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Fabrication and Characterization of Nonlinear Optical Ceramics for Random Quasi-Phase-MatchingChen, Xuan 01 January 2019 (has links)
A number of technologies rely on the conversion of short laser pulses from one spectral domain to another. Efficient frequency conversion is currently obtained in ordered nonlinear optical materials and requires a periodic spatial modulation of their nonlinear coefficient which results in a narrow bandwidth. One can trade off efficiency for more spectral bandwidth by relaxing the strict phase-matching conditions and achieve nonlinear interaction in carefully engineered disordered crystalline aggregates, in a so-called random quasi-phase-matching (rQPM) process. In this dissertation, we examine appropriate fabrication pathways for (1-x)Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-xPbTiO3 (PMN-PT) and ZnSe transparent ceramics for applications in the mid-IR. The main challenge associated with the fabrication of high transparency PMN-PT ceramics is to avoid the parasitic pyrochlore phase. The most effective method to suppress the formation of this undesired phase is to use magnesium niobate (MgNb2O6) as the starting material. We have found that, contrary to commercially available lead oxide powders, nanopowders synthesized in our lab by the combustion method help improve the densification of ceramics and their overall optical quality. The effects of dopants on the microstructure evolution and phase-purity control in PMN-PT ceramics are also investigated and show that La3+ helps control grain-growth and get a pure perovskite phase, thereby improving the samples transparency. With large second order susceptibility coefficients and wide transmission window from 0.45 to 21 μm, polycrystalline zinc selenide is also an ideal candidate material for accessing the MWIR spectrum through rQPM nonlinear interaction. We have investigated non-stoichiometric heat-treatment conditions necessary to develop adequate microstructure for rQPM from commercial CVD-grown ZnSe ceramics. We have been able to demonstrate the world's first optical parametric oscillation (OPO) based on rQPM in ZnSe transparent ceramic, enabling broadband frequency combs spanning 3-7.5 μm.
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Low Voltage Electron Emission from Ferroelectric MaterialsMieth, Oliver 10 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Electron emission from ferroelectric materials is initiated by a variation of the spontaneous polarization. It is the main focus of this work to develop ferroelectric cathodes, which are characterized by a significantly decreased excitation voltage required to initiate the electron emission process. Particular attention is paid to the impact of the polarization on the emission process. Two materials are investigated. Firstly, relaxor ferroelectric lead magnesium niobate - lead titanate (PMN-PT) single crystals are chosen because of their low intrinsic coercive field. Electron emission current densities up to 5 · 10^(−5) A/cm² are achieved for excitation voltages of 160 V. A strong enhancement of the emission current is revealed for the onset of a complete polarization reversal. Secondly, lead zirconate titanate (PZT) thin films are investigated. A new method to prepare top electrodes with sub-micrometer sized, regularly patterned apertures is introduced and a stable electron emission signal is measured from these structures for switching voltages < 20 V. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the polarization switching process in the PMN-PT samples is given, revealing
a spatial rotation of the polarization vector into crystallographic easy axes, as well as the nucleation of reversed nano-domains. Both processes are initiated at field strengths well below the coercive field. The dynamics of the polarization reversal are correlated to the electron emission measurements, thus making it possible to optimize the efficiency of the investigated cathodes. / Die Ursache für Elektronenemission aus ferroelektrischen Materialien ist eine Veränderung des Zustandes der spontanen Polarisation. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit ist eine Verringerung der dafür nötigen Anregungsspannung, wobei besonderes Augenmerk auf die Rolle der ferroelektrischen Polarisation innerhalb des Emissionsprozesses gelegt wird. Es werden zwei verschiedene Materialien untersucht. Das Relaxor-Ferroelektrikum Bleimagnesiumniobat - Bleititanat (PMN-PT) wurde aufgrund seines geringen Koerzitivfeldes ausgewählt. Es konnten Emissionsstromdichten von bis zu 5·10^(−5) A/cm² bei einer Anregungsspannung von 160 V erreicht werden. Bei Einsetzen eines vollständigen Umschaltens der Polarisation wurde eine deutliche Verstärkung des Emissionsstromes festgestellt. Desweiteren werden Untersuchungen an Bleizirkoniumtitanat (PZT) Dünnfilmen gezeigt. Eine neue Methode, eine Elektrode mit periodisch angeordneten Aperturen im Submikrometerbereich zu präparieren, wird vorgestellt. Diese Strukturen liefern ein stabiles Emissionssignal für Anregungsspannungen < 20 V. Eine detailierte Analyse des Schaltverhaltens der Polarisation der PMN-PT Proben zeigt sowohl eine Rotation des Polarisationsvektors als auch eine Nukleation umgeschaltener Nanodomänen. Beide Prozesse starten bei Feldstärken unterhalb des Koerzitivfeldes. Die ermittelte Zeitabhängigkeit des Schaltprozesses erlaubt Rückschlüsse auf den Emissionsprozess und erlaubt es, die Effizienz der untersuchten Kathoden weiter zu optimieren.
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The Role of Eukaryotic ABC-Transporters in Eliciting Neutrophil infiltration during Streptococcus pneumoniae infectionZukauskas, Andrew 28 June 2018 (has links)
Streptococcus pneumoniae (S. pneumoniae) is a Gram-positive, encapsulated bacterium capable of causing significant morbidity and mortality throughout the world. A hallmark of S. pneumoniae infection is infiltration of neutrophils (PMNs) that assist in controlling the spread infection but may also contribute to pathology. Paradoxically, studies have shown that limiting PMN infiltration into the lumen of the lung during infection actually betters clinical outcome in experimental S. pneumoniae infection. The final step in PMN luminal trafficking is a Hepoxilin A3 (HXA3)-dependent migration across the pulmonary epithelium. HXA3 is a PMN chemoattractant that forms gradients along the polarized epithelial face, drawing PMNs from the basolateral to the apical surface during proinflammatory responses. HXA3 requires assistance of an integral- membrane protein transporter to escape the cell and form the gradient. The pulmonary HXA3 transporter is currently unidentified.
In this work, we identify the pulmonary HXA3 transporter as the ATP-Binding Cassette Transporter (ABC transporter) Multi-drug Resistance Associated Protein 2 (ABCC2, MRP2). We demonstrate that MRP1 and MRP2 are divergent ABC- transporters that control transepithelial PMN migration through efflux of a distinct anti-inflammatory substance and the pro-inflammatory HXA3 in the context of Streptococcus pneumoniae infection. Enrichment of MRP2 on the plasma membrane requires detection of the bacterial virulence factors pneumolysin (PLY) and hydrogen peroxide. PLY and hydrogen peroxide not only coordinate MRP2 apical membrane enrichment but also influence HXA3-dependent PMN transepithelial migration. They influence migration through stimulation of epithelial intracellular calcium increases that are crucial for HXA3 production as well as MRP2 translocation to the plasma membrane. PLY and hydrogen peroxide are not sufficient in their signaling alone, however, and require at least one additional bacterial signal to induce HXA3/MRP2 proinflammatory activities.
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An Investigation of the Optical and Physical Properties of Lead Magnesium Niobate-Lead Titanate CeramicWagner, Michael Christopher January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Neural responses demonstrate the dynamicity of speech perceptionKramer, Samantha 11 1900 (has links)
Spoken language is produced with a great deal of variability with which listeners must be able to cope. One source of variation is coarticulation, which is due to articulatory planning and transitions between segments. Recently, the temporal features of coarticulation were investigated during a picture/spoken-word matching task by using spliced stimuli carrying either congruent or incongruent subphonemic cues at the CV juncture (Archibald & Joanisse, 2011). ERPs were recorded with attention paid to the phonological mapping negativity (PMN) (Connolly & Phillips, 1994; Newman & Connolly, 2004) – a prelexical response sensitive to violations of phonological expectations. Results found that the PMN varied in response to coarticulation violations and concluded that phonetic features in spoken words influence prelexical processing during word recognition. Using a written-/spoken-word paradigm, Arbour, 2012 controlled phonological shape by using onsets that were either fricatives or stops, hypothesizing that coarticulatory information would be differentially processed due to their temporal differences. Findings supported the PMN’s sensitivity to coarticulation but also showed that temporal and physical differences between onsets modulated the effect. These results raise the question of whether acoustic distance between vowels will modulate prelexical processing of speech as reflected by the PMN amplitude: the focus of the current study. Words were organized into minimal sets such that all onset/coda combinations appeared with each vowel provided that English words resulted. Vowels were one of /i, u, æ, ɑ/, maximizing acoustic distance (height and backness). Data from 20 subjects indicate that the PMN is sensitive to the degree of difference between the original and post-splice vowels. When the number of distinctive features changing is greater, the result is an earlier, more robust PMN. This suggests that the rate of speech recognition is not static but dynamic, and is dependent on likeness of subphonemic features. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Studies On Epitaxial Perovskite Biferroic HeterostructuresChaudhuri, Ayan Roy 01 1900 (has links)
The present research work focuses on the fabrication and characterization of epitaxial heterostructures of 0.7 Pb(Mg1/3N2/3)O3 – 0.3 PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) and La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 (LSMO) using multi target pulsed laser ablation technique. Different heterostructures such as bilayered thin films with different individual layer thickness; symmetric and asymmetric superlattices of different periodicities were fabricated. Roles of individual layer thickness, elastic strain and interfaces between PMN-PT and LSMO layers on different physical properties were studied. An attempt has been made to understand the influence of the charge depleted interface states in addition to the probable strain mediated elastic coupling effect on the observed magneto-dielectric response in these engineered heterostructures.
Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to the multiferroic materials, occurrence of magnetoelectric (ME) coupling in them, their possible technological applications and the challenges involved. A short historical account of the multiferroic research is discussed to emphasize the importance of artificial multiferroics, particularly the engineered thin film heterostructures. Finally the specific objectives of the current research are outlined.
Chapter 2 deals with the various experimental studies carried out in this research work. It gives the details of the experimental set up and the basic operation principles of various structural and physical characterizations of the materials prepared. A brief explanation of material fabrication, structural, micro structural and physical property measurements is discussed.
Chapter 3 addresses the phase formation, structural and microstructural features of the engineered heterostructures fabricated epitaxially on single crystalline LaAlO3 (100) substrates. A thin layer of LaNiO3 used as the bottom electrode material for electrical characterizations was grown on the bare substrate prior to the fabrication of the PMN-PT/LSMO heterostructures. The structural and microstructural features of different individual layers were also studied by fabricating single layer thin films of the materials. The effects of individual layer thicknesses on the surface roughness, grain size and lattice strain of the heterostructures are discussed.
Chapter 4 deals with the ferroelectric studies of the PMN-PT/LSMO epitaxial heterostructures. Polarization hysteresis (P-E), capacitance – voltage (C-V) and pulsed polarization (PUND) measurements were carried out as functions of applied voltage, frequency and delay time to characterize the ferroelectric properties of the heterostructures. All the bilayered heterostructures exhibited robust ferroelectric response and contribution of non – remnant components to their polarization behaviour were observed from the P-E studies.
The symmetric superlattices did not exhibit any ferroelectricity due to high leakage current conduction. After optimizing the LSMO and PMN-PT layer thicknesses ferroelectricity was observed in the asymmetric superlattices accompanied by substantial reduction in the leakage current conduction. The P-E loops were found to be asymmetrically shifted along the electric field axis in all the superlattices indicating the presence of dielectric passive layers and strong depolarizing fields at the interfaces between PMN-PT and LSMO.
Chapter 5 deals with the ferromagnetic studies of the PMN-PT/LSMO heterostructures. All the heterostructures exhibited ferromagnetic behaviour in the temperature range of 10 K – 300 K with an in plane magnetic easy axis ([100]) compared to the out of plane ([001]) direction. The magnetization behaviour of the bilayers and superlattices as a function of magnetic field strength, temperature and different individual layer thickness of PMN-PT and LSMO are discussed in terms of the oxygen deficiency, magnetic dead layers and lattice strain effects in these engineered epitaxial heterostructures.
Chapter 6 addresses the magneto-dielectric response, dielectric properties and ac conduction properties of the engineered biferroic heterostructures. In order to investigate the manifestation of strain mediated ME coupling in these heterostructures their dielectric response as a function of ac electric signal frequency have been studied under different static magnetic fields over a wide range of temperatures. The appearance of magneto-capacitance and its dependence on magnetic field strength and temperature along with the magnetoresistive characteristics of the heterostructures suggested that the charge depleted interfaces between PMN-PT and LSMO can have an effect on the observed dielectric response in addition to the probable strain mediated ME coupling. Dielectric characterization of the heterostructures performed over a wide range of temperature indicated a Maxwell-Wagner type relaxation mechanism. The manifestation of Maxwell-Wagner effect and the very low activation energy of ac conductivity obtained from the ac conduction studies revealed the strong influence of the charge depleted interfaces between PMN-PT and LSMO on the dielectric properties of the heterostructures.
Chapter 7 deals with the dc leakage current conduction characteristics of the heterostructures. The leakage current characterization was performed over a wide range of temperature and analyzed in the framework of different models to investigate the leakage mechanism. All the heterostructures were found to obey the power law I∝Vα over the entire range of temperature with different values of α at different applied voltages. The bilayered heterostructures exhibited ohmic conduction in the lower electric field region and space charge limited conduction was observed at higher electric fields.
On the other hand the low field dc conduction behaviour of the superlattices could not be attributed unambiguously to a single mechanism. Depending on the superlattice periodicity the low field conduction behaviour was dominated by either Poole-Frenkel (PF) emission or a combined contribution from the PF effect and ohmic conduction. At higher electric fields all the superlattices exhibited space charge limited conduction.
Chapter 8 gives the summary and conclusions of the present study and also discusses about the future work that could give more insight into the understanding of the engineered epitaxial biferroic heterostructures.
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Function of granulocytes after burns and trauma, associations with pulmonary vascular permeability, acute respiratory distress syndrome, and immunomodulationJohansson, Joakim January 2013 (has links)
Background: Our innate immunesystem protects us from infections but, since its methods is not all specific for microorganisms, may also induce collateral damage. Severe physical injury often proved deadly throughout evolution. Such injuries may induce massive collateral damage. Nowadays we can initiate advanced critical care for affected patients and save them from imminent trauma-related death. We are therefore faced with the fact that the collateral damage from the immune system may pose a major threat to the patient, the pathophysiology of which is not amenable to direct medical treatment and which leaves us with only passive supportive measures. In this thesis we investigated the role of leucocytes under such circumstances. Our main aim was to understand better the role of leucocytes in the development of increased vascular permeability after burns and trauma. More specifically we investigated the impact of an injury on the function of leucocytes such as the dynamic change of certain cell-surface receptors on the leucocytes and in their numbers and immature forms. We wanted to find out if the increased pulmonary vascular permeability after a burn could be mediated through heparin binding protein (HBP) released from granuloctes, and whether HBP could be used as a biomarker for respiratory failure after trauma. We also wanted to confirm the possible role of histamine as a mediator of the systemic increase in vascular permeability after burns. Methods: The dynamic change of cell-surface receptors was measured by flow-acquired cytometer scanning (FACS) on blood samples taken after burns. The concentrations of HBP after a burn and mechanical trauma were analysed in plasma. Pulmonary vascular permeability after a burn was assessed using transpulmonary thermodilution. The histamine turnover after a burn was assessed with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) for concentrations of histamine and methylhistamine in urine. Results: We confirmed earlier investigations showing altered expression of receptors on leucocytes after a burn, receptors intimately associated with leucocyte functions (study I). In a pilot study of 10 patients we measured plasma concentrations of HBP and found them to be increased soon after a burn (study II). This finding was not confirmed in a larger, more extensive and specific study of 20 patients. We did, however, find an association between alterations in the number of leucocytes soon after a burn and pulmonary vascular permeability, indicating that they had a role in this process (study III). In another study of trauma (non burn) we found an association between the concentration of HBP in early plasma-samples after injury and the development of ARDS, indicating that granulocytes and HBP have a role in its aetiology (study IV). We found a small increase in urinary histamine and normal urinary methylhistamine concentrations but had anticipated a distinct increase followed by a decrease after reading the current papers on the subject. This indicates that the role of histamine as a mediator of increased vascular permeability after burns may have been exaggerated (study V). Conclusions: We conclude that leucocytes are affected by burns and trauma, and it is likely that they contribute to the development of respiratory failure and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). HBP is a candidate biomarker for the early detection of ARDS after trauma, and the white blood count (WBC) is a useful biomarker for the detection of decreased oxygenation soon after a burn.
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Synthesis, Structure And Properties Of MPB Composition In PZT- Type CeramicsGeetika, * 07 1900 (has links) (PDF)
The first chapter introduces the basic principles governing the phenomenon like ferroelectricity, piezoelectricity and pyroelectricity, which influences the material properties for its device applications. An effort is made to examine the present status of material issues, measurement techniques and applications pertaining to the lead based PZT type systems. This chapter also highlights the objectives and the scope of work.
The second chapter deals with the various basic experimental techniques and principles adopted for the synthesis and characterizations of materials which include phase and quantitative analysis by X-ray diffraction, density measurements, microstructures by scanning electron microscopy, electrical properties such as dielectric permittivity, dielectric loss, and piezoelectricity by impedance analyzer and piezometer etc. The materials were synthesized via two step solid state reaction by adopting a low temperature calcinations route. Further, hot processing was employed for densification and better control of microstructure of the ceramics.
In the third chapter PZT1-x –PZNx (x=0, 0.1, 0.2 & 0.3) compositions prepared by the single step low temperature calcination method have been described. It is seen that the pyrochlore free perovskite phase could be obtained up to x=0.2 compositions. The effect of additives like Li and Mn on the structure, sinterability, microstructure, density and dielectric properties has been investigated. The improvement in densification and ferroelectric properties were observed for Li addition favor tetragonal phase while Mn addition compositions were inclined to pseudocubic phase. Further, the addition of Mn led to the significant decrease in Tc than the parent compositions compared to Li added compositions.
In the fourth chapter, the X-ray diffraction data on pbzrx Ti1-x O3 (PZT) for x=0.48 to 0.52 are presented. High resolution x-ray studies for composition x=0.5 show the MPB which consists of monoclinic Zr rich studies and tetragonal Ti rich phase at room temperature. The refined structural parameters for MPB compositions have been obtained using least square Rietveld refinement program, FULLPROF 2006. The evolutions of lattice parameters of the system were also studied with respect to the temperature. The phase transformation in the system has been analyzed by x-ray diffraction pattern and dielectric measurements. The monoclinic phase transforms to tetragonal phase at 270oC after which the tetragonal phase transforms to paraelectric cubic phase at 370DoC. Dielectric properties show signature of the phase transformation. Hence, it is concluded to pole the MPB samples below 270o C to gain the advantage of increased ease of polarization reorientation for monoclinic phase.
The fifth chapter deals with the systematic structural investigation on PZT1-y-PNZy (PZT-PNZ) and PZT1-y-PMNy (PZT-PMN) systems. In this chapter, an effort has been made to determine quantitatively the MPB phase contents and variation in Zr/Ti ratio of PZT-PZN and PZT-PMN systems. High resolution XRD data has been used for quantitative phase analysis using FULLPROF 2006. The correlation between the width of MPB and grain size has also been discussed for these systems. It is found that the addition of PMN and PZN to PZT system shifts the MPB towards pbZrO3 (PZ). The MPB can be regained by tuning the Zr/Ti ratio in the system. Further, there exists an inverse relation between the grain size and coexistence region in the system. It is seen that the MPB range is from x=0.48 to 0.58 and x=0.44 to 0.58 for 10% and 20% PZN concentration respectively. Similar trend has been obtained for the PZT-PMN system. The MPB ranges from x=0.46 to 0.53 and x=0.42 to 0.50 for 10% and 20% PMN respectively. The broadening of coexistence width is attributed to the lower grain size of our samples synthesized by adopting low temperature calcinations route.
The sixth chapter deals with the hot pressing technique employed (adopting low temperature calcinations) for the synthesis of various PZT-PMN compositions with an intention of obtaining highly dense piezoceramics with fine, homogeneous and uniform microstructure. It also describes the dielectric, pyroelecrtic and pi ezoelectric properties were enhanced by hot processing technique. Li and Mn addition further improved the properties of the system.
The seventh chapter investigates various nominal compositions of PZT-(Li, Nb) compositions based on certain assumptions. The attempt was made to introduce Li at A site and B site of ABO3 perovskite lattice. The ball milled, calcined powders were densified at<1000oC using hot pressing technique to prevent Li and Pb loss. High density ceramics have been studied for structural, dielectric, piezoelectric and pyroelectric properties. Through the clear cut evidence for the identification of Li site in the PZT system could not be established but the system which were synthesized under the assumption that Li substitutes A-site of the perovskite, favored the tetragonal phase and led to the enhancement in the dielectric, pyroelectric and piezoelectric properties. Further, their transition temperature was higher compared to the compositions where Li was tried to substitute B-site, which makes them promising candidates for transducer applications.
The key finding in this thesis has been carried out by the candidate as part of the ph. D. programme. She hopes that this would constitute a worthwhile contribution towards the understanding of the behavior of lead based perovskites and in tailoring the properties of these ceramics towards device applications by the introduction of suitable additives in the system.
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Electrophysiological evidence for the integral nature of tone in Mandarin spoken word recognitionHo, Amanda 11 1900 (has links)
Current models of spoken word recognition have been predominantly based on studies of Indo-European languages. As a result, little is known about the recognition processes involved in the perception of tonal languages (e.g., Mandarin Chinese), and the role of lexical tone in speech perception. One view is that tonal languages are processed phonologically through individual segments, while another view is that they are processed lexically as a whole. Moreover, a recent study claimed to be the first to discover an early phonological processing stage in Mandarin (Huang et al., 2014). There seems to be a lack of investigations concerning tonal languages, as no clear conclusions have been made about the nature of tonal processes, or a model of spoken word recognition that best incorporates lexical tone. The current study addressed these issues by presenting 18 native Mandarin speakers with aural sentences with medial target words, which either matched or mismatched the preceding visually presented sentences with medial target words (e.g, 家 /jia1/ “home”). Violation conditions involved target words that differed in the following ways: tone violation, where only the tone was different (e.g., 价 /jia4/ “price”), onset violation, where only the onset was different (e.g., 虾 /xia1/ “shrimp”), and syllable violation, where both the tone and the onset were different (e.g., 糖 /tang2/ “candy”). We did not find evidence for an early phonological processing stage in Mandarin. Instead, our findings indicate that Mandarin syllables are processed incrementally through phonological segments and that lexical tone is strongly associated with semantic access. These results are discussed with respect to modifications for existing models in spoken word recognition to incorporate the processes involved with tonal language recognition. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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<p>The goal of this study was to elucidate whether articulations of visual-speech are processed phonologically, and in the same manner as auditory-speech. Phonological processing, measured through the amplitude of the Phonological Mapping Negativity (PMN), was compared across three conditions using the electroencephalogram (EEG). Planned polynomial contrasts compared conditions of related and unrelated linguistic stimuli versus a non-linguistic control stimulus. A significant Site x Condition polynomial trend at posterior sites (Pz and Oz) during the N400 tine window revealed that the unrelated condition was most negative in amplitude, an N400-like deflection in the control condition reached similar negative amplitude, while the related condition was the most positive. A significant quadratic trend of PMN amplitude differentiated between the linguistic conditions and the non-linguistic control at site Fz, but did not differentiate the related and unrelated linguistic conditions from each other. These results support a conclusion that non-lexical speech-like and gurning motions of the lips are treated differently than articulations of a meaningful nature. Moreover, the PMN response patterned similarly in the linguistic conditions, compared to the non-linguistic control, indicating phonological processing. The prediction that PMN amplitude will distinguish visual-speech events congruent or incongruent to a phonologically constrained context was not supported.</p> / Master of Science (MSc)
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