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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Bio-based nonwoven fabric-like materials produced by paper machines

Uusi-Tarkka, Eija Katariina January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is, in collaboration with the Swedish company Innventia, to explore the possibilities of using paper machines to create fabric-like nonwoven materials. As part of a relatively new research-area, it serves as some of the ground knowledge that is needed to drive this field forward. The research of this thesis is born from the increasing need for more environmental friendly textiles, and to find new uses for the paper production facilities and companies that are currently experiencing a decline in paper production. The materials used in the research were produced with the Finnish handsheet former and the StratEx sheet-maker made by Innventia. The research consists of the following tests: Tissue Softness Analysis, (TSA), tensile strength and bending stiffness. The tests are done with different combinations of lyocell, PLA, softwood and dissolving pulp in the tested sheets. It is also tested if the lyocell can be a meaningful substitution for PLA in combination with softwood pulp and dissolving pulp when creating the fabric-like materials. In conclusion of this research it can be said that, compared to benchmarking samples like bedding sheets, table cloths and cotton shirts, the sheets created and tested are competitive alternatives to existing materials when it comes to softness. It also became clear that the tensile strength has to be increased to make fabric-like nonwoven materials applicable on the same level as existing textiles. Even so, it is still evident that there is a potentiality in the use of paper machines in the development and creation of new fabric-like materials.

Projekt cyklistické naučné stezky v Chráněné krajinné oblasti Kokořínsko / Project of Educational cycle trail in protected landscape area in Kokořínsko

Válek, Martin January 2011 (has links)
Title A Project of Educational Bicycle Trail in Kokořínsko Protected Landscape Area. Objective The aim of this work is to create a project of Educational bicycle trail in Protected Landscape Area (PLA) Kokořínsko, create an information brochure, which could be distributed to tourist information centres in the region. Methods The discussion with employees of Kokořínsko PLA and collection of information on existing bicycle trails, bicycle tracks, educational trails, natural and cultural assets in the area. Classification and verification of collected data. Using the information obtained for creating an Educationl bicycle trail. Presenting a summary in an information brochure. Assessment of the project via questionaires. Results The result of this work is a proposal of two educational cycle trails with possible combinations in Kokořínsko in form of an information brochure. The brochure includes educational texts connected to the areas on the trail, photographs and maps. Keywords Kokořínsko, Educational trail, bicycle trail, bicycle track, protected landscape area (PLA).

A elabora??o de um corpus oral : a etapa de transcri??o da intera??o na sala de aula de portugu?s como l?ngua adicional

Pimentel, Cl?udia Lima 10 January 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Caroline Xavier (caroline.xavier@pucrs.br) on 2017-07-07T17:24:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_CLAUDIA_LIMA_PIMENTEL_COMPLETO.pdf: 1355613 bytes, checksum: 842ce604c59847516f402440e277ebd8 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-07T17:24:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DIS_CLAUDIA_LIMA_PIMENTEL_COMPLETO.pdf: 1355613 bytes, checksum: 842ce604c59847516f402440e277ebd8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-01-10 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES / Studies on Portuguese as an Additional Language (PAL) have assumed a prominent position in the current Brazilian environment. UPLA (Use and Process of Additional Language) is a project at PUCRS (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul), located in Brazil, which aims to develop language competence in Academic Portuguese for a growing number of foreign students that are coming to this university to seek higher education. Classroom interaction can provide a new kind of data, revealing insights into the relationship between interaction patterns, language use and learning. Corpora of learners of PAL is being collected at PUCRS and will serve as a basis for the analysis of this data. As a contribution to the project, this paper aims to present a proposal for transcribing the oral interaction in this area and also and also present interaction analysis models in Portuguese classroom as an additional language. The methodology adopted is that of John DuBois, a professor at the University of California, who created a system of specific symbols for the transcription of the interaction. The transcription of spoken language can provide a wide range of information in many language aspects, with implications for grammar, semantic-pragmatic aspects, social interaction and culture. This survey will also enable the development of materials for teaching and learning Academic Portuguese both for learners of Portuguese as an additional language and for native speakers. In an interface with the Conversation Analysis (CA) and Corpus Linguistics (CL) methodology, the transcription of general academic Portuguese will not only reflect our view of the language, but also present existing language patterns in this genre, highlighting some relevant phenomena to be analyzed through the very act of transcribing. / Os estudos de portugu?s como l?ngua adicional (PLA) v?m assumindo uma posi??o de destaque no cen?rio brasileiro atual. O UPLA (Uso e Processamento de L?ngua Adicional) ? um projeto da PUCRS, coordenado pela Professora Cristina Becker Lopes Perna, que tem como objetivo desenvolver a compet?ncia lingu?stica em PLA de estudantes estrangeiros que est?o em mobilidade acad?mica. O projeto conta com trabalhos em l?nguas como o Mandarim, o Ingl?s e o Portugu?s, com an?lise em Met?foras, Hedges e Posicionamento em ?mbito acad?mico - ?rea que estamos descobrindo em fun??o da car?ncia de estudos. At? o momento, os trabalhos t?m sido desenvolvidos com base em corpus escrito, pois, no Brasil, o uso de corpora oral ? ainda incipiente (PUC-SP, UFMG, PUC-RS, UNISINOS). Inseridos em um contexto espec?fico, que ? o da Universidade, a intera??o dos aprendizes em sala de aula pode fornecer um novo tipo de dado, revelando insights sobre a intera??o, o uso da linguagem e a aprendizagem. Um corpus de aprendizes de PLA est? sendo coletado e elaborado na PUCRS para servir como base para a an?lise desses dados. Como contribui??o para o projeto, este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar uma proposta de transcri??o para representar a intera??o oral que acontece no ambiente acad?mico geral e mostrar exemplos de an?lises que poderiam ser feitas a partir dos dados gerados e transcritos da intera??o em sala de aula de portugu?s como l?ngua adicional. A metodologia adotada ? a de John DuBois, professor na UC, que criou um sistema de conven??es espec?fico para a transcri??o da intera??o. A transcri??o da linguagem falada pode fornecer uma ampla gama de informa??es em muitos aspectos da linguagem, com implica??es para a gram?tica, aspectos sem?ntico-pragm?ticos, intera??o social e da cultura. Esta pesquisa tamb?m permitir? o desenvolvimento de materiais para o ensino e o aprendizado do Portugu?s Acad?mico, tanto para aprendizes de portugu?s como l?ngua adicional como para falantes nativos. Em uma interface com a Pragm?tica, a An?lise da Conversa (AC) e a Lingu?stica de Corpus (LC), a transcri??o oral do Portugu?s Acad?mico n?o s? ir? refletir nossa vis?o da l?ngua, mas tamb?m apresentar padr?es de linguagem existentes neste g?nero, destacando alguns fen?menos relevantes a serem analisados atrav?s do pr?prio ato de transcrever.

Controlled drug release from oriented biodegradable polymers

Ambardekar, Rohan January 2015 (has links)
This research is the first systematic investigation of solid-state orientation as a novel method for controlling drug release from biodegradable polymers. The effect of various degrees of polymer orientation was studied in oriented Poly (L-lactic acid) (PLA) films containing curcumin and theophylline as model drugs. Additionally, direction specific drug release was studied from oriented PLA rods containing paracetamol. The films oriented to 2X uniaxial constant width (UCW) or 2X2Y biaxial draw ratio showed retardation of drug release, when their nematic structure was stabilised by the presence of crystalline theophylline. Contrarily, the same films when contained solid solution of curcumin, shrunk in the release medium and exhibited a release profile similar to the un-oriented films. All films oriented to the UCW draw ratio ≥ 3X contained α crystalline form of PLA and showed acceleration of drug release proportionate to the draw ratio. According to the proposed mechanism augmented formation of water filled channels in these films was responsible for faster drug release. Similarly, the paracetamol loaded PLA rods die-drawn to uniaxial draw ratios ≥ 3X exhibited enhancement of drug release. Importantly, the amount of drug released along the oriented chain axis was significantly larger than that in the perpendicular direction. Drug release from the die-drawn rods was accelerated by a greater degree than that observed from the oriented films. This can be correlated to the differences in their size, geometry and the crystalline form of PLA. In conclusion, the current study provided substantial evidence that solid-state orientation can offer a control over drug release from PLA.

Synthèse de nanoconjugués PEG-PLA pour des applications biomédicales : libération contrôlée et Imagerie / Synthesis of nanoconjuguate PEG-PLA for biomedical applications : drug delivrery and Imaging

Gontard, Gwenaëlle 13 June 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une collaboration entre Sanofi à Vitry-sur-Seine et le Laboratoire Hétérochimie Fondamentale et Appliquée (LHFA) à Toulouse, et a pour but de développer de nouveaux nanovecteurs à base de conjugués polymériques biodégradables et biocompatibles capables d’encapsuler, de transporter et de libérer des agents thérapeutiques. Les travaux précédemment réalisés au laboratoire, ont montré que la libération de principes actifs hydrophobes, tels que le Cabazitaxel de la famille des taxanes, pouvait être contrôlée grâce à l’architecture de conjugués de nature PEG-PLA. Dans le premier chapitre, une étude a été menée afin d’améliorer la cinétique de libération du principe actif, en tirant profit de la différence de pH qui réside entre les tissus sains et les tissus cancéreux. Différents liens (reliant le principe actif au copolymère) ayant un comportement pH dépendant ont été étudiés, comme l’hydrazone, l’acétal et le β-thiopropionate. La liaison ester boronique, dynamique en fonction du pH, a aussi été étudiée dans le but de déstructurer la NP et permettre indirectement d’améliorer la libération du principe actif. La synthèse et l’évaluation des divers conjugués ont montré que la structure polymérique amphiphile des conjugués inhibait considérablement le comportement pH dépendant attendu. Dans le second chapitre, plusieurs technologies comme le ciblage, permettant de diriger la NP dans l’organisme, ou l’imagerie permettant de les visualiser, ont été étudiées. L’influence de la structure des conjugués de forme Y et L sur les propriétés de reconnaissance et d’imagerie a été analysée. La structure Y offre quelques avantages quant à la quantité de ligand requise pour obtenir un ciblage actif optimal ainsi qu’une meilleure visualisation, en comparaison des résultats obtenus avec les conjugués L. La méthode de co-nanoformulation a permis de faire varier la quantité de ligand ou de sonde d’imagerie au sein des NPs. Dans le troisième chapitre, la synthèse et l’efficacité de sels de (bi)pyridinium comme catalyseurs pour la ROP de l’ε-caprolactone sont présentées. Un phénomène de coopérativité avec des bipyridiniums, dications donneurs de deux liaisons hydrogènes (IHBD) a été mis en évidence pour l’activation de l’ε-caprolactone, avec des activités en ROP plus importante en comparaison des systèmes impliquant la participation d’une seule liaison H. Les meilleurs systèmes ont pu être évalués plus en détail et ont permis d’accéder à des polymères de masses définies allant jusqu’à 13 000 g/mol. / This PhD thesis is based on a joint between Sanofi in Vitry-sur-Seine and LHFA. This work consists in the development of new nanovectors based on biodegradable and biocompatible polymerics conjugate that enable to encapsulate, transport and deliver therapeutic agents. Previous works in the laboratory have shown that the release of hydrophobic drugs, such as Cabazitaxel, a taxane derivative, could be controlled by the architecture of the conjugated PEG-PLA. In the first chapter, a study was realized to improve the release kinetics of the drug, taking advantage of the difference of pH between healthy and cancerous tissue. Different linkers (linking the drug to the copolymer) having a pH dependent behavior have been studied, such as hydrazone, acetal and β-thiopropionate. The boronic ester bonding, dynamic function of pH, was also studied in order to destroy the NP and indirectly improve the release of drug. The synthesis and the evaluation of various conjugates have shown that the amphiphilic polymeric structure of the conjugates significantly inhibited the expected pH-dependent behavior. In the second chapter, several technologies such as targeting or imaging were studied. The influence of the Y and L-shape on the recognition and imaging properties was analyzed. The Y-shape offers advantages like the amount of ligand required for optimal active targeting and better visualization, in comparison with the results obtained with the L conjugates. The method of co-nanoformulation allowed to adjust the ligand amount or imaging probe within the NPs. In the third chapter, the synthesis and efficiency of (bi)pyridinium salts as catalysts for the ROP of ε-caprolactone are presented. A collaborative behavior with dication bipyridiniums is bearing two hydrogen bonds (IHBD) was demonstrated for the activation of the ε-caprolactone, with greater ROP activities compared to systems involving the participation of only one H bond. The best systems were evaluated in more details and allowed access to polymers with a molecular weight of up to 13 000 g / mol.

Performance Optimization in Three-Dimensional Programmable Logic Arrays (PLAs)

Sunki, Supriya 07 June 2005 (has links)
Increased chip size and reduced feature size has helped following Moores law for long decades. This has an impact on interconnect length, which is resulting in chip performance degradation. Despite the introduction of new materials with Low-K dielectrics for interconnects, their delay is expected to substantially limit the chip performance. To overcome this problem the need for new technology has arrived. One such promising technology is the three-dimensional Integrated chips (3D ICs) with multiple silicon layers. In this thesis, three dimensional integrated chip (3D IC) technology has been implemented on programmable logic arrays (PLAs). The two-dimensional PLAs are converted to three-dimensional PLAs to realize the advantages of the third dimension. Two novel approaches for partitioning of PLAs are introduced for topological optimization. Greedy algorithm is implemented on the partitioned PLAs to utilize the third dimension for further enhancement in scalability factors. This concept has been implemented on MPLA (Magic Programmable Logic Array) tool. The 3D PLA has been tested on MCNC91 benchmark suite and the results are presented. The experimental results are compared with the 2D-PLA on the same benchmark set. The results obtained indicate the efficacy of the proposed synthesis approach.

Le test des PLAs optimisés topologiquement

Fernandes, A.-O. 09 September 1988 (has links) (PDF)
Dans ce travail, l'auteur a effectué une étude complète de la testabilité des Pla et a proposé, pour les trois classes de test (hors ligne, en ligne et unifie) des schémas de test dont la compatibilité avec les Plas optimisés a été étudiée

Compilation du silicium‎ : application à la compilation de partie contrôle

Varinot, Patrick 02 February 1987 (has links) (PDF)

Single polymer composites made of slowly crystallizing polymer

Li, Ruihua 09 January 2009 (has links)
Composites are widely used in an increasing number of applications in diverse fields. However, most traditional composite materials are difficult to recycle. Because of their enhanced recyclability, thermoplastic single-polymer composites (SPCs), i.e., composites with fiber and matrix made from the same thermoplastic polymer, have attracted much attention in the recent years. High-performance polymer fibers in combination with same polymer matrices would lead to a fully recyclable single polymer composite that has major ecological advantages. However, because a single polymer is involved in the composite, thermoplastic SPCs manufacturing presents a unique set of technical problems, and different approaches from those in standard composites manufacturing are frequently needed. Two specific issues in SPCs manufacturing are how to produce distinct forms of the same polymer and how to consolidate them. So far, most investigations have been reported on a single-component hot compaction method and two-component molecular methods. However, in these methods, either the processing window is too narrow or some impure materials are introduced into the system. The key issue in thermoplastic SPCs processing is how to melt-process the matrix without significantly annealing or even melting the fiber. To overcome the above drawbacks in existing SPCs processing, particularly to widen the SPCs processing temperature window and to purify the SPCs, a novel SPCs manufacturing process utilizing the characteristics of slowly crystallizing polymers was developed and investigated. Highly oriented and highly crystalline fibers made of a slowly crystallizing polymer are mixed with the amorphous form of the same polymer and then consolidated together under heat and pressure. In this dissertation research, two slowly crystallizing polymers, poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and poly(lactic acid) (PLA), were used as model systems for SPCs processing.. To study the deformation and failure mechanisms of PET and PLA SPCs, the SPCs were characterized using tensile test, tearing test, impact test, SEM, optical microscopy, and other methods. The change of crystallinity and orientation of the material forms during SPCs processing were characterized by DSC and XRD. The effects of major process conditions on the performance of the SPCs were studied. It was found that the processing temperature played a profound role in affecting the fiber-matrix bonding property. The compression molded SPCs exhibited enhanced mechanical properties. For the PET SPCs with 45% by weight fiber content the tensile strength is four folds of that of non-reinforced PET. After reinforcement, the tearing strength of the PLA SPCs is almost an order higher than that of the non-reinforced PLA. The fusion bonding behavior of two crystallizable amorphous PET sheets was also studied. Several characterization methods including SEM, TEM and polarized microscopy (either on etched or on non-etched samples) were used to observe interfacial bonding morphology of the crystallizable amorphous PET sheets. For a bonded sample, a layer of transcrystals with a thickness of 1-2 Ým was found right at the interface. A secondary but much larger zone with a distinct morphology was observed outside the transcrystal layer. With increase of the heating time, the width of the whole interfacial region decreases. The interfacial morphology was found to significantly affect the interfacial bonding quality. The testing results further indicated that high bonding temperature with an appropriate holding time promotes interfacial bonding of two crystallizable amorphous PET.

Compréhension des mécanismes de transferts de gaz et de composés organiques dans le Polylactide (PLA)

Courgneau, Cécile 09 May 2011 (has links) (PDF)
La compréhension de la relation structure-propriété est un élément indispensable pour la conception et l'amélioration des matériaux, notamment ceux utilisés dans le domaine de l'emballage alimentaire. Afin de contribuer à la compréhension des phénomènes de transport dans le polylactide (PLA), les travaux de ce mémoire se sont portés sur la modulation de la microstructure du PLA en lien avec ses propriétés barrière aux gaz (oxygène, hélium) et aux composés organiques (esters éthyliques, sondes fluorescentes). La microstructure a été modulée i) par l'ajout de plastifiant (ATBC, PEG), ii) par la cristallisation selon trois procédés, le traitement thermique, la cristallisation induite par des composés organiques et le biétirage. Ces approches ont permis, respectivement, de faire varier le pourcentage de phase amorphe par rapport à la phase cristalline, la fraction de volume libre au sein de la phase amorphe, et la structure cristalline. L'augmentation de la cristallinité par recuit à partir du vitreux n'a pas conduit à une diminution systématique et importante des coefficients de transport des molécules de gaz (oxygène, hélium). Deux hypothèses principales ont ainsi été formulées pour expliquer ce comportement : la dédensification de la phase amorphe et la présence d'une phase amorphe mobile et d'une phase rigide. L'influence du biétirage sur les propriétés barrière aux gaz a été très limitée même au plus fort ratio d'étirage (4×4). Néanmoins cette technique a l'avantage de pouvoir réaliser des morphologies différentes.L'étude des coefficients de transport par plusieurs méthodes (sorption, perméation, diffusion par contact solide/solide) a mis en évidence la loi d'échelle ( ) dans le cas des molécules fluorescentes et a permis une première estimation du coefficient alpha. Une approche par Résonance Paramagnétique Electronique a permis de mettre en évidence des séparations de phase des systèmes plastifiés par ATBC et PEG. Cette méthode pourrait constituer un des moyens de sonder les hétérogénéités locales et les changements microstructuraux liés à l'interaction de molécules perméantes et de la matrice polymère, lors du transport.

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