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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Comparison of oxygen consumption while walking on treadmill wearing MBT Shoes versus Orthopedic Shoes : A treatise on shoe mass

Thuesen, Anna Helena, Lindahl, Benjamin January 2009 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate if there was any difference in energy expenditure (kcal/min) and oxygen consumption (VO2) between subjects walking with Masai Barefoot Technology ® (MBT) shoes and regular orthopedic shoes. The research hypothesis was that MBT shoes demand more energy expenditure than regular orthopedic shoes. Methods: Seven women aged 49-65 were recruited for the study. The subjects were tested in two sessions, with a minimum of two weeks in between each sesssion. On each test session the subjects walked with both MBT shoes and orthopedic shoes which were adjusted in mass (g) to match the mass of the MBT shoes. While the subjects walked on a treadmill, the oxygen consumption (VO2), heart rate (min-1) and self selected velocity (m/s) for each of the shoe types was measured. Results: Results showed that there is no significant difference in oxygen consumption (VO2) between the MBT and orthopedic shoes. Energy expenditure (kcal/min) was also calculated from the data and the results revealed that there is no significant differ-ence between MBT and orthopedic shoes in energy expenditure (kcal/min) either. The self selected velocity (m/s) between the two shoe types was also found to be insignificant. Conclusion: The results showed no significant difference between the shoes. This could indicate that the specific construction of the MBT shoe has no effect on the energy expenditure (kcal/min) of its user. This lack of difference may be due to the equal mass of the shoes, but since oxygen consumption (VO2) was not investigated in orthopedic shoes with different shoe masses, this conclusion cannot be confirmed. The self selected velocity (m/s) was found to be insignificant and this finding could suggest to that prolonged usage of the MBT shoe may diminish gait parameters dissimilarities during ambulation. This study should therefore be seen as a pilot study and further investigation in this area should be pursued.

Validation of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Composition Assessment Methodologies in the Obese Pediatric Population

Breithaupt, Peter G. 08 November 2011 (has links)
Rates of obesity (OB) are escalating among Canadian children and youth and the obesogenic environment is likely to cause further increases. An important aspect in providing clinical care to OB children is to have accurate assessment measures, particularly of their body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness. This project entails three interrelated projects aiming to develop novel cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition measurement techniques for an OB pediatric population. The purpose of the first project was to validate a new submaximal fitness protocol specifically geared towards OB children and youth. The second objective of this thesis involved assessing cardiorespiratory efficiency utilizing the Oxygen Uptake efficiency slope. The purpose of the third project was to determine the validity of a half-body scan methodology for measuring body composition in obese children and youth. The goal of developing these novel measurement techniques is improved design and evaluation of interventions aimed at managing pediatric obesity.

Validation of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Composition Assessment Methodologies in the Obese Pediatric Population

Breithaupt, Peter G. 08 November 2011 (has links)
Rates of obesity (OB) are escalating among Canadian children and youth and the obesogenic environment is likely to cause further increases. An important aspect in providing clinical care to OB children is to have accurate assessment measures, particularly of their body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness. This project entails three interrelated projects aiming to develop novel cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition measurement techniques for an OB pediatric population. The purpose of the first project was to validate a new submaximal fitness protocol specifically geared towards OB children and youth. The second objective of this thesis involved assessing cardiorespiratory efficiency utilizing the Oxygen Uptake efficiency slope. The purpose of the third project was to determine the validity of a half-body scan methodology for measuring body composition in obese children and youth. The goal of developing these novel measurement techniques is improved design and evaluation of interventions aimed at managing pediatric obesity.

Energieffektivisering av luftningssteget på Käppalaverket, Lidingö / Energy optimization of the aeration at Käppala wastewater treatment plant in Stockholm

Thunberg, Andreas January 2007 (has links)
This master thesis in energy optimization was made during the autumn of 2006 at Käppala wastewater treatment plant in Lidingö, Stockholm. A preceding thesis, where all electricity consumption was mapped, showed that the aeration in the biological treatment is the single largest consumer in the plant, and it is therefore of interest to reduce this cost. The oxygen control strategy used at Käppala WWTP is working well from a nutrient removal point of view, but not from an economic one. The last aerobic zones have a very low oxygen consumption during low loading periods which give rise to enhanced dissolved oxygen concentrations with excessive costs and reduced denitrification as a result. But also during periods of normal loading unnecessary high oxygen concentration are sometimes given. By modifying the aeration control strategy three full-scale experiments have been made, with the intention to reduce the air consumption. The experiments were carried out during week 37-50 in the autumn of 2006 and showed that savings could be made. The regular oxygen control at Käppala WWTP controls the oxygen level in the aerobic compartment with two DO-setpoints; one in the first aerobic zone and one in the last. The zones in between are controlled by an airflow fractionation depending on the oxygen level in the first and last zone. In the first strategy to be evaluated, all four zones in the aerated part were individually controlled with its own setpoint. Two different setpoint combinations were tested. By using the fact that the efficiency in the oxygen transfer rate was higher at low airflows, savings of approximately 16 % were achieved. In the second strategy tested, an ammonia-feedback control combined with a DO-feedback controlled the DO-set point in the first aerobic zone. This strategy adjusted the DO- set points to the loading variations, and this gave a decreased airflow of approximately 9 %. Finally the two strategies were combined. All zones were then controlled individually with DO-set points set by an ammonium-feedback and a DO-feedback. The strategy gave savings in the airflow of approximately 18 %. In all three trials the aerated zones were more efficiently used, and the estimated savings are 550 000 SEK/year, and with a preserved nutrient removal efficiency. / Under hösten 2006 har ett examensarbete om energieffektivisering på Käppalaverket på Lidingö utförts. Ett föregående examensarbete där all elenergiförbrukning kartlades visade att blåsmaskinerna i biosteget står för den enskilt största förbrukningen i verket och det är därför av intresse att minska denna kostnad. Syrestyrningsstrategin som används på Käppalaverket fungerar mycket bra ur reningssynpunkt, men är inte optimal ur energisynpunkt. Dels luftas de första aeroba zonerna för mycket vid låg belastning vilket ger upphov till kraftigt förhöjda syrekoncentrationer i de sista aeroba zonerna med höga luftningskostnader och risk för försämrad denitrifikation, men även under normal belastning har det visat sig att onödigt höga syrekoncentrationer ibland ges. Tre fullskaliga optimeringsförsök har utförts, med syfte att minska luftförbrukningen med bibehållen reningsgrad. Försöken pågick från vecka 37 till 50 hösten 2006, och visade att det finns möjlighet att spara energi genom att modifiera syrestyrningsstrategin. Den reguljära syreregleringen i Käppalaverket styr syrehalten i den aeroba bassängen mot två syrebörvärden; ett i den första luftade zonen och ett i den sista. Luftflödet till de mellanliggande zonerna styrs av luftflödesandelar beroende på syrehalten i dessa två zoner. Den första strategin som utvärderades styrde istället samtliga zoner individuellt med egna börvärden, där två olika strukturer på de satta börvärdena användes. Genom att utnyttja en högre effektivitet i syreöverföringshastigheten vid låga luftflöden uppnåddes luftflödesbesparingar på ca 16 % i första försöket. I den andra strategin styrdes syrebörvärdet i den första luftade zonen med hjälp av två återkopplingar, en från utgående ammoniumhalt och en från syrehalten i den sista luftade zonen. Tack vare att strategin anpassade syrebörvärdena efter belastningen av syretärande ämnen erhölls luftflödesbesparingar på ca 9 %. Slutligen kombinerades de två strategierna; samtliga zoner styrdes individuellt med börvärden satta av en ammonium-återkoppling och en syre-återkoppling. Strategin medförde luftflödesbesparingar på ca 18 %. I samtliga försök utnyttjades de luftade zonerna bättre, och besparingspotentialen uträknad från 2005 års elpriser blev som mest 550 000 SEK/år, detta med en bibehållen reningsgrad.

The effects of carbohydrate-protein supplementation on endurance exercise performance, recovery, and training adaptation

Stegall, Lisa Ferguson 07 February 2011 (has links)
Recent research suggests that adding protein (PRO) to a carbohydrate (CHO) supplement can have substantial benefits for endurance exercise performance and recovery beyond that of CHO alone. CHO+PRO supplements are often commercially available formulations consisting of carbohydrates (dextrose, maltodextrin) and whey protein. The effects of a supplement containing moderate protein and a low-CHO mixture on endurance performance has not been investigated. Also, the effects of CHO+PRO supplementation in the form of a natural food, flavored milk, on measures of recovery from acute endurance exercise, as well as on chronic aerobic exercise training adaptations, have not been characterized. Therefore, in this series of four studies, the effects of CHO+PRO supplementation on the following areas of endurance exercise performance, recovery, and adaptation are investigated: acute endurance exercise performance, inflammatory and muscle damage markers, muscle glycogen resynthesis, activation of signaling proteins involved in the initiation of protein synthesis and degradation, subsequent endurance exercise performance, and chronic aerobic training adaptations (maximal oxygen consumption, oxidative enzyme activity, body composition, immune cell levels, and inflammatory markers). Study 1 demonstrated that a supplement containing a low-CHO mixture plus moderate protein significantly improved aerobic endurance when cycling at or below the ventilatory threshold, despite containing 50% less CHO and 30% fewer calories relative to a higher CHO beverage. Study 2 demonstrated that CHO+PRO supplementation in the form of chocolate milk (CM) is an effective post-exercise supplement that can improve subsequent performance and provide a greater intracellular signaling stimulus for protein synthesis compared to CHO and placebo. Study 3 found that post-exercise CM supplementation during 4.5 wks of aerobic exercise training improves the magnitude of cardiovascular adaptations more effectively than isocaloric CHO or placebo, while the fourth study demonstrated that post-exercise CM supplementation during 4.5 wks of aerobic training improves body composition more effectively than isocaloric CHO or placebo. The fourth study also demonstrated that 4.5 wks of training does not appear to perturb resting immune cell concentrations or markers of inflammation and muscle damage. Taken together, the results of this research series suggest that CHO+PRO supplementation extends endurance performance, improves recovery, and increases training adaptations more effectively than CHO or placebo. / text

Skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių aerobinio pajėgumo ir kvėpavimo funkcijos ypatumai / Aerobic Capacity and Function of Respiratory System in female handball players of different age

Petruninaitė, Augusta 18 June 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – didelio meistriškumo rankininkių kvėpavimo sistemos funkcija ir aerobinis pajėgumas. Tyrimo aktualumas. Aerobinis pajėgumas yra labai svarbus rankinyje siekiant aukštų sportinių rezultatų. Kiekvienoje sporto šakoje sportininkai skiriasi savo aerobiniu pajėgumu, todėl mūsų darbas yra aktualus, nes informatyviais tyrimo metodais nustatėme skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių aerobinį pajėgumą ir kvėpavimo sistemos funkcinius rodiklius. Tyrimo problema. Kokią įtaką amžius turi rankininkių aerobiniam pajėgumui bei kvėpavimo sistemos funkcijoms? Tyrimo tikslas: Nustatyti skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių kvėpavimo funkcijos ir aerobinio pajėgumo ypatumus. Uždaviniai: 1. Nustatyti skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių kvėpavimo sistemos pajėgumą ramybėje ir nuosekliai didėjančio fizinio krūvio metu. 2. Nustatyti skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių aerobinį pajėgumą. 3. Palyginti jaunesnio ir vyresnio amžiaus rankininkių aerobinį pajėgumą ir kvėpavimo funkcinius rodiklius. Išvados 1. Jaunesniųjų rankininkių maksimalūs plaučių ventiliacijos rodikliai buvo didesni, tiek testuojant ramybėje (maksimali valinga ventiliacija), tiek ir nuosekliai greitėjančio bėgimo metu (didžiausios pasiektos reikšmės). 2. Absoliučios plaučių talpos reikšmingai nesiskyrė lyginant skirtingo amžiaus rankininkių, tačiau lyginant su atitinkamo amžiaus norminėmis reikšmėmis forsuota iškvėpimo talpa buvo santykinai geresnė vyresnių rankininkių. 3. Jaunesnių rankininkių maksimalus deguonies suvartojimas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The object of research – respiratory system and aerobic capacity of professional female handball players. The relevance of research. The efficiency of aerobic capacity is important in handball play. In every sports athletes differs in aerobic theme capacity, thats why our study is relevant, because we obtained the results about on aerobic capacity of the female handball players in different age group. Question of research – what influence has age for the aerobic capacity and respiratory system function of female handball players. The purpose of research: to determine the respiratory function and aerobic capacity of the professional female handball players of different age. Goals: 1. To determine the capacity of respiratory system of the female handball players. 2. To determine the aerobic capacity of female handball players. 3. To compare the data of senior and junior female hanball players. Conclusions 1. The rates of the maximal lungs ventilation of junior female handball players were greater in both while testing at rest and maximal ventilation continuously accelerating running (maximal achieved value). 2. Absolute lungs capacity did not change significantly between different age female handball players, although comparing the forced exhalation capacity of appropriate age standard value, senior handball players had relatively better data. 3. The maximal oxygen uptake, ventilation threshold and correspondent values of vegetative system (HR, maximal oxygen... [to full text]

Validation of Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Body Composition Assessment Methodologies in the Obese Pediatric Population

Breithaupt, Peter G. 08 November 2011 (has links)
Rates of obesity (OB) are escalating among Canadian children and youth and the obesogenic environment is likely to cause further increases. An important aspect in providing clinical care to OB children is to have accurate assessment measures, particularly of their body composition and cardiorespiratory fitness. This project entails three interrelated projects aiming to develop novel cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition measurement techniques for an OB pediatric population. The purpose of the first project was to validate a new submaximal fitness protocol specifically geared towards OB children and youth. The second objective of this thesis involved assessing cardiorespiratory efficiency utilizing the Oxygen Uptake efficiency slope. The purpose of the third project was to determine the validity of a half-body scan methodology for measuring body composition in obese children and youth. The goal of developing these novel measurement techniques is improved design and evaluation of interventions aimed at managing pediatric obesity.

Respostas cardiorrespiratórias de gestantes e não gestantes durantes e após a execução de exercícios de força com dois volumes distintos / Cardiorespiratory responses of pregnant and non pregnant women during and after resistance exercises with two different volumes

Bgeginski, Roberta January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a frequência cardíaca fetal e as respostas cardiorrespiratórias de gestantes e não-gestantes, durante e ao longo de 30 minutos após a execução de exercícios de força para membros superiores e inferiores, em dois volumes distintos. A amostra desse estudo foi composta por 20 mulheres, com idade entre 20 e 32 anos, sendo 10 gestantes (com idade gestacional entre 22 e 24 semanas) e 10 não-gestantes, que realizaram cinco sessões experimentais: sessão 1: familiarização com os equipamentos de coletas de dados e determinação de uma repetição máxima estimada; sessões 2, 3, 4 e 5: coleta das variáveis cardiorrespiratórias durante e ao longo de 30 minutos após os exercícios de força nos equipamentos cadeira extensora de joelhos bilateral e voador peitoral, com 1 e 3 séries de 15 repetições, com carga de 50% de uma repetição máxima estimada. Utilizou-se ANOVA para medidas repetidas com 2 e 3 fatores, com post-hoc de Bonferroni (α=0,05) (SPSS vs 13.0). Os resultados demonstraram que as respostas de pressão arterial durante os exercícios de força apresentam um comportamento mais baixo no grupo gestantes. Quando estes foram realizados com série única, somente a frequência cardíaca e o duplo produto apresentaram respostas diferentes entre os exercícios, com maiores valores no exercício extensor de joelhos bilateral, entretanto, quando os exercícios foram realizados com séries múltiplas, as respostas das variáveis frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial sistólica, diastólica e média, duplo produto, ventilação e consumo de oxigênio absoluto foram diferentes entre os exercícios, com maiores valores no exercício extensor de joelhos bilateral. As variáveis analisadas apresentaram diferenças ao longo dos 30 minutos de recuperação pós-exercício, em geral, retornando aos valores basais após 10 minutos do término do exercício. Não houve ocorrência de contrações uterinas em nenhuma gestante ao longo deste período. A resposta da frequência cardíaca fetal não apresentou diferenças nos diferentes exercícios e volumes e ao longo dos 30 minutos de recuperação pós-exercício e se manteve dentro dos padrões de normalidade (120-160 bpm). Conclui-se que, durante a realização dos exercícios de força extensor de joelhos bilateral e voador peitoral, as respostas de pressão arterial de gestantes foram menores do que as não-gestantes, o exercício extensor de joelhos bilateral apresentou maiores valores das variáveis cardiorrespiratórias comparado ao exercício voador e as variáveis apresentaram aumento das suas respostas com o aumento do número de séries realizadas. A resposta fetal não diferiu entre os exercícios e volumes. / The aim of the present study was to verify fetal heart rate and the cardiorespiratory responses in pregnant and non-pregnant women during and along 30 minutes postexecution of resistance exercises for upper and lower body, with two different volumes. The sample was composed of 20 healthy women, aged between 20-32 years old, being 10 pregnant women (gestational age between 22 and 24 weeks) and 10 non-pregnant women, who performed five experimental sessions: session 1: familiarization with the equipments and the determination of one estimated maximum repetition (1-RM); sessions 2, 3, 4 and 5: determination of the cardiorespiratory responses during and along 30 minutes post-resistance exercise on the bilateral leg extension and fly, with 1 and 3 sets of 15 repetitions, 50% of 1-RM. Results were analyzed using ANOVA for repeated measures with two and three factors with Bonferroni correction for post-hoc comparisons (α=0.05) (SPSS vs 13.0). The blood pressure responses during resistance exercises showed a lower behavior in the pregnant group. When the exercises were performed with a single set, only heart rate and rate-pressure product showed different responses between exercises, with increased values for bilateral leg extension, however, when the exercises were performed with multiple sets the heart rate, systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure, rate-pressure product, ventilation and oxygen uptake responses were different between exercises, with increased values for bilateral leg extension. The analyzed variables showed differences along 30 minutes post-exercise but in general it was similar to those pre-exercise values after 10 minutes from the end of the resistance exercise. There was no occurrence of uterine contractions along this period. The fetal heart rate responses did not presented differences between the exercises and volumes and along the 30 minutes post-resistance exercise and kept the normality patterns (120-160 bpm). In conclusion, during the performance of the bilateral leg extension and fly resistance exercises the blood pressure response was lower in the pregnant group. The bilateral leg extension showed higher values for the cardiorespiratory variables compared to fly exercise and the variables responses presented an increase with the addition of the sets performed. The fetal response was not different between exercises and volumes performed.

Efeitos de um treinamento concorrente na hidroginástica sobre as variáveis neuromusculares e cardiorrespiratórias de mulheres jovens e pós-menopáusicas / Effects of water-based concurrent training on neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory variables in young and postmenopausal women

Pinto, Stephanie Santana January 2013 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi comparar os efeitos da manipulação da ordem dos exercícios de força e aeróbico durante o treinamento concorrente na hidroginástica sobre as variáveis neuromusculares e cardiorrespiratórias de mulheres jovens e pósmenopáusicas. No estudo I, 26 mulheres jovens (25,12 ± 2,94 anos) foram aleatoriamente divididas em dois grupos de treinamento: força-aeróbico (FA) (n=13) e aeróbico-força (AF) (n=13). Para o estudo II, 21 mulheres pós-menopáusicas (57,14 ± 2,43 anos) foram divididas, também aleatoriamente, em dois grupos: força-aeróbico (FA) (n=10) e aeróbico-força (AF) (n=11). Em ambos os estudos os sujeitos realizaram o treinamento concorrente no meio aquático, duas vezes na semana durante 12 semanas, executando ambos os tipos de exercícios (aeróbico e força) na mesma sessão de treinamento. O treinamento de força foi realizado com séries em máxima velocidade e o treinamento aeróbico foi executado na frequência cardíaca do segundo limiar ventilatório. Todas as variáveis foram avaliadas antes e após o período de treinamento. Para análise dos dados foi utilizado o teste ANOVA para medidas repetidas com fator grupo (α=0,05). No estudo I, com as mulheres jovens, houve um aumento significativo da força muscular dinâmica máxima, avaliada através do teste de 1 repetição máxima (1RM), de todos os grupos musculares analisados (flexão e extensão de cotovelos e joelhos) após o período de treinamento. O grupo FA apresentou maiores ganhos da força muscular dinâmica máxima dos extensores de joelho em comparação ao grupo AF (43,58 ± 14,00% vs. 27,01 ± 18,05%, respectivamente). Após o treinamento houve um aumento do pico de torque isométrico (PT), avaliado no dinamômetro Biodex, de todos os grupos musculares avaliados (exceção PT extensores de cotovelo), sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF. Além disso, após o treinamento, houve um aumento significativo da taxa de produção máxima e em diferentes janelamentos (50, 100, 250 ms), durante a contração isométrica voluntária máxima (CIVM) de extensão de joelho, sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF. Houve um aumento significativo da amplitude máxima isométrica do sinal eletromiográfico (EMG), após o treinamento, dos músculos bíceps braquial e vasto lateral, sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF. Além disso, observou-se uma diminuição significativa da amplitude submáxima isométrica do sinal EMG dos músculos bíceps braquial em 40% da CIVM, do vasto lateral em 40 e 80% da CIVM e do reto femoral em 80% da CIVM, sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF após as 12 semanas de treinamento. Após o treinamento, houve um aumento significativo da espessura muscular do bíceps braquial, braquial, vasto medial e reto femoral, sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF. O percentual de ganho da espessura muscular do vasto lateral e vasto intermédio diferiu significativamente entre os grupos, com maiores ganhos para o grupo que treinou na ordem FA em comparação a ordem AF (vasto lateral: 10,00 ± 7,64% vs. 5,28 ± 3,42%, vasto intermédio: 11,58 ± 5,36% vs. 4,40 ± 3,77%, respectivamente). Para os saltos, após o treinamento, houve um aumento significativo da altura do countermovement jump, sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF. Por fim, ainda em relação ao estudo I, após o treinamento, houve um aumento significativo do consumo de oxigênio de pico (VO2pico) e referente ao primeiro limiar ventilatório (VO2LV1), sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF. No estudo II, com as mulheres pós-menopáusicas, após o treinamento, houve um aumento significativo da força muscular dinâmica máxima dos flexores e extensores de cotovelo, sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF. Para o teste de 1RM de extensão de joelhos, foi observado que o grupo FA apresentou maiores ganhos de força em comparação ao grupo AF (34,62 ± 13,51% vs. 14,16 ± 13,68%). Após o treinamento, houve um aumento significativo do PT dos flexores e extensores de joelho, sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF. Além disso, houve um aumento significativo da taxa de produção máxima e também nos diferentes janelamentos (50, 100, 250 ms), durante a CIVM de extensão de joelho, sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF. Houve um aumento significativo da amplitude máxima isométrica do sinal EMG dos músculos vasto lateral e reto femoral, sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF após 12 semanas de treinamento. Também houve uma diminuição significativa da amplitude submáxima isométrica do sinal EMG do músculo reto femoral em 40% da CIVM, sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF após o treinamento. Após o treinamento, houve um aumento significativo da espessura muscular de todos os músculos analisados, sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF (exceto reto femoral). Por fim, no estudo II, após o treinamento, houve um aumento significativo do consumo de oxigênio referente ao segundo limiar ventilatório (VO2LV2), sem diferença entre os grupos FA e AF. Em suma, a ordem exercícios de força seguidos dos exercícios aeróbicos otimizou os ganhos de força muscular dinâmica máxima dos extensores de joelho tanto em mulheres jovens quanto em mulheres pós-menopáusicas, bem como a espessura muscular do quadríceps em mulheres jovens quando comparada com a ordem inversa (aeróbico-força). / The aim of the present study was to compare the effects of the intra-session exercise order (i.e., resistance-aerobic or aerobic-resistance) during water-based concurrent training on the neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory variables in young and postmenopausal women. Twenty-six young women (25.12 ± 2.94 years) were randomly assigned into two groups in study I: resistance-aerobic (RA) (n=13) and aerobicresistance (n=13). For study II, twenty-one postmenopausal women were also randomly assigned into two groups: resistance-aerobic (RA) (n=10) and aerobic-resistance (n=11). In both studies the subjects performed the water-based concurrent training two times a week during 12 weeks, performing both resistance and aerobic training in the same session. The resistance training was performed with sets at maximal effort and the aerobic training with exercises at heart rate corresponding to the second ventilatory threshold. All variables were evaluated before and after training. A repeated measure ANOVA with group factor was used to analyze the data of the present study (α=0.05). After training in study I, with the young women, there was a significant increase in the maximal dynamic strength in all muscle groups (elbow and knee flexors and extensors) evaluated using the one-repetition maximal test (1RM). The RA group presented grater relative gains of the knee extensors maximal dynamic strength compared to the AR group (43.58 ± 14.00% vs. 27.01 ± 18.05%, respectively). After training there was a significant increase of the maximal isometric peak torque (PT) of all muscle groups (except elbow extensor PT) evaluated using the Biodex dynamometer, with no difference between RA and AR groups. In addition, after training there was a significant increase of the maximal rate of force development (RFD) and of the RFD at different windows (50, 100, 250 ms) during the knee extension maximal isometric voluntary contraction (MIVC), with no difference between RA and AR groups. There was a significant increase of the maximal isometric electromyography (EMG) activity of biceps brachii and vastus lateralis after training, with no difference between RA and AR groups. Moreover, the submaximal isometric EMG activity of biceps braachi at 40% of MIVC, the submaximal isometric EMG activity of vastus lateralis at 40% and 80% of MIVC and the submaximal isometric EMG activity of rectus femoris at 80% of MIVC showed lower values after training, with no difference between RA and AR groups. After training, there was a significant increase of the muscle thickness of biceps brachii, brachialis, vastus medialis and rectus femoris, with no difference between RA and AR groups. The relative gains of the muscle thickness of the vastus lateralis and vastus intermedius were greater for the RA group compared to the AR group (vastus lateralis: 10.00 ± 7.64% vs. 5.28 ± 3.42%, vastus intermedius: 11.58 ± 5.36% vs. 4.40 ± 3.77%, respectively). The height of the countermovement jump improved after training, with no difference between RA and AR groups. In addition, the peak oxygen uptake (VO2peak) and corresponding to the first ventilatory threshold (VO2VT1) showed significant increases after training, with no difference between RA and AR groups. In study II, with the postmenopausal women, there was a significant increase in the maximal dynamic strength of the elbow flexors and extensors, with no difference between RA and AR groups. The knee extensors 1RM in the RA group showed greater increases than the AR group (34.62 ± 13.51% vs. 14.16 ± 13.68%). After training, there were significant increases of the knee flexors and extensors PT, with no difference between RA and AR groups. In addition, there was a significant increase in the knee extension maximal RFD and in the knee extension RFD at different windows (50, 100, 250 ms), with no difference between RA and AR groups. Moreover, there were increases of the maximal isometric EMG activity of vastus lateralis and rectus femoris, with no difference between RA and AR groups. Furthermore, the submaximal isometric EMG activity of rectus femoris at 40% of MIVC showed lower values after training, with no difference between RA and AR groups. Also, there were significant increases of the muscle thickness of all muscles evaluated, with no difference between RA and AR groups (except rectus femoris). Significant increase was also observed in the oxygen uptake corresponding to the second ventilatory threshold (VO2VT2) after training, with no difference between RA and AR groups. In summary, the intra-session exercise order with resistance exercises prior to aerobic exercises optimizes the knee extensors maximal dynamic strength gains in young and postmenopausal women, as well as the quadriceps femoris muscle thickness in young women when compared to the inverse order (i.e., aerobic-resistance).

Respostas cardiorrespiratórias de gestantes e não gestantes durantes e após a execução de exercícios de força com dois volumes distintos / Cardiorespiratory responses of pregnant and non pregnant women during and after resistance exercises with two different volumes

Bgeginski, Roberta January 2010 (has links)
O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar a frequência cardíaca fetal e as respostas cardiorrespiratórias de gestantes e não-gestantes, durante e ao longo de 30 minutos após a execução de exercícios de força para membros superiores e inferiores, em dois volumes distintos. A amostra desse estudo foi composta por 20 mulheres, com idade entre 20 e 32 anos, sendo 10 gestantes (com idade gestacional entre 22 e 24 semanas) e 10 não-gestantes, que realizaram cinco sessões experimentais: sessão 1: familiarização com os equipamentos de coletas de dados e determinação de uma repetição máxima estimada; sessões 2, 3, 4 e 5: coleta das variáveis cardiorrespiratórias durante e ao longo de 30 minutos após os exercícios de força nos equipamentos cadeira extensora de joelhos bilateral e voador peitoral, com 1 e 3 séries de 15 repetições, com carga de 50% de uma repetição máxima estimada. Utilizou-se ANOVA para medidas repetidas com 2 e 3 fatores, com post-hoc de Bonferroni (α=0,05) (SPSS vs 13.0). Os resultados demonstraram que as respostas de pressão arterial durante os exercícios de força apresentam um comportamento mais baixo no grupo gestantes. Quando estes foram realizados com série única, somente a frequência cardíaca e o duplo produto apresentaram respostas diferentes entre os exercícios, com maiores valores no exercício extensor de joelhos bilateral, entretanto, quando os exercícios foram realizados com séries múltiplas, as respostas das variáveis frequência cardíaca, pressão arterial sistólica, diastólica e média, duplo produto, ventilação e consumo de oxigênio absoluto foram diferentes entre os exercícios, com maiores valores no exercício extensor de joelhos bilateral. As variáveis analisadas apresentaram diferenças ao longo dos 30 minutos de recuperação pós-exercício, em geral, retornando aos valores basais após 10 minutos do término do exercício. Não houve ocorrência de contrações uterinas em nenhuma gestante ao longo deste período. A resposta da frequência cardíaca fetal não apresentou diferenças nos diferentes exercícios e volumes e ao longo dos 30 minutos de recuperação pós-exercício e se manteve dentro dos padrões de normalidade (120-160 bpm). Conclui-se que, durante a realização dos exercícios de força extensor de joelhos bilateral e voador peitoral, as respostas de pressão arterial de gestantes foram menores do que as não-gestantes, o exercício extensor de joelhos bilateral apresentou maiores valores das variáveis cardiorrespiratórias comparado ao exercício voador e as variáveis apresentaram aumento das suas respostas com o aumento do número de séries realizadas. A resposta fetal não diferiu entre os exercícios e volumes. / The aim of the present study was to verify fetal heart rate and the cardiorespiratory responses in pregnant and non-pregnant women during and along 30 minutes postexecution of resistance exercises for upper and lower body, with two different volumes. The sample was composed of 20 healthy women, aged between 20-32 years old, being 10 pregnant women (gestational age between 22 and 24 weeks) and 10 non-pregnant women, who performed five experimental sessions: session 1: familiarization with the equipments and the determination of one estimated maximum repetition (1-RM); sessions 2, 3, 4 and 5: determination of the cardiorespiratory responses during and along 30 minutes post-resistance exercise on the bilateral leg extension and fly, with 1 and 3 sets of 15 repetitions, 50% of 1-RM. Results were analyzed using ANOVA for repeated measures with two and three factors with Bonferroni correction for post-hoc comparisons (α=0.05) (SPSS vs 13.0). The blood pressure responses during resistance exercises showed a lower behavior in the pregnant group. When the exercises were performed with a single set, only heart rate and rate-pressure product showed different responses between exercises, with increased values for bilateral leg extension, however, when the exercises were performed with multiple sets the heart rate, systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressure, rate-pressure product, ventilation and oxygen uptake responses were different between exercises, with increased values for bilateral leg extension. The analyzed variables showed differences along 30 minutes post-exercise but in general it was similar to those pre-exercise values after 10 minutes from the end of the resistance exercise. There was no occurrence of uterine contractions along this period. The fetal heart rate responses did not presented differences between the exercises and volumes and along the 30 minutes post-resistance exercise and kept the normality patterns (120-160 bpm). In conclusion, during the performance of the bilateral leg extension and fly resistance exercises the blood pressure response was lower in the pregnant group. The bilateral leg extension showed higher values for the cardiorespiratory variables compared to fly exercise and the variables responses presented an increase with the addition of the sets performed. The fetal response was not different between exercises and volumes performed.

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