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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

'n Geletterdheidsgereedmakingsprogram en die implikasies daarvan vir skoolgereedheid: 'n sielkundig-opvoedkundige perpektief

Pretorius, Ursula 01 January 2002 (has links)
See file

Matematiksvårigheter och lässvårigheter : En undersökning om skillnader mellan elever i matematiksvårigheter och elever i matematik- och lässvårigheter / Mathematics Disabilities and Reading Disabilities : A Study about the Differences between Students with Mathematics Difficulties and Students with Both Mathematics Disabilities and Reading Disabilities

Talvitie Svedlin, Annie January 2014 (has links)
Denna litteraturstudie avser att sammanställa och redovisa vetenskapligt granskade artiklar som behandlar skillnader hos elever i matematiksvårigheter och elever i matematik- och lässvårigheter. Studiens resultat visar att matematiksvårigheter och lässvårigheter är beroende av varandra. Resultatet påvisade skillnader hos elever i matematiksvårigheter jämfört med elever i läs- och matematiksvårigheter i deras arbetsminne, fonologiska medvetenhet och problemlösningsförmåga. Det finns även stöd från forskningen att elever i matematik- och lässvårigheter har signifikant sämre resultat i arbetsminne, fonologisk medvetenhet och problemlösningsförmåga. / This literature study intends to compile and narrate peer-reviewed articles about mathematics teaching. These articles that is compiled to cultivate the differences there is between students with mathematics disabilities and students with mathematic disabilities and reading disabilities. The result of this study demonstrates differences in working memory, phonological awareness, and problem solving in students with mathematic disabilities compared to students with both mathematics disabilities and reading disabilities. The most significant factor in the literature is that students who have both mathematical disabilities and reading disabilities have significantly lower results in working memory, phonological awareness, and problem solving.


Daniel, Huber 29 February 2008 (has links) (PDF)
The dissertation argues for the following thesis: Velars to have a phonological representation where place specification may be accomodated, but this hosting site is left empty. In other words, I assume velars to be placeless in their phonological representation. This hosting site can have a number of formulations, depending on the particular phonological model. It can be conceived as a Place node, like in Feature Geometry, or an element tier as in Government Phonology, or a particular dependency relation as in Dependency Phonology. According to the thesis, velars share the presence of this hosting site in their representation with labial and coronal consonants (and with vowels, of course), while differing from labials and coronals in not having anything to occupy this hosting site. The thesis is supported by phenomena from a range of languages. The placelessness of velars goes against received assumptions where coronals are considered unmarked due to their absence of place specification. I will demonstrate that quite a number of the most frequently cited cases in support of the unmarked status of coronals do not seem to constitute firm evidence for coronal unmarkedness (and in fact for markedness in general). This suggests that if coronals are still to be considered unmarked, it will have to have a different reason.

Η μάθηση της θεμελιακής ανάγνωσης στην ελληνική γλώσσα

Σαρρής, Μενέλαος 22 November 2011 (has links)
Σκοπός της παρούσας μελέτης ήταν να εξετάσει τις στρατηγικές μάθησης της ανάγνωσης και της ορθογραφημένης γραφής, τις οποίες εφαρμόζουν οι Έλληνες μαθητές που φοιτούν στις πρώτες τάξεις του δημοτικού σχολείου και το κατά πόσο αυτές είναι σύμφωνες με το μοντέλο της διττής θεμελίωσης της ανάγνωσης που έχει προταθεί για τη μάθηση της ανάγνωσης στην αγγλική γλώσσα. Η συγκεκριμένη έρευνα εντάσσεται στο πλαίσιο μια ευρύτερης διευρωπαϊκής προσπάθειας (LiteracyAcquisitioninEuropeanOrthographies) για τη διερεύνηση της μάθησης της ανάγνωσης σε διαφορετικά ορθογραφικά συστήματα γραφής. Συγκεκριμένα, στην παρούσα εργασία επιχειρήθηκε να διερευνηθεί διαχρονικά η μάθηση της ανάγνωσης και της ορθογραφημένης γραφής των μαθητών. Για το λόγο αυτό η έρευνα κινήθηκε σε δύο άξονες. Ο πρώτος αφορούσε τη μελέτη της ανάπτυξης των αναγνωστικών και ορθογραφικών δεξιοτήτων 50 μαθητών της Α΄ τάξης, οι οποίοι εξετάσθηκαν σε τέσσερις διαφορετικές χρονικές στιγμές κατά τη διάρκεια της φοίτησής τους στην Α΄ Δημοτικού. Στο δεύτερο άξονα της μελέτης αξιολογήθηκε η αναγνωστική και ορθογραφική ανάπτυξη 100 μαθητών της Α΄, Β΄, Γ΄και Δ΄ τάξης του δημοτικού σχολείου. Η αναγνωστική επίδοση των μαθητών αξιολογήθηκε με βάση το χρόνο και την ακρίβεια ανάγνωσης λέξεων και ψευδολέξεων, ενώ συνυπολογίστηκαν μεταβλητές όπως η ορθογραφική συνέπεια, το μήκος, η συλλαβική δομή, η συχνότητα κ.α. Επιπλέον, η μελέτη περιελάμβανε και την αξιολόγηση μεταβλητών ελέγχου, το επίπεδο γλωσσικής επίγνωσης, τη νοημοσύνη, τη μνήμη κ.α. Με βάση την ανάλυση των δεδομένων προέκυψαν τα ακόλουθα συμπεράσματα: (1) οι μαθητές φαίνεται να κατακτούν γρήγορα και με σχετική ευκολία το στάδιο της θεμελιακής ανάγνωσης, (2) η ταχεία μάθηση των γραμμάτων, η γρήγορη ανάπτυξη των δεξιοτήτων φωνολογικής επίγνωσης και η ακολουθούμενη μέθοδος διδασκαλίας προωθούν την υιοθέτηση της αλφαβητικής στρατηγικής στην ανάγνωση κατά τα πρώτα στάδια, (3) δεν αποδεικνύεται η ύπαρξη του λογογραφικού σταδίου της ανάγνωσης στην ελληνική γλώσσα, (4) αντίθετα τα δεδομένα φαίνεται ότι επιβεβαιώνουν την ύπαρξη της ορθογραφικής στρατηγικής ανάγνωσης, (5) στο τέλος της Α΄ τάξης υπάρχουν ενδείξεις ότι οι Έλληνες μαθητές βρίσκονται στο στάδιο της μορφογραφικής ανάγνωσης, (6) η βασική μονάδα αποκωδικοποίησης στην ανάγνωση φαίνεται ότι είναι η συλλαβή, (7) προς το τέλος της Α΄ τάξης οι μαθητές χρησιμοποιούν μια πιο ολική στρατηγική ανάγνωσης, η οποία δε φαίνεται να επηρεάζεται από τη δομή της συλλαβής ή τις ορθογραφικές συμβάσεις τις γλώσσας, (8) η θέση της εξαιρέσιμης συλλαβής αποτελεί παράγοντα που επιδρά τόσο στο χρόνο ανάγνωσης όσο και στο ποσοστό αναγνωστικής επιτυχίας και, (9) η απόδοση των μαθητών στην άσκηση της ταχείας κατονομασίας είναι δυνατό να προβλέψει τη μεταγενέστερη αναγνωστική επίδοση έως την τετάρτη τάξη του δημοτικού σχολείου. / The aim of this study was to examine the learning strategies of reading and spelling that Greek primary school children apply. Moreover, it is evaluated whether these strategies are compatible with the dual foundation model of reading development that has been proposed for learning to read in the English language. This study is part of a wider cross-european project (Literacy Acquisition in European Orthographies) that focuses on the investigation of learning to read in different orthographic writing systems. More specifically, the present thesis attempted to investigate reading development over time and for that reason a two-axis design was adopted. The first axis focused on the reading and spelling development of 50 children attending primary 1, who were evaluated in four different testing points throughout the year. The second axis assessed the reading and orthographic growth of 100 students of grades A΄, B΄, C and D΄. Reading achievement was evaluated on the basis of word and nonword reading fluency and accuracy, while variables as orthographic consistency, item length, syllabic structure, frequency etc were taken into account. Furthermore, this study included the evaluation of testing variables such as the level of phonological awareness, intelligence, working memory as well as control processes. Data analysis revealed the following conclusions: (1) children quite quickly and relatively easy acquire the foundation level of reading development, (2) the rapid acquisition of letter knowledge, the phonological awareness skills, as well as the standard reaching approach induce the development of the alphabetic process in the early stages of reading acquisition, (3) evidence acquired from data analysis does not support the existence of a logographic phase in reading development in the Greek language, (4) on the contrary, data analysis confirms the existence of an orthographic reading phase, (5) at the end of primary 1, children’s reading strategies appear compatible with the development of the morphographic phase of reading, (6) syllable seems to be the basic linguistic unit used in decoding, (7) towards the end of Primary 1 children tend to use a more holistic strategy in reading, which is not affected by either the syllabic structure or the orthographic conventions of the Greek language, (8) a position-of-irregularity effect can be detected on both reading speed and accuracy and, last but not least, (9) performance on rapid naming task may predict later reading performance through fourth grade.

Πειραματική διερεύνηση φωνολογικών παραγόντων της ελληνικής γλώσσας στη δυσλεξία

Παντελή, Μαρία 07 June 2013 (has links)
Η εξελικτική δυσλεξία είναι μια ειδική μαθησιακή δυσκολία στην κατάκτηση του γραπτού λόγου που δεν σχετίζεται με χαμηλό νοητικό δυναμικό, ελλιπείς εκπαιδευτικές ευκαιρίες ή κάποιο εμφανές αισθητηριακό ή νευρολογικό πρόβλημα. Σύμφωνα με την «υπόθεση των φωνολογικών αναπαραστάσεων», που έχει υποστηριχθεί από δεδομένα στην αγγλική γλώσσα, τα άτομα με δυσλεξία παρουσιάζουν δυσκολία στην επαρκή αποθήκευση και ανάσυρση ακολουθιών ήχων που απαρτίζουν λέξεις, δηλαδή στη διαμόρφωση επαρκών «φωνολογικών αναπαραστάσεων». Στην παρούσα εργασία εξετάστηκε συστηματικά η παραπάνω υπόθεση. Δύο ομάδες 25 (επιλεγμένων από την κοινή τάξη) και 20 (με επίσημη διάγνωση από το ΚΕΔΔΥ) δυσλεξικών μαθητών εξετάστηκαν παράλληλα με δύο ομάδες ελεγχου: η πρώτη ίδιας χρονολογικής ηλικίας και καλής αναγνωστικής ικανότητας και η δεύτερη μικρότερης χρονολογικής ηλικίας και ανάλογης αναγνωστικής ικανότητας με τους δυσλεξικούς. Διαπιστώθηκαν ήπιες δυσκολίες των δυσλεξικών αναφορικά με την ποιότητα των φωνολογικών τους αναπαραστάσεων, όπως αξιολογήθηκε από την ικανότητά τους στην κατονομασία εικόνων. Από την άλλη, οι συσχετίσεις της επίδοσής τους στην κατονομασία εικόνων με επιδόσεις σε δοκιμασίες επεξεργασίας εξερχόμενης και εισερχόμενης φωνολογικής πληροφορίας, αλλά και φωνολογικής επίγνωσης, βασισμένων μάλιστα στα ίδια στοιχεία του λεξικού με εκείνα που είχαν χρησιμοποιηθεί στη δοκιμασία κατονομασίας εικόνων, δεν ήταν σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις ιδιαίτερα ισχυρές. Πιθανοί αιτιολογικοί παράγοντες για τις δυσκολίες των δυσλεξικών μαθητών στο φωνολογικό επίπεδο διερευνήθηκαν τόσο σε γνωστικό όσο και σε αντιληπτικό επίπεδο. Σε γνωστικό επίπεδο, ο παράγοντας της «συχνότητας» της φωνολογικής αναπαράστασης φάνηκε να σχετίζεται ισχυρότερα με την ποιότητα των φωνολογικών αναπαραστάσεων όλων των μαθητών ανεξάρτητα από το επίπεδο αναγνωστικής ικανότητας, σε σχέση με τον παράγοντα του «αριθμού των συλλαβών». Τέλος, σε αντιληπτικό επίπεδο εξετάστηκαν δύο παράμετροι της ακουστικής αντίληψης ως πιθανοί αιτιολογικοί παράγοντες των δυσκολιών των δυσλεξικών στη φωνολογική επεξεργασία: α. η αντίληψη ταχύτατα παρουσιαζόμενων ακουστικών ερεθισμάτων (Tallal) και β. η αντίληψη του κέντρου του ακουστικού ερεθίσματος (p-center, Goswami). Τα αποτελέσματα δεν φαίνεται να υποστηρίζουν τις υποθέσεις για πιθανά ελλείμματα στις συγκεκριμένες παραμέτρους ακουστικής αντίληψης που εξετάστηκαν. / Developmental dyslexia is a specific learning difficulty in acquiring literacy skills that manifests despite normal IQ, adequate educational opportunity and in the absence of any obvious sensory or neurological damage. According to the “Phonological Representations Hypothesis”, a hypothesis that has been supported by research in English, a core deficit for individuals with dyslexia is a difficulty in accurately storing and retrieving the sound sequences that make up words, or “phonological representations”. In this thesis the “Phonological Representations Hypothesis” of dyslexia was tested and elaborated. Two groups of 25 (chosen from normal classes) and 20 (with formal diagnosis from the National Center of Diagnosis, Differential Diagnosis and Educational Support of Greece) dyslexics were assessed alongside chronological age and reading ability matched groups. Mild difficulties of dyslexics were found as far as the quality of the phonological representations is concerned, as indexed by picture naming. Assossiations between performance in picture naming and performance on related input and output phonological processing tasks and phonological awareness taks were not in all cases strong. Possible reasons for dyslxexic’s phonological difficulties were investigated at both cognitive and perceptual levels. As far as the cognitive level is concerned, “frequency” rather than “ length” of the phonological representation was found to be associated more strongly with the quality of the phonological representation of all students independently of their reading ability. As far as the perceptual level is concerned, two different explanatory factors for dyslexic’s difficulties in phonological processing were assessed: a. perception of rapidly presented auditory stimuli (Tallal, 1980) and b. perception of the perceptual center of acoustic signals (p-center, Goswami, 2002). Results are not stronlgy supportive of the two hypotheses tested concerning deficits in parameters of perception of acoustic stimuli.

Wh-constructions and the division of labour between syntax and the interfaces

Βλάχος, Χρήστος 01 February 2013 (has links)
The minimalist approach to natural human language argues that the syntax of a language L maps a certain structure to a certain form at PF and to a certain meaning at LF. With the above in mind, the ideal perhaps scenario, in terms of transparency, would be that the mapping between form and meaning would be one to one. In other words, there is as much form as there is meaning. This would further imply that the mapping between form and meaning is symmetric. The present thesis studies some aspects of the form and meaning of two kinds of wh-constructions in Modern Greek, i.e., questions and sluicing, and shows that the relevant mapping may not necessarily be one to one. With respect to questions, it is argued that the same form may correspond to more than one meaning. As regards sluicing, it is proposed that there is less form than meaning. On the face of the previous, the argument will be as follows. Syntax generates form, and restricts part of meaning, while additional aspects of meaning are facilitated by PF, regarding wh-questions, and LF, concerning sluicing. Finally, since PF contributes to meaning, LF sees PF, and vice versa. / Το μινιμαλιστικό πλαίσο προσέγγισης της φυσικής ανθρώπινης γλώσσας υποστηρίζει ότι η σύνταξη μιας γλώσσας Γ αντιστοιχεί μια ορισμένη μορφή με μια ορισμένη δομή στην ΦΔ, και με μία ορισμένη σημασία στην ΛΔ. Με αυτό ως δεδομένο, το ιδεατό ίσως σενάριο, όσον αφορά στην διαφάνεια, θα ήταν ότι η αντιστοίχιση μεταξή μορφής και σημασίας είναι ένα προς ένα. Με άλλα λόγια, υπάρχει τόση μορφή όση και σημασία. Κάτι τέτοιο θα υπονοούσε επίσης ότι η αντιστοίχιση μορφής-σημασίας είναι συμμετρική. Η παρούσα διατριβή μελετά ορισμένες πτυχές δομών ερώτησης μερικής αγνοίας, και δομών εκκένωσης, στα Νέα Ελληνικά, και δείχνει ότι η εν λόγω αντιστοίχιση δεν είναι απαραίτητα ένα προς ένα. Όσον αφορά στις δομές ερώτησης μερικής αγνοίας, υποστηρίζεται ότι η ίδια μορφή μπορεί να σχετίζεται με περισσότερες από μια σημασίες. Σχετικά με τις δομές εκκένωσης, προτείνεται ότι φέρουν λιγότερη μορφή απο σημασία. Με βάση τα παραπάνω, το επιχείρημα θα έχει ως εξής. Η σύνταξη παράγει μορφή, και περιορίζει μέρος της σημασίας, ενώ ένα άλλο μέρος της σημασίας εισάγεται από την ΦΔ, όσον αφορά στις ερωτήσεις μερικής αγνοίας, και την ΛΔ, σχετικά με τις δομές εκκένωσης. Τέλος, αφού η ΦΔ συνεισφέρει στην σημασία, τότε η ΛΔ δομή βλέπει την ΦΔ, και αντιστρόφως.

Traitement des gestes sans signification en mémoire de travail : Structure, stratégies et optimalisation / Treatment of meaningless gestures in working memory : structure, strategies and optimization

Gimenes, Guillaume 04 December 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail vise l’approfondissement des connaissances sur le traitement des gestes sans signification en mémoire de travail. Cette recherche se décompose en 5 études réparties sur trois temps : la caractérisation de la structure dédiée à ces stimuli ; les stratégies utilisées spontanément ; l’optimalisation des performances par des stratégies induites. Nos deux premières études montrent que les gestes sans signification sont traités par une composante dédiée en mémoire de travail. Celle-ci fonctionnerait à la manière de la boucle phonologique de Baddeley, Allen et Hitch (2011) tout en étant distincte d’elle. Les deux études suivantes mettent en évidence l'utilisation spontanée d’une verbalisation qui sert à l’évaluation des performances, sans pour autant les améliorer. À la vision des gestes, des traitements mnésiques verbaux et moteurs opèreraient en parallèle, sans pour autant que les traces mnésiques se combinent. Enfin, la dernière étude établit que le rappel gestuel est facilité par l’utilisation d’une stratégie verbale induite. En revanche, les performances ne sont pas améliorées par une stratégie de répétition gestuelle. Une combinaison entre différentes traces mnésiques peut donc s’effectuer en cas d’induction d’une stratégie permettant la concordance entre geste et mot. La discussion de la thèse s’articule autour d’une mise à jour du modèle de Baddeley et al. (2011), par l’addition d’une nouvelle composante nommée « boucle motrice ». Les gestes semblant être particulièrement sujets au contexte, nous ouvrons également le cadre de cette recherche sur les théories de cognitions ancrées et incarnées (Wilson, 2002 ; Barsalou, 2008), ainsi que sur le modèle des processus imbriqués (Cowan, 2001) / The objective of this work is to improve knowledge on the treatment of meaningless gestures in working memory. This research is based on five studies divided into three phases: the characterization of the structure dedicated to these stimuli; strategies used spontaneously; and optimization of performance due to induced strategies. Our first two studies show that meaningless gestures are processed by a dedicated working memory component. This component operates like the phonological loop of Baddeley, Allen and Hitch (2011) whilst being distinct from it. The next two studies highlight spontaneous verbalization, which is used in metacognitive judgments of performances, yet without improving the latter. When participants are watching gestures, both verbal and motor encoding could operate at the same time, though without combination of memory traces. The last study shows that the recall of gestures is facilitated by the use of an induced verbal strategy. However, performance is not improved by a gestural strategy. By consequence, a combination of the different memory traces is possible when words match gestures. The discussion of the thesis is structured around an update of Baddeley’s model (Baddeley et al., 2011) by adding a new component called the "motoric loop". As the gestures seem to be particularly prone to context, we are also opening the framework of this research on theories of embodied cognition (Wilson, 2002) and grounded cognition (Barsalou, 2008), as well as the embedded processes model of working memory (Cowan, 2001)

Att stödja elever med lässvårigheter : En kvalitativ studie kring lässvårigheter. / To support students with reading difficulties : A qualitative study of reading difficulties.

Edqvist, Samuel January 2018 (has links)
Detta är en kvalitativ studie med syftet att undersöka lärares uppfattningar om lässvårigheter i grundskolans tidigare år. Vidare syftar studien även till att undersöka hur lärare stödjer eleverna utifrån deras behov samt vilka tillvägagångssätt de använder sig av för att upptäcka lässvårigheter i tid. För att utföra studien har en kvalitativ intervju genomförts med sju verksamma lärare, varav en av dem är verksam i förskoleklass. Resultatet tyder på att det finns många faktorer som påverkar elevers lässvårigheter. Det kan bero på att elever inte har en fonologisk medvetenhet, saknar god ordavkodning eller saknar inre eller yttre motivation. Fortsättningsvis kan det även bero på att någon form av diagnos, så som dyslexi, påverkar elevens läsförmåga. En viktig faktor som tas upp i studien är att elevers problem med läsning aldrig ser likadana ut.  Alla behov ser olika ut och det är lärarens uppgift att hitta en lösning och kunna stödja elevernas fortsatta väg mot inlärning. Slutligen har ytterligare en viktig faktor framkommit av studien, nämligen att en lärare aldrig skall kunna bli överraskad över att en elev visar sig ha lässvårigheter. Det är snarare något de redan skall ha jobbat med för att upptäcka svårigheterna så tidigt som möjligt i undervisningen. / This is a qualitative study with the purpose of examining teachers’ perceptions of reading difficulties in elementary school. Furthermore, the purpose is to examine how teachers support their students based on their needs, as well as what different approaches they use to detect reading difficulties. To examine this, qualitative interviews have been performed with seven active teachers, one of them being active in elementary school. The result that emerged from the study is that there are many factors that affect students with reading difficulties. It can depend on the students not having a phonological awareness, lack of decent word decoding and/or lack of intrinsic or extrinsic motivations. Additionally, it can depend on a diagnosis, such as dyslexia, being involved. An important factor that is brought up in the study is that problems with students’ reading never look the same. Everyone’s needs are different, and it is the teachers’ duty to find a solution and support the students in their continued process of learning. Finally, another factor that has emerged through this study is the fact that a student’s reading difficulties should never come as a surprise as it ought to be the teachers aim to discover reading difficulties as early as possible.

Oralidade em redações escolares: proposta de intervenção para os erros de ortografia / Orality in school compositions: intervention proposal for spelling errors

Freitas, Layana Cristina Moura de January 2016 (has links)
FREITAS, Layana Cristina Moura de. Oralidade em redações escolares: proposta de intervenção para os erros de ortografia. 2016. 125f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras, Fortaleza (CE), 2016. / Submitted by Gustavo Daher (gdaherufc@hotmail.com) on 2017-03-03T14:42:56Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_lcmfreitas.pdf: 4180630 bytes, checksum: fd8d78dddfc2e33a0cde52729f1a0514 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-07T15:30:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_lcmfreitas.pdf: 4180630 bytes, checksum: fd8d78dddfc2e33a0cde52729f1a0514 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-07T15:30:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016_dis_lcmfreitas.pdf: 4180630 bytes, checksum: fd8d78dddfc2e33a0cde52729f1a0514 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016 / The National Curriculum Parameters for Portuguese Language (1997, 1998) alert that the traditional study of orthography in classrooms is fulfilled with the practice of exercises in formula repetition and in the correction of students’ spelling. This methodology, however, has proved little productive, since the compositions of students in the final years of primary school, as well as secondary school, still show many spelling mistakes. The orthography teaching-learning process lacks, therefore, a method that helps the students to recognize the conventions established by the Portuguese system of spelling and to be conscious of their own pronunciation, since, although there are different ways to pronounce words, only one notation was stipulated for the written form. Based on the works of Bisol (2001), Bortoni-Ricardo (2004, 2013), Cagliari (2003), Camara Jr. (2008, 2015), Lamprecht et al (2004, 2012), Lemle (2001), Morais (2005, 2008), Roberto (2016), Silva (2008), Seara et al (2011), Soares (1992) and Spinelli and Ferrand (2009), this research approaches the orality-motivated spelling difficulties faced by 9th grade students in a public school. This is an action research, whose data will be evaluated quantitatively and qualitatively. The objectives of this research are: i) identifying the types and frequency of spelling difficulties present in the writing of 9th grade students; ii) proposing activities for the treatment of the main spelling difficulties present in those students’ writing; and iii) evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention actions used in the treatment of the spelling mistakes that were identified. To that effect, a diagnosis of the most frequent spelling mistakes was carried out through compositions and evaluative questions, and the results showed monophthongization as the most common mistake. Later, a sequence of activities was proposed for the treatment of that mistake, which was followed by an evaluation through the repetition of the diagnosis procedures, now as a post-test. As a result, it was evidenced that the intervention applied, based on the reflection on the Portuguese system of spelling and on the students’ dialect and oral productions, contributed to reduce the incidence of the spelling mistakes that were the target of treatment. / Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais de Língua Portuguesa (1997, 1998) alertam que o estudo tradicional da ortografia, nas salas de aula, concretiza-se como a prática de exercícios de repetição de fórmulas e de correção da grafia dos estudantes. Essa metodologia, porém, tem se mostrado pouco produtiva, uma vez que as redações de alunos das séries finais do Ensino Fundamental, bem como de alunos do Ensino Médio, ainda revelam muitos erros ortográficos. Ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem da ortografia, falta, então, uma dinâmica que leve os alunos a reconhecerem as convenções estabelecidas pelo sistema ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa e a terem consciência de suas próprias pronúncias, visto que, mesmo havendo diferentes modos de falar, apenas uma única notação foi convencionada para a modalidade escrita. Pautando-se nos trabalhos de Bisol (2001), Bortoni-Ricardo (2004, 2013), Cagliari (2003), Camara Jr. (2008, 2015), Lamprecht et al. (2004, 2012), Lemle (2001), Morais (2005, 2008), Roberto (2016), Silva (2008), Seara et al. (2011), Soares (1992) e Spinelli e Ferrand (2009), esta pesquisa se debruça sobre as dificuldades ortográficas motivadas pela oralidade, enfrentadas por estudantes do 9º ano do Ensino Fundamental de uma escola da rede pública de ensino. Trata-se de uma pesquisa-ação, cujos dados serão avaliados quantitativa e qualitativamente, que tem como objetivos: i) identificar os tipos e a frequência das dificuldades ortográficas presentes na escrita de estudantes do 9º Ano do Ensino Fundamental; ii) propor atividades para o tratamento das principais dificuldades ortográficas presentes na escrita desses estudantes; e iii) avaliar a efetividade das ações de intervenção aplicadas para o tratamento dos erros ortográficos identificados. Para tanto, foi realizado um diagnóstico dos erros ortográficos mais frequentes por meio de redação e questões avaliativas, cujo resultado revelou a monotongação como o erro mais comum. Posteriormente, foi proposta uma sequência de atividades para o tratamento desse erro, a qual foi seguida de uma avaliação por meio da repetição dos procedimentos de diagnóstico, agora como pós-testes. Como resultado, constatou-se que a intervenção aplicada, fundamentada na reflexão sobre o sistema ortográfico da Língua Portuguesa e sobre os dialetos e as produções orais dos próprios alunos, contribuiu para reduzir a incidência dos erros de ortografia que foram alvo de tratamento.

Consciência fonológica e fonema : discutindo seus conceitos e seus empréstimos / Phonological awareness and phoneme : discussing their concepts and their loans

Souza, érika Costa de 26 August 2011 (has links)
This paper reflects on the conceptual issues regarding the notion of phonological awareness as a prerequisite for the acquisition of written language and the concepts of phoneme and sound. Despite repeatedly being used by researches in the areas of language pathology, the terms phoneme and sound have constantly been regarded as two equal entities, which implies in theoretical and methodological consequences in the research in these fields. The appropriation of these terms from Linguistics, in the phonological awareness researches was discussed in this dissertation based on the theoretical constructs of Structural Linguistics, especially those prepared by the precursors of the area of Phonology, as Trubetzkoy and Jakobson, and the American linguist Edward Sapir. Their reflections served as a conceptual support to confront the "appropriation" of the terms from Linguistics and the theoretical commitment maintained by the areas of language disorders with their original concepts. This work originated from theoretical reflections on the data from an experiment conducted with deaf and hearing children, students from 1st to 3rd grade of elementary school, whose aim was to evaluate the phonological awareness based on a copy activity of monosyllabic and trisyllabic words and pseudo-words. The initial concepts that guided the study, as well as the point of view of theories about phonological awareness and its assumption as a pre-requisite for the acquisition of an alphabetic written language, were confronted with the support of the Linguistics. / Este trabalho tece considerações sobre questões conceituais no que diz respeito à noção de consciência fonológica como pré-requisito para a aquisição de escrita e aos conceitos de fonema e som. Apesar de diversas vezes serem utilizados pelas pesquisas nas áreas de estudo das patologias de linguagem, os termos fonema e som têm, constantemente, sido considerados como duas entidades iguais, o que implica consequências teóricas e metodológicas nos trabalhos destes campos de estudo. A apropriação desses termos provindos da Linguística nas pesquisas sobre consciência fonológica foi discutida nesta dissertação com base nos construtos teóricos da Linguística Estruturalista, principalmente aqueles elaborados pelos precursores da área da Fonologia, como Trubetzkoy e Jakobson, e pelo estruturalista americano Edward Sapir. Suas reflexões conceituais serviram de apoio para confrontar o empréstimo dos termos da Linguística bem como o compromisso teórico mantido pelas áreas das patologias de linguagem com seus conceitos originais. Este trabalho originou-se a partir das reflexões teóricas sobre os dados de um experimento realizado com crianças surdas e ouvintes, alunas de 1ª a 3ª série do Ensino Fundamental, cujo objetivo foi avaliar a consciência fonológica com base em uma atividade de cópia de palavras e pseudopalavras monossílabas e trissílabas. Foram confrontados com apoio da Linguística os conceitos de partida que nortearam o estudo, o ponto de vista das teorizações sobre a consciência fonológica e a sua consideração como um pré-requisito para aquisição de escrita de uma língua alfabética.

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