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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rozvoj profesních kompetencí učitelů 1. stupně ZŠ / Development of professional competencies of primary school teachers

Kosová, Markéta January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis on topic Development of professional competencies of Primary School teachers considers the research question: "What is the significance of teacher training and its length in the development of the professional competencies of primary school teachers?". The aim of the thesis is to introduce and analyze effective ways of developing the professional competencies of primary school teachers in the combined form of study. Contextualize the importance of practice and its length in the development of professional competencies. To deal with specific cases, ie cases of significance of practice and its length in the development of professional competencies of primary school teachers. With the support of professional literature, the basic theorems related to the topic of work are defined in the theoretical part: teacher, competencies, key competences, pedagogical knowledge and skills, constructivist approach in education and methods of professional development of teachers. Attention is paid to theory, practice and its position in teacher education. Reflection, cooperation and portfolio are mentioned here as effective means of professional development of teachers, ensuring the interconnection of theoretical knowledge and practical experience. The practical part is focused on qualitative...

Une étude descriptive d’un modèle de supervision en distanciel faisant appel aux TIC lors des stages réalisés dans les milieux scolaires éloignés de leur université

Pellerin, Glorya 06 1900 (has links)
Les différents acteurs impliqués dans la formation pratique en milieu scolaire doivent composer avec les réalités culturelles et territoriales des régions du Québec. Les étudiants issus des régions éloignées des universités souhaitent retourner dans leur milieu d’origine afin d’y réaliser un de leur stage. L’omniprésence des technologies de l’information et des communications (TIC) dans les milieux scolaires et universitaires et l’exigence du Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec (MEQ) (2001) à développer une compétence professionnelle qui vise à intégrer les TIC aux fins de préparation, de pilotage et de gestion de l’enseignement concourent à mettre en place un modèle de supervision qui puisse répondre aux exigences liées au domaine de la formation pratique. Les enjeux sont de taille et méritent que l’on s’y attarde. Prenant en considération le fait que l’observation et la communication entre les différents partenaires de la supervision du stagiaire sont à la base d’une formation efficiente qui puisse répondre aux besoins des étudiants, la présente étude propose un modèle de supervision pouvant accroître la présence des universités dans les milieux plus éloignés et ainsi assurer un accompagnement optimal des stagiaires sur l’ensemble du territoire québécois. Cette recherche a pour objectif de mieux comprendre les avantages et les limites d’un modèle de supervision en distanciel faisant appel aux TIC lors des stages réalisés dans les milieux scolaires éloignés de leur université. Plus précisément, l’étude répond à trois objectifs en identifiant (1) les avantages et (2) les limites liés à la supervision des stages lorsqu’ils se déroulent par l’entremise des TIC et en contribuant à (3) comprendre l’efficience d’un modèle de supervision en distanciel appuyé par les TIC sur l’accompagnement des stagiaires dans le développement de leurs compétences professionnelles de l’acte d’enseigner et de l’identité professionnelle. Afin de saisir les enjeux d’un tel modèle, une étude qualitative descriptive s’avère être le choix qui s’impose. Une rigoureuse collecte de données menée auprès de quatre stagiaires, leur enseignant associé respectif et leur superviseur à l’aide de grilles d’observation, d’enregistrements vidéo, de journaux de bord et d’entrevues semi-dirigées permet de répondre à quatre questions de recherche. Ces dernières s’interrogent sur l’efficience d’un modèle de supervision en distanciel au plan de l’encadrement du stagiaire avant, pendant et après sa prestation, au plan du développement des compétences professionnelles de l’acte d’enseigner et de l’identité professionnelle et au plan de la communication entre les partenaires de la supervision. Les données recueillies à partir des différents outils permettent la présentation d’une description de chaque étape et des avantages et des limites de chacune d’elles : l’accueil, l’observation, les échanges-partenaires et la rétroaction. L’étude permet également de mieux comprendre les avantages et les limites d’une supervision en distanciel appuyé par les TIC lors des stages se déroulant dans les milieux scolaires éloignés de leur université. Ainsi, l’étude fait ressortir que chaque étape du modèle de supervision en distanciel proposé contribue, à différents égards, à rendre la supervision efficiente sur le plan de l’accompagnement au développement des compétences professionnelles. Des recommandations et des pistes de recherches sont proposées afin de maximiser le potentiel du modèle. / The different actors involved in the provision of practical training must take the cultural and territorial realities of the regions of Quebec into account. Students from remote areas distant from universities want to return to their home community in order to complete one of their practicum. The omnipresence of information and communications technologies (ICT) in school and university settings, and the Ministère de l’Éducation du Québec, MEQ’s requirement to develop professional competencies, which integrate ICT, contribute to set up a supervision model, which can meet requirements linked to practical training. There are major challenges and they deserve to be studied at length. Taking into consideration the fact that observation and communication between the practicum student’s different supervisory partners is essential to effective training that meets the student’s needs, this study proposes an approach to supervision which may increase the university’s presence in remote communities and, in doing so, ensure optimal support of practicum students throughout the province of Quebec. The goal of this research is to describe the contributions made by ICT to the practicum supervision process when they occur in remote school settings, away from universities. More precisely, the study meets three objectives by (1) identifying the advantages and (2) the limits linked to supervision of practicums when it is conducted using ICT, and by contributing (3) to understanding the contribution ICT makes to supporting practicum students in the development of their professional competencies with respect to the teaching act, and to the development of their professional identity. In order to grasp the challenges of such an approach, it is required to select a descriptive qualitative study to carry out the research. A rigorous data collection process was conducted with four practicum students, their associate teachers and their supervisors as subjects, using observation forms, video recordings, practicum journals, and semi-directed interviews, which made it possible for the four research questions to be answered. These questions deal with the efficiency of a distance supervision model to the practicum student’s supervision before, during and after the completion of their practicum, with the efficiency of a distance supervision model to communication between the supervisory partners and to the support of the development of professional competencies with respect to the teaching act and to the development of their professional identity. Data gathered using different tools permited the presentation of a description of each step of the proposed approached and the strengths and limits of each step: introduction, observation, partner-exchanges and feedback. The study also allows an understanding of how the model can contribute to supporting the development of practicum students’ professional competencies. In this way, the study highlights that each step of the proposed online supervision approach contributes, in different ways, to making supervision effective in terms of supporting the development of professional competencies. Recommendations and avenues for research are suggested so as to maximize the potential of the model.

Žurnalisto profesinės vertybės: normatyvinis ir praktinis požiūriai / Journalist’s professional values: normative and practical approachess

Mažylytė, Audronė 16 June 2008 (has links)
Pastaruoju metu vis dažniau kalbama apie neskaidrią žiniasklaidą, jos komercialėjimą, mažėjantį visuomenės pasitikėjimą ja, taip pat pasigirsta pranešimų apie profesinei etikai nusižengusius žurnalistus. Vis garsiau prabylama ir apie iš��ūkius pačiai žurnalisto profesijai, nes dėl technologijų evoliucijos, interneto teikiamų galimybių plečiasi „žurnalisto“ samprata – dabar kone kiekvienas rašantis gali publikuoti savo straipsnius internetinėje erdvėje ir vadintis žurnalistu. Todėl galima teigti, jog žurnalistinį išsilavinimą turintys profesionalai yra ta grandis, kuri gali ir turi išlaikyti, įtvirtinti bei apginti profesinius standartus, profesionaliąją žurnalistiką. Todėl šio darbo tikslas – įvertinti teorinį žurnalistikos mokymo vaidmenį ugdant profesines vertybes ir jų pritaikomumą praktinėje veikloje bei pateikti šiandienos žurnalisto profesinį portretą. Tyrimo objektas – žurnalisto profesinių vertybių ugdymas ir jų taikymas praktikoje. Pirmoji darbo dalis skirta žurnalisto profesinės etikos problematikai bei normatyvinių profesinių vertybių aptarimui. Rinkos sąlygų įtakos objektyvumo, teisingumo, sąžiningumo, tikslumo, atsakingumo, demokratiškumo ir humanizmo principų taikymui praktikoje atskleidžiamos antrajame darbo skyriuje. Pristačius pasirinktą teorinę perspektyvą, trečiojoje darbo dalyje kalbama apie žurnalistų rengimą, keliamus tikslus, ugdomas kompetencijas, etikos bei vertybinius ugdymo elementus. Be to, šioje dalyje, atlikus empirinį tyrimą, aptariami... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / It can be noticed recently that more and more often discussions about media transparency problems, its commercialization trends, and the succeeding decrease in public trust arise. One can hear news about journalists who have violated canons of professional ethics. Therefore, not surprisingly more attention is paid to possible challenges the journalist’s profession faces itself, also having in mind that the technological evolution and the possibilities provided by internet broadens the concept of journalist allowing everyone who writes to place his or her article on internet and call himself or herself a journalist. Thus, it can be claimed that professionals who have journalistic education is the very link that can and must retain, strengthen and defend professional standards, as well as professional and qualitative journalism. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to evaluate the role of the theoretical aspect of the journalistic education in shaping the understanding of professional values and their applicability in practice, and also to present a realistic professional portrayal of today’s journalist. The object of the research is the education of journalist’s professional values and their application in practice. The first part of the paper is devoted to discuss the topic of journalist’s professional ethics and the seven normative professional values. The influence market-driven forces can have on the application of the values of objectivity, fairness, honesty, accuracy... [to full text]

Competências para ação educativa da enfermeira: uma interface entre o ensino e a assistência de enfermagem / Competencies for educational activities in nursing: an interface between education and nursing care

Valeria Marli Leonello 31 May 2007 (has links)
Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa que tomou como objeto a interface entre o ensino de enfermagem e o processo de trabalho assistencial em sua dimensão educativa, no que se refere ao desenvolvimento de competências para práticas educativas alicerçadas na Educação Popular em Saúde. Seus objetivos foram construir um perfil de competências para ação educativa da enfermeira em seu processo de trabalho assistencial, a partir da perspectiva dos sujeitos implicados na formação inicial em enfermagem e identificar conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes para essa ação educativa. Utilizou-se o materialismo histórico e dialético como base teórico-metodológica e, como categoria conceitual, a competência, tal como definida por Perrenoud, ancorada nas concepções de trabalho em saúde e no saber operante postulados por Mendes-Gonçalves. A pesquisa foi realizada na Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP) e em dois serviços de saúde vinculados à USP e utilizados como campo de estágio de disciplinas do Bacharelado em Enfermagem: Hospital Universitário (HU) e Centro de Saúde Escola Butantã (CSE). A coleta de dados envolveu cinco grupos de sujeitos: o grupo 1, formado por cinco docentes que participam do Grupo de Apoio Pedagógico (GAP) da EEUSP; o grupo 2, com cinco alunas concluintes do Bacharelado em Enfermagem da EEUSP; o grupo 3, formado por dez enfermeiras, sendo cinco do HU e cinco do CSE Butantã; o grupo 4, integrado por dois gestores desses dois serviços; e, finalmente, o grupo 5, com oito usuários dos serviços mencionados, totalizando 30 participantes. Utilizou-se o grupo focal como técnica de abordagem para os grupos 1 e 2 e, para os grupos 3, 4 e 5, a entrevista semi-estruturada. Para análise dos dados empíricos, utilizou-se a técnica de análise de discurso proposta por Fiorin e adaptada por Car e Bertolozzi. Os discursos coletados foram decompostos em frases temáticas e essas em conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, segundo os quatro pilares da educação, para cada grupo abordado. Em seguida, à luz do referencial teórico utilizado, procedeu-se à recomposição desses conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes, resultando na construção de dez competências para ação educativa da enfermeira: promover a integralidade do cuidado à saúde; articular teoria e prática; promover o acolhimento e construir vínculos com os sujeitos assistidos; reconhecer-se e atuar como agente de transformação da realidade em saúde; reconhecer e respeitar a autonomia dos sujeitos em relação à suas vidas; respeitar o saber de senso comum, reconhecendo a incompletude do saber profissional; utilizar o diálogo como estratégia para a transformação da realidade em saúde; operacionalizar técnicas pedagógicas que viabilizem o diálogo com os sujeitos assistidos; instrumentalizar os sujeitos com informação adequada e, finalmente, valorizar e exercitar a intersetorialidade no cuidado à saúde. A construção desse perfil de competências revelou, entre outros aspectos, a necessidade de ressignificar a ação educativa nos serviços de saúde, adotando-se a perspectiva da Educação Popular em Saúde. Neste sentido, construir competências para ação educativa da enfermeira constitui uma das tarefas para a formação inicial, na interface entre o ensino e o processo de trabalho assistencial da enfermagem / The focus of this qualitative study is the interface between nursing education and nursing care with regard to the development of competencies for educational practices based on Popular Health Education. The objective was to create a competencies profile for nursing care education activities by identifying requisite knowledge, abilities and attitudes. Historical and dialectical materialism was used as the theoretical and methodological framework. Competence was addressed as a conceptual category, as defined by Perrenoud, based on healthcare concepts and on instrumental knowledge as postulated by Mendes-Gonçalves. This study was conducted at the University of São Paulo Nursing School (EEUSP) and in two health centers linked to the University of São Paulo and used as a training ground for internship courses for the bachelor’s degree program in nursing. Data collection involved five groups of participants: group 1, made up of five professors, who are members of the EEUSP Grupo de Apoio Pedagógico (Education Support Group - GAP); group 2, made up of five USP nursing school graduates (bachelor’s degree); group 3, made up of 10 nurses, five from HU and five from CSE Butantã; group 4, made up of two managers of these two services; and finally, group 5, with eight users of the aforementioned services, for a total of 30 participants. A focus group was used for groups 1 and 2 and semi-structured interviews for groups 3, 4 and 5. Discourse analysis proposed by Fiorin and adapted by Car and Bertolozzi was used for analysis of empirical data. The statements collected were categorized into thematic phrases and these were further categorized into knowledge, abilities and attitudes, according to the four pillars of education for each group studied. In light of the theoretical framework employed, the knowledge, abilities and attitudes were reconstructed, resulting in the creation of 10 core competencies for nursing education activities: promoting full health care; integrating theory and practice; promoting embracement and building ties with patients; recognizing and acting as an agent for change in healthcare; recognizing and respecting the independence of participants; respecting the wisdom of common sense, recognizing the incompleteness of professional knowledge; using dialogue as a strategy to transform healthcare; employing educational techniques that facilitate dialogue with patients; empowering the participants with appropriate information and finally, promoting decentralization of healthcare. The building of this competency profile revealed, among other things, the need to redesign educational activities in healthcare around the Popular Health Education initiative. In this sense, building competencies for nursing education is one of the first tasks required to form the interface between education and nursing care

Counselor educators’ perceptions of the preparation of school counselors for advocacy

Kircher, Robert L. January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Education / Department of Counseling and Educational Psychology / Kenneth F. Hughey / Advocacy is an increasingly integral role for school counselors, and advocacy dispositions, knowledge, and skill competencies are critical for school counselors to function effectively in the contemporary school setting. This study assessed the perceptions of school counselor educators regarding the degree of importance of including advocacy dispositions, knowledge, and skill competencies (Trusty & Brown, 2005) in master’s degree school counseling programs; the extent to which the advocacy competencies are taught in the program; and the relative readiness of program graduates to apply the advocacy competencies. Additionally, this study also investigated whether there were significant differences between the responses of participants associated with CACREP-accredited and those with non-CACREP-accredited school counselor preparation programs. Stratified proportional sampling was used to identify study participants. A sample of 250 counselor educators teaching in master’s degree programs in school counseling was identified and a survey was sent to each participant. One-hundred thirty six surveys were returned (54.4%); this represented 69 CACREP-accredited programs and 67 non-CACREP-accredited programs involving respondents in each region of Association for Counselor Education and Supervision. Mean ratings for respondents indicated that counselor educators perceived inclusion of the 15 advocacy competencies in master’s programs in school counseling as moderately to very important, moderately taught in their programs, and their graduates to be moderately ready to apply the advocacy competencies. Using independent samples t-tests to compare the mean ratings, the results showed no statistically significant differences between CACREP-accredited and non-CACREP-accredited respondents. It was concluded that the advocacy disposition, knowledge, and skill competencies delineated by Trusty and Brown (2005) are appropriate for inclusion in master’s degree programs in school counseling, and that additional focus on advocacy competencies might be needed within programs to ensure that all school counseling graduates learn and are able to apply the competencies. It was also concluded that the perceptions of counselor educators in CACREP-accredited and non-CACREP-accredited programs are more similar than different relative to the importance of including the competencies in graduate programs, the extent to which they are taught, and the readiness of graduates to apply the competencies.

Une étude descriptive d’un modèle de supervision en distanciel faisant appel aux TIC lors des stages réalisés dans les milieux scolaires éloignés de leur université

Pellerin, Glorya 06 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Modeling ambulance dispatching rules for EMS-systems / Modellering av dirigeringsstrategier för EMS-system

Knoops, Lorinde, Lundgren, Tilda January 2016 (has links)
This thesis presents a study on efficient dispatching rules in ambulance dispatching. By efficient dispatching rules, we mean such dispatching rules that lower response times for priority 1 calls while keeping response times for priority 2 calls at an adequate level. A Markov process and a simulation model were developed in order to evaluate the performance of several existing and newly designed dispatching rules. On four different response areas, five different dispatching rules were tested and their performances were compared. Particular focus was put upon the dispatch rule currently used by the Swedish emergency service provider SOS Alarm; the Closest rule. Our findings indicate that the four priority-based dispatching rules all outperform the Closest rule in decreasing the mean response time for calls of priority degree 1. Furthermore, implementing restrictions on the travel time for priority 2 calls was proven an efficient way to control the trade-off between the mean response time of priority 1 and 2 calls. The conclusion was drawn that the possibilities for more efficient ambulance dispatching are many and that SOS Alarm should consider implementing priority-based dispatching rules, alike the ones presented in this thesis, in their dispatching process. A study of the ambulance operator and controller profession, and the operator’s and controller’s interplay with the decision support system used by SOS Alarm in the ambulance dispatching process, was conducted in parallel. The properties of the interaction dynamics between operator and automation and the dangers linked to it were mapped out, described and analyzed. / Denna kandidatexamensuppsats behandlar effektiva dirigeringsstrategier inom ambulansdirigering. Effektiva dirigeringsstrategier åsyftar dirigeringsstrategier som lyckas sänka svarstiden för inkommande prioritet 1-samtal, samtidigt som svarstiden för prioritet 2-samtal hålls på en tillfredsställande nivå. I syfte att utvärdera olika dirigeringsstrategier utvecklades både en Markovsk modell och en simuleringsmodell. På fyra olika geografiska områden testades och jämfördes. Fem olika dirigeringsstrategier, varav två existerande och tre nyutvecklade. Särskilt fokus riktades mot Closest rule, vilket är den dirigeringsstrategi som används i SOS Alarms verksamhet idag. Från resultaten kunde utläsas att de prioritets-baserade dirigeringsstrategierna resulterade i en lägre genomsnittlig svarstid för prioritet 1-fall än Closest rule. Dessutom konstaterades det att en begränsning av svarstiderna för prioritet 2-samtal var ett effektivt sätt att kontrollera balansen mellan de genomsnittliga svarstiderna för samtal av prioritet 1, respektive 2. Slutsatsen drogs att möjligheterna för att utveckla nya effektiva dirigeringsstrategier är många och att SOS Alarm bör överväga att implementera prioritetsbaserade dirigeringsstrategier likt dem som presenterats i denna uppsats. Parallellt studerades ambulansoperatörens och -dirigentens yrkeskunnande, samt operatörens och dirigentens samspel med det beslutsstödssystem som används i SOS Alarms dirigeringsverksamhet. Interaktionen mellan operatör och automatisering samt de relaterade riskerna kartlades, beskrevs och analyserades.

Взаимосвязь эмоционального интеллекта и уровня развития управленческих компетенций у руководителей : магистерская диссертация / Interrelation of emotional intelligence and level of development of managerial competencies of managers

Корнейчук, О. Е., Korneychuk, O. E. January 2018 (has links)
The object of the study was emotional intelligence. The subject of the study was the relationship between the level of managerial competencies and the level of emotional intelligence. The master's thesis consists of an introduction, three chapters, conclusion, a list of references (60 sources) and an appendix, which includes the forms of the applied techniques. The volume of the master's thesis is 110 pages, on which are placed 15 figures and 12 tables. The introduction reveals the relevance of the research problem, the development of the problematics, the purpose and objectives of the research are set, the object and the subject of the research are determined, the main hypothesis is formulated, the methods and the empirical base are specified, as well as the stages of the research, the scientific novelty, the theoretical and practical significance of the work. The first chapter includes a review of foreign and domestic literature on the topic of research, the place of emotional intelligence in the system of other types of intelligence, the structure of emotional intelligence and its place in the modern business environment, as well as the model of managerial competencies and their role in the modern business system. Conclusions on chapter 1 represent results on studying of theoretical material. Chapter 2 is devoted to a skilled basic research of emotional intelligence and level of administrative competences at heads of the average and highest level of the chosen enterprise. The short characteristic of the enterprise on the basis of which there took place the research is provided. Techniques of assessment of level of professional competences are considered. The test for emotional intelligence of N. Hall which has been chosen for evaluating level of emotional intelligence is described. The description of the organization of carrying out a research is provided. Conclusions on chapter 2 include the description of relevance of the chosen techniques and their practical importance for assessment of level of emotional intelligence and level of professional competences of administrative board of the chosen company. The chapter 3 is devoted to results of an empirical research. Conclusions by results which have turned out during application of the chosen techniques, such as «Assessment- сenter» method which includes are given: "Test for researches of professional and behavioral and managerial characteristics" of K. Thomas, 2 types of questioning: on satisfaction, on motivation, 2 methods of an interview: the structured interview on competences, motivational, "Progressive matrixes" of J. Raven, 2 the stimulating exercises: discussion 1, discussion 2, assessment method of "360 degrees" and "Test for measurement of emotional intelligence" of N. Hall. Conclusions according to chapter 3 include the main results of an empirical research. Conclusions according to chapter 3 include the main results of an empirical research. In the conclusion in a generalized view results of theoretical and empirical parts of work and also conclusions on the made hypothesis are stated, the practical importance of a research is proved and the possible prospects of further development of this perspective are described. / Объектом исследования явился эмоциональный интеллект. Предметом исследование явилась взаимосвязь уровня управленческих компетенций с уровнем эмоционального интеллекта. Магистерская диссертация состоит из введения, трех глав, заключения, списка литературы (60 источников) и приложения, включающего в себя бланки применявшихся методик. Объем магистерской диссертации 110 страниц, на которых размещены 15 рисунков и 12 таблиц. Во введении раскрывается актуальность проблемы исследования, разработанность проблематики, ставятся цель и задачи исследования, определяются объект и предмет исследования, формулируются основная гипотеза, указываются методы и эмпирическая база, а также этапы проведения исследования, научная новизна, теоретическая и практическая значимость работы. Первая глава включает в себя обзор иностранной и отечественной литературы по теме исследования, место эмоционального интеллекта в системе других видов интеллекта, структуру эмоционального интеллекта и его место в современной бизнес среде, а так же модель управленческих компетенций и их роль в современной системе бизнеса. Выводы по первой главе представляют собой итоги по изучению теоретического материала. Вторая глава посвящена опытно-поисковому исследованию эмоционального интеллекта и уровню управленческих компетенций у руководителей среднего и высшего уровня выбранного предприятия. Приведена краткая характеристика предприятия, на базе которого проходило исследование. Рассмотрены методики оценки уровня профессиональных компетенций. Описан тест на эмоциональный интеллект Н.Холла, который был выбран для проведения оценки уровня эмоционального интеллекта. Приведено описание организации проведения исследования. Выводы по второй главе включают в себя описание актуальности выбранных методик и их практической значимости для оценки уровня эмоционального интеллекта и уровня профессиональных компетенций руководящего состава выбранной компании. Третья глава посвящена результатам эмпирического исследования. Приведены выводы по результатам, которые получились в ходе применения выбранных методик, таких как метод «Ассессмент - центра», который включает в себя: «Тест на исследования профессионально-поведенческих и управленческих характеристик» К.Томаса, 2 вида анкетирования: на удовлетворенность, на мотивацию, 2 метода интервью: структурированное интервью по компетенциям, мотивационное, «Прогрессивные матрицы» Дж. Равена, 2 стимулирующих упражнения: дискуссия 1, дискуссия 2, метод оценки «360 градусов» и «Теста на измерение эмоционального интеллекта» Н.Холла. Выводы по главе 3 включают в себя основные результаты эмпирического исследования. В заключении в обобщенном виде изложены результаты теоретической и эмпирической частей работы, а также выводы по выдвинутой гипотезе, обоснована практическая значимость исследования и описаны возможные перспективы дальнейшей разработки данной проблематики.

Usages et compétence TIC en formation initiale à l'ENS d'Abidjan (Côte d'Ivoire : le cas des formateurs et des futurs enseignants

Mian Bi, Sehi A. 06 1900 (has links)
Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) sont de plus en plus présentes dans toutes les sphères de la société y compris dans l’éducation. Pour favoriser des usages effectifs de ces technologies par des enseignants dans les salles de classe, il devient pertinent de s’intéresser aux usages qu’en font certains formateurs et futurs enseignants dans le cadre de la formation initiale. Ainsi, dans le contexte de la formation initiale des enseignants en Côte d’Ivoire à l’ENS d’Abidjan, l’objectif général de la présente thèse est de documenter les usages et la compétence TIC. Pour répondre à ces préoccupations, une étude qualitative exploratoire a été réalisée à l’Ecole normale supérieure (ENS) d’Abidjan en Côte d’Ivoire. Les entrevues individuelles semi-dirigées avec des formateurs (n = 9) et des futurs enseignants (n = 15) ont été analysées, en adoptant une approche méthodologique basée essentiellement sur l’analyse du contenu. Les résultats sont présentés sous forme d’articles scientifiques. La thèse tente ainsi de décrire des usages des TIC par des futurs enseignants, de dresser un profil des formateurs usagers des TIC dans le cadre de la formation initiale à l’ENS d’Abidjan. Elle veut aussi examiner les usages des TIC par des futurs enseignants, en formation initiale, pour certaines des composantes de la compétence TIC. Les résultats obtenus permettent de dresser une typologie des usages des TIC par des futurs enseignants dans le cadre de leurs activités d’apprentissage. Pour ce qui est des formateurs, trois profils d’usagers ont été dressés : 1. Les usagers de bas niveau qui font usage des TIC uniquement pour la recherche et la production de documents ; 2. Les usagers de niveau moyen qui, en plus de la recherche et la production de documents, utilisent les outils électroniques de communication dans leurs pratiques professionnelles, et font souvent usage des TIC dans leur classe ; 3. Les usagers de bon niveau qui, en plus de faire usage des outils de communication dans leurs pratiques professionnelles et d’intégrer les TIC dans leurs pratiques en classe, disposent de pages Web à but éducatif. Par ailleurs, l’analyse des discours des futurs enseignants sur les usages des TIC laisse percevoir que la compétence TIC se révèle de façon inégale à travers quatre de ses composantes. En effet, même s’ils n’ont pas une posture critique face aux TIC, ces futurs enseignants ont une conscience de leurs avantages dans le cadre de leur formation. Ainsi, ils utilisent les TIC pour communiquer, rechercher les informations, les interpréter afin de résoudre un problème, se constituer un réseau d’échanges et de formation continue. Même si l’intégration des TIC dans la formation initiale des enseignants en Côte d’Ivoire n’est pas encore effective, des formateurs et des futurs enseignants en font usage dans le cadre de la formation. / Information and communications technologies (ICT) play an ever-increasing role in every aspect of our lives, including education. To encourage teachers to make effective use of ICT in their classrooms, it is important to consider how teacher educators and preservice teachers employ them in initial training programs. The research objective was therefore to conduct a qualitative exploratory study to document ICT use and competence in an initial teacher training program at the École normale supérieure (ENS) d’Abidjan, Ivory Coast. We held individual, semi-directed interviews with teacher educators (n = 9) and preservice teachers (n = 15) and analyzed them using a content analysis approach. Results are presented as scientific articles. We also attempted to describe ICT use by preservice teachers and to develop a profile of teacher educators who used ICT in the initial teacher training program at ENS d’Abidjan. In addition, we examined ICT use by preservice teachers in their initial training in terms of specific components of ICT competence. Based on the results, we developed a typology of ICT use by preservice teachers in their initial training program. We also developed three profiles of teacher educators, as follows: 1. Beginners, who used ICT solely to do research and produce documents 2. Intermediates, who, in addition to research and document production, used computerized communication tools in their professional practice, and frequently used ICT in the classroom 3. Adepts, who, in addition to communication for professional purposes and integration of ICT in the classroom, used educational Web pages. Moreover, from the analysis of the interviews with preservice teachers concerning their ICT use, ICT competence appears to vary across four of its components. Furthermore, although preservice teachers did not have a critical attitude toward ICT, they were aware that ICT could benefit their training. Thus, they used ICT to communicate, find information and interpret it in order to solve problems, and set up networks for exchange and continuing professional development. Although effective integration of ICT into initial teacher training in Ivory Coast has not been fully realized, teacher educators and preservice teachers are nevertheless using ICT in teacher training.

Sebereflexe učitele jako součást jeho pedagogických kompetencí / Teacher's self-reflection as part of his/her pedagogical competencies

Polanová, Věra January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with self-reflection of a teacher as one of his key pedagogical competencies. The theoretical part is dedicated to defining a teacher as a reflective teacher. In this part, the significance of a self-reflection in a teacher's work and its influence on his consequential pedagogical activities is emphasised. This thesis describes various methods of self-reflection that teachers can use when self-reflecting. Selfreflection of teacher's work can be an incentive towards improving his further work and contribute to professional growth of a teacher and his lifelong learning. The practical part of this thesis is focused on frequency of self-reflection, its timing, use of self-reflective methods and consequent use of information found.

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