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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Mirous, Brian K. 17 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Synthèse avancée de matériaux hybrides pHEMA-TiO₂ par méthode sol-gel et polymérisation induite par hautes pressions, analyse de leurs propriétés optiques / Advanced synthesis of poly-(2-hydroxyethyl)methacrylate)-titanium dioxide (pHEMA-TiO₂) hybrid materials by sol-gel and HP induced polymerization methods and analysis of their optical properties

Evlyukhin, Egor 03 December 2015 (has links)
Les propriétés fonctionnelles spécifiques des matériaux hybrides organique-inorganique dépendent de leur structure à l’échelle microscopique ainsi que de la nature de l’interface entre leurs composantes organique et inorganique. L’une des voies principales pour synthétiser ces matériaux, consiste à incorporer des blocs inorganiques à l’intérieur d’un polymère. En pratique les applications des matériaux hybrides sont souvent limitées par leur comportement mécanique. En effet, l’augmentation de la concentration de la composante inorganique, à priori souhaitable pour améliorer les propriétés fonctionnelles du matériau, entraine généralement une dégradation des propriétés mécaniques en limitant l’étendue de la polymérisation de la phase organique. La fabrication de matériaux hybrides offrant une combinaison optimale des propriétés mécaniques et fonctionnelles est un problème important auquel nous apportons quelques éléments de réponses dans cette thèse. Pour cela nous démontrons et étudions une nouvelle approche pour la synthèse de matériaux hybrides photosensibles pHEMA-TiO₂ (pHEMA=poly-(2-hydroxyéthyl)méthacrylate) dans lesquels des nanoparticules inorganiques sont dispersées dans un polymère. Le procédé que nous proposons est basé sur l’utilisation de hautes pressions (HP)pour provoquer la polymérisation de la phase organique en l’absence de tout initiateur chimique. Nous avons d’abord observé la polymérisation spontanée du HEMA sous pression statique. La réaction se produit dans un domaine de pression limitée 0.1-1.6 GPa, en dessous du seuil de transition vitreuse, et est très peu efficace puisque le taux de conversion des monomères n’excède pas 28 % après 41 jours. La réaction peut cependant être considérablement accélérée lorsque l’échantillon sous pression est irradié dans le domaine UV. Nous avons montré que cela résultait de l’excitation à un photon de l’état triplet HEMA (T1) rendue possible par la modification de la structure électronique du HEMA sous HP. Cette méthode ne pouvant être utilisée pour la synthèse de matériaux photosensibles dans le domaine UV, nous avons développé une approche originale basée un cycle de compression-décompression. Lors de la phase de compression (> 6.5 GPa) des biradicaux (HEMA)₂ sont formés à partir de monomères excités HEMA (T1). À cette pression les contraintes stériques empêchent la formation de plus longs oligomères. La polymérisation ne se produit que dans une seconde étape lorsque l’échantillon, décompressé entre 0.1 et 2 GPa, est en phase liquide. Le taux de conversion des monomères dépasse alors 90 % en moins de 5 min. Les mesures de chromatographie d’exclusion stérique montrent la formation de longues chaines polymère (45000g/mol) et soulignent l’absence des dimères (HEMA)₂ ayant servis d’initiateurs de polymérisation. Cette seconde méthode de polymérisation s’est révélée extrêmement efficace pour synthétiser des hybrides pHEMA-TiO₂. Par rapport aux hybrides obtenus par voie classique à pression atmosphérique en utilisant des initiateurs de polymérisation thermique ou photonique, l’approche HP mise au point dans cette thèse permet de multiplier par un facteur trois la concentration de nanoparticules sans détériorer l’état de polymérisation de matériau. La sensibilité photonique des hybrides est ainsi augmentée sans dégradation des propriétés mécaniques. L’étude des propriétés photochromiques des hybrides montre que le rendement quantique de séparation des charges photo-induites et la capacité de stockage des électrons atteignent respectivement 15 % et 50% / The specific functional properties of the organic-inorganic hybrid materials depend on their microstructure and the nature of the interface between their organic and inorganic components. The production of hybrid materials with an optimum combination of mechanical and functional properties is a major problem in hybrid materials science. In this thesis we adress this issue by studing and proposing a new approach for synthesizing of photosensitive pHEMA-TiO₂ hybrid materials in wich inorganic nanoparticles are dispersed in a polymer. The method that we propose is based on the high pressure (HP) induced polymerization of the organic phase in the absence of a chemical initiator. We first observed the spontaneous polymerization of HEMA under static pressure. The polimerization process takes place in pressure range below the glass transition point (0.1-1.6 GPa) and after 41 days monomer conversion yield (CY) does not exceed 28%. The reaction may be significantly accelerated when the pressurized sample is irradiated in the UV range. We then developed an original approach based on compression-decompression cycle. During the compression step (>6.5 GPa) the biradicals formed from the excited monomers HEMA (T1) lead to the formation of small oligomers. The polimerization occurs in the second step when the sample decompressed at pressures between 0.1 and 2 GPa. The CY of 90% in less than 5 min is achieved. The new HP approach allows multiply by a factor of 3 the contration of nanoparticles in hybrids without damaging of their polimerization state. These hybrids exhibit a quantum efficiency of photoinduced charge separation of 15% and an electron storage capacity of 50%.

Photothermal imaging of PMMA film and photothermal spectroscopy of pHEMA hydrogel

Huang, Di 10 July 2017 (has links)
The mid-infrared is a promising region for detection different materials. Many vibrational modes, including bending and stretching, are located in this regime. Photothermal spectroscopy and imaging in the mid-infrared region is an emerging new method for non-contact detection of molecular groups. Our approach to photothermal spectroscopy and imaging utilizes a near-infrared erbium doped fiber laser (EDFL) to detect the photothermal induced changes in the refractive index. These changes are excited by a mid-infrared quantum cascade laser (QCL) pump beam. The probe beam is detected by a commercially available near-infrared photodetector. This method has advantages of high sensitivity, label-free detection, high spatial resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Hydrogels such as pHEMA are polymers that are of interest for contact lens, drug delivery and soft tissue replacement. The pHEMA hydrogel can retain water content, causing the material to swell. Additionally, pHEMA has a critical temperature at which the hydrogel undergoes a glass transition. Photothermal spectroscopy of pHEMA is demonstrated in this thesis where the presence of this glass transition temperature can be revealed. Additionally, photothermal imaging of a PMMA USAF target sample is shown and ideal parameters for high-resolution photothermal imaging are determined. In this thesis, we report a spatial resolution much smaller than the diffraction limited spot size of the mid-infrared beam. / 2018-07-09T00:00:00Z

Copper Grafted Titanium Dioxide in Hydrogels for Photocatalysts

Amsaaed, Salem 14 December 2018 (has links)
This study are based on the premise that the incorporation of metal ions into nano titania-PHEMA [poly (2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate)] hydrogels would enhance the desirable properties in the photodecomposition of pollutants. The investigation are centered in the use of Cu(II) as metal ion of interest. The development of TiO2-PHEMA-Cu hydrogels was conducted, and the characterization of the materials by FT-IR, XRD and fluorescence was performed. The absorption of copper(II) from the solution was monitored by UV-Vis. The FT-IR are found too, be the most effective tool too, analyze the interaction of Cu(II) with PHEMA in the nanocomposite hydrogels. The free carbonyl group has the IR band at 1715 cm-1 in the TiO2-PHEMA. Upon uptaking Cu(II), the hydrogels showed a new band at 1595 cm-1. Further examination establishes the relationship between the two bands. The time-dependent study revealed that the intensity of band at 1595 cm-1 would increase while that at 1715 cm-1 would decrease as the time for uptaking Cu(II) increased. A concentration-dependent study also demonstrated the same trend that showed the intensities of the two bands moved in the opposite directions.

Multiwalled Carbon Nanotube- Poly(2-hydroxyethyl Methacrylate) Composite Conduitfor Peripheral Nerve Repair

Arslantunali, Damla 01 March 2012 (has links) (PDF)
There are different methods used in the surgical treatment of peripheral nerve injury. In this respect, end-to-end surgical reconnection of the damaged nerve ends or autologous nerve grafts are applied as soon as possible after the injury. When autologous tissue transplant is considered, there are some medical devices available generally for relatively short nerve defects. As a solution for this problem, different tissue engineered nerve conduits have been developed. In the current study, a pHEMA hydrogel membranes were designed to mimic the tubular conduits and they were loaded with 1-6% (w/w) multiwalled carbon nanotubes (mwCNTs) to obtain electrical conductivity. The most important reason for the use of CNTs in peripheral nerve injury is their electrical conductivity. Within the context of the study, the degree of swelling, contact angles, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of the membranes were analyzed. As the amount of mwCNTs were increased, the contact angles, indicating higher hydrophobicity and the electrical conductivity increased. The tensile test of the mwCNT-pHEMA composite membranes showed that the membranes have viscoelastic structure similar to the structure of the soft tissues. The structure of the mwCNT containing pHEMA composite membranes were analyzed with different microscopical techniques such as SEM, CSLM and microCT. MwCNTs on the hydrogels were morphologically similar to the original. SEM micrographs also showed that the mwCNTs were grouped in clumps on hydrogel surfaces. No mwCNT leaching was observed because the mwCNTs were embedded in the hydrogel, therefore, no cytotoxic effect was observed. The pHEMA hydrogels were porous which is suitable for transportation of materials, electrolytes and gas needed for cell nutrition and growth. In the in vitro studies, SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cells were seeded on the membranes to determine the sustainability and effects of the membranes on the cell growth. Electrical potential of 1 and 2 V were used to stimulate the cells. Microscopical examination with SEM and CSLM, and MTT viability assay were used. The SHSY5Y neuroblastoma cells were attached and proliferated on both the composite and the hydrogel membranes. The cells on pHEMA membranes without mwCNTs, however, were not able to survive after application of electrical potential. As a conclusion, use of composite membranes in the treatment of peripheral nerve injury as a nerve conduit is appropriate. Electrical stimulation, however, did not induce the cells to align in contrast to the expected results, indicating potential and current application regime needs to be optimized to obtain the desired results.

Structures de biopolymères pour la reconstruction de tissus biologiques

Degeratu, Cristinel-Nicolae 19 July 2013 (has links) (PDF)
La thèse intitulée Structures de biopolymères pour la reconstruction de tissus biologiques, structurée en 4 chapitres, présente la possibilité d'obtenir des structures biopolymériques qui peuvent être utilisées dans la reconstruction des tissus, notamment dans la reconstruction des tissus osseux. Les objectifs spécifiques suivants ont été définis et suivis dans les chapitres 2, 3 et 4: 1) L'obtention de structures basées sur le PHA et des fibres naturelles, pour leur utilisation médicale - films, fibres, structures compactes et/ou poreuses, 2) Modification physique ou chimique des structures obtenues pour améliorer leur biocompatibilité, 3) Caractérisation biologique in vitro et in vivo des matériaux; 4) Etude de l'influence des métaux sur la minéralisation du tissu osseux. Le Chapitre I résume les biomatériaux utilisés en génie tissulaire basé sur la littérature. Le Chapitre II présente les différentes structures biopolymériques étudiées: films, microparticules, fibres, tubes et structures microporeuses et l'évaluation des propriétés physiques, chimiques et mécaniques des PHA et fibres naturelles et une étude sur la porosité en utilisant le microCT. Le chapitre III traite de l'influence de la porosité sur l'adhésion cellulaire des films de PHA, une étude in vitro et le comportement in vivo des fibres de PHBV. La dernière partie inclut une étude sur la modification des fibres de fibroïne et de cellulose, pour améliorer leur minéralisation. Le chapitre IV traite l'influence de l'aluminium sur la minéralisation osseuse. Cette étude a été motivée par les conclusions alarmantes des effets nocifs de l'aluminium sur la minéralisation osseuse. La dernière section contient des observations finales et des perspectives.

Biomatériaux et angiogenèse : Utilisation dans les métastases et la reconstruction osseuses

Nyangoga, Hervé Oscar 16 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Dans des études animales, nous avons étudié le développement des métastases osseuses, leur vascularisation ainsi que des biomatériaux de comblement ou pouvant cibler l'angiogenèse. Nous avons utilisé le poly 2-hydroxyéthyl méthacrylate (pHEMA) connu pour sa biocompatibilité, pour fabriquer des microbilles fluorescentes portant à leur surface des charges anioniques ou cationiques. Les microbilles ont été incubées avec une lignée de cellules endothéliales qui internalisent de préférence les microbilles portant une charge anionique. Un silicone radio-opaque a été utilisé pour caractériser l'architecture en 3D des vaisseaux sanguins à différents stades d'évolution des métastases osseuses chez le rat. Nous avons montré au niveau des os tumoraux une hypervascularisation et une désorganisation importante de l'architecture vasculaire avec un réseau très dense de micro vaisseaux à l'aspect tortueux s'étendant dans toute la zone trabéculaire, envahissant la corticale et la diaphyse en sens rétrograde. Dans une autre étude, l'acide zolédronique, un puissant bisphosphonate ayant aussi un effet anti-angiogénique, a été utilisé de façon préventive dans un modèle de métastase osseuse chez le rat. Il permet la conversion des métastases du carcinome MatLyLu, initialement ostéolytiques, en formes ostéocondensantes en limitant les perforations corticales. Enfin, chez le lapin, dans un modèle de comblement osseux par le bêta tricalcium phosphate (β−TCP), nous avons montré que des anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens, utilisés en chirurgie osseuse, ne retardent pas l'ostéogenèse au contact du biomatériau. La vascularisation joue un rôle important dans le remodelage osseux normal mais aussi dans les ostéopathies bénignes et malignes ainsi que dans l'ostéointégration des biomatériaux utilisés pour le traitement des pertes de substance osseuse.

Design, Synthesis, Processing, and Thermal Analysis of Nanocomposites with Tunable Properties

Kim, Mu Seong 01 January 2012 (has links)
Polymer composites containing nanosized fillers have generated explosive interest since the early 1980's. Many recent studies have been conducted incorporating nano-fillers into polymer matrices to design and synthesize materials with tunable mechanical, thermal, and optical properties. Conventional filled polymers, where the reinforcement is on the order of microns, have been replaced by composites with discrete nanosized fillers. Gradually, theories that predicted that composite properties are independent of particle size in the micron range were challenged by nanocomposites. Rather, nanocomposite properties are greatly influenced by the surface area of the. All of this is complicated by the fact that nanoparticles are inclined to aggregate or migrate to interfaces. Much effort has been devoted to optimize dispersion of nanofillers in the polymer matrices, as polymer-nanoparticle interactions and adhesion greatly influence performance of the material. A well- dispersed composite system with various noncovalent interactions such as those that arise from hydrogen bonding, electrostatic attractions and π-π interactions between the filler and the matrix, can transfer stress and the interface will stop the development of cracks and impede stress concentrations. Overall, large reinforcement increases are noted at low nanoparticle loadings. Additionally, functional properties such as thermal, electrical conductivity and porosity can be tailored for specific applications. The design of high performance composites requires optimizing dispersion, nanoparticle-polymer noncovalent interactions and the chemistry of the materials. Therefore polymer composites with different types of nanofillers were investigated to prove various noncovalent interaction and to improve the mechanical, thermal and electrical properties in this study. Poly (methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) with BaTiO3 and Bi2O3 composites were fabricated by two different methods; sonication of fillers in PMMA and in situ polymerization. Samples were irradiated in air via a JL Shepherd Mark I cesium-137 source. The dose rate was 985 rads/min and the total dose was 2.0 Mrad. The polymer sonication (PSON) method has a greater effect than in situ polymerization on sample uniformity. With the PSON method there was a slight improvement in rad hardness in the barium titanate composites. This is the case with and without MWNTs and coupling agents. The storage modulus and loss modulus were measured via Dynamic Mechanical Analyzer (DMA) under the tension film mode using a heating rate of 5 °C min-1 from -150 °C to 200 °C and a scanning frequency range of 1-100 Hz. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provided images of the polymer-nanocomposites. An aliphatic isocyanate, polyether, polyol thermoplastic polyurethane, Tecoflex® SG-85A, was solution processed with the varying amounts of silica nanowire. A new grade polyurethane, Tecoflex®, was synthesized from the aliphatic 4,4-methylene dicyclohexyl diisocyanate (H12MDI) with polytetramethylene ether glycol. Despite Tecoflex®'s longevity and wide use, this polymer's dielectric behavior has not been widely studied. Therefore, the dielectric response of neat PU, Tecoflex®, and PU composites with silica nanowire from -150 to 150 °C is presented. The mechanism of nanowire growing with diameters ranging from 50 to 500 nm has been established to follow the vapour liquid solid (VLS) model via the PtSi phase acting as the catalyst. Our previous thermal stability study of PU nanowire composites have yielded increased heat stability to 330 °C. In comparison, neat PU only maintains thermal stability in temperatures that range to 250 °C. The onset of decomposition temperature was measured by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) provided images of the polymer-nanocomposites. A series of PMMA-dodecyloxy NB and PHEMA-dodecyloxy NB composites were synthesized in situ and characterized. The dodecyl groups significantly alter the solubility of the nanoballs, imparting hydrophobicity to the surface of the nanoball. A comparison study was made between the PMMA-NB and PHEMA-NB nanocomposites. Structure property relations are discussed in terms of interactions between the polymer matrices and nanoball surfaces and interiors. These OC12 NB and the hydroxyl NB polymer composites are the first studies to date that probe relaxations and conductivity in discrete polyhedral metal-organic polymer composites. A novel ultra-flexible polycarbonate-polyurethane (PCPU) was synthesized with methylene bis(4-cyclohexylisocyanate), 1,4 butanediol as a chain extender and a polycarbonate polyol containing 1,6-hexanediol and 3-methyl-1,5-pentanediol. Through the techniques of water coagulation, the synthesis of self-healing PCPU with various concentrations of SWNT (Single-Walled Nanotubes) is possible. The resulting features of this synthesized rubber-like substance are to be evaluated to determine glass transition temperature. This novel type of polyurethane material targets growing markets for biocompatible polymers. Also, a secondary goal of this project is to obtain information useful to determining whether PCPU-carbon nanotube composites would be good candidates for use as a gel electrolyte in polymer batteries. All nanocomposites were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to determine glass transition temperatures. The dielectric permittivity (ε’) and loss factor (ε”) were also measured via Dielectric Analysis (DEA) in the frequency range 1Hz to 100 kHz and between the proper temperatures in all polymer composite. The electric modulus formalism was used to reveal structural relaxations including conductivity relaxation. The activation energies for the relaxations are presented.

Silica attached polymers and ligands for the selective removal of metal ions and radionuclides from aqueous solutions

Holt, James D. January 2014 (has links)
Surface functionalised silica materials have been prepared, followed by the extensive testing of their ability to remove metal ions from aqueous solutions. Modifications include ligand attachment and polymer grafting from the silica surface whilst the metals tested range from first row transition metals right through to the lanthanides and actinides. Characterisation of the materials produced has been of paramount importance for the understanding of the modification process and this is also extensively discussed. Atom transfer radical polymerisation (ATRP) has been used as the primary polymerisation method. Following polymerisation of 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate (HEMA), post functionalisation was attempted. However, this was found to cause severe cross-linking and all attempts to attach ligands to this failed. Nonetheless, this process was transferred to grafting from silica surfaces and a novel approach to the characterisation of this material was implemented. (3-aminopropyl) triethoxysilane (APTES) was reacted with multiple forms of silica, primarily ZEOprep silica (average particle size 71.48 πm) and fumed silica (0.007 μm). This produced an amine coated surface to which 2-bromoisobutyryl bromide (BIBB) was attached, providing the required surface for radical polymerisation to proceed with a selected monomer. Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (SSNMR) has been utilised as the major characterisation technique for each step, leading to significant understanding of how this occurs. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) and elemental analysis has supported this method at each stage whilst also enabling one to calculate the moles of APTES present, per gram of APTES-functionalised silica. For the ZEOprep silica this was calculated to be at up to 1.51 x 10-3 mol g-1 and for the fumed silica 1.63 x 10-3 mol g-1. As well as testing the selective nature of these materials, solutions of individual ions and radionuclides were used to measure the effectiveness of the materials for a specific ion. Rd values for these metals ions including solutions of Co(II), Ni(II), Cu(II), Cd2+, Eu(III) and [UO2]2+ have reached values ranging from 7.49 x 104 mL g-1 to as high as 2.17 x 109 mL g-1. These values are regarded as outstanding by other groups that have reported similar results and these are discussed in the report. This range includes values that were observed when competing Na+ and Ca2+ ions were present at 0.5 % and 1 % (w/w). pH testing was also investigated with the materials using a solution of europium ions to determine the most effective range and this was found to fall between pH 4 and 5. X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) has been utilised to help gain an understanding of the binding between Cu(II) ions and APTES, suggesting that copper ions bind with oxygen atoms closer to the silica surface as well as the nitrogen atoms at the end of the ligand. Meanwhile STEM (Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope) has been used to show how effectively the surface area of the material is used by imaging the europium ions over a sample of APTES-functionalised fumed silica. Ligands and polymers have been focussed on to build a catalogue of functional materials and this has been achieved in collaboration with PhosphonicS Ltd. The most significant finding from these selective investigations was that uranyl ions were found to be the most readily removed. Cu(II) and Eu(III) ions were also removed relatively effectively whilst Co(II), Ni(II), Zn2+ and Cd2+ proved the most challenging but certainly not impossible. [UO2]2+ concentrations were reduced from 17.1 ppm to 1.6 ppm after 4 weeks with use of the ligand SEA (2-aminoethyl sulfide ethyl silica), even with six other metal ions present at similar initial concentrations and a starting pH of 4.67 by adding just 50 mg of the material to a 45 mL solution.

Détection fluorimétrique en circuit microfluidique des ions Pb2+, Hg2+et Cd2+ en milieu aqueux

Faye, Djibril 03 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail de thèse s'inscrit dans le cas d'un projet européen nommé " microfluiD ". Ce projet vise principalement la détection des polluants organiques par voie microfluidique (les micotoxines dans les aliments de bétail, les bactéries et les métaux lourds). Devant les dangers écologiques des ions Pb2+, Hg2+ et Cd2+ dans l'environnement, il est important de multiplier le nombre d'analyses dans les eaux du robinet. L'utilisation de la fluorescence et des microlasers organiques présente de nombreux avantages. Outre leur faible coût, leur sensibilité ainsi que leur sélectivité, il est possible de concevoir à partir de ces techniques des dispositifs transportables sur le terrain. Deux approches sont principalement développées : Une première est basée sur la fluorescence ; elle a consisté à synthétiser des ligands fluorescents de type DPPS-PEG et CalixDANS-3-OH pour la détection du mercure et du plomb. Les études de la complexation des ions Hg2+, Pb2+ ont d'abord été effectuées en solution. La complexation de Cd2+ en circuit microfluidique à partir du composé commercial Rhod-5N a aussi été étudiée. Des résultats très prometteurs ont été obtenus pour la détection de Hg2+ par DPPS-PEG. Nous avons aussi étudié la possibilité de détecter Pb2+ à partir du CalixDANS-3-OH greffé sur les parois du circuit microfluidique. Malgré une dégradation de la sonde, nous avons réussi à détecter une faible concentration de plomb. Une très bonne sélectivité vis-à-vis des cations interférents testés a été obtenue. La seconde approche est basée sur la détection par microlasers. Nous avons synthétisé deux copolymères blocs pour la détection du plomb et du mercure. Des problèmes de solubilité nous empêchant de fabriquer des microcavités organiques à partir de ces polymères, une deuxième stratégie consistant à greffer les ligands spécifiques de Pb2+ et de Hg2+ sur les microcavités laser PMMA a été développée. Cette dernière nous a permis d'apporter une preuve de principe pour de la détection du mercure en fonctionnalisant le mercaptopropyltriéthoxysilane à la surface du PMMA. Ce travail nous a aussi amené à synthétiser des colorants laser à base de Bodipy pour la fabrication des microcavités lasers par polymérisation à deux photons (2PP).

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