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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Manobras financeiras e o Dark Triad: o despertar do lado sombrio na gestão / Financial maneuvers and the Dark Triad: the rise of the dark side in management

D\'Souza, Márcia Figueredo 11 March 2016 (has links)
O presente estudo se propõe analisar os traços de personalidade do Dark Triad na decisão de manipular resultados para maximização de ganhos pessoais e empresariais. Para a discussão teórica considerou-se o Dark Triad, composto por traços não patológicos do Narcisismo, da Psicopatia e do Maquiavelismo e também a investigação do uso oportunístico da informação contábil-financeira quanto à decisão de manipular resultados, fundamentada pela Teoria dos Altos Escalões. Adotou-se a abordagem metodológica teórico-empírica. Os dados foram coletados usando um questionário survey divido em quatro partes: perfil demográfico, instrumento de medição de personalidade - Short Dark Triad (SD3), uma Simulação Empresarial com assertivas decisórias com enfoque em manobras financeiras e um jogo no formato Loteria. Três estudos foram realizados para adaptar o SD3 para uso no Brasil e testar três hipóteses formuladas. O Estudo 1 utilizou uma amostra de 30 alunos de Ciências Contábeis; o Estudo 2 utilizou uma amostra de 131 estudantes de MBA na área de Gestão Financeira. Ambos os estudos foram conduzidos como um teste preliminar para ajustar o questionário para o Estudo 3. Os dados para o estudo 3 foram coletadas de 263 gestores, os quais possuíam mais de seis meses de experiência. Técnicas de estatística descritiva, correlação análise, teste de hipóteses e regressão logística permitiram evidenciar, no Estudo 3, uma correlação significativa entre os três traços de personalidade. O Maquiavelismo e a Psicopatia apresentaram o maior valor correlacional. Existe uma relação positiva entre os altos traços de Maquiavelismo e Psicopatia e a decisão de manipular resultados. Em relação aos níveis, os traços moderados e altos do Maquiavelismo apresentaram maior aproximação. Já os traços da Psicopatia baixo e moderado demonstraram maior aproximação, permitindo a inferência de que o traço moderado apresenta menor tendência de os gestores decidirem pela manipulação de resultados. O Narcisismo não revelou diferenças entre médias, não sendo possível analisar os seus níveis. O estudo confirmou a relação positiva entre a interação dos três tipos de personalidade que compõem o Dark Triad e a decisão de manipular resultados. Os resultados levam à defesa da tese proposta de que a disposição de manipular resultados para a maximização de ganhos pessoais e empresariais está associada à interação de Maquiavelismo, Narcisismo e Psicopatia e aos níveis (baixo, moderado e alto) de pelo menos um desses traços que compõem o Dark Triad. Assim, este estudo contribui teórica, prática e metodologicamente para a área contábil, sobretudo para o campo da contabilidade comportamental, por discutir uma temática psicológica inovadora no contexto nacional; oferecer às empresas insights para o reconhecimento dos aspectos positivos e negativos em gestores dotados desses traços, no sentido de acompanhar mais de perto suas ações, para se tentar evitar prejuízos organizacionais; desperta para a análise de fatores comportamentais como potenciais influenciadores da tomada de decisão de manipular resultados; além de apresenta à sociedade brasileira a possibilidade de conhecimento, reconhecimento e convivência com indivíduos que exteriorizam esses traços de personalidade. / This study seeks to analyze the Dark Triad personality traits in the decision to manipulate earnings in order to maximize personal and business earnings. For the theoretical discussion, it was considered the Dark Triad of personality, composed by non-pathological traits of Narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism and also, the opportunistic use of the financial-accounting information, regarding the decision to manipulate earnings, grounded on the Upper Echelon Theory. A theoretical and empirical methodology was employed. Data were collected using survey questionnaire divided into four parts: demographic profile, personality measurement tool - Short Dark Triad (SD3), a Business Simulation with assertive decision-making with a focus on financial maneuvers and a game in the Lottery format. In order to adapt the SD3 for use in Brazil and to test three formulated hypotheses, three studies were carried out. The Study 1 used a sample of 30 accountancy students; Study 2 used a sample of 131 MBA students in the area of Financial Management. Both studies were conducted as a preliminary test to adjust the questionnaire to Study 3. Data for Study 3 were collected from 263 managers, which have had more than six months of experience. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, hypotheses tests and logistical regression evidenced a significant correlation among the three personality traits. The highest correlation was found between Machiavellianism and psychopathy. There was a significant positive relationship between high incidence of Machiavellianism and psychopathy traits and the decision to manipulate earnings. Regarding the levels, the high and moderate traits of Machiavellianism showed greater approximation. On the other hand, moderate and low traits of Psychopathy showed greater approximation, allowing for the inference that the moderate trait indicates a smaller tendency of managers deciding to manipulate the earnings. Narcissism did not reveal differences between the averages, which made it impossible to analyze its levels. The study confirmed the positive relationship between the interaction of the three Dark Triad personality traits and the decision to manipulate earnings. Therefore, the results confirm the proposed thesis that the decision to manipulate earnings to maximize personal and business earnings is associated with the interaction of Machiavellianism, Narcissism and psychopathy and the levels (low, moderate and high) of, at least, one of these Dark Triad traits. This study contributes theoretically, practically and methodologically to the field of Behavioral accounting. It discussed an innovative psychological theme in the national environment. The knowledge of the attributes of these personality traits may offer businesses insights to recognize the benefits and drawbacks of living with these types of managers and following more closely their actions, especially, to avoid organizational damage. Recognizing these traits in the others and in one\'s self may promote a more pleasant coexistence, by learning to deal with exteriorized behavior without the purpose of making these individual characteristics public out of respect for the involved ethical questions.

Funcionamento executivo e traços de psicopatia em jovens infratores / Executive functioning and psychopathic traits in young offenders

Achá, Maria Fernanda Faria 13 September 2011 (has links)
Introdução: A literatura aponta um envolvimento cada vez maior de jovens com a delinquência e a criminalidade. Nos últimos anos, as pesquisas com população forense têm buscado estudar a etiologia do comportamento antissocial. Neste contexto a avaliação neuropsicológica tem sido cada vez mais utilizada como recurso para a investigação da correlação entre conduta infracional e déficits cognitivos. Este estudo investigou o desempenho cognitivo de jovens infratores reincidentes e não reincidentes em tarefas relacionadas às funções executivas. Método: 38 jovens infratores com idade média de 18 anos (±0,23) foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1: Infratores Primários (n=17) e Grupo 2: Infratores Reincidentes (n=21). Para a avaliação clínica utilizou-se os seguintes instrumentos: Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI); Psychopathy Checklist Revised (PCL-R) e os testes neuropsicológicos: Semelhanças; Fluência Verbal, Stroop Color Test, Cubos, Vocabulário, Dígitos, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), Trail Making Test (TMT) e índice de quociente de inteligência estimado (QI). Resultados: Os grupos foram pareados quanto à idade e escolaridade. O grupo de reincidentes (Grupo 2) mostrou maior pontuação na escala PCL-R (p=0,05) corroborando a tese de que traços de psicopatia são maiores entre infratores reincidentes. Nas provas neuropsicológicas de fluência verbal, TMT, Stroop, WCST, semelhanças e vocabulário, os grupos não se diferenciaram estatisticamente. Já na avaliação da execução de tarefas que exigem planejamento viso-espacial e QI estimado, o grupo 2 apresentou desempenho superior (p <0,01). Por outro lado, o grupo dos primários (grupo 1) apresentou maior eficiência (p=0,04) em tarefas relacionadas à amplitude atencional auditiva. Conclusões: O estudo permitiu identificar que as variáveis neuropsicológicas não são por si só, consistentes para discriminar aspectos cognitivos entre jovens infratores primários e reincidentes / Background: According to the literature, juvenile delinquency is a growing problem in many countries, which has increased researches with forensic population seeking for the etiology of antisocial behavior. In this context, neuropsychological evaluation is usually used as an important tool to investigate the correlation between conduct behavior and cognitive deficits. The present research compared executive functions between recidivist juvenile offenders and non-recidivist ones. Methods: 38 young offenders with 18 years old of average (±0,23) were divided in two groups: Group 1: Primary Offenders (n=17) and Group 2: Recidivist Offenders (n = 21), both evaluated through the following tools: Mini-International Neuropsychiatric Interview (MINI), Psychopathy Checklist Revised(PCL-R) and the neuropsychological tests: similarities, verbal fluency, Stroop Color Test, block design, vocabulary, digit span, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST), Trail Making Test (TMT) and intelligence coefficient estimated (IQ). Results: The groups were controlled regarding age and scholarship. The recidivist group (group 2) showed higher scores at the PCL-R (p = 0,05) corroborating the theory that psychopathic traits are higher in these offenders. The groups reveal no statistical difference in the following neuropsychological test: verbal fluency, TMT, Stroop, WCST, similarities and vocabulary. However, group 2 presented better ability in activities requiring perceptual organization (p< 0,01), and also had higher estimated IQ (p< 0,02). In the other hand, group 1 performed better in tasks related to auditory sequencing and short-term memory (p=0,04). Conclusion: The results indicate that neuropsychological variables alone are not sufficient to discriminate between recidivist and norecidivist young offenders

Psychopathy as a cause of violent crime in South Africa : a study into the etiology, prevelance and treatment of psychopathy as a cause of violence with particular reference to domestic violence in South Africa

Ellis, Tareen January 2014 (has links)
Murder, rape, corruption and gang wars, sounds like something out of a bad movie but for many it is their way of life and not a movie they can stop. Many people today live with the constant threat of attack and the threat is often not by some stranger but someone they know, their neighbour, their uncle, their father, their domestic worker and on occasion even their own mother. As crime escalates more people are asking the question,"Why this rapid increase in crime and why is there such an increase in the number of violent crimes?" South Africa is well known, unfortunately, for its high crime rate and in particular it's exceptionally high violent crime rate. South Africa is rated in the top 10 for the highest murders per capita (UNDOC 2011). Over the past 20 years the number of violent crimes has progressively increased and the reason for this increase needs to be examined. there appears to be a rapid increase in the number of people presenting personality disorders in society. A number of studies have been conducted on the etiology of anti-social personality disorder and on psychopathology. In the past the majority of these studies had been conducted in developed countries and in the past few years a number of studies have started to be conducted in developing countries. Although very interesting with great insight very few have tried to examined any trends and differences between developed and developing countries. During the course of these studies it has been observed that inmates and people exhibiting Psychopathy traits are more likely to commit violent crimes and in addition reoffend. The thesis proposed examines trends between developed and developing countries to find any links between crime and psychopathology and in addition the etiology, prevalence and prevention of psychopathology. The study will identify a number of models utilised to understand violence in society and personality disorders with particular reference to psychopathy. The study is being done in order to obtain a better understanding of a link between psychopathology and escalating crime in South Africa and what, if anything can be done to decrease this prevelance. This thesis outlines a number of diagnostic tools utilised in order to determine if a person is indeed suffering from psychopathy. Each one of these is discussed and the validity of each considered for both developed and developing countries as a diagnostic tool. The study clearly show that there are a number of unanswered questions around psychopathy within South Africa and that more research within a South African context needs to be conducted if this disorder is to be properly understood. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)

Predicting Behavior from Psychopathic and Antisocial Personality Traits in a Student Sample.

Stone, Maryann 03 May 2008 (has links)
Psychopathic personality is associated with a myriad of social and behavioral problems including violence, criminal activity, and overall failure to conform to social standards. In this study, psychopathic and antisocial personality traits are measured in a sample of college students via self-report surveys using questions derived from Hare's Psychopathic Checklist-Revised (PCL-R; 1991). Reliability and factor analyses were used to validate the inventory and create factor-based indices that were used to predict antisocial behavioral outcomes including violence, seeking revenge on persecutors, and suicidal ideation, in addition to other analogous and deviant behaviors. Findings showed a relationship between personality and behavior indicating that characteristics of one's personality may aid in the prediction and prevention of deviant behaviors. Implications for public policy, including the identification of traits that may be related to the propensity for such behaviors, are reviewed in the context of school shootings such as the incident at Columbine High School.

Putting the “pseudo” back in pseudopsychopathy: assessing psychopathic traits in individuals with focal brain lesions

Reber, Justin 01 May 2019 (has links)
Damage to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) can lead to disturbances in personality, emotional dysregulation, impairments in social conduct, and difficulties in decision-making. Many researchers have likened the conduct of individuals with vmPFC lesions to that of criminal psychopaths, labeling the effects of vmPFC damage “pseudopsychopathy” or “acquired sociopathy.” However, although psychopathy—a condition marked by a distinct mosaic of antisocial personality traits and behaviors—has been studied and characterized as a psychological and behavioral disorder by many researchers, the overlap between acquired sociopathy and psychopathy remains ambiguous. This study assessed the severity of psychopathic personality traits in neurological patients with acquired damage to the vmPFC using both informant-report and self-report measures. On both informant-report and self-report measures, individuals with vmPFC damage showed no significant elevations across a wide range of psychopathic traits relative to demographically-matched neurologically healthy comparison participants and patients with damage outside of the vmPFC. The results showed only one trait, Fearlessness, that was significantly higher in patients with vmPFC lesions relative to the neurologically-healthy comparison group.

Psychopathy: correlates of the MMPI-2-RF and the three-factor model of psychopathy

Hall, Katherine Achsah Lisa 01 August 2018 (has links)
Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by antisocial deviance in the context of interpersonal and emotional detachment. The study of psychopathy in non-forensic samples is an area of growing interest, but one that is limited by the fact that most large-scale epidemiological studies, which collect a wealth of data that could further elucidate the phenotypic correlates, constructs, assessments, and etiologic mechanisms in psychopathy, typically do not include direct assessment of psychopathy construct or measurements. However, if facets of psychopathy could be predicted from other measures, such as broadband inventories of normal personality that are often administered in large-scale investigations, data from college epidemiological studies could be brought to bear light on the study of psychopathy. This study is two-fold in the investigation of psychopathy. First, the present study replicated the work of Sellbom and colleagues (2012) three-psychopathy scales derived from the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form (MMPI-2-RF). These scales were developed to assess psychopathy as conceptualized in the PPI-R and include Global Psychopathy (Py-T), Impulsive-Antisociality (Py-IA) and Fearless-Dominance (Py-FD). Second, the present study built upon the three-psychopathy scales by investigating psychopathy’s construct in relation to Cooke and Michie’s (2001) three-facto model. A sample of 151 participants from a Midwestern university were administrated the PPI-R and MMPI-2-RF. The MMPI-2-RF three scales and construct of psychopathy were evaluated using bivariate correlations. Results support previous studies, regarding the Py-T, Py-IA, and Py-FD scales and the three-factor model of psychopathy.

Dark Triad Personality Traits Prediction of Managers' Mind-set in Business Organizations

Kabat, Robert 01 January 2019 (has links)
Presence of the Dark Triad traits of Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy in the workplace, especially among managers, has received increased attention due to the implications for organizations. One way to influence behavior in business organizations is through controlled interventions to change individual mind-sets. A review of the extant literature indicated that the relationship between Dark Triad traits and mind-set had not been sufficiently examined. A quantitative study was conducted to examine whether a manager's Dark Triad traits predict their mindset. To explore this relationship, a sample of 153 managers' responses was collected online. The Short Dark Triad measure was used to assess participants' Machiavellianism, narcissism, and psychopathy and the Implicit Theory Measure was used to assess mind-set. Regression showed that only Machiavellianism predicts mind-set, accounting for 7% of the variance in mind-set as the criterion variable. The findings indicate that the relationship between Dark Triad traits and mind-set is weaker than a review of the extant psychological literature might suggest. Additionally, this study found that the Dark Triad traits are significantly negatively correlated with manager age, which might provide a new direction for further research. Further research on how and why Dark Triad traits tend to decline with age is recommended. The present study suggests that a better understanding of the relationship between the Dark Triad traits and mind-set and the knowledge that controlled interventions aimed at promoting a growth mind-set are most likely not a useful tool to mitigate the level of Dark Triad psychological traits of managers in business organizations.

Strain, Personality Traits, and Deviance among Adolescents: Moderating Factors

Wareham, Jennifer J 13 July 2005 (has links)
General strain theory has received a fair amount of empirical support and theoretical elaboration over the past several years. Since the introduction of general strain theory, Agnew and others have attempted to increase the comprehensiveness of the processes involved in strain theory. Until recently, the general strain theory literature has ignored what Agnew and associates (Agnew, Brezina, Wright, & Cullen, 2002) argue may be one of the most important conditioning effects of the strain-crime relationship, namely the dispositions or personality traits of the individual experiencing strain. Recently, Agnew and associates (2002) published results from a study examining the conditioning effects of personality traits (i.e., negative emotionality and low constraint) on the strain-delinquency relationship. Their findings indicated that certain personality traits significantly condition the effect of strain on delinquency. Research has suggested that more severe personality and behavioral traits, such as psychopathy, also influence criminality. The present study examined moderating effects of both personality dispositions and psychopathic behavioral features among a sample of 137 youths referred to juvenile diversion by the court system. The results suggest that personality dispositions and psychopathic behavioral features do not significantly moderate the strain-delinquency relationship. In addition, this study conducted ad hoc analyses examining whether or not delinquency significantly increases the likelihood that subsequent strain and delinquency will result (i.e., a state dependence explanation (see Nagin & Farrington, 1992; Nagin & Paternoster, 1991)). Moderating effects of personality and psychopathy were also included in this model. Further, the role of strain as a mediator for the personality and psychopathy link to delinquency was tested. The findings suggest that delinquency exacerbated subsequent strain and delinquency levels among these youths. Personality and psychopathic features did not moderate the strain-delinquency relationship. Strain did not significantly moderate the personality-delinquency relationship. Limitations and implications for future research and policy are discussed.

Dimensions of depression and psychopathy in psychiatric inpatients: contribution of the RC scales

Alcazar, Carla 07 1900 (has links)
While depression and psychopathy have long been believed to be mutually exclusive traits, a number of MMPI-2 studies have found relatively high correlations between the original Depression and Psychopathic Deviate Scales. This high degree of covariation might be accounted for by the often observed result that all of the basic nine scales of the MMPI-2 are saturated with a general negative affect factor called demoralization. Recently, a series of studies were completed in which this demoralization factor was extracted from the original basic nine scales and they were restructured such that they would each be a more "pure" measure of the clinical dimensions they were intended to assess. These new scales are called the Restructured Clinical (RC) Scales. The major purpose of this study was to examine the items found on the original Depression and Psychopathy Scales for multidimensionality and item overlap, and to compare these scales with their RC counterparts. It was assumed that there would be little if any covariation of the RC Depression and RC Psychopathic Deviate Scales as has been found with the original Depression and Psychopathic Deviate Scales. A factor analysis of the items from each scale was done. Results showed that the original scales indeed had significant item overlap as well as multidimensionality. In addition, the new RC Scales were shown to be much purer in their measurement of their respective constructs. This study provides strong support for the practice of including at least these two scales in the clinical assessment of depression and psychopathy. It would appear that these restructured scales have met the goal of refining the measurement of these two dimensions. / "July 2005." / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Wichita State University, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Dept. of Psychology.

Electrophysiological indices of information processing in psychopathy

Munro, Gillian Elizabeth Scott January 2008 (has links)
Psychopathy is a severe personality disorder associated with a range of affective, interpersonal, and behavioural abnormalities. Evidence suggests that psychopaths show marked deficits in processing emotional information, although it is unclear whether they also show more general deficits in error monitoring, attention allocation and response control. It is also unclear whether any variation in neurophysiological performance is also reflected in subclinical populations. In this thesis, event-related potentials (ERPs) were used to examine these issues and involved two separate samples. The first included incarcerated offenders with a range of scores on the Hare Psychopathy Checklist –Revised (PCL-R) and non-offender (staff) controls. The second included a large group of healthy undergraduate males with a full range on scores on the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale (SRP-III). Error monitoring was examined in both samples using a standard letter-flanker task and a modified version of the task in which faces with angry or fearful expressions were used instead of the usual letter stimuli. In general, psychopathy in both samples was associated with attenuated ERN amplitudes on the face flanker task only. Source modeling of the ERN indicated that, while the ERN is generally modeled as having a dipole in the ACC, the psychopath group showed no evidence of ACC activity in this region in conjunction with face-flanker errors. These data suggest that the affect-based neurophysiological deficits associated with psychopathy in the clinical range are observed in a graduated fashion among subclinical samples. Inhibitory control processes were also examined in the incarcerated group using the inhibitory N2 and anteriorized P3 as indices of inhibitory processes evident in correctly withholding prepotent response tendencies on a Go-NoGo task. Despite the common assumption that poor inhibitory control is a central aspect of psychopathy, there was no sign that those at higher levels of psychopathy showed any inhibitory control problems and they produced a robust NoGo N2 and P3. In fact, there were signs that the incarcerated offenders who were low on psychopathy were more likely to produce diminished inhibitory-related components. Finally, years of controversy regarding attention allocation deficits in psychopathy was addressed by collecting standard P3 components during a traditional visual oddball task in the university sample. Behavioural response and P3 amplitudes were unrelated to psychopathy. However, consistent with data from incarcerated samples, higher scores on psychopathy were associated with larger amplitude P2 and N5 responses to target relative to nontarget stimuli, again suggesting some continuity with respect to a distinct, although not necessarily deficient, attentional style at subclinical levels of psychopathy. In general, across these four data sets, the only clear evidence of impaired processing involved a reduced error-monitoring response during the face-flanker task when emotional stimuli formed the basis of the required discrimination and this reduced response was found to vary with the degree of psychopathy even within a subclinical range. These findings support a model of psychopathy involving limbic and paralimbic structures rather than a general reduction in neural function affecting error monitoring, attention allocation and response control.

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