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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A inatividade da crença na teoria da motivação de David Hume

Soares, Franco Nero Antunes January 2016 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é defender a interpretação da filosofia de David Hume segundo a qual não há crença que possa ser a única causa de paixões motivacionais, volições ou ações. O problema que orienta a discussão é determinar até que ponto os aspectos cognitivos ou racionais da mentalidade controlam ou não o aparato emocional dos seres humanos. Em primeiro lugar, defende-se que a teoria das percepções resultante da metodologia empirista de Hume não inclui a noção de uma faculdade racional sobrenatural com conteúdos ou princípios inatos ou a priori. Em segundo lugar, defende-se ume leitura compatibilista da liberdade humana em Hume segundo a qual volições são as paixões motivacionais que necessariamente antecedem a produção de ações voluntárias. Depois, sustenta-se que os processos inferenciais que caracterizam a racionalidade humana segundo Hume não são suficientes para produzir paixões motivacionais, volições e ações. Por fim, defende-se que as percepções produzidas por raciocínios, as crenças, também não são suficientes para produzir tais efeitos práticos. Uma premissa importante para o argumento principal é que a presença de certas paixões motivacionais, cuja origem não pode ser atribuída a crenças ou a inferências, é necessária para a produção de ações. / The main objective of this research is to defend that no belief can be the sole cause of motivational passions, volitions or actions according to David Hume’s theory of motivation. The problem that guides the discussion is to determine to what extent the cognitive or rational aspects of the human mind control or not the emotional apparatus of human beings. First, it is argued that Hume’s empiricist theory of perceptions does not include the notion of a supernatural rational faculty with innate or a priori contents or principles. Second, it defends a compatibilist reading of human freedom in Hume whereby volitions are the motivating passions that necessarily precede the production of voluntary actions. Then, it is argued that the inferential processes that characterize human rationality according to Hume are not enough to produce motivational passions, volitions and actions. Finally, it is argued that perceptions produced by reasoning, beliefs, are not sufficient to produce such practical effects. An important premise for the main argument is the view that the presence of certain motivational passions, whose origin cannot be attributed to beliefs or inferences, it is necessary for the production of actions.

A inatividade da crença na teoria da motivação de David Hume

Soares, Franco Nero Antunes January 2016 (has links)
O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é defender a interpretação da filosofia de David Hume segundo a qual não há crença que possa ser a única causa de paixões motivacionais, volições ou ações. O problema que orienta a discussão é determinar até que ponto os aspectos cognitivos ou racionais da mentalidade controlam ou não o aparato emocional dos seres humanos. Em primeiro lugar, defende-se que a teoria das percepções resultante da metodologia empirista de Hume não inclui a noção de uma faculdade racional sobrenatural com conteúdos ou princípios inatos ou a priori. Em segundo lugar, defende-se ume leitura compatibilista da liberdade humana em Hume segundo a qual volições são as paixões motivacionais que necessariamente antecedem a produção de ações voluntárias. Depois, sustenta-se que os processos inferenciais que caracterizam a racionalidade humana segundo Hume não são suficientes para produzir paixões motivacionais, volições e ações. Por fim, defende-se que as percepções produzidas por raciocínios, as crenças, também não são suficientes para produzir tais efeitos práticos. Uma premissa importante para o argumento principal é que a presença de certas paixões motivacionais, cuja origem não pode ser atribuída a crenças ou a inferências, é necessária para a produção de ações. / The main objective of this research is to defend that no belief can be the sole cause of motivational passions, volitions or actions according to David Hume’s theory of motivation. The problem that guides the discussion is to determine to what extent the cognitive or rational aspects of the human mind control or not the emotional apparatus of human beings. First, it is argued that Hume’s empiricist theory of perceptions does not include the notion of a supernatural rational faculty with innate or a priori contents or principles. Second, it defends a compatibilist reading of human freedom in Hume whereby volitions are the motivating passions that necessarily precede the production of voluntary actions. Then, it is argued that the inferential processes that characterize human rationality according to Hume are not enough to produce motivational passions, volitions and actions. Finally, it is argued that perceptions produced by reasoning, beliefs, are not sufficient to produce such practical effects. An important premise for the main argument is the view that the presence of certain motivational passions, whose origin cannot be attributed to beliefs or inferences, it is necessary for the production of actions.

A ópera lírica como instrumento de ensino de italiano LE: teorias e práticas / The lyrical opera as a tool for teaching Italian as a foreign language: theories and practices

Adriana de Oliveira Pitarello 09 March 2010 (has links)
A ópera lírica pode constituir um excelente material didático a ser trabalhado em todos os níveis da educação linguística, não apenas devido ao seu irrefutável valor cultural, histórico e social, mas, principalmente, por sincretizar as linguagens musical, teatral e literária, transformando-se, assim, em um fecundo instrumento de ensino da língua italiana. A partir dos preceitos semióticos de análise, sobretudo no que concerne aos estudos sobre a Semiótica das Paixões, a ópera lírica pode ser didatizada e apresentada aos alunos no seu formato autêntico, visando à formação e autonomia discente. De fato, o percurso adotado simula a passagem pelos três níveis de análise textuais, partindo dos afetos da música para chegar às ações do enredo. A parte prática deste trabalho é dedicada ao curso Rigoletto: per gli amanti della lingua e della cultura italiana, elaborado especialmente para legitimar a proposta de se trabalhar a ópera lírica nas aulas de italiano LE. Trata-se de uma unidade didática sobre Rigoletto, uma importante produção de Giuseppe Verdi e Francesco Maria Piave, de 1851. Em síntese, neste trabalho, pretendo discorrer sobre as teorias que envolvem a didatização da ópera lírica e ilustrar a sua aplicação a partir das atividades do referido curso. Finalmente, os resultados obtidos durante a fase de avaliação serão utilizados para comprovar a sua eficácia. / Lyrical opera can be an excellent teaching material for use at all levels of language education, not only because of its unquestionable cultural, historical and social value, but mainly for amalgamating musical, theatrical and literary languages, thereby forming a productive tool for teaching the Italian language. Based on the precepts of semiotic analysis, especially with regard to studies of the Semiotics of Passions, lyrical opera can be taught and presented to students in its authentic format, aimed at student training and autonomy. Indeed, the route adopted simulates the passage through the three levels of textual analysis, starting from the musical moods to arrive at the actions of the plot. The practical part of this work is dedicated to the course \"Rigoletto: per gli amanti della lingua e della cultura italiana\", especially designed to legitimize the proposal to employ lyrical opera in Italian lessons for foreign learners. This is a teaching unit about Rigoletto, an important work by Giuseppe Verdi and Francesco Maria Piave, 1851. In summary, in this work I intend to discuss theories involving the teaching use of lyrical opera and illustrate its application based on the activities of that course. Finally, the results obtained during the assessment phase will be used to prove its effectiveness.

Robert Burton: Melancholie v raně novověké evropské společnosti / Robert Burton: Melancholy in Early Modern European Society

Potoček, Jan January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to provide a close reading and a philosophical and anthropological interpretation of Burton's understanding of the concept of melancholy (as well as the concept of the human being and the world) as it is presented in his work ​The Anatomy of Melancholy​. The primary objective will be gradually to respond to the following questions: How did Burton perceive the concept of melancholy? How did he make use of it within his notion of ​the melancholic world​? Based on this, his vision of a remedy to the melancholic disease afflicting the whole world, together with the form of this treatment presented in The Anatomy of Melancholy will be thereafter shown and explained. This task will be preceded by an analysis situated on the edge between the history of ideas and intellectual history, cultural history, and philosophical anthropology with a small overlap with the history of mentalities. This analysis will firstly reveal the diversity and rich history of the concept of melancholy and, subsequently, open up the intellectual milieu and ideas which form the basis of Burton's notion of the problem of the melancholic world and its treatment. This thesis, especially in its final part, will rely on a contextual reading of ​The Anatomy of Melancholy​. In order to acquire an overall...

The Relationship of Online Gaming Addiction with Motivations to Play and Craving

Cross, Nicole Alexandra 10 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.

La passion partisane dans l'espace privé : le cas des partisans du Canadien de Montréal

Minko, Patrick 12 April 2024 (has links)
Cette étude propose une ethnographie de la partisannerie, plus particulièrement celle de la passion qui anime les partisans du Canadien de Montréal, à travers la retransmission de matchs de hockey à la télévision, au cours de la saison 2012-2013. Contrairement aux travaux sur la partisannerie qui traitent du spectacle sportif du point de vue des stades (enceintes et estrades) ou de l’ambiance survoltée des bars sportifs, la recherche se focalise sur une catégorie d’amateurs de sport qui, malgré leur grand nombre, ont peu ou pas retenu l’attention des chercheurs. L’objectif poursuivi est double : étudier comment se manifeste et s’exprime la ferveur des partisans envers leur équipe favorite dans un contexte privé, c’est-à-dire celui de leur domicile, et analyser l’engouement des amateurs de sport, ceux qui sont souvent qualifiés de « sportifs de salon », au prisme du spectacle sportif retransmis à la télévision. L’originalité de l’étude repose sur la mise en valeur de ce contexte privé et sur cette majorité de fans qui regardent les matchs de chez eux devant leurs téléviseurs; ce point de vue offre un terrain d’observation privilégié et inédit à l’ethnologue. Afin de mener à bien l’analyse, nous nous sommes employé à décrire l’expression de la passion partisane auprès de quatre participants. Pour ce faire, la démarche ethnographique multisituée s’est révélée une méthodologie appropriée pour appréhender l’espace privé des partisans. Au fil des observations in situ et participantes, nous avons pu saisir les particularités de divers profils de partisannerie dans le contexte de la retransmission de matchs de hockey mettant en vedette le Canadien de Montréal. La « rhétorique du partisan » permet notamment de dégager les manifestations de cette ferveur qui exprime des émotions contrastées selon les faits de jeu et qui oscille entre admiration, ressentiment, humour et pessimisme selon l’issue des matchs, le classement de l’équipe ou celui de l’équipe adverse. Nous nous sommes également intéressé à la mise en scène des participants lors de la retransmission du match de hockey dans l’espace privé. Analysée sous la loupe de la métaphore théâtrale goffmanienne, la ritualisation qui se dégage de chaque « représentation » donnée par le partisan met en jeu les différents rôles des acteurs et leur gestion. Elle met également en scène la dramatisation de la représentation ainsi que la circulation des partisans entre la scène et les coulisses, laissant ainsi entrevoir des sentiments plus ou moins nets et une passion plus ou moins affirmée. Enfin, à travers les liens entre spectacle sportif, loisir passion et loisir festif, nous examinons la mixité des retransmissions du match de hockey vécu à domicile. Ce dernier, tel qu’étudié, apparaît plus qu’un simple divertissement hebdomadaire pour amateur de hockey. La retransmission de spectacles sportifs à la télévision crée une communauté télévisuelle en faisant de chaque match du Canadien un moment unique où tous les partisans vibrent à l’unisson. En somme, le téléspectateur, par sa participation seconde, demeure néanmoins un spectateur à part entière du spectacle sportif. Le partisan se met littéralement en scène et exprime avec passion sa ferveur à chaque retransmission de match, ce qui fait du spectacle sportif un véritable loisir passion aux allures de fête. / This research offers an ethnography of partisanship, more specifically the partisanship of the passion that lights up the Montreal Canadian supporters, through the transmission of hockey games, during the 2012-2013 season. Unlike the diverse researches on partisanship which concentrate on the sports entertainment from the point of view of stadiums (from the stages and within), or of the overexcited atmosphere of the sports bars, this analysis focuses on a group of sporting amateurs who, in spite of their considerable number, have held poor or no attention from researchers. There are two goals to this research: study how supporters express their fervor in a private context within their homes and analyze the enthusiasm of the sporting amateurs often qualified as “living room athletes”. The ingenuity of this research relies on the private context insight as well as on the vast majority of supporters who watch hockey games in their living room; this point of view provides a powerful field of observation for the ethnologist. To lead this analysis successfully, we have chosen to describe the expression of partisanship passion through four participants. To achieve this, the multisite ethnography approach presents itself to be a pertinent methodology to observe the private space of the latter. Through the in situ and participative observations, we have had the opportunity to sense the particularities of various profiles of the Montreal Canadian supporter whilst watching hockey games on television. The “partisan rhetoric” allows us to identify the manifestations of this fervor which expresses contrasted feelings according to the different plays of the game and which oscillate between admiration, resentment, humour and pessimism depending on the results of the match, the rank of the team or the rank of the opposite team. We were also interested in the supporters private setting during the hockey game broadcasts. Analyzed under the magnifying glass of the “Goffmanian” theatrical metaphor, the unlocked ritualization observed from each “representation" offered by the supporter involves diverse performances of actors, as well as the management of these performances. This stages the dramatization of the representation as well as the movements of the supporters between the scene and the backstage, giving a glimpse of unclear feelings and giving way to a more or less assertive passion. Throughout the connections between sports entertainment, passion leisure and festive leisure, we examined the diversity of hockey games broadcasts at home. The latter, it appears, represents more than just a basic weekly entertainment for hockey fans. Broadcast of hockey games on television constructs a televisual community by making every Montreal Canadian hockey game a singular moment where all the supporters share a common thrill. The television fans, by their passive participation, remain however full fans. The supporter literally stages himself and expresses his fervour with passion in every hockey game, which makes the sports entertainment a true passion leisure with a festive atmosphere.

Narration du sensible et représentation du littéraire dans Le vieux chagrin, La tournée d'automne et Les yeux bleus de Mistassini, romans de Jacques Poulin

Tremblay, Ariane 18 April 2018 (has links)
Près de quarante-cinq ans après la publication du premier roman de Jacques Poulin, Mon cheval pour un royaume, la production de cet auteur a généré un lot considérable d'études critiques. Cependant, certaines questions restent irrésolues, notamment celles concernant le plan narratif de l'oeuvre. En effet, au niveau narratif, l'oeuvre poulinienne a été largement catégorisée comme minimaliste. Depuis, les études observant cette poétique - une dimension de l'action très limitée - se sont déployées, réduisant cette oeuvre à une pauvreté certaine du récit. Un filon, cependant, reste guère exploité ; peu de recherches envisagent le potentiel de la dimension passionnelle de ces récits. Ce mémoire vise donc à questionner à nouveau la narrativité poulinienne, jusqu'alors surtout définie par l'étiquette minimaliste. Si les romans pouliniens restent plus pauvres au plan de l'action, ils semblent contenir, en revanche, une grande richesse au plan du ressenti, de la passion. Cette étude entend donc proposer des analyses de trois romans basées sur une logique jusqu'ici inexplorée, à savoir une logique pathémique. Ces romans témoignent selon nous d'une narrativité - purement contemporaine - orientée vers le « sensible »; ce sont des récits dans lesquels les personnages ne peuvent agir, étant submergés par leur affectivité. La recherche vise par la suite à évaluer les conséquences thématiques de cette logique affective dans les romans de Jacques Poulin. Si la narration poulinienne expose des personnages qui semblent dominés par leurs passions, elle donne à voir également une tension de ceux-ci vers la littérature, un objet privilégié. Par l'étude des tensions affectives des actants vers la littérature, nous entendons développer une réflexion nouvelle sur la place de la représentation du littéraire dans l'oeuvre poulinienne.

L’amour selon Alfonso de Madrigal, dit « El Tostado » : commentaire et édition de la première partie du Breuiloquium de amore et amicitia / Love according to Alfonso of Madrigal, "El Tostado" : Commentary on and edition of the first part of the Breuiloquium de amore et amicitia

Juste, Mélanie 21 September 2018 (has links)
Important traité philosophique portant sur l’amour et l’amitié, le Breuiloquium de amore et amicitia d’Alfonso de Madrigal, dit « El Tostado » (1401/1410-1454) comprend une synthèse des conceptions classiques et chrétiennes sur l’amour dans toutes ses formes (spirituel, familial, charnel, concupiscent) et sur l’amitié (vertueuse, politique) qui résulte de la juxtaposition d’exercices académiques et d’enseignements donnés par le Tostado à la Faculté des Arts de Salamanque. Notre travail doctoral consiste à proposer une édition critique de la première partie consacrée à l’amour, à partir des deux témoins manuscrits conservés d’un traité resté jusqu’à présent inédit. Le commentaire qui accompagne l’édition vise non seulement à éclairer la place privilégiée qu’occupe la théorie amoureuse du Tostado au sein du traité comme de l’ensemble de l’œuvre tostadienne, mais également à replacer l’élaboration de cette théorie dans le contexte de l’enseignement salmantin puis de la diffusion d’une culture universitaire au sein des milieux auliques, au moment même où se forge un premier humanisme castillan. Nous proposons enfin d’examiner si la version castillane du Breuiloquium (Breuiloquio de amor et amiçiçia) est une traduction ou une auto-traduction (comme le prétend le prologue) et de resituer cette entreprise dans l’histoire de la traduction, à une époque où ce phénomène acquiert une importance considérable. C’est sur la confrontation entre le discours théorique sur la traduction – formalisé dans un texte postérieur du Tostado – et sa mise en pratique dans l’élaboration de la version castillane que repose l’analyse traductologique réalisée. / An important philosophical treaty written by Alfonso de Madrigal, also known as “El Tostado” (1401/1410-1454), the Breuiloquium de amore et amicitia sums up both the classical and the Christian conceptions of love of every kind (spiritual, physical, familial, carnal, lustful) and friendship (virtuous, political), brought together within a text that is a juxtaposition of academic exercises and of lectures given by El Tostado at the Faculty of Arts of Salamanca. This Ph. D. thesis is a critical edition of the first part of this treaty (the one dealing with love), founded on two remaining manuscripts of a text that to this day has never been published. The commentary that comes along with the edition aims at understanding the central role played by El Tostado’s love theory in the underlying logic of his treaty but also within his entire work. This commentary also seeks to grasp the construction of this love theory in the double context of the Salmantine teaching and of the diffusion of a university culture into John II’s court, at a moment when some first form of Castilian humanism was rising. Finally, this thesis tries to figure out if the Breuiloquium is a translation or an auto-translation (as stated in the prologue), and thus to understand the treaty from the point of view of the history of translations, precisely when translating reached a whole new degree of importance. The confrontation between a theoretical discourse about translation –that El Tostado formalised in a later text– and its practical dimensions in the translation from Latin to Castilian is the base upon which our traductological analysis is founded.

Metaphor and First Peter: the essential role of the minds of father- God’s children in spiritual conflict with a special focus on 1:13

McMillen, Melvin 24 October 2011 (has links)
Section 1 of this thesis develops an eclectic meta-model of metaphor analysis that is subsequently applied to the paraenetic metaphors in First Peter. This comprehensive and broadly-based theory provides for the integration of First Peter‟s metaphors in the analysis of the epistle‟s persuasive, knowledge-change rhetoric. The bulk of this thesis is a largely suggestive and primarily inductive study of the major paraenetic metaphors within the conceptual and rhetorical world of First Peter, especially “gird up the loins of your mind” and “be sober,” which are crucially bound up with the epistle‟s first grammatical imperative: “hope on the grace to come …” (1:13). I argue that 1:13 is central to all of First Peter‟s paraenetic statements through a sequential survey of these injunctions in the order provided by the text. While “girding the loins” is capable of a more generic or other specific interpretations, I argue for a conflict connotation. First Peter presupposes a situation of spiritual peril, with the danger especially related to the “mind.” The greatest threat is not from persecution but from ignorance, an irrational fear of humans rather than a rational fear of God, along with other sinful “passions”–forces strengthened by the menacing Devil. By means of courageous faith believers must “stand firm” with a disciplined and focused mind oriented vertically towards and hoping fully upon God‟s present and future grace (5:12) to the exclusion of sin, ready for spiritual battle–just as Christ was (4:1). In addition, I maintain that honouring/glorifying God is the ultimate goal of First Peter‟s paraenesis. Consistent with this, the metaphorical organization of “space” in the letter gives evidence of the prioritizing of the vertical axis over the horizontal. In this connection, I challenge Troy Martin‟s view of the Christian life as a journey, finding First Peter to image it as essentially a stationary waiting for final salvation to come to them. Finally, I seek to demonstrate that the Fatherhood of God is the dominant metaphor for First Peter as a whole, a complex image that unites its metaphors, paraenesis, and overall message. / New Testament / D.Th. (New Testament)

Sucesso e salvação - estudo semiótico comparativo entre os discursos televisivos das Igrejas Universal do Reino de Deus e Católica Apostólica Romana no Brasil / Sucess and Salvation: comparative semiotic study between tv discourses of Igreja Universal do Reino de Deus and Roman Catholic

Jadon, José Carlos 04 December 2009 (has links)
Esta tese é um estudo, com bases na Semiótica de linha francesa, dos discursos televisivos de duas Igrejas de confissão cristã no Brasil: a neopentecostal Universal do Reino de Deus (IURD) e a Católica Apostólica Romana (IC). Desde a década de 1970, pesquisas têm revelado um considerável êxodo de fiéis católicos para as Igrejas protestantes neopentecostais. O aumento dessa mobilidade religiosa acompanhou a multiplicação do número de programas televisivos de pregação. O novo gênero da pregação religiosa de televisão passou a ser de tal forma utilizado para a divulgação das ideologias religiosas, que ambas as Igrejas tornaram-se proprietárias de redes de emissoras de TV. Hoje, além da Rede Record (IURD) e Rede Vida de Televisão (IC), muitas são as emissoras que transmitem os inúmeros programas de pregação religiosa pelo Brasil e pelo mundo. Diante do fenômeno da disseminação de programas desse gênero e, regidos pelas Semióticas greimasiana tradicional e tensiva, descrevemos, analisamos e comparamos as estratégias persuasivas, as paixões, os aspectos tensivos, as estratégias de manipulação, enfim, os mecanismos de significação desenvolvidos pelos pastores e padres-apresentadores dos programas televisivos dessas duas congregações, para, em uma última etapa, estabelecer os ethé discursivos das Igrejas Universal do Reino de Deus e Católica Apostólica Romana. / This thesis, based on Semiotics of French orientation, is a study on the discourses used on TV by two Christian churches in Brazil: the Neo-Pentecostal Universal Church of the Gods Kingdom (IURD) and the Roman Apostolic Catholic Church (IC). From the 1970s on, researches have revealed a considerable exodus of Catholics to Neo-Pentecostal Protestant churches. The increase in this religious mobility followed the multiplication of religious preaching on TV. This new genre of religious preaching has been so intensively used in the spreading of religious ideologies that both churches have become owners of TV nets. Nowadays, besides Rede Record (IURD) and Rede Vida de Televisão (IC), many other TV stations present a large number of religious programs to Brazil and the world. Motivated by this phenomenon and based on traditional and tensive Greimasian Semiotics, we describe, analyze and compare persuasive strategies, passions, tensive aspects, and manipulating strategies in other words, all signification mechanisms developed by pastors and priests presenting television programs for either congregations, in order to finally set forth the discursive ethé of The Universal Church of Gods Kingdom and the Roman Catholic Church.

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