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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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L'harmonisation européenne des jeux d'argent en ligne : Etude comparative entre la Belgique, la France, la Grande-Bretagne et l'Italie / The European harmonization of online gambling : a comparative study between Belgium, France, Great Britain and Italy

Trannois, Mallorie 16 June 2014 (has links)
Historiquement en matière de jeux d'argent en dur, il existe une homogénéité des législations nationales puisque la plupart des dispositifs s'articule autour d'un monopole d'Etat et/ou de la délivrance d'une licence d'exploitation exclusive. Le particularisme de cette activité économique a été reconnu par le juge européen ce qui lui permet de déroger, sous certaines conditions, aux principes de libre prestation de services et de liberté d'établissement. L'avènement des jeux d'argent en ligne a cependant modifié l'appréhension de ce secteur en raison du caractère transnationale de cette nouvelle activité. A cet égard, les Etats ont tenté d'apporter des réponses aux problématiques liées au blanchiment d'argent, à la protection du consommateur, à la manipulation des résultats sportifs et à l'existence de sites illégaux qu'elle pose. L'hétérogénéité des solutions proposées ne permet cependant pas de répondre efficacement à ces écueils ni de satisfaire aux exigences définies par les Traités. Dès lors, la Commission européenne a introduit des procédures d'infractions contre certains Etats puis a publié un livre vert afin de rechercher des pistes qui assureraient un consensus entre les Etats membres sans qu'elle n'ait à intervenir davantage par l'intermédiaire d'une législation européenne. Néanmoins, les nombreux obstacles issus des textes européens n'offrent à la Commission européenne qu'un espace restreint de propositions qui viseront surtout à renforcer les coopérations entre les autorités de régulation et ne permettront probablement pas de résoudre les questions susmentionnées. C'est dans cette perspective que nos travaux de recherches s'inscriront. Aussi, après avoir étudié le droit positif européen, nous nous attacherons, à partir d'une étude de droit comparé des principaux modèles juridiques existants sur le territoire de l'Union (droit belge, droit britannique, droit français et droit italien), à déterminer un instrument d'harmonisation européen qui d'assurer un haut niveau de protection des consommateurs et une concurrence équilibrée entre les opérateurs de jeux. / Historically as regards gambling, there is a homogeneity of national laws because most regulations are built around a state monopoly and / or grant of an exclusive license. The particularity of this economic activity has been recognized by the European Justice Court allowing it to derogate, under certain conditions, the principles of freedom to provide services and freedom of establishment. The advent of online gambling, however, changed the understanding of the sector due to the transnational nature of this new activity. In this regard, States have attempted to provide answers to issues related to money laundering, consumer protection, match fixing and the existence of illegal websites that pose. The heterogeneity of the solutions does not allow to effectively respond to these pitfalls or to satisfy the requirements defined by the Treaties. Therefore, the European Commission brought infringement proceedings against some states and has published a Green Paper to search for tracks that would ensure a consensus among Member States without it having to intervene more through of European regulation. However, many obstacles from European laws available to the European Commission a limited space of proposals that aim primarily at strengthening cooperation between regulatory authorities and probably will not help to solve the above issues. It is in this context that our research work will enroll. Also, having studied European positive law, we will focus, from a comparative law study of the main existing legal models on the territory of the Union (Belgian law, English law, French law and Italian law) to determine an instrument of European harmonization to ensure a high level of consumer protection and fair competition between gambling operators.

The design of a museum of Islamic art for Paris

Dean, Catherine Joanne January 1980 (has links)
Thesis (M.Arch.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Architecture, 1980. / MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND ROTCH. / Bibliography: p. 135-137. / by Catherine J. Dean. / M.Arch.

Un inventaire architectural et urbain pour le premier Grand Paris : le casier archéologique et artistique de Paris et du département de la Seine, 1916-1928 / An architectural and urban inventory for the first “Grand Paris” : the Casier archéologique et artistique of Paris and the Seine’s department, 1916-1928

Bassieres, Laurence 19 May 2016 (has links)
Pas plus que le Grand Paris aujourd’hui en préparation, l’éphémère premier Grand Paris envisagé dans les années 1910-1920 ne parut placer la protection du patrimoine au rang de ses priorités. Pourtant, une tentative en ce sens eut bien lieu. L’ambition d’œuvrer selon des principes que l’on était encore loin d’appeler « urbanisme patrimonial » suscita la création, un demi-siècle avant le vote des lois Malraux, d’un outil d’urbanisme original, le « Casier archéologique et artistique de Paris et du département de la Seine ».L’étude de cet inventaire architectural et urbain, constitué entre 1916 et 1928, a porté sur un double enjeu. Le premier consistait à replacer le Casier archéologique, qui apparait aujourd’hui comme un objet isolé, dans la perspective du Grand Paris pour lequel il avait été conçu, dans son articulation avec les politiques urbaines et patrimoniales alors en cours d’élaboration comme dans la pluridisciplinarité de son élaboration. Le second visait à retracer l’évolution des processus d’élaboration du Casier archéologique, de la création d’un outil d’urbanisme patrimonial novateur à sa transformation en un inventaire d’un format plus classique, mais à l’échelle du Grand Paris. / No more than the Grand Paris today in the making, the first and ephemeral Grand Paris which was envisioned during the years 1910-1920 did not seem to place protection of heritage among its priorities. However, an attempt in that direction was clearly made. The ambition to act according to ideas which at the time, were still far from being called Heritage Urbanism’s principles, brought upon the creation of an original Urbanism tool, half a century before the Malraux’s laws were voted : the “Casier archéologique et artistique of Paris and the Seine’s department.”This architectural and urban inventory, established between 1916 and 1928, was studied with a double focus. The first was to place the Casier archéologique – an object that now seems isolated – back into the Grand Paris’s perspective in which it had been designed for, recalling its articulation with policy-making underway at the time on urbanism and heritage, as well as the multidisciplinarity of its constitution. The second was to retrace the evolution of the Casier archéologique’s elaboration, from its creation as an innovative tool of Heritage Urbanism, to its transformation as an inventory with a more classic format, but on Grand Paris’s scale.

Administrer la mort : les dossiers testamentaires de deux chanoines parisiens aux XIVe et XVe siècles

Cyr, Bruno 20 December 2012 (has links)
Le dossier testamentaire est une source exceptionnelle en matière d’histoire de la mort au Moyen Âge. Composé des écrits du testament, de l’inventaire après décès et du compte de l’exécution, il couvre toutes les étapes de l’administration de la mort, des fondements pré décès, aux articulations concrètes de la réalité post mortem. L’étude des dossiers de deux chanoines parisiens, Jean d’Hétomesnil (Sainte-Chapelle, 1381) et Jean Chuffart (Notre-Dame de Paris, 1451) a permis d’esquisser les dynamiques de tels documents. La cohérence idéologique et codicologique laisse d’abord apparaître l’état post mortem du réseau social des défunts. Défini par une mobilisation de ses constituants et axé sur la mémoire et la rédemption de l’âme, cet état résulte de l’activation des dispositions testamentaires. Ensuite, ce processus est exprimé à partir de la perspective de l’exécuteur testamentaire : elle souligne la somme de travail requise et les paramètres d’exécution. L’utilisation de ces documents permet ainsi de dépasser l’état spéculatif des dernières volontés et d’entrer dans la complexité de leur réalisation. En définitive, c’est la protection des exécuteurs et la démonstration du respect des dernières volontés dans un cadre d’autorité bien plus que la rédemption de l’âme qui ressort comme la motivation principale des dossiers testamentaires.

Contrer les mazarinades : les préambules des édits royaux pendant la Fronde (1648-1652), d'après le Recueil des anciennes lois françaises d'Isambert

Poirier, Josée January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Ce mémoire traite de l'opinion publique à Paris pendant la Fronde (1648-1652), par l'étude des préambules des actes royaux passés durant cette période de guerre civile et tels que présentés dans le Tome XVII du Recueil général des anciennes lois françaises, depuis l'an 420 jusqu'à la révolution de 1789. La Fronde est une période mouvementée de l'histoire de la France au XVIIe siècle. Divisée en deux parties, soit la «Fronde parlementaire» et la «Fronde des Princes», sa compréhension est parfois rendue difficile par les nombreux changements d'alliances et les rebondissements de toutes sortes. Nous avons tenté d'en donner une explication qui se veut la plus claire possible. À notre connaissance, les préambules des actes royaux de la période de la Fronde n'ont jamais été étudiés dans l'optique d'une étude de l'opinion publique. Il nous a donc semblé important d'y remédier en s'attardant à leur mode de publication et de diffusion, à leur structure et aux thèmes qui y sont abordés, ainsi qu'à la lutte entre les Frondeurs et le pouvoir royal pour le contrôle de l'espace public. Il existe par ailleurs d'autres sources intéressantes pour l'étude de ce phénomène, comme les Journaux d'événements et les Mémoires écrits par certains témoins oculaires. Nous en avons ici étudié trois, soient les journaux de Nicolas-François Baudot Dubuisson-Aubenay et d'Olivier Lefèvre d'Ormesson, et la Chronique de la Fronde de Madame de Motteville. À travers leurs écrits, nous retrouvons parfois leurs réactions, et/ou celles de leurs contemporains suite à la publication de certaines lois et l'effet qu'ont pu avoir les actes royaux sur l'opinion publique et sur la résolution des tensions et des conflits de la Fronde. Cela permet une meilleure compréhension des préambules et, à l'inverse, ces derniers nous aident à mieux comprendre la lutte pour le contrôle de l'espace public et les réactions soulevées par la publication de ces lois. Tout ce processus jette un nouvel éclairage sur la Fronde, les outils du pouvoir et la lente construction de la souveraineté dite «absolue» de l'âge classique. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Paris, Dix-septième siècle, Fronde, Opinion publique, Ordonnances royales.

The Role of Cultural Differences in the Product and Promotion Adaptation Strategy: A L'Oréal Paris Case Study

Fina, Lauranne, Luc, Tytti, Venezia, Emilie January 2006 (has links)
Nowadays, firms are becoming more and more global. However, are consumers becoming global too? Therefore, the challenge for the firms consists in determining if they should adapt their products or if they should consider the consumers as being global, and keep their product standardized. The purpose of this paper is to investigate adaptation strategy in South Korea, Japan and People’s Republic of China (PRC) for make-up products and its promotion considering the influence of culture on the consumer behaviour. This is studied referring to the European market. L’Oréal Paris is used as an example to illustrate the study. This study is a case study about L’Oréal Paris. To conduct it, we chose to use qualitative interviews and document analysis. Different kinds of interviews have been done in order to know more about the company adaptation strategy, the culture and the consumer behaviour in Asia. Written sources as external documents from L’Oréal Paris, websites, press articles, scientific articles and literature have been used to complete the primary data. Culture is a system of meanings shared by members of a group. It is an important part of marketing because it influences the consumers’ wants and needs and because it impacts on the interpretations of products’ communication. This demonstrates that the culture impacts consumer behaviour. The study of the consumer behaviour conducts companies to adapt their products features, their packaging, their symbolic attributes, their service attributes and their promotion. The empirical data comes from various sources. We interviewed three managers from L’Oréal Paris and as well girls from the following nationalities: three Japanese girls, one Chinese girl and two Korean girls. We also interviewed a specialist of cosmetics. All these interviews were conducted in order to answer our objectives. The interviews with the Asian girls and with the specialist of cosmetics were conducted in order to collect data on the culture and on the consumer behaviour. The interviews with the managers of L’Oréal Paris were conducted in order to collect data on their adaptation and standardization strategies on the studied markets. Cultural aspects impact directly or indirectly on the consumer behaviour. The culture diversity creates the consumer behaviour diversity as it can be noticed in South Korea, Japan and PRC where the culture and the behaviours are very different than in Europe. L’Oréal Paris is trying to know more about these consumer behaviour differences in order to answer the consumers’ demands and to adapt its products and promotion strategy. L’Oréal Paris is adapting some elements of its product range and its promotion. The three countries studied are very different culturally speaking. However, the adaptations on products and promotion made by L’Oréal Paris do not take fully into account these cultural and consumer behaviour differences. Moreover, many promotion and products aspects are standardized. Thus, the L’Oréal Paris adaptation strategy in the Asian zone is a mix between standardization and adaptation. In its adaptation strategy, the firm considers some elements of the consumer behaviour therefore of the culture. To conclude, the cultural differences may influence the make-up products and promotion adaptation strategy.

Applying Adaptive Prognostics to Rolling Element Bearings

Lindsay, Tara Reeves 28 November 2005 (has links)
Rolling element bearing failure can cause problems for industries ranging from mild inconveniences such as simple replacement to catastrophic damage such as large production-line equipment failure. Rolling element bearing failure has plagued industries for many years. Bearings are currently monitored to determine whether or not there is a defect in the bearing, but the remaining lifetime of the bearing remains unknown. This research estimates the bearings remaining lifetime through digital signal processing in conjunction with a modified version of Pariss equationa fatigue-failure equation well known in rotating machinery prognostics. An energy quantity, coined the Power Spectrum Value (PSV), is the maximum amplitude of the frequencies within a relatively small band around the resonant frequency of the system. The current PSV is estimated and updated using a chronologically weighted least squares algorithm. It is this PSV which is implemented in the modified Paris equation to determine the remaining lifetime of the bearing. This research presents a non-intrusive method of determining the lifetime of the bearing so that the bearings utility is maximized and reactive maintenance procedures are minimized.

The Role of Cultural Differences in the Product and Promotion Adaptation Strategy: A L'Oréal Paris Case Study

Fina, Lauranne, Luc, Tytti, Venezia, Emilie January 2006 (has links)
<p>Nowadays, firms are becoming more and more global. However, are consumers becoming global too? Therefore, the challenge for the firms consists in determining if they should adapt their products or if they should consider the consumers as being global, and keep their product standardized.</p><p>The purpose of this paper is to investigate adaptation strategy in South Korea, Japan and People’s Republic of China (PRC) for make-up products and its promotion considering the influence of culture on the consumer behaviour. This is studied referring to the European market. L’Oréal Paris is used as an example to illustrate the study.</p><p>This study is a case study about L’Oréal Paris. To conduct it, we chose to use qualitative interviews and document analysis. Different kinds of interviews have been done in order to know more about the company adaptation strategy, the culture and the consumer behaviour in Asia. Written sources as external documents from L’Oréal Paris, websites, press articles, scientific articles and literature have been used to complete the primary data.</p><p>Culture is a system of meanings shared by members of a group. It is an important part of marketing because it influences the consumers’ wants and needs and because it impacts on the interpretations of products’ communication. This demonstrates that the culture impacts consumer behaviour. The study of the consumer behaviour conducts companies to adapt their products features, their packaging, their symbolic attributes, their service attributes and their promotion.</p><p>The empirical data comes from various sources. We interviewed three managers from L’Oréal Paris and as well girls from the following nationalities: three Japanese girls, one Chinese girl and two Korean girls. We also interviewed a specialist of cosmetics. All these interviews were conducted in order to answer our objectives. The interviews with the Asian girls and with the specialist of cosmetics were conducted in order to collect data on the culture and on the consumer behaviour. The interviews with the managers of L’Oréal Paris were conducted in order to collect data on their adaptation and standardization strategies on the studied markets.</p><p>Cultural aspects impact directly or indirectly on the consumer behaviour. The culture diversity creates the consumer behaviour diversity as it can be noticed in South Korea, Japan and PRC where the culture and the behaviours are very different than in Europe.</p><p>L’Oréal Paris is trying to know more about these consumer behaviour differences in order to answer the consumers’ demands and to adapt its products and promotion strategy.</p><p>L’Oréal Paris is adapting some elements of its product range and its promotion. The three countries studied are very different culturally speaking. However, the adaptations on products and promotion made by L’Oréal Paris do not take fully into account these cultural and consumer behaviour differences. Moreover, many promotion and products aspects are standardized. Thus, the L’Oréal Paris adaptation strategy in the Asian zone is a mix between standardization and adaptation. In its adaptation strategy, the firm considers some elements of the consumer behaviour therefore of the culture. To conclude, the cultural differences may influence the make-up products and promotion adaptation strategy.</p>

François Girardon : Bildhauer in königlichen Diensten 1663-1700 /

Klidis, Artemis. January 2001 (has links)
Diss.--Universität Bonn, 2000. / Bibliogr. p. 194-205.

Le "Memoriale historiarum" de Jean de Saint-Victor : un historien et sa communauté au début du XIVe siècle /

Guyot-Bachy, Isabelle. January 2000 (has links)
Th.--Paric--École pratique des hautes études, 1996. / Bibliogr. p. 571-588. Index.

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