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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A black hero's journey

Adams, Trevor W. January 2014 (has links)
There is a dearth of Black male education success stories and a lack of documenting by some pastoral practitioners of their model of pastoral care. The absence of both my story and model was due to traumatic memories. As a Black male pastor and educator, seen as a role model, working to inspire Black young males disaffected in their education, the absence blocked my practice advancement. Therefore, I used this problem for a self-reflective study on my practice to put my record straight. First I revisited a snapshot of my educational past and contemporary practice using a Black metaphorical redemptive lens to see my study as a Black hero’s journey. Second, I imagined myself through a Johari Awareness Model in reflective conversation with myself, Jesus Christ, and others. Third, I located my work within a practical theological paradigm and used autoethnographic methodological approach and methods to gather and analyse my data. Finally, I subjected my findings to a discussion interpreted through my conceptual lens to see what would emerge. Hidden insights underpinning my practice were surfaced providing me with a new view of my life and way of being in my practice. Captured in the form of my autoethnography, this serves as a new Black cultural symbolic resource. This gives documented access to my education success story. It also models my pastoral practice which now enables me to share with others, through symbolic modelling, the current best knowledge and practices underpinning my work. My study is an innovative use of inner experiences for Black professional advancement from blocked traumatic memories. It provides a new model within the field of practical theology, by which others might see a theology by heart beyond the usage of text for professional development. My inquiry makes me more transparent and a better role model for student and colleagues.

A educação continuada no Brasil na perspectiva da carreira do auditor independente / The continued education in Brazil under the perspective of the independent auditor career

Vania Pereira Muzel 25 June 2018 (has links)
Dois modelos de educação profissional continuada aplicados no Brasil são apresentados: o modelo do Conselho Federal de Contabilidade (CFC), focado no nível de capacitação e qualificação técnica que o mercado de trabalho exige, e o modelo das grandes firmas de auditoria, conhecidas como Big Four, focado no desenvolvimento da carreira do auditor independente. Destes dois modelos emerge o problema de pesquisa: Em quais aspectos, o programa de educação profissional continuada focado na capacitação e qualificação técnica se diferencia dos programas focados no desenvolvimento de carreira das Big Four e quais destas diferenças poderiam gerar contribuições para a melhoria do Programa de Educação Profissional Continuada (PEPC) atualmente em vigor? Esta pesquisa justifica-se pela necessidade de se repensar a educação continuada com foco no presente e no futuro, além de fomentar a pesquisa sobre esta temática com aprofundamento do conceito de lifelong learning, e na perspectiva do Sistema das profissões de Abbott (1988). As coletas de dados foram efetuadas de informações públicas, nos sites das respectivas instituições. As entrevistas semi-estruturadas foram conduzidas com base em roteiro pré-estabelecido, dividido em três áreas: o mercado de auditoria no Brasil, presente e futuro; o programa de educação continuada do CFC; e o programa de desenvolvimento de carreira das Big Four. Na revisão de literatura sobre educação continuada, foram identificados 963 artigos publicados, com nível de interesse constante desde 2012. Dos principais periódicos internacionais de educação em contabilidade , apenas seis artigos dos 846 artigos e 104 estudos de caso sobre educação continuada foram identificados, demonstrando a necessidade de fomentar pesquisa nesta área. As mudanças tecnológicas mudarão completamente a forma de fazer auditoria nos próximos anos e eficiência é questão de sobrevivência. Em decorrência, as necessidades educacionais, tanto na formação inicial, quanto no desenvolvimento profissional continuado, precisam envolver: o uso eficiente das novas ferramentas e tecnologias; o lifelong learning como mindset; ceticismo profissional, pensamento crítico; independência e ética profissional. Referente ao PEPC, discussões sobre a abordagem output-based em contraposição à input-based adotada atualmente, são recomendadas, em consonância com discussões do IFAC, e potenciais benefícios desta abordagem no desenvolvimento de um mindset de lifelong learning e redução de custos em relação à abordagem input-based. Quanto ao programa de desenvolvimento profissional nas Big Four, discussões sobre lifelong learning, nos treinamentos de assistentes e sêniores, são recomendadas para uma mudança de mindset da nova geração de profissionais. / Two models of continuing professional education applied in Brazil are presented: the model implemented by the Brazilian Federal Council of Accounting (CFC), focused on maintaining professional competence as demanded by the market; and the model adopted by large auditing firms, known as Big Four, focused on the development of the independent auditor\'s career. From these two models emerges the research problem: In what aspects, the continuing professional education program focused on the professional competence differs from the programs focused on the career development as adopted by the Big Four and which of these differences could generate contributions to the improvement of the Continuing Professional Education Program (PEPC) currently in force? This research is justified by the need of rethinking continuing education focused in present and future, as well as fostering research on this subject from a lifelong learning concept and the perspective of Abbott\'s System of Professions (1988). The data collections were gathered from public information, from the websites of the respective institutions. The semi-structured interviews were conducted based on a pre-established script, divided into three areas: the audit market in Brazil, present and future; the CFC continuing education program; and the Big Four career development program. From the literature review on continuing education, 963 published articles were identified, and a stable level of interest since 2012. With respect to the main international accounting education journals, only six articles from the 846 articles and 104 case studies on continuing education were identified, demonstrating the need to promote research in this area. The technological changes will completely modify the way audit is performed in the next few years and efficiency is a matter of survival. As a result, educational needs for initial continuing professional development, must involve: efficient use of new tools and technologies; lifelong learning as mindset; professional skepticism and critical thinking; independence and professional ethics. Regarding the PEPC, discussions on the output-based approach as opposed to the currently adopted input-based approach are recommended, consistently with IFAC discussions, and potential benefits from this approach in developing a lifelong learning mindset and cost reduction in relation to the input-based approach. In relation to the professional development program at the Big Four firms, discussions on lifelong learning among assistants and seniors on trainings programs are recommended for changes in the mindset of the new generation of professionals..

Análise da necessidade de formação docente e proposta de programa de formação e desenvolvimento profissional para docentes de engenharia. / Analysis of the need for teachers training and proposal of teachers training and professional development program for engineering teachers.

Luciana Guidon Coelho 21 August 2017 (has links)
Este trabalho tem o intuito de investigar a necessidade de um programa de formação e desenvolvimento profissional docente para professores de cursos de engenharia e outras ciências exatas; e propor um modelo viável e apropriado para este programa. O foco deste estudo foi averiguar, por meio de questionários, a percepção e opinião de professores da Escola Politécnica da USP (em três consultas distintas: todos os professores, professores recém-contratados e professores que já haviam participado de processo formativo oficial da Escola); de alunos de pós-graduação da Escola Politécnica da USP que cursaram disciplina de preparação pedagógica; e de um grupo de diversos professores que não são da USP. Foi feita uma revisão bibliográfica para entendimento de características importantes do ensino superior no país, evolução do perfil dos estudantes, educação em engenharia como área de pesquisa e questões que envolvem formação de professores como verificação da necessidade, políticas públicas e institucionais. O presente trabalho traz também alguns exemplos de iniciativas de formação docente existentes no Brasil e em outros países, não apenas específicos para professores de engenharia, sendo possível conhecer tais exemplos com certa profundidade e seus resultados. Baseada na análise dos questionários e nos exemplos pesquisados, esta tese apresenta uma argumentação sólida sobre a necessidade de implementação de programa de formação e desenvolvimento profissional docente na Escola Politécnica da USP, bem como uma proposta para tal programa e para aprimoramento e criação de disciplinas de preparação pedagógica para a graduação e pós-graduação. Os resultados e sugestões apresentados neste trabalho podem, certamente, ser extrapolados para outros casos e instituições. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the need for teachers training and professional development program for STEM teachers and propose a viable and appropriate model for this program. The focus of this study was to investigate, through questionnaires, the perception and opinion of teachers of Polytechnic School of USP (in three different inquires: all teachers, newly hired teachers and teachers who had already participated in some pedagogical classes offered by the School), postgraduate students of the Polytechnic School of USP who attended a pedagogical preparation course and a group of several non-USP teachers. A literature review was carried out to understand some important particulars of higher education in the country, the evolution of the students\' profile, engineering education discipline, and issues involving teachers training such as verification of need, public and institutional policies. The present work also presents some examples of existing teachers training initiatives in Brazil and in other countries, not only specific for engineering teachers. It is possible to know these initiatives with a certain depth and its results, when they are available. Based on the analysis of the questionnaires and the examples studied, this thesis presents a solid argument about the need to implement teachers training and professional development program at the Polytechnic School of USP, as well as a proposal for such a program and for the improvement and creation of pedagogical preparation courses for undergraduate and graduate students. The results and suggestions presented in this thesis can certainly be extrapolated to other cases and institutions.

Coordenadores de área do PIBID: um olhar sobre o desenvolvimento profissional. / PIBID subprojects coordinators: perspectives about professional development.

Luciene Fernanda da Silva 29 June 2015 (has links)
O Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID), cujas atividades iniciaram-se em Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) Federais em 2009, é um programa voltado para formação inicial de professores e tem como principal característica a aproximação entre a universidade e a escola de educação básica (EB). Tal parceria é concretizada por meio de subprojetos dos quais fazem parte licenciandos, professores das escolas de EB (supervisores) e professores da IES (coordenadores de área). Muitos trabalhos recentes (relatos de experiência e trabalhos de investigação) apontam impactos significativos do programa, principalmente, na formação inicial dos licenciandos e na formação continuada dos supervisores (GATTI et al., 2014; NASCIMENTO, 2014). Neste trabalho concentramos a atenção nos coordenadores de área de subprojetos PIBID que envolvem cursos de licenciatura em Física de IES públicas do estado de São Paulo e buscamos responder à seguinte questão de pesquisa: Quais são os impactos da participação no PIBID para o desenvolvimento profissional de coordenadores de área de subprojetos que envolvem cursos de licenciatura em Física? Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas com onze coordenadores de área. O instrumento utilizado para a coleta de dados teve como base as contribuições de diversos autores para o entendimento sobre o desenvolvimento profissional docente (MARCELO GARCÍA, 1999; DAY, 2001; PONTE, 1994, 1998; PERRENOUD, 2000; entre outros). Essas contribuições foram sintetizadas em seis dimensões do desenvolvimento profissional e adequadas para o coordenador de área do PIBID: carreira acadêmica e profissional, atualização científica e profissional, condução de ensino, sustentação da aprendizagem, gestão universitária e imagem dos sujeitos. Os dados foram apresentados por meio de análises narrativas (FREITAS; FIORENTINI, 2007) organizadas em quatro categorias que emergiram desses dados. São elas: a parceria universidade-escola, as articulações com a pesquisa, a relação com a instituição universitária e os impactos na própria prática como formador de professores. Após um aprofundamento da análise, encontramos como principais resultados que a participação no PIBID abre a possibilidade aos coordenadores de área de repensar a formação que oferecem aos licenciandos, tanto no contexto de suas próprias práticas quanto no contexto institucional; transformar suas práticas formativas a partir dessas reflexões; e incorporar resultados obtidos por meio das ações do PIBID em seus trabalhos de pesquisa. Pudemos inferir que as mudanças que levaram ao desenvolvimento profissional para a maioria dos coordenadores foram provocadas principalmente pelo trabalho colaborativo realizado com os supervisores e pelo conhecimento sobre a realidade das escolas de EB. Concluímos, portanto, que a parceria com as escolas de EB foi o principal motor de desenvolvimento profissional para os coordenadores. / The Institutional Scholarship Program for Teaching Initiation (Programa Institucional de Bolsas de Iniciação à Docência - PIBID), whose actions began in brazilian Federal Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in 2009, is a program devoted to the initial teacher education that has as its main feature promote the approach between the university and the basic education (BE) school. This partnership is realised in subprojects in which participate undergraduate students, BE school teachers (supervisor) and undergraduate degree courses professors (coordinators). Many recent works (whether experience reports or research) indicate significant impacts of the program, mainly in the initial training of future teachers and continued training of supervisors (GATTI et al., 2014; NASCIMENTO, 2014). We focus, in this research, on PIBID subprojects coordinators that envolve undergraduate degree courses in Physics from the state of São Paulo public HEI. We aim to respond to the following research question: what are the impacts of participation in PIBID for the professional development of coordinators from subprojects envolving undergraduate degree courses in Physics? We conducted semi-structured interviews with eleven coordinators. Our data collection instrument was based on the contributions of several authors for the understanding of teachers professional development (MARCELO GARCÍA, 1999; DAY, 2001; PONTE, 1994, 1998; PERRENOUD, 2000; among others). These contributions were summarized in six professional development dimensions and were suited to the PIBID coordinators: academic and professional career, scientific and professional development, teaching conduction, learning support, university management and individuals image. The data were reported using narratives analysis (FREITAS; FIORENTINI, 2007) that were organized within four categories that emerged from the data. They are: the university-school partnership, the links with research, the relationship with the university and the impact on their own practice as a teachers trainer. After futher analysis, we found out, as the main results, that the participation in PIBID provides to the coordinators the opportunity to rethinkthe training they offer to undergraduates, both in the context of their own practices as in their institutional context; transform their training practices based in these reflections; and incorporate the PIBID actions\" results in their research works. We deduced that the changes that led the majority of coordinators to professionnal development were mainly caused by the collaborative work did with the supervisors and by the knowledge about BE schools\" reality. Thus, we conclude that the partnership with the BE schools was the main promoter for the coordinators professional development.

Gest?o de compet?ncias: um modelo para o desenvolvimento de talentos / Management by competencies: A model for talents development

Santos, Melissa Gomes dos 28 February 2005 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-05-23T11:36:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2005 - Melisa Gomes dos Santos.pdf: 630650 bytes, checksum: b4c05d8cbf3ed39f4cd84038dbdbb6fb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-05-23T11:36:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2005 - Melisa Gomes dos Santos.pdf: 630650 bytes, checksum: b4c05d8cbf3ed39f4cd84038dbdbb6fb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-02-28 / This application case consists in a revision and presentation of management persons model by competencies, that takes in consideration the analysis of national, north Americans and European authors and have a verification of an practice in a knew international company, the ?IBM BRASIL?. Was development a research with a specific sector in the company, where we received 22 answers of an interview that cover specifics points of view for the model implementation, as: difficulty of the evaluation of critic competencies for better professional development; benefits of the model implementation; competencies that where eminence as the major point for a specific area; training adjust for the development objectives; advantages and disadvantages of competencies model tools. The resource management area also was analyzed where we interview the responsible for the implementation of the process and for the results evaluation. The results indicate that the company succeed in the model implementation for the professional development area, but the model didn?t get the level of maturity suggested and expected by the studiers, and needs the of the strategic and financial managers of the company. Verify also that the employees support the model principal because of the investment in training and capacity that it applies, and point fails related by studies that the company has to get worry to have success in the future / Esse estudo de caso consiste em uma revis?o e apresenta??o do modelo de gest?o de pessoas por compet?ncias, o qual leva em considera??o os estudos de autores nacionais e norte americanos, e de uma verifica??o de pratica do modelo em uma multinacional conhecida, a ?IBM BRASIL?. Foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa com uma ?rea especifica da empresa a qual o modelo de gest?o foi apresentado, onde obteve-se resposta de 22 funcion?rios para uma entrevista que cobriu aspectos espec?ficos da implementa??o do modelo, como: Dificuldade de avalia??o das compet?ncias cr?ticas para melhor desempenho profissional; Benef?cios da implementa??o do modelo de gest?o; Compet?ncias destacadas como de maior peso para atividade especifica a que a ?rea se prop?e; Adequa??o do treinamento aos objetivos de desenvolvimento; e Vantagens e desvantagens da utiliza??o das ferramentas disponibilizadas pela empresa para implementa??o do modelo. Tamb?m foi analisada a ?rea de recursos humanos da IBM Brasil onde entrevistou-se os respons?veis pela implementa??o do processo e pela avalia??o dos resultados. Os resultados obtidos monstraram que a empresa conseguiu implementar o modelo de gest?o de compet?ncias para a ?rea de desenvolvimento profissional, mas que o modelo ainda n?o atingiu o n?vel de maturidade sugerido e esperado pelos estudiosos, e que precisa do apoio da dire??o estrat?gica e financeira da empresa. Observou-se funcion?rios ap?iam o modelo principalmente em fun??o do investimento em treinamento e capacita??o apoiado por esse, e aponta falhas j? relatadas por estudiosos a qual a empresa deve se preocupar para ter sucesso no modelo de gest?o

The impact of postgraduate qualifications in medical education

Sethi, Ahsan January 2016 (has links)
Due to increasing societal demands, accountability and economic constraints, there has been a paradigm shift in the healthcare culture with a move to formally train medical educators. This has resulted in the professionalisation of medical education, with various development initiatives including postgraduate qualifications. The demand for these qualifications in medical education can be judged by the increase in providers, from 2 to 31 in the UK and from 7 to 124 worldwide over the last two decades. However, detailed information about the influence and effectiveness of such courses remains sparse. This study investigated the impact of postgraduate qualifications in medical education on graduates’ educational identities, practices and career progression. The study design is mixed methods using the explanatory model. The first study comprised of an online survey of graduates from the Centre for Medical Education, Dundee between 2008 and 2012. The data collected were sequentially explored in more depth through semi-structured interviews in the second study. To increase the range and scope of enquiry a third study was carried out, which involved a 10 month follow-up of a new cohort of face-to-face students (2013/14) through the course and to the workplace. The quantitative data were analysed using non-parametric statistics on SPSS 21, and constructivist grounded theory analysis was used for the qualitative data in ATLAS.ti 7. I found that a qualification in medical education enhances theoretical foundations in educational practices, with increased self-efficacy and engagement in scholarly activities. The qualification encourages transformational changes and epistemological development as a teacher, researcher, leader and learner. Many participants attributed their career progression to the qualification. The graduates were able to lead various educational changes in the workplace and they described substantial performance attainments. I also found their work environment and personal factors influenced the impact of these qualifications. A conceptual framework based on an increased understanding of the identity development of healthcare educators was also developed. This is the first study on the long-term effects of a degree-awarding course in medical education on healthcare professionals worldwide. The findings have implications for the educators, course directors, healthcare organisations and professionalisation of the speciality.

Open is an Invitation: Exploring Use of Open Educational Resources with Ontario Post-Secondary Educators

January 2018 (has links)
abstract: During the 2017-2018 academic year, I worked as Program Manager for a government-funded post-secondary organization in Ontario, Canada. A core part of my professional role was creating awareness and increasing the use of open educational resources (OER) in partnership with Ontario educators. I conducted this work with the support of colleagues and OER advocates at public colleges and universities. Collectively, we focused on the use of OER as an opportunity to: (a) reduce the cost of post-secondary resources, (b) diversify the types of resources used in teaching and learning, and (c) explore opportunities to create assessments and activities that empowered learners as co-creators of knowledge. Alongside my professional role during this year, I engaged in a mixed-methods action research study using change management strategies and Ajzen’s (1991) Theory of Planned Behavior. The purpose of the study was to determine the usefulness of an awareness and support strategy designed to increase the use of OER among post-secondary educators in Ontario. For many of the participants in the study (n = 38), OER were new elements in their teaching practice. I engaged in focused and meaningful dialogue with them as part of professional development sessions in order to fully explore their perspectives about use of OER. I chose two facilitation designs as the action of my action research. The first was a pair of face-to-face workshops, and the second was an open online course commonly called a MOOC (massive open online course). These were the interventions (and innovations) for the study. From the perspective of the participants, the awareness and support strategies were determined to be useful for increasing their use of OER. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Educational Leadership and Policy Studies 2018

Principal Professional Development and the Effect of a Structured Management Effectiveness Profile

Jackson, Mark L. (Mark Lanis) 12 1900 (has links)
An activity for principal improvement that has not received much attention is the structured management effectiveness profile. The concept is to provide the principal and a group of teachers at that campus with an opportunity for assessment of the principal's management and leadership skills. A comparison between the two provides the principal with information on their perceived management strengths and weaknesses. One such profile, available through the American Association of School Administrators is the Educational Administrator Effectiveness Profile (EAEP). The EAEP was originally given to 66 principals in Tarrant County, Texas. This study reports the results of reassessment of 40 of those principals after a five year period.

Ordem de nascimento e decisões de carreira: um diálogo entre a psicologia individual e as carreiras contemporâneas / Birth order and career decisions: a dialog between individual psychology and contemporary careers

Dias, Graziela Martins Pedro 03 December 2013 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas, transformações políticas, sociais e econômicas alteraram as configurações do mundo do trabalho. A carreira, antes baseada em modelos organizacionais hierárquicos, começou a ser compreendida em termos da percepção individual sobre a sequência de experiências de trabalho no decorrer da vida. Se antes era possível estudá-la a partir de grandes escolhas iniciais, o foco passou a incidir sobre as decisões tomadas continuamente, ao longo de toda a carreira. Frente a esse cenário, surgiu uma demanda por estudos multidisciplinares que permitissem compreender a influência de fatores individuais sobre as decisões de carreira. A Psicologia Individual de Alfred Adler, com sua abordagem teleológica e de ênfase à subjetividade dos indivíduos, apresentou-se como uma perspectiva teórica adequada para esse fim. Dentre os constructos da Psicologia Individual, este estudo empregou a ordem de nascimento, em duas conceituações: posição do indivíduo na ordem de sucessivos nascimentos em sua família (ordem cronológica de nascimento) e interpretação do indivíduo para sua situação no quadro familiar (ordem psicológica de nascimento). Com o propósito de ampliar o conhecimento acerca dos motivos na tomada de decisão, realizou-se uma pesquisa descritiva e quantitativa com uma amostra não probabilística de 279 profissionais brasileiros que iniciaram suas carreiras há pelo menos 15 anos. A coleta de dados foi realizada por meio de questionário eletrônico e, para a análise inferencial dos dados, utilizaram-se testes não paramétricos (Friedman, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis e Qui-Quadrado). Os resultados das análises estatísticas revelaram associações significativas entre a ordem de nascimento - tanto cronológica como psicológica - e a importância atribuída a diversos motivos de decisão na carreira, reforçando a relevância das percepções individuais sobre situações vividas na infância na compreensão de motivações no desenvolvimento de carreira. A maior parte dos achados corroboraram descrições de Adler para as diferentes posições familiares de nascimento. Os resultados também destacaram a influência temporal sobre a importância atribuída aos motivos de decisão. Recomendam-se novas pesquisas para o aprofundamento dos achados, em outros arranjos familiares e grupos culturais, bem como a abordagem de outros constructos Adlerianos nos estudos empíricos do desenvolvimento de carreira. / In recent decades, political, social and economic changes have modified the settings of the working world. The career, which was previously based on hierarchical organizational models, has begun to be understood in terms of the individual perception about the sequence of work experiences throughout life. At first, it was possible to study careers from the big initial choices, but the focus has now shifted to the decisions continuously made throughout the career. Against such a background, it has emerged a call for multidisciplinary studies allowing for the understanding of the influence of individual factors on career decisions. The Individual Psychology of Alfred Adler, with its teleological approach and emphasis on the subjectivity of individuals, was presented as an appropriate theoretical perspective for this purpose. Among all the constructs of Individual Psychology, this study has employed birth order on two different concepts: the individual\'s position in the order of successive births in the family (chronological birth order) and the way the individual interprets his situation in the family context (psychological birth order). With the purpose of increasing the knowledge about motivations in decision making, a descriptive and quantitative research was carried out with a non-probability sample of 279 Brazilian professionals who began their careers at least 15 years ago. Data collection was performed using an online survey and inferential data analysis used nonparametric tests (Friedman, Mann-Whitney, Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-Square). The results of statistical analysis demonstrated significant associations between birth order - both chronological and psychological - and the importance attributed to several motives in career decision, reinforcing the relevance of individual perceptions of childhood situations to the understanding of motivations in career development. Most research findings have corroborated Adler\'s descriptions to the different positions of birth in the family. The results have also highlighted time influence on the importance assigned to the various motives in career decision. Further research is recommended to explore these findings in other family arrangements and cultural groups, besides the approach of other Adlerian constructs in empirical studies of career development.

Avaliação da formação do enfermeiro: percepção de egressos de um curso de graduação em enfermagem / Assessment of the nursing degree: the egresses´s perception of a nursing major course

Meira, Maria Dyrce Dias 28 June 2007 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais propõem que a formação de enfermeiros seja vinculada às demandas e necessidades da comunidade, em conformidade com o quadro epidemiológico regional. Considerando que o ensino deve ser adequado a este contexto e que as transformações que podem ocorrer no aluno durante a formação acadêmica são basicamente influenciadas pelo currículo, surge a necessidade das Instituições de Ensino Superior repensarem seus Projetos Político Pedagógicos, com vistas a adotar uma metodologia de trabalho que possibilite ressignificar a ação de todos os agentes comprometidos com o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. OBJETIVO. O presente trabalho investigou a percepção de egressos de um curso de graduação em enfermagem, sobre a contribuição do currículo no processo de formação frente às demandas que vivenciam no seu cotidiano profissional, visando fornecer subsídios para a reformulação do Projeto Político Pedagógico do curso. MÉTODO. Optou-se pelo método de Estudo de Caso, por ser uma modalidade de pesquisa qualitativa com grande flexibilidade metodológica, que permite uma exploração abrangente e detalhada a respeito do objeto a ser investigado. As unidades incorporadas, representadas pelos estudantes, foram selecionadas numa amostragem intencional, de adesão espontânea, sendo incluídos no estudo 32 egressos, de ambos os gêneros, graduados no ano de 2003 e inseridos no mercado de trabalho. A coleta dos dados foi realizada após a aprovação do estudo pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo. Utilizou-se a técnica da entrevista focalizada com roteiro semi-estruturado após o consentimento livre e esclarecido dos participantes. A análise e a interpretação dos dados tiveram como base a Análise de Conteúdo de Bardin. RESULTADOS: A análise das unidades de significado abstraídas dos discursos dos egressos permitiu a composição de cinco categorias: A formação de competências técnico-científicas; A formação de competências sócio-educativas; A formação de competências ético-políticas; Elementos constitutivos do processo educativo e Elementos constitutivos do programa de ensino. As unidades de significado, relacionadas às categorias, apontam a importância de um ensino que reforce o desenvolvimento de competências ético-políticas e sugerem que este seja contextualizado com as Políticas Públicas de Saúde; planejado e aplicado na forma de projetos de pesquisas e de extensão universitária e que atenda às demandas da comunidade. Sugerem ainda, que sejam pensadas metodologias de ensino que valorizem a prática da interdisciplinaridade, destacando a necessidade de serem otimizadas a distribuição de conteúdos e de carga horária das disciplinas que se destinam à formação de competências específicas do profissional enfermeiro, principalmente as relacionadas à administração e liderança em enfermagem. CONCLUSÃO: Este estudo possibilitou uma reflexão aprofundada do ensino quanto às concepções, teóricas e práticas, relacionadas ao processo formativo de profissionais enfermeiros. Considerando que a realidade profissional oferece aos egressos as condições ideais para avaliarem o processo de formação, este estudo contribui com importantes subsídios para uma proposta pedagógica mais efetiva para o Curso de Enfermagem do Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo. No que tange aos aspectos teóricos, esta contribuição poderá ser extensiva a outros Cursos de Graduação em Enfermagem / INTRODUCTION: The National Curricular Guidelines propose that the nursing degree be linked to the demands of the community´s needs, complying with the regional epidemiologic scenario. Considering that the teaching must be adequate to this context and the transformations that may occur in the student during the academic development are basically influenced by the curriculum, brings up the necessity of majoring institutions to rethink their Pedagogical Policy Projects, attempting to adopt a methodology of work that makes it possible to re-mean the role of all the agents committed to the teaching and learning process. OBJECTIVE. The work herein investigated the perception of the egresses of a nursing major course, about the contribution of the curriculum to the development process in contrast to the demands of the professional daily life, attempting to provide subsidies for the reformulation of the course´s Pedagogical Policy Project. METHOD. The Case Study method was chosen, for being a way of qualitative research with great methodological flexibility, which allows a wide and detailed exploration of the object to be investigated. The incorporated units, represented by the students, were selected in an intentional sample, of spontaneous adherence, being included in the study 32 egresses, of both genders, graduated in the year of 2003 and inserted in the work market. The data collection was performed after the approval of the Ethics in Survey Committee of the Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo. The egresses accepted volunteering to participate assigning the clarified and free consent. It was used the technique of focused interview with semi-structured path. The analysis and interpretation of the data were based on Bardin´s analysis of content. RESULTS: The analysis of the meaning units abstracted from the egresses´ speech permitted the composition of five categories: The development of technical-scientific competences; The development of socio-educative competences; The development of ethic-politics competences; Constructive elements of the educative process and Constructive elements of the teaching process. The meaning units, related to the categories, point out the importance of the teaching that reinforces the development of ethic-politics competences, suggesting that this is contextualized with the Public Health Policies; by planning and applying through research and university extension projects and meeting the community´s demands. It is also suggested that teaching methodologies be thought in order to validate the cross-curricular practices, highlighting the necessity of an optimized distribution of contents and time load of subjects that are meant to develop the professional nurse´s specific competences, mainly those related to the administration and leadership in nursing. CONCLUSION: This study made it possible to deeply reflect the teaching concerning the conceptions, theories and practices related to the development process of professional nurses. Considering that the professional reality offers the egresses the ideal conditions to assess the development process, this study contributes with important subsidies for a more effective pedagogical proposal to the Nursing Course of the Centro Universitário Adventista de São Paulo. Regarding the theoretical aspects, this contribution may be extended to other majoring Courses in Nursing

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