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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Návrh betonových konstrukcí vyztužených nekovovou FRP výztuží / Design of concrete structures reinforced with non-metallic FRP reinforcement

Golisová, Michaela Unknown Date (has links)
This diploma thesis investigates the design of concrete structures reinforced with non-metallic FRP reinforcement with a focus on solving the bearing capacity in extrusion. The work is divided into a theoretical and a practical part. The theoretical part begins with an introduction to FRP reinforcement and a description of shear stress. The following is an introduction to current approaches dealing with this issue. In the practical part, in connection with these regulations, parametric studies are developed to compare the influence of individual input parameters and selected regulations. The last part is dedicated to the design and nonlinear analysis performed in the ATENA software.

Numerical Analysis Of 2D And 3D losses In Organic Rankine Cycle Turbine

Rane, Pranav January 2021 (has links)
World resources are becoming more and more scarce due to the increasing demand. Hence, the industry is moving towards sustainable development in order to suffice the needs of the future generations. Electricity is one such resources that account for 90% of the daily utility. In Sweden alone 378 TWh of electricity is consumed over a year. The major source of production of electricity is the fossil fuels, but due to development in the renewable resource's the electricity is also produced using solar, wind and geothermal energy. However, no production process is 100% efficient and hence, there is loss of energy in the form of waste. Organic Rankine Cycle Turbine (ORC) is a technology which is under the focus of the researcher and the industry to convert this wasteful energy into useful energy. Designing of these machines is a challenging task which requires careful consideration of every design parameter, i.e. with the change in every parameter the losses in the turbine either increase or decrease. In this study, effect of the parameters such as inlet mach number, stagger angle, inlet angle and pitch to chord is studied to see the effect on the profile loss. Since ANSYS Fluent works with 2D unlike ANSYS CFX which work with pseudo 2D geometry, ANSYS Fluent was used for investigating profile loss. Furthermore, a methodology is defined to investigate the tip leakage loss based on the geometry provided by the Againity AB for future studies. Tip leakage loss simulations were carried out in ANSYS CFX turbo mode due to its user friendly interface for simulating turbo machinery flows. The results of the profile loss investigation suggested a range for parameters where the profile loss is observed to be comparatively lower than elsewhere. The methodology proposed for tip leakage loss investigation paved a pathway for the further improvement with respect to the future studies.

Finite Element Analysis of the Dynamic Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction of Portal Frame Bridges - A Parametric Study

Dagdelen, Turgay, Ruhani, Shaho January 2018 (has links)
In Sweden, the railway sector currently faces the challenge of developing its first high-speed railway line, in response to the need to provide faster domestic and international transport alternatives. High-speed train passages on railway bridges can cause resonance in the bridge superstructure, which induce high accelerations that should not exceed the limits stipulated in the current design code. The most common bridge type adopted in Sweden is the portal frame bridge, an integral abutment bridge confined by surrounding soil. The soil possesses inherent material damping and radiation damping that allows energy dissipation of train-induced vibrations. Both the damping and the natural frequency of the soil-structure system influence the acceleration response of the bridge superstructure. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the effect of soil-structure interaction on portal frame bridges. Within this thesis, a numerical parametric study was performed to gain knowledge of the dynamic effect of the relative deck-abutment stiffness on the soil-structure interaction of portal frame bridges. For four span lengths, three different boundary conditions were analyzed in the form of i) no soil, ii) backfill, and iii) half-space. The analysis was performed on two- and three-dimensional finite element models. The backfill and subsoil were modeled with both direct finite element approach, and with a simplified approach using Kelvin-Voigt models and frequency-dependent impedance functions. Furthermore, time was devoted to investigating the nonlinear compression-only behavior of the interaction between the backfill and the abutments to allow separation. The results presented in the thesis illuminate the essence of including soil-structure interaction in the dynamic analysis as both the modal damping ratio and the natural frequency increased drastically. The effect of backfill on short span bridges has shown to be more prominent on the reduction of the train-induced vibrations. For longer spans, the subsoil proved to be more significant. For the simplified models the modal damping ratios of the different span lengths have been quantified as a logarithmic trend of the first vertical bending mode. Two-dimensional models have been problematic when using plane stress elements due to the sensitivity of the element thickness on the response. Thus, such models are only recommended if validation with corresponding three-dimensional models and/or field measurements are possible. By allowing separation of the soil-structure interface, the effect of contact nonlinearity on the acceleration response has been more suitable with direct finite element approach - in which static effects of the soil are accounted for - contrary to the simplified nonlinear models with compression springs. / Järnvägssektorn i Sverige står inför utmaningen att utveckla den första höghastighetsbanan med syftet att erbjuda snabbare inhemska och internationella transportalternativ. Passager av höghastighetståg på järnvägsbroar kan orsaka resonans i brons överbyggnad vilket resulterar i höga accelerationer som inte får överskrida begränsningarna i dimensioneringsnormen. I plattrambroar, vilka är främst förekommande i Sverige, utförs broplattan inspänt i rambenen omslutna av jord. Jorden bidrar utöver styvhet, även med material- och strålningsdämpning där vibrationer i jorden inducerade av tågpassager tillåts dissipera. Accelerationerna i brons överbyggnad påverkas av dämpningen och egenfrekvensen av jord-struktur systemet. Med anledning av detta är det väsentligt att undersöka effeken av jord-struktur interaktionen på plattrambroar. I detta examensarbete har en numerisk parametrisk studie utförts för att erhålla kunskap om effekten av den relativa styvheten av broplattan och rambenen på jord-struktur interaktionen av plattrambroar. Fyra spännvidder har undersökts för tre olika randvillkor där i) ingen jord, ii) motfyllning samt iii) halvrymd har beaktats. Analysen utfördes på två- och tredimensionella finita element modeller. Motfyllningen respektive underliggande jord modellerades med finita element på ett direkt- samt förenklat tillvägagångssätt där Kelvin-Voigt modeller och frekvensberoende impedansfunktioner användes. Mellan motfyllningen och rambenen har separation tillåtits där det icke-linjära förhållandet av interaktionen undersöktes med tryckbeteenden för fjädrarna. Resultaten belyser vikten av att inkludera jord-struktur interaktionen i dynamiska analyser p.g.a. ökningen den medför för den modala dämpningen och egenfrekvensen. För korta spännvidder, påvisades det att effekten av motfyllningen var mer framstående för reduktionen av vibrationerna orsakade av tåg. För längre spännvidder framgick det däremot att underjorden hade en större påverkan. Effekten av jord-struktur interaktionen på spännvidderna kvantifierades som ett logaritmiskt samband för den modala dämpningen av första vertikala böjmoden. Tvådimensionella modeller har varit problematiska när plana spänningselement användes p.g.a. känsligheten i responsen orsakad av variationer i elementtjockleken. Därav rekommenderas tvådimensionella modeller endast om validering mot tredimensionella eller fältmätningar är möjliga. När separation tilläts i gränsytan av jord-struktur interaktionen, visade det sig att direkt tillvägagångssätt med finita element var mer lämplig med hänsyn till det icke-linjära kontaktbeteendet. Detta eftersom de statiska effekterna av jorden påverkade accelerationsresponsen markant. De statiska effekterna har inte varit möjliga att simulera i dem förenklade icke-linjära modeller med tryckfjädrar.

Imperfections for the LTB-design of members with I-sections

Stroetmann, Richard, Fominow, Sergei 01 March 2024 (has links)
For the stability assessment of members and structures according to EN 1993-1-1 the equivalent member method, the geometrical nonlinear calculation with equivalent geometrical imperfections or the GMNIA analysis with geometrical imperfections and residual stresses can be used alternatively. The second possibility requires a corresponding model for the cross-section resistance. For the verification of lateral torsional buckling, bow imperfections e0 out of plane are defined, which lead in combination with the given loading in plane and the geometrical non-linear analysis to bending Mz and torsion of the members. The amplitudes of the imperfections are highly dependent on the nature of the approach (e.g., scaling of the buckling shape, assumption of bow imperfections) and the resistance model for the members. Within the framework of the scientific work supervised by the TU Dresden and the TU Darmstadt [1], extensive parameter studies were carried out to calibrate imperfections for lateral torsional buckling based on the GMNIA. After determining the nature of imperfections and the design models for section resistance, this paper presents results of these parameter studies and shows the calibration of imperfections for a standardisation proposal based on EN1993-1-1. The evaluation of the data in combination with the necessary simplifications for the design practice leads to appropriate definitions of imperfection values e0,LT and the necessary differentiations.

Numerical investigation of the flow and instabilities at part-load and speed-no-load in an axial turbine

Kranenbarg, Jelle January 2023 (has links)
Global renewable energy requirements rapidly increase with the transition to a fossil-free society. As a result, intermittent energy resources, such as wind- and solar power, have become increasingly popular. However, their energy production varies over time, both in the short- and long term. Hydropower plants are therefore utilized as a regulating resource more frequently to maintain a balance between production and consumption on the electrical grid. This means that they must be operated away from the design point, also known as the best-efficiency-point (BEP), and often are operated at part-load (PL) with a lower power output. Moreover, some plants are expected to provide a spinning reserve, also referred to as speed-no-load (SNL), to respond rapidly to power shortages. During this operating condition, the turbine rotates without producing any power. During the above mentioned off-design operating conditions, the flow rate is restricted by the closure of the guide vanes. This changes the absolute velocity of the flow and increases the swirl, which is unfavorable. The flow field can be described as chaotic, with separated regions and recirculating fluid. Shear layer formation between stagnant- and rotating flow regions can be an origin for rotating flow structures. Examples are the rotating-vortex-rope (RVR) found during PL operation and the vortical flow structures in the vaneless space during SNL operation, which can cause the flow between the runner blades to stall, also referred to as rotating stall. The flow structures are associated with pressure pulsations throughout the turbine, which puts high stress on the runner and other critical parts and shortens the turbine's lifetime. Numerical models of hydraulic turbines are highly coveted to investigate the detrimental flow inside the hydraulic turbines' different sections at off-design operating conditions. They enable the detailed study of the flow and the origin of the instabilities. This knowledge eases the design and assessment of mitigation techniques that expand the turbines' operating range, ultimately enabling a wider implementation of intermittent energy resources on the electrical grid and a smoother transition to a fossil-free society. This thesis presents the numerical study of the Porjus U9 model, a scaled-down version of the 10 MW prototype Kaplan turbine located along the Luleå river in northern Sweden. The distributor contains 20 guide vanes, 18 stay vanes and the runner is 6-bladed. The numerical model is a geometrical representation of the model turbine located at Vattenfall Research and Development in Älvkarleby, Sweden. The commercial software ANSYS CFX 2020 R2 is used to perform the numerical simulations. Firstly, the draft tube cone section of the U9 model is numerically studied to investigate the sensitivity of a swirling flow to the GEKO (generalized kω) turbulence model. The GEKO model aims to consolidate different eddy viscosity turbulence models. Six free coefficients are changeable to tune the model to flow conditions and obtain results closer to an experimental reference without affecting the calibration of the turbulence model to basic flow test cases. Especially, the coefficients affecting wall-bounded flows are of interest. This study aims to analyze if the GEKO model can be used to obtain results closer to experimental measurements and better predict the swirling flow at PL operation compared to other eddy viscosity turbulence models. Results show that the near-wall- and separation coefficients predict a higher swirl and give results closer to experimentally obtained ones. Secondly, a simplified version of the U9 model is investigated at BEP and PL operating conditions and includes one distributor passage with periodic boundary conditions, the runner and the draft tube. The flow is assumed axisymmetric upstream of the runner, hence the single distributor passage. Previous studies of hydraulic turbines operating at PL show difficulties predicting the flow's tangential velocity component as it is often under predicted. Therefore, a parametric analysis is performed to investigate which parameters affect the prediction of the tangential velocity in the runner domain. Results show that the model predicts the flow relatively well at BEP but has problems at PL; the axial velocity is overpredicted while the tangential is underpredicted. Moreover, the torque is overpredicted. The root cause for the deviation is an underestimation of the head losses. Another contributing reason is that the runner extracts too much swirl from the flow, hence the low tangential velocity and the high torque. Sensitive parameters are the blade clearance, blade angle and mass flow. Finally, the full version of the U9 model is analyzed at SNL operation, including the spiral casing, full distributor, runner and draft tube. During this operating condition, the flow is not axisymmetric; vortical flow structures extend from the vaneless space to the draft tube and the flow stalls between the runner blades. A mitigation technique with independent control of each guide vane is presented and implemented in the model. The idea is to open some of the guidevanes to BEP angle while keeping the remaining ones closed. The aim is to reduce the swirl and prevent the vortical flow structures from developing. Results show that the flow structures are broken down upstream the runner and the rotating stall between the runner blades is reduced, which decreases the pressure- and velocity fluctuations. The flow down stream the runner remains mainly unchanged.

Equivalent geometric imperfections for the LTB-design of members with I-sections

Stroetmann, Richard, Fominow, Sergei 08 April 2024 (has links)
For the stability assessment of members and structures according to EN 1993-1-1, the equivalent member method, the geometrical non-linear calculation with equivalent geometrical imperfections or the GMNIA analysis with geometrical imperfections and residual stresses can be used alternatively. The second possibility requires a corresponding model for the cross-section resistance. For the verification of lateral torsional buckling, bow imperfections e0 out-of-plane are defined, which lead in combination with the given loading in-plane and the geometrical non-linear analysis to bending moments Mz and torsion of the members. The amplitudes of the imperfections are highly dependent on the nature of the approach (e.g., scaling of the buckling shape, assumption of bow imperfections) and the verification method for the members. Within the framework of the scientific work supervised by the TU Dresden and TU Darmstadt, extensive parametric studies were conducted to calibrate imperfections for lateral torsional buckling based on the GMNIA. After determining the nature of imperfections and the design models for section resistance, this article presents results of these parametric studies and shows the calibration of imperfections for a standardisation proposal based on EN1993-1-1. The evaluation of the data in combination with the necessary simplifications for the design practice leads to appropriate definitions of imperfection values e0,LT and the necessary differentiations.

Analýza násypového tělesa na podloží zlepšeném prefabrikovanými vertikálními drény / Analysis of performance of embankment constructed on subsoil improved by vertical drains

Kováč, Vladimír January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with the back analysis of the instrumentated embankment on the subsoil, improved by prefabricated vertical drains. The first part is devoted to the theory of consolidation calculation. Furthermore, the author deals with a parametric study of the analytical calculation of prefabricated drains and the comparsion of the analytical and numerical solution. The last and the largest part of the work is a back analysis of the embankment which was built as a part of the subsoil improvement near the Suez Canal in Egypt by Keller GmbH.

Využití moderních kompozitních materiálů při návrhu betonových konstrukcí / The use of advanced composite materials for the design of concrete structures

Bártová, Denisa January 2020 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design of FRP reinforced concrete structures. The theoretical part is focused mainly on the punching shear of a flat two way slab according to ACI, fib Bulletin, CSA, and JSCE standards. This thesis also includes a description of the punching shear resistance according to Eurocode 2. FRP reinforcement, its mechanical properties, and their behaviour in time are also described. Next, a parametric study was performed that examines the effects of various parameters on the punching shear resistance according to the standards mentioned above. At the end a non-linear analysis using the ATENA software was performed. The practical part includes a structural design of a flat two way slab. The slab uses a steel reinforcement at the bottom, while the top is reinforced with FRP reinforcement. The punching shear design is also included. In the last chapter the serviceability limit state is checked, specifically the slab long-term deflection. The thesis also includes drawings. All calculations were performed in accordance with Eurocode 2 and fib Bulletin No. 40.

Numerická analýza smršťování vybraných silikátových kompozitů / Numerical analysis of selected silicate based composites shrinkage

Drbušková, Magdaléna January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is divided into two main parts. In the first theoretical part is described the problems of shrinking including a comparison of Czech standard and Model Code 2010, Vol. 1. The second practical part of the master`s thesis is focused on the numerical analysis shrinkage primarily on the initial stage of this process. The experimentally obtained data are set approximations of the relative deformation using ShrCeC. Subsequently the numerical simulation of shrinkage of selected silicate specimens using a computer applications SpatiDist and FyDiK 2D. The real test specimens are modelled as two-component composite consisting of cement paste and aggregates. The result is a parametric study takes into account the influence of type and size of grain aggregate.

Second-order FE Analysis of Axial Loaded Concrete Members According to Eurocode 2 / Analys av axial belastade betongkonstruktioner med finita elementmetoden enligt Eurokod 2

Yosef Nezhad Arya, Nessa January 2015 (has links)
A nonlinear finite element analysis was performed for an axial loaded reinforced concrete column subjected to biaxial bending taking into account second-order effects. According to Eurocode there are two ways to take second-order effects into consideration: nonlinear FE analysis and hand calculation based on the simplified methods explained in Eurocode 2. Since simulating this kind of structures in ABAQUS is difficult, several simulations were made to find the correct model with satisfying accuracy. The nonlinear analysis focused on material modelling of concrete and its nonlinear behaviour. The simulation took into consideration the inelastic behaviour of concrete along with the confinement effect from transverse reinforcement. The finite element model was verified by comparing the obtained results from FEA to the results from a benchmark experiment. The mean values needed for simulating the FE model was derived from the mean compressive strength of concrete. After verification, another FE model using design parameters was analysed and the results were compared to the results from calculations based on simplified methods according to Eurocode 2 to see how much they agreed with each other. In a parametric study, the effect of eccentricity, compressive and tensile strength of concrete, fracture energy, modulus of elasticity, column cross-section dimension and length, steel yield stress and stirrup spacing were studied. A comparison between outcomes from the simplified methods and ABAQUS, calculated with design parameters showed that the bearing capacity from FE analysis was 21-34 % higher than the one obtained with the simplified methods. It is recommended that in further studies, analyse different slender reinforced concrete column with different L/h with FE-simulation to investigate if FEA always gives a more accurate result. For this case, and probably for columns with complex geometries, a finite element analysis is a better choice. / En icke-linjär finitelementanalys för en armerad betongpelare utsatt för tvåaxlig böjning genomfördes med hänsyn till andra ordningens effekter. Enligt Eurokoder finns det två sätt att iaktta andra ordningens effekter: icke-linjär analys och handberäkning baserad på de förenklade metoderna förklarad i Eurokod 2. Eftersom det är svårt att simulera den här typen av konstruktioner i ABAQUS, så har flera simuleringar utgjorts för att finna ett modell med acceptabelt noggrannhet. Den icke-linjära analysen fokuserade på korrekt materialmodell av betong och dess icke-linjära beteende. Modellen tog hänsyn till betongens oelastiska beteenden och inkluderade fleraxiella effekten. Finitelementmodellen verifierades genom att jämföra de erhållna resultaten från FEA till resultaten från ett försök. Värden som behövdes för att simulera FE-modellen härleddes från betongens medeltryckhållfasthet. Efter att referensmodellen var verifierad, ytterligare en FE-modell, som inkluderade designparametrar, analyserades och resultaten jämfördes med resultaten från beräkningar baserade på förenklade metoderna enligt Eurokod 2 för att se hur mycket de stämde överens med varandra. I en parameterstudie har effekten av excentricitet, tryck- och draghållfasthet av betong, brottenergi, elasticitetsmodul, pelarens tvärsnittsdimension och längd, stålsträckgränsen och centrumavstånd på byglar studerat. En jämförelse mellan resultaten från de förenklade metoderna och ABAQUS, beräknade med designparametrar visade att bärighetförmågan från FE-analys var 21-34% högre än den som erhålls med de förenklade metoderna. Det rekommenderas att i fortsatta studier, analysera flera slanka armerade betongpelare med olika L/h med FE-simulering för att undersöka om FEA alltid ger ett nogrannare resultat. För denna studie, och förmodligen för pelare med komplexa geometrier, är en FE-analys ett bättre val.

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