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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Onlineplattformars och sociala mediers påverkan på journalistrollen : En kvalitativ intervjustudie med fem yrkesverksamma journalister

Johansson, Alexandra January 2018 (has links)
Journalistiken har förändrats på många sätt de senaste åren, inte minst på grund av introduktionen av det digitala. Idag sker den större delen av konsumtionen av journalistik på nätet, det vill säga via plattformar online och på sociala medier, vilket inte bara innebär att konsumtionen förändrats, utan framför allt för att de journalistiska produktionsprocessernaoch publiceringsformerna utvecklats. För att kunna svara på studiens frågeställningar har en kvalitativ metod använts. Metoden har inspirerats av Steinar Kvales metodprocess och dess olika steg, vilka har anpassats efter studiens syfte och förutsättningar. Studien är baserad på skriftliga intervjuer med fem olika journalister som alla använder onlineplattformar och sociala medier i sitt dagliga arbete. Resultatet av denna undersökning visar tecken på att journalistrollen påverkas en hel del av onlineplattformar och sociala medier – dels till att bli en yrkesroll där kravet på multikompetens är högst närvarande, men också till att bli en mer stressad yrkesroll. Journalisterna som intervjuats i denna studie signalerar att teknikutveckling och de nya verktyg och plattformar som skapas av den, i hög grad påverkar journalistrollen då de idag är nödvändiga medel i en journalists dagliga arbete. Journalistrollen är idag beroende av onlineplattformar och sociala medier, samt av en kunskap om dem, då det är där publiken finns. Studien visar också att dagens journalister till stor del är beroende av sin publik för att nå höga trafiksiffror och därmed satta ekonomiska mål, vilket åsidosätter fokuset på det publicistiska. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultatet i denna studie att onlineplattformar och sociala medier bidrar med mycket positivt till journalister i det dagliga arbetet, men påverkar också journalistrollen till att bli en allt svagare profession.

Can national inspections support professional discretion? : A case study of the Swedish national school inspection

Modigh, Anton January 2019 (has links)
This thesis explores the professional discretion in relation to national inspections by focussing on the Swedish national school inspection (SNSI) and how the inspections made can affect the professional discretion. During the last decades the Swedish welfare sector has gone through a remarkable shift towards using new public management (NPM) reforms, implementing market solutions with the aim to increase cost efficiency and quality. These reforms have caused a huge impact on the education system in Sweden, such as the privatisation of schools and shifting responsibility from the state to the local municipalities. The development of the NPM has also increased the auditing in order to assure that welfare service produces high quality services, where national inspection has been an increasingly popular method of auditing. Extensive research studying the relationship between auditing and de-professionalization is available and many argue that auditing decrease the professional discretion. Despite the research, there is an empirical gap to how national inspection affects professional discretion. This is surprising as national inspections at least theoretically should be able to both undermine and support professional discretion. The controlling inspection type can from this view be argued to undermine professional influence by using top-down steering not considering professional knowledge and experience. The supporting inspection type uses more bottom-up strategies in dialogue with the professions and can theoretically thus be seen as more supporting of professionalism. The aim of this thesis is to initiate the bridging of this gap by analysing the SNSI different inspection types in relation to professional discretion. The results of the study suggest that the SNSI uses two controlling type of inspections as well as one new supporting type of inspection. The supporting inspection type is found to undermine professional discretion, while the two different controlling inspections both support and undermine the professional discretion depending on how the inspection is conducted. This gives evidence to how a supporting inspection type actually can undermine professional discretion more than the controlling inspection types.

Employer branding, den enda vägen till framgång? : En kvalitativ studie om Karlstads kommuns employer branding / Employer branding, the only way to success? : A qualitative study of Karlstad municipality’s employer branding

Brundin, Frida, Kanavina, Linda January 2019 (has links)
Employer branding är något som idag kan ses som en självklarhet för många arbetsgivare. De anställda ska identifiera sig med arbetsplatsens varumärke och representera det på sådant sätt som arbetsgivaren önskar. Det krävs dock en hel del förberedning och hårt arbete för att detta ska nå ut till de anställda. Detta är en kvalitativ fallstudie där Karlstad kommun är vårt case. Här undersöks närmare hur två olika yrkesgrupper mer specifikt pedagoger och sjuksköterskor mottar kommunens employer branding. Det studeras även om det är kommunen eller yrkeskåren som dessa individer identifierar sig med och vad grunden till detta kan vara. Denna kvalitativa undersökning skedde i form av samtalsintervjuer och baseras på en abduktiv forskningsansats.  Det som undersökts är följande:  Hur tillgodogör sig Karlstad kommuns anställda kommunens employer branding?  Upplever anställda inom Karlstads kommun att arbetsgivarens employer branding påverkar deras arbets- och privatliv?  Identifierar sig anställda inom Karlstads kommun sig främst med kommunen eller den egna yrkeskåren?  Arbetet baseras på flertal teorier som behandlar olika områden. Bland annat employer branding, den egna identiteten, den sociala identiteten och arbetsidentiteten samt hur dessa hör ihop. Resultatet av denna studie visar på något oväntade svar från de åtta respondenterna. Karlstads kommun lägger ned mycket jobb på employer branding och varumärkesarbete. Därför fanns en viss förväntan på hur svaren från intervjupersonerna skulle se ut. Det visade sig att båda yrkesgrupperna var väl medvetna om Karlstads kommuns jobb med att uppnå en god employer branding men trots detta kände de ingen större koppling till Karlstads kommun. Respondenterna kände en starkare identifikation med sin respektive yrkeskår framför kommunen trots kommunens försök att implementera sina värderingar i sina anställda. / Employer branding is, nowadays, something that for many employers can be seen as something natural and self-evident. The employees are supposed to be able to identify themselves with the brand of their workplace and represent it as the employer wishes. However, a great deal of preparation and hard work from the employer is required to reach the employees. This is a qualitative case study in which Karlstad municipality is the case. Here we examine more closely two different professions, more specifically how educators and nurses employed by Karlstad municipality recieve their employer branding. We are also examining if it is the Karlstad municipality or the respective professions that these individuals are most likely to identify themselves with and what the primary cause of this could be. This qualitative study is performed by interviews and is based on an abductive discovery approach. Since we have done an earlier research on the subject this approach helps us keep a more open and objective view of the reality.  The following questions are the main areas that are being researched:  How does Karlstad municipality’s employees benefit from the municipality 's employer branding?  Do Karlstad municipality’s employees experience that the municipality’s employer branding affects their work and private life?  Do employees in Karlstad municipality identify themselves primarily with the municipality or their own profession?  The work is based on several theories that are applied on different areas. This includes employer branding, personal identity, social identity and work identity, and how these are linked together. The result of this study shows some unexpected responses from the eight respondents. Karlstad municipality is putting a lot of work into their employer branding and branding work overall. Therefore, there was a certain expectation of what the answers from the interviewees could be. It turned out that both professions were well aware of Karlstad municipality 's attempts to achieve good employer branding. Despite this it was not received as expected by the employees. The respondents felt that they had a stronger identification with the respective profession rather than the municipality itself despite the municipality 's attempts to implement their values in their employees.

Farmacêuticos diplomados e algumas estratégias de institucionalização da farmácia em São Paulo (1892-1934) / Pharmacists and some strategies for institutionalization of pharmacy in São Paulo (1892-1934)

Alves, Olga Sofia Fabergé 02 March 2012 (has links)
Este estudo aborda algumas das estratégias e ações dos farmacêuticos diplomados em São Paulo no fortalecimento de sua profissão, no período que vai da criação do Serviço Sanitário do Estado em 1892 até a fundação da Universidade de São Paulo em 1934. Foram privilegiados a Sociedade Farmacêutica Paulista, a Escola de Farmácia, Odontologia e Obstetrícia de São Paulo e a Farmacopéia Paulista. Foi também traçado um perfil dos profissionais que atuaram no estado nas primeiras décadas da república, no que diz respeito principalmente a origem e formação, a partir dos dados levantados nos Livros de Registro do Exercício Profissional do Serviço Sanitário. / The purpose of this study was to deal some strategies and actions of pharmacists in strengthening their profession in São Paulo, in a period from Serviço Sanitário do Estado origin (1892) to Universidade de São Paulo foundation (1934). It was discussed Sociedade Farmacêutica Paulista, Escola de Farmácia, Odontologia e Obstetrícia de São Paulo and Farmacopéia Paulista. It aims to drawing the profile of pharmacists whom was registered in São Paulo state, between 1892 and 1933, awarded and the school magazine. pharmacopoeia and were treated to trace a profile of professionals working in the early decades regarding the origin and formation.

Uma vida no magistério: fios e meadas da história de uma professora paulista / Une vie à lenseignement: fils et trames de lhistoire dune institutrice du São Paulo

Alcântara, Wiara Rosa Rios 10 February 2009 (has links)
Esta pesquisa objetivou investigar o trabalho docente a partir da trajetória da professora paulista Botyra Camorim. Seguindo os fios da história desse sujeito busquei perceber a multiplicidade de experiências de docência em São Paulo, na primeira metade do século XX. Sob a perspectiva da micro-história, entende-se aqui que a identidade de uma coletividade, de uma profissão, ou de uma classe não pode ser considerada evidente independentemente das trajetórias e da experiência social dos membros que a compõem (REVEL, 1998). A esse propósito, as considerações de Vidal (2006), quando se interroga acerca dos significados atribuídos por professores às diferentes dimensões que compõem o exercício do magistério, foram importantes para análise. Dentre as dimensões da profissão docente, o interesse recaiu sobre as instituições de formação, as condições materiais de trabalho e a relação da professora ao saber. Em função disso, lancei mão de fontes produzidas pela professora, como autobiografias, romances, contos e artigos nos quais ela traz informações sobre diferentes aspectos da profissão docente. Outras fontes usadas para tecer essa história foram os documentos escolares, a legislação e fotografias. Por meio delas, pude interrogar as possibilidades de escolarização da mulher, da formação para o magistério primário na capital paulista, dos modos de ingresso na carreira docente e das condições de trabalho nos diferentes tipos de escola que compunham o referido sistema. Além disso, discuti a relação de Botyra Camorim ao saber, mostrando que é nos jogos das tensões, das negociações e disputas que a professora dá respostas aos desafios do cotidiano escolar, num campo de possíveis. / Cette étude a eu comme objectif étudier le travail enseignant a partir de la trajectoire de linstitutrice du São Paulo Botyra Camorim. Selon les traces de lhistoire de ce sujet jai maperçu de la multiplicité des expériences de l\'enseignement à São Paulo, dans la première moitié du XX siécle. On entend, sous la perspective de la micro-histoire, ici que lidentité dune colectivité, dune profession, ou dune classe ne peut pas être pensée au dehors des trajectoires et de lexpérience du social de leurs membres (REVEL, 1998). À propos de cela, les interventions de Vidal (2006) ont été importantes pour lanalyse, quand on se demande sur les significations atribués pour les instituteurs aux diferentes dimensions qui composent lexercise du lenseignement. Parmis la complexité de la profession d institutrice, lintérêt a eu surtout sur les institutions de formation, les conditions matérielles du travail et les significations que linstitutrice a donné au savoir pedagogique, dans les différents moments de son action. Par conséquence, jai travaillé avec les textes produisent par Botira comme les autobiographies, les romans et les articles sur les quels elle nous donne des informations sur les différents aspects de la profession dinstitutrice. Les documents scolaires, la legislation, et les photographies ont eu dautres sources de ce travail. Et a partir de cettes sources, jai pu interroger les possibilités de scolariasation des femmes, de la formation pour être institutrice dans la ville de São Paulo, des moyens dentrer dans la carrière dinstitutrice et des conditions du travail dans les différentes écoles du système quon a travaillé. Et jai travaillé aussi le rapport de Botyra Camorin avec le savoir pedagogique, en montrant quest dans les jeux des tensions, des négociations et des disputes que linstitutrice fait les appropritions creatives des savoirs et des pratiques pour travailler avec les défis du cotidien scolaire.


Kataeva, Zumrad 01 January 2014 (has links)
Abstract not available.


Ehmling, Amelia E. 01 January 2018 (has links)
The population of people experiencing homelessness has decreased less than 15% in the last ten years, but issues like mental illness and substance use are rising. There are many misconceptions about race, gender, location and age of people experiencing homelessness. Music therapy research about the homeless population is minimal and often focused on just one setting or treatment location. The purpose of this study was to better understand the relationship between music therapists and people experiencing homelessness. A survey of 365 music therapists in the United States revealed just under half of working clinicians provide services to people experiencing homelessness. Results from the survey revealed the most common settings where music therapists provided service to people experiencing homelessness were mental health, medical, and school systems. Additionally, the results discussed people experiencing homelessness’ demographic differences in clinician’s experiences versus annual reports. Results are not to be generalized but to be used as a tool to better understand people experiencing homelessness.

The Impact of Religiosity and Gender on Attitudes Toward Juvenile Sex Offenders

Barteau, Angela Marie 01 January 2016 (has links)
Personal characteristics of mental health professionals can impact their attitudes toward juvenile sex offenders (JSOs) and affect treatment. The correlation between mental health professionals' religiosity and their attitudes has not been examined, and there is limited research about the correlation between professionals' gender and attitudes. The purpose of this study was to examine how mental health professionals' religiosity and gender related to their attitudes toward JSO treatment. Labeling theory provided the theoretical foundation for this study. This theory posits that individuals label certain populations, such as sex offenders, as deviant and this labeling perpetuates a cycle of criminal behavior. Using a quantitative approach, 123 mental health professionals completed an Internet survey that included demographic information, the Santa Clara Strength of Religious Faith Questionnaire, and the Attitudes Toward Treatment of Sex Offenders survey. These served to identify gender and measure religiosity and attitudes toward JSO treatment. A hierarchical multiple regression analysis was then used to examine the research questions and hypotheses. There were no statistically significant findings about how participants' religiosity and gender relate to their attitudes toward JSO treatment. However, further analyses revealed that type of profession and race of the participants affected their attitudes toward treatment. The findings can guide training programs to educate professionals that personal characteristics may affect their attitudes toward treatment. The potential for social change is that professionals' increased awareness may improve treatment effectiveness, which might ultimately lower offenders' recidivism and increase protection for the public.

The Role of the Physicians' Assistant in Trinidad and Tobago's Healthcare System

Pamponette, Martha Ann 01 January 2019 (has links)
The profession of physicians' assistant was introduced in the 1960s to assist with physician shortages in the United States of America. Since then, some countries have introduced this profession to fill the gaps that exist in the physician shortages problem in their health care system. Yet, in many countries like Trinidad and Tobago, this role remains absent from the health care system. The objective of this study was to assess how professionalization supports the introduction of the physicians' assistant role in Trinidad and Tobago. Using the theory of profession as a theoretical framework, and through an evaluation of institutional, regulatory, and cultural norms and barriers associated with the health care system of Trinidad and Tobago, the role of jurisdiction, societal factors, professional competition, and legitimization was assessed using a qualitative, ethnographic design, with 22 participants. The data collection tools included a questionnaire and structured interview and content analysis of relevant documents to yield the data from which conclusions may be drawn. The results showed that jurisdiction, societal changes, interprofessional competition and legitimization can all influence the introduction of physicians' assistants. Evidence from this research may provide health care administrators with important information to assess the feasibility of the introduction of this vital role to improve patient care on the islands.

Emergency Room Nurse Perceptions of Emotional Intelligence

Astralaga, Ingrid 01 January 2018 (has links)
The delivery of quality care has been a priority for the health care industry in the United States. Researchers have established positive correlations between the levels of emotional intelligence of registered nurses and their clinical performances. However, new evidence suggests the need to enhance the use of emotional intelligence (EI) in high-risk clinical units. With the intent to understand the use of EI, a phenomenological research approach was used to identify the emergency room nurse's understanding of EI. The Four-branch Model of Emotional Intelligence was used as the theoretical framework, while the research question identified the emergency room nurse's perception of EI. Eight emergency room nurses from two facilities participated in the study. The inclusion criteria consisted of emergency room nurses with one to ten years of experience, nurses that worked thirty-six hours or more per week, and were not in leadership roles. The data were collected through face-to-face interview sessions and analyzed using the Colaizzi's Method of Data Analysis. All participants reported unfamiliarity with the concept of EI. Nevertheless, evidence that indicated the presence of all elements of this concept such as the ability to perceive emotions, understand emotions, use emotions to enhance reasoning, and manage emotions, were apparent in the stories shared by the nurses. The results of the study indicated a potential influence toward positive social change at the organizational and professional level. The implementation of educational activities to improve the use of this concept and the modification of current health care policies to incorporate emotional intelligence as clinical competencies are actions that can influence positive social change.

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