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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fibres vectoriels sur des courbes hyperelliptiques / Vector bundles on hyperelliptic curves

Fernández Vargas, Néstor 04 April 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse est dédiée à l'étude des espaces de modules de fibrés sur une courbe algébrique et lisse sur le corps des nombres complexes.  Le texte est composé de deux parties : Dans la première partie, je m'intéresse à la géométrie liée aux classifications de fibrés quasi-paraboliques de rang 2 sur une courbe elliptique 2-pointée, à isomorphisme près. Les notions d'indécomposabilité, simplicité et stabilité de fibrés donnent lieu à des espaces de modules qui classifient ces objets.  La structure projective de ces espaces est décrite explicitement, et on prouve un théorème de type Torelli qui permet de retrouver la courbe elliptique 2-pointée.  Cet espace de modules est aussi mis en relation avec l'espace de modules de fibrés quasi-paraboliques sur une courbe rationnelle 5-pointée, qui apparaît naturellement comme revêtement double de l'espace de modules de fibrés quasi-paraboliques sur la courbe elliptique 2-pointée. Finalement, on démontre explicitement la modularité des automorphismes de cet espace de modules. Dans la deuxième partie, j'étudie l'espace de modules de fibrés semistables de rang 2 et déterminant trivial sur une courbe hyperelliptique. Plus précisément, je m'intéresse à l'application naturelle donnée par le fibré déterminant, générateur du groupe de Picard de cet espace de modules. Cette application  s'identifie à l'application theta, qui est de degré 2 dans notre cas. On définit une fibration de cet espace de modules vers un espace projective dont la fibre générique est birationnelle à l'espace de modules de courbes rationnelles 2g-épointées, et on décrit la restriction de theta aux fibres de cette fibration. On montre que cette restriction est, à une transformation birationnelle près, une projection osculatoire centrée en un point. En utilisant une description due à Kumar, on démontre que la restriction de l'application theta à cette fibration ramifie sur la variété de Kummer d'une certaine courbe hyperelliptique de genre g – 1. / This thesis is devoted to the study of moduli spaces of vector bundles over a smooth algebraic curve over field of complex numbers. The text consist of two main parts : In the first part, I investigate the geometry related to the classifications of rank 2 quasi-parabolic vector bundles over a 2-pointed elliptic curves, modulo isomorphism. The notions of indecomposability, simplicity and stability give rise to the corresponding moduli spaces classifying these objects. The projective structure of these spaces is explicitely described, and we prove a Torelli theorem that allow us to recover the 2-pointed elliptic curve. I also explore the relation with the moduli space of quasi-parabolic vector bundles over a 5-pointed rational curve, appearing naturally as a double cover of the moduli space of quasi-parabolic vector bundles over the 2-pointed elliptic curve. Finally, we show explicitely the modularity of the automorphisms of this moduli space. In the second part, I study the moduli space of semistable rank 2 vector bundles with trivial determinant over a hyperelliptic curve C. More precisely, I am interested in the natural map induced by the determinant line bundle, generator of the Picard group of this moduli space. This map is identified with the theta map, which is of degree 2 in our case. We define a fibration from this moduli space to a projective space whose generic fiber is birational to the moduli space of 2g-pointed rational curves, and we describe the restriction of the map theta to the fibers of this fibration. We show that this restriction is, up to a birational map, an osculating projection centered on a point. By using a description due to Kumar, we show that the restriction of the map theta to this fibration ramifies over the Kummer variety of a certain hyperelliptic curve of genus g - 1.

An Evaluation of Shadow Shielding for Lunar System Waste Heat Rejection

Worn, Cheyn 2012 May 1900 (has links)
Shadow shielding is a novel and practical concept for waste heat rejection from lunar surface spacecraft systems. A shadow shield is a light shield that shades the radiator from parasitic thermal radiation emanating from the sun or lunar surface. Radiator size and mass can reduce if the radiator is not required to account for parasitic heat loads in addition to system energy rejection requirements. The lunar thermal environment can be very harsh towards radiative heat rejection. Parasitic heat loads force the radiator to expand in size and mass to compensate. On the Moon, there are three types: surface infrared, solar insulation, and albedo. This thesis tests shadow shielding geometry and its effect on the radiator and nuclear reactor in a reactor-powered Carnot heat engine. Due to the nature of cooling by radiative heat transfer, the maximum shaft work a Carnot system can produce and the minimal required radiator area occurs when the Carnot efficiency is 25%. First, a case for shadow shielding is made using an isothermal, control radiator model in Thermal Desktop. Six radiator temperatures and three latitudes are considered in the tests. Test variables in this section include radiator shapes and shade geometry. The simulations found that shadow shielding is best suited for a low-temperature radiator at the lunar equator. Optimized parabolic shade geometry includes a focus right above or at the top of the radiator and full to three-quarters shade height. The most useful rectangular radiator shape for shadow shielding is that which has a low height and long width. All simulations were conducted using a shade with a 10 kg/m2 area mass. A sensitivity study was conducted for different shade area masses using high and low values found in the literature. The shade is the most useful when the shade's area mass is less than or equal to that of the radiator. If the shade mass is below this threshold, the shade would be applicable to all radiator temperatures tested. Optimized shade and radiator geometry results were then factored into a second model where the radiator is comprised of heat pipes which is similar to radiators from actual system designs. Further simulations were conducted implementing the SAFE-4001 fast fission nuclear reactor design. The study found that shadow shielding allowed the system to use a low-temperature radiator where other configurations were not viable because shadow shielding drastically improves radiative heat transfer from the radiator, but at the consequence of raising radiator mass.

Second Order Sufficient Optimality Conditions for Nonlinear Parabolic Control Problems with State Constraints

Raymond, Jean-Pierre, Tröltzsch, Fredi 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
In this paper, optimal control problems for semilinear parabolic equations with distributed and boundary controls are considered. Pointwise constraints on the control and on the state are given. Main emphasis is laid on the discussion of second order sufficient optimality conditions. Sufficiency for local optimality is verified under different assumptions imposed on the dimension of the domain and on the smoothness of the given data.

Lipschitz stability of solutions to linear-quadratic parabolic control problems with respect to perturbations

Tröltzsch, F. 30 October 1998 (has links) (PDF)
We consider a class of control problems governed by a linear parabolic initial-boundary value problem with linear-quadratic objective and pointwise constraints on the control. The control system contains different types of perturbations. They appear in the linear part of the objective functional, in the right hand side of the equation, in its boundary condition, and in the initial value. Making use of parabolic regularity in the whole scale of $L^p$ the known Lipschitz stability in the $L^2$-norm is improved to the supremum-norm.

Regularity for solutions of nonlocal fully nonlinear parabolic equations and free boundaries on two dimensional cones

Chang Lara, Hector Andres 22 October 2013 (has links)
On the first part, we consider nonlinear operators I depending on a family of nonlocal linear operators [mathematical equations]. We study the solutions of the Dirichlet initial and boundary value problems [mathematical equations]. We do not assume even symmetry for the kernels. The odd part bring some sort of nonlocal drift term, which in principle competes against the regularization of the solution. Existence and uniqueness is established for viscosity solutions. Several Hölder estimates are established for u and its derivatives under special assumptions. Moreover, the estimates remain uniform as the order of the equation approaches the second order case. This allows to consider our results as an extension of the classical theory of second order fully nonlinear equations. On the second part, we study two phase problems posed over a two dimensional cone generated by a smooth curve [mathematical symbol] on the unit sphere. We show that when [mathematical equation] the free boundary avoids the vertex of the cone. When [mathematical equation]we provide examples of minimizers such that the vertex belongs to the free boundary. / text

Strong traces for degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equations and applications

Kwon, Young Sam 28 August 2008 (has links)
We consider bounded weak solutions u of a degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equation defined in a subset [mathematical symbols]. We define strong notion of trace at the boundary [mathematical symbols] reached by L¹ convergence for a large class of functionals of u. Such functionals depend on the flux function of the degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equation and on the boundary. We also prove the well-posedness of the entropy solution for scalar conservation laws with a strong boundary condition with the above trace result as applications. / text

Global existence and fast-reaction limit in reaction-diffusion systems with cross effects

Rolland, Guillaume 07 December 2012 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis is devoted to the study of parabolic systems of partial differential equations arising in mass action kinetics chemistry, population dynamics and electromigration theory. We are interested in the existence of global solutions, uniqueness of weak solutions, and in the fast-reaction limit in a reaction-diffusion system. In the first chapter, we study two cross-diffusion systems. We are first interested in a population dynamics model, where cross effects in the interactions between the different species are modeled by non-local operators. We prove the well-posedness of the corresponding system for any space dimension. We are then interested in a cross-diffusion system which arises as the fast-reaction limit system in a classical system for the chemical reaction C1+C2=C3. We prove the convergence when k goes to infinity of the solution of the system with finite reaction speed k to a global solution of the limit system. The second chapter contains new global existence results for some reaction-diffusion systems. For networks of elementary chemical reactions of the type Ci+Cj=Ck and under Mass Action Kinetics assumption, we prove the existence and uniqueness of global strong solutions, for space dimensions N<6 in the semi-linear case, and N<4 in the quasi-linear case. We also prove the existence of global weak solutions for a class of parabolic quasi-linear systems with at most quadratic non-linearities and with initial data that are only assumed to be nonnegative and integrable. In the last chapter, we generalize a global well-posedness result for reaction-diffusion systems whose nonlinearities have a "triangular" structure, for which we now take into account advection terms and time and space dependent diffusion coefficients. The latter result is then used in a Leray-Schauder fixed point argument to prove the existence of global solutions in a diffusion-electromigration system.

Dvimatės parabolinės lygties su integraline sąlyga sprendimas baigtinių skirtumų metodu / Solution of a two-dimensional parabolic equation with an integral condition by the finite-difference method

Jakubėlienė, Kristina 21 May 2013 (has links)
Darbo tikslas - išnagrinėti dvimatės parabolinio tipo lygties su nelokaliąja integraline sąlyga sprendimą baigtinių skirtumų metodu. Išnagrinėtas kintamųjų krypčių metodo algoritmas tokiam uždaviniui spręsti. Išnagrinėtas dvimatės parabolinės lygties su keliomis nelokaliosiomis integralinėmis kraštinėmis sąlygomis sprendimas kintamųjų krypčių metodu. Uždavinio sprendinys randamas papildomai išsprendžiant neaukštos eilės algebrinę tiesinių lygčių sistemą, kuri sudaroma panaudojant nelokaliąsias integralines sąlygas. Išanalizuota skirtuminio operatoriaus su nelokaliosiomis sąlygomis spektro struktūra. Spektro struktūra išanalizuota tuo tikslu, kad galima būtų išnagrinėti dvimačio parabolinio uždavinio su viena nelokaliąja integraline sąlyga sprendžiamo kintamųjų krypčių ar lokaliai vienmačiu metodu, stabilumą. Nustatyta nelokaliosios sąlygos įtaka spektro struktūrai. Sudarytas elipsinio uždavinio su papildoma nelokaliąja sąlyga sprendimo algoritmas. / The aim of the work is to analyze the finite difference method for solving two-dimensional parabolic equation with an integral boundary condition. The alternating direction method for solving the problem of this kind is analyzed. This method is applied the alternating direction method for solving two-dimensional parabolic equation with two nonlocal integral condition is analyzed. Solution of the problem is found by resolving an additional linear system of equations of lower order . Structure of the spectrum for difference operator with nonlocal condition is analyzed. In order to analyze stability of two-dimensional parabolic equation with one integral condition the structure of spectrum is analyzed. Influence of nonlocal condition for structure of the spectrum is determined. The finite difference method for elliptic problem is constructed.

Solution of a two-dimensional parabolic equation with an integral condition by the finite-difference method / Dvimatės parabolinės lygties su integraline sąlyga sprendimas baigtinių skirtumų metodu

Jakubėlienė, Kristina 21 May 2013 (has links)
The aim of the work is to analyze the finite difference method for solving two-dimensional parabolic equation with an integral boundary condition. The alternating direction method for solving the problem of this kind is analyzed. This method is applied the alternating direction method for solving two-dimensional parabolic equation with two nonlocal integral condition is analyzed. Solution of the problem is found by resolving an additional linear system of equations of lower order . Structure of the spectrum for difference operator with nonlocal condition is analyzed. In order to analyze stability of two-dimensional parabolic equation with one integral condition the structure of spectrum is analyzed. Influence of nonlocal condition for structure of the spectrum is determined. The finite difference method for elliptic problem is constructed. / Darbo tikslas - išnagrinėti dvimatės parabolinio tipo lygties su nelokaliąja integraline sąlyga sprendimą baigtinių skirtumų metodu. Išnagrinėtas kintamųjų krypčių metodo algoritmas tokiam uždaviniui spręsti. Išnagrinėtas dvimatės parabolinės lygties su keliomis nelokaliosiomis integralinėmis kraštinėmis sąlygomis sprendimas kintamųjų krypčių metodu. Uždavinio sprendinys randamas papildomai išsprendžiant neaukštos eilės algebrinę tiesinių lygčių sistemą, kuri sudaroma panaudojant nelokaliąsias integralines sąlygas. Išanalizuota skirtuminio operatoriaus su nelokaliosiomis sąlygomis spektro struktūra. Spektro struktūra išanalizuota tuo tikslu, kad galima būtų išnagrinėti dvimačio parabolinio uždavinio su viena nelokaliąja integraline sąlyga sprendžiamo kintamųjų krypčių ar lokaliai vienmačiu metodu, stabilumą. Nustatyta nelokaliosios sąlygos įtaka spektro struktūrai. Sudarytas elipsinio uždavinio su papildoma nelokaliąja sąlyga sprendimo algoritmas.

Parabolinės lygties su nelokaliąja integraline Robino sąlyga išreikštinė skirtuminė schema / Explicit difference scheme for parabolic equation with nonlocal integral Robin condition

Šiaulytė, Austėja 17 June 2013 (has links)
Magistro darbe yra tiriama parabolinės lygties su nelokaliąja integraline Robino sąlyga skirtuminė schema. Skirtuminės schemos stabilumui nagrinėti naudojama skirtuminio operatoriaus su nelokaliąja sąlyga spektro struktūros tyrimo metodika bei Maple programa, skirta kompiuteriniams eksperimentams atlikti. Atlikto magistro darbo rezultatai papildo iki šiol kitų mokslininkų gautus rezultatus tiriant parabolinių lygčių su nelokaliosiomis sąlygomis išreikštinių skirtuminių schemų tyrimus. Magistro darbą sudaro: įvadas, šešios pagrindinės dalys bei išvados. Įvadiniame skyriuje aptariamas temos aktualumas ir darbo tikslas, nurodomi naudojami tyrimo metodai. Antrajame ir trečiajame skyriuose suformuluojama parabolinės lygties su nelokaliąja integraline Robino išreikštinė skirtuminė schema bei jos pakankamoji stabilumo sąlyga. Ketvirtajame, penktajame ir šeštajame skyriuose randamas išreikštinės schemos stabilumas įvairiais atvejais bei pateikiama gautų rezultatų analizė. Septintajame skyriuje atliktas skaitinis eksperimentas. Pateikiamos viso darbo bendrosios išvados. / In the master work, explicit difference scheme for parabolic equation with nonlocal integral Robin condition, is considered. Stability condition of difference scheme is used to examine spectrum structure of differential operator with nonlocal condition and software of Maple, which perform of sacred to the computer experiment. My the master work extends and suplements the results of other scientists in analysis for explicit difference scheme for parabolic equation with nonlocal conditions. The master work consists of the introduction, six chapters and the conclusions. In the introduction the topicality of the problem and object of work are defined, also methods of analysis is presented. In the second and third chapters, explicit difference scheme for parabolic equation with nonlocal integral Robin condition is formulated and also the sufficient stability condition of the difference sheme. In the fourth, fifth and the sixth chapters the stability explicit difference scheme is considered and analysis the results is presented. In the seventh chapter the numerical experiment is used. The conlusions are presented.

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