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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Formação superior de professores em serviço: um estudo sobre o processo de certificação do magistério no Brasil. / College Education for teachers in-service: a study about the certification process of the teacher preparation courses in Brazil.

Isabel Melero Bello 14 April 2008 (has links)
Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar as iniciativas empreendidas no Brasil para certificar em nível superior grandes contingentes de professores da educação infantil e séries iniciais do ensino fundamental, em uma abordagem que busca contemplar tanto o nível macro como micropolítico. Para atingir tal objetivo se efetuou um levantamento dos programas especiais e cursos dessa natureza criados no Brasil entre 1990 e 2000 para certificar professores nesse nível, buscando relacionar essa configuração com o contexto internacional, sobretudo, a América Latina e a Europa (com destaque para o contexto francês). Com vistas a compreender como as políticas e iniciativas tomadas em plano governamental são traduzidas em nível local, buscou-se por meio de uma pesquisa empírica acompanhar a execução de um programa, sobretudo, para tentar compreender as apropriações que os docentes fizeram desse tipo de experiência de formação e os saberes por eles produzidos nesse contexto peculiar. O trabalho de campo, realizado nos moldes de um estudo de caso, foi desenvolvido junto a uma turma de alunos-professores do PEC Formação Universitária Municípios/São Paulo (2003-2004). Os dados foram analisados à luz dos conceitos de habitus, campo e capital simbólico de Bourdieu, da idéia de homem plural de Lahire e das concepções de tática e estratégia de Certeau. Ao enveredar por tais caminhos e análises, a investigação permitiu verificar que a formação de professores em serviço é uma preocupação internacional, alvo de iniciativas e políticas em todas as regiões analisadas. Um discurso comum tem sido adotado na área, ainda que traduzido em sentidos e ações muito diversas nos âmbitos locais. No caso específico brasileiro, do ponto de vista institucional e administrativo pode-se dizer que um sucesso relativo tem sido alcançado, já que milhares de professores foram certificados em nível superior em curto espaço de tempo. No caso do PEC Formação Universitária (São Paulo), do ponto de vista de seu funcionamento, por um lado, o estudo de caso revelou que aspectos não previstos pelos organizadores do Programa foram os principais responsáveis pela satisfação dos alunos-professores como, por exemplo, o processo de socialização profissional proporcionado, especialmente, pelo contato diário entre eles nos pólos onde se desenvolveram as atividades durante os dois anos de execução do programa. Por outro lado, ações previstas e por vezes adaptadas institucionalmente foram alvo de muitas críticas tanto por parte dos alunos-professores como dos agentes educacionais envolvidos, cujas manifestações apareceram na maioria das vezes sob a forma de resistência à academização da formação docente oferecida naqueles moldes. Entretanto, um dado importante deve ser ressaltado: a execução de programas especiais de formação em serviço, tal como se configurou no PEC Formação Universitária, permite à universidade conhecer mais de perto a escola e os professores, abrindo perspectivas de uma colaboração mais efetiva entre essas duas instituições formativas. Dentro desse escopo, a tese finaliza com propostas que visam a contribuir com projetos futuros que venham a repensar a organização e execução de programas dessa natureza e porte. / This research had as its goal to analyze the initiatives that have been undertaken in Brazil to certify at college level big contingent of teachers from childhood education and initial grades at the primary school, in an approach that tries to contemplate both the macro and the micro political level. In order to reach this goal, a survey was conducted about the special programs and courses created in Brazil from 1990 to 2000 to certify teachers at this level trying to relate this configuration with the international context, mainly Latin America and Europe (emphasizing the French context). With the purpose to understand how the policies and initiatives taken at governmental level are performed at the local level, this was searched by means of an empirical research to accompany the execution of a program, especially to try to understand the adaptations that the teachers did concerning this type of experience of formation and the knowledge produced by them in this peculiar context. The fieldwork, was done according to a case study, and was developed with a group of students- teachers of PEC College Education City Council/ São Paulo (2003- 2004). The data were examined according to the concepts of habitus, field and symbolic capital by Bourdieu, the idea of plural man by Lahire and the concepts of tactic and strategy by Certeau. In setting out for these paths and analysis, the investigation allowed to verify that the formation of teachers in-service is an international preoccupation, object of initiatives and policies in all regions analyzed. A common discourse has been adopted in the area, which was still translated in very diverse senses and actions at the local ambit. In the specific Brazilian case, in the institutional and administrative point of view it can be said that a relative success has been reached, once thousands of teachers were certified at college level within a short period of time. In the case of PEC College Education (São Paulo), from the point of view of its functioning, the case study revealed that the aspects not foreseen by the Program were principally responsible for the satisfaction of the students-teachers such as the process of professional socialization provided, specially, by the daily contact among them in the places where the activities took place during the two years of accomplishment of the program. On the other hand, the actions foreseen and sometimes adapted institutionally were the target of a lot of criticisms both by the studentsteachers and the educational agents involved, whose manifestations appeared most of the time under the form of resistance to the academification of teacher formation being offered in those patterns. However, an important fact has to be emphasized: the accomplishment of the special programs of formation in-service, as it was formed at PEC College Formation, allows the university to know the school and the teacher closer, opening perspectives of a more effective collaboration between both of these institutions which are formative. Within this purpose, the thesis ends with proposals that aim to contribute for future projects that rethink the organization and accomplishment of programs of this type and consistency.

A internacionalização da educação superior no Brasil : um estudo de caso de alunos estrangeiros do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social/UFRGS

Feijó, Rosemeri Nunes January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa o Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-Graduação (PEC-PG), promovido pela CAPES e CNPq, por meio do estudo de alunos estrangeiros contemplados com esta modalidade de bolsa, tomando o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social (PPGAS) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul como estudo de caso. Neste trabalho, contempla-se a perspectiva histórica do processo de internacionalização da educação superior e a influência do Protocolo de Bolonha no avanço da internacionalização no Brasil. Salienta-se que o PPGAS tem participado no processo de internacionalização desde o seu início. A investigação, baseada em 10 entrevistas, contempla o grau de relevância da formação científica na trajetória de vida dos alunos bolsistas beneficiados pelo PEC-PG. Parte-se da tomada de conhecimento do referido programa pelos bolsistas, suas motivações, experiências e aproveitamento acadêmico, assim como as implicações desta capacitação na sua inserção profissional e social, após a conclusão do curso nos países de origem, ou em sua permanência no Brasil. Os dados coletados indicam que os estudantes vêm em busca de formação em um programa de excelência e que essa expectativa se realiza: a experiência na Antropologia brasileira lhes trouxe novos aportes teóricos e metodológicos que não se faziam presentes na antropologia praticada em seus países de origem. Foram apontados alguns aspectos que poderiam facilitar a experiência de estudantes estrangeiros em Porto Alegre: orientação para entender a burocracia e as dinâmicas da Universidade, maior atenção e reconhecimento de suas experiências vividas no âmbito do PPGAS. Foram, também, apontadas dificuldades: o rigor do inverno e o preconceito racial na cidade de Porto Alegre. Entre alunos latino-americanos, há forte motivação de fixar residência e trabalhar no Brasil; entre os estudantes africanos, a busca por um ensino de qualidade faz parte de um projeto de vida motivado pelo desejo de retornar para promover o desenvolvimento de seu país. Estes egressos podem se tornar atores importantes nas parcerias entre instituições brasileiras e estrangeiras, com o potencial de ajudar na realização de acordos e eventos científicos, envolvendo a participação de pesquisadores de ambos os países. / This dissertation analyzes the PEC-PG, a scholarship program for graduate students) sponsered by CAPES (an agency of Brazil’s Ministry of Education) and CNPq (Brazil’s national science foundation), that targets foreign students. It takes the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGAS-UFRGS) as a case study. In order to do that, the research started by presenting a historical perspective of the process of internationalization of higher education and the influence of the Bologna Protocol in accelerating the internationalization of higher education in Brazil. The PPGAS-UFRGS has been involved in the process of internationalization since its beginning. This research, based on 13 interviews, shows the impact of scientific training for the life trajectory of students who got scholarships from PEC-PG. The interviews covered a number of issues, starting with how the students learned about the fellowship program, their motivations, experiences and academic achievements, as well as the implications of this training to their professional and social integration back in their countries of origin, upon completion of the course, or their stay in Brazil. The data collected indicate that students were seeking education in a program of academic excellence and, in this perspective, they have their expectations fulfilled: the contact with Brazilian Anthropology provided them with new theoretical and methodological approaches which did not exist in the anthropology practisced in their countries of origin. Students also pointed out aspects that could facilitate their experience as foreign students in Porto Alegre. Among others things, they report difficulty in understanding the dynamics of the University and a lack of recognition of their own experiences at the PPGAS. Other challenges were also pointed out, such as the rigors of winter and racial prejudice in the city of Porto Alegre. The research also shows that among students coming from Latin American countries, there is strong motivation to settle and work in Brazil, while among African students the quest for quality education is part of a larger project motivated by a desire to return and foster the development of their countries. These graduates may become important actors in partnerships between Brazilian and foreign institutions, with the potential to help in the accomplishment of scientific agreements and events, involving the participation of researchers from both countries.

Chitosan/carrageenan-based polyelectrolyte complexes and their composites with calcium phosphate for bone tissue engineering

De Araújo Júnior, José Vitor January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Highly Efficient CIGS Based Devices for Solar Hydrogen Production and Size Dependent Properties of ZnO Quantum Dots

Jacobsson, T. Jesper January 2014 (has links)
Materials and device concepts for renewable solar hydrogen production, and size dependent properties of ZnO quantum dots are the two main themes of this thesis. ZnO particles with diameters less than 10 nm, which are small enough for electronic quantum confinement, were synthesized by hydrolysis in alkaline zinc acetate solutions. Properties investigated include: the band gap - particle size relation, phonon quantum confinement, visible and UV-fluorescence as well as photocatalytic performance. In order to determine the absolute energetic position of the band edges and the position of trap levels involved in the visible fluorescence, methods based on combining linear sweep voltammetry and optical measurements were developed. The large band gap of ZnO prevents absorption of visible light, and in order to construct devices capable of utilizing a larger part of the solar spectrum, other materials were also investigated, like hematite , Fe2O3, and CIGS, CuIn1-xGaxSe2. The optical properties of hematite were investigated as a function of film thickness on films deposited by ALD. For films thinner than 20 nm, a blue shift was observed for both the absorption maximum, the indirect band gap as well as for the direct transitions. The probability for the indirect transition decreased substantially for thinner films due to a suppressed photon/phonon coupling. These effects decrease the visible absorption for films thin enough for effective charge transport in photocatalytic applications. CIGS was demonstrated to be a highly interesting material for solar hydrogen production. CIGS based photocathodes demonstrated high photocurrents for the hydrogen evolution half reaction. The electrode stability was problematic, but was solved by introducing a modular approach based on spatial separation of the basic functionalities in the device. To construct devices capable of driving the full reaction, the possibility to use cells interconnected in series as an alternative to tandem devices were investigated. A stable, monolithic device based on three CIGS cells interconnected in series, reaching beyond 10 % STH-efficiency, was finally demonstrated. With experimental support from the CIGS-devices, the entire process of solar hydrogen production was reviewed with respect to the underlying physical processes, with special focus on the similarities and differences between various device concepts.

Modelo de inserción y la posición competitiva de los países en transición de la Europa Central en el actual entorno global, El.

Fita Catà, Antoni 01 February 2007 (has links)
La investigación analiza el proceso de integración económica internacional y la competitividad de los países en transición de la Europa central (PEC) desde una perspectiva global. Defiende que el modelo de inserción de estos países en la economía mundial ha cambiado sustancialmente, pasando a predominar los sectores de sofisticación tecnológica media y alta e intensivos en capital físico y humano, y encuentra como principales impulsores del cambio estructural la apertura exterior y el objetivo estratégico de integración en la UE. El año 1997 aparece como el punto de inflexión clave, vinculado al aumento de las inversiones extranjeras directas y al cambio estratégico de las empresas multinacionales. No obstante, el proceso de globalización también ha influido, por la fuerte irrupción de los países asiáticos y la recuperación de los mercados de los países ex CAEM. El estudio también evidencia una mejora en la posición competitiva de estos países, que se encuentra ya muy próxima a los países de la UE-Sur, y defiende que la competitividad internacional ya no descansa sólo en las ventajas de costes, sino también en variables distintas al precio. No obstante, la investigación pone de relieve que todavía existen importantes retos a superar como el fenómeno de la dualización industrial, las asimetrías territoriales, la escasa capacidad de innovación y la limitada presencia en las regiones emergentes más dinámicas. Aunque en los últimos años se están observando mejoras relativas en algunos de estos aspectos, se considera necesario un papel más activo de los gobiernos y una mayor voluntad de apoyo por parte de la Unión Europea. / "THE INSERTION MODEL AND COMPETITIVE POSITION OF THE CENTRAL-EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES WITHIN THE CURRENT WORLDWIDE CONTEXT". TEXT:This research looks into the process of international economic integration and competitiveness of the central-eastern European countries from a global perspective. It argues that the insertion model for bringing these countries into the mainstream of the world economy has undergone significant change, where sectors employing a medium to high level of technological sophistication, with a high physical and human capital are gaining the upper hand, finding the international openness and the strategic goal of EU membership as the core of the thrust which is leading structural changes. In this context, the year 1997 can be credited as being the watershed, linked to the rise in foreign direct investment and the strategic changes made by the major multinationals. Nevertheless, the process of globalisation has also born an influence, most notably for the great impact caused by the Asian countries on the international scene and the recovery of markets from states of the former Comecon block. This work also sheds light on the improvement in the competitive position of the central¬eastern European countries, now in a position not far removed from those of the southern EU countries, underlining the assertion that international competitiveness does not depend solely on cost advantage, but on a number of variables apart from just price. It should be pointed out though that research has brought to light a number of important challenges to be overcome, such as that of the phenomenon of the dualisation of industry, territorial imbalances, a shortage of innovational skills and a limited presence in some of the most dynamic emerging regions. Even if in recent years some of the above have experienced movement in the right direction, it is nevertheless felt that governments should be taking a more active role and a greater determination to support the region be expressed in real terms by the European Union.

A internacionalização da educação superior no Brasil : um estudo de caso de alunos estrangeiros do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social/UFRGS

Feijó, Rosemeri Nunes January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa o Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-Graduação (PEC-PG), promovido pela CAPES e CNPq, por meio do estudo de alunos estrangeiros contemplados com esta modalidade de bolsa, tomando o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social (PPGAS) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul como estudo de caso. Neste trabalho, contempla-se a perspectiva histórica do processo de internacionalização da educação superior e a influência do Protocolo de Bolonha no avanço da internacionalização no Brasil. Salienta-se que o PPGAS tem participado no processo de internacionalização desde o seu início. A investigação, baseada em 10 entrevistas, contempla o grau de relevância da formação científica na trajetória de vida dos alunos bolsistas beneficiados pelo PEC-PG. Parte-se da tomada de conhecimento do referido programa pelos bolsistas, suas motivações, experiências e aproveitamento acadêmico, assim como as implicações desta capacitação na sua inserção profissional e social, após a conclusão do curso nos países de origem, ou em sua permanência no Brasil. Os dados coletados indicam que os estudantes vêm em busca de formação em um programa de excelência e que essa expectativa se realiza: a experiência na Antropologia brasileira lhes trouxe novos aportes teóricos e metodológicos que não se faziam presentes na antropologia praticada em seus países de origem. Foram apontados alguns aspectos que poderiam facilitar a experiência de estudantes estrangeiros em Porto Alegre: orientação para entender a burocracia e as dinâmicas da Universidade, maior atenção e reconhecimento de suas experiências vividas no âmbito do PPGAS. Foram, também, apontadas dificuldades: o rigor do inverno e o preconceito racial na cidade de Porto Alegre. Entre alunos latino-americanos, há forte motivação de fixar residência e trabalhar no Brasil; entre os estudantes africanos, a busca por um ensino de qualidade faz parte de um projeto de vida motivado pelo desejo de retornar para promover o desenvolvimento de seu país. Estes egressos podem se tornar atores importantes nas parcerias entre instituições brasileiras e estrangeiras, com o potencial de ajudar na realização de acordos e eventos científicos, envolvendo a participação de pesquisadores de ambos os países. / This dissertation analyzes the PEC-PG, a scholarship program for graduate students) sponsered by CAPES (an agency of Brazil’s Ministry of Education) and CNPq (Brazil’s national science foundation), that targets foreign students. It takes the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGAS-UFRGS) as a case study. In order to do that, the research started by presenting a historical perspective of the process of internationalization of higher education and the influence of the Bologna Protocol in accelerating the internationalization of higher education in Brazil. The PPGAS-UFRGS has been involved in the process of internationalization since its beginning. This research, based on 13 interviews, shows the impact of scientific training for the life trajectory of students who got scholarships from PEC-PG. The interviews covered a number of issues, starting with how the students learned about the fellowship program, their motivations, experiences and academic achievements, as well as the implications of this training to their professional and social integration back in their countries of origin, upon completion of the course, or their stay in Brazil. The data collected indicate that students were seeking education in a program of academic excellence and, in this perspective, they have their expectations fulfilled: the contact with Brazilian Anthropology provided them with new theoretical and methodological approaches which did not exist in the anthropology practisced in their countries of origin. Students also pointed out aspects that could facilitate their experience as foreign students in Porto Alegre. Among others things, they report difficulty in understanding the dynamics of the University and a lack of recognition of their own experiences at the PPGAS. Other challenges were also pointed out, such as the rigors of winter and racial prejudice in the city of Porto Alegre. The research also shows that among students coming from Latin American countries, there is strong motivation to settle and work in Brazil, while among African students the quest for quality education is part of a larger project motivated by a desire to return and foster the development of their countries. These graduates may become important actors in partnerships between Brazilian and foreign institutions, with the potential to help in the accomplishment of scientific agreements and events, involving the participation of researchers from both countries.

A internacionalização da educação superior no Brasil : um estudo de caso de alunos estrangeiros do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social/UFRGS

Feijó, Rosemeri Nunes January 2013 (has links)
A presente dissertação analisa o Programa de Estudantes-Convênio de Pós-Graduação (PEC-PG), promovido pela CAPES e CNPq, por meio do estudo de alunos estrangeiros contemplados com esta modalidade de bolsa, tomando o Programa de Pós-Graduação em Antropologia Social (PPGAS) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul como estudo de caso. Neste trabalho, contempla-se a perspectiva histórica do processo de internacionalização da educação superior e a influência do Protocolo de Bolonha no avanço da internacionalização no Brasil. Salienta-se que o PPGAS tem participado no processo de internacionalização desde o seu início. A investigação, baseada em 10 entrevistas, contempla o grau de relevância da formação científica na trajetória de vida dos alunos bolsistas beneficiados pelo PEC-PG. Parte-se da tomada de conhecimento do referido programa pelos bolsistas, suas motivações, experiências e aproveitamento acadêmico, assim como as implicações desta capacitação na sua inserção profissional e social, após a conclusão do curso nos países de origem, ou em sua permanência no Brasil. Os dados coletados indicam que os estudantes vêm em busca de formação em um programa de excelência e que essa expectativa se realiza: a experiência na Antropologia brasileira lhes trouxe novos aportes teóricos e metodológicos que não se faziam presentes na antropologia praticada em seus países de origem. Foram apontados alguns aspectos que poderiam facilitar a experiência de estudantes estrangeiros em Porto Alegre: orientação para entender a burocracia e as dinâmicas da Universidade, maior atenção e reconhecimento de suas experiências vividas no âmbito do PPGAS. Foram, também, apontadas dificuldades: o rigor do inverno e o preconceito racial na cidade de Porto Alegre. Entre alunos latino-americanos, há forte motivação de fixar residência e trabalhar no Brasil; entre os estudantes africanos, a busca por um ensino de qualidade faz parte de um projeto de vida motivado pelo desejo de retornar para promover o desenvolvimento de seu país. Estes egressos podem se tornar atores importantes nas parcerias entre instituições brasileiras e estrangeiras, com o potencial de ajudar na realização de acordos e eventos científicos, envolvendo a participação de pesquisadores de ambos os países. / This dissertation analyzes the PEC-PG, a scholarship program for graduate students) sponsered by CAPES (an agency of Brazil’s Ministry of Education) and CNPq (Brazil’s national science foundation), that targets foreign students. It takes the Graduate Program in Social Anthropology at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (PPGAS-UFRGS) as a case study. In order to do that, the research started by presenting a historical perspective of the process of internationalization of higher education and the influence of the Bologna Protocol in accelerating the internationalization of higher education in Brazil. The PPGAS-UFRGS has been involved in the process of internationalization since its beginning. This research, based on 13 interviews, shows the impact of scientific training for the life trajectory of students who got scholarships from PEC-PG. The interviews covered a number of issues, starting with how the students learned about the fellowship program, their motivations, experiences and academic achievements, as well as the implications of this training to their professional and social integration back in their countries of origin, upon completion of the course, or their stay in Brazil. The data collected indicate that students were seeking education in a program of academic excellence and, in this perspective, they have their expectations fulfilled: the contact with Brazilian Anthropology provided them with new theoretical and methodological approaches which did not exist in the anthropology practisced in their countries of origin. Students also pointed out aspects that could facilitate their experience as foreign students in Porto Alegre. Among others things, they report difficulty in understanding the dynamics of the University and a lack of recognition of their own experiences at the PPGAS. Other challenges were also pointed out, such as the rigors of winter and racial prejudice in the city of Porto Alegre. The research also shows that among students coming from Latin American countries, there is strong motivation to settle and work in Brazil, while among African students the quest for quality education is part of a larger project motivated by a desire to return and foster the development of their countries. These graduates may become important actors in partnerships between Brazilian and foreign institutions, with the potential to help in the accomplishment of scientific agreements and events, involving the participation of researchers from both countries.

Photoelectrochemical Water-Splitting using 3C-SiC

Höjer, Pontus January 2017 (has links)
In 1972 Fujishima and Honda conceptualised a photoelectrochemical cell for hydrogen generation via PEC water splitting. Hydrogen as a clean energy carrier provides environmentally friendly energy storage solutions or can fuel certain applications. This idea has since then been further built upon with new materials and combinations with the aim of improving efficiency. In this project n-type cubic silicon carbide thick layers were grown by a sublimation method and characterised for water splitting performance. A generated photo-current density of 0.45 mA/cm2 was measured with no bias between the working and counter electrodes.

Rotační sušící a sintrovací pece / Rotary drying and sintering kilns

Rafaj, Svatomír January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with rotary drying and sintering kilns. The first part focused upon construction of the kilns, kiln processes and the options of technological arrangement of the kilns. The thesis second part presents two experiments. The first one is targeted to find the relation between residence time, kiln rotary speed and kiln slope in longitudinal direction. The examinations analysed individually the relation between kiln rotary speed and residence time and the relation between kiln slope and residence time. Finally, the regression equation describing the relation between holding time, kiln rotary speed and kiln rake was established. The results given by regression equation much closer to the real one then the results given by literature. The difference between real residence time and the regression one is about one minute. The second one is concerned with producing a set of equations with respect of mass and heat balance in case of drying process. The input material was wet crushed tetra packs. There were established technological conditions of the material, necessary burner energy input, heat losses and distribution of heat between material and flue gas. There were taken away almost 80 percent of heat energy by flue gases. The remaining 20 percent was divided between latent heat, material and heat losses through the shell of the rotary kiln.

Automatické řízení procesu dochlazování v cihlářské peci / Automatic process control of aftercooling in brickkiln

Cacek, Jan January 2011 (has links)
The thesis deals with the design of the multivariable automatic control system of aftercooling process in the brick industry tunnel kiln. Theoretical part submits the facilities of controlled systems identification and the design methods of uni and multi variable systems. In the practical section is cleared up the principal of the aftercooling process and its identification based on the measured data. The output of the thesis is the design and the analysis of multivariable system with the conservation of the control circuit autonomy.

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