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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Teoria e avaliação da personalidade psicopática : construção e evidências de validade de um instrumento de autorrelato para uso na população geral

Hauck Filho, Nelson January 2013 (has links)
O objetivo central da presente tese de doutorado foi a construção e a análise psicométrica de um instrumento de autorrelato para avaliar traços de psicopatia na população geral. Para fundamentar a proposta do instrumento de avalição, foram defendidos três argumentos. O primeiro deles é que embora o problema da medida dos atributos psicológicos ainda se encontre aberto à investigação teórica e empírica, instrumentos psicométricos são recursos adequados para obter informação psicológica. O segundo é que o autorrelato é um método legítimo de avaliação da psicopatia em situações em que não há incentivos explícitos para distorções nas respostas. O terceiro, por sua vez, é que um modelo dimensional é mais coerente com a literatura teórica e empírica da psicopatia do que uma perspectiva taxônica ou categórica. A construção e a análise psicométrica do instrumento contaram com uma coleta piloto com estudantes de graduação (N = 224), uma coleta online com universitários e indivíduos da população geral (N = 1238) e uma segunda coleta com estudantes de graduação (N = 12). Uma combinação de análises fatoriais exploratórias e confirmatórias ordinais e dois modelos de Teoria de Resposta ao Item evidenciaram excelentes propriedades psicométricas para um conjunto de 60 itens. Esses itens se mostraram distribuídos em três escalas (Insociabilidade, Descontrole e Audácia) e 10 subescalas (Tendências Antissociais, Dependência de Recompensas, Baixo Autocontrole, Dominância Social, Déficits Emocionais, Narcisismo Patológico, Exploração Interpessoal, Cinismo, Despreocupação e Intrepidez). As escalas e subescalas construídas se correlacionaram com as variáveis ruminação, Behavioral Inhibition System, Behavioral Approach System, afetos positivos, afetos negativos e com dois instrumentos de avaliação da psicopatia, a Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy scale e a Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. Além disso, construiu-se um sistema quantitativo-qualitativo de interpretação dos escores produzidos pelo instrumento. O trabalho oferece um recurso metodológico gratuito, com excelentes propriedades psicométricas, para suprir às necessidades de pesquisadores e profissionais de avaliação de traços de psicopatia que trabalham com indivíduos da população geral. / The aim of the present doctoral thesis was to develop and analyze the psychometric properties of a self-report instrument of psychopathic traits devised for use with nonforensic and noncriminal populations. In order to provide a theoretical framework for proposing the instrument, I developed three main arguments. First, although the psychological measurement problem remains as an open issue to theoretical an empirical scrutiny, psychometric instruments comprise adequate means for obtaining psychological information. Second, empirical studies support self-report method as a useful, reliable psychological resource for assessing psychopathic traits when individuals have no incentives for faking responses. Third, evidences favor a dimensional model of psychopathy as a more plausible theoretical perspective than a taxonic, categorical model. Three distinct samples were employed for constructing and evaluating the self-report instrument: a pilot sample of undergraduate students (N = 224), a large sample of university students and other individuals from the general population (1,238) and a sample of undergraduate students (N = 12). I analyzed data combining categorical exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses and two Item Response Theory models, which suggested retaining 60 items with excellent psychometric properties. These items comprised three scales (Meanness, Boldness and Disinhibition) and 10 subscales (Antisocial Tendencies, Reward Dependence, Low Self-Control, Social Dominance, Emotional Deficits, Pathological Narcissism, Interpersonal Exploitation, Cynism, Unconcern and Fearlessness). Scales and subscales correlated with rumination, behavioral inhibition, behavioral approach, positive and negative affects and scores on other instruments for assessing psychopathy, namely, Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy scale and Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. Furthermore, I devised a quantitative-qualitative system to help interpreting raw scores on the instrument. The present work offers a free self-report method with excellent psychometric properties to assist Brazilian researchers and professionals in dealing with the assessment of psychopathy among individuals from the general population.

Exhibit A: An Application of Verbatim Theatre Dramaturgy

Moore, Melanie K. January 2013 (has links)
This research-creation thesis describes and analyzes the dramaturgical methodologies of verbatim theatre – a form of documentary theatre that uses transcripts as the dominant source of its dialogue – through the practical exercise of play writing. This paper marks the theoretical component of my thesis, which analyzes both the dramaturgical process and the historical context of my play Exhibit A. Using verbatim transcripts from legal evidence for its dialogue, the play examines the psychology of two teenage boys responsible for the brutal rape and murder of an 18-year-old Canadian woman in 2010. As documentary theatre emphasizes socio-political themes, this thesis considers the dramaturgical, aesthetic, and ethical considerations of verbatim theatre through my experience as a playwright and researcher. Acknowledging both the historical antecedents of documentary theatre and its contemporary examples, this thesis will define an original typology of verbatim theatre entitled the “Subcategories of Verbatim Theatre”. These subcategories are identified as Tribunal, Literary, Historical Drama, Expository and Participatory. Each privileges different types and usages of documents, which are further defined as being primarily related to “text” or “aural” based testimony. The thesis relates the dramaturgical principles of each subcategory to artistic choices made in Exhibit A. A description of the various incarnations of verbatim and documentary theatre, as well as an analysis of my experience as a documentary playwright examines the dramatic representation of reality as highly constructed in this form of theatre where the selection and editing of a documentary play's archive is a creative process that is not dissimilar from the creation of fictional drama. In that sense, the documentary genre can be said to present a dramatic representation of the playwright's subjective version of the truth. Exhibit A thus stands as my creative reconstruction of the evidence presented in the Kimberly Proctor murder trial.

Étude internationale : l'effet modérateur d'un trait culturel sur la relation entre les traits psychopathiques et la coopération sociale chez des individus non incarcérés

Ferfache, Daphnée-Sarah 08 1900 (has links)
La psychopathie est caractérisée par diverses manifestations affectives et comportementales qui peuvent se traduire en contexte relationnel par un manque d’empathie à l’égard d’autrui, de la manipulation, ou encore de l’exploitation. À ce jour, les études sur la psychopathie se sont principalement intéressées aux comportements antisociaux, tandis que la capacité éventuelle à adopter des comportements prosociaux a peu été explorée. Pourtant, bien qu’observée chez environ 10% de la population carcérale, la psychopathie se retrouve également chez des individus de la population générale. Dans le but de mieux comprendre ce qui pouvait distinguer les psychopathes adaptés à la vie en société de ceux impliqués dans des activités criminelles, quelques chercheurs ont tenté d’étudier la relation entre l’endossement de traits psychopathiques et la capacité à coopérer chez des individus non incarcérés. Toutefois, les résultats sont inconsistants d’une étude à l’autre. Jusqu’à présent, aucune recherche n’a exploré l’effet modérateur d’une tierce variable, qui pourrait éventuellement expliquer cette divergence dans les données. Or, certains traits culturels, notamment l’individualisme et le collectivisme, sont conceptuellement reliés à la fois aux traits psychopathiques et à la coopération sociale. L’objectif de cette thèse était donc de vérifier la relation entre les traits psychopathiques et l’adoption de comportements coopératifs chez des individus de la population générale, tout en considérant l’effet des traits individualistes ou collectivistes de chacun. Il était attendu: 1) que les traits psychopathiques soient prédicteurs de choix non coopératifs, et 2) que cette relation diffère en fonction des attitudes individualistes ou collectivistes rapportées par les participants. Le recrutement a été effectué sur la scène internationale via les réseaux sociaux, les sites de petites annonces et certains départements universitaires. Un total de 134 personnes a complété l’entièreté de l’étude. Chacun a effectué dans un ordre aléatoire les tests suivants : l’Échelle de Psychopathie de Levenson, les Scenarios for the measurement of collectivism and individualism, ainsi qu’une simulation itérative du dilemme du prisonnier comprenant 12 essais. Une régression hiérarchique a été effectuée, et n’a pas permis de confirmer les hypothèses. Diverses analyses exploratoires ont également été tentées, notamment des régressions logistiques et des analyses de contrastes. Il s’est avéré que les traits psychopathiques n’étaient pas significativement prédicteurs des choix de coopération au dilemme du prisonnier, et que les traits culturels endossés n’avaient pas non plus d’impact significatif sur cette relation. Une discussion approfondie a été menée afin d’expliquer ces résultats et de les replacer dans le contexte de la littérature scientifique actuelle. Notamment, un retour a été effectué sur la conceptualisation des traits psychopathiques et de leurs manifestations dans la population générale, ainsi que sur la recherche en contexte interculturel. Une deuxième expérience a été conduite auprès d’un nouvel échantillon, apportant des corrections aux failles méthodologiques identifiées lors de l’étude internationale. Cette deuxième expérience s’est concentrée sur la relation entre les traits psychopathiques et la coopération sociale, sans tenir compte des traits culturels. Pour améliorer le devis de recherche, seuls des hommes ont été recrutés, la taille d’échantillonnage a été augmentée, et le recrutement n’a pas été conduit sur la scène internationale afin de limiter la variabilité au sein des participants. Également, un questionnaire mesurant la présence d’indices de traits psychopathiques à l’enfance et à l’adolescence a été ajouté. L’objectif de cette deuxième expérience était d’explorer une nouvelle fois la relation entre les traits psychopathiques et l’adoption de comportements coopératifs chez des individus de la population générale. Il était attendu que les traits psychopathiques soient prédicteurs de choix non coopératifs. Plus spécifiquement, l’hypothèse était que plus les individus rapporteraient de traits psychopathiques à l’âge adulte et de traits psychopathiques présents dès l’enfance, moins ils auraient tendance à coopérer. Le recrutement a été effectué via les réseaux sociaux. Un total de 150 hommes a complété l’entièreté de l’étude. Chacun a effectué dans un ordre aléatoire les tests suivants : l’Échelle de Psychopathie de Levenson, l’Échelle des Indicateurs de Psychopathie à l’Enfance et à l’Adolescence (Childhood and Adolescent Taxon Scale-Self Report), ainsi qu’une simulation itérative du dilemme du prisonnier comprenant 12 essais. Des régressions multiples de type standard et hiérarchique ont été effectuées. Les hypothèses étaient partiellement confirmées. Les indices infantiles de psychopathie étaient prédicteurs des décisions effectuées au dilemme du prisonnier, toutefois la relation n’allait pas dans le sens attendu. Statistiquement, les données indiquaient que plus le score sur l’Échelle des Indicateurs de Psychopathie à l’Enfance et à l’Adolescence était élevé, plus les individus coopéraient au dilemme du prisonnier. Des nuances quant à cette interprétation ont été amenées en Discussion. Ensuite, les traits psychopathiques à l’âge adulte, mesurés par les scores obtenus à l’Échelle de Psychopathie de Levenson, ne permettaient pas à eux seuls de prédire les décisions au dilemme du prisonnier. Les traits psychopathiques à l’âge adulte étaient prédicteurs du comportement de coopération uniquement lorsque considérés conjointement avec la mesure des indicateurs de traits psychopathiques à l’enfance. Le pourcentage de variance des comportements coopératifs qui était expliqué par le modèle était faible. Également, la valeur prédictive des traits psychopathiques adultes était entièrement attribuable aux traits relevant du Facteur 1 (interpersonnel et affectif). La relation allait cette fois dans le sens attendu : plus le score était élevé sur l’Échelle de Psychopathie de Levenson, moins les participants coopéraient au dilemme du prisonnier. Ces résultats ont été interprétés lors d’une nouvelle Discussion, qui a permis en lumière les similitudes et les différences entre les deux expériences menées dans le cadre de la thèse. Également, des questionnements entourant la validité du concept de psychopathie dans la population générale ont été étayés. Sur la base de l’entièreté de la thèse, des recommandations pour les recherches futures ont été formulées. / Psychopathy is characterized by various emotional and behavioural manifestations that include a lack of empathy towards others, manipulation and exploitation. To date, studies of psychopathy have focused primarily on antisocial behaviours, while little attention has been paid to the potential for prosocial behaviours. Although generally observed in about 10% of the carceral population, psychopathy is also found in the general population. In order to better understand what might distinguish psychopaths adapted to life in society from those involved in criminal activities, some researchers have attempted to study the relationship between psychopathic traits and the ability to cooperate in non-incarcerated individuals. However, the results are inconsistent from one study to another. To date, no research has explored the moderating effect of a third variable, that could potentially explain this discrepancy in data. For example, some cultural traits, such as individualism versus collectivism, are conceptually linked to both psychopathic traits and social cooperation. The objective of the thesis was to verify the relationship between psychopathic traits and cooperative behaviours among individuals in the general population, while taking into account the effect of participants individualistic or collectivist traits. It was expected that: 1) psychopathic traits would predict uncooperative choices; and 2) this relationship would differ according to the individualistic or collectivist attitudes reported by participants. Recruitment was conducted on the international scene via social networks, classified advertisement sites and some university departments. A total of 134 participants completed the entire study. They completed the following tests in random order: the Levenson Scale of Psychopathy, the Scenarios for the measurement of collectivism and individualism, and an iterative simulation of the prisoner's dilemma involving 12 trials. A hierarchical regression was conducted and did not confirm the hypotheses. Various exploratory analyses were also attempted, including logistic regressions and contrast analyses. Psychopathic traits were not significantly predictive of cooperative choices in the prisoner's dilemma, nor did the cultural traits have a significant impact on this relationship. An in-depth discussion was conducted to explain these results and to place them in the context of the current scientific literature. More specifically, the Discussion focused on the conceptualization of psychopathic traits and their manifestations in the general population, as well as on research in an intercultural context. A second experiment was conducted with a new sample, correcting the methodological flaws identified in the international study. This second experiment focused on the relationship between psychopathic traits and social cooperation, without considering cultural traits. To improve the research design, only males were recruited, the sample size was increased, and recruitment was not conducted internationally in order to limit variability among participants. Also, a questionnaire measuring the presence of clues to psychopathic traits in childhood and adolescence was added. The objective of this second experiment was to further explore the relationship between psychopathic traits and the adoption of cooperative behaviours in individuals from the general population. Psychopathic traits were expected to be predictors of uncooperative choices. More specifically, the hypothesis was that the more individuals report psychopathic traits in adulthood and psychopathic traits present in childhood, the less likely they are to be cooperative. Recruitment was conducted via social networks. A total of 150 men completed the entire study. Each completed the following tests in random order: the Levenson Psychopathy Scale, the Childhood and Adolescent Taxon Scale-Self Report, and an iterative simulation of the prisoner's dilemma involving 12 trials. Standard and hierarchical multiple regressions were performed. The hypotheses were partially confirmed. Childhood psychopathy indices were predictive of decisions made in the prisoner's dilemma, however the direction of the relationship was not as expected. The results indicated that the higher the score on the Childhood and Adolescent Taxon Scale-Self Report, the more cooperative the individuals were to the prisoner's dilemma. Second, psychopathic traits in adulthood, as measured by scores on the Levenson Psychopathy Scale, alone did not predict decisions about the prisoner's dilemma. Adult psychopathic traits were predictive of cooperative behaviour only when considered in conjunction with measures of childhood psychopathic trait indicators. The percentage of variance in cooperative behaviour that was explained by the model was small. Also, the predictive value of adult psychopathic traits was entirely attributable to Factor 1 traits (interpersonal and emotional). This time, the relationship was as expected: the higher the score on Levenson's Psychopathy Scale, the less cooperative participants were to the prisoner's dilemma. These results were interpreted in a new Discussion, which shed light on the similarities and differences between the two experiments carried out in the framework of the thesis. Also, questions surrounding the validity of the concept of psychopathy in the general population were supported. Based on the entire thesis, recommendations for future research were formulated.

Comparaison de différentes méthodes de recrutement permettant la détection d’un niveau élevé de traits psychopathiques dans la communauté

Chaussé, Sarah 11 1900 (has links)
Outre les milieux carcéraux et psychiatriques, les traits de personnalité et les comportements associés à la psychopathie se retrouveraient chez des personnes non-institutionnalisées. Plusieurs chercheurs soulèvent que le recrutement des personnes qui possèdent un niveau élevé de traits psychopathiques représente un réel défi (Benning et al., 2018; Dinn et Harris, 2000; Mullins-Sweatt et al., 2010 et Ndiaye, 2009). Par conséquent, déterminer une méthode de recrutement efficace serait bénéfique, épargnant du temps et des coûts aux chercheurs qui recrutent de trop grands échantillons sans avoir accès à la population cible (Patrick et al., 1998). Ainsi, l’objectif du mémoire est d’évaluer l’efficacité de trois annonces visant à cibler spécifiquement les personnes qui possèdent un niveau élevé de traits psychopathiques au sein de la communauté. La première annonce est une traduction renversée de celle de Widom (1977), soit : « Nous recherchons des personnes charmantes, agressives, insouciantes, qui sont impulsivement irresponsables, mais bons pour manipuler les autres et égoïstes ». La seconde est conforme à la méthode utilisée par Chapleau (2015) et DeMatteo et al. (2005), étant : « Êtes-vous charmeur, intelligent, aventureux, combatif et êtes-vous souvent porté à agir sous le coup de l’impulsion? Avez-vous tendance à vous ennuyer rapidement et cherchez-vous à profiter de la vie au maximum? ». Finalement, la dernière annonce consiste à solliciter les participants pour une étude portant sur la personnalité. L’échantillon de 969 participants se divise en trois groupes dépendamment de l’annonce à laquelle ils ont été exposés, remplissant un même questionnaire composé du Self-Report Psychopathy Scale III (SRP-III; Paulhus et al., sous presse) et du Levenson self-report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP; Levenson et al., 1995). L’annonce qui semble la plus efficace est celle de Widom (1977), qui a permis de recruter le niveau moyen de psychopathie le plus élevé. Ce faisant, les chercheurs qui s’intéressent aux personnes possédant les caractéristiques affectives, interpersonnelles et comportementales associées à la psychopathie pourront utiliser cette annonce. / Personality traits and behaviors associated with psychopathy have often been found in environments such as prisons and psychiatric institutions. These traits can also be found among individuals living in the community. However, recruiting individuals showing various levels of psychopathy is challenging for researchers (Benning et al., 2018; Dinn et Harris, 2000; Mullins-Sweatt et al., 2010 et Ndiaye, 2009). In order to help researchers who are recruiting large community, it would be beneficial to refine recruiting procedures (Patrick et al., 1998). Therefore, the goal of the present thesis was to evaluate the efficiency of three recruitment procedure that can be used to specifically target people in the community who have some level of psychopathic traits. The first advertisement is a back translation in French of Widom (1977) : “Wanted: charming, aggressive, carefree people who are impulsively irresponsible but are good at handling people and at looking after number one”. The second was taken from Chapleau (2015) and DeMatteo et al. (2005) : “Are you charming, intelligent, adventurous, combative, and impulsive? Do you get bored easily and like to live life on the edge?”. Finally, the last advertisement is to recruit participants for a study on personality. A sample of 969 participants was divided into three groups depending on which ad they were exposed. All participants answering the same questionnaires including the Self-Report Psychopathy Scale III (SRP-III; Paulhus et al., sous presse) and the Levenson self-report Psychopathy Scale (LSRP; Levenson et al., 1995). The recruitment procedure used by Widom (1977) was found to be the most effective in that it allowed the recruitment of the highest average of psychopathy. It is recommended that researchers who are interested in people having affective traits, interpersonal traits and behaviors associated with psychopathy can use this recruitment procedure.

Differentiating Callous-Unemotional Traits Within Psychopathy

Decrop, Romain 29 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Differential Associations between Psychopathy Factors and Shooter Bias in the Police Officer's Dilemma

Roy, Sandeep 08 1900 (has links)
The current study assessed abnormal attention in 71 undergraduate men, approximately half of which displayed elevated psychopathic traits, as they attended to cues on the Police Officer's Dilemma. In the computerized task, participants are instructed to shoot men holding guns and not shoot men holding neutral objects. However, research has shown that irrelevant racial cues in the task can influence participants to shoot unarmed Black men more frequently than unarmed White men; a phenomenon termed shooter bias. Contrary to expectations, individuals with elevated psychopathic traits tended to erroneously shoot unarmed Black men more frequently compared to those with low psychopathy scores. Additional analyses indicated that the interpersonal and lifestyle facets were associated with more interference in determining unarmed Black men as not threatening relative to unarmed White men and the affective domain was associated with faster responses to shooting armed Black men relative to armed White men. Additionally, prejudicial attitudes (i.e., social dominance orientation) moderated the relationship between the affective psychopathic traits and shooting armed Black men by increasing the number of armed Black men identified as threatening relative to armed White targets. These findings are discussed in the context of the relationship between psychopathic traits and prejudicial attitudes and recent refinements to etiological theories of psychopathy.

Psychopathy in Male and Female Offenders: Validating the CAPP-IRS and Investigating the Impact of Gender Role Conformity

Carter, Rachel Marjann 12 1900 (has links)
Recent conceptualizations of psychopathy are moving toward more inclusive, purely trait-based models. However, researchers continue to heavily rely on assessments of psychopathy that include categorical behavioral elements. The newly developed Comprehensive Assessment of Psychopathic Personality – Institutional Rating Scale appears to be a promising interview-based measure of psychopathy, but research on its reliability and validity is in its infancy. As a second issue, the vast majority of research on psychopathy, particularly in offender populations, is conducted with male participants. Nonetheless, the growing body of literature involving incarcerated females suggests gender differences in the prevalence and manifestation of psychopathic traits. Reasons for these differences are unclear, but some have proposed socialized gender roles as a contributing factor. With a sample of 52 female 49 male offenders recruited from a large, metropolitan jail, this dissertation evaluated the construct validity of the CAPP-IRS and examined the effect of gender role conformity on the manifestation of psychopathic traits. Results indicated that a three-factor model of psychopathy represented by antagonistic interpersonal relations, restricted emotions, and disinhibited behavior best fit the data. Findings further suggested convergent and discriminant validity for the CAPP-IRS. Additionally, masculine and feminine gender role conformity differentially related to psychopathy, but generally accounted for a small proportion of the variance in psychopathic traits. Recommendations for future research on the CAPP model and its assessment as well as implications for the clinical assessment of psychopathy in women are discussed.

Psychopathy and Suicide: The Mediating Effects of Emotional and Behavioral Dysregulation

Fadoir, Nicholas Alan 20 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.

L'association entre la psychopathie et les pratiques parentales dans une population non criminelle

Gagné, Julie 03 1900 (has links)
La présente thèse avait pour but d’étudier les liens qui existaient entre la psychopathie du parent et les pratiques parentales utilisées. L’échantillon était composé de 65 parents francophones, hommes ou femmes, ayant au moins un enfant âgé entre 6 et 10 ans. Les parents ont été rencontrés à leur domicile, à l’école de leur enfant ou dans un organisme communautaire. Le Self Report Psychopathy Scale R12-III (Paulhus, Hemphill & Hare, sous presse) a été traduit en français pour la présente étude afin de mesurer la psychopathie du parent. La version francophone de l’Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (Pauzé & al., 2004) a été utilisée pour mesurer cinq pratiques parentales : les pratiques éducatives positives, le manque de supervision, l’engagement, la discipline incohérente et les punitions corporelles. La version francophone de l’échelle de désirabilité sociale abrégée de Marlowe-Crowe (Crowe-Marlowe, 1960) a été jointe aux deux autres questionnaires (Bergeron, Valla & Breton, 1992). Des régressions simples ont été effectuées entre le score global de psychopathie et chacune des cinq pratiques parentales énumérées ci-dessus. Ensuite, des régressions multiples ont été exécutées afin de vérifier quel était le meilleur facteur de la psychopathie pouvant prédire chaque pratique parentale. Les résultats ont montré que la psychopathie était associée négativement de façon significative aux pratiques éducatives positives et à l’engagement. Un lien significatif positif a été soulevé entre la psychopathie et l’utilisation des punitions corporelles. Les analyses secondaires ont démontré que le facteur interpersonnel de la psychopathie expliquait une proportion significative des pratiques éducatives positives. Le facteur antisocial a prédit, quant à lui, une petite partie significative de l’engagement au-delà de l’explication fournie par la désirabilité sociale. Le style de vie du psychopathe a contribué à une proportion significative de l’explication de la variance des punitions corporelles. Il semblerait pertinent d’intervenir le plus tôt possible auprès du parent et de l’enfant afin d’éviter que les mauvaises pratiques et les traits psychopathes ne se répètent dans les générations futures. Des méthodes d’intervention ont été suggérées. Les forces et les faiblesses de l’étude ont été discutées. / The goal of the present thesis was to evaluate the associations between parental psychopathy and parenting methods. A total of sixty-five French parents, male or female, having at least one child between the ages of 6 and 10 year old, participated in the study. Parents were met at home, at their child’s school or in a community center. Parental psychopathy was measured by the Self Report Psychopathy Scale R12-III (Paulhus, Hemphill & Hare, sous presse) that had been translated into French for the purpose of the study. The French version of Alabama Parenting Questionnaire (Pauzé & al., 2004) was used to assess positive reinforcement, lack of parental monitoring, parental involvement, consistency in applying discipline and corporal punishment. Social desirability was assessed using the French version of the short form of the Marlowe-Crowe (Crowe-Marlowe, 1960) scale (Bergeron, Valla & Breton, 1992). Regressions between psychopathy and parenting practices were used to explore the associations. Multiple regressions were used to examine if one of the four psychopathy factors could predict educational methods. Psychopathy was negatively associated with positive reinforcement and involvement. Psychopathy was related positively with corporal punishment. Of the four factors of psychopathy, the interpersonal dimension accounted for a significant explanation of positive reinforcement. The antisocial factor account for a significant incremental of the involvement variance after social desirability was controlled. Life style seemed to explain a significant account of corporal punishment. The results suggested that it would be important to take action as early as possible towards the parent and the child to prevent the transmission of less effective parenting methods and psychopathic traits in the future generations. Suggestions of interventions were made and the strengths and limitations of the study were discussed.

Adolescent Psychopathy in an Adjudicated Male Population: The Role of Sensation Seeking, Impulsivity, and Externalizing Disorders

Vitacco, Michael J. 08 1900 (has links)
Psychopathy, as conceptualized by Cleckley (1941), describes a constellation of psychological and behavioral correlates including superficial charm, untruthfulness, lack of remorse or shame, poor judgment, and failure to learn from experience. Based on Cleckley's initial work, Hare (1991) developed a two-factor model of psychopathy. The purpose of this study was to investigate the roles that sensation seeking, impulsivity, ADHD, conduct disorder, and oppositional defiant disorder have on adolescents classified as psychopaths. The participants consisted of 79 adjudicated male adolescents in a maximum-security facility. As hypothesized, adolescent male psychopaths had higher levels of sensation seeking, impulsivity, conduct disorder and oppositional defiant disorder. A discriminant function analysis found that sensation seeking, impulsivity, ADHD, Conduct Disorder, and Oppositional Defiant Disorder was moderately useful in classifying adolescent psychopathy. The results suggest that behavioral dysregulation is an important aspect of adolescent psychopathy. The relationship of these data to theories of adolescent psychopathy is discussed.

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