liposomů obsahujících TPP (triphenylphosphin), což značí, že je methemoglobinem vyvolaná oxidace liposomů závislá na přítomnosti již vzniklých lipidových peroxidů. Výsledky této práce přispívají k hlubšímu pochopení prooxidačních a antioxidačních mechanismů a faktorů, které ovlivňují oxidaci liposomálních roztoků, buněčných membrán a emulzí typu olej ve vodě stabilizovaných fosfolipidy.

Funkční odpověď organismu na standardizovaný výkon u sportovních lezců / Physiological responses on standardized climbing task in sport climbers

Gajdošík, Jan January 2021 (has links)
Title: Physiological responses on standardized climbing task in sport climbers Purpose: To determine the effect of height, wall angle, climbing speed and climbing ability on physiological responses in sport climbers. Methods: The study was divided into three parts. 75 sport climbers (36 female and 39 male) completed differing tests on climbing wall and motorized climbing ergometer. Perceived exertion was assessed on a scale suggested by Borg. Indirect calorimetry, venous blood samples and near-infrared spectroscopy were used to assess physiological response, hormonal response and muscle oxygen saturation, respectively. Results: Perceived exertions were higher when climbing to height as opposes to climbing low to the ground on the treadwall (+5,3%; P = 0,013; ηp 2 = 0,149) (Study 1A). The physiological response was higher on the climbing wall as opposed to the treadwall: V̇ O2 (+6%; P = 0,03; ηp 2 = 0,22), SF (+4%; P = 0,04; ηp 2 = 0,20), V̇ E (+9%; P = 0,01; ηp 2 = 0,30) a EC (+16%; P < 0,001; ηp 2 = 0,48). There was an interaction for climbing ability and post- climbing catecholamine concentration (P < 0,01, ηp 2 = 0,28) (Study 1B). With increasing climbing speed greater differences were found for V̇ O2 (P < 0,001, ηp 2 = 0,923) than for StO2 (P < 0,001, ηp 2 = 0,448). Between-subject effect...

Physiological responses in underwater sports. A systematic review of the diving response due to exercise performed in apnoea.David Esteve-

Esteve-Garde, David January 2021 (has links)
AbstractUnderwater sports such as artistic swimming and freediving, are characterized by periods of voluntary arrest of breathing, known as apnoea, while exercising. It is well known that apnoea leads to bradycardia and some other oxygen conserving responses, but little is known when exercise is conducted underwater, and the differences between exercise with intermittent and maximal apnoea periods. This review aims to understand and compare the physiological responses of the exercise performed underwater and the effect of the diving reflex in the heart rate, blood lactate, arterial pressure, arterial oxygen saturation and oxygen uptake, in different types of apnoea. A systematic review was conducted, searching studies in five scientific databases, according to specific criteria. 14 articles were selected for the analysis, using the method called PRISMA with systematic research, including just articles where trials were performed underwater. Artistic swimming and depth modalities of freediving are perceived as high intensity exercise. Blood lactate concentration (BLa), heart rate peak (HRpeak) and mean arterial pressure (MAP), depend more on exercise intensity, whereas arterial oxygen saturation (SaO2) and minimum heart rate (HRmin) is more related to apnoea duration. The diving response is more pronounced in freediving depth modalities due to impossibility of breathing. High intensity exercise mildly counteracts the diving reflex due to muscular and oxygen demands. Further investigation is needed in underwater sports, and physiological measurements should be performed according to a general consensus among researchers in order to avoid wide ranges of values in trial outcomes.

Development of an Exercise Test to Predict VO2max in Children and Adolescents

Black, Nathan E. 17 April 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of nonexercise (N-EX) data, specifically, the Perceived Functional Ability (PFA) and Physical Activity Rating (PA-R) questionnaires, with the treadmill walk-jog-run protocol to estimate VO2max in 12 to 17 year old boys and girls. Ninety-one participants (49 males and 42 females) took part in this study. Data were collected via PFA and PA-R questionnaires, a walk-jog-run submaximal treadmill test, and a maximal graded exercise test (GXT). Data collected included gender, age, height, weight, PFA and PA-R scores, heart rate (HR), treadmill speed, maximal treadmill grade, respiratory exchange ratio (RER), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and VO2max. Regression analysis resulted in the development of two valid and reliable models to predict VO2max. Nonexercise and submaximal exercise test data were used to build the following model: VO2max (mL∙kg-¹∙min-¹) = 11.201 + (6.877 x Gender; 0 = female; 1 = male) + (3.573 x treadmill speed; mph) – (0.174 x kg) + (0.405 x PFA score) + (0.653 x PA-R score) + (1.019 x age). The model resulted in an R2 = 0.69 and a SEE = 5.16 mL∙kg-¹∙min-¹. Maximal exercise test data were used to build the following model: VO2max (mL∙kg-¹∙min-¹) = -3.264 + (3.359 x Gender; 0 = female; 1 = male) – (0.082 x kg) + (7.351 x treadmill speed; mph) + (1.750 x maximal treadmill grade). The model resulted in an R2 = 0.88 and a SEE = 3.16 mL∙ kg-¹∙min-¹. The cross-validation PRESS statistics for both models demonstrated minimal shrinkage in the accuracy of the regression model. The results of this study demonstrate, for the first time, that N-EX data can be used to accurately predict VO2max in youth. The submaximal and maximal exercise tests validated in this study can be used to assess cardiorespiratory fitness of youth having a wide range on interests and fitness levels. In addition, the use of PFA and PA-R questionnaires enforces initiatives to increase physical activity among youth. Both exercise tests use a self-selected treadmill speed that elicits a steady-state HR of 70% of the participants age-predicted maximal HR. The use of a self-selected walking, jogging, or running speed accommodates youth with different levels of physical fitness, motivation, and interests. The exercise test protocol presented in this study is practical for use in schools, athletic facilities, and community fitness centers. The equipment required to administer the exercise test presented in this study is limited to a treadmill and a HR monitor. Together with the use of PFA and PA-R questionnaires, the submaximal and maximal exercise tests are efficacious to coaches, fitness professionals, and physical educators in a variety of settings.

Kriterievaliditet för Cooper 12 min run test och Ekblom-Bak test för uthållighetsidrottare / Criterion validity for Cooper 12 min run test and Ekblom-Bak test for endurance athletes

Tunklev, Elsa, Moosberg, Elin January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund: Aerob kapacitet är en viktig fysiologisk egenskap och kan mätas genom maximala- och submaximala tester. Ekblom-Bak testet (EB-testet) är ett submaximalt cykeltest medan Cooper 12 min test (CRT-12) är ett maximalt test, men dem båda uppskattar maximal syreupptagningsförmåga (VO2max) genom matematiska formler. Det finns fördelar med estimerade tester i idrottsvärlden, men tillförlitligheten varierar. Syftet var att undersöka validiteten av EB-testet och CRT-12 genom kriterievaliditet för ett urval av uthållighetsidrottare. Vidare syftar studien till att undersöka om det sker en eventuell över- eller underestimering av EB-testresultat och av CRT-12 testresultat. Metod: De rekryterade studiedeltagarna var åtta uthållighetsidrottare inom olika uthållighetsidrotter. Studien bestod av två testtillfällen. Vid första testtillfället genomfördes EB-test och ett VO2max test. Under andra testtillfället genomförde CRT-12. Uppmätt relativt syreupptag ställdes mot estimerade värden genom Bland-Altman analys och Interklass korrelation koefficient (ICC). Resultat: EB-testet hade måttlig överensstämmelse med ICC värde av 0,57. CRT-12 hade god överensstämmelse med ICC värde av 0,75. Både mätmetoderna överestimerade resultat vid jämförelse mot kriteriemetoden.  Konklusion: För studiens urval ansågs CRT-12 ge mer tillförlitliga resultat än EB-testet. För att kunna möjliggöra generalisering av resultatet behövs vidare forskning med en större urvalsgrupp av studiedeltagare. / Background: Aerobic capacity is a physiological component which can be measured through maximal- and submaximal tests. The Ekblom-Bak test (EB-test) is a submaximal cycle test whereas Cooper 12 min run test (CRT-12) is a maximal test, but they both estimate maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) through mathematical formulas. There are advantages of estimated testing methods in the sports world, but reliability varies. The study aims to investigate the validity of the EB-test and the CRT-12 through criterion validity for a sample of endurance athletes. Further the study aims to investigate if there occurs an over- or under estimation of the EB-test results and of the CRT-12 results. Method: The recruited participants where eight endurance athletes from various sports. The study consisted of two test occasions. The first occasion consisted of the EB-test and the VO2max test. The second occasion consisted of the CRT-12. Measured relative oxygen consumption was opposed to the estimated values through a Bland-Altman plot and a interclass corelation coefficient (ICC). Results: The Ekblom-bak test was seen to have moderate agreement with an ICC of 0,57. The cooper 12 min run test was seen to have good agreement with an ICC of 0,75. Both tests overestimated the results when compared to the criterion method. Conclusion: For the population of the study, it was seen that CRT-12 is more reliable than the EB-test. To be able to generalise the results there is a need for further research with a larger study population.

The importance of body-mass exponent optimization for evaluation of performance capability in cross-country skiing

Carlsson, Tomas January 2015 (has links)
Introduction Performance in cross-country skiing is influenced by the skier’s ability to continuously produce propelling forces and force magnitude in relation to the net external forces. A surrogate indicator of the “power supply” in cross-country skiing would be a physiological variable that reflects an important performance-related capability, whereas the body mass itself is an indicator of the “power demand” experienced by the skier. To adequately evaluate an elite skier’s performance capability, it is essential to establish the optimal ratio between the physiological variable and body mass. The overall aim of this doctoral thesis was to investigate the importance of body-mass exponent optimization for the evaluation of performance capability in cross-country skiing. Methods In total, 83 elite cross-country skiers (56 men and 27 women) volunteered to participate in the four studies. The physiological variables of maximal oxygen uptake (V̇O2max) and oxygen uptake corresponding to a blood-lactate concentration of 4 mmol∙l-1 (V̇O2obla) were determined while treadmill roller skiing using the diagonal-stride technique; mean oxygen uptake (V̇O2dp) and upper-body power output (Ẇ) were determined during double-poling tests using a ski-ergometer. Competitive performance data for elite male skiers were collected from two 15-km classical-technique skiing competitions and a 1.25-km sprint prologue; additionally, a 2-km double-poling roller-skiing time trial using the double-poling technique was used as an indicator of upper-body performance capability among elite male and female junior skiers. Power-function modelling was used to explain the race and time-trial speeds based on the physiological variables and body mass. Results The optimal V̇O2max-to-mass ratios to explain 15-km race speed were V̇O2max divided by body mass raised to the 0.48 and 0.53 power, and these models explained 68% and 69% of the variance in mean skiing speed, respectively; moreover, the 95% confidence intervals (CI) for the body-mass exponents did not include either 0 or 1. For the modelling of race speed in the sprint prologue, body mass failed to contribute to the models based on V̇O2max, V̇O2obla, and V̇O2dp. The upper-body power output-to-body mass ratio that optimally explained time-trial speed was Ẇ ∙ m-0.57 and the model explained 63% of the variance in speed. Conclusions The results in this thesis suggest that V̇O2max divided by the square root of body mass should be used as an indicator of performance in 15-km classical-technique races among elite male skiers rather than the absolute or simple ratio-standard scaled expression. To optimally explain an elite male skier’s performance capability in sprint prologues, power-function models based on oxygen-uptake variables expressed absolutely are recommended. Moreover, to evaluate elite junior skiers’ performance capabilities in 2-km double-poling roller-skiing time trials, it is recommended that Ẇ divided by the square root of body mass should be used rather than absolute or simple ratio-standard scaled expression of power output. / <p>Incorrect ISBN in printed thesis: 973-91-7601-270-3</p>

Energieffektivisering av luftningssteget på Käppalaverket, Lidingö / Energy optimization of the aeration at Käppala wastewater treatment plant in Stockholm

Thunberg, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
<p>This master thesis in energy optimization was made during the autumn of 2006 at Käppala wastewater treatment plant in Lidingö, Stockholm. A preceding thesis, where all electricity consumption was mapped, showed that the aeration in the biological treatment is the single largest consumer in the plant, and it is therefore of interest to reduce this cost. The oxygen control strategy used at Käppala WWTP is working well from a nutrient removal point of view, but not from an economic one. The last aerobic zones have a very low oxygen consumption during low loading periods which give rise to enhanced dissolved oxygen concentrations with excessive costs and reduced denitrification as a result. But also during periods of normal loading unnecessary high oxygen concentration are sometimes given.</p><p>By modifying the aeration control strategy three full-scale experiments have been made, with the intention to reduce the air consumption. The experiments were carried out during week 37-50 in the autumn of 2006 and showed that savings could be made.</p><p>The regular oxygen control at Käppala WWTP controls the oxygen level in the aerobic compartment with two DO-setpoints; one in the first aerobic zone and one in the last. The zones in between are controlled by an airflow fractionation depending on the oxygen level in the first and last zone. In the first strategy to be evaluated, all four zones in the aerated part were individually controlled with its own setpoint. Two different setpoint combinations were tested. By using the fact that the efficiency in the oxygen transfer rate was higher at low airflows, savings of approximately 16 % were achieved. In the second strategy tested, an ammonia-feedback control combined with a DO-feedback controlled the DO-set point in the first aerobic zone. This strategy adjusted the DO- set points to the loading variations, and this gave a decreased airflow of approximately 9 %. Finally the two strategies were combined. All zones were then controlled individually with DO-set points set by an ammonium-feedback and a DO-feedback. The strategy gave savings in the airflow of approximately 18 %. In all three trials the aerated zones were more efficiently used, and the estimated savings are 550 000 SEK/year, and with a preserved nutrient removal efficiency.</p> / <p>Under hösten 2006 har ett examensarbete om energieffektivisering på Käppalaverket på Lidingö utförts. Ett föregående examensarbete där all elenergiförbrukning kartlades visade att blåsmaskinerna i biosteget står för den enskilt största förbrukningen i verket och det är därför av intresse att minska denna kostnad. Syrestyrningsstrategin som används på Käppalaverket fungerar mycket bra ur reningssynpunkt, men är inte optimal ur energisynpunkt. Dels luftas de första aeroba zonerna för mycket vid låg belastning vilket ger upphov till kraftigt förhöjda syrekoncentrationer i de sista aeroba zonerna med höga luftningskostnader och risk för försämrad denitrifikation, men även under normal belastning har det visat sig att onödigt höga syrekoncentrationer ibland ges.</p><p>Tre fullskaliga optimeringsförsök har utförts, med syfte att minska luftförbrukningen med bibehållen reningsgrad. Försöken pågick från vecka 37 till 50 hösten 2006, och visade att det finns möjlighet att spara energi genom att modifiera syrestyrningsstrategin.</p><p>Den reguljära syreregleringen i Käppalaverket styr syrehalten i den aeroba bassängen mot två syrebörvärden; ett i den första luftade zonen och ett i den sista. Luftflödet till de mellanliggande zonerna styrs av luftflödesandelar beroende på syrehalten i dessa två zoner. Den första strategin som utvärderades styrde istället samtliga zoner individuellt med egna börvärden, där två olika strukturer på de satta börvärdena användes. Genom att utnyttja en högre effektivitet i syreöverföringshastigheten vid låga luftflöden uppnåddes luftflödesbesparingar på ca 16 % i första försöket.</p><p>I den andra strategin styrdes syrebörvärdet i den första luftade zonen med hjälp av två återkopplingar, en från utgående ammoniumhalt och en från syrehalten i den sista luftade zonen.</p><p>Tack vare att strategin anpassade syrebörvärdena efter belastningen av syretärande ämnen erhölls luftflödesbesparingar på ca 9 %. Slutligen kombinerades de två strategierna; samtliga zoner styrdes individuellt med börvärden satta av en ammonium-återkoppling och en syre-återkoppling. Strategin medförde luftflödesbesparingar på ca 18 %. I samtliga försök utnyttjades de luftade zonerna bättre, och besparingspotentialen uträknad från 2005 års elpriser blev som mest 550 000 SEK/år, detta med en bibehållen reningsgrad.</p>

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