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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Upplevelsen av att vara närstående inom palliativ vård : En litteraturöversikt / The experience of being a relative within palliative care : A literature review

Karlsson, Kristin, Vedin, Matilda January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Närstående inom palliativ vård har ofta en vårdande roll samtidigt som de själva är i behov av stöd då deras livssituation ofta är mentalt och emotionellt påfrestande. För att kunna ge ett adekvat stöd behöver vårdpersonal kunskap om hur närstående inom den palliativa vården upplever sin livssituation. Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka hur närstående inom den svenska palliativa vården upplever sin livssituation. Metod: De elva vetenskapliga originalartiklar till denna litteraturöversikt identifierades via sökningar i databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed. Vedertagna riktlinjer användes för granskning av resultatstudierna och data analyserades genom att jämföra likheter och skillnader samt vidare identifiera teman i materialet. Resultat: I resultatet framkom sex teman; Att få information och att vara delaktig, Att bli sedd och bekräftad, Att få en paus, Att inte behöva upprätthålla en fasad, Att uppleva ensamhet samt Att uppleva olika former av förlust. Genomgående i de teman som framkom var att relationen med vårdpersonalen påverkade de närståendes upplevelse kring sin livssituation. Diskussion: I diskussionen togs de centrala fynden i resultatet upp och relateras till Watsons teori om mänsklig omsorg samt konsensusbegreppet hälsa för att få en djupare förståelse för hur de närståendes livssituation inom den palliativa vården kan påverkas. Relationen mellan de närståendes livssituation och deras hälsa behöver ses ur ett holistiskt perspektiv och genom en vårdande relation kan vårdpersonal stödja närstående i deras livssituation och främja närståendes hälsa. / Background: Relatives´ within palliative care often end up with a caring role, and are at the same time in need of support themselves due to their own life situation being both mentally and emotionally demanding. In order to give adequate support, health care professionals need knowledge about how the relatives´ within the palliative care experience their life situation. Aim: The aim was to examine how the relatives´ within palliative care in Sweden experience their life situation. Method: The eleven original articles in this literature review was identified by searching the databases of CINAHL Complete and Pubmed. Accepted guidelines were made for review and data was analyzed by comparing similarities and differences and further identifying themes in the material. Results: The result revealed six themes; To get information and to participate , To be seen and to get acknowledged, To get a break, To not have to keep up appearance, To experience loneliness and To experience different types of loss. Throughout all the themes showed that the relation between the health care professional and the relatives´ affected how the relatives experienced their life situation. Discussion: In the discussion the central findings of the result was brought up and related to Watsons theory of human caring and the concept of consensus health to get a deeper understanding of how the relatives´ life situation within palliave care can be influenced. The association between the relatives´ life situation and their health needs to be seen from a holistic perspective and a through a caring relationship can health care professionals support the relatives´ life situation and promote the relatives´ health.

Att kunna leva fram till döden. : En systematisk litteraturstudie om varför patienter i ett palliativt skede väljer att avsäga sig livsuppehållande vårdinsatser.

Axelsson, Isabelle, Karlsson, Annika January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Slaugos ligoninės pacientų paliatyvios pagalbos paslaugų poreikio įvertinimas / Evaluation of demand for palliative care services among patients at nursing hospital

Činikienė, Aurelija 11 June 2009 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Įvertinti paliatyvios pagalbos paslaugų poreikį besigydantiems Kauno miestą aptarnaujančiose slaugos ir palaikomojo gydymo ligoninėse . Tyrimo metodika: Išanalizuota trijų Kauno miesto slaugos ligoninių 2008 metais visos gydytojų užpildytos išvykusio iš stacionaro asmens statistinės kortelės formos Nr.066/a-LK (n=1689). Gauti rezultatai pagal TLK-10 ligos kodą ir gydymo profilį palyginti su Lietuvos Respublikos sveikatos apsaugos ministerijos įsakymu nustatytomis paliatyvios pagalbos teikimo indikacijomis. 2009 metų vasario-kovo mėnesiais atlikta šių trijų slaugos ligoninių pacientų artimųjų anoniminė anketinė apklausa. Atsako dažnis 70,2%(n=151). Abiejuose tyrimo dalyse į atskirą grupę išskirti demenciški ligoniai. Duomenys išanalizuoti naudojant 13 versijos SPSS programinį paketą. Rezultatai: Į slaugos ligonines guldytiems su išemine širdies liga paliatyvi pagalba reikalinga 14,6% pacientų, sergantiems piktybiniais navikais - 10% pacientų, pagal spinalinė raumenų atrofija ir su ja susiję sindromai - 0,1% pacientų, demielinizuojančios centrinės nervų sistemos ligos – 0,6% pacientų, anoksinis smegenų pažeidimas, koma - 0,2% pacientų, lėtinis kepenų funkcijos nepakankamumas-0,8%, lėtinio inkstų funkcijos nepakankamumo terminalinė stadija - 0,2% slaugomųjų reikėjo paliatyvios pagalbos. Iš anketinės apklausos valstybės skirto 120 dienų slaugai termino neužteko 70,2%.Speciali medicininė priežiūra ir slauga reikalinga 83% slaugomųjų. Artimojo susirgimas sparčiai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Aim of the study: to evaluate the demand for palliative care services among patients at nursing and supportive care hospitals, that serve Kaunas city. Methods. The study started with patients' data from year 2008, personal statistical card form No. 066/a-LK (n = 1689), which were fulfilled by physicians at patients' discharge and obtained from 3 nursing hospitals in Kaunas. The findings as coded according to ICD-10 and therapeutical profile were compared with indications defined in national legislation for palliative care. During February–March 2009 the anonymous survey including the relatives of the patients was conducted in the hospitals using questionnaires. Sample size was 151, response rate 70.2%. Dementia patients were analyzed separately. Statistical data analysis was performed using software „SPSS for Windows 13.0“. Results. In nursing hospitals the palliative care was needed by 14.6% of patients with ischemic heart disease, 10.0% – with malignant tumours, 0.1% – with G12 (spinal muscular atrophy and related syndromes), 0.6% – with G35–G37 (demyelinating diseases of the central nervous system), 0.2% – with G93 (anoxic brain damage), 0.8% – with K70–71 (chronic liver insufficience), 0.2% – with N19 (unspecified renal failure). The questionnaire revealed, that nursing term of 120 days as defined by state was insufficient for 70.2% of cases. Special medical care and nursing was necessary for 83.0% of patients. 56% of relatives stated that the disease is progressing and... [to full text]

Qualified clinical psychologists' experiences of working with children with life-limiting conditions : a qualitative study

Davenport, Rebecca Kate January 2012 (has links)
Background: Despite the increased presence of clinical psychologists in paediatric services, including palliative care teams, there has been little research into their experience of working with children with life-limiting conditions. Existing studies have tended to focus mainly on the experience of medical professionals working in this area. Such studies have found that working with life-limiting conditions and child death has a significant impact on medical professionals, causing stress, burnout and feelings of professional failure. As clinical psychologists have a role in supporting the emotional needs of children, families and staff teams, it is important to explore their experiences, the impact that such work has on them, and any potential personal and professional implications. Aims: After identifying the above gap in the research, this study aimed to explore clinical psychologists‟ experiences of working with children with life-limiting conditions. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven qualified clinical psychologists who were working in hospital settings with children with life-limiting conditions. The transcripts of the interviews were then analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Results: Three superordinate themes emerged from the analysis: „The meeting of two worlds: When psychology and medicine converge‟, „Nobody is immune: Facing the challenges of working of life-limiting conditions‟ and „Balancing the rough with the smooth: Finding a way to manage‟. Implications & conclusion: Participants experienced challenges in having to adapt to a medical world and in facing emotional impacts however, they also reported positive experiences from their work. The study raised many implications for clinical practice including the need to potentially help psychologists to prepare for the possible changes required when practicing in a hospital setting. This could perhaps be incorporated more into clinical training or be provided as in-house training when starting in the post.

Developing and evaluating a psychological intervention for use in palliative care

Galfin, John Melvin January 2011 (has links)
As a GWR research project joint funded by Hospiscare, the main objective of this research was to examine the nature of psychological distress in palliative care, with the specific purpose of developing and evaluating accessible psychological interventions suitable for Hospiscare staff to use with clients. There is evidence that palliative care patients and their caregivers experience psychological difficulties including (a) studies of depression and anxiety in palliative care; (b) the concerns expressed by palliative care patients and their caregivers. However, the studies are generally qualitative in nature based on interviews of small samples of participants. Therefore, Study 1 and Study 2 adopted a cross-sectional design to examine psychological distress and rumination in samples of palliative care patients, their caregivers and an age-matched control group. The results from Study 1 and Study 2 indicated that psychological distress and rumination on existential concerns were elevated in palliative care patients and their caregivers. Furthermore, findings suggested an association between psychological distress and abstract rumination. Study 3 reported a case series piloting an intervention developed from concreteness training (CT) designed to address abstract rumination in palliative care. The case series indicated that with some modification to the identification and screening of patients, the treatment could be acceptable and feasible for palliative care patients. Study 4 examined the effectiveness of the CT guided self-help intervention in a randomized controlled trial. Findings indicated that the intervention could be effective for reducing anxiety, but not depression in palliative care patients. Moreover, Study 5’s findings also raised the possibility that abstractness was a partial mediator of the effects of the intervention on self-reported symptoms of anxiety in palliative care patients. Study 5 utilised a cluster randomized controlled design to evaluate a training programme designed to teach hospice staff how to deliver the CT guided self-help intervention. Results indicated that there was a more positive impact of routine care on patient distress for nurses attending training, when compared to nurses not attending the training. However, the training did not impact on nurses’ self-reported confidence or behaviour in addressing patients’ distress.

Livskvalitet hos personer som vårdas i palliativ vård / Quality of life among persons in palliative care

Eriksson, Åsa, Radojkovic, Olivia January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Vad är värdighetsterapi? : En beskrivande studie om värdighetsterapi inom palliativ vård / What is Dignity Therapy? : A desciptive studie about Dignity Theraphy in palliative care

Svensson, Kristian, Johansson, Christoffer January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Av de som dött i Sverige de senaste två åren har cirka 80 procent varit i behov av palliativ vård. Genom att fokusera på patienters och närståendes upplevelser av vad som är viktigt i livets slutskede så kan en värdig död främjas. Värdighet är ett begrepp som är komplext och saknar konsensus inom vården. Det är även ett begrepp som är centralt inom vårdvetenskap. Harvey Max Chochinov har skapat en värdighetsmodell för att försöka göra begreppet värdighet mer förståligt och utifrån denna modell skapades interventionen värdighetsterapi. Syfte: Syftet med vår uppsats är att beskriva hur värdighetsterapi upplevs av patienter och anhöriga, samt belysa andra aspekter av värdighetsterapi. Metod: Den metod som används är litteraturöversikt. Efter systematisk sökning i databaser har nio artiklar studerats och dessa artiklar var både kvalitativa och kvantitativa. Artiklarna kommer ifrån Australien, Storbritannien, Japan, Danmark, Kanada och USA. Som teoretisk utgångspunkt användes de 6:Sn Chochinovs värdighetsmodell. Resultat: De huvudsakliga resultaten var att värdighetsterapi ansågs ha hjälpt patienter och anhöriga. Interventionen är genomförbar men resultaten tyder på att faktorer som kultur, tid, kostnad och patientens kognitiva tillstånd måste beaktas. Diskussion: Det som tas upp i diskussionen är de kulturella aspekterna kring värdighetsterapi, hur användbart det är inom vården och om det är samtalet eller arvsdokumentet som stärker värdighet. När det kommer till de kulturella aspekterna visade studier på att översättningar kunde bli fel och att kulturer kan se olika på vad som är en god död. Att genomföra värdighetsterapi tog längre tid än förväntat och den som utförde interventionen måste ha en viss kompetens. Detta är något som påverkar användbarheten av värdighetsterapi inom vården. / Background: Of those who died in Sweden over the last two years, about 80 percent were in need of palliative care. A dignified death can be promoted by focusing on patients and their families feeling of what's important in the end of life. Dignity is a concept that is complex and lacks consensus in health care. It is also a concept that is central to the health sciences. Harvey Max Chochinov has created a model of dignity trying to make the concept of dignity more understandable, and based on this model an intervention was created called dignity therapy. Aim: The aim of this study is to describe how Dignity therapy is used and evaluated by patients, relatives and other aspects of Dignity therapy. Methods: The method that was used was a literature review. After a systematic search in different databases nine articles were studied and these articles were both qualitative and quantitative. The articles are from Australia, UK, Japan, Denmark, Canada and the United States. As the theoretical framework the dignity model by Chochinov was used. Results: The main findings were that dignity therapy was considered to have helped patients and relatives. The intervention is feasible, but the results suggest that factors such as culture, time, cost and patient cognitive state must be considered. Discussions: Raised in the discussion are the cultural aspects of dignity therapy, how useful it is in healthcare, and if it is the conversation or the legacy document that promotes dignity. The cultural aspects showed in the studies that the translation could be wrong and that different cultures may differ on what is considered a good death. Implementing dignity therapy took longer than expected and the caregiver that performed the intervention must be skilled. This is something that affects the usability of dignity therapy in health care.

Upplevelsen av att vara närstående till någon som vårdas palliativt : En litteraturstudie / The experience of being related to a person who receive palliative care. : A litterature review

Uggla, Viveca, Kottorp, Hanna, Kytölä, Lizzie January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Upplevelser av specialiserad palliativ vård i livets slutskede ur patient- och anhörigperspektiv. : En litteraturstudie

Bäck, Rebecca, Sångberg, Astrid January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Palliativ vård i livets slutskede innebär att behandlingen inte har som syfte att bota utan lindra symptom. Anhöriga utgör en betydelsefull del av den palliativa vården av patienten. Syfte: Att undersöka patienters och anhörigas upplevelser av palliativ vård i hemmet, på hospice och hospice dagvård. Metod: Metasyntes. Artiklarnas resultat lästes noggrant, analyserades och nya teman bildades baserat på skillnader och likheter mellan temana. Resultat: Fem teman och ett subtema bildades: Personalen kan förmedla empowerment. Vårdarrollen kan innebära många utmaningar. Subtema: Olika anledningar till att ta rollen som anhörigvårdare. Att förhålla sig till lidande. Värdefulla relationer. Att leva nära döden väcker existentiella frågor. Personalen kunde genom sin kunskap och sitt bemötande förmedla trygghet och empowerment till anhöriga och patienter. Anhöriga upplevde vårdarrollen som utmanande och påfrestande men erfarenheterna kunde bidra till personlig utveckling och stolthet över sin egen förmåga. Att ingå i ett socialt sammanhang var positivt för självkänslan och gav livsglädje. Anhöriga hade svårt att hantera den fysiska förändringen sjukdomen ledde till och att se patienten lida. Patienter hanterade den förestående döden på olika sätt, från att tala om och planera inför den till att inte beröra den alls. Patienter kände tacksamhet över livet och uttryckte en vilja att fortsätta leva sitt liv. Slutsats: Det existentiella lidandet för både patient och anhörig som kommer av den stundande döden går inte att komma runt. Däremot kan ytterligare börda i form av vårdlidande undvikas genom att vårdpersonalen erbjuder tillräckligt stöd, en god omvårdnad och respektfullt bemötande. / Background: Palliative care at the end of life is not aimed to cure but to relieve pain and other symptoms. The family plays an important part in the palliative care of the patient. Aim: To explore patients’ and bereaved family members’ experiences of palliative care at the end of life. Method: Meta-synthesis. Result: Five themes and one sub theme were formed. Healthcare staff can empower both patients and family. Being a family carer can be challenging. Subtheme: Different reasons to become a carer. Ways to relate to suffering. Meaningful relationships. Living close to death evokes existential matters. The healthcare staff could by their knowledge and demeanor mediate safety and empowerment to the family and the patient. Family carers experienced the care-giving role as challenging but it could contribute to personal growth and carers felt proud over their ability to have managed. To be part of a social context had a positive impact on the self-esteem and brought joy to life. It was hard for the family to handle the physical deterioration caused by the disease and to see the patient suffer. Patients dealt with their impending death in different ways, from talking about and planning it to not recognizing it. Patients felt gratitude and expressed a will to continuing living their life. Conclusion: The existential suffering that is associated with the loss of a loved one cannot be eliminated. However, additional suffering such as care suffering can be avoided if the staff provides sufficient support, adequate care and respectful treatment of the family.

Transition till palliativ vård - patienters upplevelser / Transition to palliative care - patients' experience

Persson, Berit, Nilsson, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: När livet på grund av sjukdom börjar närma sig slutet och döden är nära, kan patienten befinna sig i en situation då ett besked ges att botande behandling kommer avslutas. Den fortsatta vården kommer istället riktas mot symtomlindring och att få en värdig sista tid i livet. Övergången från vardagen till palliativ vård kan ses som en hälso- och sjukvårdsrelaterad transition som påverkar patientens livsvärld. Syfte: Att beskriva patienters upplevelse av övergången från vardagen till palliativ vård. Metod: En litteraturöversikt där induktiv design användes. Tio artiklar med kvalitativ analys inkluderades. Med hjälp av Fribergs femstegsmodell har artiklarna granskats, bearbetats och analyserats. Resultat: I resultatet framkommer att patienter i övergången från vardagen till palliativ vård upplever känslor av ovisshet och förlust. Stöd i övergången påverkar patienters upplevelser av hopp och värdighet. Resultatet visar också att introduktion till palliativ vård tidigt i sjukdomsförloppet påverkar känslan av trygghet och värdighet. Resultatet presenteras i fem teman, Ovisshet, Förlust, Hopp, Stöd samt Värdighet. Slutsats: Patienter upplever osäkerhet och ovisshet i övergången från vardagen till palliativ vård. Tidig introduktion till palliativ vård och därmed stöd från sjuksköterskan och närstående i transitionen skapar trygghet och värdighet. / Background: When life due to illness is approaching the end and death is near, often the patient is informed that curative treatment must be discontinued and that care instead focus on symptom relief and to get a worthy last time in life. The transition from everyday life to palliative care can be seen as a health-related transition that affects the patient's life-world.Purpose: To describe patients' experience of the transition from everyday life to palliative care. Method: A literature overview with inductive design has been conducted. Ten articles with qualitative analysis were included. With the help of Friberg's five-step model, the articles have been reviewed, processed and analyzed. Result: The result shows that patients in the transition from everyday life to the palliative care experience feelings of uncertainty and loss. Support in the transition affect patients' experiences of hope and dignity. The result also shows that early introduction to palliative care affects the sense of safety and dignity. The results presented in five themes, Uncertainty, Loss, Hope, Support and Dignity. Conclusion: Patients experiencing insecurity and uncertainty in the transition from everyday life to palliative care. Early introduction to palliative care with support from nurses and relatives in the transition creates security and dignity.

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