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Síntese e caracterização estrutural e dielétrica de compostos ferroelétricos \'PB IND.1-X\'\'R IND.X\'\'ZR IND.0,40\'\'TI IND.0,60\'\'O IND.3\' (R = La, Ba) / Synthesis and characterization of \'PB IND.1-X\'\'R IND.X\'\'ZR IND.0,40\'\'TI IND.0,60\'\'O IND.3\' (R = La, Ba)Alexandre Mesquita 15 March 2011 (has links)
O titanato e zirconato de chumbo \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y)\'O IND.3\' é um material ferroelétrico de estrutura perovskita que tem sido aplicado como transdutores, amplificadores, sensores piezoelétricos, piroelétricos e memórias ferroelétricas. É bem estabelecido que a incorporação de íons de \'LA POT.3+\' ou \'BA POT.2+\' nos sítios ocupados pelo \'PB\' no sistema \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y)\'O\' (PZT), formando os sistemas \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PLZT) e \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PBZT), provoca mudanças significativas nas suas propriedades. No entanto, poucos trabalhos tem sido dedicados a esses sistemas contendo altas concentrações de \'TI\', principalmente no que se refere à estrutura desses materiais. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar as propriedades estruturais e suas correlações com as propriedades dielétricas dos sistemas \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'0,40\'TI\'0,60\'O IND.3\' (PLZT100x) e \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'0,40\'TI\'0,60\'O IND.3\' (PBZT100x) em função da composição e da temperatura. Foram preparadas amostras cerâmicas por meio de sinterização convencional com x variando entre 0,05 e 0,21 para o sistema PLZT e entre 0,10 e 0,50 para o sistema PBZT. Em relação à estrutura a longa distância, medidas de difração de raios X mostraram uma diminuição no grau de tetragonalidade com o aumento da concentração dos cátions substituintes, que foi atribuída à formação de vacâncias no sítio A (caso do \'LA\') e diferença entre o raio iônico (caso do \'BA\'). Estas alterações estruturais em função da composição foram também responsáveis pelo aumento do grau de difusidade das curvas de permissividade dielétrica e pela observação de um estado ferroelétrico relaxor nas amostras contendo altas concentrações de \'LA\' e \'BA\'. Em relação à estrutural local, os resultados obtidos através da técnica de espectroscopia de absorção de raios X (XAS) nas bordas \'K\' do \'TI\' e LIII do \'PB\' mostraram que a incorporação de átomos de \'LA\' ou \'BA\' à estrutura do PZT leva a uma redução no deslocamento do átomo de \'TI\' em relação ao centro do octaedro \'TI\'O IND.6\' e mudanças na ordem local do átomo de \'PB\'. No que tange as composições contendo 21% at. de \'LA\' e 50% at. de \'BA\', diferentemente dos resultados de DRX que mostraram uma simetria cúbica, a técnica de XAS mostrou uma simetria local tetragonal. Em bom acordo com os resultados obtidos pela técnica de espectroscopia Raman, espectros EXAFS medidos em altas temperaturas mostraram também que a estrutura local não é compatível com uma estrutura de simetria cúbica. Espectros XANES medidos na borda \'K\' do oxigênio revelaram uma redução no grau de hibridização entre os estados 2p do \'O\' com 6sp do \'PB\' à medida que a concentração de \'LA\' ou \'BA\' aumenta, que estaria relacionada com o surgimento de comportamento relaxor. Amostras cerâmicas densas nanoestruturadas de composição PZT, PLZT11 e PBZT10 foram preparadas pelo método de spark plasma sintering (SPS) a fim de analisar a influência do tamanho de grão. Foi verificado que as amostras sinterizadas por SPS apresentam tamanho de grão em torno de 60 nm. A caracterização dielétrica destas amostras mostra que a redução do tamanho de grão causa uma redução no valor de máximo da permissividade dielétrica e características difusas da permissividade em função da temperatura devido ao aumento das regiões de contorno de grão. / Lead titanate zirconate (\'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-x\'TI\'x)\'O IND.3\') are ferroelectric materials with perovskite structure which has been used as transducers, capacitors, piezoelectric and pyroelectric sensors and ferroelectric memories. The substitution of \'PB POT.+2\' ions by \'LA POT.+3\' or \'BA POT.+2\' ions in the \'PB\'(\'ZR\'1-x\'TI\'x)\'O IND.3\' (PZT) system, which leads to the formation of the \'PB\'1-x\'LA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PLZT) and the \'PB\'1-x\'BA\'x\'ZR\'1-y\'TI\'y\'O IND.3\' (PBZT) systems, induces several changes in the electric and structural properties of these materials. However, PLZT or PBZT systems based on \'TI\'-rich compositions have not been thoroughly investigated and the literature contains few reports concerning their structure. Thus, the main objectives of this doctoral thesis were the synthesis and structural characterization of \'PB\'1-x\'R\'x\'ZR\'0.40\'TI\'0.60\'O IND.3\' ferroelectric ceramic samples, with R = \'BA\' and \'LA\' and x between 0.00 to 0.50 (PLZT100x and PBZT100x). The characterization with X-ray diffraction technique of these samples showed a decrease of the tetragonality degree with increase of the doping cation concentration, which was related to the appearance of defects caused by the incorporation of \'LA\' or \'BA\' cations. These structural modifications were also responsible by the increase of the diffuseness at the dielectric permittivity and a relaxor behavior as a function of the \'LA\' or \'BA\' concentration. Concerning the local structure, XANES spectra in the absorption edge of various elements in PLZT and PBZT samples were performed. In the cases of \'TI\' \'K\'-edge absorption, the doping of \'LA\' and \'BA\' atoms in the PZT structure leads to a reduction of the displacement of \'TI\' atom in the center of the \'TI\'O IND.6\' octahedron. However, even when the crystal structure is cubic, a local octahedron distortion remains. EXAFS measurements in \'PB\' LIII-edge and \'ZR\' \'K\'-edge were performed and also indicate that local structure around lead or zirconium atoms is also affected by the introduction of \'LA\' and \'BA\' atoms in the PZT structure. In addition, XANES spectra measured at \'O\' \'K\'-edge revealed a reduction in the hybridization degree between \'O\' 2p and \'PB\' 6sp states with the addition of \'LA\' or \'BA\' atoms to the structure of PZT. It has been shown that hybridization between these states is essential to ferroelectricity and this reduction would be related to the relaxor behavior. PLZT and PBZT systems were also studied depending on the size of particle size in a nanometer scale. Thus samples PZT, PLZT11 and PBZT10 compositions were prepared using the synthesis method of precursor polymers and the process of sintering by spark plasma. A pronounced decrease in the values of maximum permittivity was observed and the dielectric curve as a function of the temperature exhibits a diffuse behavior. This size-induced diffuse phase transition and the reduction of the permittivity magnitude could be related to the differences between the core grain and the grain boundaries.
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Měření parametrů piezoelektrických aktivních prvků snímačů akustické emise / Measurement of Parameters of Piezoelectric Active Elements for Acoustic Emission SensorsFialka, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The doctoral thesis discusses the measurement of parameters of piezoelectric (PZT) materials and the influence of temperature on their stability. In the introductory sections, the author briefly explains the piezoelectric effect and its use; simultaneously, methods for the preparation of piezoelectric materials and the measurement of their properties are presented to illustrate the analyzed problem. The experimental part of the thesis describes the procedure of measuring and calculating the complete matrix of material coefficients from samples of PZT ceramics. The applied set of piezoelectric samples complying with relevant European and world standards was made in the form of thin plates, thin discs and cylinders, via gradual modification of the large disc. The NCE51 and/or the older PCM51 ceramics obtained from the company Noliac Ceramics were used in determining the complete matrix and describing the measurement method. Both these types are soft piezoceramics composed from a solid solution of lead zirconate and lead titanate with the general chemical formula of Pb(Zr1-x,Tix)O3. The real crystallographic structure and chemical composition of the samples were confirmed by X-ray diffraction spectroscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), respectively. The frequency method was used for the measurement and calculation of all material coefficients. An Agilent 4294A impedance analyzer and a set of measuring tweezers marketed as “Tweezers Contact Test Fixture 16334A” were used in the process. Fast determination of the entire matrix of coefficients without any special requirement for the preparation of the samples to be measured was tested and verified. The charge coefficients of the piezoelectric material were confirmed by direct methods including the laser interferometer technique, the vibrometric method, and the procedure utilizing changes of the force applied to the sample. The advantages and disadvantages of the methods were compared and defined based on measurements and their results. The main part of thesis was focused on the behavior of piezoelectric material at high temperatures near the Curie point. Depolarization performed by means of a high temperature approaching the Curie point constitutes a significant yet hardly measurable material property of PZT ceramics. Commonly available vibrometric methods (d33-meters) do not appear to be suitable for the measurement of temperature dependencies, and for that reason the frequency technique was used. The piezoelectric charge coefficient, whose value can be effectively measured via the above-discussed frequency method, was selected as the indicator showing the depolarization state in the applied piezoelectric ceramics. The accuracy of the procedure was verified via comparison of the vibrometric method in cylinders of the NCE51 ceramics with different sizes, which are designed for the longitudinal length mode. The result is an optimized measurement methodology which facilitates accurate determination of the Curie temperature, namely phase transition to the cubic crystallographic structure. The experiment also proved the applicability of progressive, controlled depolarization of PZT ceramics via high temperature, and it also enabled us to define the temperature limits at which there occur irreversible changes of the piezoelectric properties of piezoceramics. In the measured NCE51 and PCM51 materials, the limit for the irreversible changes was equal to 95% of the Curie temperature.
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Realizace úzce směrového akustického měniče / Implementation narrowly directed beeperHladký, David January 2016 (has links)
The present final thesis discusses the transmission of a narrowly directional parametric sound beam through an amplitude-modulated ultrasonic wave, utilizing the effect of auto-demodulation in a nonlinear medium and ensuring the subsequent processing of the input signal for the parametric sound transmitter. Emphasis is placed on the mathematical tools that relate to parametric sound transmission in a nonlinear medium. The basic part of the thesis describes a parametric speaker and the associated amplitude modulation techniques, which constitute a major prerequisite for the processing of the transmitted signal. In the following section, the author then analyzes the computational intensity of these techniques, considering applicable hardware approaches. Finally, the fabrication and practical use of the proposed solution are discussed, including the measurement of typical parameters such as the spatial radiation characteristics, total harmonic distortion, and transmission channel bandwidth.
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Ultrazvukový směrový reproduktor / Ultrasonic Directional SpeakerSedlák, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with theoretical research and practical application of the principle of spreading acoustic waves through nonlinear medium. The theoretical part describes five different types of amplitude modulation and their mathematic representation, which were verified by the program Matlab. Next, the impedance characteristic of ultrasound PZT transducer was measured and the design of PWM modulator and class D amplifier was described. The practical part of the master´s thesis contains the realization of the parametric loudspeaker assembled from the class D amplifier and the PWM modulator. In conclusion, the designed parametric loudspeaker was measured and the individual types of amplitude modulation were compared with respect to the total harmonic distortion of transmitted useful signal.
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Application of Lamb waves using piezoelectric technique for structure health monitoring / Tillämpning av Lambvågor med hjälp av piezoelektrisk teknik för strukturhälsoövervakningMauritz, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Structural health monitoring (SHM) is damage detection strategy for aerospace, civiland mechanical infrastructure. This project tries to show that Lamb waves, that are being generated and sensed with piezoelectric transducers, can be used for damage detection in a SHM system. For these piezoelectric transducers to work, filtering and amplification circuits needs to be connected to them. This report include the design,simulation, assembly and testing of these circuits. Due to lack of time, it was not possible to generate and sense actual Lamb waves. The result of the thesis is thatsimulations and tests show that it is possible to generate and sense Lamb waves for damage detection in a SHM system / Structural health monitoring (SHM) är en skadedetekteringsstrategi för flyg-,civil- och mekanisk infrastruktur. Detta projekt försöker visa att Lambvågor, som genereras och avkänns med piezoelektriska givare, kan användas för skadedetektering i ett SHM-system. För att dessa piezoelektriska givare ska fungera krävs att filtrerings- och förstärkningskretsar är anslutna till dem. Denna rapport inkluderar design, simulering, montering och testning av dessa kretsar. På grund av tidsbrist var det inte möjligt att generera eller avkänna Lambvågor. Resultatet av examensarbetet är att simuleringar och tester visar att det är möjligt att generera och avkänna Lambvågor för skadedetektering i ett SHM-system.
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Use of triple beam resonant gauges in torque measurement transfer standardIntiang, Jittakant January 2010 (has links)
A new torque transfer standard using metallic TBTF resonant sensor was developed to overcome the overload capability problem which occurs with conventional metallic resistance strain gauges. Previous research work, however, has shown that the first prototype of the metallic TBTF resonant sensor was not suitable for use in a torque transfer standard due to its size and subsequent sensitivity to parasitic lateral forces. To maximize the benefits from this sensor, particularly overload capability and long-term stability, in the high accuracy torque measurement application area, there is a need to develop significantly smaller devices. The aim of this thesis is to research through FEA modelling and experimental characterisation the key performance parameters required to produce a miniaturised metallic TBTF resonant sensor that provides better performance when applied in a torque measurement system. For high accuracy any torque transducer using these sensors ought to have low sensitivity to parasitic influences such as bending moments and lateral forces, which can only be achieved with reduced size. The problems with the existing design, key design issues, possible configuration and packaging solutions of the metallic TBTF resonant sensor that could be used for achieving a higher accuracy torque transfer standard are considered. Two designs of miniaturised metallic TBTF resonant sensors, SL20 and SL12, are considered and experimentally investigated. The lateral forces are reduced by 52% for SL20 design and by 80% for SL12 design when compared to the original SL40 design. A torque transducer using the SL20 design was calibrated falling into the Torque Transfer Standard class of accuracy 1 category, uncertainty 0.8%. A torque transducer using the SL12 design was made and calibration showed a class of accuracy 0.5 category, uncertainty 0.2%. The results from this research indicate that the SL12 design is suitable for use in a torque transfer standard. The SL12 design is optimal and the smallest size possible based on the overload capability design criteria requiring the tine cross sectional area to remain constant.
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Efeitos da uréia na síntese de cerâmica PZT pelo processo sol-gel.Antonio Abreu Júnior 00 December 2002 (has links)
Neste trabalho, é estudado o efeito da uréia na síntese de PZT pelo processo sol-gel utilizando três diferentes métodos. No primeiro método, chamado Método Citrato, é estudado o efeito da uréia adicionada durante o passo de gelificação de uma solução contendo TiCl4, Pb(NO3)2, ZrOCl2.8H2O e ácido cítrico como agente quelante. A quantidade de uréia adicionada na solução precursora é aumentada e o gel obtido é caracterizado por Análise Termogravimétrica (TG). Os xerogéis são calcinados a 800 C por 2 e 3 horas. Emprega-se a técnica de difração de raios X (DRX) para caracterizar as fases cristalinas das amostras calcinadas. Independente da concentração de uréia, todas as amostras calcinadas a 800 C por 2 horas apresentam mais de uma fase. No entanto, amostras contendo uma maior quantidade de uréia (razão molar de PZT:Uréia igual a 1:3 (PZT-U3)), calcinada a 800 C por 3 horas apresenta somente a fase PZT. A área superficial do pó PZT-U3 calcinado é determinada pelo método BET e a morfologia da partícula por Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). A área superficial deste pó é de 3,8 m2 g-1, forma esférica e diâmetro das partículas são de 0,20 mm. No segundo e terceiro métodos, isopropóxido de titânio, complexo isopropóxido-isopropanol de zircônio, acetato de chumbo, ácido cítrico e etilenoglicol são utilizados como precursores. No entanto, o segundo método, chamado Método Pechini Convencional, na solução precursora (identificada por PZT-NH4OH) o pH é ajustado para 6,5 pela adição de hidróxido de amônio, enquanto no terceiro método, chamado Método Pechini Modificado, a solução precursora (identificada por PZT-Uréia) o pH é ajustado pela decomposição homogênea da uréia. Os géis originados das soluções precursoras de PZT-NH4OH e PZT-Urea são caracterizados por TG, Espectroscopia de Infravermelho com Transformada de Fourier (FTIR). Os resultados do FTIR mostram que o gel PZT-NH4OH contém complexos monodentados e pontes formadas a partir da quelação do ácido cítrico com titânio/zircônio e chumbo, enquanto o gel de PZT-Urea contém somente complexo unidentado de ácido cítrico com o metal. Os xerogéis resultantes a partir dos géis PZT-NH4OH e PZT-Uréia são calcinados a 400, 500, 600 700 e 800 C e o pó calcinado é caracterizado por DRX. Os resultados do DRX mostram que somente a fase PZT está presente nos pós obtidos a paetir da calcinação de ambos os xerogéis, PZT-NH4OH e PZT-Uréia, à temperatura igual/ou superior a 600 C por 2 horas. A área superficial e a morfologia das partículas destes pós são também determinados pelo método BET e MEV. A área superficial específica, forma e tamanho das partículas do pó de PZT-NH4OH calcinado são 2,8 m2 g-1, esférica e 0,25 mm, respectivamente, enquanto os mesmos parâmetros para o pó de PZT-Uréia calcinado são 7,4 m2 g-1, esférico, 0,10 mm, respectivamente.
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Conception, réalisation et caractérisation de biocapteurs micromécaniques résonants en silicium avec actionnement piézoélectrique intégré : détection de l'adsorption de nanoparticules d'orGuirardel, Matthieu 09 October 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail consiste en l'étude et la réalisation d'un micro-capteur destiné à la mesure de concentration d'un composé en solution. La méthode de détection est basée sur la variation de fréquence de résonance d'un micro-dispositif mécanique dont la surface est fonctionnalisée pour adsorber le composé à mesurer. Ces biocapteurs en silicium, sous forme de micromembranes piézoélectriques, sont remarquables par leur grande sensibilité et la possibilité d'explorer en parallèle de nombreux échantillons. Après avoir exposé les différentes technologies de biocapteurs existantes, l'étude se concentre sur l'optimisation des conditions d'élaboration de couches minces piézoélectriques pour obtenir un procédé technologique parfaitement compatible avec la technologie silicium. Une caractérisation mécanique de ces membranes a été effectuée par interférométrie optique 3D pour extraire le coefficient piézoélectrique du matériau. Les premières membranes réalisées présentent des propriétés d'actionnement excellentes. Une deuxième génération de membranes a ensuite été réalisée en modifiant les géométries des différentes couches. La sensibilité obtenue est compatible avec les seuils de détection nécessaires pour la détection de molécules biologiques. Des protocoles chimiques permettant la fonctionnalisation de la surface des micromembranes ont ensuite été développés. L'évaluation du comportement du microdispositif en situation, c'est-à-dire en milieu liquide, a enfin été effectuée. Pour cela, une cellule fluidique avec régulation de température a été mise au point. Les membranes piézoélectriques ont été positionnées à l'intérieur de cette cellule fluidique pour mesurer la cinétique d'adsorption de nanoparticules d'or en solution. Dans le cadre des biopuces, des microleviers permettant le dépôt de micro-gouttes de solutions ont aussi été développés. Ils permettent notamment de fonctionnaliser individuellement chaque membrane et présentent l'avantage de ne pas endommager les microstructures.
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Contribution à la fabrication des structures thermoplastiques activesEl Soufi, Louay 15 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les recherches effectuées sont centrées sur l'intégration de composants piézoélectriques dans des matrices thermodurcissables. Cependant, le problème de recyclage constitue un grand axe nécessitant le remplacement des matériaux thermodurcissables par des matériaux thermoplastiques. Toutefois, les procédés actuels de fabrication des pièces en composite actif à matière thermoplastique ne sont pas directement exploitables pour l'intégration de composants fragiles tels que les composants piézoélectriques. Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire de thèse est dédié à une contribution à la fabrication des structures thermoplastiques intelligentes. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de la thèse est de déterminer le rapport entre le procédé de fabrication et les modèles de comportement à développer pour l'utilisation des composants piézoélectriques intégrés. Deux études sont réalisées séparément : Une première étude traite les conditions thermiques et mécaniques qui accompagnent la fabrication des structures thermoplastiques. L'influence de ces conditions sur le matériau piézocéramique intégré est analysée dans une deuxième étude. Les résultats des deux études permettent de choisir le matériau approprié pour chaque procédé et condition de mise en œuvre, de manière à minimiser l'endommagement du matériau intelligent. Cet apport permet de surmonter les obstacles relatifs à l'utilisation du thermoplastique dans les structures intelligentes.
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Sputtered Pb(Zr₀.₅₂Ti₀.₄₈)O₃ (PZT) thin films on copper foil substrates / Sputtered Pb(Zr0.52Ti0.48)O3 (PZT) thin films on copper foil substratesWalenza-Slabe, Joel 20 December 2012 (has links)
Pb(Zr₀.₅₂Ti₀.₄₈)O₃ (PZT) thin films are of interest for their large dielectric permittivity, ferroelectric, and piezoelectric properties. The material has been widely studied for use in high frequency transducers, multi-layered capacitors, and ferroelectric random access memory. Copper foils are an inexpensive, flexible substrate with a low resistivity which makes them ideal for many transducer and capacitor applications. PZT thin films on copper foils were produced by RF sputtering and crystallized under reducing conditions. Causes and prevention of a cuprous oxide interlayer are discussed. The film structure was characterized by XRD, SEM, and AFM. The permittivity was low, but remanent polarization increased to as high as ~40 μC/cm² as film thickness and crystallization temperature increased. Residual stresses were measured by x-ray diffraction using the sin²ψ method. The relative permittivity of the PZT/Cu films was measured as a function of applied AC electric field. By performing a Rayleigh analysis on this data one can determine the relative contributions of the intrinsic, reversible, and irreversible components to the permittivity. The residual stress could be correlated to the reversible part of the permittivity. The first order reversal curves (FORCs), which characterize the ferroelectric switching, give indications of the defect state of the film. Cantilever energy harvesters were fabricated. Large electrodes were able to be evaporated onto the films after oxidizing pinholes and cracks on a hot plate. Devices were tested on a shaker table at < 100 Hz. A dynamic model based on Euler-Bernoulli beam equations was used to predict power output of the fabricated devices. The observed output was comparable to model predictions. Resonant frequency calculations were in line with observed first and second resonances at ~17 Hz and ~35 Hz which were also close to those predicted by the dynamic model. / Graduation date: 2013
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