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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

De licenciando a professor de química: um olhar sobre o desenvolvimento do conhecimento pedagógico do conteúdo / From pre-service to in-service chemistry teacher: a look to the pedagogical content knowledge development

Girotto Junior, Gildo 01 February 2012 (has links)
Uma série de pesquisas faz referência ao estudo do desenvolvimento dos conhecimentos necessários ao professor, englobando o conhecimento sobre o conteúdo, o conhecimento sobre a prática e o conhecimento sobre as diversas teorias de ensino e como fazer a relação teoria/prática. Com similar relevância, a discussão entre formação inicial e continuada vem sendo abordada no sentido de propor currículos de formação que possam contribuir cada vez mais para a formação de profissionais reflexivos. O conceito de Conhecimento Pedagógico do Conteúdo (PCK), inicialmente proposto por Shulman, está relacionado a um conjunto de saberes que vão além do conhecimento técnico do conteúdo, incluindo as formas de representações sobre o conteúdo e sua seleção, as exemplificações e analogias, as metodologias didáticas que podem ou não favorecer o aprendizado significativo deste ou daquele conteúdo. Esse conceito tem sido ampliado, desde o entendimento de Van Driel como conhecimento referido a um tópico particular do ensino juntamente com o conhecimento da experiência de como ensinar este tópico até o de Kind em que aponta o PCK como o conhecimento que os professores utilizam durante o processo de ensino. Neste trabalho investigamos o desenvolvimento do PCK de professores formados no curso de licenciatura em Química do Instituto de Química da Universidade de São Paulo e que hoje atuam como professores de química no ensino médio e superior. Nossos dados envolvem as atividades escritas, as gravações das aulas ministradas e as reflexões de três licenciandos que cursaram a disciplina Instrumentação para o Ensino da Química I, além de entrevistas e gravações em áudio de aulas de Química desses professores em seus contextos reais de sala de aula após um período que variou de três a cinco anos depois de formados. Utilizamos os instrumentos CoRe (Representação de Conteúdo) e PaP-eRs (Repertórios de experiência Profissional e Pedagógica) para documentar a prática desses professores e assim, reconhecer seu PCK. Para as análises utilizamos o Modelo de Raciocínio Pedagógico e Ação de Shulman e os tipos de conhecimento do modelo de Morine-Dershimer e Kent. Utilizamos também a ferramenta de análise de discurso proposta por Mortimer e Scott para identificar padrões de interação. Nesses professores, o desenvolvimento do PCK foi promovido durante a formação inicial através de experiência de planejamento e intervenção em sala de aula e atividades que buscaram estimular a reflexão sobre a ação. Os dados após três anos de experiência profissional revelam um incremento no PCK desses professores resultante da experiência em sala de aula e do processo reflexivo. A partir das análises realizadas, algumas implicações são fornecidas para a formação de professores de química. Apontamos para a necessidade de cuidar desse momento especial na trajetória dos professores - os anos iniciais de experiência profissional. Salientamos a necessidade de atuar nesse início de carreira, com grupos colaborativos, com intuito de contribuir mais diretamente para o desenvolvimento do PCK. / The literature refers to the study of the development of teacher knowledge, encompassing content knowledge, practical knowledge and the knowledge about different teaching-learning theories and how to deal with the theory/practice relationship. With similar relevance, the discussion about pre-service and in-service teacher education has been approached in order to propose teacher education curricula that can increasingly contribute to the reflective practitioners. The Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK), initially proposed by Shulman, is related to a set of knowledge that go beyond the content knowledge and include the content representation and their selection, the examples and analogies, the methodologies that may or not facilitate the meaningful learning of this or that content. This concept has been amplified, since then. Van Driel understands PCK as the knowledge related to a particular subject matter as well as the knowledge from practice in how to teach this topic. Moreover Kind´s conception points out the PCK as the knowledge teachers use during the teaching process. In this work we investigated the PCK development of trained teachers, graduated the course from Chemistry Institute of University of São Paulo and now work as teachers of chemistry both in high school or university. Our data involve written activities, the recordings of the classes and the reflections that three undergraduates taking the Methodology for Chemistry Teaching course (QFL 2505), as well as interviews and audio recordings of Chemistry lessons from these teachers in their real contexts of their classroom after a period of three to five years of graduation. We used the instruments CoRe (Content Representation) and PaP-eRs (Pedagogical and Professional experience Relatories) to document the pedagogical practice and then, recognize the teacher\'s PCK. We relate some aspects in the teacher discourse to the Model of Pedagogical Reasoning and Action from Shulman and to the teacher knowledge components from Morine-Dershimer and Kent. We also used the discourse analysis tool from Mortimer and Scott to identify teaching approaches and interaction patterns. In the investigated teachers, the development of PCK was promoted during pre-service teacher education through the experience of planning and intervention on classroom and reflection-on-action activities. Data after three years of professional experience reveal an improvement on this teacher PCK resulting from the classroom experience and the reflective process. From the analysis, some implications are pointed out for chemistry teacher education. We emphasize the special moment during teacher\'s professional development - the initial years of professional experience. We point out the importance of work with collaborative groups during the initial phase of teaching in order to contribute more directly to the development of teachers PCK.

The application of adult education principles to school-based curriculum changes: a case study of a school-based curriculum change for Hebrew literature at a Jewish day school (Grades 8-9) in Johannesburg

Herman, Chaya 10 April 2014 (has links)
Thesis (M.Ed.)--University of the Witwatersrand, Faculty of Education, 1998. / This case study explores, through critical reflection, the process of a school-based curriculum change (SBCC) and examines to what extent the application of adult education principles facilitates this process. The change is related to three issues: the process of curriculum development; the shift towards professional development based on adult education principles; and the changing role of the consultant in relation to curriculum development. Tire consultant came to realize that in order to promote school based curriculum development it was necessary to work with the head of the department and the teachers in a participative mode, rather than taking a stand as a curriculum development expert. The research findings suggest that in order to apply adult education principles to teachers’ professional development, the consultant needs to move from consultancy based on an expert role towards consultancy based on a process role. The research proposes that professional development based on adult education principles and teamwork could be a promising introduction to a secondorder change promoting a school culture of teamwork and critical reflection. The researcher came to question the appropriateness of a case study based on participant observation as a research methodology in the workplace. She suggests that an action research could be more advantageous to promote a second-order change and could be more in line with adult education principles.

Instructional leadership practice in the context of managerialism: The case of four primary schools in Gauteng Province

Gandeebo, Cyprian Bankakuu 06 August 2008 (has links)
The principal’s roles as manager and instructional leader are complementary terms for explaining what s/he does daily in the school to direct the mission towards its fulfilment. However, these roles are often in tension, especially in the context of school self-management. This scenario has led to an overemphasis on routine (administrative) tasks by school managers, leaving them over-worked and with little time to devote their efforts to the core technology of schooling, the most critical and essential responsibility of school management namely, instructional leadership. Employing a qualitative case study approach, this report explored the day-to-day instructional tasks of leaders in two primary schools in the Johannesburg East District in the Gauteng Province. It is argued, in the study, that it is necessary for school principals to distribute, collaborate and involve other SMT members in executing their instructional leadership responsibilities to enhance quality delivery of C2005. The deputy principal and school level HoDs, it is argued, should be the immediate arbiters of the tension between the principal’s functions as manager and instructional leader. They should be enabled and encouraged to create a balance between meeting the school’s educative goals and sharing in the instructional duties of principals. The lack of time and commitment to instructional improvement on the part of principals seriously hampers and compromises their effectiveness, teaching and learning, and student achievement. Consistent with the Department of Education’s policy framework on instructional leadership practices in schools (DoE, 2000), the findings in this study reveal that the effective implementation and reaping the benefits of Curriculum 2005 (C2005) requires collaborative practices among the SMT members (the principal, deputy principal and the heads of departments). This study also found that instructional improvement should be regarded as core to everybody’s job and not as a specialised function for an individual, the principal. This is consistent with Alvarado (in Elmore & Burney, 1997), who asserts that anyone with staff responsibility has the duty to support others directly involved in staff development. The deputy principal, the heads of department and subject heads in primary schools as formal leaders, all have an instructional responsibility to assist the principal in meeting the school’s instructional goals.

Coordenadores de área do PIBID: um olhar sobre o desenvolvimento profissional. / PIBID subprojects coordinators: perspectives about professional development.

Silva, Luciene Fernanda da 29 June 2015 (has links)
O Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), cujas atividades iniciaram-se em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) Federais em 2009, é um programa voltado para formação inicial de professores e tem como principal característica a aproximação entre a universidade e a escola de educação básica (EB). Tal parceria é concretizada por meio de subprojetos dos quais fazem parte licenciandos, professores das escolas de EB (supervisores) e professores da IES (coordenadores de área). Muitos trabalhos recentes (relatos de experiência e trabalhos de investigação) apontam impactos significativos do programa, principalmente, na formação inicial dos licenciandos e na formação continuada dos supervisores (GATTI et al., 2014; NASCIMENTO, 2014). Neste trabalho concentramos a atenção nos coordenadores de área de subprojetos PIBID que envolvem cursos de licenciatura em Física de IES públicas do estado de São Paulo e buscamos responder à seguinte questão de pesquisa: Quais são os impactos da participação no PIBID para o desenvolvimento profissional de coordenadores de área de subprojetos que envolvem cursos de licenciatura em Física? Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com onze coordenadores de área. O instrumento utilizado para a coleta de dados teve como base as contribuições de diversos autores para o entendimento sobre o desenvolvimento profissional docente (MARCELO GARCÍA, 1999; DAY, 2001; PONTE, 1994, 1998; PERRENOUD, 2000; entre outros). Essas contribuições foram sintetizadas em seis dimensões do desenvolvimento profissional e adequadas para o coordenador de área do PIBID: carreira acadêmica e profissional, atualização científica e profissional, condução de ensino, sustentação da aprendizagem, gestão universitária e imagem dos sujeitos. Os dados foram apresentados por meio de análises narrativas (FREITAS; FIORENTINI, 2007) organizadas em quatro categorias que emergiram desses dados. São elas: a parceria universidade-escola, as articulações com a pesquisa, a relação com a instituição universitária e os impactos na própria prática como formador de professores. Após um aprofundamento da análise, encontramos como principais resultados que a participação no PIBID abre a possibilidade aos coordenadores de área de repensar a formação que oferecem aos licenciandos, tanto no contexto de suas próprias práticas quanto no contexto institucional; transformar suas práticas formativas a partir dessas reflexões; e incorporar resultados obtidos por meio das ações do PIBID em seus trabalhos de pesquisa. Pudemos inferir que as mudanças que levaram ao desenvolvimento profissional para a maioria dos coordenadores foram provocadas principalmente pelo trabalho colaborativo realizado com os supervisores e pelo conhecimento sobre a realidade das escolas de EB. Concluímos, portanto, que a parceria com as escolas de EB foi o principal motor de desenvolvimento profissional para os coordenadores. / The Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência - PIBID), whose actions began in brazilian Federal Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in 2009, is a program devoted to the initial teacher education that has as its main feature promote the approach between the university and the basic education (BE) school. This partnership is realised in subprojects in which participate undergraduate students, BE school teachers (supervisor) and undergraduate degree courses professors (coordinators). Many recent works (whether experience reports or research) indicate significant impacts of the program, mainly in the initial training of future teachers and continued training of supervisors (GATTI et al., 2014; NASCIMENTO, 2014). We focus, in this research, on PIBID subprojects coordinators that envolve undergraduate degree courses in Physics from the state of São Paulo public HEI. We aim to respond to the following research question: what are the impacts of participation in PIBID for the professional development of coordinators from subprojects envolving undergraduate degree courses in Physics? We conducted semi-structured interviews with eleven coordinators. Our data collection instrument was based on the contributions of several authors for the understanding of teachers professional development (MARCELO GARCÍA, 1999; DAY, 2001; PONTE, 1994, 1998; PERRENOUD, 2000; among others). These contributions were summarized in six professional development dimensions and were suited to the PIBID coordinators: academic and professional career, scientific and professional development, teaching conduction, learning support, university management and individuals image. The data were reported using narratives analysis (FREITAS; FIORENTINI, 2007) that were organized within four categories that emerged from the data. They are: the university-school partnership, the links with research, the relationship with the university and the impact on their own practice as a teachers trainer. After futher analysis, we found out, as the main results, that the participation in PIBID provides to the coordinators the opportunity to rethinkthe training they offer to undergraduates, both in the context of their own practices as in their institutional context; transform their training practices based in these reflections; and incorporate the PIBID actions\" results in their research works. We deduced that the changes that led the majority of coordinators to professionnal development were mainly caused by the collaborative work did with the supervisors and by the knowledge about BE schools\" reality. Thus, we conclude that the partnership with the BE schools was the main promoter for the coordinators professional development.

Autopercepção dos potenciais estressores ocupacionais e suas consequências para advogados e advogadas líderes de uma grande banca de advocacia / Self-perception of potential occupational stressors and their consequences to leaders of a big law firm

Jacomo, Amabile Cristina Sass 16 June 2016 (has links)
A organização do trabalho passou por diversas mudanças, sendo a mais recente e atual a da gestão flexível, que contém várias práticas que podem ocasionar, dependendo da forma como são geridas, malefícios à saúde mental do(a) trabalhador(a) e estresse, principalmente se ele(a) for líder, em razão das responsabilidades inerentes à posição. As empresas brasileiras, em torno da década de 1990, começaram a adotar algumas características da gestão flexível para se adequarem às novas demandas econômicas, políticas e sociais. Tal processo ocorreu em paralelo com a transformação de alguns escritórios de advocacia brasileiros, que adentraram no pós-profissionalismo em detrimento do clássico modelo (profissionalismo) tendo como uma de suas características a implantação de grandes bancas advocatícias. Essas bancas, por sua vez, possuem algumas práticas da gestão flexível, que, dependendo da forma com que são organizadas e dos recursos da pessoa para lidar com as demandas exigidas, podem levar a situações potencialmente estressoras. Assim, o estudo teve como objetivo identificar os potenciais estressores ocupacionais autopercebidos pelos(as) advogados(as) líderes de duas unidades de uma grande sociedade de advogados(as) e analisar os impactos dos mesmos em suas vidas. Para tanto, foram realizados estudos de casos múltiplos com 9 advogados(as) líderes das unidades de São Paulo e Rio de Janeiro. Para a análise das entrevistas utilizou-se a técnica de análise de conteúdo de Bardin (1977/2009). Foram encontrados como estressores potenciais autopercebidos fatores ligados ao reconhecimento; foco somente nos resultados; sobrecarga e ritmo de trabalho; cultura da urgência; conflito de papeis; falta de controle; imprevisibilidade; decidir com o(a) cliente o trabalho e o tempo de realização do caso, sem antes checar a disponibilidade do(a) advogado(a) que fará o serviço; metas; equipe júnior. Tais potenciais estressores podem levar à frustração e sentimento de injustiça; medo de errar; desequilíbrio entre o lazer e o trabalho; e falta de autonomia. Apesar de todos os potenciais estressores apontados, a maioria dos(as) advogados(as) não se percebe com estresse. Além disso, a maioria julga possuir autonomia. Porém, foi analisado que a autonomia e diversos direitos que os(as) advogados(as) possuíam no profissionalismo parecem não mais existir nas relações de trabalho contemporânea, com base no escritório pesquisado, devido ao formato da organização que leva à maior aproximação dos(as) advogados(as) como funcionários(as). Nas considerações finais, foi apontado que os estressores potenciais autopercebidos relacionam-se ao modelo da gestão atual, demonstrando as formas de atuação contemporânea dos escritórios, distantes do perfil clássico, e as consequências que podem acarretar. Tais potenciais estressores não são eventos isolados, fazem parte da rotina diária da maioria dos(as) entrevistados(as) e aparentam ter como ponto central as metas e o reconhecimento. Espera-se contribuir com pesquisas futuras sobre o estresse dos(as) advogados(as) e ter contribuído para a reflexão sobre as relações de trabalho da advocacia contemporânea e as consequências que essas podem acarretar à vida pessoal e profissional dos(as) advogados(as) associados(as) líderes, principalmente à sua saúde / The work organization passed through many changes, which the most recent and actual is the flexible management. This has many different practices and can provoke, depending on how it´s managed, various mental harms on the workers and stress. Mainly if the person is a leader, because of the responsabilities due to the position. Brazilians companies, around of 1990´s, start to adopt some characteristics of the flexible management to adapt to new economic, political and social demands. This process occurred in parallel to the transformation of some law firms, which entered to the postprofessionalism over to the classical model (professionalism) which is noticed with development of big law firms and the adoption by them of some aspects of flexible management. Depending on how these aspects are managed and dealt by each worker, they can drive to many stressful potentials situations. Thereby, the study had as a target to identify self-perceived potential occupational stressors by leaders lawyers of two units of a big law firm and analyze impacts of them in their lives. Therefore, study of multiple cases was realized with 9 leaders lawyers of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. For the analysis of the interviews it was used the technique of Bardin´s content analysis.There were found as self-perceived potential occupational stressors some factors related to recognition, focus just on results, overload and pace of work, culture of urgency, conflicts of rolls, lack of control, unpredictability, decision about work with clients and time to do the work without checking availability of lawyers, goals, team with lack of experience. These potential stressors can cause frustration and feeling of injustice, fear of mistake, unbalance of leisure and work and lack of autonomy. Despite of all potential stressors indicated, the majority of lawyers don´t recognize that have stress. Besides that, most of them think have autonomy, It the other hand, it was analyzed that many rights and autonomy that lawyers had had in the professionalism seem that don´t exist anymore in the relationship of contemporary work of big law firms, based on the law firm researched, because of the mold of the organization that lead lawyers nearer to employees. In the last considerations, it was pointed that self-perceived potential occupational stressors are related to the actual management, demonstrated at actual forms of contemporary law firms, far from the classical profile, and the consequences that can result. Such potential stressors are not isolated events, are part of daily routine of the majority of the interviewers and look like that goals and recognition are central points. This work is expected to contribute with future researches about stress of lawyers and to had contributed to reflection about work relationships of contemporary advocacy and the consequences that can result in personal and professional life of leaders lawyers, especially in their health

Teacher Experiences in Highly Impacted Schools That Produce Happiness

Lund, Brittany Nicole 01 April 2018 (has links)
Teachers represent a large percentage of the workforce in the United States, yet there is a high demand for teachers every year due to a large number of teachers exiting the profession (Ingersoll, 2001). Staying beyond the first five years is a feat nearly half of the teachers in the United States do not accomplish which leads to problems within the school community (Ingersoll, 2002; Ingersoll, 2004). Through an exploration of the positive stories of teachers' experiences this study identifies some of the common themes found within those stories that led teachers to greater happiness in their profession. While this study provides important information regarding specific experiences of teacher happiness, it is also a closer look at a lesser-known but powerful tool of Narrative Inquiry, story cycles.

Lunchtime Experiences and Students' Sense of Belonging in Middle School

Hinton, Anna Elisabeth 01 June 2018 (has links)
We know that it is important that students feel a sense of belonging in school, but additional research is needed to better understand the influences on belonging, especially for junior high and middle school students. Junior high lunchtime is an ideal space to study as a potential influence on belonging because it is a central part of the secondary school experience and it is a social space for students. The purpose of this study is to connect lunchtime experiences to school belonging by showing that how students experience lunchtime and how this affects their overall sense of belonging in school.Descriptive statistical methods such as SPSS Two-Step Cluster Analysis as well as predictive statistics such as logistical regression are used to evaluate data collected during a schoolwide survey conducted in spring 2014 at a junior high (grades 7-8) located in the intermountain region of the United States. The survey provided responses from 832 students across the junior high. Results indicate that loving lunch significantly positively affects school belonging and that students naturally group into different profiles based on their lunchtime preferences. The results also indicate that these lunchtime activity preference profiles significantly affect belonging. Three recommendations are made based on the findings of this study. (a) Offer a variety of lunchtime activity options for students to choose from aimed at making lunch a more positive experience for all students. (b) Create more structured activities for students to participate in during lunch for those who may have anxiety about what to do during lunch. (c) Involve students in making lunch more enjoyable for themselves and others through a school-wide initiative to improve lunchtime experiences for all students.While this study confirms the suspected connection between lunchtime experiences and school belonging, further research is necessary to better understand how lunchtime is experienced by students and how lunchtime can be used as a space for fostering belonging in junior highs.

Identifying Elements of Voice and Fostering Voice Development in First-Grade Science Writing

Maguet, McKenna Lucille 01 August 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this multi case study was to better understand voice in first grade science writing. Voice is the ability for individuals to synchronize specific narrative elements to express themselves with greater confidence and individuality. Three first-grade participants were chosen and their use of voice in science writing was examined across 8 weeks. Specific elements of voice were identified within atypical informational texts for primary grade learners in science. The 7 elements include descriptive words, placement of text and picture, creative punctuation, conversational tone, comparisons, imagery, and repeated text. The 7 voice elements were taught to a class of first-grade students. Findings from this study reveal that first graders can use descriptive words, creative punctuation, and conversational tone in their writing with great success before being formally taught, which indicates that these first graders are comfortable using these voice elements in their writing. These first graders also use text and picture placement, comparisons, and imagery prior to the weeks they are taught but with limited success. These first graders do not use repeated text until being formally taught, which indicates that it is a difficult voice element for them to include in science writing. Hand signals prove to be effective in helping these young children grasp the voice elements. Lessons used in the study are included. Mentor texts with examples of voice elements that children emulated during the study are also included and are helpful for these students. In addition to writing with words, these first graders also convey important information through their pictures. These young students can accomplish the requirements found in the Common Core State Standards to provide an opening, supply 3 facts about a subject, and write a conclusion. However, they can do this with a quality of voice that was not present in their writing prior to the unit.

Promoting Pleasure in Reading Through Sustained Silent Reading: A Self-Study of Teacher Practices

McKell, Kimberly Turley 01 August 2018 (has links)
According to a survey, the majority of fourth grade students in 2005 did not choose reading as a preferred activity for entertainment (Guthrie, McRae, & Klauda, 2007). Adolescents are increasingly resistant to reading and seldom list it as a pleasurable activity. Interestingly, research shows that students who enjoy reading more do better academically (Gambrell, 2011). Accordingly, as a teacher I seek to increase students' reading for pleasure. To give space in my curriculum for students to do this and for me to support them, I used Sustained Silent Reading (SSR), a practice where students are given time to read a text of their choosing during class time. Adhering to LaBoskey's (2004) criteria for self-studies, I conducted a self-study of teacher practices. There were two rounds of field notes with critical friend commentary that allowed me to identify types of readers and types of responses. To present my findings, I developed vignettes to capture my field notes about types of readers and I identified field notes that captured general and specific responses to readers for which I provided exemplar on my findings. I also attended to trustworthiness. This study explored what I as a teacher know and learned about increasing my students' engagement with reading for pleasure during SSR time. By categorizing my students' habits and charting my responses and interventions, I was able to understand what practices to use to encourage students to read for pleasure according to their characteristics.

Perceptions of School Uniforms in Relation to Socioeconomic Statuses

Jones, Aaron B. 01 August 2018 (has links)
Schools that implement a school uniform policy are on the rise (Musu-Gillette, Zhang, Wang, Zhang & Oudekerk, 2017). About 74% of these schools have a high population of low socioeconomic status students (Musu-Gillette et al., 2017) with about 75% or more qualifying for free or reduced lunch. The purpose of this study was to examine any relationships between students' perceptions of the effects of school uniforms and student socioeconomic status. In a charter school, a survey was completed by students to gather perception information and a separate survey by parents to gather socioeconomic status information. Hypotheses were tested using descriptive statistics and multiple regression models. Data were gathered from 184 students in grades 3 through 8. Examining individual survey items revealed older students were more likely to report that school uniforms help to reduce bullying and teasing. Another statistically significant difference was that some students of high socioeconomic status reported that uniforms help reduce arguments with parents about clothing (t(182) = 2.66, p<.01). Student responses on 10 survey items were grouped into one factor called School Climate, reflecting student perceptions on how uniforms affect the school's climate. Analyses revealed no significant relationships between the School Climate factor and socioeconomic status. However, Hispanic students reported a significantly more positive response overall than non-Hispanic students. These findings suggest students of various socioeconomic status perceive school uniforms similarly, but older students could be more likely to associate uniforms with a reduction in bullying. More research needs to be done in charter schools as little research has been done on school uniforms in charter schools, and among Hispanic students because the participation of Hispanic students was relatively low.

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