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Využitelnost agilních přístupů pro projektové řízení ve vybrané organizaci / Usability of agile approaches for project management in selected organizationRegner, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
One of objectives of practical part of the thesis is to perform an analysis of current state of project management in selected organization. Based on its specific environment and identified opportunities for improvement it follows up with formalization of recommended design and way of implementation of alternative approach for project management which uses appropriate agile elements but also reflects specific needs and limits of the organization. In its theoretical part the thesis describes basic terminology related to management of projects and portfolios, selected models of project lifecycle, popular standards and methods of traditional project management, core philosophy of agile and selected practices of agile project management.
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Projektový management v oblasti audiovizuální produkce / Project management in the audiovisual productionTruhlář, Filip January 2011 (has links)
This paper deals with the application of project management approach and determination of the project life cycle methodology, according to the PMBoK field of audiovisual production. Using other methods of project management, implementation and evaluation of control systems for processes in the formation and progress of the project. Determination of the legislation that covers this area. Creating a general procedure, which is divided into various stages of implementation and identify key processes and milestones that need to be further defined. It introduces a system of checks and assessment procedures to facilitate the acceptance and fulfillment of set conditions. Improved work and access to information that is critical for the project. Supporting the project processes with software tools to facilitate the implementation and its management.
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Využití mentálních map v řízení IT projektů / Use of mental maps in IT project managementUrban, Ondřej January 2012 (has links)
The thesis studies feasibility of using mind mapping applications for IT project management. The main objective is the analysis of using mind mapping applications in the context of project management and finding the links between mind maps and components of project management. The thesis is divided into two parts -- theoretical and practical. In the theoretical part the author clarifies the mind mapping concept, how to create mind maps and the use of those. The relatively broad area of project management is introduced in the same manner starting with the main terms, brief overview of the project management methodologies and standards. The introduction further continues by describing individual project phases, their dimensions and provides examples of tools and techniques. The practical part consists of three chapters. In the first chapter the author analyses mind mapping SW applications, describes the mind mapping software market and explains the selection of an appropriate tool using multi criteria evaluation and using hands on experience with the tools. The second chapter demonstrates practical examples of project management topics with related instances of mental models and everyday activities where mind maps can be used. The last chapter describes a survey related to the awareness of mind mapping concepts which also gathers feedback about mind mapping application experience from IT project management professionals.
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Podpora managementu harmonogramu v agilním vývoji produktu / Support of Schedule Management in Agile Product DevelopmentBližňák, Andrej January 2019 (has links)
This thesis deals with the solution from the project management especially with the focus on the schedule management with attributes of agile techniques. Subsequently, the small business enviroment is researched, based on which the system was designed. At the end, the further possibilities of further expansion are discussed.
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Nástroj pro kvantitativní analýzu a detekci rizik u konfliktu v zákaznických prostředích při vydávání verze / A Tool for quantitative analysis and risk detection of conflict in customer environments when releasing a versionJaroš, Martin January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of risk detection in conflicts when releasing a new version in customer environments. This thesis deals with the knowledge areas of project management according to the current PMI standard, where one of the areas of risk management is described in more detail. Theoretical knowledge is applied in the practical part when specifying the requirements and design of the tool. The following sections describe the implementation and testing procedure.
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Implementación de las buenas prácticas de la guía del PMBOK® para la Dirección de Proyectos de Infraestructura Educativa en Universidad Nacional del Perú / Implementation of the good practices of the PMBOK® guide for the Project Management of Educational Infrastructure at the National University of PeruAvilés Arriaga, Juan Carlos, Mendoza Lujan, Jacklin Massiel, Muñante Salazar, Noelia Maritza 15 October 2021 (has links)
La Universidad Nacional del Perú en adelante UNADELP por ser una entidad pública conceptualiza, diseña, ejecuta y evalúa sus proyectos mediante el marco normativo del Invierte. Pe, desarrollado por el Ministerio de Economía y Finanzas (MEF).
Para el desarrollo del caso de negocio del trabajo de investigación se ha utilizado la metodología del marco lógico y mediante el análisis del árbol de problemas, el árbol de objetivos y el análisis de alternativas, se determinó la rentabilidad social mediante el indicador costo efectividad utilizado por el MEF e identificó que los proyectos de infraestructura educativa ejecutadas por UNADELP, por intermedio de su Centro de Infraestructura Universitaria CIU bajo la modalidad de administración directa, muestra desfases en alcance, cronograma y costo lo que no permite cumplir con los objetivos de la organización que es de acceder a una mayor disponibilidad de espacios formativos en su proceso de aprendizaje.
Por lo tanto, se realiza la siguiente investigación implementando la guía del PMBOK®, el acta de constitución del grupo de proceso de inicio y el grupo de procesos de planificación en las áreas de conocimiento de alcance, cronograma y costo y considerando que es una organización pública, se propone el uso de las herramientas de la EDT Y MAR/RAM de la metodología PM4R
Además, se propone la implementación en los procesos de monitoreo y control el uso de herramientas y plantillas de las áreas de conocimiento de alcance, cronograma y costo, sugiriendo el uso de herramientas de cronograma ganado, valor ganado y la línea base de desempeño. / The National University of Peru hereinafter UNADELP, as a public entity, conceptualizes, designs, executes and evaluates its projects through the regulatory framework of Invest. Pe, developed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF).
For the development of the business case of the research work, the methodology of the logical framework has been used and through the problem tree analysis, the tree of objectives and the analysis of alternatives, we determine the social profitability through the cost effectiveness indicator used by the MEF and we identified that the educational infrastructure projects executed by UNADELP, through its CIU University Infrastructure Center under the direct administration modality, show gaps in scope, schedule and cost, which does not allow meeting the objectives of the organization that is to access a greater availability of training spaces in their learning process.
Therefore, the following research is carried out implementing the PMBOK® Guide, the Project Charter process and the planning processes group in the knowledge areas of Scope, Schedule and Cost and considering that it is a public organization, and is proposed the use of both the EDT and MAR/RAM tools of the PM4R methodology
In addition, it is proposed the implementation in the monitoring and control processes of the use of tools and templates from the knowledge areas of scope, schedule and cost, suggesting the use of tools of earned schedule, earned value and the performance measurement baseline. / Trabajo de investigación
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Aplicación de Design Thinking para el diseño de un modelo de gestión del impacto social y medioambiental para empresas del sector industrial: Plan para la Dirección del Proyecto basado en la guía del PMBOK / Design Thinking application for the design of a social and environmental impact management model for the industrial sector enterprises: Plan for the Project Direction based on the PMBOK guideHuerta Delgado, José, Manrique Ortega, Tania Patricia, Osorio Céspedes, Eduardo Jesús 24 May 2021 (has links)
Algunas empresas están disminuyendo sus ingresos por una mala imagen creada por la percepción popular de ser contaminantes, a las que no les importa consumir recursos naturales sin tener un plan sostenible para proteger el medio ambiente.
Según Pulse of the Profession® In-Depth Report: Why Social Impact Matters de noviembre del 2020, se afirma que el impacto social es una preocupación para las organizaciones. Se demostró que las prioridades corporativas apuntan no solo a proyectos específicos para sus interesados sino también a la sociedad en su conjunto y eso implica inevitablemente aspectos medio ambientales y educativos.
A través de la metodología de Design Thinking, la consultora Consulting & Services S.A. diseña y desarrolla un modelo de gestión de impacto social que permite contrarrestar esta mala imagen. La aplicación de esta metodología permite que este modelo se adecue a la real necesidad de las empresas industriales y a su estrategia corporativa, mediante pasos iterativos para lograr un servicio óptimo que se alinee a las necesidades del usuario final.
Se planifica un proyecto piloto del modelo de gestión aplicando las buenas prácticas presentes en la sexta edición guía del Project Management Body of Knowlegde, en adelante PMBOK® sexta edición, del Project Management Institute (PMI®). Esto permite cumplir con todos los requisitos del cliente respecto al tiempo, costo y calidad. Para la consultora los resultados financieros son: VAN que asciende a S/54,532.22 y la TIR es de 14%. / Some enterprises are reducing their income due to a bad image created by the popular perception of being polluting, which do not mind consuming natural resources without having a sustainable plan to protect the environment.
According to Pulse of the Profession® In-Depth Report: Why Social Impact Matters from November 2020, it is stated that social impact is a major concern for organizations. It was shown that corporate priorities point not only to specific projects for their stakeholders but also to society as a whole and that inevitably involves environmental and educational aspects.
Through the Design Thinking methodology, a social impact management model is designed and developed by the consulting firm Consulting & Services S.A. to allow counteraction of this bad image. The application of this methodology allows this model to adapt to the real needs of industrial companies and their corporate strategy, through the application of iterative steps to achieve an optimal service that is aligned to the needs of the end user.
A pilot project of the management model is planned by applying good practices found in the sixth edition of the Project Management Body of Knowledge, hereinafter PMBOK® sixth edition, of the Project Management Institute (PMI). This allows meeting all customer requirements regarding time, cost and quality. For the consulting firm, the financial results are: NPV of S / 54,532.22 and an IRR of 14%. / Trabajo de investigación
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Propuesta de automatización del proceso de distribución de pedidos en una empresa pyme del sector muebles / Proposal to automate the order distribution process in an SME company in the furniture sectorPalma-Caffo Vega, Gianfranco Sthevenson, Rojas Villarreyes, Edinson 04 December 2020 (has links)
El presente proyecto de tesis tiene como principal alcance brindar una propuesta de automatización del proceso de distribución de pedidos a través de una solución tecnológica para una empresa del sector muebles.
El objetivo general y los objetivos específicos del proyecto surgen en base a la necesidad de implementar mecanismos que permitan automatizar los procedimientos manuales relacionados a la distribución de muebles, cuya actividad es requerida una vez culminado el proceso de ventas. De igual manera, con la solución propuesta, se conseguirá resolver problemas de inconsistencia de información generada por la ejecución manual del proceso.
Para la elaboración del proyecto se cuenta con 7 capítulos. El primero brinda una introducción sobre el sector muebles, así como los beneficios alcanzados en el proyecto. El segundo detalla información de la empresa objetivo, que incluye la visión, misión, objetivos estratégicos, así como los objetivos del proyecto e indicadores de éxito. El tercero describe el cumplimiento de los Student Outcomes planteados por la universidad. El cuarto presenta los fundamentos teóricos que sustentan de forma adecuada la base de conocimientos para la solución propuesta. El quinto detalla el desarrollo del proyecto donde se realiza el análisis del negocio, ingeniería del proceso (AS-IS), solución propuesta (TO-BE), modelado del negocio, requerimientos, modelado del sistema y diseño de la arquitectura de software propuesta para la automatización del proceso de distribución de pedidos. El sexto muestra los resultados del proyecto de tesis según lo analizado en el capítulo anterior. Finalmente, el séptimo capítulo presenta la gestión de proyecto. / The main scope of this thesis project is to provide a proposal for the automation of the order distribution process through a technological solution for a company in the furniture sector.
The general objective and the specific objectives of the project arise based on the need to implement mechanisms that allow the automation of manual procedures related to the distribution of furniture, whose activity is required once the sales process is completed. Similarly, with the proposed solution, it will be possible to solve data inconsistency problems generated by the manual execution of the process.
For the development of the project there are 7 chapters. The first one provides an introduction to the furniture sector, as well as a summary of the benefits achieved by the project. The second details information about the company, which includes the vision, mission, strategic objectives, among others. The third describes compliance with the Student Outcomes proposed by the university. The fourth presents the theoretical foundations that adequately support the knowledge base for the proposed solution. The fifth details the development of the project where the business analysis, process engineering (AS-IS), proposed solution (TO-BE), business modeling, requirements, system modeling and design of the software architecture proposed for automation of the order distribution process. The sixth shows the results of the thesis project as analyzed in the previous chapter. Finally, the sixth chapter presents the project management and tools used. / Tesis
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<p> </p>
<p>This research aimed to explore whether the PMBOK risk management process needs to change to facilitate successful project execution in the future, due to the impacts of the recent covid 19 crises. </p>
<p>The researcher conducted the SLR and found no specific result addressing the need to change the PMBOK risk management process. Nevertheless, this research showed that the project manager would need to be more flexible during the planning stage of the risk management process and expand the risk identification process to plan for significant disruptive risks like the covid 19. </p>
<p>The findings also suggest that project managers need to adapt to challenging situations in such a crisis. One vital theme was the need to provide psychological safety for employees. During disruptions, project managers would need to pay close attention to the effects of the crisis on individuals' psychology to ensure they work effectively </p>
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Aplicación de buenas prácticas de dirección de proyectos para el buen desarrollo en la formulación de proyectos de inversión pública a nivel de perfil / Implementation of project management best practices for the good development in the formulation of public investment projects at profile levelValle Castro, Deissy Elizabeth 25 June 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación realiza una propuesta de buenas prácticas que se propone en una Universidad Pública para que se lleven a cabo en la Fase de Formulación y Evaluación correspondiente al ciclo de inversiones del INVIERTE.PE, el cual es el Sistema Nacional de Programación Multianual y Gestión de Inversiones, cuyo principal objetivo es el cierre de brechas de infraestructura o de acceso a servicios públicos para la población.
Estas buenas prácticas están basadas en la guía para la dirección de proyectos del PMBOK® 6ta edición, tomando en cuenta las áreas de conocimiento de gestión de los interesados, gestión del alcance, gestión del cronograma y gestión de riesgos del proyecto. Asimismo, se han incluido otras mejores prácticas no PMI, como Gestión de Realización de Beneficios (BRM) y gestión de valor, incluyendo técnicas como Curva J. Las cuales pretenden ser una guía para el Jefe de la Unidad Formuladora. Se precisa que este trabajo está enfocado a los proyectos de inversión pública a nivel de Perfil que se elaboran en las Universidades Públicas, las cuales tienen autonomía e ingresos por canon, como se detalla en el siguiente trabajo de investigación.
Finalmente, este trabajo de investigación propone un proceso de implementación de estas buenas prácticas, las cuales incluyen la Gestión del Cambio Organizacional. / This research work makes a proposal of project management best practices at Public University to carry out in the Formulation and Evaluation Phase corresponding to the investment cycle of INVIERTE.PE, which is the National Multi-annual Programming and Investment Management System, whose main objective is the closing of infrastructure gaps or access to public services for the population.
These best practices are based on the project management guide PMBOK® 6th edition, taking into account the process of stakeholder management, scope management, schedule management and risk management. Other best practices have also been included, such as Benefit Realization Management (BRM) and value management, including techniques such as Curve J. Which are intended to be a guide for the Head of the Formulatory Unit. Is precised that this work is focused on public investment projects at the Profile level that are elaborated in Public Universities to whom have autonomy and income by canon, as detailed in following research work.
Finally, this research put forward an implementing process based on such good practices, which include Organizational Change Management. / Trabajo de investigación
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