Spelling suggestions: "subject:"parametric modelling"" "subject:"arametric modelling""
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Learning curves and engineering assessment of emerging energy technologies : onshore windMukora, Audrey Etheline January 2014 (has links)
Sustainable energy systems require deployment of new technologies to help tackle the challenges of climate change and ensuring energy supplies. Future sources of energy are less economically competitive than conventional technologies, but there is the potential for cost reduction. Tools for modelling technological change are important for assessing the deployment potential of early-stage technologies. Learning curves are a tool for assessing and forecasting cost reduction of a product achieved through experience from cumulative production. They are often used to assess technological improvements, but have a number of limitations for emerging energy technologies. Learning curves are aggregate in nature, representing overall cost reduction gained from learning-by-doing. However, they do not identify the actual factors behind the cost reduction. Using the case study of onshore wind energy, this PhD study focuses on combining learning curves with engineering assessment methods for improved methods of assessing and managing technical change for emerging energy technologies. A third approach, parametric modelling, provides a potential means to integrate the two methods.
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Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation of Asymmetric Rotor Profiles in Twin-screw SuperchargersIlie, Katherine-Rodica, Katherine.ilie@rmit.edu.au January 2007 (has links)
There is a growing recognition worldwide of the need for more powerful, smaller petrol engines, capable of delivering the higher picking power of larger engines, yet still being economical and environmentally friendly when used for day-to-day driving. An engineering solution for more efficient engines has been considered by research so far. It has been identified that superchargers can potentially improve the performance of automotive engines; therefore research has focused on developing superchargers and supercharger components with higher efficiency. Of particular interest to the research presented in this thesis has been the twin-screw supercharging compressor with design adapted for automotive use (the twin-screw supercharger). The performance of this supercharger type depends on the volume and total losses of the air flow through the supercharger rotors more than on any other aspects of its behaviour. To accurately predict the efficiency of the twin-screw su percharger for matching a particular engine system, accurate supercharger design is required. The main objective of this research was the investigation of the existing limitations of twin-screw superchargers, in particular leakage and reduced efficiency, leading to the development of optimal asymmetric rotor profiles. This research has been completed in four stages defining an innovative rotor design method. The parametric three-dimensional geometric model of twin-screw supercharger rotors of any aspect ratio was developed. For model validation through visualisation, CAD rotor models with scalable data were generated in commercial CAD software and calibrated experimentally by Laser Doppler Velocimetry (LDV) tests. Calibrated rotor profile data can be transferred into CAD-CFD interface for flow simulation and performance optimisation. Through the application of this new rotor design method, new opportunities are created for the twin-screw supercharger design practice, making it a part of the engineering solution for more efficient engines.
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Parametric human spine modellingCeran, Murat January 2006 (has links)
3-D computational modelling of the human spine provides a sophisticated and cost-effective medium for bioengineers, researchers, and ergonomics designers in order to study the biomechanical behaviour of the human spine under different loading conditions. Developing a generic parametric computational human spine model to be employed in biomechanical modelling introduces a considerable potential to reduce the complexity of implementing and amending the intricate spinal geometry. The main objective of this research is to develop a 3-D parametric human spine model generation framework based on a command file system, by which the parameters of each vertebra are read from the database system, and then modelled within commercial 3-D CAD software. A novel data acquisition and generation system was developed as a part of the framework for determining the unknown vertebral dimensions, depending on the correlations between the parameters estimated from existing anthropometrical studies in the literature. The data acquisition system embodies a predictive methodology that comprehends the relations between the features of the vertebrae by employing statistical and geometrical techniques. Relations amongst vertebral parameters such as golden ratio were investigated and successfully implemented into the algorithms. The validation of the framework was carried out by comparing the developed 3-D computational human spine models against various real life human spine data, where good agreements were achieved. The constructed versatile framework possesses the capability to be utilised as a basis for quickly and effectively developing biomechanical models of the human spine such as finite element models.
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Development of Tools for Automating Standardization of Cable way using Knowledge Based EngineeringBugga, Hemanth, Challa, Aravind kumar January 2017 (has links)
The path along which a high voltage cable needs to travel within the production facility is designed by a combination of straight and curved segments. As segments are available only in standard sizes, the path must be standardized. The transformation of an initial path into standardized path is a manual and time-consuming process. Tools are developed to automate this process using Knowledge-Based Engineering (KBE). The MOKA-methodology has been followed to capture and store the knowledge behind the standardization of the path. Designs of truss segments which are currently in use are studied and modified to make the models more efficient. Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is performed to evaluate the strength of segments of both old and new models which shows that new models are more efficient. To rapidly obtain segments of different dimensions, parametric models of segments are designed.
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Parameterstyrd projektering : En studie av parameterstyrd projektering utav en fackverkskomponent / Parameterdriven projekt planning : A study of a parameter-controlled project of a truss componentAraya, Woldereta, Hazem, Sarmad January 2021 (has links)
The endeavor for optimization and development in the construction industry is warranted where new solutions are highly sought for. The importance of communication and efficiency in a project planning phase is of highest importance. The objective of this study is to highlight the advantages and disadvantages of a parameter-driven modeling method, by using a Grasshopper software. To explore the possibilities of the software, a script will be created. The script will contain a parallel framework also known as Warren’s framework. In this study, a survey is sent for applicable practitioners in the construction industry where the purpose is to receive information about the industry's opinion about the subject. A parameter-driven modeling method refers to software such as Grasshopper and Dynamo. The software is node-based unlike traditional modeling methods based on manual line drawing. There is no fixed geometry in a parameter-driven modeling software. Therefore, in order to illustrate models, different visualization platforms like Rhino are needed. A considerable amount of time has been spent creating a script in Grasshopper where a user with limited experience will naturally face complications among the way. Many of the survey participants considered that the main con of parametric modeling is the amount of time allocated to creating a script. Thought when the script is completed, changing parameters to influence the model outcome is uncomplicated. Additionally, there is potential regarding time efficiency since the software eliminates all need to perform repetitive tasks. Parametric modeling is a flexible form of work where changes later in a stage are always available.
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Design and Parametric Modeling of Pretensioned and Stiffened Membranes: Project WorkKrasnopolskaia, Iuliia 04 November 2022 (has links)
Diese Forschung zielte darauf ab, die vorgespannten und versteiften Membranstrukturen unter Verwendung eines experimentellen Ansatzes und einer Computersimulation konzeptionell zu entwickeln.
Die physikalische Methode der Formfindung beinhaltete das vorgespannte Gewebe mit dem verleimten Gitter aus den Holzstäben. Die Relaxation der belasteten Membran trug zur Bildung der spezifischen antiklastischen hyparischen Oberfläche durch Energiefreisetzung bei. Der Einfluss der starren Elemente Muster, Intensität und Richtung der Vorspannung auf die Endform wurde untersucht. Auch die Tensegrity-Strukturen wurden nach dem gleichen Formfindungsweg gebaut.
Diese Experimente führten zur Modellierung der resultierenden Proben mit parametrischen Entwurfswerkzeugen, nämlich Rhino und Grasshopper. Die Optimierung der endgültigen Form erfolgte durch Änderung von Parametern wie der Versteifungskonfiguration und der Membranfestigkeit. Dieser digitale Ansatz demonstrierte die erfolgreiche Simulation und Rationalisierung der betrachteten Strukturen. Darüber hinaus können die endgültigen Modelle für weitere Statik und BIM verwendet werden.
Berücksichtigte Membranstrukturen weisen ein sehr effizientes Tragverhalten auf. Sie zeichnen sich durch geringes Gewicht, hohe Lichtdurchlässigkeit und die Möglichkeit aus, große, säulenfreie Nutzräume zu schaffen. Die gefährlichsten Belastungen für Membrankonstruktionen sind Wind und Seewasser.
In der Praxis sind PTFE-beschichtete Glasfasergewebe und PVC-beschichtete Polyestergewebe für vorgespannte und versteifte Membrankonstruktionen am besten geeignet. Die Rolle steifer Elemente können Stahlprofile oder Metallrohre spielen. Die durchschnittliche Zeit für den Bau einer Membrankonstruktion beträgt 6-15 Monate.
Die resultierenden vorgespannten und versteiften Membrankonstruktionen können als Pavillons, Dächer und Markisen verwendet werden. Sie zeichnen sich durch eine spektakuläre architektonische Aussicht und ein sehr effektives Struktursystem aus. Darüber hinaus zeichnen sich Membranzugtragwerke durch eine hohe Ökoeffizienz und Nachhaltigkeit im Vergleich zu anderen Bauweisen aus. / This research aimed to develop conceptually the pretensioned and stiffened membrane structures, using an experimental approach and computer simulation.
The physical method of form finding included the pretensioned fabric with the glued grid made of the wooden sticks. Relaxation of the stressed membrane contributed to forming the specific anticlastic hyparic surface by energy release. The influence of the rigid elements pattern, intensity and direction of pretensioning on the final shape was investigated. The tensegrity structures were also built applying the same form finding way.
These experiments led to the modelling of resulting samples with parametric design tools, namely Rhino and Grasshopper. Optimization of the final shape was carried out by changing parameters such as stiffenings configuration and membrane strength. This digital approach demonstrated successful simulation and rationalization of considered structures. Moreover, the final models can be used for further structural analysis and BIM.
Considered membrane structures have very efficient load-bearing behavior. They are characterized by small weight, high light transmission and the ability to create large usable spaces free from columns. The most dangerous loads for membrane structures are wind and ponding.
In practice, PTFE coated glass-fibre fabric and PVC coated polyester fabric are most suitable for pretensioned and stiffened membrane structures. The role of stiff elements can be played by steel profiles or metal tubes. The average time for the construction of a membrane structure is 6-15 months.
Resulted pretensioned and stiffened membrane structures can be used as pavilions, roofs and awnings. They are distinguished by spectacular architectural view and very effective structural system. In addition, membrane tensile structures are characterized by high eco-efficiency and sustainability compared to other types of construction.
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Performative Architecture As A Guideline For Transformation Of The Defence Line Of AmsterdamAlbayrak, Canan 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
The main topic that is researched in this study is: what performative architecture is and
its role in the design process and product. In the scope of performative architecture the
aim is to focus what a building does rather than what it is and the fact that architecture
should have the capability of being adaptable to changing time, conditions and
environment. A design problem is taken under consideration and designed from the
scope of performative architecture. The design problem is the transformation of the
Defence Line around Amsterdam, designing new buildings with the recent technologies as
additions to the forts remaining from 1900&rsquo / s. A &ldquo / performative model&rdquo / , which supports
design from the conceptual stage until production of scale prototypes is structured by the
author for this specific design problem. This performative model is used as a case study
for the research of the role of the computational design tools in the design process and
product of performative architecture. In addition to the design process, the role of using
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Algoritam za poboljšanje termalnog komfora u urbanoj sredini / The algorithm for improving the thermal comfort in urban environmentBajšanski Ivana 18 August 2016 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog istraživanja je kreiranje algoritma za poboljšanje spoljašnjeg<br />termalnog komfora u velikim urbanim sredinama, uzimajući u obzir<br />određene geometrijske parametre izgrađenog okruženja, primenom<br />softverskih aplikacija za parametarsko modelovanje. Algoritam za<br />poboljšanje spoljašnjeg termalnog komfora ima opciju automatske<br />izmene lokacije čoveka, što omogućava procenu termalnog komfora u<br />području velikih razmera, kao što su bulevari, blokovski prostori, trgovi i<br />drugi. Takođe, algoritam za poboljšanje spoljašnjeg termalnog komfora<br />omogućava i automatsko menjanje visina zgrada u cilju postizanja<br />optimalnog urbanog dizajna koji podrazumeva najbolji spoljašnji termalni<br />komfor.</p> / <p>The aim of this research is to create an algorithm for improvement of<br />outdoor thermal comfort conditions in urban areas taking into account<br />certain geometrical parameters of built urban environment, applying<br />parametric modelling and different software packages. The algorithm<br />for improving the outdoor thermal comfort offers the option of<br />automated change of a man’s location, which enables the evaluation<br />of outdoor thermal comfort in large-scale urban areas, such as<br />boulevards, courtyards, squares etc. In addition, the algorithm for<br />improving the outdoor thermal comfort also allows automatic<br />variations of building height in order to achieve the optimal urban<br />design which implies the best outdoor thermal comfort.</p>
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Parameterstyrd modellering av bergtunnlar / Parametric Modeling of Ground TunnelsHaritidis, Panagiotis, Tran, Tony January 2019 (has links)
Project designing in the building construction industry has developed a lot during recent years and the result is that not only 2D documents are made, but also 3D models are created to facilitate the project. A problem most players are facing daily is when conditions and information in a project change and design engineers must make necessary changes to their models. These changes can be time-consuming, and the designers may need to do these changes more than once during the project. Could a parametric 3D model make these changes faster than a CAD model when conditions and information on a project change? One of the developers that frequently needs to make changes to its models is WSP geotechnical department. The desire is to find a new working method that increases the efficiency of project design of tunnels. The aim of this thesis was to try parametric modeling as a working method and to see if this method could be used to create ground tunnels. A script has been made in Grasshopper, a visual programming plug-in that generates a parametric model of a tunnel. The parametric model was then compared with an existing CAD model created by the WSP geotechnical department in an earlier project. Pros and cons have been presented and conclusions have been made about if parametric modelling could be more efficient than current working methods. The results of this thesis indicate that parametric modelling is an efficient working method and that it could be used as a working method for future ground tunnel projects. / Projekteringen i byggbranschen har utvecklats mycket de senaste åren och resultatet har blivit att förutom 2D-handlingar, projekteras även 3D-modeller för att underlätta projekteringsarbetet.Ett vardagligt problem som de flesta aktörer står inför är när fler förutsättningar och information i projekt ändras och projektörer tvingas göra ändringar i sina modeller. Dessa ändringar kan vara tidskrävande och behöva göras fler än en gång under projektet. Kan en tredimensionell modell som modellerats parametriskt göra ändringar snabbare när förutsättningar i ett projekt ändras än en CAD modell?En av dessa aktörer som ständigt behöver göra ändringar i sina modeller i efterhand är WSP:s bergteknikavdelning. Önskvärt vore att hitta en ny arbetsmetod som kan effektivisera projekteringen av bergtunnlar.Detta examensarbete syftar till att undersöka om parametrisk modellering kan användas som arbetsmetod för projektering av bergtunnlar. Ett script har skapats i Grasshopper, ett visuellt programmeringstillägg som genererar en parametrisk modell av en tunnel. Den parametriskt skapade modellen har sedan jämförts med en befintlig CAD-modell som skapats av WSP:s bergtekniksavdelning i ett tidigare projekt.Fördelar och nackdelar har lyfts fram och slutsatser har dragits om huruvida parametrisk modellering kan vara mer effektiv än nuvarande arbetsmetoder.Resultaten av detta examensarbete pekar mot att parametrisk modellering är en effektiv arbetsmetod och skulle kunna användas för framtida tunnelprojekt.
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Automation of Offline Programming for Assembly and Welding Processes in CATIA/DELMIA using VBAMüller-Wilderink, Henrik January 2021 (has links)
Programming industrial robots for welding or part manipulation tasks is a time-consuming and complicated process, resulting in companies not able to implement robot systems and exploit their advantages. To reduce the time needed for programming, research is looking into ways to automate this process and reduce manual labour.In this thesis a concept for automating the programming process of industrial robots was investigated using EXCEL VBA and CATIA/DELMIA. It was done for an industrial grating model of varying sizes and configurations, resulting in a time reduction of 99% compared to manual creation. For this, the model was first automatically created from scratch for the required configuration and afterwards a robot motion was created fully automatically. The concept and modelling approach is described, and the automation approach detailed. Finally, the results are analysed and discussed.
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