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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Politique linguistique, développement des enseignants d'anglais langue étrangère et réalité du contexte d'enseignement : : les enjeux de l’adoption du cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues en Colombie / Language policy, professional development of english teachers and reality in teaching educational context: : stakes of the adoption of the common european framework for languages in Colombia / Política lingüística, desarrollo profesional de docentes de ingles lengua extranjera y realidad del contexto de enseñanza : Los desafíos de la adopción Del marco común de referencia para las lenguas en Colombia

Rodriguez montano, Ingrid 02 December 2016 (has links)
L’apprentissage des Langues Étrangères a pris une place indispensable dans l’éducation. Avec la mondialisation, différents pays, notamment en Europe et en Amérique, sont contraints de mettre en place des programmes éducatifs pour le développement des compétences communicatives des citoyens dans le but de s’insérer dans l’économie globale. En Colombie, le contexte auquel s’intéresse notre étude, le gouvernement cherche à renforcer l’apprentissage de l’anglais LE. Dans ce but, le Plan National de Bilinguisme (PNB) a été instauré et a entraîné la conception d’objectifs qui ne peuvent être atteints qu’avec de profonds changements dans la pratique professionnelle des enseignants, des acteurs éducatifs et dans l’organisation des établissements scolaires. La présente thèse porte sur les enjeux de cette politique linguistique par rapport au développement professionnel des enseignants d’anglais et à la réalité des contextes éducatifs. Elle porte aussi sur l’impact de l’adoption du Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les langues (CECR) comme document de base du PNB. Notre étude, qui s’inscrit dans le domaine de la recherche exploratoire, vise à décrire et comprendre le processus de mise en place du PNB et de l’adhésion du CECR. Nous avons procédé à l’application de différents outils pour le recueil de données – à savoir, l’analyse documentaire, l’entretien semidirectif / compréhensif et le questionnaire – auprès de 13 responsables du développement professionnel et 36 enseignants d’anglais, surtout des régions du Valle del Cauca (ouest) et Cundinamarca (centre). Les données recueillies sont analysées et discutées en vue d’apporter des informations sur la mise en place de la réforme, sur les points de vue des acteurs impliqués, les difficultés rencontrées, et sur le rapport objectives théoriques et réalités d’application. Les résultats obtenus rendent compte de la complexité de mettre en œuvre une politique linguistique cherchant à standardiser les processus d’enseignement-apprentissage des langues étrangères dans un contexte tel que le colombien. Ils nous fournissent des pistes de réflexion sur les besoins urgents de formations, de pratiques réflexives et d’un empowerment chez les enseignants. / Learning Foreign Languages has taken a prominent position in the education field. With globalization, countries, mostly in Europe and America are required to set up educational programs for the development of communicative skills of citizens, to have a place into the global economy. In Colombia, the context in which our study was conducted, the government seeks to reinforce the learning of English FL. To this end, the National Bilingual Program (NBP) established and led the design of objectives that can only be achieved with reflective changes in the professional practice of teachers, the organization of the educational stakeholders and schools. The framework or our research is focused on the stakes of the language policy in relation to professional development of English teachers and the reality of educational contexts. It also looks at the impact of the adoption of the European Framework of Reference for Languages (EFRL) as the basic document of NBP. Our study, is part of an exploratory research, that attempts to describe and understand the implementation process of the NPB and the accession to the CEFR. We proceeded by applying a variety of data collection tools -namely, document analysis, semi-structured/comprehensive interview and questionnaire- with 13 teacher trainers and directors of professional development programs. and 36 English teachers, especially from the regions of Valle del Cauca (west) and Cundinamarca (center). The collected data are analyzed and discussed to provide information on the implementation of the reform, on the views of stakeholders involved, the difficulties encountered and the relation of theoretical objectives and school settings. The outcomes reflect the complexity of implementing a language policy seeking to standardize the process of teaching and learning of foreign languages in a context such as Colombia. This results provide valuable insights on the urgent professional development needs, reflective practices and the empowerment of teachers.

Proposta d'instrument polièdric per a l'avaluació de la funció docent del professorat de secundària

Viladrosa i Clua, Jordi 02 December 2010 (has links)
L'aportació principal d'aquesta tesi doctoral consisteix en un instrument polièdric per a l'avaluació de la funció docent del professorat de secundària basada en indicadors agrupats en quinze àmbits diferents, que poden ser relacionats amb unes determinades competències professionals de la docència. D'acord amb l'objectiu de la recerca, l'instrument ha estat validat pel sistema de judici d'experts i se n'ha dut a terme diverses proves pilot. Es tracta d'una investigació avaluativa aplicada que permet obtenir informació rellevant per facilitar la presa de decisions, tant de tipus formatiu (reflexió crítica de la pròpia pràctica docent) com de tipus sumatiu (rendició de comptes). L'instrument es pot aplicar en la modalitat d'avaluació interna i contempla l'autoavaluació (el propi professor): portafolis i autoinforme; i l'heteroavaluació (parell acadèmic i directiu): observació de classes i entrevista. Aquests instruments poden ser útils per a la gestió de la millora de la qualitat educativa, considerada en el context del projecte educatiu de cadascun dels centres que l'apliquin. / The main contribution of this thesis is a multifaceted instrument for the assessment of teaching for secondary school teachers based on indicators, grouped into fifteen different fields, which may be associated with certain professional teaching skills. According to the purpose of research, the instrument has been validated by experts and several pilot tests have been carried out. It consists on an evaluative research applied to obtain relevant information to facilitate decision making, either formative (critical reflection of their own teaching practice) or summative (assessment results). The instrument can be applied in the form of internal evaluation and includes self-evaluation (teacher's own): self-report and portfolio; and peer evaluation (academic peer and a member of the board) class observation and interview. These instruments can be useful for the management of education quality improvement, considered in the context of the educational project of each of the schools that apply it.

Usages et compétence TIC en formation initiale à l'ENS d'Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire : le cas des formateurs et des futurs enseignants

Mian Bi, Sehi A. 06 1900 (has links)
Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) sont de plus en plus présentes dans toutes les sphères de la société y compris dans l’éducation. Pour favoriser des usages effectifs de ces technologies par des enseignants dans les salles de classe, il devient pertinent de s’intéresser aux usages qu’en font certains formateurs et futurs enseignants dans le cadre de la formation initiale. Ainsi, dans le contexte de la formation initiale des enseignants en Côte d’Ivoire à l’ENS d’Abidjan, l’objectif général de la présente thèse est de documenter les usages et la compétence TIC. Pour répondre à ces préoccupations, une étude qualitative exploratoire a été réalisée à l’Ecole normale supérieure (ENS) d’Abidjan en Côte d’Ivoire. Les entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées avec des formateurs (n = 9) et des futurs enseignants (n = 15) ont été analysées, en adoptant une approche méthodologique basée essentiellement sur l’analyse du contenu. Les résultats sont présentés sous forme d’articles scientifiques. La thèse tente ainsi de décrire des usages des TIC par des futurs enseignants, de dresser un profil des formateurs usagers des TIC dans le cadre de la formation initiale à l’ENS d’Abidjan. Elle veut aussi examiner les usages des TIC par des futurs enseignants, en formation initiale, pour certaines des composantes de la compétence TIC. Les résultats obtenus permettent de dresser une typologie des usages des TIC par des futurs enseignants dans le cadre de leurs activités d’apprentissage. Pour ce qui est des formateurs, trois profils d’usagers ont été dressés : 1. Les usagers de bas niveau qui font usage des TIC uniquement pour la recherche et la production de documents ; 2. Les usagers de niveau moyen qui, en plus de la recherche et la production de documents, utilisent les outils électroniques de communication dans leurs pratiques professionnelles, et font souvent usage des TIC dans leur classe ; 3. Les usagers de bon niveau qui, en plus de faire usage des outils de communication dans leurs pratiques professionnelles et d’intégrer les TIC dans leurs pratiques en classe, disposent de pages Web à but éducatif. Par ailleurs, l’analyse des discours des futurs enseignants sur les usages des TIC laisse percevoir que la compétence TIC se révèle de façon inégale à travers quatre de ses composantes. En effet, même s’ils n’ont pas une posture critique face aux TIC, ces futurs enseignants ont une conscience de leurs avantages dans le cadre de leur formation. Ainsi, ils utilisent les TIC pour communiquer, rechercher les informations, les interpréter afin de résoudre un problème, se constituer un réseau d’échanges et de formation continue. Même si l’intégration des TIC dans la formation initiale des enseignants en Côte d’Ivoire n’est pas encore effective, des formateurs et des futurs enseignants en font usage dans le cadre de la formation. / Information and communications technologies (ICT) play an ever-increasing role in every aspect of our lives, including education. To encourage teachers to make effective use of ICT in their classrooms, it is important to consider how teacher educators and preservice teachers employ them in initial training programs. The research objective was therefore to conduct a qualitative exploratory study to document ICT use and competence in an initial teacher training program at the École normale supérieure (ENS) d’Abidjan, Ivory Coast. We held individual, semi-directed interviews with teacher educators (n = 9) and preservice teachers (n = 15) and analyzed them using a content analysis approach. Results are presented as scientific articles. We also attempted to describe ICT use by preservice teachers and to develop a profile of teacher educators who used ICT in the initial teacher training program at ENS d’Abidjan. In addition, we examined ICT use by preservice teachers in their initial training in terms of specific components of ICT competence. Based on the results, we developed a typology of ICT use by preservice teachers in their initial training program. We also developed three profiles of teacher educators, as follows: 1. Beginners, who used ICT solely to do research and produce documents 2. Intermediates, who, in addition to research and document production, used computerized communication tools in their professional practice, and frequently used ICT in the classroom 3. Adepts, who, in addition to communication for professional purposes and integration of ICT in the classroom, used educational Web pages. Moreover, from the analysis of the interviews with preservice teachers concerning their ICT use, ICT competence appears to vary across four of its components. Furthermore, although preservice teachers did not have a critical attitude toward ICT, they were aware that ICT could benefit their training. Thus, they used ICT to communicate, find information and interpret it in order to solve problems, and set up networks for exchange and continuing professional development. Although effective integration of ICT into initial teacher training in Ivory Coast has not been fully realized, teacher educators and preservice teachers are nevertheless using ICT in teacher training.

Developing and Assessing Professional Competencies: a Pipe Dream? : Experiences from an Open-Ended Group Project Learning Environment

Daniels, Mats January 2011 (has links)
Professional competencies are explicitly identified in the primary learning outcomes for science and engineering degrees at many tertiary institutions.  Fulfillment of the requirements to equip our students with these skills, while formally acknowledged as important by all stakeholders, can be hard to demonstrate in practice.  Most degree awarding institutions would have difficulties if asked to document where in degree programs such competencies are developed. The work in this thesis addresses the issue of professional competencies from several angles.  The Open-Ended Group Project (OEGP) concept is introduced and proposed as an approach to constructing learning environments in which students’ development of professional competencies can be stimulated and assessed.  Scholarly, research-based development of the IT in Society course unit (ITiS) is described and analyzed in order to present ideas for tailoring OEGP-based course units towards meeting learning objectives related to professional competence.  Work in this thesis includes an examination of both the meanings attributed to the term professional competencies, and methods which can be used to assess the competencies once they are agreed on. The empirical work on developing ITiS is based on a framework for educational research, which has been both refined and extended as an integral part of my research.  The action research methodology is presented and concrete examples of implementations of different pedagogical interventions, based on the methodology, are given.  The framework provides support for relating a theoretical foundation to studies, or development, of learning environments.  The particular theoretical foundation for the examples in this thesis includes, apart from the action research methodology, constructivism, conceptual change, threshold concepts, communities of practice, ill-structured problem solving, the reflective practicum, and problem based learning. The key finding in this thesis is that development and assessment of professional competencies is not a pipe dream.  Assessment can be accomplished, and the OEGP concept provides a flexible base for creating an appropriate learning environment for this purpose. / <p>Felaktigt tryckt som Digital Comprehensive Summaries of Uppsala Dissertations from the Faculty of Science and Technology 738</p>

Profesní kompetence učitelek MŠ Chodov k výtvarným činnostem / Professional art work competencies of teachers at MS Chodov

Zámečníková, Blanka January 2016 (has links)
Following my Bachelor's Project the goal of this Thesis is to examine more deeply the contradiction between the current theory and didactics of the Art Education and the educational reality of the pre-school education. The essence of this Thesis is an evaluation research concerning the current competence conditions of individual educationalists of the particular nursery. The data collection methods triangulation including observation, unstructured interview and photo documentation of art works allows to grasp the given issue of individual views integration. My proposals and recommendations in order to improve the given practice and achieve a further professional development of the educationalists are based on this complex analysis.

Profesní kompetence učitelů mateřských škol / Professional competencies of nursery school teachers

Smolíková, Anna January 2016 (has links)
The thesis deals with the professional competencies of teachers of nursery schools. The theoretical part focuses on contemporary education of nursery school teachers and its history in the Czech Republic with an emphasis on professional competencies. Besides defining the concept of professional competence and their various concepts. Czech education preschool teachers is contrasted with the situation in Europe. The main aim of the research part of the thesis is to describe the differences between differently educated teachers of kindergartens within the conceptualization of professional competencies. The investigation is specifically compared how teachers assess the importance of professional competence and adequacy of their development in the initial training. The survey includes pilot study and private research. Pilot study includes data collection questionnaires and structured interviews for the four case studies with differently educated preschool teachers. Own research is realized in the form of questionnaires with different educated preschool teachers and structured interviews with experts on preschool education. Further analysis was carried out educational plans of selected institutions that educate future teachers of pre-primary. The benefit of the pilot study is especially significant...

Současné trendy ve vzdělávání a jejich aplikace v kvalifikačním studiu učitelů angličtiny / Current trends in education and their application in lifelong education of English teachers

Dvořák, Bohuslav January 2019 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with lifelong education, specifically a programme provided by the Department of English Language and Literature at Charles University, Prague. The thesis is divided into two parts: theoretical and research. In the theoretical part, the theoretical basis of lifelong education is analysed, as well as trends in selected aspects of it. In the research part, data about appropriate programmes from other European countries as well as curricula from other universities and colleges in the Czech Republic and from abroad are analysed. The results of the pilot stage, the questionnaire distributed among the successful participants of the lifelong education programme, which are followed by semi-structured interviews, are presented and compared. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with the teachers teaching in this programme. Content analysis is used to process, compare and interpret the collected data with regard to the programme in question and to the aims of the thesis. The main aims of the dissertation thesis are to find out how similar programmes are structured in the Czech Republic and abroad, what expectations the participants had before starting the programme at Charles University and the extent to which they were met, and whether or not they regard the...

The Value of Primary Music Instrument Training in Music Therapy Education

Harness, Bradley 22 January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Senior Student Affairs Officers' Perceptions Of Critical Professional Competencies

Lindsay, Kristen Renee 24 February 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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