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Filter och kapsling för IR-givare / Filter and installation for IR-detectorsOdelros, Stina, Snihs, Jesper, Ericsson, Martin, Gerdin, Johan, Heldin, Magnus, Dadashzadeh, Aidin January 2010 (has links)
This paper describes the work done trying to diminish the noise present in the signal from an IR-detector. The project was aiming towards two different kinds of applications; heat protection and presence detection. The hypothesis was that the signal-noise ratio would decrease if a filter and a proper installation were used for the detector. Some experiments were executed to determine what kind of filter were the most suitable for each application and how these could be installed. After executing the experiments and evaluate the results we recommend to use a specific filter for each application. To install the filter over the detector we evaluated which one of gluing and taping was the best and found that tape is better to use when small amounts are desirable and gluing with silicon is better if large-scale are desired.
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Supporting requirements engineering processes in small software enterprisesQuispe Sanca, Alcides January 2015 (has links)
Doctor en Ciencias, Mención Computación / Existen muchas variables que influyen en el éxito de un proyecto de software; sin embargo es ampliamente reconocido que el uso de Prácticas de Ingeniería de Requisitos (PIR) apropiadas contribuye en dicho éxito. Por esta razón es posible encontrar muchas PIR reportadas en la literatura.
Sin embargo, a pesar de que estas PIR suelen estar bastante bien descritas, los autores no siempre proveen información clara acerca del contexto del proyecto (por ejemplo, tipo de proyecto, tipo de cliente, experiencia del equipo de desarrollo, duración del proyecto, etc.) en el que son útiles. Por lo tanto, determinar las PIR más apropiadas para un proyecto dado pude ser difícil para una empresa de software, en particular para las pequeñas empresas de software (PES), que usualmente encuentran un gran desafío en la selección de las PIR más apropiadas para un proyecto dado.
Con el propósito de ayudar a los ingenieros de procesos o jefes de proyectos de una PES en este problema, este trabajo de investigación realizó un estudio empírico para lograr entender cuán útiles son las PIR para las PES reportadas en la literatura.
Después de haber realizado una revisión literaria, se identificaron 266 PIR para las PES. Luego, este conjunto fue reducido y simplificado tomando en consideración similitudes entre los objetivos de dichas PIR y su granularidad. Finalmente, se logró identificar un conjunto de 45 PIR como potencialmente útiles (según la literatura) para las PES.
Para entender la utilidad de estas PIR propuestas en la literatura, se realizaron varios casos de estudio en dos tipos de ambientes de desarrollo de software: (1) un ambiente académico, donde proyectos de software para clientes reales son desarrollados por alumnos del 5to año de ingeniería civil en computación de la universidad de Chile; y (2) un ambiente de la industria, donde se estudiaron cinco PES chilenas bien establecidas en el mercado.
Luego de haber estudiado en profundidad los procesos de software y las PIR en cada uno de estos dos escenarios, este estudio encontró que casi la mitad de las PIR (47%, 21 de 45) son usadas por las PES en todos sus proyectos, sin importar el contexto de dichos proyectos. Esto sugiere que hay un conjunto de PIR que toda PES bebería incluir en sus procesos de software. Este estudio también encontró que un 22% de las PIR (10 de 45) son usados por las PES dependiendo del contexto de sus proyectos. En particular, las PES estudiadas usan estas PIR solamente cuando desarrollan nuevos proyectos. El restante 31% de las PIR (14 de 45) es raramente o nunca usado por las PES en sus proyectos de software.
Estos resultados pueden guiar a los ingenieros de procesos y jefes de proyectos cada vez que tengan que definir las PIR más adecuadas para sus proyectos de software. De esta forma se estaría ayudando a reducir el nivel de incertidumbre acerca de la potencial utilidad que tienen las PIR para las PES. Read more
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IoT Based Home Monitoring SystemGUDURU, TABU SRAVANI, THATAVARTHY, SURYA NARAYANA MURTHY January 2019 (has links)
Home surveillance is a major concern in this day and age as with the rapid increase in the technology around us. There is a need to get updated with new possibilities to make our lives better and easy. Some cases and situations exhibit the need for home monitoring. So, we set out to discover a solution to this problem of home monitoring. Generally, we have issues with pets and kids alike such as approaching dangerous places like electric switches, stairs, and hot things. Not only a problem with kids and pets but also a chance of burglary and stranger's unusual activities. To overcome this problem we are designing and prototyping a system to keep an eye on kids, pets, and older people. This system is used in other applications like theft monitoring. The device can monitor the field all the time. In this way, this system helps in-home monitoring. The system consists of Arduino, which is the brain of the system, the PIR sensor, ESP32-CAM, and buzzer. The PIR sensor detects motion then gives input to the Arduino. Arduino gives output to the ESP32-CAM and buzzer. The ESP32-CAM can be activated and sends information to the user through the web Interface and the application. The user can see the video streaming on the PC screen or any other display. The buzzer can emit a high volume signal indicating that "there is an alert at the home". Read more
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Bezpečnostní systém s využitím mobilních sítí / Security system using mobile networksSvoboda, Adam January 2015 (has links)
This master´s thesis deals with design of security system, which transmits captured video using mobile systems. There are chosen representatives of cameras and motion sensors that could be used in the construction. The thesis also deals with the theoretical design of the transmission system, which consists of a camera, a motion sensor, an USB modem and a microprocessor, that manages all operations. There is also a proposed block diagram of a communication method. The security system is designed and tested in various conditions.
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Case Studies in Low Power Motion SensingDE, DEBRAJ 29 September 2009 (has links)
No description available.
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Convers?o t?rmica e termocatal?tica ? baixa temperatura do ?leo de girassol para obten??o de bio-?leoAra?jo, Aruzza Mabel de Morais 01 July 2011 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2011-07-01 / The use of biofuels remotes to the eighteenth century, when Rudolf Diesel made the first trials using peanut oil as fuel in a compression ignition engine. Based on these trials, there was the need for some chemical change to vegetable oil. Among these chemical transformations, we can mention the cracking and transesterification. This work aims at conducting a study using the thermocatalytic and thermal cracking of sunflower oil, using the Al-MCM-41 catalyst. The material type mesoporous Al-MCM-41 was synthesized and characterized by Hydrothermical methods of X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, nitrogen adsorption, absorption spectroscopy in the infrared and thermal gravimetric analysis (TG / DTG).The study was conducted on the thermogravimetric behavior of sunflower oil on the mesoporous catalyst cited. Activation energy, conversion, and oil degradation as a function of temperature were estimated based on the integral curves of thermogravimetric analysis and the kinetic method of Vyazovkin. The mesoporous material Al-MCM-41 showed one-dimensional hexagonal formation. The study of the kinetic behavior of sunflower oil with the catalyst showed a lower activation energy against the activation energy of pure sunflower oil. Two liquid fractions of sunflower oil were obtained, both in thermal and thermocatalytic pyrolisis. The first fraction obtained was called bio-oil and the second fraction obtained was called acid fraction. The acid fraction collected, in thermal and thermocatalytic pyrolisis, showed very high level of acidity, which is why it was called acid fraction. The first fraction was collected bio-called because it presented results in the range similar to petroleum diesel / O uso dos biocombust?veis remota ao s?culo XVIII, quando Rudolf Diesel realizou os primeiros ensaios utilizando o ?leo de amendoim como combust?vel em um motor de igni??o por compress?o. Com base nesses ensaios, constatou-se a necessidade de realizar algumas transforma??es qu?micas ao ?leo vegetal. Dentre essas transforma??es qu?micas, pode-se citar a transesterifica??o e o craqueamento. Este trabalho tem como objetivo, realizar um estudo utilizando-se o craqueamento t?rmico e termocatal?tico do ?leo de girassol, utilizando o Al-MCM-41 como catalisador. O material mesoporoso tipo Al-MCM-41 foi sintetizado hidrotermicamente e caracterizado pelos m?todos de difra??o de raios-X, microscopia eletr?nica de varredura, adsor??o de nitrog?nio, espectroscopia de absor??o na regi?o do infravermelho e an?lise termogravim?trica (TG/DTG). Ainda foi realizado o estudo do comportamento termogravim?trico do ?leo de girassol sobre o catalisador mesoporoso citado. Com base nas curvas integrais das an?lises termogravim?tricas e o m?todo cin?tico de Vyazovkin, foram estimados a energia de ativa??o, a convers?o e a degrada??o do ?leo em fun??o da temperatura. O material mesoporoso Al-MCM-41 apresentou forma??o hexagonal unidimensional. O estudo do comportamento cin?tico do ?leo de girassol com o catalisador mostrou uma menor energia de ativa??o frente ? energia de ativa??o do ?leo de girassol puro. Na pir?lise t?rmica e termocatal?tica do ?leo de girassol foram obtidas duas fra??es l?quidas. A primeira fra??o obtida foi denominada de bio?leo e a segunda fra??o obtida foi denominada de fra??o ?cida. A fra??o ?cida coletada tanto na pir?lise t?rmica como na termocatal?tica apresentou ?ndice de acidez muito elevado, raz?o pela qual foi denominada fra??o ?cida. A primeira fra??o coletada foi denominada de bio?leo porque apresentou resultados na faixa semelhante ao diesel de petr?leo Read more
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Les conditions du développement durable des plantations villageoises de palmiers à huile au Cameroun. / Conditions for the sustainable development of the smallholder oil palm sector in CameroonNkongho, Raymond 19 November 2015 (has links)
L'effondrement du FONADER (Fonds national de développement rural) qui avait initié les premiers partenariats entre petits exploitants de palmiers à huile et agro-industries au Cameroun, les programmes d'ajustement structurels, la dévaluation du Franc CFA, les crises économiques, et la baisse du prix du cacao et du café sur le marché international, ont conduit à l'émergence d'une nouvelle catégorie de producteurs d'huile de palme indépendants. Ces planteurs de palmiers à huile se sont retrouvés sans soutien technique et ont confié le traitement de leurs régimes aux moulins artisanaux. Les nombreuses difficultés rencontrées par ces petits exploitants se sont traduites par de très faibles rendements enregistrés dans leurs plantations. À la lumière de l'intérêt récent manifesté par de nouvelles agro-industries à investir dans le secteur du palmier à huile au Cameroun, et la décision des entreprises déjà établies d'étendre leurs superficies, l'étude signale que pour atténuer les crises sociales et environnementales résultant des conflits fonciers et de la dégradation des forêts, l'approche la plus durable pour développer le secteur serait de réorganiser des partenariats gagnant-gagnant et équitables entre les planteurs de palmiers à huile et les agro-industries.Au Cameroun, quatre des sept bassins de production d'huile de palme développés pendant le régime de partenariat FONADER ont été sélectionnés comme sites d'étude. Il s'agit d'Eseka dans la région Centre, Dibombari dans la région du Littoral, Muyuka et Lobe dans la région Sud-Ouest. Les agro-industries respectives sont Socapalm, CDC et Pamol. En Malaisie et en Indonésie, les sites de l'étude comprennent le site FELDA de Besout dans le district de Batang Padang, les modèles PIR et KKPA de PT. SAL dans le district de Bungo, le modèle KKPA de PT. Megasawindo et PT. Musim Mas dans les districts de Bungo et Pelalawan respectivement. La collecte des données a été organisée par l'administration de questionnaires et des interviews répétés avec les différents intervenants dans le secteur, des discussions de groupes, des recherches sur Internet et dans les bibliothèques des instituts de recherche spécialisés, ainsi que par des visites d'observation sur le terrain.L'étude porte sur l'origine et l'évolution des régimes de partenariat entre les petits exploitants d'huile de palme et les agro-industries, les points positifs et négatifs des divers modèles testés, et les raisons à l'origine des succès et des échecs enregistrés. L'étude a examiné plus en profondeur les forces et les faiblesses des petits exploitants indépendants de palmiers à huile d'aujourd'hui et les raisons pour lesquelles ces petits exploitants préfèrent traiter leurs régimes dans les moulins artisanaux malgré la présence de moulins industriels plus performants à proximité de leurs plantations. L'étude a en outre cherché l'inspiration auprès des expériences positives et négatives de grands projets en Malaisie et en Indonésie, les deux géants de la production mondiale d'huile de palme à travers des études de cas. Enfin, une approche participative prospective sur l'avenir du secteur de l'huile de palme organisée dans trois ateliers au Cameroun, a permis de générer des recommandations de politique sur la voie à suivre pour développer des partenariats équitables et durables entre les petits exploitants de palmiers à huile et les agro-industries au Cameroun.Mots-clés: partenariat, FONADER, FELDA, PIR, KKPA, agro-industrie, petits exploitants, agriculture contractuelle. / The collapse of the FONADER sponsored partnership between oil palm smallholders and major agro-industries in Cameroon together with the structural adjustment program, the devaluation of the Franc CFA, the economic crises, as well as the fall in the international market price for cocoa and coffee, led to the emergence of independent oil palm producers in the country. These oil palm planters have been grappling with the management of their plantation and the processing of their FFB with the use of artisanal mills. But the numerous difficulties faced by these smallholders are translated into very low yields registered in their plantations. In the light of the recent interest expressed by new agro-industries to invest in the oil palm sector in Cameroon, and the decision by old companies to expand their surface areas, the study notes that in order to mitigate some of the social and environmental crises that result from land conflicts and forest degradation, the most sustainable approach to develop the sector will be to revamp win-win and equitable partnerships between oil palm planters and agro-industries.In Cameroon, four of the seven palm oil production basins carved out during the FONADER partnership scheme where selected for our study sites. They included Eseka in the Center region, Dibombari in the Littoral region, Muyuka and Lobe in the Southwest region. The respective agro-industries were Socapalm, Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) and Pamol. In Malaysia and Indonesia, the study sites were the FELDA scheme of Besout in the district of Batang Padang, the PIR and KKPA scheme of PT SAL in the district of Bungo, the KKPA scheme of PT Megasawindo and PT Musim Mas in the district of Bungo and Pelalawan respectively. Data collection was organized through the administration of semi-guided questionnaires, secondary data sourcing, personal communication with different stakeholders in the sector, focus group discussions, internet and library search, as well as field observation visits.The study looked at the origine and evolution of partnership schemes between oil palm smallholders and agro-industries, what was right, what went wrong in the course of time, and why most partnerships collapsed. The study further looked at the strengths and weaknesses of today's independent oil palm smallholders and the reasons why these smallholders prefer to process their FFB in artisanal mills despite the presence of agro-industrial mills at the vicinity of their plantations. The study further drew inspiration on the positive and negative experiences of major schemes in Malaysia and Indonesia which have boosted production in their oil palm sector through case studies as well as through a participatory prospective analysis workshop in Cameroon on the future of the palm oil sector, as a way to generate policy recommendation on the way forward for future partnership schemes between oil palm smallholders and agro-industries in Cameroon.Keywords: Partnership, FONADER, FELDA, PIR, KKPA, agro-industry, smallholder, outgrower schemes. Read more
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A Low-Complexity Algorithm For Intrusion Detection In A PIR-Based Wireless Sensor NetworkSubramanian, Ramanathan 05 1900 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis investigates the problem of detecting an intruder in the presence of clutter in a Passive Infra-Red (PIR) based Wireless Sensor Network (WSN). As one of the major objectives in a WSN is to maximize battery life, data transmission and local computations must be kept to a minimum as they are expensive in terms of energy. But, as intrusion being a rare event and cannot be missed, local computations expend more energy than data transmission. Hence, the need for a low-complexity algorithm for intrusion detection is inevitable.
A low-complexity algorithm for intrusion detection in the presence of clutter arising from wind-blown vegetation, using PIR sensors is presented. The algorithm is based on a combination of Haar Transform (HT) and Support Vector Machine (SVM) based training. The amplitude and frequency of the intruder signature is used to differentiate it from the clutter signal. The HT was preferred to Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in computing the spectral signature because of its computational simplicity -just additions and subtractions suffice (scaling coefficients taken care appropriately). Intruder data collected in a laboratory and clutter data collected from various types of vegetation were fed into SVM for training. The optimal decision rule returned by SVM was then used to separate intruder from clutter. Simulation results along with some representative samples in which intrusions were detected and the clutter being rejected by the algorithm is presented.
The implementation of the proposed intruder-detection algorithm in a network setting comprising of 20 sensing nodes is discussed. The field testing performance of the algorithm is then discussed. The limitations of the algorithm is also discussed.
A closed-form analytical expression for the signature generated by a human moving along a straight line in the vicinity of the PIR sensor at constant velocity is provided. It is shown to be a good approximation by showing a close match with the real intruder waveforms. It is then shown how this expression can be exploited to track the intruder from the signatures of three well-positioned sensing nodes. Read more
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Den vertikala trädgårdens utveckling : En design research studie för framtagning av ett teoretiskt väggsnitt bestående av en halvsandwich med en infäst levande fasad / Development of the vertical garden : A design research study for the development of a theoretical wall consisting of a half-sandwich wall with an attached living facadeBacknäs, Johanna, Svensson, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Introduction: There is a housing shortage in Sweden and the green space factor must be taken into account when building. The green space factor includes living façades that have a positive effect on people and society. The company Butong, in which the work has been done in collaboration, has patented solutions within living façades. The company currently mounts the façade solutions on a prefabricated concrete sandwich wall, but lacks a solution for mounting on a half sandwich wall. The purpose of a solution with a half sandwich wall was to avoid unnecessary material consumption, reduce environmental impact, and reduce the thickness of the wall. The work examined a half sandwich wall with three insulation materials: cellular plastic, PIR and Kooltherm. Method: The chosen method for the study was design research methodology, which contains a total of seven steps. The first two steps were used in this study. The first step consisted of a literature study. The second step was supplemented with empirical data in form of interviews and further literature studies. Calculations for carbon dioxide equivalents were performed by calculating the footprint of each material. The calculations were based on the material thickness of 1 m2 wall area. Data were obtained from environmental product declarations for construction products (EPDs) based on factors A1-A3. Results and Analysis: For all half sandwich walls, a roofboard in stone wool was chosen as the utmost layer. This was based on conditions for fire safety for the materials cellular plastic and PIR, and based on attachment for the material Kooltherm. The use of a polypropylene plastic mat to obtain an air gap was decided for all materials based on moisture safety. Furthermore, the results showed three possible fastening methods for mounting Butong's façade solution on a half-sandwich walls: cast plastic profiles (SFS-profiles), vertically cast L-profiles and horizontally cast L-profiles. The result also reported that replacing a full sandwich wall with a half sandwich wall reduces material consumption, and reduces emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents by up to 31%. This is based on the EPD factors A1-A3 where a comparison of the half sandwich wall was made with a full sandwich wall. Discussion: The thickness of the walls could be reduced by 60-80 mm when a full sandwich wall was replaced with a half sandwich wall. The variation depended on insulation material. The insulation material Kooltherm resulted in the thinnest wall. The material PIR varied in fire classification. The reason was discussed to be the difference in supply of products in different countries. The choice of attachment method was reported to be dependent on the situation. Cellulose showed the lowest emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents. Both with regard to the production phase, and with regard to the percentage reduction when comparing full sandwich walls and half sandwich walls. In conclusion, the choice of insulation material depends on individual preferences. Cellular plastic should be used when prioritizing at least emissions of carbon dioxide equivalents. Kooltherm is suitable when prioritizing the degree of utilization, considering that the wall is thinnest. / Introduktion och syfte: Det är bostadsbrist i Sverige och det måste tas hänsyn till grönytefaktorn vid bebyggelse. I grönytefaktorn ingår levande fasader som påverkar människor samt samhälle positivt. Företaget Butong, som arbetet har skett i samarbete med, har patenterade lösningar för levande fasader. Företaget monterar idag fasadlösningarna på ett helsandwichelement, men saknar lösning för att montera på ett halvsandwichelement. Syftet med halvsandwichelement var att undvika onödig materialåtgång, minska miljöpåverkan, samt erhålla en tunnare tjocklek på elementet. Arbetet undersökte ett halvsandwichelement utifrån tre ingående isoleringsmaterial: cellplast, PIR och Kooltherm. Metod: Vald metod för arbetet var design research methodology som totalt innehåller sju steg. De två första stegen användes i studien. Första steget bestod av en litteraturstudie. Det andra steget kompletterades med hjälp av empiri i form av intervjuer och fortsatta litteraturstudier. Beräkningar för koldioxidekvivalenter utfördes genom att beräkna respektive materials avtryck. Beräkningarna utgick från materialets tjocklek på 1 m2 väggyta. Data hämtades från miljövarudeklarationer för byggprodukter (EPD:er) utifrån faktorerna A1-A3. Resultat och Analys: För samtliga halvsandwichelement valdes en takboard av stenull som yttersta skikt. Detta utifrån brandsäkerhet för materialen cellplast och PIR respektive utifrån infästning för materialet Kooltherm. Användning av platonmatta för att erhålla en luftspalt bestämdes för samtliga material utifrån fuktsäkerhet. Vidare visade resultatet tre möjliga infästningsmetoder för att montera Butongs fasadlösning på ett halvsandwichelement: ingjutna plastprofiler (SFS-fästen), vertikalt ingjutna L-profiler samt horisontellt ingjutna L-profiler. Resultatet redovisade även att ersätta helsandwichelement med halvsandwichelementet minskar materialåtgång, samt minskar utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter med upp till 31%. Detta utifrån EPD-faktorerna A1-A3 där en jämförelse av halvsandwichelementet gjordes med ett helsandwichelement utifrån samma funktionsvärde. Diskussion: Tjockleken på elementen kunde minskas med 60-80 mm med den nya lösningen. Variationen var beroende av isoleringsmaterial. Isoleringsmaterialet Kooltherm resulterade i tunnast element. Materialet PIR varierade i brandklassning. Anledningen diskuterades vara skillnaden i utbud av produkter i olika länder. Val av infästningsmetod redovisades vara beroende av situation. Cellplast visade lägst utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter. Både avseende produktionsfasen, samt med hänsyn till procentuell minskning vid jämförelse av helsandwichelement och halvsandwichelement. Avslutningsvis kunde slutsatsen konstateras att val av isoleringsmaterial beror på individuella preferenser. Cellplast bör användas vid prioritering inom minst utsläpp av koldioxidekvivalenter. Respektive Kooltherm är lämpligt vid prioritering av utnyttjandegrad, då elementet är tunnast. Read more
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Mall för jämförelse av ytterväggar i byggprojekt : Examensarbete i jämförande av ytterväggar för byggprojekt av flerbostadshus med en Excelmall / Template for comparison of exterior walls in construction projects : Bachelor thesis comparing exterior walls for building projects of multi-family houses using an Excel template Författare: Jonas Bergh Oscar Klockars Uppdragsgivare: JärntorgetBergh, Jonas, Klockars, Oscar January 2017 (has links)
Byggbranschen har många olika ytterväggar i projekt. Det är ofta svårt och tidskrävande att ta reda på vilket av ytterväggsalternativen som är bäst för ett specifikt projekt. I examensarbetet har det tagits fram en mall för att kunna jämföra prefabricerade ytterväggars; värmegenomgångskoefficient (U-värde), arbetstider, kostnader för material och arbete, avfall i produktion, skillnader i bruksarea och skillnad i intäkter beroende på väggens tjocklek. Genom tester med hjälp av kalkylering- och U-värdesberäkningsprogram har mallen kontrollerats för att få värden som stämmer överens med dessa. Det resulterade i att totalkostnaderna skiljer sig med 0,002-2,395 %, tidsåtgången 0-0,007 % och U-värdet 2,4 %. Jämförelse mellan två olika väggtyper har gjorts åt Järntorgets begäran. Ena väggen är en prefabricerad utfackningsvägg bestående av mineralullsisolering med stålreglar och den andra en bärande betongvägg med PIR-isolering. Resultatet av jämförelsen visade att utfackningsväggen var det mest lönsamma alternativet. En tredje yttervägg lades även till i jämförelsen för att hitta ett bättre alternativ. Det är en utfackningsvägg med PIR-isolering innehållande låg andel genomgående stålreglar. Resultatet visade att utfackningsväggen med PIR-isolering är det bättre alternativet. / The construction industry has many different exterior walls in projects. It is often difficult and time consuming to find out which of the exterior wall options is best for a specific project. In the bachelor thesis a template has been developed to compare prefabricated outer walls; Heat transfer coefficient (U value), working hours, materials and labor costs, waste in production, differences in usage area and difference in revenue depending on the thickness of the wall. Through tests using programs for cost calculation and U-value calculation, the template has been examined to match those values. As a result, total costs differed 0.002-2.395%, duration of the project 0-0.007% and U-value 2.4%. Comparison between two different wall types has been made to Järntorget's request. The single wall is a prefabricated infill wall consisting of mineral wool insulation with steel bars and the other a load-bearing concrete wall with PIR insulation. The result of the comparison showed that the prefabricated infill wall was the most profitable option. A third exterior wall was also added to the comparison to find a better alternative. It is a prefabricated infill wall with PIR insulation with low proportion of continuous steel studs. The result showed that the prefabricated infill wall with PIR insulation is the better option Read more
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