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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Saneamento e HabitaÃÃo no DiagnÃstico Participativo: Estudo de Caso da Agenda 21 do Conjunto Habitacional Rosalina em Fortaleza â CearÃ

Roberto Pimentel Holanda 06 November 2010 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento CientÃfico e TecnolÃgico / A capital cearense ocupa os segundos piores lugares nas listas de acesso adequado à Ãgua, com 88,5%, e ao esgoto, com 71,1%, segundo a Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de DomicÃlios realizada em 2007. Estes dados reforÃaram ainda mais a emergÃncia para a viabilidade da obra de construÃÃo do Conjunto Habitacional Rosalina, comunidade caracterizada como Ãrea de risco em Fortaleza. Assim, em Abril de 2007, a AssociaÃÃo Civil Alternativa Terrazul com apoio da Prefeitura Municipal de Fortaleza e da AssociaÃÃo de Moradores da Comunidade da Rosalina iniciou o processo de construÃÃo e implementaÃÃo da Agenda 21 Local, simultaneamente ao inÃcio das obras. Este trabalho observa o desenvolvimento desse processo, empregando uma metodologia que parte da coleta de dados primÃrios e secundÃrios, respectivamente, de forma indireta e direta, culminando com uma anÃlise tÃcnica crÃtica dos aspectos saneamento e habitaÃÃo, dentro do universo de pesquisa compreendido entre Abril de 2007 à Junho de 2009. O diagnÃstico prÃvio, ou dados primÃrios da pesquisa, formou a base para o desenvolvimento de um questionÃrio, aplicado de forma direta a uma amostra da populaÃÃo da Comunidade da Rosalina. Da anÃlise das respostas, resultou os dados secundÃrios, complementados com consultas aos ÃrgÃos responsÃveis pela obra, como tambÃm, entrevistas com lÃderes comunitÃrios locais. Observou-se que o processo de planejamento e diagnÃstico participativo ou Agenda 21 nÃo substitui planejamentos convencionais polÃtico-governamentais, pois sua implementaÃÃo une-se aos mesmos para se fortalecer na execuÃÃo de seus compromissos, tornando estes planos mais reais e vinculados à populaÃÃo. / The capital from Ceara, be situated in the second worst place on the appropriated water access lists with 88,5 %, and on the sewage system with 71,1%, according to National Research for Sample Residences - 2007. These informations confirm the emergency to viability of construction of the housing development Rosalina, district considerated as risck area in Fortaleza. Like this, AssociaÃÃo Civil Alternativa Terrazul, with the support from City Hall of Fortaleza and AssociaÃÃo de Moradores da Comunidade da Rosalina started the process of construction and implementation of the local Agenda 21, simultaneously the beginning of the construction. This paper observes the development of this process, using a methodology of primary and secondary data collection, direct and indirectly, ending with the technical and critical analysis of the environmental sanitation and habitation aspects, considering the research universe between April 2007 and June 2009. The previous diagnosis, or the primary data became the base for the development of a questionnaire, applied directly in a sample of Rosalina community. The answers analysis gave rise the secondary data, supplemented with consultation the people in charge of the building work, also local community leaderships. Observed that the planning process and participatory diagnosis or Agenda 21 donât replace the conventional political and government plannings, because your implementation joins them to strengthen in the execution of your obligations, becoming this plans more real and attached to the population.

La gestion patrimoniale et l'usage des chemins à l'ère du numérique / Dirt roads management and usage into the digital era

Merey, Melanie 10 November 2017 (has links)
Les chemins sont un support de travail et de loisir pour les agriculteurs, les sylviculteurs et maintes usagers qui souhaitent se ressourcer, se défouler ou partager un moment convivial. lis constituent un vecteur de rencontre et de lien entre l'homme et la nature.Cette multiplicité d'usages et d'usagers permet de faire vivre ce patrimoine qui a tôt fait de disparaitre sans intervention humaine. Cependant, la circulation des véhicules utilisés pour l'exploitation ou la randonnée, ainsi que la sur-fréquentation de certains sites touristiques accentuent l'érosion du sol de ces voies non revêtues. La plupart des plaintes transmises aux gestionnaires sont liées à ces dégradations ainsi qu'aux pratiques nuisant à la naturalité des milieux, à la sécurité du public et à [a tranquillité des riverains.Le laboratoire de géographie de l'Université Jean Monnet et le Parc Naturel Régional du Pilat ont souhaité mettre en place un dispositif d'analyse multicritère cartographique décisionnel dans le but d'objectiver et de traiter efficacement les problèmes d'entretien et de conflits signalés sur !es chemins. ·L'implication des acteurs du territoire dans la conception de ce dispositif a permis de formuler des solutions acceptables répondant aux situations concrètes insatisfaisantes localisées dans le cadre d'un diagnostic cartographique participatif sur Géo Web.Par ailleurs, des cartes de sensibilité ont été modélisées grâce à un logiciel d'analyse multicritère cartographique afin de mieux prendre en compte les risques liés à l'érosion des chemins et à la circulation des randonneurs motorisés.Le dispositif final repose sur !'utilisation de solutions Géo Web permettant d'assurer un suivi numérique et de communiquer sur l'état des sentiers. / Dirt roads constitute both a work and a !eisure support for farrners, foresters and a lot of users who wish to unwind, to spend their energy or to sharc a convivial moment. They represent a vector of encounter and link between man and nature.This multiplicity of dirt roads usages and users witling to use them make it possible to keep a live this heritage, which quickly disappears without anthropogenic interventions. However, the circulation of vehicle~ used for farming or hiking, as well a~ the overcrowdîng of certain tourist sites, accentuate the soil erosion of these unpaved roads.Most of the complaints submitted to road managers are linked to these degradations as well as to practices that harm the natural environrnent, public safety and the tranquilily of local residents. The University of Jean Monnet (Saint-Etienne) and the Regional Nature Park of Pilat decided to set-up a multi-criteria decision analysis {MCDA) system in order to objectify and deal effectively with maintenance problems and conflicts arising between users.The invo!vement of territorial actors in the design of this device has made it possible to formulate acceptable solutions that respond to the unsatisfactory local situations found during a participatory cartographie diagnosis on Geo Web. Furthermore, sensitivity maps were modeled using a multi~criteria mapping software to integrate the risks associated with road erosion and the traffic of motorized hikers.The final MCDA procedure uses Geo Web solutions to provide digital tracking and information on !rails' state.

Identifica??o e avalia??o de esp?cies de interesse forrageiro e a percep??o de produtores familiares da Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustent?vel Aman?, Amazonas, Brasil / Identification and evaluation of feed species and the perception of smallholder farmers from the Aman? Sustainable Development Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil

Araujo, Paula de Carvalho Machado 28 April 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Celso Magalhaes (celsomagalhaes@ufrrj.br) on 2017-11-07T13:04:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Paula de Carvalho Machado Araujo.pdf: 2347237 bytes, checksum: 44b7c9cb3df1557a677fc89555c2a535 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-11-07T13:04:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2016 - Paula de Carvalho Machado Araujo.pdf: 2347237 bytes, checksum: 44b7c9cb3df1557a677fc89555c2a535 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-04-28 / This study was conducted in the Aman? Lake and Paran? region of the Aman? Sustainable Development Reserve located in the middle Solim?es region, state of Amazonas, Brazil. Research was done in three phases: the first used an adapted Free List method with 13 ranchers from the region. Subsequently, botanical specimens of species cited by at least three farmers were collected; photographic registers of these plants were also taken. Photographs were used in the next phase of research to inform a questionnaire applied to the same 13 farmers; the instrument used the Semantic Differentiation method, of 7 points, to understand ranchers? perceptions of the diverse characteristics of selected plants. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the perception of ranchers in relation to the origin, environment, and characteristics of plants that are part the of cow and water buffalo diet; and to further understand the cultural relevance, feed potential, and ecological function of these plants, comparing farmers? perceptions with findings from the scientific literature. In total 84 plant names were compiled, with 29 evaluated in this project / Este trabalho teve como ?rea de estudo o Lago e Paran? do Aman?, na Reserva de Desenvolvimento Sustent?vel Aman?, localizada na regi?o do M?dio Solim?es, no estado do Amazonas. Foram realizadas tr?s etapas da pesquisa: na primeira, utilizou-se uma adapta??o do m?todo de Lista Livre junto a 13 criadores da regi?o. Em seguida, foi realizada coleta bot?nica das esp?cies citadas por pelo menos 3 criadores, obtendo ainda registro fotogr?fico das mesmas. Estas fotos foram utilizadas na etapa seguinte a fim de ilustrar um question?rio com os mesmos 13 criadores onde utilizou-se o m?todo de Diferencial Sem?ntico de 7 pontos para conhecer as percep??es dos criadores sobre diversas caracter?sticas das plantas selecionadas. Este trabalho teve por objetivo principal avaliar a percep??o dos criadores da regi?o em rela??o ? origem, ambiente e caracter?sticas das plantas que fazem parte da dieta de bovinos e bubalinos, tentando compreender a relev?ncia cultural, o potencial forrageiro e as fun??es ecol?gicas das mesmas atrav?s das percep??es e dos achados de literatura. No total foram contabilizados 84 nomes diferentes de plantas, tendo sido avaliadas 29 plantas

Contribution à une méthodologie d'évaluation à priori des projets de transport urbain durable / Contribution to a methodology for a priori evaluation of sustainable urban transport projects

Cucu Graindorge, Tatiana 15 February 2012 (has links)
L’objectif de ces travaux de proposer aux autorités locales un outil d’aide à la décision pour formaliser une démarche participative tout au long de la conception d’un projet de transport urbain durable, dans un contexte multicritères et multi acteurs. La méthodologie développée repose sur l’évaluation a priori des impacts d’un projet local, en impliquant les acteurs dès la phase de diagnostic. Cette phase permet d’identifier des groupes d’acteurs selon leur perception des phénomènes urbains, des interactions et des préférences déclarées d’évolution. Elle permet d’établir une liste d’indicateurs communs qui seront évalués. Le choix des alternatives à étudier est le résultat de l’application conjointe de techniques de transférabilité - fondées sur l’étude de projets développés dans d’autres villes - et de l’étude des préférences déclarées des usagers locaux. La probabilité d’utilisation du service s’évalue à l’aide d’un modèle comportemental agrégé qui intègre la perception floue et l’indécision des usagers devant une situation nouvelle. Les changements de comportement des usagers sont pris en compte à l’aide d’un indicateur de robustesse qui teste les effets des paramètres exogènes sur l’évolution de la probabilité d’utilisation du service. Un micro-simulateur de trafic permet d’évaluer les impacts des différents scénarii sur le trafic, l’environnement et le bien-être des citoyens sous la forme monétarisée, afin d’illustrer les coûts et les bénéfices indirects attendus de l’implantation du projet. Une solution de compromis est proposée : elle vise à fournir la solution qui contenterait au mieux l’ensemble des représentants des groupes d’acteurs - et non la solution optimale en termes d’impacts. / The objective of this research is to provide to the local authorities a decision aid tool in order to formalize a participatory approach during the conception of a sustainable urban transport project, in a multi-criteria and multi-actors context. The methodology is based on the a priori evaluation of the impacts of a local project, involving stakeholders as soon as the diagnosis phase. This phase aims at identifying groups of actors according to their perception of urban phenomena, their interactions and their stated preferences of evolution. The diagnosis phase leads to the setting-up of a list of common indicators to be evaluated. The choice of alternatives to be studied is the result of the transferability techniques - based on the projects developed in other cities - and the stated preferences of local users. The probability of using the service is evaluated using an aggregated behavioral model that takes into account the fuzzy perception and the indecision of users in a new situation. Changes in the behaviour of the users are taken into account thanks to an indicator of robustness that tests the impact of exogenous parameters on the evolution of the probability of using a service. A traffic micro--simulator aims at assessing the impacts of the various scenarios on traffic, environment and the welfare of citizens– which is monetized. It illustrates the costs and indirect benefits expected with the implementation of project. A compromise solution is proposed: it aims at identifying an alternative that would best satisfy the representatives of the stakeholder groups – and not necessarily the optimal solution in terms of impacts.

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