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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Problematika péče o pacienty před a po intervenčním zákroku pro fibrilaci síní / The issue of care for patients before and after intervention treatment for atrial fibrillation

PEŠKOVÁ, Petra January 2011 (has links)
The topic of my diploma thesis is: ?The Questions of the Care of Patients before and after the Intervention for Ventricular Fibrillation ?. The diploma thesis defines three objectives. The first objective finds out the information level of patients about nursing care before and after the intervention for ventricular fibrillation. The second objective was to find out the most frequent problems in connection with the intervention for ventricular fibrillation. The third objective aims at surveying the requirements for the nursing care in connection with the intervention for ventricular fibrillation. To conduct my research I defined 4 questions along with these objectives: Are patients informed about nursing care before and after the intervention for ventricular fibrillation? In which way do nurses inform patients about nursing care before and after the intervention for ventricular fibrillation? How do nurses assess the cooperation with patients before and after the intervention for ventricular fibrillation? In which fields are patients most limited after the intervention for ventricular fibrillation? To fulfil the objectives of the diploma thesis I chose the quantitative research survey. The collection of data was conducted by the interview technique. These interviews constituted the basis for the chart of ideas in the X-mind programme. The research questions that were defined for the research survey yielded these conclusions: The information on the regime before the radiofrequency ablation for fibrillation of chambers is insufficient for the patients. The information on the regime after the radiofrequency ablation for ventricular fibrillation is insufficient for the patients. Nurses inform patients about the nursing care before the performance based on nursing standards. The largest problem encountered by patients after the radiofrequency ablation for ventricular fibrillation is bowel movement. Patients before the radiofrequency ablation for ventricular fibrillation worry because of lack of information about the performance. The patients before the radiofrequency ablation for ventricular fibrillation cooperate with the nursing staffs. The patients after the radiofrequency ablation for ventricular fibrillation cooperate with the nursing staffs.

Problematika komunikačních bariér u pacientů s tracheotomií na jednotkách intenzivní péče / Problems of communication barriers by patients with tracheotomy in intensive care units

POLÍVKOVÁ, Eva January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is aimed at the problems of communication barriers in patients with tracheotomy at intensive care units. Communication is the basis of nursing care and nursing process is based on partnership relation between a nurse and a patient. Everybody who wants to communicate sometimes faces problems, obstacles complicating his/her interpersonal communication. Recognition of these obstacles is the first step leading to their overcoming. Tracheostomy disqualifies the glottal function and patients are not able to communicate by means of speech. Such a situation is new for the patients and is also very stressing, which is why these patients have to be paid extra attention and these problems have to be dealt with. The aims of the work and the hypotheses were focused on the area of communication barriers, but also on adherence to the effective communication principles and alternative ways of communication. The goal was to find mutual dependence between the individual variables. Quantitative research extended by qualitative research was used for reaching the goals. An important relation was proven in hypothesis number two upon the results of statistic examination. The fact that the communication barriers perceived by a nurse depend on the character of the department where the nurse works was found. Some relation was also proven in hypothesis number eight, which examined dependence of alternative ways of communication on the character of the hospital department. No dependence relation was found in the other hypotheses. An analysis of results obtained from nurses and from patients showed us that nurses realize many more communication barriers in patients than patients themselves. A hypothesis expressing a relation between selection of an alternative communication method and the overall patient condition arose from the qualitative research.

Rozdíly v poskytování ošetřovatelské péče u nemocných po operaci varixů dolních končetin operovaných ambulantně a při hospitalizaci / The differences in postoperative care for patients after lower limb varicose vein surgery performed either during admission at a surgery ward or on an outpatient basis.

PTÁKOVÁ MALECHOVÁ, Jitka January 2011 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the comparison of the differences in nursing the clients who went through the operation of legs´ varicose veins. Specifically, the nursing after an ambulatory Sumery made with a laser and the nursing after a conventional surgary with subsequent hospitalization were compared. The research was also aimed at the communication and the education of the nurses which are considered as an inherent part of the nursing. The results of the study show that the transfer of information, education and the communication in general are crucial in nursing and require an individual approach to the client.

Role sestry při poskytování péče pacientům - cizincům / Nurse´s role in providing care to patients - foreigners

KOUSALOVÁ, Renata January 2011 (has links)
The theme of this thesis is the role of nurse providing care for patients-foreigners. The thesis was divided into two parts. In the theoretical part it dealt with the issue of providing nursing care to patients-foreigners which sought to highlight the roles of sister, their problem situations and state of readiness to care for these patients. They were set three objectives of this work. The first objective was to determine the roles of nurse which are dominant in their care of the patients- foreigners The second objective was to map the problem situations of nurses in providing care to patients foreigners. The last objective was to map the state of readiness of nurses in patient care of patients-foreigners. In the empirical part were set out five hypotheses. The first hypothesis was that the most common role of nurses in patients-foreigners care is the role of nursing care provider. The second hypothesis claimed that the most problem role of nurse in patients-foreigners care was the role of educator. The third hypothesis was that the greatest obstacle in providing nursing care to patients- foreigners is the language barrier. The fourth hypothesis was that the most common problem in providing nursing care to patients- foreigners is a social isolation. The fifth hypothesis was based on the assumption that nurses are theoretically prepared to care for the patients-foreigners. Based on the evaluation of an anonymous questionnaire the first, third and fourth hypothesis is confirmed. On the contrary, the second and the fifth hypothesis were not confirmed. In the first part of the research investigation was used a quantitative data collection method in the form of an anonymous questionnaire for general nurses to hospital beds stations in Hospital in České Budějovice joint-stock company, Hospital Písek joint-stock company, Hospital Strakonice joint stock company and Hospital Tábor joint-stock company. The questionnaire contained 36 closed, semi-open and open questions. In the second part of the research were used descriptive statistical functions. To evaluate statistically significant relationships were used PivotTable (Crosstabs). In total, 300 questionnaires were distributed of which the final research survey used the 226. Survey results were summarized in graphs and tables. Discussions have been confronted with the literature with the expression of the author's own opinion. At the end of the work were given the confirmed and unconfirmed hypotheses and the overall summary of work with possible suggestions to improve the quality of patients-foreigners care.

Stresory působící na pacienty v nemocniční péči. / Stressors operating on patients in hospital care.

PECHOVÁ, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on stressors influencing patients in hospital care. The theoretical part describes stress and stressors, the influence of stress on the state of health, and I further deal with health and illness and the importance of the support provided by the patient?s family in the course of treatment. In the practical part I compare results that I obtained from three medical facilities. The first objective of my thesis was to find out what kind of stressors hospitalised patients meet with most frequently. To achieve this objective, I set a hypothesis. H1 ? The extent of stress load in patients depends on the extent of information on their illness, course of treatment and nursing care. Another objective of mine was to compare whether the extent of stress is different in various departments. This is dealt with in the second hypothesis. H2 - The extent of stress is influenced by the type of department in which the patient is hospitalised. My last objective was to find out what helps patients to deal with stressful situations. To achieve this objective, I set the third hypothesis. H3 ? Dealing with stress when staying in hospital depends on the functionality of the patient?s family and the attitude of the nursing staff. To conduct the research I employed the method of quantitative survey in the form of questionnaires. The questionnaire contained altogether 21 questions. I chose three facilities of medical care to obtain the required data. The target group were clients hospitalised in the hospital in České Budějovice, further in the hospital in Český Krumlov and in the hospital in Prachatice. The total number of correctly completed questionnaires is 228, which means that 57% of correctly completed ones out of 400 returned. The results have proved that hypothesis No. 1 has a considerable influence on patients? stress because patients with a high rate of information experience high stress only in 6.9 per cent, while patients with an insufficient rate of information experience high stress up to 58.6 per cent. In hypothesis No. 2, I also succeeded in proving a considerable influence, because up to 20.2 per cent of patients in surgical departments experience high stress, while it is only 5.3 per cent of respondents in internal departments. In hypothesis No. 3, a considerable influence has also been proved, because patients with functioning families experience low stress to a much larger extent, while low stress in patients with non-functioning families was experienced by only a small number of respondents. Similarly, the attitude of medical staffs influences the extent of stress. The results of my research can be offered to various kinds of facilities of medical and social care, to improve the quality of nursing care and eliminate some stressors. Further, these results can be offered to students of various branches of medicine studies. However, this research is of noticeable importance for the comfort of patients in various facilities mentioned above.

Vliv únavy na kvalitu života onkologických pacientů / Influence of fatigue on quality of life of oncological patients

NĚMCOVÁ, Věra January 2007 (has links)
Finally, the result from my study shows, that fatigue is a big enemy from the oncology patient. It influences their personal and social life and their quality of life. Therefore it is necessary to wrestle with fatigue using all relevant facilities.

Právní aspekty poskytování zdravotní péče nezletilým / Legal aspects of providing health care to minors

Biskupová, Klára January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issue of providing health care to minors in the legislation of the Czech Republic. The area of providing health care has significantly changed in recent years. Nearly half a century old People's Health Care Act from 1966 was substituted by current Health Services Act and other acts, that were enacted during the reform of medical law as a response to the transformation of the traditional paternalistic conception of the relationship between doctor and patient into a partner conception. The issue of health care provision has also been affected by the adoption of the new Civil Code that regulates protection of human personality and interventions into his integrity and includes an agreement on health care as one of the contractual types. Two acts are standing abreast - Civil Code and Health Services Act, whose relation cannot be generally assessed on the basis of the principle lex specialis derogat legi generali, but it is appropriate on this basis to assess relation of particular provisions. This has created doubts for physicians, which one from these two acts with the same legal force they should follow while providing health care. Uncertainty in the area affecting the physical integrity of a person, much less the physical integrity of a minor child as a person...

Psychosociálne aspekty práce zdravotníckeho personálu s umierajúcim pacientom / Psychological and social aspects of healthcare personnel's work with a dying patient

Sláviková, Karolína January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this thesis, "Psychological and social aspects of healthcare personnel's work with a dying patient", is to examine the socially unattractive issue of dying. Despite the fact that dying is a natural process, we often treat it with contempt and concern. We inspect this topic through a prism of healthcare personnel view, who is in contact with dying and death on a daily basis. In the theoretical part, we have first described the concept of death from historical point of view and afterwards we have narrowed it down to psychological-medical view of dying. Next, we have introduced the area of lenitive care for a dying patient, which is closely related to the topic of euthanasia. Of course, in relation to euthanasia, we then talked about medical ethics. This way we have circled around the relationship between a medic and his patient, the specifics of their communication, and finally we have described the psychological stress of healthcare personnel, possible coping strategies and eventual defensive mechanisms. Bibliography also features current research, both domestic and foreign. In the empirical part, we have attempted to map and describe psychosocial aspects relevant to working with a dying patient, with emphasis on identifying stress factors and strategies for healthcare personnel to cope...

Hodnocení motoriky u dětí po operaci tumoru v oblasti zadní jámy lební / Evaluation of motoric deficit in children after posterior fossa brain tumor surgery

Jirousková, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
Objective: The main goal of this study was to collect and summarize all available data on both short term effects and late effects of posterior cranial fossa tumor treatment on children patients' motoric abilities and to find out any possible correlation between a decline in motoric abilities and the type of treatment they received. Following previous studies on the topic, this study set a goal to design a testing procedure for areas in which decline of motoric abilities manifests the strongest and to put this procedure to test in the practical part of the study. Methods: Based on a research into specialized literature, four main areas in which a decline of motoric abilities occurs in posterior cranial fossa tumor patients have been identified. Those are ataxia, balance, physical condition and functional activities. For Ataxia the SARA test was used, for physical condition the 6MWT test, for balance the PCTSIB test and for functional activities the BOT-2 test, respectively. Furthermore we observed the overall quality of life of selected patients through a PedsQL questionnaire. The group of patients selected for this experiment consisted of nine individuals who underwent posterior cranial fossa tumor treatment more than two years before. Results: The SARA (p=0,020) a 6MWT (p<0,0001) tests proved a...

Generické přípravky a generická substituce z pohledu pacienta III. / Generic drugs and generic substitution from the patient perspective III.

Papoušková, Terezie January 2017 (has links)
Generic drugs and generic substitution from the patient perspective III. Author: Terezie Papoušková Tutor: PharmDr. Josef Malý, Ph.D. Department of Social and Clinical Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové, Charles University Introducion: A generic substitution is one of the instruments of the drug policy in many countries. Its authorization is supposed to bring a considerable savings not only for healthcare systems but also for patients. Objective: The aim of this thesis was to analyse patient's attitudes, opinions and experiences,which are related to the generic drugs and the generic substitution. Methodology: A data collection was gathered in the general practitioner's office in Prague in the time span from 18th of November 2015 to 21st of November 2016. All respondents, who visited the general practitioner during this period, were asked to cooperate. Only those who meet the input criteria could participate in a questionnaire investigation. The questionnaire consists of 36 questions which can be devided into 5 thematic areas (an actual disease and its treatment, socio-demographics characteristics, common awareness about generic substitution and generic drugs, own experiences with this topic, attitudes of the respondents). The questionnaire was piloted. The acquired data has been...

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