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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A vila nos textos de Alberti e Palladio / The villa in the writings of Alberti and Palladio

Capistrano, Gradisca de Oliveira Werneck de 14 November 2014 (has links)
Alberti e Palladio foram dois dos principais nomes na constituição dos modelos de vilas que caracterizaram o Renascimento italiano. Enquanto Alberti, em seu De re aedificatoria, estabeleceu as bases e a fundamentação teórica sobre o tema, no início do período, Palladio com I Quattro Libri dell\'Architettura, sistematizou um repertório formal que o tornou responsável pela difusão do modelo ao redor do mundo. Tendo-se em vista a importância da contribuição de ambos os autores e considerando que Palladio leu o tratado de Alberti, foi feito um estudo comparativo desses dois modelos de vila, visando detectar suas aproximações e divergências. Partindo-se da exposição do tema no corpo dos tratados e passando pelas definições do termo vila são abordados diversos aspectos da argumentação dos dois autores. Considerando a grande contribuição de Alberti e Palladio no campo da representação gráfica da arquitetura e do processo intelectual de projeto, foi discutida a relação desses dois temas, tanto na composição quanto na apresentação das vilas (especificamente no tratado paladiano). São analisadas ainda, o estabelecimento das hierarquias que são utilizadas na adequação das vilas à classes sociais de seus proprietários, a setorização proposta na organização da vila e da casa de vila e, por fim, a compartimentação desses edifícios. Mesmo considerando que os dois autores leram Vitruvio, de onde poderiam ter surgido diversos pontos que apresentam em comum, deve-se considerar que, para o projeto e a concepção das vilas, o texto de Vitruvio foi de pouca utilidade. Sendo assim, é surpreendente e também reveladora a semelhança que se percebe nas vilas de Alberti e Palladio. Em diversos trechos dos tratados, os discursos são tão próximos que parecem complementares, como também se pode utilizar projetos paladianos para exemplificar indicações teorizadas por Alberti. Esse trabalho não pretende esgotar o argumento, mas verificar a existência de uma relação entre a vila para ambos e, com essa relação mostrando-se tão forte, superaram-se todas as expectativas iniciais. / Alberti and Palladio were two of the leading names in the establishment of models for villas, which characterized the Italian Renaissance. At the beginning of the Renaissance period, Alberti in his De Re Aedificatoria established the foundation and the theoretical background of the subject. Afterward Palladio, in his I Quattro Libri Dell\'Architettura, systematized a set of formal rules that made him responsible for the diffusion of a general model of villa around the world. Bearing in mind the importance of the contribution of both authors and considering that Palladio read Alberti´s treatise, we made a comparative study of these two models of villa, in order to detect their similarities and differences. Several aspects of both authors\' arguments are addressed, starting from the development of the subject in the body of the treaties and including the different definitions of the term villa. Given the important contributions of Alberti and Palladio in the field of graphic representation of architecture and intellectual process of project, the relationship between these two topics was discussed, both in the composition and in the presentation of villas (specifically in the Palladian treaty). Furthermore, we analyzed the establishment of hierarchies used in adapting the villas to the social class of their owners; we investigated the sections proposed for the organization of the villa and, finally, we examined the partitions of these buildings. Although the two authors read Vitruvius, who could have provided them with a common theoretical background, it must be stressed that Vitruvius´s writings were of little use in the conception and project of villas. Therefore, it is surprising and revealing the resemblance noticed in the villas of Alberti and Palladio. In different parts of the treaties, discussions are so close that they seem complementary. Besides, Palladian projects can also be used to exemplify indications theorized by Alberti. The present study does not bring to an end the discussion; instead, it intends to check the existence of a relationship between the ideas of in both authors. We demonstrate that this relationship is actually strong, overcoming all the initial speculations of tight connections.

Andrea Palladio's influence on Venetian church design, 1581-1751

Green, Richard James January 1987 (has links)
Andrea Palladio was born in Padua in the Republic of Venice in 1508 and practiced his architecture throughout the Veneto until his death in 1580. Today, there are some forth-four surviving palaces, villas, and churches by the master. These buildings have profoundly moved the imagination of countless generations of academics, artists, and architects for over four hundred years. Without a doubt, he has been the most exalted and emulated architect in modern history. While Palladio is well-remembered for his innovative palaces and villas of the Veneto, he is also most distinguished for his revolutionary religious architecture in Venice Itself. His designs for San Francesco della Vigna (1562) (Fig. 1), San Giorgio Maggiore (1565) (Fig. 3), Le Zitelle (1570) (Fig. 4), II Redentore (1576) (Fig. 5), and the Tempietto (1580) (Fig. 6) at Master, represented fresh and independent visions, exemplifying his deep-seated understanding of the ideas of the High Renaissance. Nowhere was Palladio's influence on the future development of ecclesiastical design more profoundly felt than in Venice itself. Collectively, the emulators of Palladian church design form a coherent episode which can be discernedly traced from Santa Maria Celeste (Figs. 7 and 8) in 1581 through to San Giovanni Novo (Fig. 9) of 1751. Between these years and buildings, there were sixty-two churches erected in Venice. Of these, some thirty-five structures, or fifty-six percent, exhibit, through their system of organizing plans, elevations and spatial relationships, different degrees of debt to Palladio. All in all they demonstrate a highly significant concurrency in the overall development of religious architecture in Venice. The aim of this present thesis is to investigate the architectural character of a large number of Venetian churches built between 1581 and 1751 in an attempt to clarify the extent of Palladio's influence on their design. This study will be divided into four chapters. In order to better understand sixteenth century Venetian building in general and Palladio's prominent position within it, Chapter One will explore the unfolding ambience of Renaissance architecture in Venice, elucidating the rich, productive, and international development of the city's most innovative architects. Herein, the saliency of Palladio and his churches, as crowning symbols of this period, will be examined. Chapters Two, Three and Four will explore the thirty-five churches under investigation. These last sections will analyze some ten or more buildings each, and, for the most part, in the chronological order of their construction. In the end, it is hoped that this study will demonstrate a clear and coherent tradition of Venetian church design which fulfilled itself through an integration of a whole series of Palladian prototypes. / Applied Science, Faculty of / Architecture and Landscape Architecture (SALA), School of / Graduate

Der Architekt Ottavio Bertotti Scamozzi, 1719-1790 ein Beitrag zum Palladianismus im Veneto /

Kamm-Kyburz, Christine. January 1900 (has links)
Dissertation : Universität Zurich, 1981. / Bibliogr. p. 335-343. Index.

The Hanoverian court and the triumph of Palladio : the Palladian revival in Hanover and England c. 1700 /

Arciszewska, Barbara, January 2002 (has links)
Originally presented as author's thesis (Ph. D.--University of Toronto). / Includes bibliographical references (p. [345]-365) and indexes.

Uppsala Konstmuseum : Le Corbusier vs. Palladio / Uppsala Art Museum : Le Corbusier vs. Palladio

Gustafsson, Nils January 2014 (has links)
Två av arkitekturhistoriens främsta teoretiker, Andrea Palladio (1508-80) och Le Corbusier (1887-1965), är goda representanter för arkitekturens två huvudgrenar; klassicismen och modernismen. Samtidigt som arkitekterna i mycket utgör varandras motpoler, verkade de båda för strikta ideal beträffande hur god arkitektur skall utföras. Deras respektive avtryck i historien bör inte passeras onämnda i den hastigaste av sammanfattningar; palladianismen användes som stilbegrepp fram tills på 1920-talet då Le Corbusiers läror tog avstamp för att alltjämt hemsöka oss i dagens härskandenyfunktionalism. Idén att ställa dessa giganter mot varandra, jämföra deras huvudsakliga ståndpunkter och söka sammanföra dessa i en ny form av kompositstil, väcktes efter en inventering av den plats som projektet är avsett att behandla. Närområdet kring platsen intill Fyrisån i Uppsala, erbjuder en rad arkitektoniska stilar från 1800-talets empir till modern nyfunkis. Allra närmast ligger ett postmoderntbostadshus och ett modernistiskt kontorskomplex i corbusiansk anda. I denna miljö skall ett nytt museum resas; ett museum som skall sammanföra gammalt och nytt, till innehåll liksom utsida. / Two of the foremost theorists in architectural history; Andrea Palladio (1508-80) and Le Corbusier (1887-1965), are both good representatives of architectures two main branches; classicism and modernism. The architects are direct opposites in many aspects. However, they are both advocates of strict rules of producing good architecture. Their imprints in architectural history are inevitable in the briefest of summarys. The concept of putting these architect giants face to face, comparing their main points of theory and trying to combine them in a neverseen composit style, was developed as a result of an inventory of the site. In the surroundings of the Fyris River in central Uppsala, there is a vast amount of architectural styles, reaching from early 19th century neo-classicism to modern day neo-modernmism. Closest to the site, there is a post-modern residential building complex and some modernistic office buildings in true corbusian spirit. In these invironments, a new museum will be risen, a house of the new and the old, inside and outside.

Measured Values Lost in Time-or How I rose from a User to a Developer of Palladio

Hilbrich, Marcus, Lehrig, Sebastian, Frank, Markus 24 November 2016 (has links) (PDF)
I am working with software in academia for more than an decade and I had the "Moment" quite often. Palladio appeared just like an ordinary tool to solve my problem. Then, I changed a single parameter of my simulation---some hours later we hunted for a bug in the depths of Palladio. Based on the open source development model of Palladio and a very elegant structure of the source code, we were able to find the root cause of the problem very fast. To start fixing the problem, we "just" had to know when---in simulation time---a measurement of the SimuLizar simulator is valid. This paper summarizes our technical and philosophical discussions that ware needed to make Palladio deliver correct results and not to get lost in the depths of time and duration.

Однос архитектуре и пејзажа у стваралаштву Андреа Паладија и примена његових принципа у савременој пејзажној архитектури / Odnos arhitekture i pejzaža u stvaralaštvu Andrea Paladija i primena njegovih principa u savremenoj pejzažnoj arhitekturi

Skočajić Dejan 26 September 2016 (has links)
<p>Истраживања у овом раду обухватила су анализу односа архитектуре и<br />пејзажа у стваралаштву Андреа Паладија и примену његових принципа<br />у савременпој пејзажној архитектури. Како у поменутим принципима<br />нису непосредно дате јасне дефиниције и одреднице концепта<br />архитектуре и њеног окружења, било је нужно применити анализу места<br />на ком је постављен архитектонски објекат како би се стекао увид у<br />идејни концепт односа архитектуре и пејзажа. Интегрисањем пејзажа са<br />архитектонским изражајним средствима створен је сасвим другачији<br />однос у ком вила (villa suburbana, villa rustica) није само архитектонски<br />израз већ институција културног предела.</p> / <p>Istraživanja u ovom radu obuhvatila su analizu odnosa arhitekture i<br />pejzaža u stvaralaštvu Andrea Paladija i primenu njegovih principa<br />u savremenpoj pejzažnoj arhitekturi. Kako u pomenutim principima<br />nisu neposredno date jasne definicije i odrednice koncepta<br />arhitekture i njenog okruženja, bilo je nužno primeniti analizu mesta<br />na kom je postavljen arhitektonski objekat kako bi se stekao uvid u<br />idejni koncept odnosa arhitekture i pejzaža. Integrisanjem pejzaža sa<br />arhitektonskim izražajnim sredstvima stvoren je sasvim drugačiji<br />odnos u kom vila (villa suburbana, villa rustica) nije samo arhitektonski<br />izraz već institucija kulturnog predela.</p> / <p>The research of this paper comprises the relationship between architecture and<br />landscape in Paladio&rsquo;s works and the application of his principles in modern<br />landscape architecture. As the autor does not always comprise explicity<br />formulated definitions and other guidelines relating to the architectural concept<br />and its surroundings it was necessary to applay the analysis of the choice of<br />location for setting up an architectural object in order to gain an insight into the<br />conceptual design concerning the relationship between architecture and<br />landscape. It is by the inclusion of landscape and its integration with architectural<br />means of expression that a completely different relations between architecture<br />and landscape has been made and the villa (villa suburbana, villa rustica) is not<br />only an architectural expression but also the cultural landscape institution.</p>

Thomas Jefferson’s Designs for the Federal District and the National Capitol, 1776-1826

Reynolds, Craig A 01 January 2015 (has links)
This dissertation examines six major points: 1) it argues that Jefferson is an architect of the United States Capitol, having direct and final say over its design; 2) it asserts that Jefferson set two nationally influential models of architectural taste as part of his movement to reform American architecture, first in Richmond as the Virginia State Capitol and second in Washington as the United States Capitol; 3) it explores those models to define what Jefferson called “cubic” and “spherical” architecture; 4) it suggests that Jefferson used his political appointments to maximize his influence over the design of the United States Capitol in order to ground the building in classical sources; 5) it surveys the sources Jefferson looked to for inspiration, both printed texts and images as well as extant buildings in Europe and America; and 6) it proposes that Jefferson and B. Henry Latrobe worked hand in hand to execute a design for the United States Capitol that subdued and at times even replaced the official plan adopted from William Thornton’s winning design. This dissertation starts with the idea that Jefferson’s architectural reform consisted of conjoining vernacular building custom with architecture of the classical tradition. Most of what Jefferson knew about classical architecture came from books. Chief among them are Claude Perrault’s 1684 French translation of Vitruvius’ Ten Books on Architecture and the three London editions of Giacomo Leoni’s versions of Andrea Palladio’s Four Books of Architecture in English translation. Using these print sources, Jefferson reinterpreted many of the standard public buildings of Virginia into temple forms. In addition, Jefferson’s plan to reform public architecture rested on two overriding principles: erecting buildings with masonry and organizing those buildings using the classical orders. Furthermore, this dissertation proves that, like the ancients, Jefferson wanted to build on a monumental scale. Jefferson’s own plan for a national capitol shaped like the Roman Pantheon, long misunderstood, clearly reinforces this interpretation. Finally, this dissertation demonstrates that Jefferson and B. Henry Latrobe worked in concert to execute a design for the United States Capitol that subdued the official plan adopted from William Thornton’s winning design.

John Hartwell Cocke (1780-1866): From Jeffersonian Palladianism to Romantic Colonial Revivalism in Antebellum Virginia

Rogers, Muriel Brine 01 January 2003 (has links)
John Hartwell Cocke was a Virginia planter and amateur architect whose style evolved from Jeffersonian Classicism to a revival of English Tudor-Stuart or Jacobethan architecture. This dissertation discusses the Cocke family's Elizabethan roots and advances four theses. The first of these theses is that John Hartwell Cocke implemented Thomas Jefferson's principles for the reform of Virginia architecture. Cocke's most ambitious project, a Jeffersonian Palladian mansion called Bremo, was in the planning stages by 1815. The second thesis is that Cocke's off-plantation buildings signals his break from the Palladianism of Thomas Jefferson in favor of the Jacobean style for his houses and his acceptance of classical Jeffersonian elements for public buildings. The third thesis proposes John Hartwell Cocke as the first practitioner of the Romantic Colonial Revival movement in America in his revival of Tudor-Stuart architecture. The fourth thesis is that John Hartwell Cocke's architectural legacy was expanded by Philip St. George Cocke, the second of his three sons, when the younger Cocke commissioned Alexander J. Davis to build Belmead and later promoted Davis among his circle of family and friends.

The Scuola Dei Mercanti: Social Networking and Marital Mobility in Sixteenth-Century Venice

Erwin, Rachel D 01 August 2010 (has links)
Renaissance marriage is a much-studied subject, yet little attention has been given to the influence of marital practice on the civic affairs of confraternities. By considering the decisions of the Venetian Scuola dei Mercanti confraternity through the lens of Venetian marriage practice, I demonstrate how the Mercanti employed a multi-alignment advancement strategy in a manner similar to that employed by marriage partners seeking upward social mobility. Specifically, I argue that the Mercanti’s maneuvers were carried out for the purpose of transforming itself from a scuola piccolo to a scuola grande. Viewed from this perspective, the Mercanti’s artistic and architectural commissions appear as carefully executed maneuvers designed to elevate its social status. To demonstrate this thesis, I outline the Mercanti’s strategy of aligning with the neighboring Madonna dell’Orto church, the prominent architect Palladio and, especially, the older, established Scuola Grande della Misericordia.

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