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Povrchové změny v závislosti na parametrech FDM tisku / Surface changes based on FDM printing parametersČada, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
This thesis deals with a construction of modified RepRap 3D printer Rebel II which operates with Fused Deposition Modeling technology and selection of suitable criterion for printing. It mainly focuses on the temperature of the material being printed and speed of printing for three selected materials. Materials were selected based on availability in the market and their application. An experiment, focusing on surface changes of products as well as on the look of a fibre after passing through a nozzle, was performed.
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Monitoring Cell Behaviors on Variety of Micropatterns Created with Biodegradable PolymerMun, Kyu-Shik 26 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Validation and Characterization of TCF7L1-SALL4 Protein-Protein Interaction in Mouse Embryonic Stem CellsSeo, Caleb January 2019 (has links)
Here, we validate novel protein interactors of TCF7L1 (also known as TCF3), a downstream transcription factor in the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway, from an initial protein interaction screen that utilized the BioID system in mouse embryonic stem cells. The BioID-TCF7L1 screen identified multiple proteins including several transcription factors and numerous epigenetic regulators. Notably, SALL4, a key embryonic stem cell factor belonging to the SPALT family of transcription factors was validated to interact with TCF7L1 through Proximity Ligation Assay (PLA), and Co-Immunopreciptation (Co-IP). Analysing mRNA transcriptomic signatures of TCF7L1-null mEScs and SALL4 overexpressing mESCs, we observed similarly increased output of the pluripotency-gene, Tbx3, suggesting a transcriptionally opposing function between TCF7L1 and SALL4. Furthermore, we identified that SALL4 also interacted with TCF7, suggesting that SALL4 may interact with all four members of the TCF/LEF transcription factor family to regulate Wnt targets. This work further validates the utility and effectiveness of screening transcription factor interactors through the BioID system and provides important insights into SALL4 mediated Wnt regulation through the TCF/LEFs. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / The biology of cells is highly complex. The genes within are under tight regulation to promote balance that is critical to the growth and status of the cell. Cells communicate with one another to support this balance through molecule secretion signaling which dictates biology. Understanding the complex biology within cells is critical, and therefore here we study one of many signaling pathways known as the Wnt Signaling Pathway. This work contributes to the knowledge of Wnt signaling by validating the interaction of proteins that dictate the onset or offset of important genes in mouse embryonic stem cells.
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Multiple shape memory behavior of highly oriented long‐chain‐branched poly(lactic acid) and its recovery mechanismLi, J., Zhao, X., Ye, L., Coates, Philip D., Caton-Rose, Philip D. 07 January 2019 (has links)
Yes / The shape memory effect of highly oriented long‐chain‐branched poly(lactic acid) (LCB‐PLA) prepared through solid‐phase die drawing technology was studied by comparison with PLA. When the recovery temperature increased from 60°C to 120°C, for PLA, only one‐step recovery at about 80°C can be observed and the recovery ratio was below 21.5%, while, for LCB‐PLA, multiple recovery behavior with high recovery ratio of 78.8% can be achieved. For oriented PLA, the recovery curve of the final sample showed the same trend with that of sample suffering just free drawing; while for oriented LCB‐PLA, the recovery curve of the final sample showed the same trend with that of sample suffering just die drawing. After shape recovery, the mechanical properties of LCB‐PLA showed a linear downward trend with the recovery temperature. Together with amorphous phase, the oriented mesomorphic phase, which formed during solid die drawing, can act as switching domains. And thus, upon heating, the chain segment of amorphous phase relaxed at first and triggered the first macroscopical shape recovery, leading to the decrease of long period (Lac) and the thickness of the amorphous layer (La). Then, with further increasing temperature, the oriented mesomorphic phase gradually relaxed resulting subsequently multi‐shape recovery, and the Lac and the La further decreased. Therefore, by regulating the recovery temperature of oriented LCB‐PLA, the shape recovery ratio and mechanical strength can be controlled effectively, and thus the self‐reinforced and self‐fastening effect can be achieved simultaneously for PLA as bone fixation material.
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Controlled drug release from oriented biodegradable polymersAmbardekar, Rohan January 2015 (has links)
This research is the first systematic investigation of solid-state orientation as a novel method for controlling drug release from biodegradable polymers. The effect of various degrees of polymer orientation was studied in oriented Poly (L-lactic acid) (PLA) films containing curcumin and theophylline as model drugs. Additionally, direction specific drug release was studied from oriented PLA rods containing paracetamol.
The films oriented to 2X uniaxial constant width (UCW) or 2X2Y biaxial draw ratio showed retardation of drug release, when their nematic structure was stabilised by the presence of crystalline theophylline. Contrarily, the same films when contained solid solution of curcumin, shrunk in the release medium and exhibited a release profile similar to the un-oriented films. All films oriented to the UCW draw ratio ≥ 3X contained α crystalline form of PLA and showed acceleration of drug release proportionate to the draw ratio. According to the proposed mechanism augmented formation of water filled channels in these films was responsible for faster drug release.
Similarly, the paracetamol loaded PLA rods die-drawn to uniaxial draw ratios ≥ 3X exhibited enhancement of drug release. Importantly, the amount of drug released along the oriented chain axis was significantly larger than that in the perpendicular direction. Drug release from the die-drawn rods was accelerated by a greater degree than that observed from the oriented films. This can be correlated to the differences in their size, geometry and the crystalline form of PLA.
In conclusion, the current study provided substantial evidence that solid-state orientation can offer a control over drug release from PLA.
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Films de PLA y PLA-PHB plastificados para su aplicación en envases de alimentos. Caracterización y análisis de los procesos de degradaciónArrieta, Marina Patricia 03 September 2014 (has links)
El uso de envases plásticos, constituidos por materiales poliméricos derivados del petróleo, se ha extendido en muchas aplicaciones debido a su disponibilidad a gran escala, bajo coste de producción, gran versatilidad y buenas propiedades barrera. Sin embargo, representan un importante impacto medioambiental y una fuente enorme de generación de residuos de difícil eliminación. Como respuesta a este problema se ha planteado la prevención de la contaminación ambiental mediante el uso de biopolímeros como el poli(ácido láctico), PLA.
Tras el uso de estos productos, el PLA puede ser recuperado a través de procesos mecánicos (triturado-transformación térmica) o químicos (hidrólisis), o bien ser depositado junto con la materia orgánica para la formación de compost. Además de los estudios intensivos de la biodegradabilidad del PLA en condiciones de compostaje, la estabilidad térmica y el comportamiento durante la degradación térmica cobran importancia para la transformación, aplicación, y el reciclado térmico. La aplicación de la tecnología de pirólisis al tratamiento de residuos ha ganado aceptación en la industria. La pirólisis de residuos de PLA puede ser económica y medioambientalmente atractiva. Para estudiar los cambios estructurales de los materiales, la pirólisis es una técnica analítica mucho más sensible que las técnicas térmicas analíticas utilizadas comúnmente como termogravimetría (TGA), o calorimetría diferencial de barrido (DSC). La combinación de la pirólisis acoplada a cromatografía de gases y con el espectrómetro de masas (Py-GC-MS), resulta una herramienta ventajosa para la caracterización de polímeros. La pirolisis produce compuestos volátiles los cuales pueden ser identificados y también cuantificados. De esta manera, la Py-GC-MS resulta una técnica analítica muy útil para obtener información sobre las reacciones química de degradación de los polímeros inducidas por la temperatura, puede proporcionar información de la cinética de descomposición de los polímeros y de la composición de los productos obtenidos de la degradación térmica.
El PLA es un bipoliéster obtenido de la polimerización del ácido láctico. Es un polímero termoplástico biodegradable, que puede obtenerse a partir de productos agrícolas simples como el maíz. En la actualidad el PLA se encuentra disponible en el mercado en aplicaciones prácticas como cubiertos, platos, tazas, tapas, bolsas, films, y aplicaciones de envasado de alimentos. El PLA ha cobrado especial interés debido su disponibilidad en el mercado, bajo coste, y su potencial para reemplazar a otros polímeros derivados del petróleo, como poliestireno o polietilentereftalato, utilizados en el envasado de alimentos. El PLA se reconoce como seguro en aplicaciones de envasado de alimentos, clasificado como GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) por la FDA. El uso de PLA se encuentra limitado debido a que presenta algunas restricciones en cuanto a sus propiedades barrera, mecánicas, y térmicas. En este sentido, la alta fragilidad del PLA limita tanto su capacidad de proceso como sus aplicaciones y una manera de mejorar el comportamiento mecánico del PLA es mediante la adición de plastificantes. No obstante, la adición de plastificante como modificadores del PLA se encuentra limitada por los requisitos de su aplicación final. Así, para el envasado de alimentos sólo se pueden añadir plastificantes no tóxicos y aprovados para el contacto con alimentos. Para modificar al PLA también se ha estudiado la mezcla con otros polimeros, en este sentido el Polihidroxibutirato (PHB), es capaz de aumentar la cristalinidad del PLA. El PHB es un polímero biodegradable, biocompatible, de regular cristalinidad y moderada resistencia mecánica, utilizado en varias aplicaciones, como por ejemplo, en la fabricación de envases plásticos biodegradables. Al obtenerse a partir de fuentes de carbono naturales renovables, como maíz representa un material biodegradable prometedor para reemplazar otros polímeros sintéticos. / Arrieta, MP. (2014). Films de PLA y PLA-PHB plastificados para su aplicación en envases de alimentos. Caracterización y análisis de los procesos de degradación [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/39338 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales
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Desarrollo de materiales de alto rendimiento medioambiental basados en poliésteres con aditivos de origen renovableMontava Jordá, Sergio 09 December 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] En las últimas décadas la sustitución de los materiales poliméricos convencionales o de origen fósil por los materiales de origen biológico y/o biodegradable está siendo de gran interés para diferentes investigaciones debido al agotamiento de los recursos fósiles y también del encarecimiento de su extracción. La sociedad está siendo testigo de la gran cantidad de residuos plásticos que se generan a nivel mundial y del daño que se genera si no se tratan correctamente. Estos hechos hacen que cada vez se esté más concienciada, de que la solución no es erradicar los materiales poliméricos sino encontrar soluciones sostenibles con el medio ambiente tanto con la generación como con la eliminación de los residuos plásticos.
Por este motivo, los biopolímeros están despertando el interés tanto de investigadores como de organizaciones gubernamentales como una posible solución a los problemas ambientales. Una de las familias más importantes dentro de los biopolímeros es la de los poliésteres biodegradables entre las que destaca el ácido poliláctico o polilactida, PLA, el cual puede proceder de origen fósil o biológico, principalmente del almidón. También existen poliésteres no biodegradables de origen parcialmente biológico o incluso ya se está empezando a comercializar completamente biológico como puede ser el polietilén tereftalato o poli (tereftalato de etileno), PET. En concreto, el PET es el poliéster más utilizado a nivel mundial tanto en fibras en la industria textil como en la industria del embalaje para fabricación de botellas. A pesar de todas las ventajas, que parecen que presenten los biopoliésteres, en ocasiones no pueden presentar las mismas propiedades que los polímeros de origen fósiles o convencionales siendo más débiles.
El objetivo de este trabajo consiste estudiar diferentes tipos de rellenos o aditivos de origen renovable para mejorar ciertas propiedades, como la rigidez, cristalinidad o estabilidad térmica, de los biopoliésteres más utilizados, PLA o bio-PET, para ampliar el campo de aplicación u obtener soluciones más sostenibles con el medio ambiente. / [CA] En les últimes dècades la substitució dels materials polimèrics convencionals o d'origen fòssil pels materials d'origen biològic i / o biodegradable està sent de gran interès per a diferents investigacions causa de l'esgotament dels recursos fòssils i també de l'encariment de la seva extracció. La societat està sent testimoni de la gran quantitat de residus plàstics que es generen a nivell mundial i del mal que es genera si no es tracten correctament. Aquests fets fan que cada vegada s'estiga més conscienciada que la solució no és eradicar els materials polimèrics sinó trobar solucions sostenibles amb el medi ambient tant amb la generació com amb l'eliminació dels residus plàstics.
Per aquest motiu, els biopolímers estan despertant l'interès tant d'investigadors com d'organitzacions governamentals com una possible solució als problemes ambientals. Una de les famílies més importants dins dels biopolímers és la dels polièsters biodegradables entre les que destaca l'àcid polilàctic o polilactida, PLA, el qual pot procedir d'origen fòssil o biològic, principalment del midó. També hi ha polièsters no biodegradables d'origen parcialment biològic o fins i tot ja s'està començant a comercialitzar completament biològic com pot ser el polietilè tereftalat o poli (tereftalat d'etilè), PET. En concret, el PET és el polièster més utilitzat a nivell mundial tant en fibres en la indústria tèxtil com en la indústria de l'embalatge per a fabricació de botelles. Tot i tots els avantatges, que semblen que presentin els biopoliésteres, de vegades no poden presentar les mateixes propietats que els polímers d'origen fòssils o convencionals sent més febles.
L'objectiu d'aquest treball consisteix a estudiar diferents tipus de farcits o additius d'origen renovable per millorar certes propietats, com la rigidesa, cristal·linitat o estabilitat tèrmica, dels biopoliésters més utilitzats, PLA o bio-PET, per ampliar el camp d'aplicació o obtindre solucions més sostenibles amb el medi ambient. / [EN] In recent decades the replacement of conventional polymeric materials or fossil origin by materials of biological and/or biodegradable origin is of great interest for different investigations due to the depletion of fossil resources and also the cost of extracting them. Society is witnessing the large amount of plastic waste generated worldwide and the damage that is generated if not treated properly. These facts mean that it is becoming more and more aware that the solution is not to eradicate polymeric materials, but to find sustainable solutions with the environment, both with generation and with the elimination of plastic waste.
For this reason, biopolymers are arousing the interest of both researchers and government organizations as a possible solution to environmental problems. One of the most important families within biopolymers is that of biodegradable polyesters, among which polylactic acid or polylactide, PLA, stands out, which can come from fossil or biological sources, mainly from starch. There are also non-biodegradable polyesters of partially biological origin or even already being completely commercialized biological such as polyethylene terephthalate, PET. Specifically, PET is the most widely used polyester worldwide both in fibers in the textile industry and in the packaging industry for bottle manufacturing. Despite all the advantages, which seem to have biopolyesters, sometimes they cannot have the same properties as fossil or conventional polymers, being weaker.
The aim of this work is to study different types of fillers or additives of renewable origin to improve certain properties, such as stiffness, crystallinity or thermal stability, of the most used biopolyesters, PLA or bio-PET, to expand the field of application or obtain more sustainable solutions with the environment. / Montava Jordá, S. (2019). Desarrollo de materiales de alto rendimiento medioambiental basados en poliésteres con aditivos de origen renovable [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/134363 / Compendio
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A CAD tool for current-mode multiple-valued CMOS circuitsLee, Hoon S. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited / The contribution of this thesis is the development of a CAD (computer aided
design) tool for current mode multiple-valued logic (MVL) CMOS circuits. It is
only the second known MVL CAD tool and the first CAD tool for MVL CMOS.
The tool accepts a specification of the function to be realized by the user,
produces a minimal or near-minimal realization (if such a realization is possible),
and produces a layout of a programmable logic array (PLA) integrated circuit that
realizes the given function. The layout is in MAGIC format, suitable for submission
to a chip manufacturer. The CAD tool also allows the user to simulate the realized
function so that he/she can verify correctness of design.
The CAD tool is designed also to be an analysis tool for heuristic minimization
algorithms. As part of this thesis, a random function generator and statistics gathering
package were developed. In the present tool, two heuristics are provided and
the user can choose one or both. In the latter case, the better realization is output
to the user. The CAD tool is designed to be flexible, so that future improvements
can be made in the heuristic algorithms, as well as the layout generator. Thus,
the tool can be used to accommodate new technologies, for example, a voltage mode
CMOS PLA rather than the current mode CMOS currently implemented. / http://archive.org/details/cadtoolforcurren00leeh / Lieutenant, Republic of Korea Navy
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Porovnání vývoje ochrany přírody a socioekonomického rozvoje vybraných území jihozápadního pohraničí / Protected areas, NP Šumava, PLA Český les, ANCOVA, socioeconomic development, border regionPícha, Zdeněk January 2016 (has links)
Villages occur in many Czech and central European large protected areas (LPA). Some inhabitants and local politicians occasionally publish, that occurrence of the LPA can inhibit regional development and cause negative demographic and socioeconomic changes in the region. This diploma thesis tests this assumption and studies the effect of existence and establishment of the LPA on socioeconomic parameters of villages and their inhabitants. The case study was conducted in the south-west border region of the Czech Republic, the area of high o ser atio alue. The Šu a a Natio al Park i side of alread e isti g Šu a a Protected La ds ape Area, PLA a d Český les PLA ere esta lished 99 a d 5, respectively. Also Novohradské hory PLA was proposed several times but have not been proofed till now. Statistical analysis (ANCOVA) for selected socioeconomic and demographic parameters of 39 villages and their cadasters were used to study development of the region between years 1991 - 2011. The results found the village size (number of permanent residents living in the village) to be more significant predictor for most of studied parameters than occurrence of the village in/out of the LPA. The results are discussed with results of similar studies conducted in other protected areas. Peripheral character of the border...
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China's development of asymmetric warfare and the security of Taiwan, Republic of ChinaJinn, Guo-Woei 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release; distribution in unlimited. / The military changes that have transformed global politics in recent years - especially since the end of the Cold War - have brought about a new revolution in military affairs (RMA) by the United States. The PLA has begun to study the RMA by focusing on asymmetric warfare capabilities under high technological conditions. China believes that asymmetric operations have the advantages of enabling a swift and precise attack and avoiding mass destruction on Taiwan's infrastructure and hightech industry. They also have the benefits of low intensity, low collateral damage, high efficiency, fast attack, and fast victory. In summary, asymmetric operations are regarded by the PLA as a kind of warfare that conforms both with the dictum of China's ancient war theorist Sun Tzu to "defeat the enemy without bloodshed and fighting" and the demands of a modern economy. In the face of China's development of asymmetric capabilities, Taiwan should think about how best to confront and counter China's threats and to gain a military edge over China.
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