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Promotional Products : A quantitative study about which promotional product are thebest to be used in general and specific industriesAndersson, Philip, Malinova, Kristiana January 2012 (has links)
Title: Promotional Products - A quantitative study about which promotional product are thebest to be used in general and specific industries Authors: Philip Andersson and Kristiana Malinova Supervisor: Jean-Charles Languilaire Examiner: Christine Tidåsen End seminar: 2012-06-04 Level: Bachelor Dissertation in Marketing, 15 Swedish credits, Spring 2012 Key words: promotional products, promotional items, promotional gifts, product advertising,promotion, promotion methods and swag. Question:“Which are the best promotional products to be used by companies in general andin specific industries?” Purpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze the use and the importance ofpromotional products for companies. What we want to achieve with this study is to find outwhich promotional product is the best in general and in specific industries. We will explorethe power of promotional items and how to achieve the best results when it comes to savingtime and money. Theoretical framework: The theoretical framework includes theories regarding whatcompanies need to consider when choosing to use promotional products. The theories whichare used are based to on the four hypotheses which we have chosen to analyze. Methodology and Method: This dissertation is a quantitative study with a deductive andextensive approach. Empirical framework: The empirical framework present findings and statistics of theresearch. Analysis: The four hypotheses are analyzed and critical examined. Conclusion: If companies learn how use promotional products they will gain a greatadvantage on the market. The type of the industry is of great importance when it comes tochoosing the right promotional products.
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Elever i koncentrationssvårigheter : En kvalitativ studie om läsinlärning hos elever som be- döms vara i koncentrationssvårigheter / Pupils in concentration difficulties : qualitative study on reading learning among pupils who are considered to be in concentration difficultiesHanell, Gabriella January 2019 (has links)
I lärarutbildningen har det funnits möjlighet att tillägna sig olika tillvägagångssätt för hur undervisning i klassrummet planeras och struktureras. Detta har utvecklat ett starkt intresse hos mig för att söka vidare kring hur elever i koncentrationssvårigheter hanteras i klassrum. Inom området koncentrationssvårigheter och läsinlärning fattas det forskning. Därmed är området i behov av vidare forskning. Syftet med den här studien är att undersöka hur lärare i skolans tidigare år beskriver läsinlär- ning hos elever som bedöms vara i koncentrationssvårigheter. Detta gjordes genom semi- strukturerade intervjuer med sex lärare från tre olika skolor och intervjumaterialet analysera- des genom en kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att de lärare som blev intervjuade har en överensstämmande syn på elever i koncentrationssvårigheter. Lärarna anser att undervisningen bör vara strukturerad och väl planerad, men även att undervisningen bör variera inom det igenkända. Möjligheterna att dela på gruppen och att fler lärare arbetar tillsammans ses som mycket positivt. Men att nivåanpassa de texter som eleverna stöter på anses vara en utmaning. Studien visar att koncentrationssvårigheter påverkar läsinlärningen till viss del, men att andra faktorer kan påverka läsinlärningen. / In the teacher education, there has been the opportunity to adopt different approaches to how classroom teaching is planned and structured. This has, for me, developed a strong interest to investigate further how students in concentration difficulties are handled in classrooms. However, in the area of concentration difficulties and reading learning, research is scarce. Thus, the area is in need of further research. The purpose of this study is to investigate how teachers in the earlier years of the school describe reading learning among pupils who are considered to be in concentration difficulties. This was done through semi-structured interviews with six teachers from three different schools and the data was analyzed through a qualitative content analysis. The result shows that the teachers who were interviewed have a consistent view of pupils in concentration difficulties. The teachers believe that the teaching should be structured and well planned, but also that the teaching should vary within what is familiar to the pupils. The opportunities to divide the group of pupils and the fact that more teachers work together are seen as very positive. Adapting the level of texts that pupils encounter, though, is considered a challenge. The study shows that concentration difficulties affect reading learning partially, but that oth- er factors also affect reading learning.
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Развитие сферы услуг сельского туризма как инструмент продвижения территории: маркетинговый анализ : магистерская диссертация / Development of rural tourism services as a tool for promoting the territory: marketing analysisГригорьева, Н. Н., Grigorieva, N. N. January 2024 (has links)
Цель исследования: проанализировать потенциал и разработать программу продвижения поселка Сарана на основе развития сферы услуг в рамках сельского туризма в Красноуфимском районе Свердловской области. Объект исследования: продвижение территории через развитие сельского туризма. Научная новизна магистерской диссертации состоит в обобщении и модификации существующих методик повышения привлекательности сельского туризма для граждан и инвесторов, разработке практических маркетинговых инструментов и мероприятий для развития сферы услуг сельского туризма на примере ранее не исследуемой дестинации. Практическая значимость исследования заключается в разработке рекомендаций методического характера и комплекса маркетинговых и коммуникационных инструментов, позволяющих повысить привлекательность сельского туризма и развить данную сферу туристического кластера для максимального количества целевых групп стейкхолдеров. Эффективность рекомендаций: рекомендации, предложенные автором, могут стать основой для процесса развития изученной в работе сельской местности, а также дополнить базу практических знаний о коммуникационных инструментах продвижения территории, путем развития сельской местности. / The purpose of the study: to analyze the potential and develop a program to promote the village of Sarana based on the development of the service sector within the framework of rural tourism in the Krasnoufimsky district of the Sverdlovsk region. The object of the study is the promotion of the territory through the development of rural tourism. The scientific novelty of the master's thesis consists in generalizing and modifying existing methods of increasing the attractiveness of rural tourism for citizens and investors, developing practical marketing tools and measures for the development of rural tourism services using the example of a previously unexplored destination. The practical significance of the study lies in the development of methodological recommendations and a set of marketing and communication tools that make it possible to increase the attractiveness of rural tourism and develop this area of the tourism cluster for the maximum number of target groups of stakeholders. Effectiveness of recommendations: the recommendations proposed by the author can become the basis for the development process of the rural area studied in the work, as well as complement the base of practical knowledge about communication tools for promoting the territory through rural development.
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