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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The caring church as a worshipping community

Theron, Bruce B. V. 11 1900 (has links)
The dissertation starts from the premise that we are living in an increasingly individualistic and secular society. The church is seen as a worshipping community, where mutual care emanating from true Christian community could serve as a corrective to current fragmentation. A theory is developed of the church as a caring and worshipping faith community which exists alongside other communities. The church therefore exists to enable people to embody the gospel ideals in their lives. The whole Christian community must thus be seen to be offering the love, compassion and acceptance that is needed today. This role can be enhanced by encouraging training in caring skills. The faith community exercises its nurturing support system through the fusion of horizons as members seek to give expression to their faith. This faith community functions against the background of the myriad of relationships and different communities in which its members find themselves in. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Pastoral care and counselling of the person in chronic pain

Jacobs, Alvean Illinois 11 1900 (has links)
People expenencmg chronic pain encounter increases m needs and endure the consequences of failure to satisfy needs. In much of the management of people with chronic pain, chronic pain is considered an abstract phenomenon with little attention given to the human experience. Numerous literature focus on a mechanistic reductionistic approach in management of chronic pain. Most literature is written by medical practitioners, nurses and psychologists from a health-care oriented methodology, whereas minimal research literature was contributed from a pastoral care and counselling perspective. This dissertation explores the needs and feelings of people with chronic pain to identify their needs at the various developmental stages of their pain experience, and within their relevant ecosystems, in order to develop a pastoral response. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Berufung zur Ehelosigkeit : eine seelsorgerliche Hilfe für Singles? / The call to celibacy : a pastoral aid for singles?

Fuisting, Dirk 08 1900 (has links)
German text / Singles sind Menschen mit speziellen Problemen und Bedürfnissen – insbesondere, wenn sie unfreiwillig Single sind und lieber in einer Partnerschaft leben wollen. Viele Singles leiden unter ihrem Dasein als Single, ihre Probleme können vielfältig sein: Einsamkeit, unbefriedigte sexuelle Wünsche, mangelndes Selbstwertgefühl, fehlende Elternschaft, Leere und Antriebslosigkeit. Diese Probleme stellen die Seelsorge vor eine wichtige Aufgabe: Wie kann man diesen leidenden Singles helfend begegnen? Mein poimenischer Ansatz besteht darin, die Frage nach der Berufung zur Ehelosigkeit zu stellen(1 Korinther 7,17). Wenn Singles ihr Dasein nicht mehr als gescheiterte Existenz betrachten, sondern als Stand, zu dem sie von Gott berufen worden sind, hilft das vielleicht, eine positivere Lebenseinstellung zu bekommen und ein zufriedeneres Leben zu führen. / Singles are people with special problems and needs – particularly when they are involuntary singles and would prefer to live in a partner relationship. Many singles suffer with their condition as a single, and their problems can be manifold: loneliness, unsatisfied sexual desires, feelings of low self-worth, missing parenthood, emptiness and listlessness. These problems present the pastoral carer with an important task: How can these suffering singles be helped? My poimenics orientated approach is to raise the question regarding the call to singleness (1 Corinthians 7:17). When singles no longer consider their life as a failed existence, but rather as a state to which they have been called by God, perhaps that would help them have a more positive attitude to life, and to lead a satisfying life. / Practical Theology / M. Th. (Practical Theology)

Judgemental attitudes in pastoral care : spiritual councelling for women living positively with HIV and AIDS in the township of Lwandle

Matholeni, Nobuntu 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: AIDS is stigma, disgrace, hatred, hardship, abandonment, isolation, exclusion, prohibition, persecution, poverty, privation. AIDS is a metaphor. It is a threat, a tragedy, a blight, a blot, a scar, a stain, a plague, a scourge, a pestilence, a demon, killer, rampant, rampaging, murderer. It is made moral. It is condemnation, deterrence, retribution, punishment, a sin, a lesson, a curse, rebuke, judgement (Pillay, 2008:21). The above quotation represents societal perceptions, discourses and responses to the AIDS pandemic. Sadly, in the early days of this pandemic, some theologians and churches held the above-mentioned perception, creating the fear in sufferers of the disease that they might be judged. Communities, families and people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) also still hold this view. The aim of this study is to investigate the judgemental attitudes in pastoral care and spiritual counselling for women living with HIV/AIDS. One of the aspects that contribute to the spread of the HIV pandemic is the stigma attached to it as it is the stigma that causes the silence. This study aims to explore the definition of stigma and investigate its causes and results as well as looking into the judgemental attitudes of the community, church, society, family and counselling of the HIV/AIDS sufferer, their identity crisis and their question of meaning. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate the theological reflection on the notion of God, through the doctrine of judge ment (how God is presented as a judge in both the Old and the New Testaments), as well as Old and New Testaments’ views on illness. Using these sources, this study investigates whether or not HIV is a punishment from God. Using case studies, the resurrection of hope and the role of hope in a person was explored. This study also investigates how pastoral care and spiritual counselling can empower and bring hope and healing to PLWHA. This was done through the use of Louw’s five-phase model of counselling PLWHA, an externalising method from a narrative approach. This study seeks to determine the judgemental attitudes in pastoral care and counselling towards women living with the HI virus in the local township of Lwandle. It is said that the people most vulnerable to the HI virus and most infected are women and especially those living in the poor townships of South Africa. Their lack of education and poverty put these women in a more dangerous situation than their counterparts. In the township churches, women are in the majority. This study speculates about the role of pastoral care and counselling in empowering these women, in particular those living with HIV and AIDS and seeks to explore how the faith community, society and their families judge these women. It also investigates how pastoral care can dispute irrational and unrealistic constructs applied to the interpreta tion of the pandemic and how the Christian community can contribute to constructive pro cesses of de-stigmatisation. In the early days of the pandemic, the church regarded intercourse as intended solely for procreation (Van Dyk 2008:318). Therefore, since it is well established that HIV and AIDS is a desease that is mostly contracted through sexual activity, those who contracted the disease were regarded as being not morally sound or upright members of society. This resulted in pastoral counsellors finding it difficult to counsel without discussing the causes of this disease as when they did so, they often appeared to be condemning the infected persons by judging them. This study focuses on the judgemental attitudes and stigmatisation, a theological reflection on the notion of God, as well as on women living with the HI virus in a specific context. In order to determine the attitudes of pastoral care and counselling, an empirical study was done to assess the attitudes in the above-mentioned location to PLWHA in that community. The aim of the empirical research was not to create statistical evidence, but rather to reflect the stories of the women living with the virus in this community. For the study, a certain group of women was selected from the support group of women who are living with HIV/AIDS. The co-ordinator of the support group helped the researcher to access the people from the Ikhwezi clinic. A questionnaire was used for the findings. The study showed the pain, vulnerability as well as the bravery of these women. Through the case study, the researcher was able to demonstrate how hope can change the lives of PLWHA. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vigs is stigma, haat, swaarkry, verlating, isolasie, uitsluiting, verbod, vervolging, armoede, ontbering. VIGS is 'n metafoor. Dit is 'n bedreiging, 'n tragedie, 'n vloek, 'n klad, 'n letsel, 'n vlek, 'n plaag, 'n kastyding, 'n pestilensie, 'n demoon, 'n doodmaker, wild, vervloek, 'n moordenaar. Dit is sedelikheid gemaak. Dit is veroordeling, afskrikking, vergelding, straf, 'n sonde, 'n les, 'n vloek, teregwysing veroordeling (Pillay, 2008:21). Bostaande aanhaling verteenwoordig sosiale persepsies, gesprekke en reaksies betreffende die VIGS pandemie. Tragies om te sê, in die begin van die pandemie was bostaande persepsie die standpunt van sommige teoloë en kerke, wat die vrees by lyers van die siekte geskep het dat hulle veroordeel sou word. Gemeenskappe, gesinne en mense wat lewe met MIV/VIGS (MWLMV) huldig nog steeds hierdie seining. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die veroordelende houdings by pastorale sorg en berading van vroue wat lewe met MIV/VIGS, te ondersoek. Een van die kwessies wat bydrae tot die toename van die MIV- pandemie is die stigma wat daaraan kleef, omdat dat die stigma is wat die verswyging daarvan veroorsaak. Hierdie studie beoog om die definisie van sigma te verken, en om die oorsaak en die gevolg daarvan te ondersoek, asook as om ’n kykie te kry in die veroordelende houdings van die gemeenskap, die kerk, die samelewing, die familie en die berading van die MIV/VIGS-lyer, hulle identiteitskrisis en hulle soeke na betekenis. Verder beoog die studie om die teologiese besinning oor die idee van God n.a.v., die leerstelling van oordeel (hoe God voorgestel word as Regter in sowel die Ou en Nuwe Testament), sowel as die Ou Testamentiese en Nuwe Testamentiese sienings oor siekte, te ondersoek. Deur die gebruik van hierdie bronne will hierdie studie ondersoek of MIV ’n straf deur God is. Hierdie studie ondersoek ook hoe pastorale sorg en berading kan bemagtig en hoop kan bring vir MWLMV. Dit is gedoen deur die gebruik van Louw se vyf fase beradingsmodel vir MWLMW-’n eksternaliseringsmetode vanuit ’n narratiewe benadering. Deur gebruik te maak van gevallestudies is die opwekking van hoop en die rol van hoop in ’n persoon verken. Hierdie studie poog om die veroordelende houdings by pastorale sorg en beranding van vroue wat leef met die MI-virus in die plaaslike dorpie Lwandle, vas te stel. Daar word gesê dat die kwesbaarste vir die MI-virus en die mees geïnfekteerde persone die vroue is, en by uitstek die wat in die arm dorpies van Suid-Afrika woon. Hulle gebrek aan geletterdheid en hulle armoede bedreig hierdie vroue meer as hulle mans. In die dorpskerke is vrouens in die meerderheid. Hierdie studie besin oor die rol van pastorale sorg en berading in die bemagtiging van hierdie vroue, in besonder hulle wat met MIV/VIGS lewe in die studie poog om te verken hoe die geloofsgemeenskap, die samelewing en hulle gene hierdie vroue beoordeel. Dit ondersoek ook hoe pastorale sorg irrasionele en onrealistiese opvattings rakende die interpretasie van die pandemie kan betwis, en hoe die Christengemeenskap kan bydrae tot ’n opbouende proses van destigmatisering. In die vroeë dae van die pandemie het die kerk gemeenskap gesien as uitsluitlik bedoel vir voorplanting (Van Dyk 2008:318). Aangesien dit algemeen aanvaar word dat MIV en VIGS ’n siekte is wat meestal opgedoen word deur seksuele aktiwiteite, is hulle wat hierdie siekte opgedoen het, nie gesien as moreel, of as onkreukbare lede van die gemeenskap nie. Dit het daartoe gelei dat pastorale beraders dit moeilik gevind het om te beraad sonder om die oorsaak van die siektetoestand te bespreek indien hulle dit wel gedoen het, en het dit dikwels gelyk asof die geïnfekteerde persoon veroordeel is deurdat hulle geoordeel is. Hierdie studie fokus op die veroordelende houdings en stigmatisasie-op ’n teologiese besinning oor die idee van God, sowel as op die vroue wat met die MI-virus binne ’n bepaalde raamwerke leef. Ten einde die houdings van pastorale sorg en berading teenoor MWLMV te bepaal, is ’n empiriese studie in daardie gemeenskap gedoen. Die doel met die empiriese navorsing was nie om statistiese bewyse te skep nie, maar eerder om te besin oor die verhale van die vroue wat met die virus leef in hierdie gemeenskap. Vir die studie is ’n bepaalde groep vroue geselekteer uit die ondersteuningsgroep vroue wat met MIV/VIGS leef. Die koördineerder van die ondersteuningsgroep het die navorser gehelp om die mense van die Ikhwezi kliniek te bereik. ’n Vraelys is gebruik vir die bevindinge. Die studie het die pyn, verwondbaarheid, sowel as die moed van hierdie vroue getoon. Deur die gevallestudie het die navorser aangetoon hoe hoop die lewens van MWLMV kan verander.

‘Dyvers kyndes of religion in sondry partes of the Ilande’ : the geography of pastoral care in thirteenth-century England

Campbell, William Hopkins January 2007 (has links)
The Church was not the only progenitor and disseminator of ideas in medieval England, but it was the most pervasive. Relations between the ecclesiastical and lay realms are well documented at high social levels but become progressively obscure as one descends to the influence of the Church at large on society at large (and vice versa). The twelfth century was a time of great energy and renewal in the leadership and scholarship of the Church; comparable religious energy and renewal can be seen in late-medieval lay culture. The momentum was passed on in the thirteenth century, and pastoral care was the means of its transfer. The historical sources in this field tend to be either prescriptive, such as treatises on how to hear confessions, or descriptive, such as bishops’ registers. Prescription and description have generally been addressed separately. Likewise, the parish clergy and the friars are seldom studied together. These families of primary sources and secondary literature are brought together here to produce a more fully-rounded picture of pastoral care and church life. The Church was an inherently local institution, shaped by geography, personalities, social structures, and countless ad hoc solutions to local problems. Few studies of medieval English ecclesiastical history have fully accepted the considerable implications of this for pastoral care; close attention to local variation is a governing methodology of this thesis, which concludes with a series of local case studies of pastoral care in several dioceses, demonstrating not only the divergences between them but also the variations within them.

Biblické příběhy v hagioterapii a pastoraci. / Biblical Stories in Hagiotherapy and Pastoral Care

Kynclová, Dana January 2013 (has links)
KYNCLOVÁ, Dana. Biblical Stories in Hagiotherapy and Pastoral Care. Praha, 2013. Master's thesis. Charles University. Faculty of Education. Department of Psychology. Supervisor M. Kucera. Keywords: pastoral care, hagiotherapy, Christianity, integrated approach, psychology, theology, spirituality, religion, psychotherapy, Bible, Bible stories, exegesis, existential psychotherapy This thesis deals with the relationship of hagiotherapy and pastoral care on the basis of their approach to work with motifs from biblical stories. The theoretical framework of the study are various findings on the relationship of psychology and theology and their application disciplines of psychotherapy and pastoral care from a clear definition of the boundaries of both disciplines to their integration. Due to the default assumption that personality is composed of bio-psycho-social-spiritual needs, an integrative model has the potential to meet human needs in this wholeness. Hagiotherapy, as a direction of existential psychotherapy using Bible stories as a therapeutic tool, is close in nature to pastoral care and this fact gave rise to the research project. The aim of the research is to determine how hagiotherapy and pastoral care work with the motifs of biblical stories and whether it is possible to find similarities in...

Trost im Angesicht des Todes : frühe reformatorische Anleitungen zur Seelsorge an Kranken und Sterbenden /

Resch, Claudia. January 2006 (has links)
Univ., Diss.--Wien, 2003.

The needs of ELCSA ministers as they cope with burnout, in their ministry to people affected by and infected with HIV and AIDS.

Dlamini, Celiwe. January 2006 (has links)
Ministering in the face of HIV and AIDS has posed many challenges. The work of ministers before HIV and AIDS experienced many problems which resulted in ministry burnout. HIV and AIDS have increased the demand for ministers because of the sick, the dying and the grieving people. The increase number of funerals means that a minister conducts many funerals over the weekend and sometimes during the week. This is not the only task of the minister; there are other duties such as house visitation, administration matters, counseling, Sunday services, confirmations and teachings in the church. Furthermore, ministers are often most intensively involved with people in times of crisis and distress. This research deals with the ways ministers are coping or not coping with ministry burnout which may be a result of ministering to people suffering from HIV and those dying of AIDS. This study recognises that an understanding of the minister's problems, as well as helping them to cope, by all who are involved in the church as a vocational system is necessary in the face of HIV and AIDS. The major beneficiary of care and support to ministers will be pastoral ministry itself and the church. Interest in this study therefore stems from both academic and pastoral concerns. Academically, one would like to see the discipline of pastoral care making a scientific and academic contribution that is capable of helping ministers. As for the pastoral concern, one believes that this study and similar studies are ways by which ministry can be strengthened and supported. There is need to equip the church to observe, listen to and respond to ministers in pain more knowledgeably and sympathetically. The researcher endeavours to describe these phenomena accurately through narrative type descriptions, interviews and pastoral conversations. Furthermore, Rediger created a model for avoiding burnout called AIM, which has led to a creation of a model to cope with ministry burnout in the face of HIV and AIDS, which is AIMS: A-Awareness, 1- Impose, M-Management, S-Support. The model has been created in the face of the emotional involvement of ministers in HIV and AIDS / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2006.

The impact of faith-healing Pentecostal churches on health and well-being among health-seekers in Ndola, Zambia.

Matimelo, Audrey. January 2007 (has links)
This study, which lies within the ARHAP ongoing research on the interface between religion and public health, examined the impact of Faith-Healing Pentecostal Churches on health and well-being among health-seekers in Ndola, Zambia. The study involved a self-administered questionnaire answered by 100 Faith-Healing Pentecostal Church worshippers in Ndola over a period of 4 weeks. Based on the data analysis and interpretation it was found that these churches have grown rapidly in Zambia and that many people are turning to them for their healing and well-being. There are several factors that are contributing to the rapid growth of Faith-Healing Pentecostal Churches and these range from socio-economic problems to the impact of diseases like HIV/AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis on households, due to the poor health provision in most government health centres in Ndola. The study notes that people attend Faith-Healing Pentecostal Churches because these churches provide a home for people in need of social networks which enable them to have a sense of identity, belonging and purpose amidst their day-to-day socio-economic challenges. It was therefore evident from the research that Faith-Healing Pentecostal Churches are addressing huge socio-economic needs in people's lives within a context of poverty, unemployment and the burden of sicknesses and diseases, and can rightly be understood as a Religious Health Asset. These findings also provide the context for four important insights into a contemporary and contextual theology of health and healing. Based on the findings of this study, this dissertation offers a number of challenges to public health policy makers and church leaders to take serious the interface between religion and public health, and to also take seriously the contribution that Faith-Healing Pentecostal Churches are making to health and well-being in Ndola, Zambia. When these two issues are taken seriously, it would help to address issues of health and well-being in communities, based on people's religious convictions and understanding of health, healing and well-being. / Thesis (M.Th.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritzburg, 2007.

Die pastorale bediening van die plaaslike kerk aan substituutversorgers van MIV/VIGS geaffekteerdes / Hermanus Arnoldus Smith

Smith, Hermanus Arnoldus January 2009 (has links)
HIV/AIDS is a terrible scourge that affects the whole of humanity. This is something nobody can deny or ignore. It is not only HIV infected people who are affected by this. Millions of others suffer too. Millions of Aids orphans live in poverty and are stigmatized by their communities. If one or both of the parents died of AIDS these orphans will have to burden the ensuing grief, hunger, illiteracy, sibling care, abuse and sometimes having AIDS themselves. Grandparents lose there children and get the responsibilities of raising their grandchildren thrust upon them. Other family members and friends sometimes have to share these unforeseen responsibilities too. The state faces an ever-increasing financial drain on its resources, and tries to keep up with ever changing legislation. The church, especially the local church is also deeply affected by this reality. She cannot shirk her responsibilities in the matter. She cannot turn a blind eye to the overwhelming need out there. The methodological model of Zerfass is being used in the study. The crux of this study concerns the church's duty in this matter. Matthew 25 : 31 - 46 and their supportive texts will test the local church on their involvement in this universal need. This study endeavours to find adequate and novel ways and forms of dealing with need with reference to Practical Theology, relevant Scriptural quotes and the historical churchly tradition of communal aid as witnessed in the early church. The social sciences are involved in this endeavour to fathom the depth of human need in connection with HIV/AIDS. This study clarifies what HIV/AIDS really means to people, the extent of the challenge, the stigma attached to the affliction, reasons for its spread, poverty, a shortage of ARV's, its incurability, the problems of Aids orphans. In addition this study will explore the challenges facing caregivers, substitute parents like grandparents or family members, formal or institutional care and children acting as heads of families. Their experiences are dealt with, as well as people's material and spiritual wants, and what they need, in order to survive and even grow in dire circumstances. The local church has a pastoral duty that encompasses much more than the needs of its parishioners. It needs to equip church members with missionary skills to strengthen those in need with the hope and good news of the Gospel. The impact of a concerted effort of a possible 33 000 Christian congregations in South-Africa cannot be underestimated. A study on small groups identify small groups as empowering bodies in the church's pastoral obligation. In one qualitative study the focus is on the daily life of a range of substitute caregivers: Grandparents, relatives, the experiences of substitute caregivers within institutionalized care, the experiences of people of European descent that run a house of safety and lastly the story of a kid acting as a family head over her siblings. There is the excitement of church involvement and the disappointment over church apathy. This practical model envisions a coordinated plan whereby the local church can serve and aid these substitute caregivers, to be part of the solution and not of the problem concerning HIV/AIDS. This could be called a "Flexi model". All local churches do not have the same resources, training and infrastructure. Nevertheless several possible solutions are possible, so that caregivers can be involved and empowered, to do what they have to do. The consequences of a successful outreach could be spiritual growth in a local church, inner mental and spiritual health, identification of new and suitable caregivers, reciprocity, poverty alleviation, the breaching of boundaries, empowerment of church members in the exercising of spiritual gifts, development of spiritual zeal, information exchange about the real challenges of AIDS, and the ongoing empowerment of caregivers to the lasting benefit of Aids orphans. The positive outcome is the inner transformation of a local church. Matthew 25 : 31 - 46 especially verse 40b will become relevant to everyone: "In as much as you have done it to the lesser most of these brethren, you have done it to me." / Thesis (Ph.D. (Pastoral)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2009.

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