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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluating local economic development in the City of Cape Town /

Isaacs, Deyana Nicolene. Unknown Date (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.

Ευρωπαϊκές εκπαιδευτικές πολιτικές για την προώθηση της ισότητας των φύλων στη σχολική κοινότητα : το παράδειγμα του προγράμματος «Ευαισθητοποίηση εκπαιδευτικών και παρεμβατικά προγράμματα για την προώθηση της ισότητας των φύλων»

Λεμπέση, Γεωργία Ελένη 26 April 2012 (has links)
Η υπάρχουσα βιβλιογραφία που αναφέρεται στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση μελετά περισσότερο τον τρόπο διαμόρφωσης μιας πολιτικής, όπως είναι η πολιτική για τα φύλα, σε επίπεδο Ε.Ε. και λιγότερο το πώς εφαρμόζεται η πολιτική αυτή στα πλαίσια ενός κράτους μέλους. Ο παραπάνω προβληματισμός αποτέλεσε και το έναυσμα της παρούσας εργασίας. Ειδικότερα, στόχος είναι η μελέτη της πορείας εφαρμογής της «πολιτικής της ενσωμάτωσης της διάστασης του φύλου σε όλες τις πολιτικές» (gender mainstreaming) από τα κατευθυντήρια πλαίσια της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης, στην υλοποίησή της στο πεδίο του εκπαιδευτικού συστήματος στην Ελλάδα. Η διερεύνηση της εφαρμογής της συγκεκριμένης πολιτικής στο εκπαιδευτικό σύστημα, πραγματοποιήθηκε με τη μελέτη του προγράμματος του Κέντρου Ερευνών για Θέματα Ισότητας: «Ευαισθητοποίηση εκπαιδευτικών και παρεμβατικά προγράμματα για την προώθηση της ισότητας των φύλων», σε σχολεία του νομού Αχαΐας. Στη μελέτη χρησιμοποιήθηκε η μέθοδος της ποιοτικής έρευνας και ως ερευνητικό εργαλείο η ημιδομημένη συνέντευξη. Για την ανάλυση και ερμηνεία των αποτελεσμάτων της έρευνάς χρησιμοποιήθηκε το αναλυτικό σχήμα των τριών πυλώνων του Scott, που εντάσσεται στις νέο-θεσμικές θεωρίες των οργανώσεων. Τα βασικά συμπεράσματα της έρευνας είναι: πρώτον, σε σχέση με την βιβλιογραφική μελέτη που σχετίζεται με τη συγκεκριμένη πολιτική, φαίνεται ότι η Ελλάδα «αναγκάσθηκε» να ακολουθήσει τις Κοινοτικές κατευθύνσεις και δεν ενσωμάτωσε τις πολιτικές αυτές σε έναν ευρύτερο πολιτικό σχεδιασμό με αποτέλεσμα να παραμείνουν αποσπασματικές, και δεύτερον, ότι υφίστανται εμπόδια στην προσαρμογή του σχολείου στις εξωτερικές πιέσεις για ένταξη της προώθησης της ισότητας των φύλων στην καθημερινή εκπαιδευτική πρακτική με αποτέλεσμα την περιστασιακή και αποσπασματική εισαγωγή στοιχείων αυτής της πολιτικής στην σχολική ζωή. / The existing bibliography that refers to European Union (EU) and policy making, concentrates mostly οn the ways that policy is formulated at the EU level -in specific domains, such as gender equality- and less on the ways in which the member states conceptualize and actually implement these policies in their respective territory. Specifically, the aim of this thesis is to study the course of gender mainstreaming guidelines for action, from their beginning at the EU level, to their implementation in the Greek educational system. In order to examine this issue, a research study focused on the ‘Sensitization of Teachers and Intervention Programmes towards Gender Equality’ project was conducted. This project was funded by the EU through the structural funds and by the Greek Ministry of Education. The responsible body for the implementation and the administration of the programme was the Research Centre for Gender Equality (KETHI). Qualitative methods were used and specifically 13 semi-structure interviews were conducted with educators that participated in the project in the Prefecture of Achaias. The issue under study is approached from a neo-institutional theory perspective and specifically through Scott’s analytical schema. In relation to the way gender mainstreaming policy was implemented in Greece, the thesis argues that Greece was “forced” to follow the European guidelines but never integrated policies concerning gender into the actual policy making process. Any action undertaken was implemented in a less than formal manner with no long-term design plan. Secondly, in relation to the way these policies were integrated into the school system, there was no evidence to suggest that gender equality is integrated in the everyday school activities. Gender equality, was not but systematically mainstreamed but was done so in a haphazard manner.

Μελέτη και προϋπολογισμός έργου σε όρυγμα του έργου οδοποιΐας "Κατασκευή οδού Ηγουμενίτσας-Πρέβεζας, βελτίωση κατά τμήματα, υποτμήμα 4: Καρτέρι Γερακάρι Πάργα από Χ. Θ. 0+000 έως Χ. Θ. 14.937,20

Γιαννέλου, Αλεξάνδρα 12 March 2013 (has links)
Στην παρούσα διπλωματική εργασία παρουσιάζεται η μελέτη της κατασκευής του οδικού έργου « Κατασκευή οδού Ηγουμενίτσας – Πρέβεζας, βελτίωση κατά τμήματα, υποτμήμα 4: Καρτέρι Γερακάρι – Πάργα από Χ. Θ. 0+000 έως Χ. Θ. 14.937,20 ». Έμφαση δίνεται στο τμήμα όπου παρουσιάζεται το μεγαλύτερο όρυγμα, δηλαδή από Χ.Θ. 2+168,78 έως Χ.Θ. 2+448,78. Σκοπός της διπλωματικής εργασίας είναι, μετά την αναλυτική και ολοκληρωμένη παρουσίαση της μελέτης, να γίνει ο προϋπολογισμός του έργου οδοποιίας. / In this paper we study the construction of road project 'Construction of road Igoumenitsa - Preveza, improvement in chambers subsection 4 Karteri Gerakari - Parga by Ch 0 +000 to Ch 14,937.20. " Emphasis is given in section showing the largest trench, by Ch 2+168.78 to Ch 2+448.78. The aim of this thesis is, after detailed and comprehensive presentation of the research to make the budget road construction project.

n Ondersoek na waarom konstruksieprojekte van munisipale dienste dikwels laat voltooi word, alhoewel dit met behulp van die beskikbare tegnieke geskeduleer is

Esterhuyzen, T. J.(Theunis Jacobus) 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / Page 62 of digitised copy may appear cut off and pages 63-64 missing due to the condition of the original hard copy. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Modern management planning and control systems dates back to World War I in 1915. The development of the bar chart during that time by Henry L. Gantt was a drastic improvement on previous methods. The size, complexity and risks associated with modern technical sophisticated projects has required the development of new methods. This led to the development of the critical path method which was developed in the United States of America during the period 1956 to 1958. Since then various methods have been developed with the aim of meeting special requirements. The extent of achieving success for construction projects, varies drastically according to the application of project scheduling techniques. This statement is confirmed by various studies conducted in an attempt to analyse the scheduling and controlling of construction projects, but due to the complexity of the time-cost-problem which is coupled to construction projects, problems are still being experienced with the successful or timeous completion of construction projects. Regarding the problems being experienced to complete construction projects timeously, this investigation will attempt to find underlying reasons for these problems and to determine proper solutions. This investigation will therefore focus on the reasons why deviations from the schedules occur so frequently, and what can possibly be done to prevent it. From the aforementioned the following can be concluded: An investigation into the reasons why construction projects making use of municipal services are often completed late, although it was scheduled with the help of network techniques. The procedure that was followed for the investigation was firstly the formulation of goals and study area. Thereafter a literature study was done that covered the following aspects of the study: • background of project management, network techniques, time and cost management; • identification of factors that could possibly contribute to the late completion of construction projects; • description of factors in terms of the following: definition and meaning of factors in context of project management; possible reasons why it occurs; consequences in the event of it occurring; possible solutions. Further follows the gathering, processing, analysing of the data and finally the conclusion and summary. With reference to this data, table i contains a list of factors that can possibly lead to the late completion of construction projects. All the factors that, according to the study, have a real contribution to the late completion of construction projects, are marked with an X in the remarks column of table i. When a project is thus initiated, it would be advisable to take note of the possible influences that the factors marked X in the remarks column of table i could have. This information is applicable to all projects in the study area irrespective of its characteristics. This information is also processed further so that conclusions can be drawn for projects with certain characteristics. This study shows that the average additional costs incurred for the late completion of a project are between 13,2 percent and 18,9 percent of the tender price, depending on the extent of the project. By focusing on critical factors, significant sums of money can thus be saved. The writer is of the opinion that the goals of the study regarding the actual subject were achieved. The results are highly applicable to the realities in practice and implementation thereof can certainly have significant results. Considering that no previous studies have been done on this subject, the focus of the study was wider than expected because the unknown is so much greater. With the study completed, further studies can now focus on the relevant aspects of the subject. This should lead to the refining of the aspects, resulting in a more practical implementation of the results. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Moderne bestuursbeplanning en kontrolestelsels dateer sedert die Eerste Wêreldoorlog vanaf 1915. Henry L. Gantt het in dié tyd die strepieskaart ontwikkel, wat 'n drastiese verbetering op vorige metodes was. Die grootte, kompleksiteit en risiko's wat geassosieer word met hedendaagse, tegnies gesofistikeerde projekte, het vereis dat nuwe metodes ontwikkel moes word. Dit het gelei tot die ontwikkeling van die kritiekepad- metode, wat gedurende die tydperk 1956 tot 1958 in die Verenigde State van Amerika ontwikkel is. Sedertdien is verskeie metodes ontwikkel wat daarop gemik is om spesifieke behoeftes aan te spreek. Die mate van tydige voltooiing van konstruksieprojekte varieer drasties na gelang van die toepassing van projekskeduleringstegnieke. Hierdie stelling word bevestig deur verskeie studies wat geloods is om die skedulering en kontrolering van konstruksieprojekte te ontleed, maar vanweë :die komplekse tyd-koste-probleem wat gepaard gaan met konstruksieprojekte, word nog steeds probleme ondervind met die suksesvolle of tydige voltooiing van konstruksieprojekte. Met verwysing na die probleme wat ondervind word om konstruksieprojekte tydig te voltooi, gaan daar met dié ondersoek gepoog word om onderliggende redes daarvoor te soek en oplossings aan -,--..::.:.~.:.:" die hand te doen. Die ondersoek gaan dus-fokus op die redes waarom daar dikwels afgewyk word van skedules, en wat gedoen kan word om die afwykings te voorkom. Vandaar dan die onderwerp, wat as volg lui: 'n Ondersoek na die redes waarom konstruksieprojekte van munisipale dienste in baie gevalle laat voltooi word, alhoewel dit met behulp van netwerktegnieke geskeduleer is. Die prosedure wat gevolg is met die ondersoek, is eerstens die formulering van die doelwitte en studiegebied. Daarna volg 'n literatuurstudie, wat die volgende aspekte van die studie hanteer: • agtergrond van projekbestuur, netwerktegnieke en die bestuur van tyd en koste; • identifisering van faktore wat moontlik kan bydra tot die laat voltooiing van konstruksieprojekte; • beskrywing van die faktore in terme van die volgende: definisie en betekenis van faktor in konteks van projekbestuur; moontlike redes waarom dit voorkom; gevolge indien dit sou voorkom; moontlike oplossings. Verder volg die insameling, verwerking en analisering van die data en laastens die gevolgtrekkings en samevatting. Met verwysing na die data, toon Tabel ii 'n lys van die faktore wat geïdentifiseer is wat moontlik kan bydra tot die laat voltooiing van konstruksieprojekte. Alle faktore wat volgens die studie 'n wesenlike bydrae lewer tot die laat voltooiing van konstruksieprojekte, is in die opmerkingskolom van Tabel ii met 'n X gemerk. Wanneer 'n projek van stapel gestuur word, sal dit raadsaam wees om ag te slaan op die moontlike invloed van die faktore wat gemerk is met In X in die opmerkingskolom van Tabel ii. Die inligting is van toepassing op alle projekte in die studiegebied, ongeag die kenmerke van die projekte. Die inligting is ook verder verwerk sodat gevolgtrekkings gemaak kan word vir projekte met sekere kenmerke. Die studie toon aan dat die gemiddelde addisionele kostes as gevolg van die laat voltooiing van 'n projek, tussen 13,2 persent en 18,9 persent van die tenderbedrag beloop, afhangende van die omvang van die projek. Deur dus te fokus op die kritieke faktore, kan aansienlike bedrae geld bespaar word. Die skrywer is van mening dat die doelwitte van die studie aangaande dié aktuele onderwerp bereik is. Die resultate is hoogs van toepassing op die realiteite in die praktyk, en die toepassing daarvan kan beslis noemenswaardige resultate tot gevolg hê. Aangesien daar nie voorheen studies gedoen is oor die onderwerp nie, was die fokus van die studie breër as wat verwag is, omdat die onbekende soveel groter is. Met die studie voltooi, kan daar nou deur verdere studies gefokus word op die relevante aspekte van die onderwerp. Dit behoort te lei tot 'n verfyning van die aspekte, en gevolglik 'n meer praktiese toepassing van die resultate.

Reducing risks in large scale projects : investigating the integration of systems engineering principles into project management

Van Heerden, Johan P. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Project management (PM) is a very important field in engineering as a whole. The management of most projects has become more complex in recent times, due to greater technical complexity and the requirement of diversified skills. The management of risks is a very important process to improve the performance of a project. This is due to the link between project risks and objectives. However, this aspect of PM becomes increasingly more difficult to manage with increasing project complexity. For these reasons a need exists for more efficient PM methods. This thesis had three objectives. The first was to understand the processes and principles of PM, systems engineering (SE) and risk management. This was achieved by doing a literature study on the three fields. The second objective was to identify areas of greater risk within the management of projects. The final objective was to develop an effective generic model that illustrates the integration of SE principles into PM, with the goal to reduce the identified risks. Five risks were identified during this research. They were considered to be the most important in project management. This was accomplished by means of a questionnaire that was sent out to experts in the industry. It was established from this investigation that the following five risks, in order of importance, pose the biggest threat to the success of a project: 1. Poorly defined requirements; 2. Poor communication; 3. Poor risk management; 4. Lack of customer involvement; and 5. Inaccurate estimates. These risks were addressed by integrating the principles of SE into PM. SE is an iterative process that needs a diverse set of people, with a variety of skills, to achieve customer requirements. Various SE approaches and strategies were developed throughout the years. They were investigated to obtain insight into which of them can be used to improve PM. The top-down iterative development principles of SE offer a great advantage, and therefore it was appropriate to integrate these principles into PM. A model was developed as part of this thesis to illustrate the integration of SE principles into PM, and the importance of risk management. The model was named “Project Management Integrated with Systems Engineering Principles Model”. This tool can be used by engineers and their project teams to enhance the management of projects. It is also a generic tool that can be used for any project. The final step of this research was the validation of the model. This was done by means of expert evaluation. The purpose of this validation was to test whether the objectives of the research were met, and if the model was valid in the sense of ease of use and usefulness. The final objective of the validation process was to determine if the integration of systems engineering (SE) principles into project management (PM) were successful, and if it will reduce risks in large scale projects. It was concluded from this evaluation that its objectives were met and that the model successfully demonstrated the integration of SE into PM to reduce risks in large scale projects. Several recommendations were made that may enhance this study. They main recommendations are: 1. Researching the impact of communication on projects, by using case studies. 2. SE principles are mainly used in the first two phases of the model. Further investigation of using SE principles in phase three may be researched. 3. Customer involvement may be used during changes in the project. For this reason it is recommended that future studies may include investigation of the impact the customer has on project changes and the change management process. 4. The model could be tested in the industry on an active project. This will greatly improve the validity of the model. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Projekbestuur is ‘n baie belangrike veld in ingenieurswese as geheel. As gevolg van die toenemende tegniese kompleksiteit en die vereiste van verskillende vaardighede, het die bestuur van meeste projekte meer gekompliseerd geraak met tyd. Die bestuur van risiko’s is ‘n baie belangrike proses om die uitvoering van ‘n projek te verbeter. Hierdie aspek van projekbestuur het egter al hoe moeiliker geword om te bestuur. Dus hiervoor bestaan daar ‘n behoefte vir meer doeltreffende projekbestuur metodes. Hierdie tesis het drie doelwitte gehad. Die eerste doelwit was om die prosesse en beginsels van projekbestuur, stelsels ingenieurswese en risikobestuur te verstaan. Dit was bevredig deur ‘n literatuur studie wat gedoen is in die drie velde. Die tweede doelwit was gestel om die areas van groter risiko binne die bestuur van projekte te identifiseer. Die finale doelwit was die ontwilkkeling van ‘n effektiewe generiese model wat die integrasie van stelsels ingenieurswese beginsels binne projekbestuur demonstreer, met die doel om die geïdentifiseerde risiko’s te verminder. Vyf risiko’s, wat as die mees belangrikste in projekbestuur beskou word, was geïdentifiseer. Hierdie risiko’s was deur middel van ‘n vraelys, wat aan deskundiges in die industrie gestuur was, geïdentifiseer. Die risiko’s, gelys in volgorde van belangrikheid, was: 1. Swak bepaalde vereistes; 2. Swak kommunikasie; 3. Swak risiko bestuur; 4. Onnoukeurige skattings; en 5. Geen kliënt betrokkenheid. Vervolgens was hierdie risiko’s deur die integrasie van stelsels ingenieurswese beginsels in projekbestuur toegespreek. Stelsels ingenieurswese is ‘n herhalingsproses wat die kliënt se vereistes bevredig, deur gebruik te maak van ‘n diverse groep mense met ‘n verskeidenheid van vaardighede. Verskeie stelsels ingenieurswese benaderings en strategië is deur die jare ontwikkel. Hierdie benaderings en strategië was geondersoek om vas te stel watter van hulle toegepas kan word om projekbestuur te verbeter. Die “top-down” herhalende ontwikkeling beginsels van stelsels ingenieurswese bied ‘n groot voordeel, en dit was om hierdie rede toepaslik om dié beginsels in projekbestuur te integreer. ‘n Model was ontwikkel as deel van die navorsing om die integrasie van stelsels ingenieurswese beginsels binne projekbestuur te illustreer, asook die belangrikheid van risikobestuur. Die model is genoem “Project Management Integrated with Systems Engineering Principles Model”. Hierdie model kan deur ingenieurs en hul projekspanne gebruik word om die bestuur van projekte te versterk. Die finale stap van die navorsing was die evaluasie van die model. Dit was gedoen deur middel van deskundige evaluasie. Die validasie proses het twee doelwitte gehad. Die eerste doel was om te bepaal of die doelwitte van die ondersoek bereik was, asook om vas te stel of die model geldig was in die sin van gemak van gebruik en bruikbaarheid. Die tweede doel van die validasie proses was om te bepaal of die model suksesvol die integrasie van stelsels ingenieurswese binne projekbestuur gedemonstreer het, en of hierdie integrasie risiko’s in groot skaalse projekte sal verminder. Dit was afgelei van die evaluasie dat die model wel suksesvol die integrasie van stelsels ingenieurswese binne projekbestuur demonstreer om risiko’s in grootskaalse projekte te verminder. Verskeie aanbevelings was gemaak wat hierdie navorsing kan versterk in waarde. Die hoof aanbevelings was: 1. Die impak wat kommunikasie op projekte het kan geondersoek word deur middel van gevallestudies. 2. Stelsels ingenieurswese beginsels is hoofsaaklik gedurende die eerste twee fases van die model gebruik. Die gebruik van stelsels ingenieurswese beginsels in fase drie kan verder ondersoek word. 3. Kliënt betrokkenheid gedurende veranderinge in ‘n projek kan gebruik word. Om hierdie rede word dit aanbeveel dat verdere studies die kliënt se impak op projek veranderings en verandering in bestuursproses ondersoek word. 4. Die model kan getoets word in die industrie op ‘n aktiewe projek. Dit sal die geldigheid van die model grootliks verbeter.

Proyectos socioeducativos en la configuracion de subjetividades juveniles

Mantilla Monsalve, Martha Liliana 23 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Alison Vanceto (alison-vanceto@hotmail.com) on 2017-09-05T18:17:46Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMLMM.pdf: 2689849 bytes, checksum: 8eaa32f1402f3ad310c5096485ac4765 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-09-20T19:39:36Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMLMM.pdf: 2689849 bytes, checksum: 8eaa32f1402f3ad310c5096485ac4765 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Ronildo Prado (ronisp@ufscar.br) on 2017-09-20T19:39:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMLMM.pdf: 2689849 bytes, checksum: 8eaa32f1402f3ad310c5096485ac4765 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-09-20T19:45:26Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DissMLMM.pdf: 2689849 bytes, checksum: 8eaa32f1402f3ad310c5096485ac4765 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / The present research arises from the interest to know about the incidence of socioeducational projects in the configuration of subjectivities of young people in conditions of social vulnerabilities. Considering by socio-educational projects, the actions with a public purpose and with a perspective of human formation, focus to the youths. It is asked, if socio-educational projects influence the configuration of juvenile subjectivity, understood as a cultural historical process that interferes at the individual level without eliminating the structural dimension for the formation of the subject category. Therefor, a qualitative research of an ethnographic perspective was carried out in the Jardim Gonzaga neighborhood, located in the peripheral zone of the city of São Carlos - SP- Brazil, through the conduction of interviews called conversational dynamics with five young people about their trajectories of participation in socio-educational projects, as well as the significance and vision of that process today. In addition, a weekly participant observation was made in a university extension project that takes place in this neighborhood, for a period of eight months and with specific participation in the following six months. The conversational dynamics addressed issues of socialization spaces, experiences, participation trajectories in socio-educational projects, contributions on the present moment of life and perspectives regarding the future. According to the data obtained through the conversations with the five young people, it was the spaces of socialization, the perception of the family, the difficulty of staying in school and the interest in the proposals brought that led them to participate in social projects, as well as the lived experiences in the relations with the technicians and the possibility of expanding their sociability; from where it was observed and concluded that socioeducational projects have influenced the configuration of individual and social subjectivity. This was evidenced, at the individual level in the recognition of their abilities, allowing them to acquire greater security for the confrontation of the tests of life, referred in the discourse of all, maintaining a differential in each one of them; which shows products of their experiences. At the social level, the expansion of the “moratoria juvenil” was evident, allowing experiences of this stage of life. Based on the present study, it can be concluded that the socio-educational projects aimed at the youth population of the peripheries do not succeed in promoting transformations of the vulnerability conditions; however, their contributions are in the mitigation of the impacts of these, mainly at the individual level. What socio-educational projects provide is the influence on the processes of subjectivation of young people, which can impact their lives, but not modify them from the structural point of view. / La presente investigación surge del interés por conocer acerca de la incidencia de los proyectos socioeducativos en la configuración de subjetividades de los jóvenes en condiciones de vulnerabilidades sociales. Siendo considerados por proyectos socioeducativos, las acciones dirigidas para las juventudes con una finalidad pública y con una perspectiva de formación humana. Se pregunta, si los proyectos socioeducativos influencian la configuración de subjetividad juvenil, comprendida como un proceso histórico cultural que interfiere a nivel individual sin eliminar la dimensión estructural para la formación de la categoría de sujeto. Por tanto, fue realizada una investigación cualitativa de perspectiva etnográfica en el barrio Jardim Gonzaga, ubicado en la zona periférica de la ciudad de São Carlos - SP- Brasil, a través de la realización de entrevistas denominadas de dinámica conversacional, con cinco jóvenes sobre sus trayectorias de participación en proyectos socioeducativos, así como la significancia y visión de ese proceso hoy. También fue realizada una observación participante semanal en un proyecto de extensión universitaria que ocurre en este barrio, por un periodo de ocho meses y con participaciones puntuales en los siguientes seis meses. Las dinámicas conversacionales abordaron cuestiones sobre espacios de socialización, experiencias, trayectorias de participación en proyectos socioeducativos, aportes sobre el momento actual de vida y perspectivas con relación al futuro. Según los datos obtenidos por medio de las conversas con los cinco jóvenes, fueron los espacios de socialización, la percepción de la familia, la dificultad de permanencia en la escuela y los intereses en las propuestas traídas que los llevaron a participar de los proyectos sociales, como también los aprendizajes vivenciados en las relaciones con los técnicos y la posibilidad de ampliación de su sociabilidad; desde donde se pudo observar y concluir que los proyectos socioeducativos han incidido en la configuración de subjetividad individual y social. Esto se constató, a nivel individual en el propio reconocimiento de sus habilidades, permitiéndoles adquirir mayor seguridad para el abordaje de las pruebas de la vida, referida en el discurso de todos, manteniendo un diferencial en cada uno de ellos; lo que demuestra productos de sus vivencias. A nivel social se evidencio la ampliación de la moratoria juvenil, permitiendo vivencias de experiencias propias de esta etapa de la vida. Con base en el presente estudio se puede concluir que los proyectos socioeducativos dirigidos a población juvenil de las periferias no consiguen propiciar transformaciones de las condiciones de vulnerabilidad; sin embargo, sus aportes están en la mitigación de los impactos de estas, principalmente a nivel individual. Lo que los proyectos socioeducativos proporcionan es la influencia en los procesos de subjetivación de los jóvenes, lo que puede impactar en sus vidas, pero no modificarlas desde el punto de vista estructural.

Geopolítica e integração regional: uma análise dos projetos de infraestrutura de transportes entre Brasil e Paraguai / Geopolitics and regional integration: an analysis of transport infrastructure projects between Brazil and Paraguay

Oliveira Cruz, Dayana Aparecida Marques de [UNESP] 04 December 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Dayana Aparecida Marques de Oliveira null (d.dayana@hotmail.com) on 2018-01-03T13:46:31Z No. of bitstreams: 1 tese-dayana-final.pdf: 5519015 bytes, checksum: 59c026cc8aef22a81e0be8dead1d3092 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Claudia Adriana Spindola null (claudia@fct.unesp.br) on 2018-01-03T16:22:16Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 cruz_damo_dr_prud.pdf: 5519015 bytes, checksum: 59c026cc8aef22a81e0be8dead1d3092 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-03T16:22:16Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 cruz_damo_dr_prud.pdf: 5519015 bytes, checksum: 59c026cc8aef22a81e0be8dead1d3092 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-12-04 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / A relação assimétrica e desigual entre Brasil e Paraguai na América do Sul demonstra a complexidade do subsistema regional, que deve ser lida não só a partir do contexto econômico, mas também do contexto (geo) político regional, associado por sua vez ao sistema-mundo. Se por um lado, a ampliação da exportação de commodities e dos acordos de integração regional demandam o planejamento e investimento em projetos de infraestruturas, sobretudo de transportes; por outro lado, a fragilidade institucional e financeira dos acordos regionais contribui para o atraso no cronograma de execução desses projetos. A partir da análise do processo de integração regional sul-americano, considerando o Mercado Comum do Sul (MERCOSUL), o Conselho Sul-americano de Infraestrutura e Planejamento/Iniciativa para a Integração da Infraestrutura Regional Sulamericana (COSIPLAN/IIRSA), e o papel de liderança desempenhado pelo Brasil, afirmamos que existe uma estreita relação entre integração regional e geopolítica, na qual os projetos internacionais de infraestruturas podem ser considerados como pontos de encontro entre ambos. / The asymmetric and unequal relationship between Brazil and Paraguay in South America demonstrates the complexity of the regional subsystem, which must be read not only from the economic context, but also from the regional (geo) political context, associated in turn with the world system. If, on the one hand, the expansion of commodities exports and regional integration agreements demand planning and investment in infrastructure projects, especially transportation; on the other hand, the institutional and financial fragility of the regional agreements contributes to the delay in the execution schedule of these projects. Based on the analysis of the South American regional integration process, considering the Southern Common Market (MERCOSUL), the South American Council on Infrastructure and Planning / Initiative for the Integration of Regional South American Infrastructure (COSIPLAN / IIRSA), and the leading role played by Brazil, we affirm that there is a close relationship between regional and geopolitical integration, in which international infrastructure projects can be considered as meeting points between the two. / FAPESP: 2014/09913-1

Projetos de educação ambiental da Universidade Livre do Meio Ambiente (UMASQ) : concepções e práticas /

Terossi, Marcos José. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Luiz Carlos Santana / Banca: Dalva Maria Bianchini Bonotto / Banca: Maria Guiomar Tomazello / Resumo: Considerando que a Educação Ambiental cada vez mais está integrando os ambientes educacionais, principalmente por meio da implantação de projetos, neste estudo procurou-se analisar as concepções e práticas de Educação Ambiental presentes nos projetos desenvolvidos pela ―Universidade Livre do Meio Ambiente Souza Queiroz‖ (UMASQ). Esta é uma instituição municipal que desenvolve projetos de Educação Ambiental para alunos da Educação Infantil, Ensino Fundamental e Ensino Médio e localiza-se no município de Leme/SP. Esses projetos são elaborados e desenvolvidos por professoras de Ciências, funcionárias efetivas da referida instituição. A coleta de dados desta pesquisa foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas, da análise documental dos projetos e pela observação das práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas. A análise foi feita através da técnica de análise de conteúdo e da triangulação. Estabeleceram-se alguns temas, categorias e subcategorias para se inferir concepções e práticas de Educação Ambiental. Definimos duas dimensões da Educação Ambiental: a ―dimensão epistemológica da Educação Ambiental‖ e a ―dimensão pedagógica da Educação Ambiental‖. Os resultados revelaram que as concepções de Educação Ambiental presentes na maioria dos conteúdos trabalhados tratam de conceitos, principalmente sobre aspectos físicos e biológicos, informações e descrições do ambiente, desconsiderando-se outras dimensões importantes no processo educativo ambiental: culturais, políticas, sociais, econômicas, éticas e estéticas. O viés econômico ligado à natureza também é enfatizado, como justificativa para o convencimento dos alunos a fim de evitar desperdício e degradação dos recursos naturais, predominando a visão de natureza entendida como recurso para o ser humano. Constatou-se que a dimensão estética da Educação... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Considering that the Environmental Education is more and more taking part in the educational area, specially by the implantation of projects, this study tried to analyze the conceptions and practices of Environmental Education present in the projects developed by ―Universidade Livre do Meio Ambiente Souza Queiroz‖(UMASQ). This is a municipally institution that develops Environmental Educational projects for kindergarten, elementary and high school students and is located in in Leme/SP. These projects are elaborated and developed by Science teachers that are effective workers of this institution. The data search of this research was accomplished by semi structured interviews, documental analyze of the projects elaborated by the teachers and by the observation of the pedagogical practices developed. The analysis was done with the content analyze technique and the triangulation. It was established some subjects, categories and subcategories to infer conceptions and practices of Environmental Education. We define two dimensions of Environmental Education: the ―epistemological dimension of the Environmental Education‖ and the ―pedagogical dimension of the Environmental Education‖. The results showed that the conception of Environmental Education present in the majority of the contents dealt in the projects are about concepts, specially about physical and biological aspects, information and environmental descriptions, that are transmitted to the students, not considering other important dimensions in the environmental educational process: cultural, political, social, economic, ethic and esthetical. The economic vies related to nature is also emphasized, as an excuse to the students convincement in order to avoid waste and degradation of natural resources, predominating the point of view of nature as a resource for human beings. It was found that the esthetical dimension... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre

Educação ambiental em resíduos sólidos nas unidades escolares municipais de Presidente Prudente - SP /

Silva, Aline Pereira da. January 2009 (has links)
Resumo: O aumento do consumo, a geração excessiva e o gerenciamento inadequado dos resíduos sólidos constituem-se em um dos principais problemas ambientais da atualidade. O município de Presidente Prudente - SP apresenta uma população de aproximadamente 200 mil habitantes, que geram entre 200 a 220 toneladas/dia de resíduos sólidos. A maioria destes resíduos é disposta no "aterro controlado" da cidade, o que ocasiona inúmeros impactos ambientais, sociais e econômicos. Ao analisar a realidade vivenciada no município verifica-se que são necessárias ações por parte de vários segmentos sociais, na tentativa de minimizar e/ou reverter esse quadro desfavorável. A educação ambiental contribui para a discussão das raízes do problema, a participação política dos cidadãos e a transformação da realidade. Nessa perspectiva, essa pesquisa de mestrado, vinculada ao Projeto de Políticas Públicas "Educação Ambiental e gerenciamento integrado dos resíduos sólidos em Presidente Prudente - SP: desenvolvimento de metodologias para a coleta seletiva, beneficiamento do lixo e organização do trabalho", visa colaborar para o aprofundamento das questões relativas à educação ambiental em resíduos sólidos no âmbito escolar. São analisados sete projetos ambientais desenvolvidos nas 3ª e 4ª séries das unidades escolares da Rede Municipal de Educação de Presidente Prudente, quanto à: autoria, origem, justificativa, componentes curriculares, objetivos - gerais e específicos, conteúdos, duração, procedimentos metodológicos, instrumentos de avaliação e bibliografia. São elucidadas as dificuldades e avanços obtidos durante o desenvolvimento dos projetos e discutidas as concepções das professoras sobre os temas abordados... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: The rising of consumption and excessive generating and inadequate management of solid dejects are some of the main environmental problems of today. Presidente Prudente‟s municipality has a population of approximately 200 thousand inhabitants who generate amongst 200 and 220 tones of solid residues per day. The most part of these residues is thrown in the city "controlled landfill". This practice causes a variety of environmental, social and economic impacts. By analysing the reality of Presidente Prudente‟s municipality, it is noticed that some actions of various social segments are necessary in order to minimise and/or reverse this unfavourable situation. The environmental education contributes to discuss the problem roots, political citizen‟s participation and transformation of reality. Accordingly, linked to this search to the Public Policies Project "Environmental Education and Integrated Management of Solid Residues in Presidente Prudente-SP: development of methodologies to selective collection, garbage beneficiation and organisation of labour", work aims to further the issues of environmental education on solid waste within school. Are examined seven environmental projects developed in the 3rd and 4th grades of school units of Municipality of Presidente Prudente, concerning to: authors; origins; justification; curricular components; general and specific objectives; thematic contents; lifetime; methodological proceedings; used evaluation instruments; and bibliography... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Orientador: Fátima Aparecida Dias Gomes Marin / Coorientador: Antonio Cezar Leal / Banca: Margarete Cristiane da Costa Trindade Amorim / Banca: Liz Cristiane Dias Sobarzo / Mestre

Contract and claim prevention in major projects : a study on petrochemical projects in Iran

Naimi, Mehdy January 2013 (has links)
The construction industry is notorious all over the world for disputes and claims. In large scale projects these claims are often more frequent and more expensive. The contract is the legal frame work of the project and forms project culture, therefore is a logical starting point for any attempt in reducing project claims. This research initially intended to study the possibility of drafting a robust contract which can prevent claims in major projects, and the main characteristics of such contract. However a review of contract related theories (transaction cost economics, agent theory and relational contracting) revealed that there is no such thing as perfect contract; and that contracts are invariably incomplete and prone to formation of claims. Traditional management theory considers disputes in project as pathological and tries to prevent them. The development and use of standard forms of contract was an attempt to tackle the problem of claim in the construction project, yet today more than 50 standard forms are in use in the UK alone and the rate of claims is at its highest ever. Much of the literature introduces partnering as a panacea for the current plague of disputes and claims. However this idea is seriously challenged by some scholars. Complexity science maintains that projects are complex systems and conflict occurs naturally. Conflicts are neither good nor bad by themselves; however the system needs re-adjustment after such conflicts. Flexibility of contracts or error controlled regulation can enhance such readjustment measures in the system. To get first hand information about the nature of claims from practitioners in major projects different methods of data gathering have been used. Three case studies, a set of interviews and a questionnaire survey have been conducted. Using a grounded theory like approach some repeating patterns of forming claims in the oil, gas and petrochemical projects are identified. Considering that all data have been gathered from Iranian projects, Iranian national culture has also been studied. The research concludes that contracts cannot prevent claims no matter how well they are drafted; nevertheless a poorly drafted contract can cause dispute. Some areas for improvement have been identified in the Iranian oil, gas and petrochemical sectors. By analysing the data and studying standard contracts some suggestions are made. In practice, stake holders try to preserve flexibility and rearrange relationships to keep continuity of contract and complete their projects.

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