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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les représentations médiatiques de la vieillesse dans la société française contemporaine : ambiguïtés des discours et réalités sociales / Pas de titre traduit

Sauveur, Yannick 22 June 2011 (has links)
Cette thèse, qui conjugue des approches historiques et communicationnelles, se propose d’interroger les représentations de la vieillesse dans la société française contemporaine. Qu’on analyse les discours politiques, les messages publicitaires, les personnages cinématographiques ou littéraires, on perçoit une réelle cohérence dans les stéréotypes caractérisant la vieillesse. Cette recherche doctorale s’attache à démontrer en quoi ces représentations résultent d’une évolution historique, d’une idéologie – le « jeunisme » – autant qu’elles sont l’expression de « l’air du temps ». L’hypothèse étayée tout au long de ces pages est que la société occidentale occulte une vieillesse peu « montrable » et donc cachée au grand public. Ce sont ainsi des millions de personnes âgées qui sont ignorées par les discours sociaux et les images médiatiques. Nous prouverons que les raisons sont à rechercher d’une part dans « la peur moderne de vieillir » et d’autre part, dialectiquement, dans le « jeunisme », idéologie prônant des valeurs individualistes et volontaristes et des citoyens avant tout consommateurs. Nous évoquerons plus largement l’évolution historique des politiques de la vieillesse et les notions de stigmatisation, d’institution soignante, de « dépendance » et de « maltraitance ». / This doctoral thesis combines historical and communication approaches, focusing on how old age is portrayed in contemporary French society. Whether through the analysis of political speeches, commercials, or by studying cinematic and literary characters, we discover that there is a consistent approach in the portrayal of old age. This doctoral research demonstrates why these portrayals result in an historical evolution, in an ideology of « youthism », as well as reflecting current society’s views. The assumption elaborated in this paper is that Western society conceals old age, which it deems unpleasant to look at, and which is therefore hidden from the general public. In doing so, millions of elderly individuals are ignored by social speeches and the media. We will prove that the reason for this lies, on the one hand with the “modern fear of ageing”, and on the other, dialectically, in “youthism”, an ideology advocating an individualist and proactive values, and above all the idea of citizens as consumers. We will raise more broadly the historical evolution of old age policy, and the notions of stigma, of « care giving centres », of « dependance » and of abuse.

Tanec - soubor figurálních plastik / Dance - a set of figural sculptures

FINKOVÁ, Nikol January 2011 (has links)
This diploma paper is divided into two parts, a practical and a theoretical part. The practical part portrays dance in a set of five figures of dancers created using the method of ceramic sculpture made of ceramic clay. The figures of dancers are chosen as representatives of five various dances that stand for the historical era and the continent where they originated. The theoretical part follows the set of sculptures with information about historical and local contexts of the individual dances as well as stylizations of each dancer and the working methods used.

O realismo nos escritos de Georg Lukács dos anos trinta: a centralidade da ação / Realism on Georg Lukács\' writings from the thirties: the centrality of action

Ana Aguiar Cotrim 19 February 2010 (has links)
Esse trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar e discutir a concepção de Georg Lukács sobre realismo artístico exposta numa seleção de textos estético-literários produzidos durante a década de 1930. Seguimos o percurso de aquisição da teoria do realismo durante o decênio, enfocando o processo de apropriação da ação como elemento literário central, em sua orgânica relação com o típico. Uma vez que o caminho em direção à perspectiva artística do realismo tem início com a sua guinada marxista, de cunho ontológico, em fim dos anos vinte, buscamos apreender as relações entre esse caminho e o processo de sua aproximação a Marx, isto é, às determinações fundantes do ser social descobertas pelo grande revolucionário alemão. O trabalho aborda o significado da guinada marxista e os primeiros desenvolvimentos estéticos de sua concepção madura. Assim, adentra a questão da objetividade do reflexo artístico, a objetividade da forma, o partidarismo, a centralidade da ação e da tipicidade, a defesa da herança literária da burguesia em ascensão, da figuração e da narração. Estende-se também, no contexto das discussões positivas sobre a teoria do realismo, à crítica dos romances de reportagem, da arte de tendência e do naturalismo, bem como à explicitação da decadência ideológica da burguesia e as condições do triunfo do realismo. / This research aims to analyze and discuss Georg Lukács account on artistic realism as presented in selected aesthetical-literary writings from the thirties. It pursues the course of his acquisition of theory of realism during the decade focusing on the process of appropriation of action as a chief literary element, in its organic relation to the typical. Once the course toward the artistic perspective of realism starts in the end of the twenties with his turn to Marxism, ontologically marked, this work seeks to disclose the connections between this course and the process of his apprehension of Marxian thought, that is, the founding determinations of social being brought out by the great German revolutionary. This study concerns the meaning of Lukács Marxist turn and the first aesthetical developments of his mature writings. Therefore, it examines the objectivity of artistic reflection, the objectivity of form, partisanship, the centrality of action and typicality, the defense of ascendant bourgeoisie literary heritage, portrayal and narration. In the context of positive debate on the theory of realism, this research also approaches the critique of reportage novels, tendency art and naturalism, as well as aspects of ideological decay of bourgeoisie and the triumph of realism.

The Equestrian statue - a study of its history and the problems associated with its creation

Duffey, Alexander Edward January 1982 (has links)
Through the ages the portrayal of man on horseback has provided the sculptor with the chall~nge to solve one of the most baffling compositional problems in Art. The problem involves the balancing of a vertical mass on a large horizontal one, which in its turn rests on slender supports. To add to the complexity, the natural gait of the horse is unsuitable for artistic reproduction and must be skilfully modified so as to look natural and be aesthetically acceptable. Further, horse and rider must form a unity, which reflects the character of the rider. In spite of the formidable technical, compositional and aesthetic problems associated with this type of sculpture, the monumental equestrian statue has always been a popular form for honouring heroes and sovereigns. The representation of man controlling the powerful majestic horse and at the same time looking down on his fellow men from his elevated position on the back of the horse, appealed to the depostic ruler as well as to the man on the street. The monumental equestrian statue had its origin in the sixth century B.C. in ancient Greece. Since then it has flourished in times of autocracy. The ancient Greeks solved most of the technical, compositional and aesthetic problems of the equestrian statue. The Romans inherited the tradition of erecting equestrian statues from the Greeks and made it the sole privilege of sovereigns. Solutions to technical and compositional problems were taken over directly from the Greeks. The Romans, however, preferred bronze as a medium instead of marble. In spite of the compositional freedom which the use of bronze gave the sculptors, the Romans preferred a rest fur figure showing a rider as triumphator. During the Middle Ages most of the Roman equestrian statues were destroyed, with the exception of a few. The Marcus Aurelius in Rome was mistaken for a statue of Emperor Constantine, the first Christian emperor, and it was spared. Since it showed a barbarian beneath the forelegs of the horse, the statue became symbolic of Christianity overcoming paganism. In this sense the equestrian statue acquired symbolic funerary implications. Stone was the favourite medium and the sculptors of the Middle Ages solved numerous problems associated with the creation of an equestrian statue in this medium. Bronze equestrian figures were neglected because the technical know-how of the Greeks and Romans had been lost. The Renaissance once more focussed the attention on the individual, thereby reviving the truly secular commemorative equestrian statue of Classic Antiquity. Technical, compositional and aesthetic secrets of Antiquity were gleaned from surviving equestrian statues and antique sources. Donatello revived the Roman tradition of monumental bronze equestrian statues with his Gattamelata, while Verrocchio created the first secular equestrian monument since Antiquity with his Colleoni equestrian monument. Although Leonardo's Sforza and Trivulzio equestrian statues have not survived, the solutions which he found to technical, compositional and aesthetic problems while working on them, were to have a profound influence on all later equestrian statutes. A complete revisal of the commentaries on his notes connected with these monuments have proved that he not only renewed the entire technical approach to this sculptural form, but he also found new compositional and aesthetic solutioDuring the period from the Baroque to the end of the nineteenth century, Leonardo's innovations were implemented. The Giambologna studio in Italy established the proto-types for all Baroque equestrian statues. The French inherited this tradition. A complete history of all the French equestrian statues before the French Revolution is given. During the nineteenth century technical improvements resulted in the mass production of equestrian statues throughout the world. A complete history of all the equestrian monuments in South Africa is given and it is indicated how this form was adapted to South African conditions. Modern technical and compositional methods are discussed and evaluated.ns which completely revolutionised the creation of equestrian statues. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 1982. / gm2014 / Historical and Heritage Studies / Unrestricted

Etnisk mångfald, en trend eller hygienfaktor? : En kvalitativ studie om etnisk mångfald i svensk reklam / Diversity, a trend or a matter of course? : A qualitative study of ethnic diversity in Swedish marketing

Hamdi, Camilla, Gustavsson, Sofia January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Marknadsföring har fått en allt större betydelse i dagens samhälle. Dagligen möts människor av tusentals reklambudskap vilka tävlar om att nå fram och beröra individen på bästa sätt. Reklamens ökade inflytande i samhället har gjort att den många gånger påverkar mottagarens uppfattning om hur samhället ser ut och fungerar. Sverige har idag en allt mer heterogen befolkning, år 2015 beräknades hela 1,6 miljoner av Sveriges invånare vara utlandsfödda. På senare tid har mångfald inom etnisk marknadsföring varit ett aktuellt och omtalat ämne i media. Reklamkampanjer vilka illustrerat en bred representation av etnisk mångfald har blivit omdebatterade och har i vissa fall till och med blivit borttagna. Marknadsföringen idag återger inte en korrekt avspegling av det svenska samhället vilket kräver förnyade marknads- och kommunikationsstrategier. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att bidra till en ökad förståelse för etnisk mångfald i marknadsföring ur en svensk kontext. Uppsatsen redogör för hur och varför reklambyrån och dess beställare använder sig av etnisk mångfaldi marknadsföring. Metod: En kvalitativ forskningsmetod har tillämpats i uppsatsen. Studien är av en komparativ design och undersöker en reklambyrå och dess fyra beställare vilka på senare tid skapat reklam innehållande en bred etnisk mångfald. Empirin har främst samlats in genom intervjuer med projektledare på reklambyrån samt ansvariga projektledare för aktuell reklamkampanj. Även reklamkampanjerna i sig har analyserats för att stärka empirin. Slutsats: Vi har i studien konstaterat att det finns en bred spridning i hur företagen väljer att framställa etnisk mångfald i sin marknadsföring. Studien visar att motiven bakom användandet av etnisk mångfald i marknadsföring är många. Varumärkesbyggnad, att spegla dagens samhälle, skapa starka relationer till kunden och samhällsansvar väger i samtliga fall tyngre än att öka lönsamheten. De fallföretag som studien behandlar menar att etnisk mångfald i marknadsföring idag bör ses som en hygienfaktor och uteslutandet av etnisk mångfald ses som en risk. / Background: Advertising and marketing has increased its role in the society today. Every day people face thousands of advertising messages which are competing to reach the individual in the best way. Marketing’s growing influence in our society affects the receiver’s perception of how they see the society. Due to an increased globalization and that our world is getting more and more dynamic, the population of Sweden is more heterogeneous than ever. In the year of 2015 about 1,6 millions people of the Swedish population was counted as foreign born. The last years, diversity within marketing has been a debated subject in the media. Advertisement campaigns which has displayed a broad range and representation of diversity of people has been both embraced but also criticised and in some cases put down. Marketing today does not reflect the Swedish society of today correctly. As the heterogeneity is increasing, the customers in Sweden are commanding new more diversified marketing and advertisement which calls for renewed marketing and communication strategies. Aim: The aim of the study is to contribute with a broader understanding for ethnical diversity in marketing through a Swedish context. The study declares how and why the advertisement agency and their clients present ethnical diversity in their marketing. Methodology: This study is of a qualitative nature. The study is formed around a comparative design including the advertisement bureau Forsman & Bodenfors and their four clients which recently have displayed a broad ethnical diversity in their marketing campaigns. The empirical data was mostly collected through interviews with employees at advertisement bureau Forsman & Bodenfors as well as with employees at the chosen clients. The advertisement campaigns have been analysed in detail to reinforce the empirical data. Conclusion: This study states that there are many ways for how companies portray ethnical diversity in their marketing and advertising. The motives behind using ethnical diversity are many. Brand building, to reflect reality, to create strong liens to clients and customers and to take a social responsibility are factors that in all cases dominates increased profitability. The companies which the study investigated express that ethnical diversity in marketing should be seen as a matter of course and to exclude ethnical diversity in marketing is seen as a risk.

Native Americans on Screen in 1939 and 2015 : A Postcolonial Study on the Portrayal of the Indigenous People of America in Films and How to Adapt it into the EFL Classroom

Pettersson, Emil January 2017 (has links)
The essay originates from the idea that the United States has a history of racism evidenced in the displacement and discrimination of Native Americans and that the representation of Native Americans in films reflects the changing views of the indigenous population in the surrounding society. The purpose of this essay is to investigate how the Native American characters are portrayed in western films. Two films are going to be analysed; Stagecoach from 1939 and The Revenant from 2015. The theoretical framework that is used for the analysis is Postcolonialism. The findings reveals that Native American characters are portrayed more humanely in The Revenant than in Stagecoach. By applying the findings into the classroom the students can be given the opportunity to discuss human rights, equal value and solidarity between people, which can lead to reflections about the fundamental values of the curriculum.

Changing People's Reaction to Terrorism

Nagley, Andrew Guy 08 1900 (has links)
Two hundred and fifty-three subjects were used in an experiment to try to determine how differences in news media presentations affect the reader's view of terrorism. Two stories about a terrorist attack were used, one describing a bombing, the other a hijacking. Both stories had two versions using no one injured or eight innocent people injured. One group of subjects was given no additional information about terrorism. The second group was given information after the description that emphasized the salience of terrorism. The third group received information that de-emphasized the seriousness of terrorism. Subjects were also given a questionnaire designed to measure authoritarianism and one to measure conservatism. It was found that subjects scoring high on authoritarianism or conservativism favored more severe punishment for terrorists than did those scoring lower on the two scales. Findings did not support the hypothesis that providing people with information about terrorism could lessen the impact of terrorist events.

What Happened Last Night in Sweden? Analysis of Western news media portrayal of crime in Sweden

Hesson, Leila January 2019 (has links)
Background: The media have an influential role within society and with media becoming increasingly more accessible over a number of different platforms it is important to comprehend what information is being received by audiences in order to then understand the consequences. Sweden has a reputation of being one of the most reputable countries, however a new, less flattering image has been emerging. There is a growing interest in what is happening in Sweden, especially since US President Donald Trump made his illusive comments in February 2017. Aim: The aim of this study is to explore how news sources in the Western world portray crime in Sweden. Two central questions are examined, (1) what crimes in Sweden are reported in western newspapers, and (2) what are the dominant themes in western newspaper’s discussions of crime in Sweden? Method: Qualitative content analysis was employed to evaluate 249 newspaper articles gathered through NewsBank database. Content of these articles became data which was coded via a data-driven coding frame. Data was partially double coded in an attempt to check consistency. Results: Part one results find that the most popular crime type in Western media crime in Sweden reports are violent crimes. A total of 111 articles in the sample written exclusively about specific events, 76 of which are violent offences. Part two of results explores the broader discourse. Conclusion: The focus on violent crimes is linked to a political discussion surrounding growing support for populist politics. The predominant narratives are, that immigration is to blame for rising crime levels, and Sweden’s identity crisis.

Female role portrayal in South African magazine advertisements

Lauer, Juanne De Wet 16 July 2012 (has links)
Advertisements reflect the reality in society. Or so they should. As a minimum, advertisements should resonate with the intended target audience. Advertisements targeting female consumers have been accused of continually depicting women in traditionally stereotypical roles, such as the housewife and the sex object. This is contrary to the many important roles women fulfil in reality; business-woman, mother, romantic partner, and socialite, to name but a few. The purpose of this study was to identify the roles that female models portrayed in South African consumer magazine advertisements, and the extent to which these models appeared in these roles. The numerous secondary objectives included, but were not limited to, an investigation into the ethnic representation of female models in South African magazine advertisements, the product and/or service categories advertised using female models, and the illustrative technique and advertising appeals most commonly used. Content analysis was used to analyse and capture data from magazine advertisements featuring one or more female models. Content analysis was seen to be the most appropriate research method for this study based on its applicability as a mass communication research method. A total of 258 full-page and double-page magazine advertisements were sampled from nine consumer magazines published in South Africa in November 2009 and February 2010. The research found that female models were predominantly portrayed as the decorative focal point (32%) in magazine advertisements for personal care products, apparel and accessories. Just over two-thirds of the models used were Caucasian (68%), albeit the magazines sampled targeted African, Caucasian, and to a slightly lesser degree Coloured and Indian readers. In addition, marketers seemed inclined to favour advertisements with photographs of female models (98%), rather than drawings or computer-generated images. Rational advertising appeals were used most often (46%) in the magazine advertisements analysed, followed by combination appeals (27%). Forty-four advertisements (17%) were considered not to have a distinctive appeal. These advertisements would simply illustrate the product or service together with a female model, without evoking feelings or providing any further information about the product or service, other than the brand or company name. Academically, this study adds to the limited knowledge on female role portrayal in South African magazine advertisements. Only two such studies have been completed in South Africa in the past, one in 1991 and the other in 2010. This study makes a unique contribution by investigating the roles in which female models from different ethnic groups are portrayed in South African magazine advertisements. From a practical perspective, the findings illustrate to South African advertisers the limited roles in which they portray women, which is contrary to the numerous roles women fulfil in reality. Female consumers are an important target market to any organisation, thus advertisers need to adapt advertisements to reflect the important and changing roles of women in the South African society. Copyright / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Marketing Management / unrestricted

Euroskepticismus v českých a německých denících - analýza mediálního obrazu GDPR a EU / Euroscepticism in Czech and German daily newspapers - analysis of the media portrayal of GDPR and EU

Černý, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This thesis analyzes how the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the European Union was portrayed in selected Czech and German printed media throughout the year 2018 and investigates whether Euroscepticism - in its widest sense - expresses itself within the articles. The research on Euroscepticism in media so far has largely focused on "historic" events and "significant" questions of the European integration, not on technical-legal topics, i.e. topics with presumably lesser impact on the future course of the European project. An analysis of Euroscepticism in media texts dealing with a specific EU legislative act has so far been lacking. The paper at hand therefore examines whether Euroscepticism manifests itself also in connection to such topics. As denying and/or criticizing EU's policies is accepted by most academics as an expression of Euroscepticism, next to denying the EU as such, this study defines Euroscepticism as any criticism on part of the EU and the GDPR, since this regulation can be understood as embodiment of EU's policy on data protection. The paper uses a comparative research design, using the method of content analysis of six printed daily newspapers, namely Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Bild, Mladá fronta DNES, Právo, and Blesk. The results...

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